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16 Jan 2025 20:33:39
Interseting to see Premier League referee Dermot Gallagher says Aberdeen's Leighton Clarkson should have been sent off for his tackle on Rangers' Ridvan Yilmaz at Ibrox.

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16 Jan 2025 22:06:24
I think it is subjective. he says he thought it was but gave reason why ref on the field might have not seen it that way, e. g. trying to slow down as he went into the tackle. not black and white and Gallagher trying to keep himself as a 'pundit'.

16 Jan 2025 22:28:48
Dermot Gallagher sounds quite fair for someone with 'tim leanings'.

16 Jan 2025 22:53:30
Saw that, more proof if any was needed that we get nothing from these officials, VAR should have intervened, but again they didn't, if the situation had been reversed Ridvan would have been Red Carded, it's disgusting.

16 Jan 2025 23:34:41
That would have been a very harsh red, that was a Rangers player getting ordering off for that I'd be fuming.

17 Jan 2025 03:00:58
The tackle reminded me of sterling's sending off last year.

17 Jan 2025 05:07:59
Angus is correct here.

17 Jan 2025 05:52:01
Jeezo my star again I'm agreeing with you, that's twice in as many days. Think I need to phone doctor lol.

17 jan 2025 07:10:30
very simple, if your going by the letter of the law, red card

if your using common sense, yellow.

17 Jan 2025 07:23:03
If its subjective should just go with refs call either way. I wouldn't want a rangers player sent off for that. Wait, I'm agreeing with Angus and Mystar so change that to definite red and 6 match ban for excessive violent conduct.

17 Jan 2025 08:28:19
VAR also can't intervene because the referee was right in an interpretation of the law. If he says yes I saw it but not excessive force in his opinion then VAR can't intervene as not a clear and obvious error.

{Ed001's Note - actually VAR can, if they feel he is wrong, that would count as a clear and obvious error mate. It would only be if it was a yellow card offence, not a red, that they couldn't intervene. Doesn't matter if he saw it, it is whether they feel he got it wrong or not that matters.}

17 Jan 2025 08:33:54
considering what i have seen for red cards these days, its an obvious red card.

Clarkson obviously tries to stamp Yilmaz.

Doesnt seem a big deal because we won but if we had lost and then there is clear evidence of cheating again by the refs/ var then where do we go from here?

Dundee and Celtic fans crying for a penalty when Nsiala stepped on the dundee players toe and he toes down like he has been shot.
Hagi gets his foot stepped on in the box and nothing is done or even said about it.
No i'm not saying either is a penalty but how can people be so bias/ hypocritical or just blind.

The start of the Dons game, the ref let every bad tackle go against rangers. as soon as a Dons players when down it was freekick. Nsiala go booked for his first foul.

And there's no point the VAR show coming out a few days later saying, oh that should have been a red or that should have been penalty when the points are already dropped or the Cup Final is already over.

Its becoming a joke. clear and obvious.

17 Jan 2025 08:44:21
Letter of the law is only applied when its against us Tom. Common sense doesn't come into it.

17 jan 2025 09:16:13
angus, surely youve seen many instances where the refs gone the screen, came back took out yellow and waved his hands, then shown a red, happens regularly mate.

17 Jan 2025 09:19:13
My Star in the Sky. Are you Coops.

17 Jan 2025 09:29:26
KingandUster, you're clearly thinking now ?.

17 Jan 2025 09:37:33
My day the referee isn't even looking for an ordering off for that tackle, is that the way we're happy seeing the game go, 100% not me.

17 Jan 2025 10:07:30
No he's not its, Sir Walter Smith Obe that's Coops, or SWS.

17 Jan 2025 11:25:10
My star is the old Beale account.

17 Jan 2025 13:38:30
Ed you are correct if they think he was wrong. I was going by the explanation of clear and obvious put forward by EPL so I didn't think it was that:

VAR can be used to overturn a subjective decision if a "clear and obvious error" has been identified.

The referee will explain their decision to the VAR, and what they have seen.

If the evidence provided by the broadcast footage does not accord with what the referee believes they have seen, then the VAR can recommend an overturn. "

I personally think that the footage didn't disagree with the refs opinion potentially so VAR wouldn't intervene, i. e. he saw the contact but thought it wasnt violent conduct.

{Ed001's Note - I don't know, I haven't seen the incident, just pointing out that they could intervene.}

17 Jan 2025 13:43:49
TT I think that is because the ref says what he thinks he has seen. the VAR says the footage shows different. Then the VAR laws say the decision needs to be made by the ref (if subjective and not factual e. g. offside) so he needs to go to the screen and make that decision. as an example ref sees the tackle on Thursday and thinks it isn't violent contact, perhaps as he looked away to follow ball so didn't see the end of the incident. the VAR says that he caught him on ankle at full force in the tackle late. ref would then go as VAR says the footage shows different. so in this case though ref though it wasnt violent or brutal. footage doesn't show that it was so VAR accepts the referees decision. so not can't interest as I wrongly said earlier but chooses not to as per VAR protocol.

17 Jan 2025 22:42:44
Ryan Jack got a Red Card for exactly the same type of tackle on Stevie May last season.



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