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19 May 2024 12:32:58
No truth in Rrahmani, or any squad unrest or any takeover. We hear the takeover news every single year, it'll never happen.

Young South African will be coming in at just over £1m.

Barron still has an offer from us but has others from England and Italy.

Agree20 Disagree0

19 May 2024 12:48:57
Always appreciated Copland.

19 May 2024 12:53:38
Why we paying a million for someone who is rated at like 400k.

19 May 2024 12:58:29
The way the season has ended has put everyone into frenzy some stating take overs and mental investment out of hope, next season we need freshness and quality and big wages taken off the wage bill.

19 May 2024 12:59:08
Unless John is correct about possible announcements after the cup final, I tend to take all of this speculation with a huge pinch of salt.
Already we've had, investment, takeover, at least a dozen names all priced way above our ability to spend and with interest from other countries, and I'm sure there are more to come, especially this week in lead up to the cup final.

19 May 2024 13:06:34
Andy probably because many other clubs where interested in him.

19 May 2024 13:08:37
Thanks for the info.
Barron is definitely worth a punt, young and Scottish and potential to be a great signing.

19 May 2024 13:10:38
A website rates him at 400k, that doesn't mean that's what his value is in real life. It's not football manager.

19 May 2024 13:13:54
Cp5, thanks for the update. keep us informed over the coming months.

19 May 2024 13:35:52
Transfermarkt rate him at 400k. That same website rate Butland as 3m, Goldson 6m, Tav 7m. Could go on and on regarding there valuations.

In reality it means nothing.

19 May 2024 13:46:50
And is the boy not son a short term deal sure I read somewhere he only signed a two year deal?

Unless I’m getting him mixed up with another target ?.

19 May 2024 13:54:45
As usual thanks for sharing your info with us CoplandFront5, very much appreciated ? Is there anything on who we'll possibly sign for our striker's position CoplandFront5 ?Is there anything at all on the resurfacing stories of miovski or shankland mate ?.

19 May 2024 14:04:33
Although i’ve not seen him play (just waiting on the usual folk saying they’ve followed African football religiously for the last 20 year ?) there were some big clubs looking at him. Hoping he can hit the ground running as we need that to be honest.

19 May 2024 14:14:48
CoplandFront5, what's your opinion on our manager Philippe Clement and giving him a decent amount of money to rebuild us because as you will know mate if we give him a good bit of dough to spend, our board have to be very confident he's the correct candidate to spend it because we just can't continue with the wrong manager buying players and after a year the next manager left with players he doesn't want and that's now happened since Gerrard left. ?

Copland, do you think that if clement were not to do the business, that Derek McInnes, who knows the domestic scene very well, would be very much in the frame to become our manager because let's face we've tried everything else, mate. ?

The more bears I'm talking to nowadays about how fed up we all are with this constant finishing 2nd to them in the league every year, are mentioning Derek McInnes' name ?.

19 May 2024 14:16:22
Copeland any rumours about any new strikers coming in?

19 May 2024 14:32:29
Walter mcinness would be a antastic appointment if e want te remain second best.

19 May 2024 15:08:06
Clements the right man Walter, he’s said this squad is at the end of its cycle. Give him a proper budget that allows him to do exactly what he said is needed. A major change.

As for McInnes, definitely not. Thankfully I don’t think this current Rangers board would ever stoop that low.

19 May 2024 15:50:08
This boy will be class. Been a huge fan of African football for about 20 years now.

19 May 2024 15:51:15
Good manager who gets the best out of players, has also sourced many decent players on smaller budgets too.

19 May 2024 15:52:56
Copland agree, morals of an alley cat, makes Billy Davis look like a saint.

19 May 2024 15:53:12
Any truth in puerta Copland mate?

19 May 2024 16:19:19
The same Derek McInnes who knocked us back previously? No thanks. We're trying to rebuild to get back to the top and stay there and the Kilmarnock manager is the guy. Jesus man.

19 May 2024 16:55:30
What is it with our fans at times, constant finishing second all the time and want another manager. McInnes was sacked by Aberdeen and has done okay at Killie but why would he be mentioned as a man to take over when we have a perfectly good manager in charge!

It's the players and only the players to blame, way too many serial wage earner and happy to accept second. Let's give our manager the backing he deserves and see where he takes us. Celtic are not miles ahead of us and if Branda stays in charge I can only see them regressing.

19 May 2024 16:58:34
CoplandFront5,i would be very interested to hear your opinion on tav and if he'll stay or go mate ? Also on todd cantwell if you reckon he'll stay or go, as there does seem to be some friction at times, between cantwell and clement ?For the record, hand on heart, i think both tav and cantwell will remain rangers players going into next season ?.

19 May 2024 17:17:08
Happy with Cantwell sws not Tavernier.

19 May 2024 17:21:56
Well played Todd the Prod ??.

19 May 2024 17:43:04
SWS - I agree, that unfortunately Tav and Goldson will still be here next season - if that happens, we're finishing 2nd again.

19 May 2024 17:45:54
"Usual folk"! I see what you done there Dado, and I like it. ??.

19 May 2024 17:50:47
McInnes ?? that’s nearly as bad as Billy Davies back in the day.

19 May 2024 17:55:48
Tav will stay we need Experience if we let a lot of the others go, however the guy needs rotated last 3 seasons you see his fall off towards the end of the season and imo its just down to our over reliance of him.

We really need to start managing him abit better.

19 May 2024 17:58:49
Correct me if I'm wrong, Coops (I'm not), but did you not run McInness down at every turn, and sarcastically refer to him as "Del boy"? I'm sure, nae, positive, you did! Why the change in attitude?

19 May 2024 18:00:27
Both can go.

19 May 2024 18:28:48
Have you heard anything about what’s happening with tav and Goldson Copland. These guys have done a job but we are late on moving them on.

19 May 2024 18:35:12
We can start by "managing" him out the door Aero! Tav is done, and if he's here next season, and still our captain, then PC will be done, as will our chances for the league.

19 May 2024 19:07:41
Yes raisetheroofe your correct regarding me saying mcinnes wasn't good enough to be rangers manager and i'm not saying he is mate ? Its me posting what a lot of talk is now going on amongst some of our supporters and why mate ? Don't pay attention to what strom posts as he can't understand or digest a post properly and i get my laugh at him honestly ?? Raisetheroofe, i've actually heard this talk about mcinnes from supporters who sit around me, in the copland road mate ? Not for me as like i've clearly stated, i back clement ?.

19 May 2024 19:09:34
Defo RTR. he's 33 in october. Celtic has the sense to get rid of Lustig at similar age becaude they knew he was done.

19 May 2024 19:09:42
Todd Cantwell can undoubtedly be our Phil Foden ?.

19 May 2024 19:15:32
Roofe. Take Tav out the team who is now our primary creator? Cantwell? he's proved this season that he isn't capable of being our main creator.

i really couldn't care if tav leaves but the issue will always be who replaces his creativity.

19 May 2024 19:44:28
John people say we are stupid for overlooking Ferguson and shankland can the same not be said for managers?

He made Aberdeen solid and difficult to beat and kinda done similar job at Kilmarnock maybe could be better with better budget who knows hopefully we will never find out.

19 May 2024 19:57:43
Million for someone rated £400k on football manager ??? get a grip.

19 May 2024 20:36:29
Walter go and have a lie down bud, think you've got sunstroke, Cantwell = of Foden mmm. Tav stays we be fecked, sorry mate he's past his sell by date.

19 May 2024 20:39:46
Aerondon its time to move on mate its been 9 years with little success. This is where recruitment needs to be good. Sign proper wingers and tavs goal/ assist return can be spread easily. And a new pen taker assigned. We will certainly be stronger defensively without him.

19 May 2024 21:08:18
Aerondon - simple answer to your who creates question, we sign a pair of wingers and a number 10 who create and score goals which means we no longer rely on our right back to do so, which in turn means we can sign a right back who knows how to defend or better yet play Sterling there.

19 May 2024 21:36:33
Gofor he made Aberdeen hard to beat? Jeezo man the rotten mob were good for 5 goals every time they played them.

19 May 2024 22:01:21
Im all for moving on but you won't find a winger who creates same chances as Tav that's the truth, Jota for them couldn't even create as much as tav does for us. We'd seriously need to Find a creative no. 10 or 8.

i like Cantwell but he's not the creator type.

20 May 2024 02:53:45
we already have a midfeild creator his name is Ianis Hagi, a pLayer Clement has came close to managing twice, but has been moved out the squads Clement took over as manager twice before he got the chance, if anyone can get the best out of Ianis it is definately Clement,
Hagi is still contracted to rangers until 2026 thanks to beale extending his contract, once Cantwell see's Hagi quality, that will surely push him to produce hi best, (we all know what Cantwell is capable of when he was destroying the best defences in the EPL Chelsea, Man city, Arsenal, Man U, he made them all look like league 1 defences and scored insane goals against them, in a bang average team)
the lad is 100% fit again and has played close to 25 full games club / international since Beale loaned him out to the Spanish premier league.
Sterling is the perfect replacement for Tav, will he score as many goals NO, but he has something tav does not the ability to defend and he has more pace than Tav him and Sima will be a handful on the right, just as Yilmaz and Cortes will be on the left.
The club might as well sell all the older players we have that are quite simply not good enough anymore, Tav has been rubbish the latter quarter of this season, along with Goldson, Souttar, Davies. Balogun has been our best CB and he is away on a free in a few weeks, likely to retire at 35.
We need fresh blood, that is young, Fast and skilled, trundling on with the same older core in our team we will be in the same position this time next season, it's time for BIG changes, and if we get the clearout right and hang to younger lads aged 18 to 26 then the rebuild is not as big as it looks, it's the clearout that will trake most work,
Tha ius Koppens job not Clements, his job is to make what Koppen brings in work in our team, Clement has no say in what players we buy. The DOF makes those decisions.

20 May 2024 07:25:21
Hagi is not good enough. Another player that gets made out to be something he's not, the longer he's not playing for Rangers. If he's a good as you say he is, he wouldn't have been a bit part player for Alaves this season.

20 May 2024 08:46:24
Hagi! He's single fish, and one of the most overrated players we have ever had. Honestly, if we were to pin our hopes on him, then God help us. Are you his dad, LAUDRUPHAGI?

Also, Cantwell! "Destroying" the best defences in EPL! When? A slight exaggeration. Too much sun over the weekend?

20 May 2024 08:58:56
I agree, Hagi isn't the answer. but he's been better for us than Cantwell. Their comparable first season numbers show this. I actually nearly shat myself laughing when I saw Cantwell compared to Foden above. He's more like our Yan Dhanda than our Phil Foden!

If Tav is still here next season, and still the captain, Clement won't see out the season IMO. He's never been great defensively and you need a good defence to win titles. The best defence generally does (including our 55 year) . He's been worse than he's ever been defensively this season though, what legs he had to recover his defensive inability have clearly gone. I was though enthused by PC's comments re: end of a cycle and making sure people go out on a high. I think he knows this too. IF he doesn't we're in trouble.

Tav has been a great servant to the club. I would never accuse him of not giving his all or his loyalty. He'll certainly go with my best wishes. But, at the same time, I think it's fair to say he's considered by many to be a better right back than I've ever thought he was. I may be old fashioned, but I don't want my right back to be top scorer, I want my right back to stop the other team scoring and he's never been great at that.

20 May 2024 15:26:40
Sorry capt tav

Am I not right in saying that Mcinnis delivered cup Aberdeen were looking for for years

And remind me did he no Finnish ahead of rangers for some of those season

Geezo eh short memory eh

My point was never say never not that I wanted him and if you read my full post you maybe would have seen the bit that said hopefully we never find out.

20 May 2024 16:31:50
Cantwell and hagi are very similar in that it’s hard to pin down a position for them and they like to drift around.

20 May 2024 23:35:08
Cantwell destroying prem defences? just fyi he created 1 chance in 45 games in the prem. Cantwell is a good player for SPFL but there's a reason he never played as a no.10 and why he was shifted out to LM/ LW.

21 May 2024 22:23:17
If we were in for him our chances of getting him are slim and Nil especially with them appointing Popcorn teeth.



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