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24 Jul 2024 20:27:52
I have nothing positive to say about this at all.

At this stage, I don't think I've ever been so dejected going into a season.

Our squad is nowhere near good enough and I'm seriously starting to question the manager as well. I still don't see any discernable style on the ball and off it, structurally, were so easy to play through.

This is a League 1 team and they've been so far ahead of us it's not true.

Going to be a long season. ?.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 21:09:32
Pretty much just said all this to my mate. Abysmal. Didn’t think last seasons pre season performances could get any worse! We are a mess! Too many players been told they are free to go and not enough players brought in yet. Clement will walk before he’s sacked at this rate.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 21:14:38
Scott Wright has been our best player in pre season.

Let that sink in.

3.) 24 Jul 2024 21:37:59
You’re right Gdog.

4.) 24 Jul 2024 22:55:04
WATP, PC was right to tell them that they could go, unfortunately he clearly didn't realise how difficult it would be to find someone to pay what our Board wants for them. Most of them you couldn't give away!

It's difficult to see how we can put a team and subs together at the quality needed in less than 10 days before the season starts unless by magic we are able to get rid of Tav, Lammers, etc., this week and we have four or five quality players ready to sign. While they will not be fully acclimatised to Scottish Football they couldn't be any worse that what we have seen in the games so far!

5.) 24 Jul 2024 22:25:05
Spot on Gdog and AS, and Barron for me is a positive also.



20 Jul 2024 18:06:53
Yes, it's "only pre-season", but that was god awful. A complete cruise for a mix of United second and third string players 2 weeks behind our pre-season start.

If the board are watching that and don't realise the scale of the changes needed, then this is going to be a very long season.

Barron did OK in a destroyer role, the rest were piss poor.


1.) 20 Jul 2024 18:27:13
Destroyer role? What is that?

2.) 20 Jul 2024 18:59:14
We simply lack quality all over the pitch, players running off you seems to be a theme with us. Hope we have some incoming because what we have doesn’t look great.

3.) 20 Jul 2024 19:19:53
Breaking up play, putting pressure on the first touch and recycling the ball. Basically what Jack did.

4.) 20 Jul 2024 19:41:59
Think it means Barron is good at stopping the opposition with good interceptions and maybe destroying the other teams attempt to play. Just a guess tho but think gdog is correct in my opinion.



25 May 2024 17:22:33
They don't even need to pay well to beat us. That's why they're a million miles away from us. I'm not really interested in the "cheated" talk, that just hides the fact that even when we play well and they play badly we're nowhere near good enough with the squad of players we have.

Today was like watching Walter's teams in the 90's but in reverse. So often Tommy Burns Celtic were the better team against us but we just knew how to win regardless of how well we played. Celtic have that now and we look lost, can't get a result even when we play ok (some players played well, some were not good at all, again) .

That Butland in the end sold the jerseys sums it up. Yes, Wright should do better and he will be our fans easy whipping boy so they don't have to question their favourites, but he lost the ball 20 yards inside Celtics half and our GK was presented with a bread and butter save that he fumbled 70 yards later. You can be as good as you want as a Rangers GK but if you can't step up in the big moments (he has been suspect at multiple Celtic goals this season then it means nought. That's what set Greegs, Goram and Klos apart - none of them lose that goal, at that time, in that game.

Lot's of work required on this squad, I'm glad the season is over and we don't have to watch them for a few months.

If we don't start with the leadership positions in the team over summer with a new captain and a new right back, we'll be right back here again next season. He was the worst player on the park today.


1.) 25 May 2024 18:13:10
Gdog I agree, said to my son immediately after their goal that stemmed from Wright lettin ball roll under his foot, and yes butland must do better. I have said on here before butland is not flawless.

2.) 25 May 2024 18:21:17
Correct about Tav he hide one again.



Current State of Glasgow Rangers

14 May 2024 07:39:47
{Ed's Note - gdog55 has posted a new article entitled, Current State of Glasgow Rangers




13 May 2024 14:45:25
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gdog55 has written an article entitled, Current State of Glasgow Rangers





gdog55's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 08:02:05

Our toxic hand are right good if they can influence a player at 2 clubs before he joins us! ?

Cantwell had the same issues at both Norwich and Bournemouth before us and was removed from first team duties at Norwich too.

At some point he might realise that the one constant in all his problems is him and screw the nut. But he's 26 now, not a kid anymore, so hugely unlikely.

There are many legitimate concerns around our fanbase and being overly critical of players, but I'm afraid that doesn't apply to Cantwell. As someone who follows Norwich I can tell you he was a banger long before he turned up at Ibrox. As I say, this is the same outcome he's had at EVERY club he's ever played for.




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24 Jul 2024 23:49:16
Called it when he joined from Norwich, but said at the time I hoped I was wrong. I've seen this movie before with him. Same issues that saw him leave Carrow Road and Bournemouth then decline their option.

Waste of talent. His mentality will never let him fulfil his potential.




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22 Jul 2024 06:37:21

We already have the better brother and the majority of our fans dying think he's good enough. Vast majority who want Harry do so based on rarely if ever having seen him play.

Harry is better in the air, but he's less mobile (in terms of direction change) than John. John is a lot better with the ball. Neither is quick, about the same. John is not aggressive in ground duels.

Long and short, I don't think Harry is any better than what we have currently. He wouldn't be a starter for me, so I don't see the point.




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26 Jun 2024 13:26:39
Coisty, sorry, but that's just Tav tinted spectacle tastic as a response.

For example: were the CDM's supposed to cover Tav from kick off in the Old Firm we had to win at Ibrox where he put us 1 down after 20 seconds via his complete inability to defend?

And that's just one example.

Look at the team who won our league and ask what their right back does well. Then look at the team who won every league in Europe and ask what their right backs do well. In ALL cases, they defend well first and contribute going forward second. That's the role of a modern fullback. None of them score 20+ a season and cause their teams all sorts of problems defensively (along with others, not just Tav) .

Tav is the exception to successful teams as far as right backs go. That is undeniably true.

And in that context you have to ask yourself: "Do we want to do things differently to those teams who win things and not win, or do we want to do things the way the successful teams do them? "

So, by all means talk up Tav's goalscoring return and his use as a "winger" and the requirement that no other team has to have 2 other players covering for their right back so that he can be top scorer. But to want that to continue is to want to be the exception and to want to be unsuccessful as we have been throughout his time.

Maybe, just maybe, doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result isn't the way to go about this.




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26 Jun 2024 11:01:22
To be fair Generic, we've "lost" 23 of 26 major domestic honours since he's been here (not including the championship title or any Euro titles), so I'm not sure that argument has ever made sense.

He's been a good servant to the club time wise, but output wise his time has been one of limited return.

I might be old fashioned, but I don't need my fullbacks scoring 20+ per season. I need them stopping the other team scoring 20+ per season. I look at the top teams in every league in the world and their blueprint would seem to agree - their fullbacks defend first. We're the anomaly with a fullback who scores more than our strikers every season but can't defend.

Tavernier goes with my best wishes. I think he's a decent guy and has been a good servant to the club. But I've been fortunate enough to see at least 10 right backs I think better than him as right backs in my time as a Rangers fan, players who were part of successful teams and defended without scoring 20+ a season, so I don't buy the "you'll miss him when he's gone" rhetoric.

I've been a Rangers fan for nearly 50 years (some on here even longer) and I can count on 1 hand the number of players we missed when they were gone. Arguably, too many stayed too long and went beyond the opportunity to be missed as they were so poor towards the end.





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27 Jul 2024 08:18:11
Matondo is one of the worst footballers I've ever seen.

Wright isn't great and I'd move him on, but given the scale of how many we need to move it he stays another window and others go in comfortable with that. I wouldn't have either in the team, but if I had to pick one it would be Wright over Matondo. Fraction of the cost for starters.

McAusland I think the OP has been more than a little harsh. He's a kid coming off the back of his breakthrough season, one in which he certainly showed enough for me for a guy adjusting to first team football. He not then earned his place in this squad for this season and it's now about him kicking on to see what he's got. We write off our own young players far too quickly, expecting them to be seasoned pros right out the academy, it doesn't work like that.

Then we fawn over youngsters from other countries who are no better. Raskin, for example, hasn't done any more (or less) for me in his position as a youngster then McAusland had in his. Both are developing and both have a place in this squad IMO.




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25 Jul 2024 15:16:42
I have to say, I think Diomande has received a hype he's done nothing to deserve at this point as well. In fairness, he clearly has talent and looks to be a better technical standard than what we've had in there, but he's caused us problems in big games against better players (Europe his mistake knocked us out and against Celtic he was run ragged) .

I think there's a player there, but as happens a lot with Rangers fans many already seem to think he's a lot better than he's actually shown. Did the same with Raskin. Did the same with Cantwell. Did the same with Danillo (who for me was worse than Dessers before he got injured last season) .

I think both Danillo and Diomande have a place in the squad and Diomande in particular could improve with better players, but he's overhyped so far and would be behind Barron based on what I've seen in terms of that midfield position (if I had to choose between the two), simply for the energy and leadership qualities Barron seems to have.




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25 Jul 2024 07:50:26
Clement already explained this. He already has 30 bodies in first team training. Any of you ever tried to put on a session with 30+? It's impossible. Players have been put in the B team because there's no space for them in training ahead of players who do want to be here. Nothing wrong with that at all.




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24 Jul 2024 21:14:38
Scott Wright has been our best player in pre season.

Let that sink in.




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23 Jul 2024 14:29:06
Waste of talent as he's a head full of broken bottles. Had the same issues at every club he's ever been at, he'll never change. Moving him on is the right decision.




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