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24 Jul 2024 22:06:50
Four lads reporting Cantwell has asked to leave the club.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 22:50:48
Yes, the manager referred to it twice just after the game.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 22:50:57
Clement came out with it himself. Todd will be with the B team until he leaves the club.

3.) 24 Jul 2024 22:54:46
Seen that mate.

4.) 24 Jul 2024 22:58:50
Think big Phil confirmed it after match.

5.) 24 Jul 2024 23:02:06
It came straight from Clements mouth Struth on RTV.

6.) 24 Jul 2024 23:03:01
Clement has confirmed it.

7.) 24 Jul 2024 23:03:06
Wanting to leave and finding someone wanting to pay the fee that the Board will want are two different things. He is a decent quality, better than most of our current players, but he clearly has personal problems and we are seeing the same impetuous character now as Norwich had to deal with.

Why would anyone want to spend money on him!

8.) 24 Jul 2024 23:07:57
Mistake imo the most talented player we have, there's simply been a personality clash there from day one.

9.) 24 Jul 2024 23:46:15
Now is this because Clement has said to cantwell he is just a squad player or is it because he doesn’t buy into Clement’s ideas and system.

10.) 24 Jul 2024 23:49:16
Called it when he joined from Norwich, but said at the time I hoped I was wrong. I've seen this movie before with him. Same issues that saw him leave Carrow Road and Bournemouth then decline their option.

Waste of talent. His mentality will never let him fulfil his potential.

11.) 24 Jul 2024 23:51:16
Talent without hard work, he's also been shocking this season.

12.) 25 Jul 2024 01:08:08
This putting players to b team is idiotic who is making these decisions all we are doing is slashing transfer price as clubs know we are desperate to get rid of them.

Our club is in a total shambles.
I'm a clement fan but if it's true he told players not needed last season and it's him dropping players to b team when we don't even have replacements then he's going down in my estimation.

13.) 25 Jul 2024 01:11:32
Here we go I think your totally right but if clement can't man manage one of our better players it says more about him.

This style of management dropping guys to b team might be OK if your. A team with plenty of funds to make changes but not if your trying to maximise every asset

GOT horrible feeling clement has already had enough and he will jump ship and he might do damage before he leaves.


14.) 25 Jul 2024 01:44:08
The board LIED to Clement, just to get him in the door. Cantwell is only one of our better players when he isn't thinking about Instagram and tiktok. He's got a flair about him, but he's hit or miss. Personally I would have liked to see him. with better quality players around him but of he isn't playing for the badge, I'm not interested. No player is or ever will be bigger than the club. He'll be replaced and we move on.

15.) 25 Jul 2024 02:58:33
Rfc we can't have an unhappy player that doesn't want yo be at our club with the first team. I think the b team till he leaves is tge best option. Cantwell was in the papers and social media more from his constant back and forth with various people including chris Sutton than he was for his performances last season. He simply didn't perform and causes constant headaches with the social media rubbish.

16.) 25 Jul 2024 04:11:10
Topsykrets, can you tell me the lies the board told Clement?

17.) 25 Jul 2024 04:56:25
RFC what you on about? Cantwell
Has previous for this which says more about him than the manager. Cantwell is inconsistent a walking booking mostly every match. He is another who thought it would be easy up here and he has shat the bed. Putting players like that in b team is correct.

18.) 25 Jul 2024 05:16:01
Spot on storm, why would any manager want an unhappy player around his squad in pre season, plus it does seem Cantwell is being a pain in the arse, lad is a very talented player but it looks to me he's got too much nonsense up there.

19.) 25 Jul 2024 06:41:10
This is 100% the fault of our worryingly increasingly toxic so called “supporters”
We need to banish the knuckle dragging element from social media. They are damaging our great club
Under Gerrard we had a tremendous relationship with our players, look at the likes of Defoe etc who’ve taken the club to there heart
Now we have young players like Cantwell Silva etc leaving because of the fans, not the boss.
I understand the frustration but the fans are about to send the club straight back to the Ian black and Kevin Kyle era if they don’t wind there neck in.

20.) 25 Jul 2024 06:53:40
Where have all these new posters came from ?. Cantwell at the end of the cup final was never going to play for us again. His attitude stinks. All those thinking the gaffer was lied to where do you get that. He told players at toward the end of the season they weren't wanted. They are still here. That tells me he knew exactly that he needed to clear out players. Even if we had millions to spend the ffp rules mean we couldn't go into the season adding more players to the wage bill so we need to shift them. I hate this time of year on here as the rules of the game and experience of previous close seasons are out the window and crap is spouted about us not signing people and the club has no money, we are falling to bits, the manager is leaving and they've never seen it so bad. Time to get a grip and just wait and see. If we qualify for the CL i guarantee these new concerned posters will disappear. I wonder why that is?

21.) 25 Jul 2024 06:58:48
He thinks he’s David beckaham with none a the talent and hard work.

22.) 25 Jul 2024 07:10:28
Baldy get your point here on the fans being toxic.
The thing is it's just because of pure frustration of watching us being so piss poor for year on year.
Under Gerrard it was better for the fans as they could see a direction a style of play and a system.
Right now we have none of this.
I'm just hopefully we can get some players in very soon or we are serious bother.

23.) 25 Jul 2024 07:33:59
Baldy that's 100% nonsense. Is it our fans fault he was exactly the same before and has said he will never change for anyone. Unfortunately there's loads of players like him that love the attention but don't fulfil their potential because of their attitude. Likes of ravel morrison, alli, lindgard etc. But then again maybe rangers fans are to blame for them too. Seriously, how many times did PC take him off early because his attitude was wrong on the pitch even though fans adored him to begin with.

24.) 25 Jul 2024 07:39:40
Mystar whether he was lied to or misled I'm not sure but Clement said he was told one thing when he came and then another later regarding rebuilding job.

25.) 25 Jul 2024 08:02:05

Our toxic hand are right good if they can influence a player at 2 clubs before he joins us! ?

Cantwell had the same issues at both Norwich and Bournemouth before us and was removed from first team duties at Norwich too.

At some point he might realise that the one constant in all his problems is him and screw the nut. But he's 26 now, not a kid anymore, so hugely unlikely.

There are many legitimate concerns around our fanbase and being overly critical of players, but I'm afraid that doesn't apply to Cantwell. As someone who follows Norwich I can tell you he was a banger long before he turned up at Ibrox. As I say, this is the same outcome he's had at EVERY club he's ever played for.

26.) 25 Jul 2024 08:59:22
Had a nightmare last night and Lampard was in it trying to sign Jimmy Bullard and Shaun Duffy.

27.) 25 Jul 2024 09:08:13
It’s not the fans fault, the board have allowed a spiv to run our club, when in fact he ruined it.
Blaming fans is lazy, we pump millions into rangers, we support everywhere we go, but when we see it being run so poorly, we rightly moan.

28.) 25 Jul 2024 09:56:16
Just a thought. Clement came in under Bisgrove and Wilsons plans for future. Since Clement came in Koppen has joined and he has decided differently, more long term. So aye what Clement was told when he arrived may be different to current situation, doesn't mean anyone was lied to.

29.) 25 Jul 2024 10:23:29
Kaiser, i feel Clement was talking about his players wages taking a drop, and it was uefa changes.

30.) 25 Jul 2024 13:27:26
Lol@belhaven having any herbal remedies to cure that bud??.



08 Jul 2023 17:20:42
Looking forward to the new season with the new signings, however, is there any word on outgoings? Our squad is huge and Beale stated he wanted the squad trimmed and we must be paying stupid money on all these wages.


1.) 08 Jul 2023 18:44:55
As far back as I can remember you can guarantee it we will sell players around about the last day, then we have no time to buy in replacements.

2.) 08 Jul 2023 18:53:31
Loan offer for Kamara has been knocked back by Rangers. Besiktas now willing to pay £3m for him according to Sky Sports.

3.) 08 Jul 2023 18:58:40
Thankfully we’ve got our main targets in before we sell anyone Lithium.

4.) 08 Jul 2023 19:13:38
We don't need replacements lithium there already in the door. Kamara as good as gone. let's see who else follows him.

5.) 08 Jul 2023 19:31:30
Still think we need a no nonsense centre back.

6.) 08 Jul 2023 19:35:23
We need another CB and arguably another ST.

7.) 08 Jul 2023 19:36:02
Any money made from sales would be extra for Beale to work with. we have our players either signed or lined up.

8.) 08 Jul 2023 20:02:41
Players Out
Davis (probably won’t play again)

Players In

The squad is the same size. Kamara is leaving, Wright and McLaughlin will follow.
So we’ll have 3 less. It’s only the beginning of July.
Can see Hagi and Davies being sold as well.

9.) 08 Jul 2023 20:20:00
I didn't think Kamara would fetch £3m, very good news if true and if so grab it .

10.) 08 Jul 2023 20:25:41
Think we have enough fowards at the moment.

11.) 08 Jul 2023 21:16:05
Just danilo and panzo then we are smokin.

12.) 08 Jul 2023 21:20:28
Lithium we're looking like having plenty of replacements already and if teams don't approach us to buy till the last what can u do?

13.) 08 Jul 2023 21:30:24
A think we will get 3 more in cicuentes a lcb panzo and another fwd danilo but somebody says truaro bit a don't think it's the latter.

14.) 08 Jul 2023 21:31:10
Kamara worth 5m 3.5 upfront make up the rest on games.

15.) 08 Jul 2023 21:45:34
Shame as we got offered 8 for kamara last season. Great business from the previous regime.

16.) 08 Jul 2023 21:50:36
Kamara has been dross for over a year now. 3 million is the top price on his form.

17.) 08 Jul 2023 22:34:34
Would take england under 21 captain on loan at centre half. Wishful thinkin.

18.) 08 Jul 2023 23:05:19
TJ we didn’t get offered 8 million for him last season.

19.) 08 Jul 2023 23:31:01
Kamara should be £5m and 20% profit on future sale he’s £20m player all day.

20.) 08 Jul 2023 23:50:21

Maja continuing look no-goer. Looking to go EPL.

21.) 08 Jul 2023 23:59:48
StevieG2, don’t want to devalue our players, but £20m player all day for Kamara I can’t agree with. Struggled to make our team last season and will be the same season to come. He was a brilliant buy, was a mainstay. Up until his 2 besties lest last year, however since then his form and value has only decreased. To suggest he is a £20m player, does that mean the players that are playing ahead of him have a higher sale price than that?

22.) 09 Jul 2023 00:00:12
@Paul86 - I take it you’re talking about that you CB from Leeds? Rangers apparently bid for him a few weeks ago but it was kicked out. He looks like a real prospect. A proper enforcer.

23.) 09 Jul 2023 00:49:17

Heard Wright lined up by somebody. can't remember who.

24.) 09 Jul 2023 05:40:40
No verdant. Taylor harwood bellis. Man city CH.

25.) 09 Jul 2023 07:17:41
We'll be smokin' more if we get trusty, cifuentes and danilo ?.

26.) 09 Jul 2023 07:28:01
Cress well is leeds lad.

27.) 09 Jul 2023 09:53:17
Bell is valued at 25 million, 2 million for twelve month loan plus wages. Let’s move on.

28.) 09 Jul 2023 10:16:38
Aribo how u doing mate, my value on kamara is based on his skillset and his euro and old firm performances over his time here. Gio didn’t fancy him then played him as a 10 which he isn’t he’s a ball winning mf not a tough tackler but very intelligent in anticipating where to be, his ball retention is one of the best I’ve seen in Scottish football and I’m 37. Very rarely loses the ball. His performances for Finland against top sides such as Spain were outstanding. He reminds me of watching a Spanish mf actually in his overall game. I’ve no doubt that git Ben a run in his preferred position he’d be back to the old player. I do however agree we should now move him on same as we did with the others and start a new cycle. We tend to under value and undersell at rangers while Celtic and championship clubs down south over value and over sell. We need to address this
What would u say I’d kamara valuation mate?

29.) 09 Jul 2023 13:23:57
Stevie apparently we want 4.7ackage for kamara plus a sell on.

30.) 09 Jul 2023 14:07:17
We will probably get 5-6 mill tops for Kamara, a french side did make a higher bid last season, but moved onto another target, and they cooled interest in glen.

31.) 09 Jul 2023 15:16:20
Well John that’s not to wide of the mark then, seems about fair to me for the player your getting. Even at 15% still a good deal for all.
He won’t be in turkey long. 2 seasons and off to Spain or Italy maybe epl and that’s when we would get our true value of the player but for now we need to move him on and that price is fair.

32.) 09 Jul 2023 18:00:03
Kamara is a £20m player? jeez get a grip so we want rid of players of that value and chase players of 10% of the value, that's a wee daft head that needs a wobble .

33.) 09 Jul 2023 19:24:47
Mac under stevie g kamara showed the player he is. Injury lack of game time under gio and out of favour under Beale has saw his value go down. He’s a cracking player anyone can’t see that doesn’t know much about football.
Not all big money players need to be flair players. He’s outstanding at what he does.

34.) 09 Jul 2023 19:28:58
Lithium we don’t need to replace the players we sell that why it’s called trimming the team.



29 Mar 2023 15:13:07
Michael Beale hinting that Alan Mcgregor could stay at the club beyond this season. Surely this has to be in a coaching position - this jobs for the boys has to stop - we need to move forward.


1.) 29 Mar 2023 15:57:01
Would be a great coach a lot of ex players make good managers and coaches no harm seeing if it works out for 6months a year.

2.) 29 Mar 2023 16:16:21
Don't think it's a bad thing to have him around helping progress the young keepers and fighting for 2nd or 3rd choice keeper next year.

Would only really make sense if he is paid as a back up keeper/ coach and not a no1 goalie in his prime lol.

3.) 29 Mar 2023 16:35:52
SirStruth - He said nothing of the sort. Listen to the interview he did on Rangers TV instead of the nonsense spin in the rags.

4.) 29 Mar 2023 17:06:27
Correct Peter.

Not sure how he makes a great coach. Does not do great with ball at feet does not leave his line.

Mb he could learn to coach that in future.

5.) 29 Mar 2023 17:13:23
C’mon John you’re better than that . you don’t need to tick every box as a player to make a good coach. Lots of good coaches couldn’t trap a bag of cement. Personally I think Greegs could be a good coach but I’m not convinced he should be competing for the Gloves.

6.) 29 Mar 2023 17:18:09
John you heard anything about how kenty n beale talks went over the break?

7.) 29 Mar 2023 17:59:43
What Beale said that he had been tremendous for him and complimented him on notching up 500 appearances. Then he said "and he`s not finished yet " which is right, we have the rest of the season to go. The lazy media have jumped on this and made up a story about him getting another years contract.

8.) 29 Mar 2023 18:06:16
How someone plays and coaches is completely different. Great players don’t always make great coaches etc….

9.) 29 Mar 2023 18:40:49
Ano storm that’s correct but no harm in seeing how he does over 6/ 12months could be with the youth and still be 2/ 3 choice if needed that’s just my view.

10.) 29 Mar 2023 18:45:51
Scotty I am better than that yes however I don’t see mcgregor being a coach. We r trying to progress not give all our ex players deals to pay family bills

Intr my understanding they have not spoken yet, both only returned yet.

11.) 29 Mar 2023 19:41:18
To be a successful coach you need to have something between your ears that gives you the empathy to understand people and motivate them to change something about themselves.

Like Barry Ferguson I don’t see anything in McGregor that suggest he has that talent ~ but what do I know?‍♂️

He will be scooped up as a pundit as soon as he is available and make a decent living.

12.) 29 Mar 2023 20:48:40
Mcgregor will retire and go away and chill. He might get involved eventually at a club rather than Rangers,

13.) 29 Mar 2023 22:12:18
not sure scotty, what abilities does mcgregor have that makes you believe he is a good coach?

14.) 29 Mar 2023 23:01:54
I don't believe Mcgregor will become involved in being a pundit.

15.) 29 Mar 2023 23:36:15
Cheers john.

16.) 29 Mar 2023 23:36:30
Gees. He’s apparently well respected by coaches and players, that’s a very good start, has bags of experience at our club and in Europe and internationally, he’s worked alongside some world class keepers at our club and very well respected GK coaches. Again though that doesn’t mean he would be a good coach but he ticks a lot of boxes for me. He knows the club inside out and for me would be valuable to our new no1 to lean on.

17.) 30 Mar 2023 00:36:28
Can't see Mcgregor doing coaching meant to be bad with arthritis.

18.) 30 Mar 2023 01:23:22
Firstly how someone plays has nothing to do with how they coach or manage if it did every coach would be Ronaldo klinsman laudrup top players but that's just not the case.

Secondly I don't. see how McGregor going from our obvious no.1 to a great back up no.2 is a bad thing why do people want him hounded out when the current thought is he is better than McLaughlin and mccrorie ? if we move on too many players it will stop us getting real quality i'd rather 2 or 3 quality players that 6 to 7 projects and gambles.

19.) 30 Mar 2023 01:24:07
No way McGregor becomes a pundit he's too laid back and sounds like Andy Murray a bit.

20.) 30 Mar 2023 01:29:12
I don’t think McGregor has the right mentality to be a coach. Great keeper and great attitude but never constructive and always howling at his teammates.

21.) 30 Mar 2023 01:54:11
Ac21 you've obviously never been a keeper them as that's exactly what you have to do as a keeper.

22.) 30 Mar 2023 08:38:09
I would not be replacing Colin Stewart as goalkeeping coach, I used to do a night a week at his goalkeeping school when I was younger and the guy is a top quality coach. He's been building his coaching career since he was still playing senior football. Has experience with all levels of keeper.

23.) 30 Mar 2023 13:36:26
1. How do we know McGregor even wants to coach?
2. Do we even have a vacancy for a goalkeeping coach?
3. Does McGregor have any coaching qualifications?
4. Do we really think we should hire him for 6 months to see how he gets on? Absurd!
5. A pundit? Can't see it at all.
Allan McGregor might sign on for another year as a backup keeper and if so there is nothing much wrong with that. If not (and I don't think he will) he'll simply retire. By the way, I've known the guy since he was 13 and I love him to bits, he is a Rangers legend and will leave as such.

24.) 30 Mar 2023 18:50:56
Dk at his age he shouldn't need ti make a decent living. he shoukd have a good few mill in the bank ti live comfortably for rest of his days.

25.) 31 Mar 2023 06:48:19
The goalkeeping coach that's at the club will be the one advising the club if McGregor has what it takes or not it's amazing people who have no idea about keepers making daft comments about keepers ability

Very few keepers come from Thier line. nowadays at crosses and set pieces that thinking is dated.

And McGregor is fine with ball at his feet he is not accurate as some others but that is not the main attributes for keepers that are good with ball at feet one is assessing danger properly and two is not someone who will panic both of these McGregor has I argued this point at start of season people didn't listen when I was warning of McLaughlin's frailty and his lack of ability with ball at feet many saying he was better than McGregor and they quickly got proved wrong. ?

Some so called rangers supporters on here seem to have it out forcgregor on here.

26.) 31 Mar 2023 09:05:27
Paul his wife has a major bill to pay.



24 Jan 2023 15:34:11
Anyone know what the situation is with Sands? I've been hearing and reading stuff that says apparently we're obliged to buy him at the end of his loan - surely not.


1.) 24 Jan 2023 15:52:06
Sir struth, my understanding was we have first option to buy sands.

2.) 24 Jan 2023 16:08:16
Difference between first option and obligation lad.

3.) 24 Jan 2023 16:08:37
If we were obliged to buy then it would t be a loan.

4.) 24 Jan 2023 16:10:10
If we have first option to buy, then that option should be NO!

5.) 24 Jan 2023 16:15:18
It’s an option not obligation. I like Sands and I think he will have a good career outwith the SPL, he could be one that comes back to bite us as he’s a young lad with a lot of key attributes.

6.) 24 Jan 2023 16:15:23
Correct John, we have first option for a fixed fee to buy him.

7.) 24 Jan 2023 16:27:43
Did someone on here not say Sands would be Man City bound?

8.) 24 Jan 2023 16:36:46
Btw you can have obligations in Loan contract hope it’s not tht, He’s gash.

9.) 24 Jan 2023 16:44:27
Thanks for the clarification folks.

10.) 24 Jan 2023 17:13:20
Baxter yes I did. As that’s what city group felt.

He’s not shown that will happen. His game again not suited to Scotland

As I’ve always said would not pay more than two million. He’s a gio type player not a Beale player.
I’m sure he will leave in the summer.

11.) 24 Jan 2023 17:21:06
Sands isn't worthy of a permanent deal I'm afraid to say.

12.) 24 Jan 2023 17:31:55
Please get him away he is absolutely awful.

13.) 24 Jan 2023 17:55:58
Won't be anywhere close to city. Not being cheeky but my opinion is he's mid table spfl. if he played for another spfl side I don't think we would look twice at him.

14.) 24 Jan 2023 18:05:28
Man City?! PMSL! He'd be lucky to get a job in their gift shop.

15.) 24 Jan 2023 18:39:27
Where did anyone say Sands was Man City bound? as a player?

16.) 24 Jan 2023 19:06:27
Kelso what was said was Man City wanted to look at him in Europe, hence reason Gio bought him here.

That was me that said it, no time did I say he was definitely going to play for Manchester City

I’m sure one or two know it’s one off the ways they manipulate ffp,

17.) 24 Jan 2023 19:39:46
Big Ben your comments are brutal mate. Lucky to get a job in their gift shop?! Get a grip.

18.) 24 Jan 2023 19:51:29
To say Sands is 'absolutley awful' is ridiculous. He's still young, been played out of position most of the time and maybe not suited to our game. He's not awful at all, just not what we need.

19.) 24 Jan 2023 20:07:09
Sorry Scotty, too harsh for you petal?!

20.) 24 Jan 2023 20:58:35
Gotta to agree iv saw absolutely nothing in sands to suggest he is capable of becoming a decent player, no pace, no skill, no vision just don't see what he's got.

21.) 24 Jan 2023 20:45:54
Petal haha behave urself Ben. Is there a rangers player you actually like?

22.) 24 Jan 2023 21:15:44
Sands would suit seria A he's technically good and great potential to develope but too soft for British football.

23.) 24 Jan 2023 21:16:59
Of course there is Scotty! That's a daft question. Do you need me to name them?

24.) 24 Jan 2023 23:07:58
Cmon guys, give Bigben a break, I was killing myself laughing at that gift shop line. Class Benjamen.

25.) 24 Jan 2023 23:38:30
Don't you worry about me Bazbear! If anybody on here isn't happy with my post, I couldn't give a toss. Some on here find it very difficult and take things personal, if you dare post something they don't agree with. Tough!
Life's too short to worry what others think mate. ?
Appreciate the compliment! ?.

26.) 24 Jan 2023 23:48:47
The abuse Sands gets is shocking, the guy came here as a midfielder and because of injury he played mostly as a CB even in the Champions League and he’s being judged in that position, he’s certainly not had a run in the team as a midfielder, saying all that if the price that’s been quoted on here is true £4 mill I’d say no but to say he’s awful and couldn’t get a job in a club shop is stupid.

27.) 25 Jan 2023 07:05:43
Sands is a decent player has been played out of position most of his time here. But I wouldn’t spend £4m of our budget on him. £1m-£1.5m maybe.

28.) 25 Jan 2023 07:33:52
I don't necessarily agree with Ben's views on sands, I think he's played out of position and still young, but valuation seems a bit high for what I've seen and there's definitely a mistake in him, that said a run at cdm might make all the difference. Regardless of my views I can still laugh my head of at the gift shop at man City line which is clearly humour rather than an insult,

29.) 25 Jan 2023 07:39:03
Ben I wasn’t unhappy with your post lol It’s just your patter is honking. Ted Bundy, gift shops, 10p mix ups. Sands pumped your Mrs?

30.) 25 Jan 2023 08:47:54
??? Wee Scotty boy says my patter is honking then he goes and brings a family member into it by asking If Sands pumped my Mrs?! I'm old school and believe you should never bring someone's wife or kids into an argument or you cross the line. If that's all you've got, you're on your arse wee man! ???.

31.) 25 Jan 2023 09:40:52
Sands is awful get him gone.

32.) 25 Jan 2023 11:02:55
There is no termination clause in the deal, he’s here till summer.

33.) 25 Jan 2023 13:28:00
What argument Ben lol ain’t this banter. don’t take this so serious ?? chill.

34.) 25 Jan 2023 14:14:17
Sands is woeful.

35.) 25 Jan 2023 14:44:58
Regardless of what it was Scott, you do not disrespect anyone by bringing their wife, partner, kids etc into the chat, arguement etc. Once you do that, you've lost any credibility and you're on your arse.
If it annoys you so much, then will it help If I say Sands is good enough to work in Man City's gift shop? ?
There, is that better?! ?.



08 Sep 2022 14:38:03
Anyone else hearing the chat that Gio is apparently off to some job at the Dutch FA which he has been allegedly touting himself for and Scott Parker to Rangers. At work, and folk are talking about this.


1.) 08 Sep 2022 15:07:00
Do you work with John26 by any chance? Just kidding.

2.) 08 Sep 2022 15:10:13
Post below this, an hour and 15 mins ago from your post.

3.) 08 Sep 2022 15:24:30
Should have looked on here before posting. Maybe the guy at work who started the rumour is either John26 or he's read it on here.

4.) 08 sep 2022 15:58:37
not that it matters that someone posted that earlier mate

ot is the guy supposed to study the days rumours before posting mate.

5.) 08 Sep 2022 16:12:11
Mental how quickly things can go sour at a football club, and gutted its ours. Only a few months ago we were fighting for a European Cup, yet now the talk is of Gio and co leaving. I would welcome a new boss with new ideas. Ideally somebody with a bit of Fight about him. Injuries and new signings have been awful since Jan. ?.

6.) 08 Sep 2022 16:32:41
Sir struth the rumour is all over mate. I heard it from one off my WhatsApp group.

7.) 08 sep 2022 16:45:33
nothing will happen today mate rightly so
far more important matters going on

but if gio walks then my loyalties lie with rangers, i have a feeling that he has already made arrangements.

8.) 08 Sep 2022 17:08:34
Signings not much to do with gio I'm affraid it's all wilson.

9.) 08 Sep 2022 17:16:57
What's your thoughts on the scott parker rumour John26 ?.

10.) 08 Sep 2022 17:19:14
So do u think a decision has been made but the club are aware of events at Balmoral?

11.) 08 Sep 2022 17:30:19
I would hope it’s not true, big mistake ripping it all up to start again.

12.) 08 Sep 2022 17:37:13
Scott Parker and his daft little hooped school cardigan better be nowhere near Ibrox.

13.) 08 sep 2022 17:39:17
it’s not all wilson.

14.) 08 Sep 2022 17:45:22
It would literally been at the top of the page when he came on to post tom. Was only having a bit of banter.

15.) 08 Sep 2022 18:24:00
I'd rather have Parker from Thunderbirds, and I don't like people who wear hooped cardigans.

16.) 08 Sep 2022 19:21:03
Scott Parker nowhere near good enough.

17.) 08 sep 2022 20:39:18
no worries ot

sad day pal.

18.) 09 Sep 2022 15:37:22
With regards to this role in the Netherlands, I have only ever seen others including Dick Advocaat and Gus Hiddink mentioned although the view of the Dutch Media is that they are too old and that GVB is someone that would be perfect for the role.
If I was GVB and that role was offered I would jump at it.

I don't believe for one second that he has been given the support warranted or indeed has he been able to go out and identify his own players.

19.) 10 Sep 2022 00:50:48
Tom when I say all Wilson I really mean the clubs signings rather than gios.




SirStruth's banter posts with other poster's replies to SirStruth's banter posts


24 Jul 2024 12:14:56
I know we should be concentrating on us, however, we can't ignore the fact that mob took 4 off of Man City and compare it with our struggles v Man Utd and preseason so far. Potentially a long season ahead. Can't sign players until players leave, players not leaving due to the stupid wages we've got them on and the cycle continues.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 12:30:24
Sirstruth, I was thinking the same. I see they signed Kasper last week. he's a top quality keeper.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 12:53:56
Right now, we are miles behind them, and only the most deluded of our fans, would argue against this.
This is not about chucking in the towel, or handing them the title before a ball is kicked, it's just fact.

3.) 24 Jul 2024 12:58:32
Yeah and we Real Madrid still never won the league that year.

4.) 24 Jul 2024 13:07:59
Rangers are a mess with no money to fix it.

5.) 24 Jul 2024 13:29:16
Citys first pre season game and team full of academy players especially at the back, so I wouldn`t read too much into it, but we have been dreadful pre season and if we don`t get some experienced new faces its going to be a long, hard season.

6.) 24 Jul 2024 14:01:18
Scotland beat Spain.



20 Jul 2024 19:20:19
Some of our fan base really do worry me regards PC not doing a post match press conference due to a pre arranged family engagement. I've seen comments along the lines of he should be putting the club before family and "f**k his family", and actually someone suggesting he should be sacked for not putting the club first. Jobs come and go, family doesn't. From that, to constantly being on the backs of the players I'd be surprised if anyone wants to play for us.


1.) 20 Jul 2024 20:11:14
Toxic fan base nowhere near the best fans in the world and I do blame the younger fans as in my opinion the majority of the toxicity comes from them.

2.) 20 Jul 2024 21:10:11
Well go on any rangers social media post, it has the rangers das slagging everyone and anyone saying if we had player like bomber etc so think your wrong storm. Most the younger fans barley seen rangers win anything they are used to second place.

3.) 20 Jul 2024 21:17:23
I would say they are just being honest. Supported Rangers since I was a kid and this is the least motivated/ talented team in years, the business end of the club is also a shambles. Some people just need to take the blinkers off ~ we are in a sorry state. Club is full of journeymen and has been for some time.



16 Jul 2024 11:28:54
As much as I'm glad England didn't win as it would have been unbearable, Gareth Southgate comes across as a genuine decent guy who, in stepping down has down what he believes is the best thing. Take note that clown Steve Clarke, why is he still in a job after turning us into by far the worst team at the Euros and who's celebration getting a point from Switzerland was pathetic.


1.) 16 Jul 2024 11:36:34
Southgate the biggest yes man on earth and pushed every agenda going so he could be the blue eyed boy of not just the EFA but the government, wouldn’t show him where a birds nest was.

2.) 16 Jul 2024 11:57:40
Scotland qualified despite Steve Clarke. It's easier for countries like us to qualify for tournaments now and I believe that Walter Smith, Alex McLeish and Gordon Strachans teams would all have made finals tournaments under the current qualification process and done much better than Clarkes efforts. The problem is that England see losing a final as defeat whereas the "tartan army" are happy with just getting there. Davie Moyes would do very well with the players we have available these days.

3.) 16 Jul 2024 18:02:11
Is that the David Moyes that never got his contract renewed at West Ham because they play very boring football, so we replace one cautious manager with another and expect a change in style.

4.) 16 Jul 2024 19:58:31
Yea Sima the very same guy. It's funny how you look at things though isn't it. I would say winning the conference league and semi finals of Europa league is good including West Ham United first silverware for 43 years. also we're talking about maybe getting Scotland through a group stage here not taking over from Pep.



25 Jun 2024 11:20:21
I'm probably behind the times here but if it's true Dessers has requested to leave then personally I feel it's a shame. The big man had to lead the line himself for the majority of the season. Yes, he missed a few but 20+ goals in his first season was a good return. Probably driven out by the boo boys who claimed he was "pish" due to his misses. Haaland missed a fair few last season - is he "pish" as well?


1.) 25 Jun 2024 12:31:03
SirStruth, the so-called laptop loyal and a fair number in the stands are the most toxic, abusive, critical, thoughtless, moronic, foul mouthed fans in the country. Dessers won't be the last player they drive out of our club and they could even be preventing other players from coming here. Footballers do talk, and they do read.

2.) 25 Jun 2024 13:27:39
The guy has taken some amount of stick from our fans as well as being ridiculed by other fans in Scotland. We deserve a better striker than him but, as person big Cirel didn't deserve the abuse he got.

3.) 25 Jun 2024 13:28:08
It's not really a great comparison sirstruth, haland scored nearly 40 goals in epl, dessers scored just over 20 in spl. Could we afford to keep him as a back up striker? Would he even want to stay as back up? Can't just say fans drove him out, maybe been told won't be main man wants to go somewhere he will be, as he knows he's good enough to be. If we are serious about reducing our wage bill, then him or danilo would need to go imo.

4.) 25 Jun 2024 13:44:13
are the fans suppose to hide their feelings and support bad players? Can the fans not ask for better?

Dessers missed more than a few LOL

are the Dessers fan boys happy losing to Celtic then.
happy with the "moral victories".

5.) 25 Jun 2024 13:52:42
Totally agree hubby ? Everyone's entitled to their opinions but with some it goes way beyond opinions and it's total abuse and isn't on imo ?We don't need any of that moronic sort associated with our club for obvious reasons ?.

6.) 25 Jun 2024 14:07:03
Jesus Christ on a bike! I never thought I'd ever see Harland's name being used when comparing Dessers. ??? please stop with this madness!

7.) 25 Jun 2024 14:21:47
ITK Just updated about Dessers on Rumours page.

8.) 25 Jun 2024 15:26:13
Here's the dilemma. Probably the one and only time rangers will ever be able to recoup any money for him, given his age and his numbers.
Do we keep him as back up striker ( not sure we cam afford to. I'd sell him personally but he's an honest big player just not sure he's what we need right now.

9.) 25 Jun 2024 15:55:40
Basic business sense says let dessers go if we recieve a decent fee plus his wages off the bill, most of us would be happy for him as a back up striker but with the direction we want to move in that isn’t sensible having big earners as back ups on less wages than starting players we would just be bringing in.

10.) 25 jun 2024 16:22:57
rangers have allowed celtic to win 13 out of the last 14 league titles because of the extremely poor quality of players, i fir one ain’t blindly singing the praises of sub standard players only here for the money, but not nearly good enough to win anything.

11.) 25 Jun 2024 16:42:51
Folks, you can't compare Haaland, look at the quality players he has feeding him for his goals, our midfield is totally crap in comparison, if the attitude of some of our fans doesn't change, we won't attract any players to our Club.

12.) 25 Jun 2024 17:18:25
I always support the players that pull on our jersey, but that doesn’t hide the fact he’s awful, and for accuracy scored 16 league goals.

13.) 25 Jun 2024 18:28:05
Your total abuse of McLaughlin was way beyond opinion obe, care to comment?

14.) 25 Jun 2024 19:20:23
So portger, do you think if we had a good midfield it would be a fair comparison? No! One is the best striker on the planet the other isn't cutting it in spl, how can you possibly compare them mate? I reckon haland won't be far behind messi/ Ronaldo in terms of numbers at the end of his career, if injury doesn't hamper him.
Dessers can hold his head high if he leaves, his work rate commitment and goals has done him no harm whatsoever, unfortunately he's not the guy to take us forward, that's football.

15.) 25 Jun 2024 19:50:56
Fans pumping money into the club who have seen 3 trophies in 12 years, we are absolutely entitled to be critical of players if we want, do we want rangers to be successful or are we more interested in not hurting the feelings of some poor wee rich footballers?

16.) 25 jun 2024 20:16:19
i don’t believe that swm, coops said consistently that mclaughlin was nowhere near good enough. he never abused anyone to my knowledge, you’ve been listening to too many others, btw he was spot on wasn’t he, but i don’t recall any abuse, i'm fact i’ve only ever seen “ abuse” from one or two people on here, he isn’t one of them, i get your point but it’s wrong, mclaughlin is no better than a 2nd div keeper, how on earth he ever got near an international team is way beyond me.



24 Jun 2024 22:20:06
Just watched the Spain v Albania match and I'll be honest and say that Albania are now are a better team than Scotland. There's 2 ways to bow out of a tournament. One can be like Albania where they have a proper go at every game or like us. We really were the poorest team in Germany. Clarke must go, but the SFA will award him with a contract extension for qualifying.


1.) 25 Jun 2024 08:25:25
Thing is look at some ethnic albanias that play for other coutries, Xherdan Shaqiri and Granit Xhaka. If that was scotland you just need a grandparent and not support rangers.

2.) 25 Jun 2024 09:32:35
Who's your granny ?.




SirStruth's rumour replies


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23 Jul 2024 16:01:06
Ah well, that'll be that then. I was actually thinking with the talk of Tav, Goldson, Hamilton etc that we finally might be off loading players. Tav and Goldson's wages are crippling along with Matondo. If we go into next season with a back line of Tav, Goldson, Davies/ Souter, Yilmaz/ Jefte then sadly it'll be same outcome.




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22 Jul 2024 20:43:24
But SWS, you seem to be sure that Tav is staying and everyone else is wrong.




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22 Jul 2024 17:33:45
Bluedreamer - the second part of your username is apt. At least four for Goldson. Come on, the only reason he signed a new contract with us was because nobody wanted him when he his contract ran out the last time. We're not in a position to knock back offers like Celtic can, we need players off the wage bill and trim the squad to move forward.




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19 Jun 2024 08:18:17
Hopefully Barron isn't a replacement for Ryan Jack as we need him on the pitch not in the treatment room.




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18 Jun 2024 16:29:00
We really do have some of the most impatient entitled supporters around. Window is barely just opened and folk complaining already.





SirStruth's banter replies


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24 Jul 2024 22:53:58
Thought Wright played well - certainly has been our best player during pre season.




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24 Jul 2024 22:50:11
SWS, of course we all want 3 points to start the season, but given the way we've played tonight and all pre season, the possibility of 3 points is a long way off.




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24 Jul 2024 17:18:14
Think we'll struggle to shift anyone to be honest.




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24 Jul 2024 07:47:47
We're our own worst enemy as a club. We offer stupid wages and then can't shift any player unless they walk away for nothing at the end of their contract.




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04 Jul 2024 15:16:20
Very good question and something that needs answered. Our injury list was horrendous and players just weren't recovering. Look at Celtic, Mcgregor was due to be a long term injury but back within a few weeks. It can't just all be down to bad luck - something wrong somewhere.




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