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24 Oct 2023 14:00:42
Reports of Birmingham City wanting Butland in January. i seen a figure of £5m. surely that cannot be?
Would be absolutely mental to let him go for that.


1.) 24 oct 2023 15:18:25
apparently there's a figure in his contract that enables him to move if the figure is agreed, i think john said 4m mate.

2.) 24 Oct 2023 16:00:05
Jings, that was last week news.

3.) 24 oct 2023 16:42:20
not for ally it wasnt mate.

4.) 24 Oct 2023 17:13:23
I don’t see him moving down south unless it’s as no1 in premier league.
That’s unlikely to happen until, at least, the summer.

I’d hope he stays beyond that summer and signs an extension this time next season.

The £4m buyout would hopefully be left out of the new deal and it comes down to whatever market value is at time of bid.

He’s a very good keeper btw.
Imo up there with shagger, if he stayed for 5/ 6 years he will be an all time great.

5.) 24 Oct 2023 17:36:40
How much would you expect us to get for him? He's spent half his career in the championship or as a backup due to injuries etc. Would love a bit more and would rather he stays but think that's quite a realistic price for him to be honest esp as its championship clubs supposedly interested.

6.) 24 Oct 2023 17:50:36
Stevie why would he sign a new deal that ties him to us.

7.) 24 Oct 2023 20:48:28
Well why wouldn’t he John?
He has signed a 3 year deal.
This time next year he’ll be heading into last 18 months of his deal so that’s normally when negotiations start taking place and contracts are signed.

Why would any player sign a deal that ties him to us, or any other club for that matter .

Job security obviously.
I said this to u the other day on another post.

The guys had a bit of a bad time with injuries, but even if he hadn’t, is it not to his benefit to have the security of a contract, an income for his family, guaranteed medical care.

That’s the whole point in contracts John.

Why did Goldson, tav and more importantly the likes of Morelos Kent and kamara, who were all very coveted players at the time with us, sign new contracts while still under contract?

Very stranger question to ask John.

It’s always good for any player to have the security of a contract, and also he’s playing games for us, he was offered more money at Utd so it’s not all about money to him.

By your reasoning here John all players will or should just run down contracts then?

8.) 24 Oct 2023 22:46:10
When a new deal is signed the wages usually go up that’s the incentive.
Butlands on a fortune. for his wages to go up he would prob Be the highest paid ranger of all time ??kerching.

9.) 24 Oct 2023 23:25:15
Think he’s on 35k mate so we’d need to give him 40k pw.
Imo if that gets rid of £4m clause and ties him down a bit longer, that’s worth it. I’d offer him that deal in the summer on a new 4 year deal with no clause.

Surely we can all agree that’s worth it for us and it’s a good deal for him as he knows himself if we get a good offer we’d likely accept it anyway.



15 Sep 2023 10:32:55
I have been a Rangers fan all my life but it is obvious that the Scottish game is spiralling down due to the lack of funding/ money in the Scottish game.
I have friends that support other clubs like Partick Thistle and St. Mirren and I could never get my head around supporting such football and how they coped with losing so much and having rather poor talent.

That is now the reality at Rangers where we have players that the fans feel are not good enough to play for Rangers when really we cannot afford the talent that is required (clearly) .
(Worst team in Champions League history. Cannot even compete with very poor Celtic team at home with no rival support etc etc)

Yes we got to Europa Final but let's be honest we got every break of the ball and VAR decision for us and our manager (Gio) wet the bed but bringing on Ramsey (horrendous decision which I called at the time he was subbed on) .

The only highlight of a 9 player transfer window is a goalie (Butland) . that says a lot when the rest of the players are mostly forwards.

Cantwell is the only outfield player that gets pass marks most games.

Something has to give and either it's the fans accepting that this is the level of Rangers or the club implodes due to lack of support.

Any good player that would take Rangers to the next level would sign for an English club for triple the pay. Same goes for the managers.

Do we keep buying players that haven't performed well for their previous clubs?
Do we buy has-beens with a bit of experience?
Do we play more of the youth team and build up a good youth team model. Players like Lowry and Devine etc

Where can it even go from here?


1.) 15 Sep 2023 11:01:58
I’ve been thinking the same myself it’s perhaps what we are going to have to get used too. I do however think that there are markets out there where players can be bought for smaller fees but who can produce a good end product. This is up to the scouting and management to get right though. It’s not impossible.

2.) 15 Sep 2023 11:10:13
You should have put up the number for the samaritans at the end of that post.

3.) 15 Sep 2023 11:14:42
Money being thrown at the English leagues is affecting other countries.

4.) 15 Sep 2023 11:18:05
The Europa run to the final was no fluke, we deserved to be there.

5.) 15 Sep 2023 11:25:17
Some great posts today, AllyMc62, like Ver A earlier on on the site. Your post was well thought out.

6.) 15 Sep 2023 11:35:28
Cantwell pass marks for last season but no this one he’s done nothing.

7.) 15 Sep 2023 11:45:01
I don't think it is. Few on here think because rangers are not in a good place all of a sudden league bad.

All other teams coping fine.

@beale already said the rangers signings are amazing and rangers paid good money for them.

I'm not sure what the total cost has been for there new players is that a sign of rangers in trouble again. No it's not.
They are paying millions for some players .
What about the rest of the league teams who are trying new young talent maybe rangers should try that as that's what I want Celtic to do.

8.) 15 Sep 2023 11:52:20
Rangers are paying big money for some players but we need our youths to break through
Is that a sign of a skint team
There is only a few points in the league difference why the panicking

How do all the other teams cope with small fan bases Celtic and rangers have huge fan bases and if either struggles it's due to how the club get run and owners and shareholders etc.

As for Celtic they are in a great place just now but when both Celtic and rangers have a big traveling fan base then smaller clubs make money.
The league is not worse it's just rangers are not firing
It's been this way forever due to the dominat two
If you think rangers are doing bad because of our poor league you are wrong it's poor quality new players
Go and read @beales posts he swears by all of them ??????.

9.) 15 Sep 2023 12:04:42
Lol amazing Andy ? our league is only going one way ally.

10.) 15 Sep 2023 12:15:37
Allymc62 very good post mate, goo do questions to ask.
I think we should concentrate more on our own youth model going forward. It works in every single country that does it. Holland France Belgium Germany all Scandinavian country’s, the only one no TV really supporting youth is England but they still seem to get the players through to support the national team.
The problem in Scotland is the 2 horse race mentality where if you’re not 1st your last. So there’s no in between.
I’d rather be 2nd with youth players learning and getting better than be 2nd with a constant rollover of foreign and English lads who aren’t good enough and only here for paycheck.
If the foreign players are doing the job by all means then I’d happily have them but as u state we’re not even getting 2nd rate players anymore it’s 3rd n 4th rate.
If we can have a blueprint to get these youth players into the squad and team playing and not as squad fillers then I’m all for that. U then top it up with a few experienced pros from anywhere u choose.
For me that’s best way forward.

11.) 15 Sep 2023 12:42:22
Thanks for the comments :)

Raskin, i think Cantwell has been the soul of the team most games mate. Always a chance he could do something brilliant and turn a game. Maybe he is having to do too much but the boy certainly has the talent/ ability and is the first name on the team sheet in my opinion. (Joint with Butland)
Two English lads that just couldn't take that next step it seems so Rangers got very lucky and I do not see them both being with Rangers long.

Andy, I think I get your point however yes money was paid out for a few players but what have they done so far, nothing of merit for me.
6mil for Danilo who sits on the bench. 6m is a lot of money for Rangers however 6mil does not seem to buy quality that the Rangers fans expect. those days are long gone, 6m is nothing to most other teams abroad/ England.

As for your comments regarding Celtic, are you really in a good place? Most the boys I spoke to were bricking it for the Old Firm game. Raging that you drew with Saints and even worse that you were put out the Cup and many never wanted Rodgers back.
Does not sound like a good place to me mate.

I have said for so long to play the young lads and people argue that they are not good enough etc.

I hope its a good season going forward and the team can turn it around and put on a good show.


12.) 15 Sep 2023 12:48:50
Raskin cantwell was injured pre season as I stated and has been taking jags to participate in games since

Finally caught up with him, I’m told could be out till Xmas.

13.) 15 Sep 2023 13:13:41
Celtic in a good place Youze were wanting rid of Rodgers before last game? ?.

14.) 15 Sep 2023 13:56:31
AllyMc62, the way you wrote off the Europa League run to the final is a disgrace . The team were magnificent and any VAR decisions they got were due, as they were things the ref hadn`t seen, not controversial . We had a few go against us as well as I recall. Looking at the standard of Scottish football and Scottish players which remember handicaps us in squad size it was a magnificent feat to get there. Our league champions who have dominated for 12 years have never got near a final in Europe despite getting a go at all three competitions some seasons.




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05 Jul 2024 10:46:45
if we are signing old guys that are Scottish then why not sign Shankland :) LOL

no one can seriously be defending Dessers on here. its nothing personal, he's a lovely lad but he misses far too many chances (not just a few chances like come have stated) . And aye his work rate might be good but he gives away pointless freekicks when he tries to pressure the ball and again misses loads of chances so his work rate is wasted.




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26 Jun 2024 11:07:30
think folk need to man up a bit.

of course some fans can be over the top but its a small minority and i doubt Dessers or any player is coming on websites like this one to see what fans are saying and get their feelings hurt. And if they are then that's their own fault. Stick and stones etc.

I have been very critical of Dessers as he is not even close to being good enough for us. Not if we want to win the league or be better in Europe.

Lovely lad, but not a good striker.




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25 Jun 2024 13:31:16
Big Dessers pulling the wool over peoples eyes, its hilarious.




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25 Jun 2024 13:22:19
regardless of who we get in, Dessers needs to go.

Would be better playing Tav up front.




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25 Jun 2024 13:20:47
Not saying the lad deserved any "abuse" but Dessers was pants.

Annoyingly he got in good positions and created loads of chances for himself but never truly delivered. He gave away stupid fouls and 9 out of 10 times made the wrong decision. If that's the level fans want at this club then we may as well accept our runners up medal now.

Thanks for contributing sweet F all.





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09 Jul 2024 16:25:48
Do these players have a decent "market value" lol.




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26 Jun 2024 11:20:28
people are really liking this "abused" term these days. LOL.

take any offer that comes in for Dessers and move on.




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26 Jun 2024 11:18:20
And what about when Tav is sold and Butland is also sold?

Who is captain then?




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26 Jun 2024 11:17:36
Time to man up.
If players are consistently crap then guess what. you are going too get stick from the fans. The fans that have supported the club a lot longer than these players have been on the pay roll. The ones that pay their hard earned money to watch and support their club.

If you want to be praised then do better.

Rangers love a legend but we don't give that title out lightly, you have to earn it. maybe this is just the sign of the times and players and some fans have gotten soft and think we need to be all cute and cuddly. F that.

Give me £20-30k a week and you can shout actual abuse all you want lol.




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25 Jun 2024 13:45:34
not a chance should we sign either of those two.

I thought we were trying to get better and win some trophies.




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