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Livibear's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Livibear's rumours posts


06 Feb 2022 21:11:15
John, is there been ever any news about aribo extending his contract. Even if he doesn't want to stay getting more money for his final year and us getting a bigger return would be more of a priority to me than ever giving goldson the time of day. Even if he goes in the summer we'd get more but the power that be must think if he playing how we know he can at a world cup then that's big money.


1.) 06 Feb 2022 22:25:05
Nothing. Why would he extend he gets bigger signing on less time in his contract. Walks away for nothing he is rolling in it.

2.) 06 Feb 2022 23:48:34
Kamara did they are pals. From our point of view getting any extension from him would be good.

3.) 07 Feb 2022 07:07:35
It would. But I won’t hold my breath.

4.) 07 Feb 2022 09:40:15
In paper sayin rangers value him at 10mill. would have a year left but would still like more than 10mill in the summer. As i said b4 even if we win the league i reckon half our starting 11 will be away. Come start of next season.

5.) 07 Feb 2022 09:52:44
Paul as long as morelos stays i can cope with the others going, i know no one player is bigger than the club but I can't imagine us without him, I know he's going to leave sometime but hope its not for years.

6.) 07 Feb 2022 10:58:32
Yeah mark hopefully not mate. He can go on a little dry spell then all of a sudden folk want him sold. he's so vital to our play. Night and day when he's in our starting 11 whether he scores or not. Hopefully he stays. Aribo goldson borna mcgregor davis kent kamara imo all will be away.

7.) 07 Feb 2022 11:09:27
I am probably in the minority but I would look to do a deal with Aribo, Kent and Morelos, (even if it broke our current wage structure), to extend their contracts. Morelos in particular is indispensable and that will be the case until we bring in a significantly better back up than Itten or Roofe or until one of our young guys like Weston proves that he can do the job!

8.) 07 Feb 2022 11:52:21
Hopefully we can follow the sale of Paterson with a couple of other big moves to the EPL.

Be it Kent, Aribo, Kamara or Morelos.

Appreciate we want to hold on to our talent, but we also need to show we can be stepping stone for bigger moves, as this will help massively with the recruitment going forward.

9.) 07 Feb 2022 12:34:02
Agree berkshire love to see kent sign extended etc.

10.) 07 Feb 2022 12:43:08
Itten and roofe can go in the summer, one not good enough the other injury prone, I'd have gave weston a chance before itten.

11.) 07 Feb 2022 17:18:18
EHL, perhaps with Kamara if the fee is right but if we can get Aribo and Morelos tied down on a new contract then that for me would be the best option. We can only sell players, in my opinion, if we have ready made replacements or if we are confident of bringing in better players to replace them. At the present time there is no way that we can replace Morelos from within as the young lads with potential are most likely not ready and neither Itten or Roofe come anywhere close. Indeed as mark says, both Itten and Roofe can go in the summer if we can find a buyer!

12.) 07 Feb 2022 17:35:27
Berkshire no kids any where near to replacing Morelos.

13.) 07 Feb 2022 17:41:38
Both Aribo and Kamara will leave in the summer. If we get £15m for each plus sell on that will be good business. Both have and continue to fighting for us.

14.) 07 Feb 2022 19:19:44
Agree John, I would do what it takes to keep Morelos. The guy is often the difference between winning or dropping points as we saw when he wasn't available. The cost of replacing Morelos without ending up with another Itten suggests that he is easily worth an additional £10k or more a week if that would keep him at the Club.

15.) 07 Feb 2022 23:45:10
Do we think it is all down to money with Alfie or if we make CL do you think he would fancy chance of playing in that and proving himself that may lead to better clubs chasing him.

16.) 08 Feb 2022 01:28:47
Alfie thrives in the spot light, if, and I state if we win the league, I think he would want to play CL football next season. Our best players on Sunday IMO were Alfie, Jack, Arfield. All of which have been criticised by some for being past it, done with injury’s or not interested. Let’s just get behind our team for the rest of the season and pray for 2IAR.

17.) 09 Feb 2022 03:41:02
I know jack good but fact is been out all season with Injuries played 45min and he's out injured again. No point him being great if we can only use him 1 in every 10 games and that's me being generous. Even a few years back Gerrard said we would have to manage his condition as if to say it's not going away only getting worse over time.

18.) 09 Feb 2022 03:55:33
Think we might need to settle for less for aribo unless we make champions league it might away him could be his only chance to play in it so I'd say he needs to sign extension or miss out on CHP league and be sold even if it's less maybe the 10million quoted we need to remember he left Charlton on a free and already said he wants to go also something better than nothing and we got him for nothing so 10million would be great business.

19.) 09 Feb 2022 17:20:58
Damn predictive text.

20.) 11 Feb 2022 19:18:32
Morelos is the best striker in Scotland and he thrives on being in the limelight. I don't think that money would necessarily be his main motivator but he is the one player that we simply do not have any backup for and to replace him like for like will cost us more than we can afford, (assuming that Wilson could even find such a player) . For that reason it would be worth making Morelos our highest paid player on a new three year deal.
That would give us the time to see if one of the young lads can step up or find a quality striker.

One thing is for sure, Itten will never by an option. Just look at the points we dropped when Alfie was on International duty.



11 Jan 2022 22:02:07
Southampton fans have made a video on Joe aribo and are saying he's signing for them. If Joe aribo goes there how much would they have to pay and how little ambition would that be on Joe's behalf to go there.


1.) 11 Jan 2022 22:23:19
I know, Southampton?! It never exactly worked out for Van Dyke or Sadio Mane?! If he goes, he's showing loads of ambition by playing in one of the biggest league's in the world, up against some of the best players around. Once he's there it's up to him to showcase his talents and win a bigger move, to a bigger team. Bidding starts at no less than 20m before we even entertain a bid.

2.) 11 Jan 2022 22:38:27
Why is going to Southampton little ambition? Double probably treble the wages signing on fee sets up for rest of his life and it has worked for other players players don’t want to play in Scotland they want to play in EPL mostly for any club.

For me why would he show little ambition by staying in Scottish football? A lot of rangers fans slagged brown for doing it with Celtic.

3.) 11 Jan 2022 22:38:48
Why would anyone want to go and play in one of the best leagues in the world getting paid a fortune when they could stay in Scotland and play on the odd plastic pitch and get the added bonus of trips up to Ross County on a freezing winters night.

4.) 11 Jan 2022 22:52:32
20 minimum he's by far our best player this season.

5.) 11 Jan 2022 23:12:28
Aye but I believe that aribo is proving internationally for Nigeria and with us in Europe that he could go to a much bigger club.

6.) 12 Jan 2022 02:17:51
Has to be £25m.

7.) 12 Jan 2022 04:13:19
Unfortunately going to Southamptonon is a step up on wages and benefits for players up here.
European football is the catch for us to give new signings.

8.) 12 Jan 2022 05:42:07
Sorry disagree livibear playing in premier league your in shop window each day not just European games cannot blame a player for wanting to go there and aribo is good but he’s not a top 10 team epl player yet.

9.) 12 Jan 2022 06:35:28
It’s no happening anyway apparently they are willing to pay 9million 😂 think some of them smoke crack down south.

10.) 12 Jan 2022 06:38:42
We should demand £30m with a sell on %.
Teirney to Arsenal 25 and aribo is a far more accomplished player than Teirney was when he left that lot.
Maybe wishful thinking but, Rangers should play hard ball for these players.

11.) 12 Jan 2022 08:35:51
Yeh I mean it never worked for Steven Davis? 🤷🏻‍♂️.

12.) 12 Jan 2022 08:43:21
30m plus add ons. Easy! None of this sh! te he’s not worth it. I couldn’t give a toss what he’s actually worth none if them are worth that but that’s your figure.

For me he goes summer for that kind of money.

By the way Van Dyke didn’t work out at Southampton BMGH? He got a move to Liverpool! 😂.

{Ed001's Note - I think he was being sarcastic as both Mane and VVD got big money moves and won the Champions League, Premier League, Club World Cup on the back of it.}

13.) 12 Jan 2022 09:00:38
Thanks Ed mate. I do think that GDog was just having a bit of a laugh there and his tongue was firmly in his cheek. I hope?! 🤣🤣.

14.) 12 Jan 2022 09:39:53
100% my friend!

15.) 12 Jan 2022 10:06:11
I thought that, mate. And maybe a wee wind of Ed001 regarding Liverpool?! I thought you would have picked up on that Ed001? It's not like you?! 🤣🤣.

{Ed001's Note - I am very distracted trying to sort out my visa so sorry if I missed a joke at my expense!}

16.) 12 Jan 2022 10:11:17
Southampton aka Liverpool training center 😂 shows ambition and courage if he moves and if he does good luck to him.

17.) 12 Jan 2022 11:21:15
Its easy stormtrooper to why joe aribo would quite possibly sign for southampton mate🤔Lets be totally honest here, as if aribo goes to back down to england he isn't going to go straight into a top 6 club think about it🤔He could go to the likes of Southampton and play against the best teams in england, hopefully play well, showcase his talents and then the bigger guns down there take notice🤔That's why he wouldn't be showing lack of ambition for me if he did go to Southampton🤔He would trust his undoubted ability to then get a better move at a much bigger club, by playing well against these bigger clubs👌.

18.) 12 Jan 2022 11:28:05
Anything £20m upwards i'm certain we would accept. Hopefully with a nice sell of %.

Will end up another excellent piece of business from the club selling a player we got for 500k for this sort of profit. I think we could replace the big man for far less and with 18 months left this is the time we will get best value for him before his value seriously drops in the summer.

19.) 12 Jan 2022 14:15:09
Coops I think you have misread one of my posts again as I don’t see anything wrong with aribo going to Southampton mate.

Also a lot of fans on here wanted rid of aribo that’s also forgotten about on here funny that.

20.) 12 Jan 2022 17:37:11
Aribo is one of the best players in the spl in my opinion, I'd like him to stay this window and see what happens in the summer.




Livibear's banter posts with other poster's replies to Livibear's banter posts


19 Jun 2024 20:53:29
Watching ralston i'm reminded of Ali Dia, the guy graeme souness was duped into signing. Anyone who doesn't know he plays for them would think we've asked someone out the crowd to play and they aren't even there to support Scotland.


1.) 19 Jun 2024 22:28:03
Bit prouder to be a scot tonight.
Ralston is obviously out his depth but he's been asked to do a job with our 2 rb out injured, he gives everything that's all you can ask for, he has my support.
Have to say that stadium was brilliant, not the best to look at, but for atmosphere it was so good, something really old skool about it. one of the best national anthems I've ever heard and I've heard a few. We special mention for people of cologne so welcoming friendly all wanting a Scottish win.

2.) 19 Jun 2024 23:11:59
Souness signed him for Southampton as a striker, not even sure if he played?

3.) 20 Jun 2024 06:40:37
Carrick he came on as a sub and was subbed that's where it came out it was an elaborate hoax.

4.) 20 Jun 2024 12:56:20
Ralston is crap, he doesn`t even play first team football most of the time and if his circumstances were the same at any other club he would be nowhere near a Scotland shirt. If there were only two Scottish right backs in the world, I would pick the other one. He makes O`Donnells performances at the last Euros look great. A dreadful player.

5.) 20 Jun 2024 13:04:23

6.) 20 Jun 2024 13:41:59
Agreed boy blue, if your asked to play who is going to say no? Limited ability but tried, all you can ask . better performance tonight and hopefully a win on Sunday.



14 Mar 2024 19:47:47
Well next seasin the gaffer will have a chance to bring in his own players. To many passengers in the second half. i'd have kept Wright on. Ridvan was awful tonight. Matondo is too wasteful, big silva had lost his cool and it showed in his play. Move on claim 56 and the cup and get ready for next years champions league.


1.) 14 Mar 2024 21:51:46
Thought Yilmaz done well early doors, but seemed to tire quickly, agree about Wright, best game in a while.



23 Feb 2024 11:30:03
I believe we can beat benfica home and away.


1.) 23 Feb 2024 12:14:15
Livibear, i'll just settle for putting benfica out, over the 2 legs mate ? Of course it's a hard draw but nothing we should be afraid of ?.



21 Feb 2024 08:36:21
Has anyone else read about beales player i'd twitter acount where he anonymously defended michael beale. How narcissistic can he be? Do yo think we probably chased him off of here for being a tim ??.


1.) 21 Feb 2024 08:54:41
Verdant Abyss was always singing his praises then disappeared….

2.) 21 Feb 2024 09:37:36
Michael Beale must have got the idea for the twitter burner account from Kevin Durant LOL

What a complete dafty.

3.) 21 Feb 2024 09:50:30
Verdant if true most embarrassing thing I’ve read in a very long time. If he had still been here our club would be a laughing stock.

4.) 21 Feb 2024 10:31:57
John, I agree. credit has to be given to the board for getting him out quickly. If he'd have stayed our season would be over by now.

5.) 21 Feb 2024 11:08:29
Our manager now is philippe clement let's focus on him and enjoy what he's doing with us guys ? Give michael beale a break for god's sake as he failed as our manager like some before him and many after him will do, as that's football ?I think some on here the way they still constantly go on about beale, would want him hung, drawn and quartered before their happy ?Give the guy a break and move on eh!

6.) 21 Feb 2024 11:43:25
Coops, you are correct but memory of you gushing about Beale at the Aberdeen game and his antics are not so easily forgotten and a lesson for us all.

7.) 21 Feb 2024 12:29:20
You took the words straight from my mouth SWS.

8.) 21 Feb 2024 12:30:02
Its not about the fact that he failed, its how he did it with all the b/ s and lies . I don`t have a problem with failed former Rangers managers but for me Beale is right down there with mad Pedro as our two worst and most embarrassing of all time and I`ve lived through them all except Mr Wilton and Mr Struth.

9.) 21 Feb 2024 13:28:24
You're correct bankie, i did want beale as our manager and unlike some i admit on here even if i get/ got it wrong my friend ?It most definitely didn't go well beale as rangers manager but it happens and that's life and we move on ?.

10.) 21 Feb 2024 14:05:55
SWS the man’s a snake and deserves everything said about him after what he did to GVB.

11.) 21 Feb 2024 14:21:32
Coops people can talk about what they want on here and he is an ex manager that you wanted from day one even when people warned you about how it would end but hey you new best. The guy is a complete disgrace and a laughing stock in football now am just glad we got rid tho it should have been sooner.

12.) 21 Feb 2024 15:07:36
Not correct i knew best storm it was of my opinion that michael beale would be a good choice as rangers manager that's all my friend an opinion, which of course proved wrong in the end ? Can you remind me who you wanted from day one storm ?.

13.) 21 Feb 2024 15:13:23
@ed, do you know or suspect that Verdant is on again with a new id? Did he have linked accounts?

{Ed033's Note - I don't know or suspect. Who do you think is Verdant?

14.) 21 Feb 2024 16:13:06
Thank god Beale wasn't here till end of season.

15.) 21 Feb 2024 21:04:20
I didn’t want Beale that’s what I knew coops. I was happy with a couple that were mentioned and none of them were Beale.



17 Dec 2023 21:55:23
There doesn't seem to be too many tims on here tonight ??????????.


1.) 18 Dec 2023 00:00:43
Aye placid Andy is awol …….

2.) 18 Dec 2023 00:35:34
Livi, they're going through the footage with a fine toothed comb mate. They'll be out in force tomorrow.

3.) 18 Dec 2023 07:32:40
They have been out in force on Twitter just the 2 pens they are saying the sheep should have ? sheep and Timmy tears taste the best.




Livibear's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 13:44:00
I think the gaffer physically throwing him off the pitch at the end of the cup final told everyone he was leaving and the gaffer isn't taking crap from anyone. Which i think is brilliant.




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25 Jul 2024 06:53:40
Where have all these new posters came from ?. Cantwell at the end of the cup final was never going to play for us again. His attitude stinks. All those thinking the gaffer was lied to where do you get that. He told players at toward the end of the season they weren't wanted. They are still here. That tells me he knew exactly that he needed to clear out players. Even if we had millions to spend the ffp rules mean we couldn't go into the season adding more players to the wage bill so we need to shift them. I hate this time of year on here as the rules of the game and experience of previous close seasons are out the window and crap is spouted about us not signing people and the club has no money, we are falling to bits, the manager is leaving and they've never seen it so bad. Time to get a grip and just wait and see. If we qualify for the CL i guarantee these new concerned posters will disappear. I wonder why that is?




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20 Jul 2024 22:40:04
Heres hoping ?.




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11 Jul 2024 18:17:21
Its a hellish stadium.




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08 Jul 2024 14:44:49
Spot on jasper. Facts like that are totally over looked by the football press here.





Livibear's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 21:16:56
Contract extention ??.




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25 Jul 2024 06:30:45
Cantwell is part of the problem too much to say but does too little to back it up.




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25 Jul 2024 06:27:12
That last night was pretty much like s testimonial i would not read too much into it. Young players and others from the bench that started. Pc will see us alright. He has been stitched up by beale signings, once hd gets those he doesn't want shifted and brings in his own player's things will improve. I've seen preseasons where we win all our games and are terrible in the league and also the reverse of that. So put your knives back please. Remember the early 80s or 2012 and tell mr if this is worse. No its not. The only thing worse i'd the toxicity of our own support when things aren't going well. i'd hate to ever have to rely on some of these people in real life bad situations. Dig in and get ready for the season and stop greetin. The transfer window is open for a good while yet.




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22 Jul 2024 21:27:07
I watched it in school the an economics teacher would put the football on and let people in as long as they didn't draw attention to themselves and kept quiet. Remember those old warsaw pact commie countries with crowds in army uniforms armed guards patrolling the touchlines and pillboxs in the corner of the grounds. If you think refs are against you nowadays you ain't seen nothing. Totally different world but i'd take our whole squad and staff from then any day off the week.




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21 Jul 2024 08:09:10
No chance makes cantwell seem like a humble team player. Some said the other day cantwells head was full of broken bottles, well dele ali has a head full of rubber budgies and they're all sticking the heed on each other. Keep him away.




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