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Sir Walter Smith OBE's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Sir Walter Smith OBE's rumours posts


26 Jul 2024 14:22:03
Looks like our move for the young man utd midfielder, not as advanced as reported yesterday ?Man utd it's now reporting want to sell hannibal rather than loan him out, as he's only got 1 year left to go on his current contract ?That would rule us out, as we wouldn't be able to afford hannibal on a permanent deal ☹️It would have been a very good signing for us to.

Sir Walter Smith OBE

1.) 26 Jul 2024 14:35:16
Sws that's a shame he's some1 who I'd have liked to see come in.

2.) 26 Jul 2024 14:38:29
Probably just used us to get in the press.

I thought he would be a really good signing but the Man U fans don’t seem to impressed, loads of comments about his over eagerness causing excessive bookings.

I’m happy with Cerny. Seems a sensible signing.

3.) 26 Jul 2024 14:41:27
He looks ok but my worry in clips was he went to ground a hell of a lot, I wasn't overly keen on him being a main stay player but I could be totally wrong, I just wish we had big Malik signed up, he would have been a quality signing.

4.) 26 Jul 2024 15:27:10
Matondo scored more goals than Cerny last season.

Cerny 22 league games played - 4 goals / 0 assists.

Matondo 19 league games played (mainly as a substitute / and played on the wrong wing) - 5 goals / 3 assists.

when are we going to buy some natural LWs? as we have far too many natural RW's, Matondo, Cortes, Wright, Cerny, Mcausland.

made the point before keep playing wingers on the wrong wing you get regular injuries, Matondo / Cortes / Sima proved that last season all injured playing on the LW. when all clubs before us played them majority of the time if not all the time in their correct position as RW.

Can't clement work that out?

5.) 26 Jul 2024 15:41:27
You’re talking nonsense, playing wingers on their ‘opposite sides’ is not why players got injured. Our crappy under Beale and poor medical set up were much more to do with it. And as for Cerny’s stats, Wolfsburg played a 352 the majority of the time and he was being asked to play as a wing back instead of a winger, that wasn’t his natural game and didn’t suit him. He has always played on the right cutting in on his left foot (much like Robben), he came through Ajax youth set up playing that way. But suppose you’re right, I mean what does the Ajax academy know?

6.) 26 Jul 2024 15:42:06
FFS. It actually doesn’t matter who we sign. People will never be happy. ?.

7.) 26 Jul 2024 16:00:41
Laudrup what are you actually talking about. this isn't the early 2000s almost every left footed winger plays RW and vice versa and playing in the opposite side of your foot causes injuries? hahaha what?

8.) 26 Jul 2024 16:07:18
Gers78! - what would i know about Ajax, only support 2 clubs, only sport i watch or follow, Rangers and Ajax.
Been that way since 1988.

But do go on, tell me more about this team Ajax . they sound super cool.

Are you really comparing Robben and Cerny - LMFAO.
Miles apart in quality.

So you are agreeing with me then that players playing in their wrong position perform less effectively?

At least Gerrard and Gio understand why you play LWs as LWs and RWs as RWs, something Clement can hopefully get right this season, but he will need to buy some natural LWs first, Tom Lawrence won't last all season,

all the other wingers at Rangers are RW's, next season will tell us if playing RW's as LWs gets us a lot of injuries again, but your right mate if so it's because of Beale and The medical staff from when he was the manager.
Thanks for the insight.
we should have played kent on the RW, that must have been why he wasn't scoring as many goals, we had to play him on the wrong side, and if he got injured we can blame beale again.

It's all Beale's fault, thanks for clearing that up.

9.) 26 Jul 2024 16:31:56
Matondo and Cortes even Sima were not getting a game on any wing before coming to Rangers so to judge that the way it was done on here is tripe.

10.) 26 Jul 2024 17:04:09
I would say Cerny is the only right winger at club, couple of right sided players and left wingers who can play out there, first one we have had in years, nearly every player and their granny have played out there ??‍♂️.

11.) 26 Jul 2024 17:18:51
Behave Belhaven, that is tripe, you do realise Sima has played the most games of his career on the rw, mostly left for us/ Rangers, many games has Cortes played not on the wing? and where has Matondo been played? even plays wide for Wales??.



23 Jul 2024 20:21:50
John, do you have any info at all if rangers are indeed interested in signing dutch striker wout weghorst mate? ?.

Sir Walter Smith OBE

1.) 23 Jul 2024 21:13:23
Nothing Walter. He is terrible.

2.) 23 Jul 2024 21:41:41
You don’t get a regular game for the Dutch national team if you’re terrible.

3.) 23 Jul 2024 21:42:31
It's a game of opinions, but I think his record in Holland and Germany is good, and I don't think you get 40 odd caps for his country by being a poor player. I think he could offer a focal point for players like Cortes and sima-types to play off and around. That all said, I think this is probably just paper talk and don't think it'll happen. Also doesn't really seem to align with the model.

4.) 23 Jul 2024 21:50:57
Weghorst would do well in the SPL. John who would like to see that we can afford?

5.) 23 Jul 2024 21:56:02
He's a good player but PC wants a mobile front 3 who can press from the front dessers can't and I'm unsure MW could also unsure of his wage so unless PC rips up his style I'd doubt it.

6.) 23 Jul 2024 22:01:03
Not a chance we're signing weghorst but personally I reckon he'd do well in Scotland.

7.) 23 Jul 2024 22:04:27
I don't think he's what we need. I could see him being a good target man but he'd need to take a huge pay cut. Can't see it happening.

8.) 23 Jul 2024 22:10:26
I don’t rate him either
Would much rather shankland and even more s miovski.
He’s not a good player.

9.) 23 Jul 2024 22:11:32
He's better than Morelos will ever be and everybody worshipped him.

10.) 23 Jul 2024 22:19:34
Clueless Dutch international and he’s terrible!
Embarrassing this site, same guy that defends Dessers, a guy that is terrible.

11.) 23 Jul 2024 22:40:36
John, look at the Dutch qualifying nearly every time he comes on he scores.

12.) 23 Jul 2024 22:46:18
Weightiest is nowhere near as good as prime Morelos and never had been or will be that’s just a pathetic statement.

13.) 23 Jul 2024 23:15:06
Crazy the people saying they would want Shankland over this guy. Shankland can't get a game for Scotland, this guy has 40 caps for Holland. Yes not been great for Burnley or Man Utd, but to say he isn't tried and tested in the SPFL so we shouldn't go for him is madness.

14.) 24 Jul 2024 00:10:16
Yeah the guy who played for man united isn’t better than the guy from hearts ??.

15.) 24 Jul 2024 00:18:20
Where is Morelos playing now Stevie?

The Dutch boy has played in top leagues in Europe.

Morelos struggled to score against Celtic.

The people that understand football have played the game. you obviously haven't.

16.) 24 Jul 2024 04:11:41
Weighorst good hold up play ball will at least stick with him uike dessers.

17.) 24 Jul 2024 04:59:44
The boy isn’t terrible IMO.
He is on 46k or something along those lines and we ain’t paying him that.
He isn’t very mobile either.

18.) 24 Jul 2024 08:50:58
He'd break our wage structure. We need it coming down. It's a no from me.



22 Jul 2024 20:06:14
Just wondering guys how much all this talk is true ie. tav already agreed terms with trabzonspor and definitely leaving, goldson currently in cyprus going through a medical before signing for a cypriot club or in fact a saudi club, hagi having agreed terms with fiorentina to sign for them etc. ?

Is it just all made up social media talk because the truth is they just make up guess, because they don't know ?.

Sir Walter Smith OBE

1.) 22 Jul 2024 20:43:24
But SWS, you seem to be sure that Tav is staying and everyone else is wrong.

2.) 22 Jul 2024 20:50:49
If it isn't happening it needs to Walter? we need boots on the ground ASAP and ready to go in a fortnight bud, some need to go for that to happen, Stig just posted Goldsons away, unsure about that, Tav I think will go, don't know where, Hagi I think wants out or has been listening to his da too much, Cantwell, he doesn't know what he wants but think he has a got out the door anyway, time will tell but time is getting shorter. ??.

3.) 22 Jul 2024 20:56:43
The Tav One can’t be true as you told us 100% he is staying.

4.) 22 Jul 2024 21:08:01
Goldson is 100% in saudi that is not made up rumours. Tav will be away as per heart and hands post. Even though u were telling folk he's definitely staying and folk to digest it etc etc.

5.) 22 Jul 2024 21:09:06
Sws Sheffield wed have started talks with Scott wright's agents as well.

6.) 22 Jul 2024 21:10:38
Tav can’t have agreed terms if he’s staying tbh ?

I think we’ll find Tav has 2/ 3 options but will be away imminently. Goldson will sign for whatever team he’s out there to see. Don’t be surprised if it’s not Aris. Hagi to Fiorentina seems to be a formality if we agree the fee.

Tav and Goldson great servants but rightly moving on. Hagi doesn’t hasn’t worked out and a sale is the best move for all parties. Big wage savings and a few million banked.

7.) 22 Jul 2024 21:35:39
You said as a matter of fact tav would be here this coming season. Does that mean you just make up guesses?

8.) 22 jul 2024 22:47:55
struth, don’t join in the glee club when coops is proved wrong, it doesn’t matter, i didn’t think he would leave either but i’m aware we need better defence.

9.) 22 Jul 2024 22:48:19
Coops, are you now suggesting you are less certain that club captain Tav is staying?

10.) 23 jul 2024 01:55:00
he thinks he’s certain now bankie.

11.) 23 Jul 2024 07:25:38
No i still believe tav is staying with rangers ?%.

12.) 23 Jul 2024 08:15:36
Where do I send the card Walter, which mental health ward are you in?.

13.) 23 Jul 2024 09:25:16
Tom, I saw what you just did, touché.

14.) 23 Jul 2024 10:16:07
So joking about mental health is a thing now? pathetic.

15.) 23 Jul 2024 10:54:33
As a guy living with mental health issues for 30 years, I'll say whatever I like about it, humour is obviously lost on you belhaven, so take a day off.

16.) 23 Jul 2024 17:12:51
Just for fun Fork . aye we know, there's a knee slapper for you .

17.) 23 Jul 2024 17:28:46
Lol kirkie?.



05 Jul 2024 19:14:31
John, you posted earlier on that rangers have accepted 2 bids for our striker cyriel dessers ?Do you know the identity of the clubs and how much the bids were for mate ?.

Sir Walter Smith OBE

1.) 05 Jul 2024 20:20:27
I heard that one is POAK not heard who the other is.

2.) 05 Jul 2024 20:36:15
Walter check AC21's posts mate, he gave a price circa £6.5m and PAOK and unamed Saudi club, both have made the same bid apparently. ?.

3.) 05 Jul 2024 21:09:19
Walter yes. One in Greece one in Saudi, not seeing the 7 million being quoted though. Nearer 5 with addons

There is other interest but no offer yet.

4.) 05 Jul 2024 22:58:22
I told you hours ago PAOK were one walter ???.

5.) 05 Jul 2024 23:01:48
And AC stated a price hours ago, still, if we're able to make any sort of profit on the lad then that ain't at all too shabby.

6.) 06 Jul 2024 10:11:12
He knows no more than what was written in the paper, Walter.

7.) 06 jul 2024 11:11:38
john very often has passed on info that hasn't reached the media yet, him and cf5

you just have no idea.

8.) 06 Jul 2024 13:13:32
Tiger, John has very good and accurate info. Unlike the amount of posts you show.

9.) 06 Jul 2024 14:20:36
Tiger let’s see what you come up with Before you post that someone knows no more than the papers. ?????????.

10.) 06 Jul 2024 14:39:04
Interloper? ?.

11.) 06 jul 2024 14:55:51
3 of them today firk, none with anything remotely pleasant nor informative.

12.) 06 Jul 2024 14:55:54
Fork was thinking the same ?????????.

13.) 06 Jul 2024 15:03:53
Aye Newman, dodgy n derogatory, seen that TT on the banter page bud?.

14.) 06 Jul 2024 15:26:42
Maybe do yer homework tiger, a few on here quicker than the papers.

15.) 06 Jul 2024 15:37:56
Sorry discussion page?.



25 Jun 2024 19:06:40
According to a breaking news report by the daily record there, philippe clement has told jack butland that he'll be the new rangers captain from the new season onwards taking over from james tavernier ?.

Sir Walter Smith OBE

1.) 25 Jun 2024 20:20:57
Taking over the captaincy because taverniers leaving ??.

2.) 25 Jun 2024 20:25:11
Daily record has done everyone a belter including me. It’s IF tavernier leaves butland will be captain. If tavernier stays, he will remain captain which is disappointing.

3.) 25 Jun 2024 20:25:34
I thought it said he'll be captain if he leaves, not when. Not disputing whether he will leave but the rag says if.

4.) 25 Jun 2024 20:32:25
Sws tav must be leaving then.

5.) 25 Jun 2024 20:34:32
It says IF tav leaves so nothing new that some on here have said.

6.) 25 Jun 2024 20:48:30
Obvious choice in my opinion. It could be a smart move to make him feel really wanted in an attempt to stop his head being turned by a move back south . I guess that means tav is offski? That being said if he stays I think he may perform better without the added pressure of being captain.

7.) 25 Jun 2024 20:50:15
Think Butland will be away.

8.) 25 Jun 2024 20:58:01
I hope tav leaves or move him to midfield because he is always getting caught out at the back.

9.) 25 Jun 2024 20:59:34
James Tavernier is the Rangers captain and that won’t change unless he leaves the club. The very last person who I suspect would take that armband from him, under these circumstances, is Jack Butland. Butland knows how unfair the criticism has been, he’s been out there in the car park defending Tavernier since the seasons start, he won’t take the band from him now. Butland is a better man than that.

10.) 25 Jun 2024 23:20:24
If Clement asks Butland to be captain of Rangers, he'll turn it down generic?

11.) 26 Jun 2024 00:45:40
You think wrong Baxter he is staying.

12.) 26 Jun 2024 08:20:01
Generic, Butland will be captain and tav will be off. Been a fantastic servant who’s been unlucky to be in a team that wasn’t at his level. However, the past season he’s regressed massively, and he’s now a major weak link in the team despite his attacking numbers. We will continue to finish 2nd this season if he’s still a starter in our 11.




Sir Walter Smith OBE's banter posts with other poster's replies to Sir Walter Smith OBE's banter posts


25 Jul 2024 19:44:24
What do we all think of the possibility of the loan signing of the man utd young tunisian midfielder hannibal mejbri ?Out of the 3 possible loan signings we're linked with ie. cerny, jordan and now hannibal, i know more about cerny and jordan and how good those 2 players are, but don't know a great deal about hannibal ? I know John counts man utd as his favourite english team and possibly knows more about hannibal and how decent a midfielder the young man is ? or anyone else know more about him for that matter ?I look forward to reading your opinions on him ?.

Sir Walter Smith OBE

1.) 25 Jul 2024 20:05:49
27 caps for Tunisia at only 21years old. A very good footballer and stood out against us at Murrayfield. He is OOC next season and would be very good addition to our squad. I really don’t think we are getting Jordan as he will cost too much and because I am also reliably informed we are signing Lennon Miller and he will do a job for us ?.

2.) 25 Jul 2024 20:20:05
Walter he would be a stunning signing for rangers

I think he will sign another year at united then go on loan,

3.) 25 Jul 2024 20:59:43
Do you think yourself we'll manage to sign hannibal on loan from man utd John ?.

4.) 25 Jul 2024 22:08:35
Hoping this one has legs, he's a proper athlete strong mobile and loves to press with aggression, we crave that.

5.) 25 Jul 2024 23:26:52
If we can pull off Hannibal on loan and he settles in well he will be the best player in the league by a distance.

6.) 26 Jul 2024 05:19:25
Nest player in the league by a distance? Heard that many times on here. Ramsey as just one example.



23 Jul 2024 16:01:30
Straight honest question to all fellow bears. If we were to sign one of these strikers between Lawrence Shankland or Wout Weghorst, which striker would you prefer we signed ?.

Sir Walter Smith OBE

1.) 23 Jul 2024 16:10:28
Shankland all day long.

2.) 23 Jul 2024 16:10:36
Shankland as he is proven in the league ?.

3.) 23 Jul 2024 16:15:11
Neither. We need to progress.

4.) 23 Jul 2024 16:25:03
Shankland but think it will be neither.

5.) 23 Jul 2024 16:39:18
We ain't got a chance at Wout so Shankland it is. We are trying to cut the wage bill not add an overpaid striker to it.

6.) 23 Jul 2024 16:57:02
Weghorst unlikely but between Shankland and Miovski I'd go Shankland as no t much between them, statswise anyway and we need Scots. No point not being able to name a full squad.

7.) 23 Jul 2024 17:28:28
I’d rather shankland and only as back up. Rahman I I don’t know anything about, miovski I like. With Danilo back up and Lovelace as 4th.

The Moroccan lad though I don’t know if he’s a striker or a right or left attacker. Anyone?

8.) 23 Jul 2024 18:34:04
I'd imagine Shankland would be a lot easier to pay.

9.) 23 Jul 2024 18:43:55
Shankland has scored more spl in 2 year than morelos scored in 4 year, one is lauded, one isn't good enoug . if he wasn't scottish everyone would want him, strange!



22 Jul 2024 22:23:58
According to a report from the daily record philippe clement is very interested in signing hearts striker lawrence shankland, yes this name again ?.

Sir Walter Smith OBE



22 Jul 2024 08:19:13
I'll ask this to one and all on this site. Do you think Philippe Clement will be our manager long term in regards to be given the ample time i most certainly feel is necessary, to build a new rangers team that can challenge Celtic for the title and take it from them. ?

I honestly do feel clement will need at least 3 transfer windows to get the team built with his signings, the way he wants. ? I don't think it works to try and do a rebuild to quick ?.

Sir Walter Smith OBE

1.) 22 Jul 2024 08:40:03
Gerrard got 3 seasons so I don't see why not. Changing manager every season just puts us back another few years each time.

2.) 22 Jul 2024 08:47:27
Sir Walter I’d say it’s a combination of factors. When PC was appointed I think I recall bisgrove whos no longer here . that the club can’t keep changing managers . saying that, football is a result driven business so if PC fails to beat Them the next OF will the fan base be happy with that? What if he goes this whole season without beating them and it’s 2nd place again. Will the fan base accept another 3 windows before we start to see success.? Even if he’s given 3 windows it still doesn’t promise success as they will obviously strengthen as well. So it’s a combination of making the right signing, good coaching and patience. Asking the fans to be patient is the toughest one.

3.) 22 Jul 2024 08:47:51
It's the costs attached to that also, manager and support staff payoffs, must be given time?.

4.) 22 Jul 2024 08:51:35
The fans will turn on the players and board before they turn on PC they’re not daft.

5.) 22 Jul 2024 08:54:04
I hope he is given time and funds to bring in players, but reading between the lines looks like he dosent have the the transfer kitty that he thought, though we can’t confirm that, be difficult if we don’t rapidly improve the first 11 as the pressure will grow and he may go if an offer come in, I would be surprised now if he is here for three years.

6.) 22 Jul 2024 09:00:21
Break clause in cont Up to 12 months period.
Same as gio and Beale.

7.) 22 Jul 2024 09:13:44
Yeah I agree with TrueBlue

We can’t confirm but if he’s not been given what was originally promised then he may himself decide to leave especially if we end up having a run of results going against us early in season
Why should he stay and have his reputation questioned if he’s not been given what was promised at the start of his contract?

The window has a fair bit to go let’s hope we see some movement in players we want gone and money coming in to help him get the players he wants and needs
Without it I can’t see him being here long to be honest.
then you need to ask who would take it under those circumstances.

8.) 22 Jul 2024 09:15:10
We can’t keep sacking managers it’s just plain stupidity and as a club we will be going round in circles. I said he needs at least 2/ 3 windows and rangers fans need to be patient we aren’t going to get instant success.

What I will say this mess has Ben caused by Beale imo should never have got the job an said at the time.

9.) 22 Jul 2024 09:44:04
Doubt PC will be here for Xmas he will walk for this.

10.) 22 Jul 2024 10:05:53
100% Storm unfortunately that appointment has set us back a couple of seasons and is up there with the Pedro appointment if not worse.

11.) 22 Jul 2024 11:15:03
I'd like to see him stay and get a fair crack, however another defeat at theirs and I feel he will be under great pressure. That's just the way of it at pir club, unfortunately.

12.) 22 Jul 2024 11:47:44
Storm totally agree, I don’t think it will happen,

13.) 22 Jul 2024 12:17:54
I had posted months ago that PC would need 3 or 4 windows to get his own team, Will he get that amount of time? I hope so ?????????.

14.) 22 Jul 2024 18:27:43
I’m sure he will Newman.



17 Jul 2024 09:36:47
A question to one and all here ? We're linked with two very good midfielders in sevilla midfielder joan jordan and young boys midfielder chiek niase ? There's no way we'll sign both, so my question is which one would we prefer and be the better midfield signing for rangers ?.

Sir Walter Smith OBE

1.) 17 Jul 2024 11:41:42
Joan Jordan for me coops
Think he would be a very good player for us.

2.) 17 Jul 2024 11:49:28
At the moment we aren’t signing any of them coops and I think the young boy is out of our price range also mate.

3.) 17 Jul 2024 12:20:49
I'm not sure how much swiss football folks on here tune in too, and Jordan played only a handful of games for Sevilla last season, so with a few exceptions most posters won't be clued in as to how each could potentially perform in Scotland and would be guessing with not much to go off of.

4.) 17 Jul 2024 12:48:00
Never seen nor heard of either until mentioned in the media.

5.) 17 Jul 2024 12:54:21
SWS I would say Niasse is a longer term signing and would be my preference because of this reason but in the short term Joan Jordan offers experience at the no.6 position in the short term with little outlay other than wages so should allow other positions of need to be strengthened in this window.

6.) 17 Jul 2024 14:16:42
We really need some experience in our mf.
I see some good footballers from 6-8-10 positions but no real experience.
Barron may well surprise us all and become a starter instantly like Jack did.
I’m not convinced with diomande, same with raskin… both good footballers but lack discipline on the park and bad decision making, not much steel.
We need an experienced mf with a bit of steel.

7.) 17 Jul 2024 14:38:50
Don't think we will get either.
£££ is a big problem if we can't offload some big earners.

8.) 17 Jul 2024 17:51:18
Never heard of either until recently.




Sir Walter Smith OBE's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 19:45:17
Jota couldn't lace cerny's boots ColinB68.

Sir Walter Smith OBE



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26 Jul 2024 15:28:14
That was stated when we were first linked with jordan that he didn't fancy coming to scottish football and was keen to remain in spain ?.

Sir Walter Smith OBE



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26 Jul 2024 14:28:11
Only my opinion but i rate Scott Wright better than Danny Armstrong, so why try to sign Armstrong to replace him? ?

Sir Walter Smith OBE



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26 Jul 2024 08:06:44
I understand we all have different opinions from each other on here but at the end of the day we're all bears and want the very best for our club ? What i can't get with some on here is their need to try and make a fool of others by trying to take them down all the time WHY? Ger88 why do feel the need to continue to have a go at me mate ? Have a difference of opinion regarding players etc by all means but you continually do this and get others to follow and participate also ? I can't get folk like you and it says more about you that you feel the need to do this.

Sir Walter Smith OBE



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26 Jul 2024 07:52:25
I echo every post you guys have posted regarding that shocking post about someone's health by gazger ?Hope you're keeping better jfm ? Absolutely no place for that sort of post on here and you should hang your head in shame gazger ?.

Sir Walter Smith OBE




Sir Walter Smith OBE's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 19:41:20
Storm, i didn't get personal regarding jon mclaughlin mate, i did state he was never imo a rangers no.1 and not rangers class there's a difference you know between rating someone and getting personal with someone because you don't rate them, so stop trying to mix the two up and you continually mention this.

Sir Walter Smith OBE



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26 Jul 2024 19:37:44
Ger58,you state our manager hasn't signed a starter for our team yet ?Do you not think cerny is a certain starter on our right wing I most certainly do ? He's a really good winger ??? A good signing for us without question imo.

Sir Walter Smith OBE



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26 Jul 2024 19:30:07
TJBB, i said the same as yourself yesterday mate ? Could scott wright be more effective for us moved in one and more central where undoubtedly he can cause damage to opposition defences ? There's no doubt he has talent and attributes ? Could he be that no.10 position we crave ? Our manager clearly likes and rates the boy.

Sir Walter Smith OBE



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26 Jul 2024 17:22:39
Baxterboy, i honestly couldn't care less if you disagree with me pal because imo some of our supporters are toxic and go way over the top on their personal attack on players and nobody on here can deny that happens mate ? It's one thing not rating a player as we all have different opinions on players but to get personal and abusive ain't on and i've also witnessed this happening at games my friend ?.

Sir Walter Smith OBE



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26 Jul 2024 16:11:32
Cerny properly scouted BT1958?I'm sure most would know he's a really good winger my friend and i'm delighted we've signed him ?.

Sir Walter Smith OBE



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