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27 Jul 2024 07:24:28
Morning everyone

I know a few on here are fed up hearing and reading about Lawrence Shankland

My question is to John or anyone else who may know the truth behind the shankland rumour

Is it lazy journalism?

Or do we now in fact have a real interest in him because you have multiple news agencies running the story we are seriously interested in him across the web?

I like Shankland think he would a good job for us but not sure he could play up top on his own for us?
Only thing that worries me about him is lack of real pace especially if up top on his own

Anyway just want to know once and for all do we have real interest?


1.) 27 Jul 2024 08:49:38
We would need to use shankland in sort of same way sir Walter used boyd. Certainly in bigger games when you need someone to cover move cover and press shankland not the answer.

But when we up against it against teams 10 behind ball he'll get you goals. Would need to be right price for me. But I've heard he dying to sign so he'll run down contract.

2.) 27 Jul 2024 08:56:47
I wouldn't mind Shankland . Possibly look to replace Dessers with him. I still think we need a marquee signing upfront.

3.) 27 Jul 2024 09:07:40
I really rate Shankland as a goal scorer but I think the simple answer to why we haven't went for him before is this:
He doesn't fit into the way our manager wants to play. High press, closing down from the front, tracking back etc. And that's not really Shankland's game.

4.) 27 Jul 2024 09:08:08
How many other clubs are in for Shankland? Do Hearts have 1 employee dealing with the constant enquiries, certainly media know nothing and they are not even guessing all we have is mibbees Rangers and that's it. Quite surprising for what appears to be a huge talent, well on here anyway.

5.) 27 Jul 2024 09:08:36
Stig I don’t actually know, but I think Shankland may well be on the list but maybe not first choice. I’d imagine there are strikers identified and they will be put in order regarding preference. I personally think he’d score goals, he fits homegrown criteria etc . I do think he’d struggle playing on his own in our system and agree lacks pace. Actually, a bit kris Boyd like. Hearts want top dollar although he’s out of contract in a year but they might argue he might help them bring in prize money etc. all in all I think we can get a better striker and maybe even a better deal but I wouldn’t be against him being in our squad.

6.) 27 Jul 2024 09:12:12
I was told at the beginning of the year that Shankland wanted the move but PC wasn’t interested because he wasn’t fast enough. Never mind all the goals he scores, we want fast enough.

Ffs Matondo is probably the fastest player I’ve ever seen and is hopeless most of the time. Plenty of great footballers without pace.

7.) 27 Jul 2024 09:32:56
zikos Don't worry the same people on here wanted Cosgrove and probably Dykes . But we could get Danny Strongarms from Killie for his long throw this would suit Shankland and pace not a prob. Though I must say there ain't many slow great players must be some I suppose. Let's ask the committee . I say Kevin Kyle for starters.

8.) 27 Jul 2024 09:33:28
Agreed Zikos its not all about pace - however our league is all about goals - and that we certainly don't have enough of in our team - a good football brain and intelligence on park helps a damn lot imo?.



22 Jul 2024 21:50:00
Blackbridge Sports? Selling for shareholder and
Some Israeli business man to buy the club?

John did you mention this guy?
Is this actually happening ? or some made up bull by newspapers.


1.) 22 Jul 2024 23:25:56
I saw the account and have been told its a made up 1 but have also read that the Israeli guy is int along with a wealthy scottish business man so it's a wait and see.

2.) 23 Jul 2024 07:57:00
Stig, fake I think, companies house indicate they ceased trading in October 23 you can google it.

3.) 23 Jul 2024 08:46:02
Ah ok thanks John

Israel guy any truth in that one.

4.) 23 Jul 2024 09:36:52
Stig, I’m not sure, I can see no reason why he would want to invest in Scotland, but he certainly has money.

5.) 23 Jul 2024 10:51:32
Maybe his " maws add" an affair with a Scottish bloke. ??.

6.) 23 Jul 2024 12:40:41
Maybe he just wants to put money in so we can batter the Palestinian mob across the city.

7.) 23 Jul 2024 17:09:26
Plasticine mob.



22 Jul 2024 20:17:43
So, it is the Cypriot team Aris Limassol Goldson away to then? Good luck to the big man. He was mostly always available to be picked and always did give his best played a lot of games for our club since he signed.

Nothing but well wishes for Connor Goldson I hope you do well over there and you and your family stay safe and well and you have found a good club pal.

We needed a change and you have done good in getting yourself a club and willing to give it a go rather than stay and get your wages

Have a lot of respect for Connor and I really hope he does well ? ??.


1.) 22 Jul 2024 20:49:58
Agreed, Goldson was a key player in 55 and has been our best CH for the last while, but his form has dipped lately. Good luck to him, he should go with his head held high.

2.) 22 Jul 2024 20:54:06
Nice one stig. Endorse everything you've said.

3.) 22 Jul 2024 20:55:43
I'd have kept him tbh but I wish him all the best whereever he ends up.

4.) 22 Jul 2024 21:09:03
Been a great servant played more mins than most bar this season - as you say time for a change ??????.

5.) 22 Jul 2024 21:17:02
Agree with your sentiments. Imo he never hid in the treatment room like many others and always tried his best, he was just unfortunately not quite good enough at times.

6.) 22 Jul 2024 21:17:13
Agree on best wishes he's been as good a 2m signing as we've made and until recently always fit and available but like so many time for a change but good luck to him.

7.) 22 Jul 2024 22:16:28
Is it Aris Limassol he is away to they have only spent £3million in around there wage budget is also £120k a week could be wrong but doubt he is away there.

8.) 22 Jul 2024 22:43:09
Form dipped lately lol he's always been mince just a sign of how bad our recruitment been in that area.

9.) 22 Jul 2024 22:55:38
Well said sir. If he wasn’t on such a big wage then we would have probably kept him. Always available. Folk
Saying he was in the decline but most CBs don’t peak till their 30s so I think it was a drop in confidence that led to his poor form the second half of last season.

That said we can get better for that salary. Good luck to him and welcome back anytime ??.

10.) 22 Jul 2024 22:57:01
Aye Goldson was a great signing at the time. Shored up our defence and along with Helander was solid for 55. Not his fault we didn't upgrade when we should have and his form dipped.

To come back from his heart condition and play the amount of games he has is outstanding.

11.) 22 Jul 2024 23:37:05
Think it was more about his kids heart troubles than his ability, guy was probably all over the place mentally, don't think I'd have been able to focus either. Wish him and his well?.

12.) 23 Jul 2024 00:49:11
Nobody think it is only the season he lander stayed fit our defense was solid. We need international class defender.

13.) 23 Jul 2024 06:04:14
Let’s see who we bring in to replace him before we start the eulogies for Goldson !

14.) 23 Jul 2024 06:22:50
Helander made him look better than he was, great servant to the club none the less not his fault he was paid too much
Personally glad to see him go, he must miss a free header once a game in the opposing area but manages to guide them in past our keeper
In all seriousness, it’s finally a new Era at the club once the captain and the vice captain leave, let’s back the team.

15.) 23 Jul 2024 07:22:37
Like the majority on here, i wish big connor goldson all the very best in the rest of his career, if indeed he is leaving rangers ? For the most part of his 6 years with us he's been a good centre half and in general has been a good signing by steven gerrard ? For most of his rangers career, he's always been fit and available for selection?Never hides and is superb at the long diagonal pass out of defence and i still say if he hadn't have got that bad injury in our 7-1 mauling against liverpool at ibrox in the champions league a couple of years ago, we would never have got beaten by as much, as up until his injury he was playing superb and hadn't given the liverpool forwards a sniff, up until he tore his thigh muscle ?So good luck big connor goldson ?.

16.) 23 Jul 2024 08:23:12
For me the problem with Goldson was he was overplayed. 50 games a season for 6 years is a lot of football. Goldson and Tav never really got rotated since they arrived at out club.

17.) 23 Jul 2024 09:42:29
I really think this will come back and haunt us, Tav and Goldson always available. They are technically very good players. Got champions league qualifiers coming up and we don’t look great at all. Our criticism of some of players is shocking, Apparently Cantwell wants away now, he’s getting drove out by his own fans and media. And we all know the type the writes for those rags! Same rats in the SFA and Glasgow council!
Rant over.

18.) 23 Jul 2024 14:39:59
He’s lost a yard but still he best cb at our club. IF he goes we have to recruit someone that’s better.



12 Jul 2024 15:56:44
Does the Sharkey group/ owners have a box at Ibrox right enough?


1.) 12 Jul 2024 17:01:44
Scott and Stephen have a box mate.

2.) 12 Jul 2024 23:47:41
I’m sure Feargal has also.

3.) 13 Jul 2024 06:14:48
Aye a gd box is hard to find.

4.) 13 Jul 2024 10:35:54
We need a shark in the boardroom as they are all jellyfish.



02 Jul 2024 19:49:50
Also looks like we have signed Alfie Hutchison for academy.


1.) 02 Jul 2024 20:40:47
Yes we have stig. Great potential.

2.) 02 jul 2024 22:02:56
think intr said this earlier, hiw good is this boy john, or anyone else who knows?

3.) 02 Jul 2024 22:28:16
He has been a standout for Hearts.




Thestigno1's banter posts with other poster's replies to Thestigno1's banter posts


24 Jul 2024 22:13:25
Not been a great pre season so far with performances and results
I don't think Scott Wright is going anywhere and manager seems to really like him continuing to play him from last season when the manager came in the door and he seems happy enough and trying which is more then some can say

Good to see the young guys get some game time also

I think the main issue is we don't have an identity and we haven't really had one since Gerrard left and PC doesn't seem to have stamped his style in the team and getting them playing the way he wants us to play and this seems to be a problem he hasn't been able to remedy as yet

We all knew this was going to be a huge summer with so many needing to go and so many needed to come in and it's unfortunately going to take time and this isn't going to be an overnight fix

He's also possibly still wanting to have players in the shop window to help move on in this window. Hence why still rotating players

Until he has a squad of his own players we might see some more of the same especially if players know their leaving they won't be wanting to give ? and he won't be able to get them his style

Think it might be a very tough start to the season and it may jeopardise our chance of qualifying unfortunately has a feel about it like the pre season when we faced progrès Niederkorn And were beat
too much going on at the club on and off with the whole stadium issues etc and it's not going to be fixed overnight.


1.) 25 Jul 2024 04:21:14
From what I’ve seen so far I honestly don’t see us beating hearts away in our 1st game of the season.

2.) 25 Jul 2024 06:09:41
Too much player power I think we seen some similar stuff with gio.

3.) 25 Jul 2024 06:27:12
That last night was pretty much like s testimonial i would not read too much into it. Young players and others from the bench that started. Pc will see us alright. He has been stitched up by beale signings, once hd gets those he doesn't want shifted and brings in his own player's things will improve. I've seen preseasons where we win all our games and are terrible in the league and also the reverse of that. So put your knives back please. Remember the early 80s or 2012 and tell mr if this is worse. No its not. The only thing worse i'd the toxicity of our own support when things aren't going well. i'd hate to ever have to rely on some of these people in real life bad situations. Dig in and get ready for the season and stop greetin. The transfer window is open for a good while yet.

4.) 25 Jul 2024 07:36:21
Thestigno1,i totally get where you're coming from regarding scott wright mate, because let's be totally honest here, he's been our best player so far, this pre season ?I'm not saying for one second he should be an automatic starter in our top 11,but he's more talented than given credit for by some and i remember steven gerrard saying when he brought him in from aberdeen, that he had the talent to be a very good player for rangers ? It's consistency regarding scott wright because i'm sure most will agree at times he's looked good in games for us ? Thestigno1 and anyone in general on here would you agree that scott wright looks better one inside position from the wing and more central where he can cause opposition more problems and score a few goals ? I do and think if we do hold onto him, he can play there in certain games for us ? Again only my opinion.

5.) 25 Jul 2024 08:02:02
Nobody’s greetin livi just giving honest opinion. Yeah the transfer window is still open but who wants to buy what’s on offer? And for how much? Can’t bring in players if we don’t sell. We’ve pretty much seen what the starting 11 looks like. Not very good. Once PC gets his own players in could be too late. We have CL qualifiers coming up. No knives out just doesn’t look good is all.



22 Jul 2024 20:33:24

Just been reading through some of you posts on updates etc

What is the deal with Cantwell?
Why is it looking like he is desperate to leave and why is the club looking like we really want rid so fast too

Sorry I know everyone has their own opinion on him but from his point of view and the actual club point of view
Just wandering what has happened there does PC just not like him? And cantwell knows this?

The low ball offer for Matondo I don't think I'd take that just now either how much have we spent on his transfer and his wages so far
We need to recoup this surely.


1.) 22 jul 2024 23:04:00
we have virtually zero chance of recouping the outlay on matondo stig, , unless we get very lucky indeed, the guy is lightening quick but sadly doesn’t possess the quality required, if he did, he would be a frightening talent, really, he would be a very special player indeed if he could control a ball, pick a pass or compose himself, he can’t do those things sadly but he could outrun a cheetah.

2.) 23 Jul 2024 01:34:05
Scott wright is apparently the quickest at Ibrox, both could be excellent assets if they had better decision making or final ball.

3.) 23 Jul 2024 07:03:01
Matondo way faster than scott wright GJD83?Cortes also much quicker than scott wright as was sima ?.

4.) 23 Jul 2024 07:55:28
Don't think Cortes is faster than Wright.

5.) 23 Jul 2024 14:17:43
Tt ??.



22 Jul 2024 12:19:49
First off thanks to everyone who took time to reply and get involved in what turned out to. Be a great discussion last night with a lot of good in depth replys

@John I've just noticed at end of thread you have said it's a shame we can't discuss the potential of new owners without being shot down

I'm not going to shoot you down and it's me asking you if you have heard of that potentially happening at some point?
If so who it potentially could be coming in?

If we can't ask and can't discuss with each other what's the point of the forum?


1.) 22 Jul 2024 12:36:47
There is always a polar opinion stig, regardless, and before you know it, it gets more than debate, just the way it is bud?.

2.) 22 Jul 2024 13:26:16
What’s the secret about new owners as it’s available to see if you search? ✌️.

3.) 22 Jul 2024 13:29:55
Stig 100%, king and couple others want out, out,

West Scotland man wants in as does teddy siga, I’m not sure how reliable second name is.

Also only an opinion Bennett will leave due to abuse he takes. He underwrote million In outlay, but must be sick of the abuse.

4.) 22 Jul 2024 14:41:46
John, maybe it’s time Bennet fix leave the club. I am not doubting his heart is in the right place but what a state we are in with the stadium and the Manager could possibly walk because of false help for transfers? It’s all on his tenure mate✌️.

5.) 22 jul 2024 14:42:52
john, is it the whisky guy whos interested,

i personally like bennet as a businessman and bluenose. maybe he doesn't need the grief he will get from those who don't understand nor care about the actual machinations and responsibility of running a large organisation with very special circumstances, i respect what he's done myself.

6.) 22 Jul 2024 15:26:58
Tom no it is not.

Yateley do you wish to name the west of Scotland business man then, because I've not seen his name anywhere.

7.) 22 Jul 2024 15:58:15
John, I have searched like you always do and can’t find any Scottish business man? That’s you that’s added that, with the billionaire from Israel been mentioned for a while.

8.) 22 Jul 2024 16:00:05
John, what about the Manager? You could understand if he finds himself a new club? Again brought to the club under false pretences.

9.) 22 Jul 2024 18:22:21
Yately just shows not everything that is available

No issue re manager and how do we actually no he was brought to club under false pretences.

10.) 22 Jul 2024 18:48:56
Thanks John I knew king wanted to sell his shares

Still not sure who the main people might be who want in?

Not sure I like the fact a certain brothers have voting rights back ?
They have plenty but only for their own gains

Didn’t think it was public knowledge Yately after trying numerous searches still haven’t seen anyone linked to the club maybe I’m not using thr same search engine as you?

we don’t know if manager was given false promises at the moment he’s still their and we’re still conducting transfers ins and out
Yes we need to be stronger but will wait and see how we look come new season.

11.) 22 Jul 2024 19:04:44
The problem is that any money that goes to buying out the likes of King or Bennett doesn`t go to the club . We would need that person to have the money to do that and then invest more cash in the club. It would need to be a very rich guy or a consortium.

12.) 22 Jul 2024 19:53:03
The stig the brothers don’t have a big enough percentage to make a major impact either way

What I would say about them is they never harmed the club, imo they nailed their flag to the wrong mast, nor did they take a penny in wages

U r correct Wsl.

The individual I know off has the money,

13.) 22 Jul 2024 20:12:10
John, it’s not the brothers or one of them that could end buying king's shares is it?
do they want a bigger percentage?

14.) 22 jul 2024 21:40:09
absolutely john, the easedales git a very rough press.

15.) 22 Jul 2024 22:01:52
King's the biggest shareholder is he not? So if Ron and Reg buy them they will have a say surely? what harm can come of it, as John says they never harmed the club or took a penny.



21 Jul 2024 18:29:18
So guys for a Sunday night debate

A SHORT snippet for the past 10years
Give me your best and honest opinion being a Rangers fan

The team So far whos left the club and who's came in are we any stronger or weaker than we have been past few years?

just out of curiosity what's everyone's thoughts on how our board present and past over the past 10 years have done

all we read and hear is if your negative your not a true supporter or even possibly a Tim
And the so called negative and fans worried about the state of play call out the other half as happy clappers

Where is the middle ground and for everyone to come together and ask when does it get better when will we get it right and have a stress free season where their is no court cases to fight and decent quality signings coming in the door and everyone pushing in the night direction

We've had McCall caxiana warburton Murty Gerrard GVB Beale and now Clement we had mark Allen and Wilson as directors also a few CEO's

We have had numerous players come in a revolving door and we've won one league since coming back up from the depths of Scottish football we've spent a good few quid since coming back up with various directors and players signing on fees wages transfers etc etc

They had had chances of winning titles and cups and ? the bed on more than a few occasions

Gerrard eventually had our main rivals on the rocks board wouldn't back him and we spent money on Edmiston house and we now also have the woes of Ibrox not going to be ready for new season

We also had the whole Australian friendly fiasco and Hummel court case

Celtic on route to title 55 this coming and season some want to happy clap some want to vent our worries and frustrations

What's the overall consensus and conclusions to our club are we just an overinflated Aberdeen with a bigger stadium and bigger wage outlay

Or can we make our club great again and if so is the right people in place to make it happen?


1.) 21 Jul 2024 19:20:55
If you consider our journey as a bell curve we peaked under Gerrard, enjoyed the curve via Gio and then have been on the decline from the Europa final.

The team today (which should be confused with the team on the 1st of September) is really weak, probably on par with what Gerrard inherited.

I think PC has a chance of starting his own bell curve however, in my opinion we’re seasons off match Gerrard peak.

I like the fact PC seems to have one eye on the future with a number of younger players signed, I really hope this can be mixed with a number of experienced first team players, even if this is 23 and 24 year older rather than 32 year olds. The point I’m making is experience doesn’t always relate to players at the end of their careers.

2.) 21 Jul 2024 19:54:25
Most galling thing in the past 10 years, we done all the co-efficient groundwork and the mob got all the benefits, not surprising about "tim" accusations with the influx of "new" posters stirring up?. On top of all that it's as if we have struggled to get a proper structure in place, medical, development, player turnover, sacking managers and support staff (cost) . Maximising investment streams, wages cost, there more, think focus needs to be to get us on a sure footing, this won't happen overnight, it will take time, we may have to just lump it, because we won't like it.

3.) 21 Jul 2024 20:13:00
For our club to get back to former glories we need to see change at Board level. This is not just about the need for new investment, it is about new ideas, younger non executives and arguably a change in the way the entire club is run.
I sincerely believe that appointing Park as Chairman was the single biggest mistake that we have made since we returned from the doldrums. During his tenure as Chairman he was more interested in protecting his own Business than taking rangers forward and we are still suffering today.
I would ask exactly what a number of the current Board bring to the club. There is no room for sentiment in football just like any other Business and I would question exactly what Johnson, Park Jnr and Taylor bring to the Board.

We are also running without a CEO and while questions remain about the previous CEO, questions need to be asked about his predecessor and indeed about Wilson, the previous DoF and about Park the Chief Scout. (I suspect that he was involved in helping Beale bring in the players that we are now struggling to get rid of.
One last comment, communication from the Board is abysmal. Are we really saying that no one on the Board was overseeing the significant investment in the stand work, if that was the case then we really need to ask whether the non Execs are actually doing the job that they are supposed to do. It looks to me as though they are just not what we need to move the club forward.

4.) 21 Jul 2024 20:24:05
Stig not sure if that is a serious post or your on the sauce.

5.) 21 Jul 2024 20:32:49
You can’t expect the club to keep letting sg spend money and no sell. He won 1 trophy in 3 and half year and spent plenty.

6.) 21 Jul 2024 20:49:50
I think, personally, this is the worst group of players playing the worst brand of football since Caxinha and only his time at the club has been worse than where we are now (since 2012). Arguably there are players from the Championship winning team who would walk into this side (like Miller for example) .

I look at players like, for example: Helander, Morelos, Roofe, Defoe, Miller, Candeais, Aribo, Kamara, Patterson, McGregor, Bassey off the top of my head so would all play in this team. Arguably the likes of Windass, Holliday and McKay offer more than players like Wright, Matondo, Cantwell and Lawrence.

We rarely produce players through our youth setup and when we do they don't get a chance (like McCrorie) or get hounded by sections of our fans (like McAusland) and our transfer record for the most part is abysmal.

I think we're a million miles behind our rivals who don't even need to be good to beat us consistently.

In short, we're going through a bad period but we need to stick by the team and hope the pets that be can get their rubbish together with we can start making progress. I think it's going to take a while.

7.) 21 Jul 2024 21:03:48
Ridiculous to say this team is as weak as the 1 sg inherited
Butland/ Bell
Soitter/ bates
Diomande/ law
Yilmaz/ John
Barron/ holt
Yes this team is poor but nowhere near the 1 you referred to.

8.) 21 Jul 2024 21:28:59
@ Raskin not just about Gerrard just the club in general and how it’s been run over the last 10 or so years and where we’re currently and where we are headed

A lot of great reply’s above from posters serious about the club and telling how they feel it is which I totally respect

@John think you will see from some reply’s it’s a serious question and posters here want to get involved and give their true overall feelings

I’m totally 100% agreeing with Berkshire and his very in depth and informative reply

@Fork also another good reply and agree it does look like it’s going to take time is the right people in the right place
Or is Berkshire 100% correct in what he thinks?

John what’s your thoughts on the past 10 years remember you have said on a few occasions now worrying times ahead why do you think that?
Are the right people at the club to make the club move forward we all crave for and bring the success we crave?

9.) 21 Jul 2024 21:41:31
Honestly one Walter, pretty much everything you say is ridiculous on here, you are brutal.

How about you try in participate in the conversation rather than making pointless statements.

10.) 21 Jul 2024 21:50:28
Sting no problem. Too many questions for me.

11.) 21 Jul 2024 21:50:50
What he said made perfect sense.

12.) 21 Jul 2024 21:58:24
Sting re worrying time go back last season when I said this

I was told I was simply an apologist for the board and as some decided as I was rich. There words because I sold a property abroad I was not entitled to a view and should not be on this site

I think some would agree we r experiencing worrying times. However I respect people’s opinions I’m not entitled to say why so hey ho.

13.) 21 Jul 2024 22:34:58
Dado you said this team is poorer than the sg team he inherited. That's a ridiculous statement.

14.) 21 jul 2024 22:46:50
sorry dado, i don't see anything at all wrong with one walters post, not a thing, all correct and it is ridiculous to say this team is worse than gerrard had when he came in.

15.) 21 Jul 2024 22:53:22
@dado sorry thought I had also said In my reply in my post thanks for your reply also mate
Also agree with you that Pc has an eh on the future and the fact older age doesn’t always necessarily mean more experience

I think we are a good way off it just now and it will take some time

Are we hoping or do we know the correct people in charge are the night people and will get us back on track and back to a winning successful club in a whole
Winning more trophies more often
Or will we stay in the trajectory of winning the odd title and cup every few or more seasons apart?

16.) 21 Jul 2024 23:01:39
The last 10years have been a rollercoaster ride, and tbh I don’t see that changing in the short term.
I don’t foresee any new owner speeding in with a bottomless pit of money. We have what we have in terms of directors (who I do believe have the club’s well being at heart) .
Our European adventures over the past 5-6 years have been a joy and show that we can be competitive at a good level (Europa), and last season we really did have the league in our own hands with less than 10 games to go.
Where we have to get better is in generating better funding from a player trading model (easier said than done) . Means more Basseys and Patersons coupled with knowing when to move players on (Morelos and Kent to name a few) . That generates confidence in the club, the market, potential investors and ultimately attracts a better quality of player. There are plenty of examples of ‘smaller’ clubs like Copenhagen, Czech sides like Slavia and others who have thrived at a good level. No reason why we cannot ever match and exceed.

17.) 21 Jul 2024 23:13:35
@Fork another part of your post I totally agree with fork which is a biggy we have done all the groundwork for Scottish football on the co-efficiency and our biggest rivals have gained the most out of it by wing the league title and getting into champions league
And the money that comes with it
Very well pointed out mate goes without saying but that has been a big lift for our rivals bank balance and pull on players.

18.) 21 Jul 2024 23:27:05
John not sure how or why but I never read or seen these comments made to you nor did I read about any houses abroad etc etc don’t see how that relates to anyone on here or why it should stop you posting your opinions?
But for someone like your self who’s been on the site a fair bit and long time you know as well as everyone else everyone has a right to their opinion mate
And as one who gets or knows info you should be able to answer the.

19.) 21 Jul 2024 23:29:13
We never start a season with a clean slate, far too many gremlins in the background. We will continue to have problems on the park until we finally sort out the other rubbish which is holding us back.

20.) 21 Jul 2024 23:38:07
Sorry John hit send to quickly

Bottom line your opinion counts as much as everyone else’s and for some one being on the site so long and knows the ins and outs of the club should be able to give your opinion without anyone else bothering you on what they think

As some have said we haven’t been great we haven’t got it right a lot of the time players have let us down we have picked some wrong managers given them funds to spend when we shouldn’t have given players wages way beyond their current level of ability

And we have set the bed on occasions when we have had the opportunity to get ahead of Celtic

John if you think you have been a good poster and give a lot to the site then don’t hold back and give your honest opinions mate we’re all here to debate and give our opinions so debate away

@Raskin I agree Gerrard did spend plenty I said so myself on many occasions but when we won 55 we had the opportunity I believe as did many others that we could have strengthened again and possibly went on to win 56 instead we spent money elsewhere and Gerrard didn’t feel backed enough when we did finally have the upper hand and he walked

If you disagree give your reasoning behind it and your opinions on where we are and where we are heard i'm honestly eager to know

And from anyone else who hasn’t got involved yet
after all we’re all Rangers fans and we’re on a tipping point of our biggest rivals equaling and possibly may go further and beat our records of title wins.

21.) 21 Jul 2024 23:43:36
Apart from the fact onewalter that half the players u mentioned weren't in the squad SG inherited I think he has a point. Wallace Wilson Martin Candeias Waghorn Miller Windass a younger Jack, Tav and Morelos and others would certainly push for place in this squad if not start. The way we've been run and let down the past decade since return has been pathetic and still a lot needs put right. Apart from PC signings, Butland Sterling and maybe Yilmaz and Danilo would quite happily ditch all the rest.

22.) 21 Jul 2024 23:52:48
@Macnaughten good reply and totally agree ? thanks for another great reply.

23.) 21 Jul 2024 23:55:09
@portger again agree always something happening in the background not sure when and how we stop it from happening and function like the professional club we’re supposed to be always a fight or hiccup somewhere along the line and every club has them just us more often than many others atleast that how it feels.

24.) 22 Jul 2024 00:41:26
Then why not pull players like Alves / Cardoso in against Soutter / Balogun? Or Dimonde v a young fit Ryan Jack? Perhaps Candeias v Matondo or Wright (remember Coates isn’t ours), lastly what about Morelos v Dessers? A fit Tav 7 year younger?

I’ll tell you why, it does fit his argument / angenda and rather than make a point for discussion you have a go at another poster.

25.) 22 Jul 2024 00:42:58
And Nicky Law wasn’t even a rangers player with Gerrard took over for Christ sake.

26.) 22 Jul 2024 01:52:00
Good question stig. I feel we've tried to buy our way to titles which clearly isn't working, probably the one thing we can all agree on that it isn't working no matter which way you look at it. We obviously need to try doing it another way and imo the only way is to plan for the future, I get it will be hard for us fans, but we can't keep throwing money at it, we aren't in a position to. One of the major things we need to get right is our ability to buy cheap sell high, as outwith europe it's the one place if you get it right, it can help us to where we want to be. Tbh Berkshire has covered most of what I think about the board, it totally needs shaken up. I was there to witness 9 in a row, what a time it was to be a bear, I honestly feel for the younger generation that they've never witnessed success like that, but it's also hard for us that did witness it, to be so starved of success after being so successful. I'll never stop believing that we'll see those days again, success swings on roundabouts, it's heartbreaking when the roundabout hasn't swung your way. It will take time, hard work, the right ppl/ players in position, a good well run business model for us to get back to where we belong, but if anyone can do it, we can!

27.) 22 Jul 2024 05:20:03
Peaked under gerrard he won 1 trophy out of possible 9.crazy really. We got it wrong from the very start bringing in kyle sandaza ian black etc all on big wages. Even in 3rd div we has 2nd largest wage bill. Weve lost money every single season. Pretty sure we still have some directors loans to pay back.

28.) 22 Jul 2024 06:08:59
we have to admit the other side of the city are better run they spent
small under postage stamp we laughef
they need a rebuild they win the league poastage leaves they take back brenda they gave us the chsnce
to win the league lack of striker
among others we handed them league
and champ league money while we scambke to shift players but at end of the day we will still be bluenose
its our DNA.

29.) 22 Jul 2024 06:25:04
Dado I'm not having a go at a poster merely disagreeing that the team now is poorer or on a par with the team sg inherited that had Alnwick Martin alaves tav and halliday Goss rossiter Hodson Cummings holt and windlass now u may not agree so just say so.

30.) 22 Jul 2024 08:41:05
What in God's name is being rich or selling a property abroad got to do with this thread? Did you just throw that in for affect? ???.

31.) 22 Jul 2024 09:15:59
No comparisons with past teams I just think our current team isn’t very good. Not saying we won’t bring in some decent players before end of window but what we currently have isn’t great except for a few. We need some big changes before we can say we have a decent team. Just my opinion.

32.) 22 Jul 2024 11:54:10
Sunshine no, simple I’m told by some on here I’m not allowed an opinion, aeveect has nothing to do with it, u can sell a property for 30k

It’s a pity we can’t discuss potential new owners, etc without being shot down

But as plenty say we can read it when things happen.

33.) 22 Jul 2024 11:55:12
I tend to agree we r not great Azul, hopefully get four or five in by qualifying.

34.) 22 Jul 2024 12:35:01
Was this said recently John? Ooft, storm must of been raging ??
(Joke storm)

35.) 22 Jul 2024 12:42:47
Jfm63 was subject to something similar earlier in the year, led to him stepping back for a while, though gd to see him posting again ?.



21 Jul 2024 12:24:57
Tavernier possibly going to have a few clubs in a bidding war hopefully which would benefit us
What we thinking north of 4.5m starting bid?


1.) 21 Jul 2024 12:39:33
Is there such a thing as a bidding war in relation to the transfer fee? My understanding is the fee is set although there may be some variance in the structure of payments. The bidding war tends to relate to the contract and terms of employment.

I’d say £4m+ is a good fee for him.

I still really hope for him personally he can get some of that Saudi money.

2.) 21 Jul 2024 13:20:21
My fee would be £5m if there’s a few clubs involved definitely £5m.

Think 4s a good price but we need to maximise fee’s not just take what’s fair.

3.) 21 jul 2024 13:39:56
quite incredible that some, “ not all “ want that sort of money fir a 3rd rate defender at 32 yrs of age who simply doesn't know how to defend but sometimes hits a cracking deadball, but is equally likely to hit the first man or the corner flag, but can't see the logic in paying the same money fir a 17 yr old prodigy who, “ could” possibly bring us much value in the future, , again i believe we need to find a who new defence, but barron and miller could easily be our midfield along with diamonde or another experienced hand beside them, take what you can fir goldson the coward and tav and move forward, or watch celtic laugh at them for another year.

4.) 21 Jul 2024 14:01:32
Any money for me is a bonus. For Tavs sake I hope he gets a good move.

5.) 21 Jul 2024 14:17:32
That prodigy with very little goals or assists from midfield would fit in with the rest who struggle to score or assist from midfield in our team. Tidy player but a would rather we got some proven midfielders with numbers than another Jake hastie type signing. Two bad games and you will be calling him a sand dancer tom.

6.) 21 Jul 2024 17:17:28
We are skint and the world knows it. We will get 2.5-3 mill.




Thestigno1's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 11:06:08
Think it is Aris to be honest

Cifuentes away to Thessaloniki.




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25 Jul 2024 10:17:23
Wonder who the controversial one could be ??
That could be interesting.




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24 Jul 2024 19:25:52
Yeah seems all rumours were true about Goldson having a medical for Aris Limassol.




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24 Jul 2024 19:25:11
Seen this earlier storm a loan deal.
don’t know much about him to be honest.




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24 Jul 2024 13:43:59
Think it’s 6 percent we pay on the loan and we have about 5 years left to pay maybe around 7 million left of the £13 million loan he gave us

Not sure about the overdraft facility he also gave us of £10 million

Maybe some else can clarify.





Thestigno1's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 10:28:55
Talking about player unrest

I heard Connor Goldson is now in that camp along with Players like Hagi lammers and cantwell
Heard Goldson is very unhappy and can’t wait to leave
Anyone know if any truth the Goldson one?

And if it is true why - is their going to be a problem with the manger going forward?




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25 Jul 2024 10:22:42
Paul I attend to agree with you on Diomande not seen anything from him at all looks very light weight on ball
Sometimes I wonder where we find them from.




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23 Jul 2024 18:57:03
I think not everyone can be wrong from the rumour in here and all over socials that he went for a medical and possibly has turned them down or has came back to think it over more?

Unless the picture of him was a made up lot of bull everyone fell for ?

Either way I think he’s away before window closes.




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23 Jul 2024 15:06:54
Has he not had a few different positions
A 10 playmaker through middle behind Dessers
An 11 i'm sure he’s played left once atleast. Could be wrong someone clarify?
and a 7 on the right? A few times.




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22 Jul 2024 20:12:10
John, it’s not the brothers or one of them that could end buying king's shares is it?
do they want a bigger percentage?




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