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28 Jul 2021 23:10:12
Charlie McCann to sign apparently going by papers - 19 years old - deep sitting midfielder - 12 months on contract so small fee required to pay to Man Utd - meant to be decent played U16's for England before switching to Ireland - Stevie G must see something in him and could be good for us in the future 🇬🇧.


1.) 29 Jul 2021 06:35:28
Described by United fans as a cross between Carrick and Paul Scholes and there has been calls to have him involved with 1st for past 12 months.
Not sure if we plan to use him in our B team while he trains with 1st team but if we are paying compensation fee I would imagine he will be on fringes of 1st team with chance to see what he can do in cup games etc
Sounds like another astute piece of business by scouting team tbh, little outlay for potentially a 1st team future star.

2.) 29 Jul 2021 07:27:57
Yep should go through. I wrote a few weeks ago we were bringing in about six young lads to bolster youth team
That’s three already
Was shout done as is usual.

3.) 29 Jul 2021 07:41:44
Glasgow my info initially B team.

4.) 29 Jul 2021 08:18:31
So from knocking on the door of Man U 1st team, to playing Civil Service Strollers (no offence)
That's a step forward for the lad?

5.) 29 Jul 2021 08:50:24
Bar no where near knocking on door at Man U.

6.) 29 Jul 2021 09:04:04
I agree bar72 there’s no way this kid is going to the B team.

7.) 29 Jul 2021 09:10:01
Yeah I don’t see him coming to play lowland league football when he could likely get a game every week in the championship.
If he comes, for me someone may be leaving like arfield maybe? Or Kelly on loan. I think we’re now 1 heavy in centre mid as it is the afoborh comes back aswell so to sign a lad on the fringes of utd’s squad he ain’t going back the way.

8.) 29 Jul 2021 09:57:45
Think he will be in 1st team squad. Agreed no way he's coming for lowland league.

9.) 29 Jul 2021 10:53:54
Played in same England under16 squad as my grandson, it was Roy Keane who convinced him to go to Eire under 19.

10.) 29 Jul 2021 12:25:41
Aye he comes from Coventry apparently John.

11.) 29 Jul 2021 12:47:37
Correct, he played with Coventry before man United signed him. Good footballer.

12.) 29 Jul 2021 12:48:57
Highland bear what makes think mcann won’t go to b team mate.

13.) 29 Jul 2021 13:05:44
Most utd fans I've spoke to have never heard of the kid up until now he's being linked with Rangers! So don't know where the Carrick and Scholes comparisons are coming from! Doesn't mean he's not a baller and the scouts at ibrox know what their doing! But wee getting carried away here! He's a future talent, won't really see him this year!

14.) 29 Jul 2021 13:45:08
Paul, why u think he is ready for first team squad.

15.) 29 Jul 2021 20:20:05
I don’t know much about the boy John I’ll put my hands up but lowland league is on par with highland league up here I played it myself 20 years ago it’s character building but it’s not where top young players go to build careers if you wined up there you’re probably going to be a journeyman player at best! If the B team were playing in league 1 or even maybe 2 I’d say yeah why not but from Man Utd reserve’s to non league is to big a step down regardless if it’s short term or not, it’s only my opinion but I’ve also seen recently that Gerrard is very keen to land this kid so I think he’s probably going to the first team.

16.) 29 Jul 2021 20:23:07
Adam I could be wrong but I believe that comparison came from Roy Keane when he was trying to get the boy to play for the republic.




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13 Jul 2024 23:16:15
Sell before we buy statement

Totally get this as we need to be sensible but what worries me is how desirable to other clubs are the players we expect to move on - Dessers (divides opinion) Lammers (most people thought he was awful) Lawrence (decent but speed injuries may prevent big fee) Wright (obvious reasons) tav goldson (both getting on now slowing) Davies (too small but can play well at times) Hagi (overhyped) - hardly an all star list of players other clubs want to splash cash on - maybe Stevie g will help us out and take tav and goldson for a good fee - the rest may not be easy to shift for example who in their right mind would want to pay millions for hagi or Davies - I think if we shift them big PC will build us some team for years to come - we need to give him the tools though and move on the dead wood ????? ??.


1.) 14 Jul 2024 01:42:08
6ft 1 too small lol. Aye OK. And martinez of man united proves you don't have to be tall anyway to be a good centre back.

2.) 14 Jul 2024 07:18:06
Davies is not too small.

3.) 14 Jul 2024 07:48:10
You get the point OT well hopefully you understand anyway - bottom line is those players listed are guff and will be hard to move on for the money needed - like how you pull out one comment about 6’1 aye very good - regardless Davies is unlikely to attract anyone willing to spend a big fee on him whether 6’1’ (just like Martinez ?) next you’ll be mentioning cannavaro or he is 6 ft 8 - need to shift them - biggest worry for me would be PC leaving over this but his comments suggest here for the long term (really hope so) ??????.

4.) 14 Jul 2024 07:52:41
Aye ok storm who cares you get the point the guy is not even 6’1 but regardless he has not exactly been a CB we can rely on or who most fans would be happy with as our starting CB for next season and is on big wages so needs to go along with the others listed - maybe you want to keep the giant CB that is Davies who is always available to play and is the tough tackling dominant CB we need but I feel we can get better for the wages he is on ??????.



18 May 2024 11:48:59
Jack and Sima on bench today and Fraser starting - still king Davies at back ??????.


1.) 18 May 2024 11:52:38
Wrong team selection for me, what if we get players injured or suspended for next week, the game is meaningless so play a lot of the young boys.

2.) 18 May 2024 12:42:23
Great to see sima on bench.

Stuz it isn’t really the wrong team if we put b team out and got pumped we would have people on here wanting PC sacked.

3.) 18 May 2024 13:29:38
Storm, it doesn't matter, remember not long ago when we beat hearts at tyncastle with basically our b team, we're getting beat just now, how do you think that'll affect the team for next week, they'll be even more low on confidence and next week is a must win game.



22 Feb 2024 13:31:58
Union SG keeper Anthony Moris said :

When asked about the loudest atmosphere in his career, the 33-year-old had no hesitation recalling his trip to Ibrox. He said: "For me, the very best atmosphere I have ever experienced was the match against Rangers at Ibrox. I even had to take paracetamol after the game because I had such a huge headache due to the noise.

High praise indeed. Best atmosphere bar none. Love it ??????.


1.) 22 Feb 2024 19:49:13
Gary Neville the same .

2.) 24 Feb 2024 20:16:35
Jude Bellingham said something also.



14 Dec 2023 07:47:56
Tonight's team - Butland tav goldson souttar BB Lunny Sterling sima Lammers (matondo or wright) (dessers or roofe) - not sure if Jack is back or if rice comes into midfield or if roofe can play in Europe but team must be along these lines with such few options - thinking we will draw but so will Sparta and we will go through - suppose aris win at home and we are through and it is possible as a 2 goal win for them maybe puts them into conf league - anyway looking forward to it as always ??????.


1.) 14 Dec 2023 08:19:39

2.) 14 Dec 2023 10:05:43

3.) 14 Dec 2023 10:27:48
Yes bigtel.

4.) 14 Dec 2023 10:36:12
Tel imo Cifu a cert to start.

5.) 14 Dec 2023 11:31:20
Probably be bb at lb and Lammers behind Dessers.

6.) 14 Dec 2023 11:33:50
I’d be surprised if McCausland was in the starting eleven,? I would imagine PC would play an extra defender, McCausland on the bench. ?

7.) 14 Dec 2023 13:38:00
Cifuentes and Lunny CDM
Lammers CAM

I think that will be the team tonight as I don’t see anyone else we could play in the CAM

I would like Sima through middle with Matondo and McAusland out wide but don’t think he will start with that although could switch to that later on.

8.) 14 Dec 2023 15:11:57
Did Jack travel with the team?

9.) 14 Dec 2023 16:14:12
Great I forgot cifuentes was only out for Sunday bonus him and Lunny will be cdm’s ??????.



17 Jul 2023 13:19:39
So Wright apparently away 500k to Turkey - decent business - that is 20 players in total away including several youth players who were released - so definitely space for another 3-5 signings before window closes especially if kamara goes which should happen as he will not likely get in the team the way things are shaping up - honestly not sure of the new players brought in as never seen them play but if Cantwell and raskin anything to go by we should have a very good team and bench for the season ahead ??????.


1.) 17 Jul 2023 13:40:35
We still need to shed kamara sakala lunny ( if don't sign extention) and talks of mccrorie. Borna poss then ir wage bill will be back to managable level.

2.) 17 Jul 2023 14:05:09
It’s money we want in not worry about wages we’ve got a good few off wage bill recently it’s manageable.

3.) 17 Jul 2023 14:42:47
I wouldn’t count youth as part of our set up. They are not being developed for the first team. Devine, Lowry and King will be out on Loan and as you know McCorrie will be away.

4.) 17 Jul 2023 16:11:14
So who’s set up are they part of windy?

5.) 17 Jul 2023 18:29:51
Mate there are our youth I was being flippant. Any youth going or even b team I don’t believe it affects the first team. Please highlight a major first team regular from youth or B. Feck sake Patterson wasn’t even playing l.




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27 Jul 2024 00:02:21
Surely not though would love it to be true ??????.




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26 Jul 2024 16:41:35
I agree laudruphagi - has to go - nice signing today - get a new CB (2 would be a dream) ST and a CM and we will be in a better place - going to take time and feel CL may be too early for us but let’s see ??????.




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25 Jul 2024 16:23:42
Don’t care who signs him as long as I don’t need to see him flicking his hair behind his ear twenty times a game ??????.




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25 Jul 2024 06:58:23
Good read Sydney ??????.




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24 Jul 2024 12:39:40
Wright must go ??????.





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27 Jul 2024 00:03:33
All 3 not the standard required - all very poor imo ??????.




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26 Jul 2024 19:09:45
Watp they brought on about 10 subs that’s what I meant as that is when wright scored - started first team didn’t finish with it ??????.




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26 Jul 2024 16:32:29
Agreed Wright must go so what he scored against Birmingham 2nd string - have we not seen this guy enough to know he is not rangers quality - he stays I’m worried unless he is nothing more than a sub when we are already 2/ 3 up ??????.




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25 Jul 2024 07:08:01
Difficult job for PC lot of players to get out and several to come in / have come in / last night no goldson or Cantwell who may have started / not saying they are great but we don’t have depth currently to replace them and we also still have guys like matondo and dessers maybe even Danilo playing who are poor more than good / once 4/ 5 players come in I believe PC will do well for us / biggest rebuild for some time and all our key beale signings need to go / a hard job for the big man and he needs our backing ??????.




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24 Jul 2024 13:46:13
Yes on rangers tv I believe if not try fawanews ??????.




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