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26 Jul 2024 00:38:00
I can't keep up with the transfer business like you chaps, so I'll wait for the kick off and like all of you follow, follow. As if we have a choice. So buckle up, drink lots of fluids, let's get on with it.


1.) 26 Jul 2024 10:28:55
Same here Parlane, so many names mentioned/ rumoured, we could have signed 3 teams already. like you I will wait till kick off and hope things make some sense.



24 Jul 2024 00:39:24
For the life of me I cannot understand people who are happy to see Tav and Goldson in our team this season. We really need to move on with new blood in in there . Players who have no fear . Not a captain and vice captain who cack their pants whenever they're confronted by green and grey hoops.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 02:52:57
Problem is someone needs to buy them. It’s easy to suggest they aren’t good enough past it etc but then want someone to come in and buy 2 players who aren’t good enough. It’s a tough one.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 06:46:30
All the players listed on this site as being surplus to requirements would mean we would need to sell/ move on about another 9 or 10 players minimum. That just ain’t going to happen over one window. Like it or not a big chunk of those players will be here for first half of the season at least.
Another 3 or 4 ins and outs with a net reduction in wage bill would be best we will see this window.

3.) 24 Jul 2024 07:00:50
Be more than 3/ 4 players leaving and will be over that coming in 64blue.

4.) 24 Jul 2024 07:01:53
We need Lammers Goldson Tavernier Hagi leaving just to get the ball rolling.

5.) 24 Jul 2024 07:35:41
Problem is if they don't get wages matched (lammers) they won't go, Tav and Goldsons performance at season end and hagi being poor also hindering potential suitors, agree Star need them gone. ?.

6.) 24 Jul 2024 07:47:18
Fork don't have a problem with that mate contacted players, some do need to understand Lammers dropped his salary signing for us and if not offered what he got he'd never sign.

7.) 24 Jul 2024 07:47:47
We're our own worst enemy as a club. We offer stupid wages and then can't shift any player unless they walk away for nothing at the end of their contract.

8.) 24 Jul 2024 11:40:09
Mystar, why do we need to understand that he dropped his wages to sign for us? You make it sound like he done us a right good turn, the boy scored 7 goals in 2 years, probably couldn't believe his luck someone else was willing to him what we were paying him after a pitiful 2 years stint. I get he's contracted to us so doesn't need to go anywhere, but if he thinks some team should pay him close to what he's on, he's delusional, he's basically failed everywhere he's been. I think if he's smart he'll dig his heels in as he will never be on wages like that again, rightly so he ain't nearly worth it.

9.) 24 Jul 2024 12:24:41
Boy blue irs really simple, Lammers took a pay cut to join rangers.

My star points this out as do others,

Therefore for u and others who say players will never take a pay cut are talking nonsense.



02 Jul 2024 17:46:39
Before we start this is a joke. That was a dessers moment.




02 Jul 2024 17:16:20
Hagis got a johnny on his head! Anyway I'm going for thNetherlands, purely in memory of the maestro Johan Cruyff.


1.) 02 Jul 2024 17:57:16
Spotted the Johnny bunnet soon as he came back on ? not a good look ?‍♂️ still playing well though must be the added layer of protection ???.

2.) 02 Jul 2024 18:44:52
If that's protection his Mrs will be pregnant, a lot. ?.

3.) 02 jul 2024 19:36:28
in croatia you get fruit in those things, no good as a hat though.

4.) 02 Jul 2024 20:51:48
Fork, that's why she calls him Tagi ?.

5.) 02 Jul 2024 21:12:10
Plums Tom ?.

6.) 02 Jul 2024 21:57:27
?Big D?.

7.) 02 Jul 2024 22:04:17
Hagi looked like a Gregg's worker.



01 Jul 2024 18:47:13
McCausland on for Belgium.





Parlane0's rumour replies


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03 Jun 2024 22:34:46
Do you have to pay to be a member of the Tav out brigade? Or can you just see a player way past his best and seem to be unable to fill his team mates and supporters with any kind of confidence.




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03 Jun 2024 22:19:21
Defending and giving a Captains pressers would be a bonus.





Parlane0's banter replies


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18 Jul 2024 15:19:02
TT is Modrics dad. The clues are there . Croatia, Tom thumb = small, it's obvious.




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18 Jul 2024 14:19:31
Come on white horse. We've been over this before mate. I'm Spartacus, the dimple on my chin proves it.




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13 Jul 2024 10:56:35
Gaun dinnae no dae that!




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06 Jul 2024 17:00:48
I have trouble eating toblerone Dado. So I'm going for Lindt lindor. Little balls of chocolate joy.




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30 Jun 2024 21:23:26
Tongue in cheek boy blue. Was called out for not not supporting England. But I'll carry on regardless.




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