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11 Jan 2024 10:25:46
Many have probably seen on Twitter/ X but apparently parting ways with Castore from next season.


1.) 11 Jan 2024 10:36:59
If we are indeed parting ways with castore as our kit manufacturers who are we possibly going to replace them with as our new kit makers Big dado?It won't be next season if at all mate, as we've one more year to run in our deal with castore, so it would need to be the season after next if at all ie.25/ 26 season ?.

2.) 11 Jan 2024 10:45:41
See villa are finishing with them and going with Adidas next year. I'd love a nice Nike kit or something again.

3.) 11 Jan 2024 10:51:21
Personally and this is only my own personal opinion, i think we'll stay with castore as our kit manufacturers for the foreseeable future and sign an extension with them beyond our original/ current 5 year deal we signed with them as our kit makers in 2020? Where did you actually see that BigDado ?.

4.) 11 Jan 2024 10:53:18
Supposedly from 24/ 25 mate. Unsure of any more details on why early termination. But imo overpriced, cheap stuff and designs not the best but i presume its maybe not as lucrative as the club would like. Newcastle and Villa binned them also. As for replacement that is anyones guess. Hopefully nike/ adidas.

5.) 11 Jan 2024 10:55:47
Won’t lie I liked the majority of castors kits. If we are getting more money from someone else then ye let’s move but if not then I’d happily stick out with castore while they become a bigger and better kit supplier.

6.) 11 Jan 2024 10:55:52
A bit of advice for everyone. Check which X/ Twitter accounts are posting stuff like this before you tell people. I also seen this too earlier, but from an account kidding on they are a Journalist.

Just a fake story.

7.) 11 Jan 2024 11:27:38
I don't have twitter Chasni just got forwarded it. didn't think of it as something that would be big enough news to lie about. Apologies if nonsense.

8.) 11 Jan 2024 11:37:37
I don't think we will be, castore do a lot more than make pur kits, rangers needed castore to basically do the selling of kits etc to, nike adidas etc won't do that for us, we need to change our comercial operations quite a bit if we changed from Castore.

9.) 11 Jan 2024 11:39:48
Chasni, or post what you like, as and when you see it, so it can spark a friendly debate or conversation. As the name of the site suggests, it’s for rumours. And not all rumours are true and if someone wants to post something they saw on twitter to spark a debate or conversation then so be it.

10.) 11 Jan 2024 12:14:57
Nike or Adidas please?.

11.) 11 Jan 2024 12:20:58
Hopefully. They have been terrible. Upside down badge to villas kits absorbing all th water ?.

12.) 11 Jan 2024 12:46:17
Never had any problems with any Castore gear I`ve bought, always good quality. Don`t see any need to change except if a new company were offering the club more money . Anybody that thinks strips from the big boys would be cheaper are kidding themselves and have a look at some of the EPL second and third strips, you wold think the designers were on crack. I follow Arsenal down south and the yellow top with the black squiggly lines which is "modelled on the area that they come from ", is just horrendous.

13.) 11 Jan 2024 13:21:34
I think castore have done great with rangers
The choice of kit and accessories is amazing.
Personally I don’t buy kits anymore n haven't for a number of years.
However I think they’ve been a good supplier and the deal is a good one for us financially
Obviously when it’s up for renewal it will be even worth even more to us.

Personally I’d love Nike.
But it’s all about whoever offers the best financial deal and can keep up with demand.

14.) 11 Jan 2024 13:56:01
Castore have been miles better than anything we’ve had since going down the divisions. I like the stuff and think in general the designs have been good with lots of variety.

15.) 11 Jan 2024 14:46:33
Chasni, people don’t need to check where it comes from.
I hope we get rid of castore been poor IMO.

Coops, he tells you on his very 1st post where it came from.

16.) 11 Jan 2024 16:39:03
We've got one season left with Castore which we'll see out. we're still being sued by Elite/ Hummel for money.

17.) 11 Jan 2024 17:38:24
Would prefer to go elsewhere, top design is hit and miss, the Gold lettered one was okay but would prefer a new slant on our kit.

18.) 11 Jan 2024 17:42:10
Honestly thought addidas done some of our best strip for some of our best players, mcoist, Laudrup, the hammer gazza too name a few, all great memories, tho loved some nike ones, well made.

19.) 11 Jan 2024 18:44:04
Castore are the first strips I've never bought for my son and I, from what I've seen in the store and friends shirts, think the quality is poor for the price.

20.) 11 Jan 2024 18:50:14
Personally I don't mind who manufacturers our kits, for me it is all about who gives us the best deal commercially. It's all about who gives us the most money and considering that they will have exposure to Europe every season we need to see an increase irrespective of the Brand.

21.) 11 Jan 2024 19:16:32
I have loved the Castore kits tbh. What I also like is the huge selection they bring out each season. You used to only get 3 tops and a training kit but they bring out 2 training kits, 2 leisure kits, travel wear, hoodies, gilets, various jackets etc etc every season. It means we have plenty of choice and although expensive they always go down to half price or less in November so I buy the tops when they come out and other stuff later on in the year.

The Nike and Adidas kits are 1 big template every team has in their own colours and it’s far more expensive the Nike club tracksuits are £200 as I buy Liverpool, PSG and Barcelona stuff and it’s much more expensive tbh.
All those comments are from a buyers point of view but whatever is best financially for club is what matters at end of day.

22.) 11 Jan 2024 19:27:11
I already said this last year. Puma will be our manufacturers next year. let's be honest Castore gear is pish!

23.) 11 Jan 2024 20:13:46
Johannes, what makes you think puma will take over from castore and become our kit manufacturers again mate ? I personally can't see it and we will definitely complete our 5 year deal with castore, of that i've no doubt ? I honestly don't know for definite if we'll remain with castore beyond the original 5 year deal and it will come down to who gives our club the most money/ better deal ?I've heard macron are desperate to become rangers kit manufacturers and will offer a cracking deal to get hold of the deal, but want massive exposure for the money they'd be prepared to give rangers ? I've heard like naming rights to our training centre or a stand at ibrox etc ? When castore originally became our kit manufacturers in 2020,i was told it came down to the 3 of castore, macron and puma and macron only just lost out to castore ?Macron definitely want hold of our kit deal and have done for ages ?.

{Ed001's Note - is it is a Mike Ashley-related dig? Ashley has a slice of Puma.}

24.) 11 Jan 2024 21:49:32
As Ed says surely not puma.



01 Dec 2023 22:28:48
Yilmaz, dessers and dowell told to find new clubs allegedly.


1.) 01 Dec 2023 23:57:11
With the exception of Ross and Jack. All should be told to find new clubs as they are not Rangers standard. Rangers standards are players like. Defenders like Grieg, Jardine, Gough, Butcher. Mids like Gazza, B Fergie, I Fergie, Laudrup. Strikers. McCoist and Hatley.

Instead of buying 9 players. 8 of which are not Rangers standard, we could have bought 2 which where and built on that. The buck stops with the board. NOT Beale. Who gets to spend about 40 mill including wages on players and Lammers who are not built for the Scottish weather and football.

2.) 02 Dec 2023 00:01:36
John's source told him about dowell the other day.

3.) 02 Dec 2023 02:26:46

Hopefully Lammers has been told to find a new profession. A tailor's dummy would be a good fit.

My star will be gutted.

4.) 02 Dec 2023 05:47:50
If Clement goes out and buys a first team LW and RW I'll be happy all I ask for is two wingers who aren't injury prone and are willing to run at players. No more playing players out of position please.

5.) 02 Dec 2023 06:28:16
Raisetheroofe why would i be gutted?

6.) 02 Dec 2023 07:04:16
Tbis is good news. Replacing these guys can only strengthen the squad. We will definitely be taking losses on dessers amd yilmaz though. But we will get fees for dowell and sterling so hopefully counter balance that.

7.) 02 Dec 2023 07:11:23
What? And Lammers is to stay?

8.) 02 Dec 2023 07:43:10
Can't see us taking a hit on Yilmaz Paul.

9.) 02 Dec 2023 08:03:57
Also can't see Dowell been told that, maybe he wants it, but can't see an unfit player being told that.

10.) 02 Dec 2023 08:16:30
WhiteHorse, players like those used to be Rangers standard, they aren't any more. Rangers couldn't afford the wages of a Gough, Butcher, or Gazza in today's markets, let alone the transfer fees to buy them.

11.) 02 Dec 2023 08:35:46
We certainly won't make a profit, that's for sure. Think we will struggle to get the 3.5 mill back. He's done absolutely nothing and can't move a rapidly declining barisic from left back.

12.) 02 Dec 2023 08:55:21
Yilmaz will get sold for more than 3.5m, Paul.

13.) 02 Dec 2023 08:57:11
Where do you get these type of players now, White horse? If only? The two Fergusons, Cooper, McClelland, Butcher, they are something I dream about now, Grieg, Kai, wow, all amazing.

14.) 02 Dec 2023 09:15:29
Yilmaz will return to Turkey probably on way less than what we paid. You would need to be crazy to spend more than 3.5m on him. Unfortunately we were the crazy club ?.

15.) 02 Dec 2023 09:36:28
We have only paid 3 million so far for yilmaz, I would want that back.

16.) 02 Dec 2023 09:41:42
Paying 3.5m for Yilmaz that is a steal baz.

17.) 02 Dec 2023 09:54:21
Is dowell not fit? Or just not playing? Scored v airdrie for b team last week.

18.) 02 Dec 2023 10:04:54
It was a bit tongue and cheek, My star. Also, it was just a subtle, and friendly dig, at you waxing lyrical about all 3, and how much of a success each would be. At least your consistent mate. ?.

19.) 02 Dec 2023 10:17:46
White horse, on your original post, I said (often) . we should have been buying maybe 2 QUALITY players every transfer window AFTER we won the league. Build up over a couple of years shd we would / #should have a full hew squad, team by now. Unfortunately it looks like we need another clear out, wtf is going on.?

20.) 02 Dec 2023 10:33:16
Raisetheroofe Yilmaz is a very good footballer same with Dowell, i only said what i seen with the games Dessers played in the conference, only time I've seen him and i was impressed with him.

21.) 02 Dec 2023 11:20:09
Let's be honest here My star, you waxed lyrical about all 3 of them and how much of a success they would be. You done the same with Cifuentes and that just won't happen. Then there is Cantwell who I can't see being here much longer. Then there was Sands who was going to make it, but when he left, you stated he would have a very good career elsewhere, and just like the rest, you were wrong.

It's not the fact you were wrong mate, as we can all get stuff wrong (i get stuff wrong all the time), it's the way you kinda belittle posters who raise concerns about all those mentioned, by acting a wee bit more superior than them because you have played the game, and us mere mortals, haven't!

I really like you as a poster mate, and I really enjoy our wee interactions on here, but sometimes you do give it the big un because of your playing past.

Feel free to list my annoying habits mate (there are a few), I am open to criticism anytime. ?.

22.) 02 Dec 2023 11:27:31
How could paying 3.5 for yilmaz be a steal? he's barely kicked a ball for us. Hence him on way out in jan.

23.) 02 Dec 2023 11:31:36
My star, yet to see anything at all from yilmaz that will make us a profit. can't defend, yes looks decent going forward t times but when he gets there his crossing ability is quite simply not close to good enough. Only so many times people can say he's quality, he has to step up and show it at some point.

24.) 02 Dec 2023 11:36:58
Yilmaz will have no problem finding a club in Turkey and we should make a profit on the sale. Where I see us struggling is with Dessers, Lammers etc., where I can't see us breaking even.
these are not the only players that should go. I really don't see the point in giving Jack a new contract to sit in the stand injured, it is a massive risk, especially if he is still playing internationals.
In reality it is easier to identify the players that we should keep!
Hopefully the new DoF will have identified a few quality targets, he knows what Clement's standards are.
One other thought, why keep Park as Chief Scout, he hasn't exactly brought in any top quality players!

25.) 02 Dec 2023 12:09:54
My Star you have said each and every one of these players are quality but none have shined in SPFL (a terrible league according to you) . All average signings and none quality imo. Yilmaz hasn't had a game were he's been better than a 6 out of 10 in the SPFL.

26.) 02 Dec 2023 12:19:04
It’s no the 90s we aren’t getting players like Gazza etc again it’s time to accept it and stop living in the past those type of players are what sent us under.

27.) 02 Dec 2023 12:22:02
Berkshire I hear Park is leaving soon

We all know a number off players need to move on, however we can only change three players in Europe squad in February, so it still needs to be a balancing act.

We do know yilmaz and dowell can go without affecting Europe, although I’m not in a hurry to move either on.

28.) 02 Dec 2023 12:23:33
Clement will need at least 4 windows to rectify this team and make it his own, Two or Three at each window, Provided monies available,
Hopefully he starts with a goal scorer, And any One or Two from the back Four, Midfield okay at the moment with players coming back from injury or even on loan.

29.) 02 Dec 2023 14:08:35
I have no problem with those three going as a first step in a clear out which might take a couple of windows . My question is, should we sell Yilmaz and Barisic this window and use the money to buy a top class, younger left back, and rely on Devine and Fraser as back up until the summer. I say this because Borna is on a free in the summer so worth nothing . If we are going to sell it has to be now .

30.) 02 Dec 2023 14:26:20
Raisetheroofe Sands will have a good career would be a shame if he didn't, listen mate i give my opinions on each and every player I've seen, Raisetheroofe see if i didn't have a football past I'd still give my opinion on here, don't understand why that makes a difference, why would i mention anything bad about you? am the same enjoy our interactions, obviously you can't see Cifuentes doing well at Rangers mate, here is a thing about my football past, i was also a midfielder and played a few seasons in the epl, but truthfully and in my own opinion the Cifuentes I've seen play on many occasion was a better player than me.

31.) 02 Dec 2023 15:00:27
When we first got linked with Cifuentes i thought no chance, he has only been in our country months, he definitely gets more time from me.

Super we do play in a poor league you think different I'm cool with that, i believe we sell Yilmaz for more than what we payed very fine footballer.

32.) 02 Dec 2023 15:33:39
No I'm just wondering why these so called quality players don't shine in a poor league, My Star. Surely these guys would be strolling it in Scotland?

33.) 02 Dec 2023 15:34:59
Well said raisetheroof.

34.) 02 Dec 2023 15:46:18
Maybe it's that poor a league they can't do their stuff super, we can see that with apart from Rangers every other Scottish clubs performances in Europe.

35.) 02 Dec 2023 16:25:44
Great post the kilted frog am fed up hearing the rangers class rubbish as there is no such thing anymore as no one bar butland (maybe) could be in the bracket in our full team.

36.) 02 Dec 2023 16:27:22
My star, I do get where roofe is coming from as you do come across that way that you think your opinion is mighty than others, but I still love you mate.

37.) 02 Dec 2023 16:28:27
Super cooper, are you saying our league is good like better players than those mentioned on here have been poor in our league? Scottish football is rotten only reason I watch it is because I am a rangers fan.

38.) 02 Dec 2023 17:00:06
Not my intention storm.

39.) 02 Dec 2023 18:26:09
No probs mate I wasn’t digging you out as I live reading your posts. There is someone a hell of a lot worse than you in that matter anyway.

40.) 02 Dec 2023 19:42:42
The players mentioned in the original post would cost in excess of 200 million in this day and age. Get a grip.

41.) 02 Dec 2023 19:43:24
P.s we will never see the likes again at the famous, unfortunately.

42.) 02 Dec 2023 19:55:03
Sorry 2nd post.

43.) 02 Dec 2023 21:48:41
Just hope " another club " isn`t in the back of the net or Dessers will never find it.

44.) 02 Dec 2023 23:37:03
My star I can believe it.

Wouldn't be fair but when you think if pc likes a more traditional 433 or with wingers then dowell struggles to play.

Did he not have similar problems at Norwich.

45.) 03 Dec 2023 08:04:51
You can believe what gofor?

46.) 03 Dec 2023 10:41:04
I've stuck up for Lammers mostly but I can see why people can't take to him, even if he's being played out of position but surely people can see heat Cifuentes is a good buy at the price, in a new continent, had an injury and still early, there's a lot better players who struggled to settle initially and went on to be big players for us, he's also been brought in by a manager who was subsequently sacked so it can be unnerving. Not saying his performances have been stellar but he's not really had a run yet.



01 Aug 2023 14:39:35
Sakala is leaving. Rangers holding out for best fee. This comes from a very good source that knows the agent.


1.) 01 Aug 2023 15:23:30
Good luck to him if he goes, I don;t think he's good enough but there's no doubting that he brings 'something' to the team whenever he plays.

I'll be surprised if he goes to Saudi though (is it not prohibited to publicly practice any religion other than Islam? ), and that might make it tough for us/ him if no other team matches a Saudi transfer fee.

2.) 01 Aug 2023 15:31:30
will be a shame as we don't have many players who will take on defenses like him, or find pokets of space

putting too much on new players
what if they don't hit the ground running or settle into Scottish game

where with sakala we know he's capable n good for a goal, i would keep him as a viable back up player an impact sub


3.) 01 Aug 2023 16:13:33
Disappointing as he get goals for us, also feel he’s better than sima going on early signs.

4.) 01 Aug 2023 16:27:08
Sakala just isn't good enough. I've read all the opinions about him giving 100% and how he keeps running etc etc. He runs into defenders, scores goals almost by accident at times and misses too many chances for my liking. As for giving 100% that should be accepted as the normal for all players. Each and every one of us here would give 100% if we were selected but I don't expect many of us would be good enough! Time to move on.

5.) 01 Aug 2023 16:29:10
Blue dreamer Had to check ghe date on your post. August 1st not April 1st. Love Sakala as a person. Comes across as a good guy but he gets beat most times against defenders. Has great pace but misses more than he scores.

6.) 01 Aug 2023 16:33:02
As always, the manager lives and dies by his decisions he's seen Sakala more than any of us. If it means the funds raised goes on a defender then its worth doing imo.

Having said that colak, morelos and sakala scored about 45 goals between them so the new boys need to match that at least.

7.) 01 Aug 2023 16:34:00
I know the wee man has a lot of doubters on here but I think we will regret this. I give it 6 weeks of watching Sima and everyone will think we will have gave away a superior player to fit one that's not even ours. Hope I'm proved wrong and wish Fashion all the best if he does move.

8.) 01 Aug 2023 16:55:16
I said it with colak and i'm saying the exact same if sakala is sold, i think it could be a mistake but i hope to god it isn't ?.

9.) 01 Aug 2023 17:22:42
He’s not good enough but brings something to the team? If he wasn’t good enough he wouldn’t bring anything at all lol.

10.) 01 Aug 2023 17:37:32
I think its a mistake he's 1 we know offers real pace and can score goals its relying on the new players to get up and running straight away.

11.) 01 Aug 2023 18:04:09
Sws you can't keep everybody. So you would have roofe who you think is the best striker in thr country, dessers danilo sakala colak bit ott no? Rangers cannot afford these wages and urgently need players off the wage bill.

12.) 01 Aug 2023 18:25:26
Walter, Colak was in the treatment room too often with any little niggle, Sakala isn't good enough.

13.) 01 Aug 2023 19:06:53
People who are using Sakalas numbers as a reason to keep him are probably the same ones that said previous strikers high numbers weren’t good enough as they were scored against the lower teams in the league and not in the big games. I don’t who his goals have been against but Motherwell sticks out in my mind. I think most on here have a soft spot for him but unfortunately he isn’t good enough.

14.) 01 Aug 2023 19:09:26
He`s not good enough and we should be replacing him with better . The question is, is Sima better? Time will tell.

15.) 01 Aug 2023 20:00:01
defraz april first how
really don't get why you don't rate a goalscorer his stats n numbers are really good

so what my missing beale must see somthing in him
if he's played n scored 20
assited ten
scored against celtic yeah he misses
but least he's there too miss

he makes goood space n dose break down defences
we have no one else who can
kents away
n matondo ain't

i think he's a sellable asset
n we can't shift emdy else so that's why

but if him n colak both go

i do worry we are relying a lot on new guys hitting the ground running
n with the two them gone

wheres the back up if these guys like sellers n danlio don't do well or settle

have a back up mate
sakala we can rely on

honestly he ain't a bad player

i would rather have a player too miss some chances he creates n bag us 20 goals

than pay millions on somdy who doesn't.

16.) 02 Aug 2023 10:43:52
I agree, sakala is very useful to have around. Lose a lot of numbers if we goes. Over 20 goal involvements last season.

17.) 02 Aug 2023 15:50:40
If its true he didn't want to leave and made to train away from top team then I think it's disgraceful the way he's been treated.

Guy only ever gave his all.



11 Jul 2023 16:14:34
Probably a wind up but seen on follow follow that Leon Balogun is having a medical ? this simply can't be correct ?.


1.) 11 Jul 2023 18:48:56
Don’t believe it until CammyB’s sons taxi driving sports scientist Rangers employee confirms it. ?????.

2.) 11 Jul 2023 18:50:11
Should have been kept on for another year last season we were found out big time having to play sands and king. But yes I'd imagine with being another year older now we need to be looking at different options. Versatile player who knows the club and gave us a good shift right enough as a stop gap we could do worse.

3.) 11 Jul 2023 19:00:24
He's 35 year old no way should we be going down that road.

4.) 11 Jul 2023 19:03:27
35 year old rarely fit who's best days are long gone . No ty iv read the rumour and if true a lazy cheap option.

5.) 11 Jul 2023 19:48:35
I liked the guy but he had obvious injury problems in his last season with us . Last season he missed large chunks of QPR games through injury and would probably have been in the treatment room with Goldson, Davies, Souttar and Helander if he had stayed . I would be shocked if this rumour isn`t just a wind up.

6.) 11 Jul 2023 19:50:34
Can only be done if 4 criteria are met.

1. Panzo is also signed.
2. Davies is sold.
3. King is loaned out.
4. It's one year and one year only.

7.) 11 Jul 2023 19:55:46
Jzer definitely should have kept him, after all he managed 40% games at qpr.

More garbage.

8.) 11 Jul 2023 21:16:09
Could be possible on a low wage so we can loan out king doubtful but.

9.) 11 Jul 2023 21:19:22
King is injured for a long period so could be true.

10.) 11 Jul 2023 21:19:47
Well that's Leon king ruled out, Soutter has injury worries, look like the club may need +2 CBs regardless of what happens with Davies.

11.) 11 Jul 2023 21:27:15
Kings not going anywhere he's out for a long while gutted for the boy.

12.) 11 Jul 2023 21:28:30
Kings not going anywhere he's out for a long while gutted for the boy.

13.) 11 Jul 2023 21:30:21
It take him over Davies or souttar. Ones crap and other is the most injury prone I’ve ever seen. Maybe not saying much for him but he wasn’t a bad defender.

14.) 11 Jul 2023 21:37:11
Add leon king to the treatment table. CB should now be highest priority.

15.) 11 Jul 2023 21:54:12
King apparently got injured training.

16.) 11 Jul 2023 22:18:41
Leon over soutter they play the same amount a games and he’s 35 ??.

17.) 11 Jul 2023 22:20:16
If Balogun comes in, every young kid, should just leave, embarrassing.

18.) 11 Jul 2023 22:32:51
Real shame for the boy gutted for him.

19.) 11 Jul 2023 22:47:09
So King out, Soutar problematic with his Achilles issues, Goldson recently in a moonboot starting to pick up niggles, Davies injured?
Nothing to worry about defensively then?

20.) 11 Jul 2023 23:53:30
John is there any young kid in the current set up that is honestly a better option than Balogun.

21.) 12 Jul 2023 00:51:26
Yfeko looked a player but rough. Would definitely need a year at least out in loan.

22.) 12 Jul 2023 03:10:01
We already needed 2 cbs, now it’s 3,do our injuries ever stop? I’ve said this before jokingly, the way we are with injuries we would need about 4 players for each position, speechless.

23.) 12 Jul 2023 09:25:55
Have you ever thought that our management team don't think these young defenders are ready to be thrown into our first team yet ?.



09 Jul 2023 21:26:38
Hearing a rumour Dujon Sterling has injured an ACL?


1.) 09 Jul 2023 21:39:29
Here we go again!

2.) 09 Jul 2023 21:47:06
I would like to know if any of you guys are hearing anything regarding CB's being signed or looked at other than trusty, as that seems to have went quiet. I would like souttar and goldson partnership as my number 1 choice with current players but we need better than davies and king as back up, any ideas lads?

3.) 09 Jul 2023 22:36:19
If that is true we should hijac the Max Johnstone deal immediately ?‍♂️.

4.) 09 Jul 2023 22:57:35
So he flew out to Germany Friday and he's been diagnosed with ACL Sunday?

5.) 09 Jul 2023 23:24:00
I was thinking something was up because I couldn't see him in the training videos. Hopefully it's not true because he looks a solid player.

6.) 09 Jul 2023 23:51:50
It's not true.

7.) 10 Jul 2023 00:04:56
Surely not.

8.) 10 Jul 2023 00:30:43
Someone wrote earlier problem with his passport and he never flew out.

9.) 10 Jul 2023 01:31:55
The guy on rangers review video the other day mentioned in passing about Sterling injury but they weren’t allowed to say anything until a certain date so I think it might be true.

10.) 10 Jul 2023 05:08:20
Could be true think he had a ankle injury last year could be this again or this could be part of the reason why he might of done his acl hopefully not tho looks like decent back up for tav.

11.) 10 Jul 2023 05:41:50
Seen him in a training video last night.

12.) 10 Jul 2023 07:26:17
Sterling is fit and fine, Panzo will be here soon.

13.) 10 Jul 2023 11:07:25
Great news laudrup re Sterling.




BigDado's banter posts with other poster's replies to BigDado's banter posts


17 Jul 2024 20:42:14
Hypothetical team for first game of season.

New CB
Souttar/ Davies
Ridvan/ Jefte

Providing we move on some players to raise funds would you be happy with that lineup? I reckon 4 more in and we could run with that for now.


1.) 17 Jul 2024 21:23:37
Would love it if we get sima and rhamani but think we, ll be lucky to get either but that's a good team.

2.) 17 Jul 2024 21:24:56
Would definitely be happy way that team dado ?.

3.) 17 Jul 2024 21:49:19
?but highly unlikely we will sign Jordan on loan, Rhamani, and Sima but decent team.

4.) 17 Jul 2024 21:49:57
What! no big CD9, no buying that?? and no Tav, jeez get SWS the smelling salts?? shocking team Big D ??.

5.) 17 Jul 2024 22:29:27
cheers lads, Just gives an indication that another 3 or 4 of the right signings and i think the mood would change slightly. Still waiting for the first domino to fall that hopefully puts these in motion! a bit much to expect for opening game but hopefully by end of august we are all feeling bit more optimistic with a stronger looking team.

6.) 17 Jul 2024 22:42:05
It is actually possible with a bit of luck, not to shabby tbh?.

7.) 18 Jul 2024 00:07:56
2 new centre halves preferably.

8.) 18 Jul 2024 01:02:09
No way is he dropping tav and goldson ?.

9.) 18 Jul 2024 08:02:42
Similar to what I was thinking Dado.
Not sure we will get that particular.

10.) 18 Jul 2024 08:04:37
Sorry think that sent before I finished.
Similar to what I’m thinking Dado but not sure about that particular striker. But agree on the positions needing changed.

11.) 18 Jul 2024 10:33:34
We have no money Big D ??????.

12.) 18 Jul 2024 11:41:57
We have no money gaz? or trying to trim our squad before signings, you wanting a squad of around 40 players.

13.) 18 Jul 2024 11:51:13
Rramani has said he'll only move on to a top five league, so we can rule him out.

14.) 18 Jul 2024 12:01:04
Based on last year and who we have, the team will be close to this.

Tav, Yilmaz, Goldson, Souttar
Raskin, Diomande, Cantwell
McCausland, Dessers, Cortes

Jefte will compete with Yilmaz and we need to wait and see about Tav and Goldson leaving. They will be hard to replace despite their limitations for the money we can spend but it makes sense to sell them. Also, again despite limitations, we will need to get lucky or spend big to replace Dessers. When you look at fees being paid for unknown players, we have to be realistic on how we progress. The team was very close to winning a treble and made it through the group stages of Europa league. But are we in a better position than this time last year? We aren't winning the champions league but with two or three smart signings, good coaching and the right attitude, we will have a team that can win the league. Clement is right to think about the future but NOW is important too.

15.) 18 Jul 2024 12:44:48
You said Alfie was going to a top 5 league also?

16.) 18 Jul 2024 12:50:42
I would change Barron for Raskin because no doubt he`ll be injured.

17.) 18 Jul 2024 13:22:02
Four4two pissing myself laughing here at your post man, he actually SAID it himself ?.

18.) 18 Jul 2024 13:23:27
Don't tell me that's coldo returned under an user name, different user name weekly.

19.) 18 Jul 2024 16:48:27
Mccausland is crap.



11 Jul 2024 23:21:38
"We have some players who have come in who are longer term, like Clinton Nsiala, " Clement says. "He has a lot of talent, but he needs the experience and he needs to learn a lot of things. I don't expect him to be a starting player.

"The same with Hamza Igamane. He will not be ready to start. He's never trained or played physically at this level. He comes out of a holiday too, so we need to build him up. We have other players like Connor Barron and Jefte who can get there faster.

From the horses mouth. - PC.


1.) 12 Jul 2024 12:03:35
Well that solves that issue for us fans.

Next problem.

We still need 2 centre half’s if that’s the case. And a striker.

2.) 12 Jul 2024 15:16:46
Correct mate.



08 Jul 2024 17:33:55
Only for discussion not a moan - with the current situation regarding stadium improvements and delays etc does anyone think the board will prioritise further improvements in future?
I. e, larger capacity increases?
Or will it put them off?
Im sure we would all like to see the big screen areas filled with seats but i just can't see them taking on bigger projects now for a long time.


1.) 08 Jul 2024 17:45:11
I think it is great that we are expanding the capacity, can only be a good thing long term. Hard to do that in the short close season.

2.) 08 jul 2024 17:52:20
imo nothing will change, the plans are going ahead, few snagging troubles, maybe a bigger supply issue but nothing totally unexpected, end result is a bigger better ibrox

win win fir me and always has been no matter a little discomfort or hassle, i’m in no panic whatsoever.

3.) 08 Jul 2024 18:03:52
I can't see the current stadium situation drastically changing the longer term development plans.

I'm sure the club will take some learnings from it in to future plans though.

4.) 08 Jul 2024 18:41:46
I don’t really understand everybody frustrations, I’d hate the board to be issuing statements before having something concrete (no pun intended) to say. I’m guessing this is the world we live in with social media, people just expect tik toks of blogs / vlogs etc… I hope this doesn’t put them off but who knows.

5.) 08 Jul 2024 18:53:37
Think it can only make us more prepared for future increase dado, honestly can't see it changing any future plans. We need to find ways to bring extra cash into the club, increasing capacity is a great way to do that. I think it'll still be high on agenda. We all make mistakes, it's about learning from them.

6.) 08 Jul 2024 19:07:24
I don't have an issue with there being no statement on this, so far. As soon as a venue has been agreed on, and everything has been signed off on, I expect the club to release a statement. It's still a complete balls up, though!

7.) 08 Jul 2024 20:13:01
Surely some works can be carried out with partial closures. the corner screens being filled in etc could be done without closing whole stadium.



23 Jun 2024 23:03:11
Clarke has done a decent job with scotland. I don't like the man, but you can't go into a tournament simply being hard to beat. No intention of attacking whatsoever. If ralston is the third best right back, i definitely have a chance of a cap. Shankland was good when he came on (big spoon out).


1.) 23 Jun 2024 23:31:18

Clarke record over period been absolute gash. What showed tonight ex Killie mgr out his depth. We didn't win corner for 70 mins. No. Of square ball football embarrassing. It took Clark 70 mins to bin Che Adams and bring real forward on. Then we showed urgency. Too little too late, then sucker punched.

2.) 23 Jun 2024 23:34:36
Not one shot on target utter gash.

3.) 24 Jun 2024 00:11:50
Shankland done nothing when he came on.

4.) 24 Jun 2024 02:41:36
Davie mouse is the man.
Get super ally in there and maybe big yogi hughes.

We’re a good team just lack a fast centre half and a striker hopefully the lad who left us for villa is that man.

For a hardy country we don’t half produce shi** centr half’s lol.

5.) 24 Jun 2024 03:08:21

He's won one game in 12 - against Gibraltar, a giant brick with as many monkeys as footballers. Clarke is utterly incompetent, as is the SFA who employ this bigoted fool.

6.) 24 Jun 2024 05:18:02
You seem to dislike Shankland for some reason Stormtrooper. Is ot because others pushed for him and you. like to be controversial?

7.) 24 Jun 2024 05:51:49
TBH StevieG2,i thought big grant hanley had a really good game for us last night mate ? The problem was our midfield created nothing going forward and so the striker had absolutely nothing in the way of service and there lay our biggest problem for me ?Clarke played safe football and we didn't actually score a goal of our own if you like, in our 3 group games ?It was 2 own goals scored by germany and Switzerland as far as i'm concerned and we've been going back under clarke for a wee while now ?.

8.) 24 Jun 2024 06:30:54
Storm shankland was better on the bal. thwn Adam’s over 3 games mate
Che Adam’s done nothing and has done nothing
Shankland should have been started from the outset over the 3 games he’s performing at club level and he well deserved his chance to start over Che Adam’s that’s for sure

Think Forrest would have been a good shout to get a game as well he hit form end of season for Celtic and would have caused some problems down that right side.

9.) 24 Jun 2024 06:53:50
It wasn’t urgency seen at the end of the game us getting good breaks was down to the Hungarians chucking the kitchen sink at us and being ambitious because they had to win and deservedly got the win in the end.

Clarke has to go, we have the players but not the manager to at least have a go at teams no one would mind going out if we were going for trying to win games instead of trying not to get beat.

10.) 24 Jun 2024 08:42:28
Shankland did more in 20 mins than Adams did in 200.



09 Jun 2024 16:11:28
Ibrox4me, thread is too far back. When i said did you read that joke in the BINO and ed corrected it to Beano. Ye know after stirling albions nickname. Fairly obvious it was me making a pun from your original post and not being snide like your response.


1.) 09 Jun 2024 16:31:54
Thought that was funny, on both sides, that's why I done an "ooft ?"

2.) 09 Jun 2024 17:02:54
I always find it rather amusing coming on and seeing folk getting their knickers in a twist over somebody they don’t even know discrediting their post. Don’t take it to heart take it to bed it’s warmer ??.

3.) 09 Jun 2024 17:12:40
? need to change my username fork, to desperate dan with my dandy posts ?.

4.) 09 Jun 2024 18:00:03
Love a cow pie bud??.

5.) 09 Jun 2024 18:03:05
Sage info Carluke, loads of twisted panties on here???.

6.) 09 Jun 2024 18:04:34
Swap your bandana for a stetson Big D, no wait, if you do you'll get in to the Village People???.

7.) 09 Jun 2024 19:27:10
Big Ds are always welcome in the village people ?? rules me oot!

8.) 09 Jun 2024 20:00:50
Lol ya nutter??.

9.) 09 Jun 2024 22:54:02
Carluke your posts are always ?.

10.) 10 Jun 2024 06:12:11
Another ooft ???.

11.) 10 Jun 2024 10:31:25
Carluke you were on to me eh mate? Wanted to see if you would get your knickers in a twist with someone you didn't know. Well done mate you saw me coming ? get you next time ?.




BigDado's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 15:45:00
New contract for wright? Surely not he is mince. For the same reason we aren't signing a defender or striker until one leaves is the reason i want wright out because until he is, we won't be signing better and we need better.




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26 Jul 2024 10:35:34
Yasssssssss. Wish him well but phew!




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25 Jul 2024 22:03:25
Ger88 i havent?a clue pal? but i am 100% sure it rings a bell.




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25 Jul 2024 16:55:19
He will add some bite to the team. With some fava beans and a nice chianti.




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24 Jul 2024 16:15:32
Class thread ? sws ripping his tshirt off like hulk hogan "am telling you tav is staying brother whatcha going to dooo" calm down mate we will find out in due course.





BigDado's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 20:27:01
We would all like matondo to go as well john but currently there is interest in wright its not like there's a choice take 1 or the other. Both terrible.




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26 Jul 2024 17:54:32
Dessers couldn't take advantage of a whoopsy in ASDA. No he is not the man for anything.




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26 Jul 2024 09:05:56
Bb4 ???.




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25 Jul 2024 22:11:56
Was the opposing team wearing green by any chance?




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23 Jul 2024 22:27:41
2 weeks until that match takes place mate unless there is major movement in the next week i reckon we are in trouble. Even if new guys do come in will they be fit to play? Will clement throw them right in? I've tried to be patient but its not looking good at all.




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