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10 Jul 2024 19:53:12
Rangers and WWE are in talks over future collaborations between the 2

Imagine a wrestlemania at Ibrox lol.


1.) 10 Jul 2024 20:41:51
Its a royal rumble in here most days.

2.) 10 Jul 2024 20:47:45
That would be pure filth ????.

3.) 10 Jul 2024 20:52:23
I will flip ma bin if that happened ??.

4.) 10 Jul 2024 21:58:04
It’s for a wwe rangers strip because if drew Mcintyre.

5.) 10 Jul 2024 22:28:25
Think they should do Clash At The Castle at Ibrox next summer (that’s if we’re allowed back in by then??‍♂️) sure Rangers would make a fair amount of money from the event!

6.) 10 Jul 2024 22:37:37
Will it not be merchandising. They already have a similar deal with man city, tshirts etc.

7.) 10 Jul 2024 22:39:33
Excellent priorities that.

Pretty much epitomises the board.

Sales over success.

8.) 10 Jul 2024 22:46:46
You have to generate income to buy players, to have a chance of success, business rule 101?‍?.

9.) 10 Jul 2024 22:46:53
Rangers are in contact with the WWE over a potential collaboration following merchandise released closely resembling an Ibrox jersey. It has been revealed that Rangers chiefs are now in discussions with WWE officials to discuss scope for a collaboration between the two.

10.) 11 Jul 2024 00:05:08
It's more about amount of money they can make tale out for themselves if you ask me.

11.) 11 Jul 2024 08:50:04
Take out for themselves even.

12.) 11 Jul 2024 09:42:22
Find a Saudi prince even in the top 50 of the prince list or those 2 that just left Newcastle, man and wife team . However the current blazer crew will not let anyone threaten their free hurl . It's always been the case and at most Scots clubs from the juniors up cannot shift any of them .

13.) 11 Jul 2024 09:44:59
Aye tj let’s no make money ?our fans are compete cry babies.

14.) 11 Jul 2024 09:45:59
Fork don’t talk sense mate your only aloud to complain on here these days.

15.) 11 Jul 2024 10:12:05
Lol Raskin??.

16.) 11 Jul 2024 10:19:26
I think the WWE champ is Scottish, and a Rangers fan. Maybe that is where the collab comes in, who knows.

17.) 11 Jul 2024 12:30:55
Spot on generic.

18.) 11 Jul 2024 14:06:31
He is the wwe champ GRF.

19.) 11 Jul 2024 15:15:24
WWE wrestler that loves Rangers is Drew Mcintyre he isn't the current champ but has been in the past and has never hidden his love for Rangers when we won the league he go WWE to make a special belt for Rangers. He is one of the biggest WWE superstars.

20.) 11 Jul 2024 16:13:27
A wwe collaboration sounds like money in the bank to me.

21.) 11 Jul 2024 16:26:19
This could be awesome imagine the revenue if American WWE fans snap up Drew/ Gers tops we could make a lot of profit.

22.) 11 Jul 2024 16:38:48
Could the wwe be open to a potential Risk loan deal? i'd happily take Randy Orton for a season at centre back, that boys a unit ?.



28 Jun 2024 17:17:46
Hey everyone it's been a while, heard a wee rumours today that we're interested in Japanese right back Yukinari Sugawara, know zero about him but apparently he's who is wanted to replace Tavernier.


1.) 28 Jun 2024 18:14:19
Would absolutely love him. My only worry would be price. Very good footballer tho. Perfect replacement for tav.

2.) 28 Jun 2024 18:42:54
He's valued at 12 MilI doubt that's true.

3.) 28 Jun 2024 18:47:07
Boy from AZ UYou sure mate… strong reports he’s going south and looks well out of our price range.

4.) 28 jun 2024 18:48:56
hope your well mate.

5.) 28 Jun 2024 19:23:46
Sugawara is a really highly rated, good right back TwistedTonic and i doubt we'd be able to sign him mate ?I take it you got this from a good source of yours mate ?.

6.) 28 Jun 2024 19:26:58
Good player think he’d be a very good replacement linked with Southampton and benefits and another one that would cost a pretty penny. Think he could put up at least half the numbers tav does in our league with a better defensive output but think we’d struggle to afford again.

7.) 28 Jun 2024 20:09:16
Twisted long time no see pal
Hope your well - and nice to see you post ?.

8.) 28 Jun 2024 21:15:17
Yeah, I'm good tom mate and cheers stig buddy.

Yeah, he seems pricey but isn't out of the question if we sell Tav and could maybe use Lammers as part of any deal, wasn't frim any source sws mate was more of a WhatsApp rumour but maybe people just putting 2 and 2 together with the lammers situation and tav needing to be replaced.

Time will tell.

9.) 28 Jun 2024 23:05:56
That’s absolute Tom kite ????.

10.) 28 Jun 2024 23:20:25
Is bit of realism here

We offset diomande to this year
We offset Cortes monies till next year
We are currently looking at other teams youth and b team options (not saying that’s wrong) but it does tell you we will not be throwing money around

I would have thought that would be obvious with Beale expenditure the stadium and where we currently are European wise

We need a bit of luck in maybe .

Qualify for champions league
Sell tav for good fee
Sell butland for good fee
Get at least money back lammers

Matt be then we might push boat out for one or two key positions

Sterling and bassey have shown the lower risk youth is the way to go it’s a tactic many clubs around europe have been using.

11.) 29 Jun 2024 10:01:20
It’s unrealistic to expect a player of this quality to come to Scotland.

Make the most of Tavernier. You will never see a full-back who is so good at attacking and creating goals in a Rangers jersey again. A few years from now well have some bog standard RB who boots the ball in to the stand each time he tries to cross it and we’ll wish for James back.

Look at all that money on Yilmaz. His goal contributions since he singed? 3. Tavernier gets that over a weekend.

12.) 29 Jun 2024 11:46:26

13.) 29 Jun 2024 14:34:52
Tav is not being chased out of Ibrox….



19 Jan 2024 07:03:07
Hearing Shankland will be loan with obligation to buy in the summer.


1.) 19 Jan 2024 08:05:27
Absolutely no chance hearts loan him to us even with an obligation to buy in the summer.

2.) 19 Jan 2024 08:10:27
So we are going to get Shankland on loan? No chance. Sorry.

3.) 19 Jan 2024 08:20:50
As much as I'd love us to get Shankland as I think he could be the difference in the second half of the season, there's not a chance Hearts will agree to that unfortunately.

4.) 19 Jan 2024 08:21:40
Hope you’re right but I can’t see Hearts going for that.

5.) 19 Jan 2024 08:41:06
Hope so twisted, not seen you on here for a bit, you doing OK,
Hope it's sorted before he gets cup-tied.

6.) 19 Jan 2024 08:56:45
For those that don’t understand, loan with obligation to buy is more or less same thing as selling and receiving the payments in instalments. Just the registration is not done until the summer. So yes hearts would loan with obligation to buy if the price is right.

7.) 19 Jan 2024 08:58:35
Why is shankland still a thing it's genuinely not happening.

8.) 19 Jan 2024 09:15:59
Hearts would want cash up front you would think but who knows though they ain't going too be doing us any favours.

9.) 19 Jan 2024 09:19:45
Now that is a rumour.
It surprises me that there is such a surge to sign Shankland?

10.) 19 Jan 2024 09:32:04
I suppose an obligation to buy would really just be a deferral of the agreed transfer fee in practice. And if there was a smaller initial loan fee, where transfers are regularly paid off in instalments it could mean no real difference to the income for Hearts and let us defer the transfer cost in to the next season for FFP reasons?

While it doesn't seem to chime with the rumours we were prepared to spend big on Denkey, and it sounds left field, I wouldn't be against it at all if it happened.

11.) 19 Jan 2024 09:40:14
I would think that Hearts would want some sort of payment up front to replace their captain and top goal scorer to try and get the European money and money for finnishing 3rd, will be incredibly difficult without shankland or a replacement but maybe hearts have done a similar deal elsewhere tho who knows.

12.) 19 Jan 2024 09:44:19
No they wouldn’t borna bear. They will want a large portion of the money up front so they can reinvest and buy another striker. There’s 0 chance hearts are allowing a loan with an obligation to buy. I’m so sick of the Shankland chat when we’re clearly not trying to buy him.

13.) 19 Jan 2024 09:55:30
Think the surge is Carrick he’s scored 13 goals so far this season 3 more than tav and sima and 7 more than Dessers so far

And think he was around 24 goals scored last season
when was last time one our forwards scored 24 goals in a season think we’re going back a while?

if he could contribute those goals and we throw in tav stats and Sima etc etc would take us a long way to helping us win the league ?.

14.) 19 Jan 2024 10:25:34
I can't understand those who feel Shankland isn't good enough? We desperately need to be trying to buy those who stand out in our league as we used to years ago. He won't be coming on loan tho, no chance Herts will allow that.

15.) 19 Jan 2024 10:27:43
If he comes he comes, he’s a decent player but you must admit he is slow? I suppose it’s down to opinions, good luck to the guy wherever he goes or stays.

16.) 19 Jan 2024 10:47:16
He did indeed score 24 league goals last season, Stig.
But 11 were penalties.
And as Tav will always take our penalties his net contribution from last season would be 13 goals. So is that enough in your eyes?
But in fairness he has already equalled his net tally from last season.
I'm still not fussed about Shankland.

17.) 19 Jan 2024 10:48:52
I think Rangers fans have been used to great goal scorer centre forwards and they are very hard to find now without a £100 million? The likes of Colin Stein, super Ally, Hately? We as fans were spoiled and it was great. Now we have to depend on a bit of luck and unearthing a bargain? So hopefully I’m wrong and Shankland is the answer? A lot of young fans went to games just to see Ally, Amato, etc.

18.) 19 Jan 2024 10:51:51
1872, love it to be true. Seems to good to be true .

19.) 19 Jan 2024 11:11:33
So hearts are basically going to give us their best player till the summer without paying for him ?just can’t see it how do they buy a replacement? Doesn’t make any sense for hearts and their fans would go mental.

20.) 19 Jan 2024 11:19:34
1st of all I’m in the get him signed camp he has continued to improve vastly this season. He has shown he can score home and away against Rangers and Celtic, in Europe and an international level. He’s exactly what we need and he does more than just score his hold up and link up play is very good and his goal return this season has been great and majority haven’t been penalties.
I can see a deal where we pay £1m loan fee and remainder in summer it’s just a different way to structure payments possibly to do with FFP as just by winning Europa league group, the money for winning group, qualifying our group and gate receipts for last 16 is money we wouldn’t have got if we finished 3rd and in to a conference league would be enough to buy him outright in this window so it’s maybe a FFP reason why we aren’t buying outright this window.
I fully expect us to try and broker a deal with Hearts in this window as Hearts know coke summer he has 12 months left and 6 before he can sign pre contract when they get nothing so would want to get maximum value.

21.) 19 Jan 2024 11:35:22
Not a chance hearts are loaning out there best player and not able to replace him. there fighting for 3rd right now and just offered him a new deal.

22.) 19 Jan 2024 12:03:19
Aye because hearts are going to loan us their captain and the best performing striker in Scotland ? their fans would riot.

23.) 19 Jan 2024 12:30:01
Their fans would ape s. t not a chance that will happen.

24.) 19 Jan 2024 12:33:55
Good to see you posting again, BearMode91, it's been a long time my man. Hope you're well?

25.) 19 Jan 2024 13:00:41
So hearts have went from a £3.5 million up front demand to you can have him for free for 6months then pay? Doubtful but it is Scottish football so anything can happen.

26.) 19 Jan 2024 13:02:27
Absolutely right based on last season MrPH, but he has missed all his penalties this year and is still up there in the top scorer race. Also got to take into account the quality and number of chances he will get at hearts, a good number of his goals this year have been out of nothing with quality finishes.

27.) 19 Jan 2024 13:05:34
GMS think you will find the majority on here certainly think he’s good enough, possibly only one or two that don’t, Generally the posts are about whether he will be signed or not, that’s different.

28.) 19 Jan 2024 13:07:23
Agree that he may be slow but he makes it up for it in his football brain and would be in the right place to put the chances away and playing in better conditions helps his Scotland chances, apart from Scotland manager doesn’t seem to like us.

29.) 19 Jan 2024 13:14:21
Hearts director has said they are talking to Shankland about a new contract and they have had no interest in him from any other club. That puts that rumour to bed and hopefully we have another striker lined up that the press haven`t got wind of yet.

30.) 19 Jan 2024 13:43:07
David we could in theory pay a £4m 6 month loan fee and complete transfer registration for £0 in the summer.

31.) 19 Jan 2024 13:48:36
Ok Borna and the point in that would be…?

32.) 19 Jan 2024 13:57:08
Borna explain how that would work, if he then leaves at end of loan.

33.) 19 Jan 2024 13:57:12
Realise I'll get pelters as I rarely post. butI'm hearing van veen to Hearts! You do the math.

34.) 19 Jan 2024 14:07:51
Hearing van veen to Hearts!

35.) 19 Jan 2024 14:11:57
For god's sake storm take a chill pill and settle down ? Can't you see that Twisted Tonic is pulling your chain ??.

36.) 19 Jan 2024 15:42:20
David I’m not saying there is any point in it. I’m saying in theory it could happen so don’t discount its possibility that we sign someone with a fee up front and obligation to pay more at the end of the loan.
John, he wouldn’t leave at the end of the loan if it’s an obligation to buy. His contract would be signed in advance, almost like a pre contract.

37.) 19 Jan 2024 16:37:10
Hearts want money. Why would they loan him to us with 18 months left on his contract?

38.) 19 Jan 2024 18:06:16
This doesn’t make any sense unless we are maybe giving them lowry on a permanent as well as wright or similar for free and the obligation to buy is £5m plus. However I don’t think hearts would swap shankland for butland .

39.) 19 Jan 2024 18:17:54
To be fair with only 18 months left on his contract maybe hearts would rather a guaranteed £3m+ in the summer instead of gambling on a 3rd place finish and shankland leaving for nothing next year. Shankland could potentially down tools if he doesn’t get his move to rangers and if he does hearts will struggle to finish 3rd in my opinion. If that happens then they don’t get europa group stage money and they also get pennies for shankland in the summer instead of millions now .
This would Probably suits both clubs and player.

40.) 19 Jan 2024 18:32:22
Heard from a hearts season ticket holder that shankland hasn't trained this week so hopefully won't be in the squad for tomorrow just saying.



31 Aug 2023 23:02:34
Million Manhoef said to be signing tomorrow, who knows, we'll soon see if its true or not.


1.) 01 Sep 2023 02:33:17
Would make sense considering we need a lb and a left w covers both positions.

2.) 01 Sep 2023 05:51:53
Regardless, today, we need a right winger (Sima is careless in possession, and I’m not sure what his natural position is), and a big CB. Both must be first team players.

We’ve not had a natural right winger since Candeias. It seems to be a position we’ve neglected. No one say “we don’t play with wingers”, we’ve had Kent for 4/ 5 years. We need the same, but on the right. One who gets numbers.

It’s clear that our main threat this season has been wide areas.

If we don’t manage to get one, then fine, but at least I hope we try.

3.) 01 Sep 2023 07:23:42
Think the only person we will bring in is probably Souttar on loan. Beale doesn’t seam to interested in signing a winger hence why palma went to Celtic instead.

4.) 01 Sep 2023 07:30:15
The whole we don't play wingers in a joke, we need players who can beat a man and find a player. Some one who can play wide, we did well with this 4312 last season to an extent because we had sakala who would drift wide, dessers is isolated in every away game we have played so far, we need a good link between our midfield and attack. We bypass midfield constantly as they are not good enough in possesion. Team still lacks quite a lot tbh.

5.) 01 Sep 2023 07:36:15
Million is hardly a big Ch he's only 5'10" perhaps Michael Beale could consider playing three at the back on Sunday if Davies is fit and is not being sold in this window he's a natural left sided CH and play Matondo as a wingback the only issue with Davies would be he hasn't started a game yet this season.

6.) 01 Sep 2023 07:43:17
Would take Million Manhoef in a minute.
Looks the part.
However just signed an extension last year till 2025, so won't be cheap.
Valued at 3.5m, Chelsea were sniffing but probably just to dump him in their 2nd team!
21 so a great age and would be a 1st teamer. ?.

7.) 01 Sep 2023 07:44:55
Where are you hearing this? Very excited if this is true.

8.) 01 Sep 2023 08:51:03
Manhoef is a talented young player that could develop and be sold on for profit. For that reason my guess is Rangers won’t go near him. I’ve lost confidence in the club when it comes to the youth academy and player transfers. We can’t seem to find quality players. Even if we do sign a quality young player we allow them to run their contract down instead of cashing in like we’re suppose to and building on it. The incompetence is just sickening.

9.) 01 Sep 2023 09:10:49
Can anyone tell me why the english transfer window is open until the 3rd of september I believe ?Is the Scottish transfer window now definitely closed ?.

10.) 01 Sep 2023 09:31:49
Scottish window closes tonight.

11.) 01 Sep 2023 09:39:37
Would love that to be true but find it unlikely that we'd make that outlay on a left back without either Ridvan or Borna leaving.

12.) 01 Sep 2023 09:44:26
Don’t think they will give Beale any more money for players as he has been useless up till now and will be gone by Christmas.

13.) 01 Sep 2023 09:49:06
Sir walter why do you think the scottish window is closed?

14.) 01 Sep 2023 10:01:13
His dad would be a good signing, no one would get past.

15.) 01 Sep 2023 10:03:21
Manhoef can play as a wing-back or winger on either side of the pitch. Don't get bogged down with the idea that he can only fit in at LB. The guy could be deployed as a right winger, and he often is.

16.) 01 Sep 2023 10:12:51
English window closes at 11pm tonight coops, scottish at midnight i believe. Can't see anywhere saying 3rd September for England mate.

17.) 01 Sep 2023 10:31:18
Kjb he is not a CH he plays both left back and left wing roles and is ideal as a wingback.

18.) 01 Sep 2023 12:12:02
So links to yet more Dutch players and nobody thinks it's anything to do with gio targets ?.



09 Aug 2023 18:33:03
Well thankfully he's not injured lol (Danilo)





TwistedTonic1872's banter posts with other poster's replies to TwistedTonic1872's banter posts


02 Feb 2024 01:23:28
People need to lighten up, get things done early is what we all wanted, we done so, relatively speaking.

If we signed Silva today rather than the start we'd be buzzing.

Dessers isn't the greatest but the manager clearly likes him and trusts him.

Silva is a very versatile player and will be huge in the run in I'm sure, can't win with some people.

Dessers is a better "player" than Shankland.


1.) 02 Feb 2024 08:10:43
Twisted I don't think shankland is going to move us forward but dessers ain't better than shankland.



27 Jan 2024 18:33:39
Cifuentes away to Turkey on loan, more deadwood out the door.




01 Sep 2023 12:48:59
Panzo joins Cardiff on loan today as well.




21 Aug 2023 02:06:19
Demari Grey is Saudi bound.




12 Aug 2023 17:03:57
Well if that doesn't prove the need for width I don't know what will.

Matondo and Sima coming on changed the game, Danilo through the middle ahead of Dessers for me can't play both.

Lammers needs to keep things more simple, too many drags and fancy footwork.

Tavernier was absolutely terrible, he looks way way of it, seems sluggish, the amount of slack passes will cost us inn other games.

Souttar, Balogun done well.

Matondo for me was the game changer, only real pace we have in the team.

Good win, hopefully kick on from here.


1.) 12 Aug 2023 18:03:50
Well twisted according to many sima and matondo are rubbish!

2.) 13 Aug 2023 07:22:00
Matondo the only player with pace? Have you seen sima run, Beale said he was clocked as being the 2nd or 3rd fastest player in France last season.




TwistedTonic1872's rumour replies


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28 Jun 2024 21:15:17
Yeah, I'm good tom mate and cheers stig buddy.

Yeah, he seems pricey but isn't out of the question if we sell Tav and could maybe use Lammers as part of any deal, wasn't frim any source sws mate was more of a WhatsApp rumour but maybe people just putting 2 and 2 together with the lammers situation and tav needing to be replaced.

Time will tell.




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28 Jun 2024 17:10:46
He literally just joined Palmerias like 3 weeks ago.




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31 Jan 2024 15:36:09
Nope it's false news.




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30 Jan 2024 21:34:39
Never happening, if they can't afford over 12k to give shankland more money then roofes 35k is never going to be feesable.




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30 Jan 2024 21:31:22
He doesn't have a release clause.





TwistedTonic1872's banter replies


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10 Feb 2024 22:02:47
It's already been done, it's Yilmaz silva and Diomande mate.




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01 Sep 2023 14:40:27
Yes you do storm

If we finish third in our Europa League group will go into a playoff round to enter the Europa Conference League.




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10 Aug 2023 19:01:29
Kilmarnock is always a tricky tie, n we beat a team. who hasn't lost a competetive game since april, some people will never be happpy give iit time to gel

Win % as an Old firm Manager in top flight

Beale 77%
MON 76%
Ange 73%
Lennon 70%
Stein 70%
Rodgers 70%
Struth 68%
Advocatt 67%
Gerrard 65%.




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09 Aug 2023 20:38:00
Cifuentes over Jack and Yilmaz over Borna.




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02 Aug 2023 22:25:18
115 minutes with 10 men lol.




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