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Bazbear73's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Bazbear73's rumours posts


23 Oct 2024 22:25:42
Interesting to hear Marvin Bartley saying he'd heard there were a couple of players in our dressing room just trying to outlast the manager, that would fit in with a few of our former managers and although the management team buy the players, ultimately it's the performance and desire that seems to be lacking rather than the tactics all the time. Thinking it may have been Goldson, Cantwell, possibly even a couple that are still here. Always felt a few downed tools.


1.) 23 Oct 2024 23:26:14
I think it’s a combination of this and the players being over coached. The system (if there is one) is far too rigid and he won’t allow players to be creative. Look where that got Cantwell, drifts out to the wing a few times and he gets subbed. I know Dio has been getting stick but I don’t think he has a clue what he’s been told to do. Butland has made little statements about tactics. The players will get him the sack which makes it even worse that he won’t drop them because he has the power to change it.

2.) 24 Oct 2024 00:57:54
Weird cause it turns out goldson far better than propper.

3.) 24 Oct 2024 01:16:23
Pretty clear it has to be a couple who are still here as we still lack effort, passion and tempo in all of our play. Some of these players used to walk through walls and now seem happy to do very little.

4.) 24 Oct 2024 07:22:31
While I'm not in favour of changing manager all the time, it 8s a special man manager who get the best out of players, there's not that many about. Still hope it's PC as he got a tune out of them last year at first.

5.) 24 Oct 2024 08:54:46
Correct, Paul!

Right now, I doubt Clement could get a tune out of anything - He's done for!

Once you lose the dressing room, and with the majority of fans against him, there's no coming back from this - those days are gone!

6.) 24 Oct 2024 09:12:29
How has he lost the dressing room sunshine, you're posting loads of bs about our manager, you point out where he has lost the dressing room and how you actually know this, maybe you want him sacked but why all this nonsense about him you really need to get a fecking grip of yourself.

7.) 24 Oct 2024 10:11:30
How do you know he hasn't, My star?! Do you see what I done there?
It's quite obvious something is wrong, and as our resident 'expert', I'd expect you to know this?! Players have questioned tactics, he's coming out and calling out players, and footballing commentators, ex players etc, are now mentioning it.

So, excuse my ignorance, and not being on your "expertise levels", but everything screams he's lost some of the dressing room, whereas, you haven't provided any evidence, he hasn't. Over to you!

8.) 24 Oct 2024 12:02:07
Blue89, Cantwell was playing on the wing and kept drifting away from it even when he was told not to because he was leaving a big space that's why he was subbed. He never played there again but played plenty of games after that in his preferred position . Clement was just in the door at that point and was trying things with the players he had. let's not rewrite history. Hearing Butlands comments he has criticised the team for not doing things right, just like Balogun on Sunday and Sterling last season. The system isn`t working but I`m pretty sure the manager doesn`t send the players out to miss sitters or misplace passes or not work hard enough on and off the ball. Even if some of them don`t like the manager they should be playing hard for the club, the fans and themselves. Anybody who is trying to just outlast the manager should be first out the door . Who do they think they are? They are all lucky to be playing for Rangers.

9.) 24 Oct 2024 12:07:17
Is that facts or fiction sunshine, you need to give him a break mate, name calling is a bit much is it not?

10.) 24 Oct 2024 12:08:27
Goldson may have been better than propper, but nit 25 grand a week extra better than him.

11.) 24 Oct 2024 12:16:46
Agree with SS here Star, Its looking that way tbf.

12.) 24 Oct 2024 12:18:02
I love your wee debates no one on here knows if he has or hasn’t lost dressing rooms pole just guessing. Something ain’t right that’s for sure.

SS just out of interest as I may have missed it what players that are still their in 1st team have questioned the tactics?

13.) 24 Oct 2024 12:39:20
Cantwell has played brilliantly since leaving and was MOTM down South at the weekend. Maybe the Rangers manager is just a fraud who cannot get the most out of these players?

14.) 24 Oct 2024 12:49:13
Butland mentioned tactics in an interview, Storm. He wasn't blatant with it ("we needed a different approach", but it happened! That doesn't happen if everything is rosy.

Can anyone on here honestly claim that everything is OK behind the scenes? From the outside looking in, it doesn't look great, does it? There's more chance of discord behind the scenes than there is unity.

My star! You're spouting the exact same stuff now as you did with Beale! How did that work out?

15.) 24 Oct 2024 13:15:31
If he goes now, and with the right manager coming in, we can still salvage something this season.

16.) 24 Oct 2024 13:19:40
OK, My star, I agree that I have used language which is just not on to describe the guy, so for that reason, I will desist with this. You are correct, it is wrong! I won't change my mind on him, and I believe he needs to go, but the derogatory terms/ names will stop.

17.) 24 Oct 2024 13:27:50
If true then it’s a disgrace and truly unprofessional but we’ve seen it before with cliques in the dressing room and players seemingly not being dropped regardless of form.

18.) 24 Oct 2024 13:34:42
Odd how Cantwell is now seen as a star by some fans and yet they were slaughtering him for his attitude, his petulant behaviour, lazy, not RFC class and his social media comments.

As we have found numerous players have been hounded out by fans as “not Rangers class” only to be exceptional elsewhere, don’t know if Cantwell would fit that bill.

He was a bright light when he arrived but we soon found out that light soon dimmed, to eventually be switched off.

19.) 24 Oct 2024 13:45:41
Sunshine that is nonsense mate, I said around a month before Beale got sacked that i had lost hope in him.

20.) 24 Oct 2024 13:50:22
Hmmmmm?! Did you? ?.

21.) 24 Oct 2024 13:53:00
Glad hearing you'll not abuse him now mate, it really wasn't called for.

22.) 24 Oct 2024 13:54:51
Cantwell attitude changed the day PC called him out for not sticking to the game plan. i agree and PC was right to call him out for that or should the players be the ones to manage games now. the mistake PC made in my opinion was tell players they weren't needed going forward back in the spring. now he has some players we couldn't get rid of that know they aren't really wanted. never an ideal position to be in.

23.) 24 Oct 2024 14:01:08
Yes sunshine 100% did.

24.) 24 Oct 2024 14:07:57
If Clement doesn't make a dramatic improvement in our performances before January, I will say the same about him sunshine not certainly not just now.

25.) 24 Oct 2024 14:26:30
But certainly not.

26.) 24 Oct 2024 16:24:21
Storm did Butland and Balogun not have a pop., not specifically directed at him, but things in general, may be wrong here but thought they did. ?.

27.) 24 Oct 2024 16:36:39
Don't always agree with you sunshine but your right that something stinks behind the scenes, although maybe if the players read most of our posts they'd be chucking their dummies too, think the mgt team have gave them cold hard truths and the primadonnas can't handle it, Lawrence gets some stick but at least he looks up for the fight. Still believe it'll get better every transfer window, just have to grin and (bear) it for a while.

28.) 24 Oct 2024 16:48:15
In all honesty it's the same season after season, n will never change until the auld guard are out
No matter how shocking he is tav still gets played n is captain we are dia with him

Then we all hear so called murmers of dressing room bust ups
Same last season with gio
Season before with beale
N Season before ext

N will be same next season with whoever

Same auld merry go round n folk can rip what they want but through board to the team bar conner barron
We are hopeless ?.

29.) 24 Oct 2024 17:04:39
Well, he's had 2 x windows Baz, and so far, it's only got worse! Where are getting the confidence that things will get better each window if they've got worse, from the 2 he's already had?!

30.) 24 Oct 2024 17:29:12
Mystar you were banging the drum for Beale on here one of the longest on here infact. SS is 100%’correct about that maybe not as much as verdant but you were.

You always have selective memory as you don’t spout some amount of pish for an alleged ex-footballer.

Ss I missed Butland saying that but it is obvious that a different approach is needed Stevie wonder can see it don’t know how PC cant.

I won’t slag him personally, I probably did with Beale but that’s because he was never a manager. PC done well in Belgium he isn’t a bad manager in that sense maybe not suited for Scottish football.

31.) 24 Oct 2024 17:57:40
Listen storm, I said a good month before Beale's sacking it was time for him to go fsg, couldn't really give a toss what you say, what i just said above 100% happened, storm you spount some amount of pish on here regularly man, sometimes you have me thinking that man that calls everyone clueless just hasn't got a clue himself.

32.) 24 Oct 2024 18:08:44
Butland called out his tactics in an interview sunshine? I watched every interview but i must have missed that or some need to pay closer attention to the interviews, Clement's in particular, because some of the stuff that get mentioned on here never left his mouth, same with the interview after the Kilmarnock game, what he actually said was Kasanwirjo will only learn when out defence step out and i never heard him bad mouth Butland either like has been mentioned on here.

33.) 24 Oct 2024 18:29:47
The best one was it doesn't matter if John Soutter is playing lcb, I said he's a far better player rcb and that was the replie i got from you storm as well as he's a poor cb, clueless man.

34.) 24 Oct 2024 20:16:27
Who are the old guard other than tav and big Leon can’t blame they 2 even if they are past it for a whole team struggling. Is it Leon fault dessers misses sitters or tav fault dio looks lost. Vast majority of the old guard left and we look worse now.

35.) 24 Oct 2024 21:32:27
In auld guard a mean tav
Wi him as captain we ain't moving forward as sad as I am to say

We are hopeless n brutal at times n looks 4 steps of the pace
He ain't the leader too drive us on to a title

Also majour back room changes as somthing definitely stinks at board level
We seem to be moving back N back every season, certain members need away as tearing us up from the inside, n it's starting too show on n off the field.

36.) 25 Oct 2024 02:39:16
Blackburn rovers are not Glasgow Rangers.

37.) 25 Oct 2024 09:43:33
Its amazing how Cantwell is suddenly a visionary who left because of Clement yet a few weeks ago he had a bad attitude and all his media stuff was the problem . Despite his style and the disciplined way the manager wanted him to play he got picked regularly, scored goals and had plenty of assists but some fans still turned on him.
I read recently he has 3 assists and no goals so far this season so he`s hardly setting things alight in the championship and even if he was, he was on fire in the first couple of months with us too, let's see if it lasts at Blackburn or ifs its just his M.0 at new clubs.

38.) 26 Oct 2024 20:32:46
True Blackburn playing in a much tougher and better league.



08 Sep 2024 16:14:36
Was just reading that someone from club 1872 copywrote the name G51, which is the name of the new sports bar, a week before plans for the bar were announced, is that dodgy or an unbelievable coincidence?


1.) 08 Sep 2024 16:47:06
Can you trademark a postcode?

2.) 08 Sep 2024 16:50:44
Nothing dodgy, the guy who registered the trademark is not suing or taking legal advice, more scaremongering clickbait rubbish.

3.) 08 Sep 2024 17:00:58
It’s Craig Huston from Sons of Struth don’t think he’ll object to it.

4.) 08 Sep 2024 17:18:10
But there is a lot of fans with self interest before the club.

5.) 08 Sep 2024 17:27:12
I think its Craig Houston from Club 1872, he has a Rangers clothing brand called G51 and has copyrighted this prior to the bar opening however he has said to Rangers its ok to contiune to use the G51 if they like. Has the potential for a bit of hassle further down the line if things go pear shaped, just needs to be legally sorted now so all parties are happy and the deal is future proofed.

6.) 08 Sep 2024 18:40:00
Craig Houston has already stated on record that he has no objections. Nothing to see here. Just media trying to make a story out of nothing.

7.) 08 Sep 2024 18:56:29
I wouldn't trust Houston as far as I could throw him!

8.) 08 Sep 2024 19:35:39
Heard a wee story he was present at Tommy Robinson's call to arms in George Sq over the weekend.

9.) 08 Sep 2024 21:21:26
Craihs a good boy, not intrested in hurting the club, only helping it. He s a good political comentatator who, i m sure most will agree with???????????.

10.) 08 Sep 2024 21:56:56
It’s seems pretty obvious he is trying to profit from associating with tue club. The fact he found out what the name of the bar was going to be and then trademarked it, there is nothing coincidental about it.

11.) 08 Sep 2024 23:16:38
The thing at George square had nothing to do with Tommy Robinson think you need to stop reading the national. Was a Glasgow guy who set it up and it’s no his fault the union bears and green brigade storm it. Nothing wrong with a protest against mass immigration just like there is nothing wrong with the counter protest. Free country after all.

12.) 09 Sep 2024 00:32:42
I wouldn't trust anyone who didn't trust Craig and aye he was there yesterday as I would have been but was working. Can't believe anyone on here would have a problem with Robinson, Glasgow cabbie or Craig Houston. You know just like the greetin brigade have a problem with them, so anyway choose your friends eh?

13.) 09 Sep 2024 00:50:58
You are right, Stop reading or listening to any mainstream media Raskin, just agenda driven garbage which is pushing against a free country, never thought in my life time that you can have more freedom of speech in Russia than in Britain, worrying times.

14.) 09 Sep 2024 06:26:19
First hand account of a guy coming home from his work in the city centre, and you can think what you want, go ahead and make assumptions nothing to do with the media.

15.) 09 Sep 2024 06:38:43
And keep believing that raskin as T. R was promoting it thru the week, but you are correct about protests on both sides.

16.) 09 Sep 2024 09:22:24
It would appear there's a wee bit of right wing support on here masking itself as "free speech"! Just like the loony hard left, the hard right can dress up their ideology whatever way they want, but we all know it leads to carnage.

Houston is a self serving, up his own arse, nobody who is trying to hold onto his 5 mins of fame he was awarded during the dark days if the spivs. As soon as he was given a voice and position in Club 1872, the game was a bogey.

17.) 09 Sep 2024 12:14:07
Agreed SS?.

18.) 09 Sep 2024 14:36:57
Ss, the only trouble was football fans at gs ask union bears and the boys etc.



15 Jun 2024 10:13:00
Story coming out now that Adeji clause not activated by Lorient and actually they would struggle to pay the release now they've been relegated, apologies if this has been stated previously. If we can still get him, think it will be a coup.


1.) 15 Jun 2024 10:54:01
Actually just read that his move to France is complete, so who knows.

2.) 15 Jun 2024 10:57:25
Everything online says he's signed for them already?

3.) 15 Jun 2024 12:20:35
Daily rag says we are still in for him and he hasn't signed for anyone yet. who knows what's going on .

4.) 15 Jun 2024 12:39:07
I read a story just an hour ago that he'd signed for Lorient.

5.) 15 Jun 2024 12:43:51
Until we see the scarf that's when I believe somdys signed, all the rags n that all contradict each other so who knows until you see those strip n scarf pics.

6.) 15 Jun 2024 12:48:51
Hes being unveiled as a lorient player.

7.) 15 Jun 2024 14:09:11
55 Lorient haven’t unveiled him but reports are he has signed for them.

8.) 15 Jun 2024 16:23:30
Just posted this also bazbear. seems strange and possibly player himself could be deliberately holding up the deal possibly.

9.) 15 Jun 2024 16:36:52
On their webpage it says:

"Nathaniel Adjei continues his adventure in FC Lorient".

But who knows if we were after him?

10.) 15 Jun 2024 16:38:30
Hammarby have confirmed lorient signed him.



01 Jan 2024 19:50:41
Definite interest in Josh Doig, I was a bit sceptical but if its genuine, I think it's a sign that we mean business. 21, so could be our left back for 10 years, yilmaz sale could fund most of it.


1.) 01 Jan 2024 20:08:13
Hope this happens, exactly the sort of player we should be targeting.

2.) 01 Jan 2024 20:16:31
Baz this imo would be a great move.

3.) 01 Jan 2024 21:16:11
It’s just a pity we didn’t take a punt on him when he was at Hibs and got him cheaper. Lots of good Scottish talent we’ve let go abroad without showing an interest in.

4.) 01 jan 2024 21:47:10
fed up saying it, we have plenty cash and will spend.

5.) 01 Jan 2024 22:03:43
Hate to say it, but we would not have developed him the way he has come on.

6.) 01 Jan 2024 22:15:05
Correct bar72. Barasic would still have been getting played no doubt.

7.) 01 Jan 2024 22:25:06
Big Phil gets we need a Scottish spine and Scottish quality. I’m happy with this, Barron, McKenna and hopefully Denkey (one came dream ??)

8.) 01 Jan 2024 23:21:58
I had posted on a previous thread that he only has 2 assists in 34 starts in Italy.
That’s very poor for a modern fullback.
I’m not so sure I want him now.

9.) 01 Jan 2024 23:39:09
I'm with you John, liked him at hibs and time in Italy can only have made him better, I don't think we get him for much under 5m but he's dynamic, up and down that wing all day, and scottish so what looks like a big outlay is money well spent imo, recoup most of it my moving on Yilmaz and its clever business.

10.) 01 Jan 2024 23:41:39
Was speaking to an Italian guy I know that's up to date on most things in Italian football. Has a few contacts in the game, media and scouting agencies that are involved in the game there and his opinion is Doig is one of the top young full backs over there. If he come it will be with a decent sell on clause. I'm hopeful of this as my hibs pal thinks he would be one of the best full backs in the country.

11.) 01 jan 2024 23:55:17
italian football and british football are vastly different stevie, they play differently, and there's no way in the world doigs only ever put 2 crosses inti the box, or nit been involved in build ups that lead to goals, you should never trust these type of stats, if you did then many players would look rubbish, italians don't just expect the fb to belt down the wing and punt the ball in, like tav does,

12.) 02 Jan 2024 00:56:28
It’s a potty yilmaz must be sold I thought he had a great game the old firm.

13.) 02 Jan 2024 06:50:02
Josh doig is a good left full back and i hope we can sign him ? He's better than yilmaz for me ?.

14.) 02 Jan 2024 07:41:42
saw on twitter mls reporter says we're linked with teenage hadebe apparently left back / centre half.

15.) 02 Jan 2024 08:44:59
Unfortunately I just don't see him coming back to Scotland - same as Lewis Ferguson. There's teams in England looking at Doig.

16.) 02 Jan 2024 08:58:37
I think Doig would improve the starting 11 - hope this one is true.

17.) 02 Jan 2024 09:14:56
Hope Doig is true, Good player for his age with plenty of potential.

18.) 02 Jan 2024 11:10:25
Interesting to see if we sign Doig permanently or as I read in a previous post - loan with an option to buy.

19.) 02 Jan 2024 15:03:48
few other clubs in for Doig
Bologna have bid 6 mill euros and Torino now being front runners for his signature with a 7 mill euros bid already.
Doubt we will be matching those bids.
My bet is he will stay in italy and only get better.
Can't blame the lad. Serie A or the SPFL, hardly rocket science.

20.) 02 Jan 2024 18:20:25
Not a chance for me sws.



15 Nov 2023 17:11:10
See Warburton in paper talking about the way he and Davie Weir were edged out, I know there were rumours they were talking to another club, but anybody got decent info on this, seemed a bit harsh, if they did move to another club we would have got compo surely?


1.) 15 Nov 2023 18:49:10
In past who cares move on

Need to look forward not back why are people intent on creating negative headlines around us when we are doing well.

2.) 15 nov 2023 18:54:52
tried to be fly and look innocent, git caught, end of.

3.) 15 Nov 2023 18:58:20
Is this just some media spin from Brighton as D Weir being mentioned in rumblings re potential DOF job at Ibrox and a way of spreading negative press so as to distance him from the job? Just a thought?.

4.) 15 Nov 2023 19:37:59
Things were going pear shaped for him as his lack of a plan B was getting found out, he thought he was gong to get sacked and started looking around for other offers, got caught and got sacked. We got no compensation because we sacked him and he got no compensation because he was talking to another club. He didn`t last long there either, couldn`t maintain a challenge at QPR and after a spell as West Hams assistant coach, and is now looking to get back in somewhere. what's the best way of doing that? Start talking again about the only big club he`s ever worked for and hope to get noticed. He got us promoted and then was found out, that's the real story.

5.) 15 Nov 2023 20:24:44
Warburton said it in a podcast, nothing to so with weir.

6.) 15 Nov 2023 20:37:21
Cheers gor the responses guys, especially wslgers.
Well informed.

7.) 16 Nov 2023 14:36:34
I’d like to see warburton takeover an spl club and see how he gets on.
Maybe the hearts job will be up for grabs soon.

8.) 16 Nov 2023 23:05:39
Plan B is to do Plan A better. ?.




Bazbear73's banter posts with other poster's replies to Bazbear73's banter posts


27 Jan 2025 09:45:45
Over halfway through the season now, interested to see people's perspective now on the team building.
GK Butland still number one but a couple of able back ups in place, yes Butland has an error in him but still sometimes this year he's kept us in games and if he was faultless, would he really be at us.
Defense, some horrific injuries, full defence out really with Sterling, Kasawiro, Soutar, Balogen, Tav, Ridvan up until recently. Nsiala looking good, think Propper has looked better switching to right. Again Jefte has an error but I love him, always fit, doesn't go missing and is up and down that pitch all day.
Mf, Raskin looking great, loads of criticism of Dio but hopefully people can see how good he is now. Barron good squad player.
Wide players, Hagi and Cerny probably enough for this year, hoping cortes can get fit and stay fit for next year.
Strikers, igamane looks the part, I still like Dessers, again if he he didn't miss chances, would he really be playing in Scotland. Jury out on Danilo.
Manager, really like him and won't jump on the criticism bandwagon if he loses a few games, with the turnover of squad and loss of a lot of the driving forces of the team, they were always going to struggle in hostile away games but I think they're all starting to adapt. Overall I think we're heading in right direction.




25 Jan 2025 08:43:05
See Yilmaz getting touted for Besiktas again, with his injury record and habit of giving the ball away when going forward sometimes, it may make sense, if he's staying i wonder if he would be better playing LB with Jefte being the further forward of the 2.




16 Jan 2025 13:51:12
So regarding, PC on igamane and nsala,
He stated when they arrived, we wouldn't be able to afford them in a year or two so we got them early and had to nurture them. I think he's been proved right on both counts and maybe big Phil and Koppen deserve a bit of praise. I believe Cortes and Dio will be the same and a few more coming in.




15 Jan 2025 21:05:07
Decent 1st half, well in control. Thought defence looks good. Danilo looks a touch fragile. Yilmaz a bit too sloppy on ball, igmane looking more like Ronaldo every week.
Hagi, what a passing masterclass. Any of you out there that were crying out for him to be back in the squad and were getting slated, you have my respect.




05 Jan 2025 17:18:06
Not overly fussed today, thought we were better team for all but 5 or 10 mins in each half, tried to take foot off gas after 2-0, which our defense in it's current guise just can't do. Yilmaz looked like a LB playing RB today but still think he's a good LB. Sloppy in possession back and middle a bit, but what a great game for the spectator, few months back were moaning that it's rubbish to watch.

Cerny doesn't look like he can go up and down the wing for 90, so maybe hold the right wing back in position, so he doesn't have to track back quite do much, complete makeshift defense on right side, and hibs have great delivery and a height advantage on us. Said a few months ago, tongue in cheek a little that igamane reminds me of original Ronaldo, he's starting to even more now, finally got our man.





Bazbear73's rumour replies


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14 Feb 2025 15:53:10
Don't get me wrong Storm, I can see where your coming from and don't totally disagree that it's unacceptable, but I feel the manager has had to work under poor circumstances and it's going to take a bit longer to fix than we'd all like. That team at weekend should have won but not getting an early goal hurts their already poor confidence.

Just can't say it's not heading in right direction with some fantastic results in Europe which earns us decent money, increases player profile and team coefficient. I think time is all that's needed but the big question is will he get the time required for the fix needed. I can see why a lot on here feel it's not happening quick enough, just not me.




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14 Feb 2025 08:47:44
It is a bump Strom surely. Just because it's the first time we've lost in the cup to a team outside our league doesn't make it less so, people go on like we've lost to a non league side, they're mid table in a league below, yes we should beat them but Liverpool should beat Plymouth, Celtic should beat caley thistle, there's no devine right, the team looks like it needs to score early or gets very nervous, partly because of the crowd demands which are quite rightly high but not easy for all players to handle. Pressure is not something that everybody can handle well.




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13 Feb 2025 09:25:14
Good post Tom thumb, I've been on several times saying similar. This over reaction every time we lose a game is not for me. Yes we're 13 pints behind a financially far superior Celtic, but we've been tge better team the last twice we've played them, played fantastically in Europe home and away, all while bringing the age and wage down dramatically. Boardroom issues first quarter of season meant PC did have to deal in financially and not forgetting horrendous injury list and carrying players on good wages around the club who are aware they are surplus to requirements. Some of the players at the club had downed tools for several managers so big picture wise, I agree he's performing to his remit.




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12 Feb 2025 08:48:58
It's unfortunate that there's only 2 teams capable of winning in Scotland, so when we don't win, it's our fiercest rivals and some fans can't see past that, fair enough to them but going forward, I'd rather be the team that impresses everyone in Europe, which in turn should lead to better sales like Bassey, Kamara.
Also, young players developing with us even if it's to move on.
I want to win everything, and beat Celtic 6 times a year but the time when it was the most important thing in life is long gone for me. As the European leagues continue to develop, it's looking more and more like a midweek euro league. I can see a time when there 16 league games with top 4 going to semi finals and finals.




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12 Feb 2025 00:06:23
Your not alone Angus, I don't like losing to St Mirren, Queens Park etc but I honestly don't see it as the worst Rangers team ever, have people forgot about the unbelievable injuries we've had and still have, the terrible decisions such as the penalty in cup final and hibs penalty against us. We've had some shockers and individual errors but the players are a missed pass away from getting booed and youngsters such as jefte and Barron are going to make wrong decisions. We've got a great home record apart from Sunday, an amazing euro record and in 3 games against Celtic, we've been the better team twice. It's not all bad. I just can't over react to every bad result. Or good result for that matter.





Bazbear73's banter replies


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18 Feb 2025 14:35:15
This is without doubt the best thread I've read on here in months. No sniping, just good intelligent opinions from both sides who have the same end goal when it comes down to it. Great initial question Kaiser and brilliant initial response from Angus and then further down from EHL. I think the European results overall give me confidence that the guy knows what he's doing and when he had a few bad results, the momentum started that he's constantly battling. Love you see him get a good run of big victories to see how the team confidence builds.




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17 Feb 2025 23:22:37
Proper struggled to settle early on, but has looked better in recent months, nsiala comes in played well, so starts. That's how squad should work.
Bahrami criticised of late so doesn't start, will have something to prove when comes back in or will be benched again, looked good in moments.
Cortes is unfortunately injured, so doesn't make much sense in playing him?




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17 Feb 2025 08:25:47
Not sure if your making the point that when we get loads of chances and don't win it's not unlucky or it'll the opposition get chances and don't win we're lucky, Storm but those arguments kinda cancel each other out.
I'm just calling it how I see it, don't think we were great in middle of park, lost the ball a lot. Thought Jefte was not bad and Soutar has been missed aerially. Nsiala looks a find.
Don't think there was a great deal of difference from last week apart from result so stick with my thoughts that last weeks result is just a bad result and only that to me.




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16 Feb 2025 20:38:23
Try saying it in Belgian potatohead, see if we get what you mean or if the Belgians get your nuance.




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16 Feb 2025 20:36:24
Miller, apart from the goal I thought Cerny had one of his worst games for us. Thought nsiala was the standout, butland good too.
The result covers up the performance, if hearts took their chances it could have been 7-3.
Midfield not at it today although Dio tried to move the ball with speed and igamane showed some good touches at times. Hagi looked a bit careless too.




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