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29 Apr 2024 19:33:54
Jack Butland, unless an offer comes in that we just can't refuse will be a Rangers Players next year. Considering the circumstances in which he arrived under Beale and the transition to PC and obviously the negative press the team have been getting especially on off days like recently, I feel he will relish being #1 with a fresh start next year and the excitement of playing with new signings of which i feel will be quality . Congrats to our goalie for his awards last night. well deserved.


1.) 29 Apr 2024 20:31:04
I hope your right but with his family still down south it seems as though we were a chance to get him back in shop window.

2.) 30 Apr 2024 20:14:52
Personally I don't believe that Butland's prime reason for joining us was to get back in the 'shop window'. I believe that he primarily wanted guaranteed first team football and the opportunity to win trophies.

I don't believe that money is a major motivator, he will earn well with us.
I do believe however that he came up too Scotland to win trophies, including the league, and play in Europe, (something that he won't have the opportunity to do in England unless he was to sign for one of the top six sides). This is where the problem lies.

We need to see a substantial upgrade in the quality of players we sign and we need to build a squad that is more than capable of winning the league and progressing in the op European Tournament.

The summer will show how ambitious our current Board is. More of what we have seen since we won 55 and Butland will be off, (probably sold), securing Butland and building from the back with a top quality back four, a solid midfield and showing that we mean business and he will be our keeper next season.



07 Feb 2024 18:10:10
Cifuentes offsky on a 1 year loaner with a buyout attached. hefty chunk off the payroll dependant on the agreement of-course. Maybe 50-50.




06 Aug 2023 16:16:53
Fashion away for seemingly 3 million plus add ons. not bad business considering we got him on a free.


1.) 06 Aug 2023 16:30:27
I would have wanted more than that I would have rather kept him to be honest. Ge gets dogs abuse because he missed two sitters and the best strikers in the world miss sitters.

2.) 06 Aug 2023 16:39:26
Not as if we need someone with pace on the left wing is it?

3.) 06 Aug 2023 16:58:18
From a Free to 3 million in 2 short years. we got what he is worth. wright is going for 500k . puts it into perspective for me.

4.) 06 Aug 2023 16:58:25
Storm, he missed far too many sitters, he's not a natural goalscorer.

5.) 06 Aug 2023 17:01:04
And to think our manager has replaced him with Sima.

6.) 06 Aug 2023 17:01:16
Sad to see him go, whilst he was not the most technically gifted, he was more than capable of doing the job needed of him.

Another daft decision IMO.

7.) 06 Aug 2023 17:02:26
He cost us games against Celtic same as selfish fat Alfie did.

8.) 06 Aug 2023 17:13:40
Free transfer✅
Not technically gifted✅
Sima, Danilo and Dessers:-
Never showed much pace, any goals, any assists and not much technical ability yesterday against Killie as we dropped points but at least we spent money on ‘better’.
It’s a funny old game.

9.) 06 Aug 2023 17:20:39
Mark, sakala isn't a natural goalscorer i agree, but his numbers were good and he offers a lot with his burning pace in the wide areas and that gets the opposition on the back foot and frightens the life out of opposition defenders ? I agree with storm and would have kept him for those obvious reasons and will be a loss to our squad ? I wish fashion jr all the very best as he gave everything for rangers with a smile on his face and wanted to be at rangers ?.

10.) 06 Aug 2023 17:21:43
This some way to talk about rangers record european goalscorer of all time, absolutely shocking get a grip Robotman!

11.) 06 Aug 2023 17:26:26
Let's just take the money and use it to buy a left sided centre back that can defend!

12.) 06 Aug 2023 17:31:54
13 goals and 12 assists for sakala last season it remains to be seen if any of tge replacements can better those numbers.

13.) 06 Aug 2023 17:37:51
Mark where did I say he was a natural goalscorer? his stats were good last season. Let’s see what attacking players beat it this season. People pretty clueless when it comes to players IMO.

14.) 06 Aug 2023 17:37:58
Mark on viewings so far who looks better value sakala or dessers ??.

15.) 06 Aug 2023 17:38:21
Ps mark he isn’t a striker either.

16.) 06 Aug 2023 17:38:24
And sakala was rated at 6 million before joined us.

17.) 06 Aug 2023 17:39:04
walter he is a new poster, makes you wonder when he calls him fat alfie, i can guess where he is from.

18.) 06 Aug 2023 17:39:31
Robot man are you saying him and him alone cost us against Celtic? This proves my 1st post some of our fans are clueless.

19.) 06 Aug 2023 17:45:07
Sakala goal or assist every 95min.

20.) 06 Aug 2023 17:46:55
If we don’t sign 2 wingers and at least 1 centre back we can forget it. Systems guff.

21.) 06 Aug 2023 18:07:38
Storm, where in my post did I say you said he was a natural goalscorer? ??.

22.) 06 Aug 2023 18:11:45
All the best to Sakala, always gave 100% and played with a smile on his face.

23.) 06 Aug 2023 18:16:07
Storm bottom line is no manager fancied him in his time here.
Said before turning point for me with Sakala was at latter stages of Europa league run he was only fit striker but we opted for Aribo to play that role.
Best thing for both parties that he moved on.
Wish him all the best.

24.) 06 Aug 2023 18:32:31
Sakala leaving is good for me, he was over hyped and never a footballer, glad to see the back of him.

25.) 06 Aug 2023 18:47:11
Colak and Fashion were 2 of the success stories last season and both got sold because we can't shift the garbage we are now stuck with. And before anyone starts with Colak couldn't play the system it doesn't look like Sima and Dessers are upgrades on the 2 enough.

26.) 06 Aug 2023 18:48:50
Wish the guy all the best. Like most I had a soft spot for him but had my doubts about if he was good enough.

27.) 06 Aug 2023 18:50:04
It’s Still to early to be comparing the new signings to anyone, bad start yeah I get it but maybe it’s the wake up call some need. I think some of the new players thought the poorly thought of SPL was going to be a breeze.

These are players that are used to time on the ball because they’ve played in Holland or Italy, there not going to get that! If there truly good players they’ll adapt- like good players do.

This was always going to take time, but comparing players after competitive game is ludicrous. Sakala had a few seasons in this league and if we get a few million back for him then good. Maybe it can be put do buying a decent defender.

I don’t understand the merit behind comparing players after 1 competitive game, I don’t know how anyone can know how these players will look just yet! Although I’d agree the need a boot up the backside. And Beale needs to find a formula that’s effective, because no excuses there his players.

I think they’ll be a reaction midweek!

28.) 06 Aug 2023 18:59:38
I never said you did mark can’t you read? I asked you where did I say he was a natural goalscorer ?‍♂️.

29.) 06 Aug 2023 19:00:54
The current manager did not start match fit first pick certainties Cantwell and Danilo as he wanted to put out a side that would ensure a win apparently. whoa there and hod on the now I can see a wee problem with that idea.

30.) 06 Aug 2023 19:25:46
Any fee we get from now on should be invested in the left side of that defence, the amount of goals we peak from that side of the park is outrageous.

31.) 06 Aug 2023 19:43:59
All of these posters talking about Sakala as if he's some sort of superhero. Don't get me wrong I like the guy. It's only two or three weeks since many on here had him in the list they wanted sold to bring in funds.
It's a funny old game.

32.) 06 Aug 2023 19:47:54
Storm is right there was also Davies and SOUTTAR errors ?.

33.) 06 Aug 2023 19:54:58
Personally I liked the wee man always smiling
And gave his best he was very likeable and for me could have stayed only time will tell if his replacement can cut it, early days yes but also judgement will soon tell
Best of luck fashion.

34.) 06 Aug 2023 20:00:07
Storm, seems not????.

35.) 06 Aug 2023 20:04:04
Sakala was decent for us did his job, but he doesn't have the quality to take us further. Better to sell now for 3 mill than let him go for free or for 700k. Wish him the best. Sick of constant abuse that gets thrown on here at every player.

36.) 06 Aug 2023 20:06:52
Sima never showed pace? someone never watched us at the weekend.

37.) 06 Aug 2023 20:07:01
Playing with a smile and giving 100% should be a given for every player . doesn't make him a good football player. His composure is atrocious at best. 3m is good business and along with Kamara being sold will hopefully help us bring in another couple needed in certain positions.

38.) 06 Aug 2023 20:23:56
Has Lundstram got a cracker of a wife or knows something naughty about the manager?

39.) 06 Aug 2023 20:54:41
He wasn’t a free? This is a massive mistake selling him.

40.) 06 Aug 2023 20:54:43
let's judge all the new guys on 1 game. Also Sakala got 12 goals and 7 assists last sesson in league. I'll wager a tenner that both Danillo and Dessers better that this season. I get we are annoyed about the game but it's one game so let's wait before writing everyone off. I remeber the same comments being made when Sakala made his debut.

41.) 06 Aug 2023 20:58:53
To get three million plus for a player the manager does not want is excellent business.

42.) 06 Aug 2023 21:10:33
When players make individual errors is difficult so bringing in better quality should be a priority and i'd start by a LB and a LCB but if we have to. use the loan market then let's do that.

43.) 06 Aug 2023 22:12:41
True blue he was fancied last year when he came in with the best stats for a wide player he isn’t a striker.

Jfm what you on about? No one has said he is a superhero you are making that up in your own head.

Mark ? ?.

44.) 06 Aug 2023 22:26:07
Defence should have been sorted first, in forward positions it didn't need as much change . Butland and Dowell clearly excellent decisions though but really way too many changes up front to expect things to gel quickly. We have a load of strikers but few if any to provide chances for them, bit all over the place right now and the manager needs 2 good wins this week or it's going to pile on rapidly.

45.) 06 Aug 2023 22:40:56
Id have had Sakala on the pitch on saturday at least he runs and has pace we were crying out for that during that game might not be the most prolific but boy always shows effort something that was seriously lacking against Killie. We will miss him in my opinion.

46.) 06 Aug 2023 23:33:34
I think the intention was to raise money and buy Trusty but thatks out the window now. Trusty moved elsewhere. I still think Rangers will raise money and buy the best LCB they can find.

47.) 07 Aug 2023 00:00:21
Sakala missed vital chances, in important games, that arguably cost Rangers silverware last season. He’s okay, but we need better.

There’s a lot of people on here slating Sima but that lad is only 22 and has a great record of goals for Slavia domestic and in terms of goals. They were calling him the next Henry and he was signed by an EPL club a couple of years ago. He sunk Brendan Rodgers and his Leicester City team. I’m very confident he will come good.

48.) 07 Aug 2023 00:19:44
I read some nonsense on here. Colak a success story wtf! He was injured over half the season after a great start couldn't buy a goal. Constantly left out instead of Morelos. Explain how on earth that's a success story? Unbelievable.

49.) 07 Aug 2023 04:23:53
@Unbeliever People cannot see past Colak’s goals. He scored therefore he must be a success. It doesn’t matter if he just stand in the box doing nothing like Kris Boyd use to. Of course Morelos was picked ahead of him, he could do everything else so much better.

Hopefully in Dessers, Sima, Danilo, or Lammers, we’ve found guys that can’t link play and score goals.

50.) 07 Aug 2023 09:06:01
@raskin loyal because you never seen him with pace, he’s a dud? How many others showed pace on that game? Even players who we knows got pace couldn’t show it. I remember every time fashion had a game we’re he never scored or did score but took him 4 sitters to do so, a overwhelming majority of people said he should never were a Rangers jersey again! Especially after the old firm misses, the majority wanted change this summer and now it’s here and we’re going to give guys one competitive game and that’s it? That’s the definition of irrational.

@Raskinloyal I don’t know who your saying never watched the game, I noticed the snide comment coming in, but I watched it from Rugby Park- I paid my money and travelled back from Ayrshire gutted. And ruined my weekend. Did you watch it because it wasn’t just Sima- it was the entire team performance and the decisions made. If your only questioning Sima’s pace then I’m wondering if you watched it though? You can't Use pace if there’s no space to run into or you don’t get played the ball at the right times.

When you get knocked down you got to get straight back up not whine about what could have been, I remain behind that team and behind every single one of those players. I think there’s going to be a reaction during the week but Beale needs his strongest 11 on the park.

51.) 07 Aug 2023 09:11:31
I would have kept sakala, he’s the only one that offers any threat or pace. Now we’re as slow as a week in the Bar L.

52.) 07 Aug 2023 12:35:30
Only time will tell if new signings are a success or not, but 1 thing is certain, both sakala and colak are not of the quality for a successful rangers team.

Nice guys, yeah. Wish them well.

53.) 07 Aug 2023 14:53:42
Excellent business ????

Get a player for free who is valued at 6 million

Devalue him force him to play out off position

Finally start giving him games boy does ok better than some other options like roofe or wright

Replace him with a guy who is either just not up to speed yet or is slow

Sell him for 3 million lose to killie and not looking good for champions league.

Forced a player out door that wanted to stay not a good look for our club

Sakala scored same amount of goals as sima and dessers combined last year just for record.

54.) 07 Aug 2023 14:57:57

Has heart
Tries his best
Has pace
Is direct
Takes a man on
Scores and assists as a winger/ forward
Wants to be at the club
Is by all accounts a happy guy to have around dressing room

And we force him out door?

I'm really disappointed how this guy is being treated by our club and some of our fans and manager.

55.) 07 Aug 2023 14:59:30
It boggles how a player can go from being a starter to not being good enough to keep in squad ahead of the likes of roofe wright and several others that didn't play as much.

56.) 07 Aug 2023 15:04:01
Mols you might be right or not but!

How does a player go from a regular starter to not deserving of a squad place when there is other guys like roofe eating for free at the club.

57.) 08 Aug 2023 09:16:08
Danilo will cheer you all up soon and make Dessers look the part too, patience .

58.) 08 Aug 2023 09:41:24
Verdant - hope you are right re our potential new goalscorers but to belittle 20 goals in a season beggars belief - let's see who is top scorer this season and how many goals they get.
I know many teams who would jump at a player who does very little else than BURY 20 ODD GOALS IN A SEASON? (playing limited games whether by injury or by management decision makes the total more poignant too - wouldn't you say? ) McCoist made a career of doing little else than scoring goals? and that was good enough for me.

59.) 08 Aug 2023 12:10:04
@Gofor - Lammers and Dessers were playing in a too 5 league in Italy last season. Sakala was playing in the SPFL. Comparing goal returns, when the difference in standard is so vast, seems foolish. I don’t think Sakala would be bagging double figures in Italy - Do you?



17 Jul 2023 20:34:38
Scott mckenna deal is growing legs. obviously Ross Wilson involved in this . wouldn't be a bad addition and would slot right in . A scot to boot.


1.) 17 Jul 2023 20:49:45
Where are you seeing/ reading that the scott mckenna deal has legs deecee ? I think he'd be a good signing mate ?.

2.) 17 Jul 2023 20:54:04
I wouldn’t be against it mate. Still like him as back up and not 1st choice but he may surprise me.

3.) 17 Jul 2023 21:02:45
Scott McKenna would be a super signing imo.

4.) 17 Jul 2023 21:04:40
A like McKenna wouldn’t mind this.

5.) 17 Jul 2023 21:31:39
I’d be happy with McKenna signing.

6.) 17 Jul 2023 21:42:26
Based on his Aberdeen days, he’s not good enough. Maybe he got better?

7.) 17 Jul 2023 21:51:21
Is Ross Wilson growing legs as part of the deal? ?.

8.) 17 Jul 2023 21:55:16
Not happening. he's not interest in playimg in scotland and there has been no contact.

9.) 17 Jul 2023 22:11:53
Well better player than he was at Aberdeen and only 26 still room to improve would still be Goodson and john souttar as cb pairing for me.

10.) 17 jul 2023 22:37:03
he was good enough mate, its just that he was, and is a young scot, he must be really poor, rangers fans have a long held rep for disrespecting scottish players, you only have to remember the countless ex rangers players who have been ripped apart on here, all scottish, each and every one from barry to duncan, mcinness to wright, the list is endless,

11.) 18 Jul 2023 01:29:37
Tomthumb the way some of our fans talk about past and present players is nothing short of disgraceful, it's actually embarrassing, once a Bear always a bear pfffft not for some of the fans, I don't mind constructive criticism that's part of the game but the name calling and personal attacks frustrates the life out me.

12.) 18 Jul 2023 03:40:15
Scott McKenna is a Celtic fan. He speaks openly about how he loved going to Parkhead as a kid for the big European nights. He loved the stadium and being under the lights, etc. His Dad is a season ticket holder at Parkhead.

If McKenna was coming back to Scotland he would join Celtic, not Rangers.

Also, before John27 falsely labels me a bigot for pointing out the fact out again let me just say this - That’s not bigotry John. I have not mentioned race, or religion. I just don’t want another Micheal O’Halloran at the club who doesn’t try because he prefers our biggest rivals.

13.) 18 Jul 2023 03:47:38
GJD83 correct mate. Once a bear always a bear. Naismith, ian black, sandaza, joey barton all welcome at ibrox any time.

14.) 18 Jul 2023 06:33:23
Verdant, players don't give a rubbish about who they supported as a kid when it comes to playing for one or the other.

I mean Celtics captain over the years was none other than Scott Brown who was a massive Rangers fan and even had a tattoo of the badge but he gave everything for them when he was there.

15.) 18 Jul 2023 07:07:58
Verdant correct this post not bigotry, glad u r learning.

16.) 18 Jul 2023 07:31:46
Bigblue, verdant just gave you an example of one that did - O’Hallaran!

And I’m by no way a bigot either but I think it’s a bit of a risk signing a player that would rather play for the other team across the city. Would happily sign one of their ex players like Armstrong (that didn’t really have an allegiance one way or the other) . But if we sign a die hard Celtic fan, then as soon as their form dips the insults and allegations would start flying. If you think they wouldn’t then your extremely naive.

17.) 18 Jul 2023 08:46:40
“My dad was a Celtic season-ticker holder, I went to a few Celtic games round the time they were doing well in Europe. I remember being there when Alan Thompson scored versus Barcelona. I used to love going to a midweek game at Parkhead under the lights. ” - Scott McKenna.

18.) 18 Jul 2023 09:14:51
I firmly do not believe if a player signs for a team that he won't try because he supports their rival team. that's just nonsense.

19.) 18 Jul 2023 12:00:19
“I firmly do not believe if a player signs for a team that he won't try because he supports their rival team. that's just nonsense. ”

Ever heard of a guy called Michael O’Halloran? He use to go to the Celtic games while on the Rangers payroll. The people who pay their hard earned money to go to Ibrox didn’t like that one bit. How can we have a player at Rangers who would rather be at our most bitter rivals? How can we trust him to give us everything, if he wants our rivals to succeed? Not for me, thanks.

If Scott McKenna decided to come back to Scotland Celtic would be his preferred destination. They would have him as well.

20.) 18 Jul 2023 12:43:31
There is trying and there is going beyond, like Bomber Brown playing with a broken leg!

That’s probably not a good example because those players don’t exist anymore. But more recently we have had players that have taken injections to keep playing, do you think a die hard Celtic fan would do that or would they make sure they are fit for Internationals etc?


Im with Verdant on this tbh.

21.) 18 Jul 2023 15:03:57
Guess it's all about professionalism of the player in question but to state that a player wouldn't sign because of who he supports is just pure guess work. Like a said Brown was a Rangers man and he gave them lot everything even against us.

22.) 18 Jul 2023 16:13:31
Scott Allan signed for Celtic and said his ‘status as a Rangers fan was overstated’. Do you believe that? He never stopped being a Rangers fan and only went there for the money. I don’t want these types anywhere near Ibrox. They can’t be trusted.

23.) 18 jul 2023 19:08:14
armstrong was a massive celtic fan, as was his family.



15 Jul 2023 16:45:08
Interesting social media post from danilo . Blue sky the main focus of the photo . coincidence.


1.) 15 Jul 2023 17:34:42
cannot be coming to Glasgow if its blue skies, ?.

2.) 15 Jul 2023 18:05:29
Think it’s more looking out to new horizons in a new land across the sea - namely Govan.

3.) 15 Jul 2023 18:06:05
Blue sea actually.

4.) 15 Jul 2023 18:46:12
Sky or Sea .? fact is it was a very large hint that he is heading in the direction of Blue. otherwise a very strange post for him to post on SM. fingers crossed as he would be a huge addition to an already impressive window.

5.) 15 Jul 2023 18:51:41
Blue sea with a wave emoji. The boy is absolutely on his way by the looks of it ?.

6.) 16 Jul 2023 10:02:01
What would blue sky have to do with us? The fact it’s blue sea with a wave is very much to do with us considering the blue sea of ibrox.




deecee's banter posts with other poster's replies to deecee's banter posts


26 Jul 2024 13:03:25
Finally got our right winger . looking forward to seeing this lad strutting his stuff.


1.) 26 Jul 2024 13:25:44
Agree decee exactly what we needed mate.

2.) 26 Jul 2024 13:47:42
This is quite an exciting one, looking forward to seeing him in the blue shirt.



24 Jul 2024 22:13:09
like everyone else i'm disappointed with todays result and overall performance. The CL will be a bridge too far for us but the europa league is tried and trusted down the road when we should have a full team of decent players. once again dessers showing why he is not what is asked for.

just wastes every chance he gets although his flick was nice but flicks don't win games. matondo is another waste of a jersey for me. wastes every single ball. could go on.

giving the youngsters game time is fine but we are now touching distance from Tynecastle and far from even close to a decent looking squad and youngsters don't fit that bill. could be behind the 8 ball sooner than we think from the east enders after a few games. worried but maybe things will fall into place. WE NEED A STRIKER. said this last year at this time also and in January. cheers all.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 23:15:55
I think we need to just get miovski and shankland in the door as soon as lammers Goldson Hagi are gone.
Cantwell maybe
We need to bring in better than what we have and those 2 are that.

Dessers will soon get the picture he’s not wanted and I wouldn’t be against loaning Danilo out for 6 months.

2.) 25 Jul 2024 06:23:14
Deece I fear europa league will be a disaster this year too

Tav goldson barasic

Cantwell lundstrum sima

On outs that's half the team that started those European runs lol

A lot of work to do and money to find if we are to do as well as we have I fear this season unless we find some quality players pronto.

3.) 25 Jul 2024 07:52:40
I agree DEECEE and not signing a striker in january cost us the title and nobody will convince me otherwise ?Think of the chances alone when we we were 1-0 up at ross county where dessers had two gilt edge chances before half time which should have had us 3-0 up at half time and guaranteed us going back down the road with the 3 points ?Some continually blame the defence who of course are not blamless but if you look at the stats from our defence and the celtic defence, there isn't much difference it was because we couldn't finish gilt edge chances and score enough goals, that for me cost us the league title ?.



24 Jul 2024 16:03:51
When the window dies down at some point we will see serious action. and don't kid yourself. we have leverage with players like Dowell. Hagi, Lammers, Wright, davies, Lawrence, Cantwell, Goldson, plus a few youngsters thrown in like Lowrie, King, Devine for example. lots to be done to get that team set-up to bring #56 back to our trophy cabinet.




22 Jul 2024 12:03:35
This is a good draw for us imo. now time to clean out house and concentrate on bringing in a mixture of class and bottle. wouldn't say no to McKenna to be honest. he has the bottle. Miovski is out of our range at 6 million . good luck to the sheep on that one. maybe wright would be open to a return there with a new manager in a money plus . goldson and tav off that's a massive reduction on wages. hopefully starting to look brighter for the club. let's forget Ajax and ManUtd. concentrate on what's coming up . let's get behind the team . and the manager.


1.) 22 Jul 2024 13:22:39
We need To clear the decks, the wages handed out for older players without a decent return is poor business . Hopefully light is appearing allowing Clement funds to bring in younger cheaper players, he needs 2 years to get it right. Imo, yes let’s get behind him, but we have a lot of work ahead.

2.) 22 Jul 2024 19:10:39
He won`t get a couple of years and while it is good to look to the future, signing 6 guys, none of whom will be first picks at the start will be his undoing unfortunately. Despite having high hopes for him and Koppen they appear to have forgotten about team building in the present . There doesn`t seem to be a plan and the " bargains " we all hoped Koppen would find just haven`t appeared. There has to a at least 4 new signings before the season starts.

3.) 22 Jul 2024 20:22:32
Wsl are you saying diomande and cortes aren’t starters. What you have said is nonsense.

4.) 22 Jul 2024 22:23:09
wslgers4ever: He knows about team building and wrung every drop out of what we had last season. Stay with him and give him a chance. I know a guy who was banned from another site for saying that David Murray wasn't all bad. I think the support need to regain some balance and less of the shoot from the hip stuff. His plan is to get the age down and the wages down and he is doing both. We have some dynamic football to look forward to. I bet it won't be all good right away, but it's what we all need.



21 Jul 2024 13:08:29
Quite simple fix. we need 3 players . a commanding centre half. a left or right wide-man or winger if you prefer and a striker who can score goals in the epl for fun like ally used to do. europe is a different animal but we must take this title from them. the more titles they win the further back we go financially and momentum wise with managers coming and going because the board don't back up the man with hard cash . get it from somewhere . we have multi millionaires all round the club. park, McColl etc. maybe they like to keep their money close to their own personal interests who knows. for me the CL is a bridge too far and the first month of the league couild be a hard watch at hampden or wherever. we have players we can use as leverage for shankland or miovski or whoever can burst that net because dessers just ain't cutting it and it sticks out like a sore thumb so early in the game.


1.) 21 Jul 2024 13:16:53
Its not simple, we need a C. B as you say, an experienced holding midfielder, an attacking No 10, at least one winger and a new striker or two and that's not taking into account replacing players the manager is willing to sell. We have two weeks to do it and no sign of shifting any of the non achievers that are currently still playing.

2.) 21 jul 2024 13:33:46
we have needed a new defence fir 2 years at least, a few have been on a total comfort zone too long, much too long, the central defence and tav at rb cost us the league last season, they don't know how to defend, can't stop corners, can't score from corners either, , goldson is one of the most cowardly centre half I've ever seen, years ago i asked if i was seeing things when i saw him trying to challenge fir a high ball with his head twisted and his eyes closed tight, he was scared of being hit by the ball, then h3 has constantly turned away from many shots or tackles and and closed his eyes at every cross ball, that's why his attemots at scoring from a corner are generally way over the bar, total utter coward of a player,

3.) 21 Jul 2024 13:42:32
Deecee totally agree ??????????.

4.) 21 Jul 2024 14:14:29
No being able to break dross teams down had a lot to do with it just as much as the defensive side.

5.) 21 Jul 2024 14:30:11
Need RW, CB, another midfielder and prolific striker (no names mentioned) .

6.) 21 Jul 2024 14:49:30
Its been a simple fix for a few years now yet no one has fixed it.

7.) 21 Jul 2024 15:36:35
Deceee do you have any idea how a football club or a business works? As for the McCoist patter the 90s were 30 years ago they days are gone stop looking in the past and look too the future never see that mob comparing ex players and they lap up trophy after trophy. As for the can’t focus on Europe but want an English premier league striker who can bag goals ?? I’ll have what your smoking. Solanke scored 19 goals last year and bourmouth want about 50 mill for him.

8.) 21 Jul 2024 16:20:08
TT. We have both been posting about CG for a long time ?????????.

9.) 21 Jul 2024 16:28:07
Deece even if the world's richest man bought the club we can't just go out and spend we need to reduce the wage to get in line with ffp so need other clubs to buy our dross before we can add and that seems to be our prob. Ad for the areas u identify I wouldn't disagree.

10.) 21 Jul 2024 17:30:27
Simple fix? Haha best one yet!

11.) 21 jul 2024 22:17:13
newman, as tav wouldn't be close to the top 15-20 rangers right backs, goldson wouldn't even make the top 40 centre halfs

imo of course, and easily the only one i consider a coward, scared of a cross ball or a hard shot, always, always turns away.




deecee's rumour replies


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22 Jun 2024 14:41:56
things are moving along nicely john227.quality and players who will bleed blue a priority for me. so far so good.




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10 Feb 2024 13:21:46
Great news. Bring on #56.




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09 Feb 2024 11:41:48
Take Lunny out of the team coming into the Business end of the season and we have no business. he is the main man between defence to midfield. runs the roost if you will. pay him what he is worth imo.




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01 Feb 2024 21:48:46
Hat trick for Dessers at the weekend it is then.




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30 Jan 2024 18:29:54
To be fair he probably would have a better chance at an England spot down at Forest . don't want the lad to leave . One tournament doesn't make a career . The Europa League is our wild card in all this.





deecee's banter replies


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20 Jul 2024 18:27:50
Full agreement on that 1212. dessers and matondo are just rank rotten. Dessers, if we can't find a sucker to buy him at a cut rate should be our 2nd striker. need someone that can do what that Utd player who scored their second . dessers would have hit the castle with that chance.




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18 Jul 2024 18:38:12
Some supporters just don't get the "Business " Concept. we have a huge wage bill with players who are either past their sell date or just not good enough and those not good enough obviously are mostly ones signed by previous manager. so we move along and take things in stride. clements will get a tune out of his own team once a few have left and a few come in.




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12 Jul 2024 15:01:47
and most Definitely not on Sunday night .




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11 Jul 2024 11:39:08
Hope they get pumped. we all know the reason why. never a penalty for me.




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10 Jul 2024 16:38:42
Just saw the second half team.




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