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Kingandulster's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Kingandulster's rumours posts


22 Jul 2024 14:01:09
My friend has told me that there is an Israeli billionaire looking to but the club, anyone hearing anything.


1.) 22 Jul 2024 14:11:38
Yeah heard it on twitter posted as bait to the other mob your mates read it as gospel when it’s more likely a wind up by phantom or le souness.

2.) 22 Jul 2024 15:00:34
You're likely correct coully, saw that le souness all over that thread.

3.) 22 Jul 2024 15:02:09
Cheers coully.

4.) 22 Jul 2024 15:46:19
Keep the Israelis away fae ibrox i'd mever watch another rangers game in ma life if that happened.

5.) 22 Jul 2024 15:55:56
Stevie why.

6.) 22 Jul 2024 16:12:38
And why's that stevie.

7.) 22 Jul 2024 16:17:10
Strange comment to make StevieG2.

8.) 22 Jul 2024 16:49:41
Never been a fan of the Israeli elites but the people are as friendly as they come, take anyone’s money as long as they have our club come first.

9.) 22 Jul 2024 17:00:22
I've been to Israel and it was the best break I have ever had, very much pro Israel and I think the majority of Gers fan are. Whether the guy mentioned is real or worthwhile is another matter entirely.

10.) 22 Jul 2024 17:01:38
See ya tĥen stevie.

11.) 22 Jul 2024 17:38:02
The women soldiers, in fact all the women yep and I played golf at Tel Aviv a joy it was God bless them . any God .

Anyway even if this was real the current ties and blazers mob would not give way to any new owner.

12.) 22 Jul 2024 17:52:02
Don’t agree with what the zionists are doing to civilians just now, But you can’t tar everyone with something an army is doing bit of antisemitism that.

13.) 22 Jul 2024 19:14:13
Suppose don't start a war then blame everyone else would be the call there.

14.) 22 Jul 2024 19:34:08
The war started 75 year ago when the Israelis started throwing Arabs out there homes and killing ones who didn’t leave. Let’s no act like this started with October 7th. Isreal killed a Palestinian man with Down syndrome this week by setting a dog on him. They have killed over 200 journalists since October 7 more than in the whole of world war 2. Hamas need gone but Israel are just as bad at times.

15.) 22 Jul 2024 23:07:49
Well said Raskin ?, I think I'll refrain from getting deep into this subject in here though ?.

16.) 22 Jul 2024 23:39:11
No winners in war ever.



27 Apr 2024 10:04:33
I read that feyenoord are interested in lammers, he's doing well in Holland hopefully we can get more than what we paid for him.


1.) 27 Apr 2024 13:59:45
Feyenoord don’t traditionally pay big fees but fingers crossed.

2.) 27 Apr 2024 14:20:03
King that would. Excellent and. Also use his salary better for a player clement wants.

3.) 27 Apr 2024 14:56:08
If we recoup what we paid that would be good.

4.) 27 Apr 2024 16:29:18
He's playing in his actual position, hence why he's doing much better. The fans turned on him far too quickly, was only just in the door! Several others have been stealing a wage for years.

5.) 27 Apr 2024 17:29:53
Lammers was stealing a wage too, let's not beat around the bush here. Glad he's away and hopefully his form does make Feyenoord buy him since they have champs league footie and a huge compo from Liverpool.

6.) 27 Apr 2024 17:33:19
Good luck to him doesn't matter what position he played, he just wasn't suited to Scottish football. Too slow.

7.) 27 Apr 2024 19:07:33
GMS playing in his actual position doesn’t make him score the 5/ 6 absolute sitters he missed. The guy couldn’t deal with the pressure and he’s at a smaller club now and doubt well. Hopeuflly we get our back for him and we can wish him well.

8.) 27 Apr 2024 19:21:02
Didnt work out for him but i'd still rather him than matondo or scott wright.

9.) 27 Apr 2024 21:36:37
Will be lucky to see half of what we paid for him.

10.) 28 Apr 2024 07:11:37
Bang on BigDado - also he is scoring regularly because he has better players around him who are providing more chances- get the drift here?.

11.) 28 Apr 2024 14:13:02
I posted that 2 days ago Kingandulster, but you are right, he is kicking ass in the dutch league right now and with a bang average club as well, Feyenoord will happily pay us the 3 mill or whatever we paid for him, and push him on to the level he was at when he left PSV for 12mill to Serie A.

Currently ranked no 2 in the FC Utrecht squad and almost made his way into the top 100 dutch players in the Eredivisie,
14 games, 8 goals, 3 assists and that's in less than 4 months remember.
Another player we failed to play properly, seems to be a bad habit of our club, then we throw them away and other clubs gain and make money.

Hagi is a great example of a player given a consistent run in his correct position at rangers, why would any manager play a deadset CAM as a RW or LW or CM, no wonder he has never hit his potential, his injury is well and truly healed, 18 games and counting in the Spanish Premier league.

Why we struggle to beat Ross county and Dundee lol.
And fans wonder why eh, it's obvious our Board are clueless about how to take Rangers forward, has been that way for years.
1 step forward, 3 steps back, every season.

12.) 28 Apr 2024 14:32:43
* not given a consistent run in his correct positiion * should say.

13.) 28 Apr 2024 17:21:45
Having no where near good enough sorry, not having that.



28 Jul 2023 13:13:40
Four lads stating the danilo deal is signed and dusted. I said we wouldn't get this deal done just with the big fee being mooted about and with the strikers we have at club already, so I'll hold my hands up I was wrong. W. A. T. P.


1.) 28 Jul 2023 13:53:41
Danilo has been announced by the club welcome danilo rangers #99.

2.) 28 Jul 2023 14:14:06
King cool, least you r prepared to hold your hands up

One more big fee still to come.

3.) 28 Jul 2023 14:32:54
This is good news. positive signing.

4.) 28 Jul 2023 14:59:17
Jihn what do you mean mate 1 more big fee to come? Incomong or outgoing.

5.) 28 Jul 2023 15:00:11
Who john? Trusty?

6.) 28 Jul 2023 15:03:44
John27 what your info.

7.) 28 Jul 2023 15:09:35
John27 do you have any info about what sort of sell on percentage feyenoord have negotiated with rangers?

8.) 28 Jul 2023 15:24:57
Incoming. And it’s not cifuentes who received work permit today

Azul my info 5.2 million pounds
750 addons. 10% sell on. If correct very good business.

9.) 28 Jul 2023 15:45:04
News outlet said 10% sell on, no idea if that is true.

10.) 28 Jul 2023 15:53:41
That is good business, thanks for info john27.

11.) 28 Jul 2023 15:57:23
John27 What's your info on another big money incoming mate.

12.) 28 Jul 2023 16:24:21
Bring Trusty in and it’s a 10/ 10 window. Outstanding work behind the scenes and it’s now over to u Mr Beale. Time to move some on and time to progress.

13.) 28 Jul 2023 17:12:20
Hi John27, if the work permit to which you refer above, is not for Cifuentes is it for Danilo or a yet to be named other player?

14.) 28 Jul 2023 17:12:27
@John27 u big tease ? I hope its Trusty but maybe one that's been kept hush hush, very interesting mate.

15.) 28 Jul 2023 17:29:19
That was people are hearing its trusty.

16.) 28 Jul 2023 18:00:43
No tease arcade, I’ve said we bid 3.2 for trusty

Still blue cifuentes got work permit today.

Danilo had his yesterday or he would not have been announced.

17.) 28 Jul 2023 18:33:47
Hopefully it’s a LCB John.

18.) 28 Jul 2023 18:54:26
Just caught up on olympiakos game

We definitely need Danilo on that left side sima will be ok but maybe a bit predictable from that side.

I hope sakala stays he offers something different and some pace/ width from the bench if needed

Still worried souttar getting drawn out of position too easily although thought he got away with it the other night he delt with everything directly at him.

Lammers was definitely the stand out great link man and will be interesting to see how he adapts to Scottish hatchet men. Could be a great addition to squad.

Dessers needs to show more very early days for him though and think I'd go with sakala in Europe qualifiers until dessers can get up to speed.

Think the criticism of barasic way over the top for me doesn't do much different to Tav but cause Tav gets pens it's overlooked.

19.) 28 Jul 2023 19:06:58
We shouldn't be paying big fee for trusty he didn't even make USA squad and has had a good season in championship that's all for me sounds no different to Previous talked up players that did nowt.

20.) 28 Jul 2023 19:09:25
Gentlemen men there is a full stop after first word.

21.) 28 Jul 2023 20:49:56
Nizzy trusty.

22.) 28 Jul 2023 21:19:46
John27 do you have info if it's trusty coming in.

23.) 28 Jul 2023 22:38:35
Cheese oh Nizzy, I can’t be any clearer we bid 3.2 million.

24.) 29 Jul 2023 06:41:48
OK John my bad lol.



28 Nov 2022 10:32:34
If reports are true about watling and Banfield being in beale backroom staff then that's a huge bonus, both of them have wealth of experience with arsenal and west ham.


1.) 28 Nov 2022 11:30:59
Look forward to Watling's missus turning up at Ibrox ??.

2.) 28 Nov 2022 11:31:36
Beale deal complete. Welcome back, let’s do it Michael.

3.) 28 Nov 2022 11:39:59
Yip press conference later.

4.) 28 Nov 2022 11:53:36
That’s exactly what’s needed John. get right behind the man regardless of our thoughts.

5.) 28 Nov 2022 12:12:47
John any word on a press conference.

6.) 28 Nov 2022 12:18:51
Monty 100% behind him.

7.) 28 Nov 2022 12:27:29
Not convinced think we needed an expierianced man at the helm but if it's confirmed he will get my full backing.

8.) 28 Nov 2022 12:47:19
Not my pick but has my 100% backing. Onwards ?.

9.) 28 Nov 2022 13:24:39
Nothing yet fifepl.

10.) 28 Nov 2022 13:38:17
press conference is 4-5pm.

11.) 28 Nov 2022 13:43:35
Over the moon with beale think he will have us playing good football, might need a bit of time to get the team sorted but with us 9 points behind he can take the rest of the season to sort it out see who he wants to keep and who he wants out. Can't wait for the hibs game.

12.) 28 Nov 2022 14:10:51
Terrible appointment. The so called “brains behind Gerrard” only knows one formation, and by the time they snaked us and ran to Villa (Beale was guilty of that too remember), other teams had figured us out.

He will be the next Ian Cathro or Austin McPhee, a well thought of coach who lacks the personality to carry off a manager’s role. Very different job setting out the cones and doing the tactics board to being the head honcho.

The best that can come of this is that it’s over quickly, and this daft experiment doesn’t bleed into next year. Hopefully his inevitable failure means Wilson goes out the door with him.

I realise I will get a backlash for this, but I’ll see you in a few months when I’m proven right.

What I will finish by saying is that regardless of the above, I will as I always do, give the team my full backing. I did it for Gerrard, did it for Gio and I’ll do it for Beale.

13.) 28 Nov 2022 14:36:56
Time to unite and get behind the new manager and the squad.


14.) 28 Nov 2022 14:49:05
Now that’s Beale confirmed he will get my backing.
I sincerely hope the board gives him both the funds and license to make the moves required, as I think moving players out could be as crucial as those brought in.
The loan market hasn’t always been kind but see that Eddie Howe suggested Ryan Fraser makes a move ‘loan or permanent’ in order for game time. To me would be an ideal signing even short term (assuming he remains fit) . Fast, direct, understands Scottish Football and keen to keep his Scotland place.

15.) 28 Nov 2022 14:55:27
Ryan Fraser played 20 games in Scottish football 10 years ago, not sure he knows the game up here.

16.) 28 Nov 2022 14:56:31
I am personally delighted with this appointment. Welcome back.

17.) 28 Nov 2022 16:04:29
Whether or not he's the one we wanted let's get behind him. What's the point in hoping he fails just to say told u so. With the backing of the fans it can make a huge difference to make it successful or not. Ibrox baby. Let's make it work.

18.) 28 Nov 2022 16:12:01
Mcnaughten, Fraser would be a quality signing imo.

19.) 28 Nov 2022 16:28:58
Kaiser, anybody on here hoping Beale fails isn't a Rangers supporter.

20.) 28 Nov 2022 16:44:51
Theswagman, what a utterly ridiculous post, the majority of your post is spent running Beale down, then at the end you say you're backing him. pmsl.

21.) 28 Nov 2022 16:55:45
Theswagman only knows one formation you are clearly clueless on anything about Beale.

22.) 28 Nov 2022 17:21:59
Theglaswegian all you ever do is moan about something big old rant to say at the end but I’m backing him get a grip man honestly hahaah.

23.) 28 Nov 2022 17:42:57
Mark44 - I won’t be booing him unlike some of the clowns booing the team this season. I’m within my rights as a season ticket holder to question the credentials of how a man with 20 odd games as a manager is qualified to manage our club. Standards have fallen hugely since the days of Walter and Advocaat if you think his CV is good enough.

GVB - I saw every single game Gerrard managed for Rangers and in only ONE game in 3 and a bit years did he play anything other than 4321. Hardly a tactical genius.

He did the dirty on us with Gerrard and has done it again to QPR. Standards have fallen so low that we are accepting a man of this calibre as our manager.

24.) 28 Nov 2022 17:52:38
Aye nae bother tomthumb.

25.) 28 Nov 2022 18:00:34
Mark you are completely wrong to say that every fan allowed an opinion whether you agree or not but doesn’t make them less of a rangers fan. I didn’t want him but will back him 100% but theswagman is entitled to his opinion as a rangers fan.

26.) 28 Nov 2022 18:04:03
Totally agree theswagman. Entitled to your opinion. I too am underwhelmed by the appointment of a manager with half a seasons experience. All this get behind him crap as well is laughable.

27.) 28 Nov 2022 18:33:12
Gerrard never ever played 4231 swagman, you go look at M Beale tactics if not working in the game he changes it, he only gets praise for everybody about his tactics i have not heard anyone saying he is not very clued up on them.

28.) 28 Nov 2022 18:51:26
Firstly disappointed to see Gio go, I felt he was unlucky this season with loosing important players to injury and the players hadn’t bought into his system. Good luck Gio with your next challenge, once a Ranger always a Ranger (you’ve said so yourself) .
Exited to see what brand of football we play under Mick and his team of coaches.
When Souness left and Walter was appointed manager it was his first job as a manager and felt underwhelming at the time, the rest was history though. I’m not saying this is the same but let’s just give him some time and a chance to make his own history with the club we love.
I’m fully behind him as I have been with all our managers.

29.) 28 Nov 2022 19:27:28
Swagman and Unbeliever, you complain about his lack of experience as a manager, how much experience did Souness have, or Smith for that matter. They did pretty well at our Club! Bringing in a top quality manager with loads of experience, (in the unlikely event that we could have got one), wouldn't necessarily have meant success.
Beale is no different than any other manager, he will need the full backing of our Board if he is to have any chance of success. If he is given the funds needed then I have every confidence that he will be a success.
That for me is the most important issue.

30.) 28 Nov 2022 20:08:47
All the best Mick. Let's go!

31.) 28 Nov 2022 20:41:54
The swagman may I remind you that Graham souness, Walter Smith, Steven gerrard all had no experience as a manager yet all had different levels of success yet Pedro caxinha, Paul le Guen, Mark Warburton, gio van bronkhorst all had plenty off experience yet all failed to a certain degree some spectacularly. Any man woman or child that pulls on that Jersey or wears the suit and tie deserves our support until they fail don't judge them and give them the support they need. The club needs a united support, not back biters and people who have written off the staff before a ball is kicked. Play up the Rangers.

32.) 28 Nov 2022 21:42:01
Gone are the days where we can attract someone with CV of a Dick Advocaat, it’s sad but it’s true. Whether people like it or not, Michael Beale is our 18th manager and deserves our full backing going forward. If anything the players he knows will fight for him for the rest of the season and despite the 9 point deficit the league is far from over.

33.) 28 Nov 2022 21:45:37
People comparing him to Souness and Smith…you are absolutely clueless. Souness won everything as a player, Smith had a far better CV as a coach. Beale has done nothing. Honestly man, absolutely no ambition, no standards in our support anymore. 20 years ago we would have chased the board for something this poor, now we are celebrating like some rookie manager is a coup.

34.) 28 Nov 2022 21:48:51
It’s laughable getting behind our new manager? What’s laughable is the negativity when he’s just in the door. Guy could of went to wolves knocked it back but when the famous called he came running tells me everything a need to know he’s one of us.

35.) 28 Nov 2022 22:39:38
Not a 100% sure ( hope I'm proved wrong) it's the right move for us, but MB will get my 100% backing. This time the board have to step up to the plate and back the man they have picked. Think they let gio down big style in the transfer/ money available. Not saying this is the board fault but a Dutch manager and backroom team and they don't sign a Dutch player why?

36.) 28 Nov 2022 23:00:23
Rotiom because the Dutch players he wanted where not interested in coming to Scotland, it has be mentioned on here many times.

37.) 29 Nov 2022 08:52:12
Mull, I'm not sure how you can think the board let Gio down in the transfer window, 7 players signed this summer with 3 players contracts extended, it's been along time since we spent that sort of money, this board can't be blamed for not backing Gio.

38.) 29 Nov 2022 09:26:18
Mull because four off them did not want to play in Scotland.

39.) 29 Nov 2022 10:42:56
So that's the Hearts womens team manager not coming, oh well maybe next time .

40.) 29 Nov 2022 13:36:08
Mull all the dutch players. 2 center halfs i can think off both turned us down.

41.) 29 Nov 2022 13:44:48
Veerman and Simon always paul.

42.) 29 Nov 2022 16:07:01
Aswell even.

43.) 29 Nov 2022 16:22:53
I think fact that anti Rangers brigade in media and fans of other teams are having a field day is good. It tells me the appointment is putting doubts in their minds and they are terrified that Beale will deliver 56 in a couple of years.
I got the same vibes when Gerrard was showing signs of delivering, the anti Rangers brigade wanted him back down to England at double speed.
Remember Gerrard and Beale had measure of Lennon's Celtic and while I accept that lot have improved a good bit recently, I reckon doubts will creep back into the minds of Celtic and their "Camp Followers"
Bring it on! WATP.

44.) 30 Nov 2022 05:10:42
Was it just me or did he speak about Morelos in past tense. is this a sign he's away ?.

45.) 30 Nov 2022 16:17:11
Nothing laughable about speaking your mind instead of being another lemming. Beale compared to Souness and Smith wow! Get a grip.

46.) 30 Nov 2022 18:44:56
Co2, yip good post, feel much the same as yourself mate.




Kingandulster's banter posts with other poster's replies to Kingandulster's banter posts


27 Jun 2024 12:53:12
Not a rumour or anything more just a thought. If tav leaves do we think a loan move for patterson would be good?


1.) 27 Jun 2024 13:09:16
Sterling i think will be 1st choice right back.

2.) 27 Jun 2024 13:39:34
Sterling missed a few games through injury, hopefully we see a fitter healthier squad next season.

3.) 27 Jun 2024 15:00:02
No need to worry about a right back as we'll have one and goes by the name of james tavernier who will still be a rangers player next season.

4.) 27 Jun 2024 15:38:20
Yeah let’s get injury prone Patterson back for our treatment table.

5.) 27 Jun 2024 15:09:38
Sws but he'll not be.

6.) 27 Jun 2024 15:11:56
That why reports say he's agreed terms walter?.

7.) 27 Jun 2024 15:25:02
Walter you are digging the heels in hard here. Fair play sticking by your guns when everything else indicates him moving on.

8.) 27 Jun 2024 17:12:54
Good service to club but he now needs to be gone so we can progress?.

9.) 27 Jun 2024 17:36:13
Problem is some can't see that and maybe be blinded by past exploits, rightly so as he's been a great servant, but we need to move fwd as most are thinking.

10.) 27 Jun 2024 18:28:14
If Tavernier doesn't leave the club this close season, it'll be because teams don't think he's good enough to play for them, a bit like the majority of our fans. ??????.



25 May 2024 21:00:41
Thankfully this season is done and dusted and we can't embarrass ourselves anymore. To not beat your rivals in at least 1 game in a season is disgusting. I like many others have said PC doesn't deserve the sack as he needs his own players but next season before it evens starts he's a man under serious pressure. Players I would only keep is butland and sterling the 20 odd other players need to leave but that ain't happening is it so probably majority of the team this season stays for next.




13 May 2024 19:27:15
The board spent about 13-14 million last year i think, they will need to spend maybe 20-25 million this year. Do we have that kind of money to even match what we spent last year and I'm sure I read that 3.5 million of any money is already spent on diamonde. Someone wrote a week or 2 ago about a budget that we have for next season was that just for transfer fees? Does that include the freed up wages from out of contract players? We are going to need a minimum of at least 9/ 10 players.


1.) 13 May 2024 20:07:51
25m is a minimum for this summer. Going to have to try and sell as much of the dross as possible and hood the smaller fees accumulate. 1-3m for the likes of Tav, Goldson, Davies, dowell, Lawrence, Hagi, lammers should all be sold and then cantwell, Yilmaz and Dessers should be sold too and a think you could get a bit more for they 3 at maybe 3-5m. I’m being generous with how much I think we can get for some of these guys. Depressing.

2.) 13 may 2024 20:08:35
thank god we didn't spend all those millions in January then eh.

3.) 13 May 2024 20:31:32
We spent just shy of 16m, but brought in over 13m, our total spent was 3.45m.

4.) 13 May 2024 20:56:34
I think our current squad is around 32 players.

Assuming we do not renew any of the 6 out of contract players and 2 of our loan players - that's already 25% of the squad to replace.

Add to that returning loanees who we will need to re-home, Hagi, Cifuentes and Lammers.

We then have the growing list of player the majority seem to want to move one - Tav, Goldson, Davies, Dowell, Cantwell, Matondo, Wright and Dessers - now 50% of the squad.

All to be delivered within the new enhanced finance regulations. awch!

5.) 13 May 2024 21:03:20
1 of the guys who predicted early last summer butland was coming has said there's a deal agreed for us to receive up to 20m to sell him also if you add 3m for lammers as well as wages saved that's nearly 25m now I do t know the lad who said about butland but i've seen a post from may saying he'd sign so let's wait.

6.) 13 May 2024 21:10:02
We spent 21 million last summer.

7.) 13 May 2024 22:10:32
It doesn't all need to be cash transactions. There are some very good Bosmans out there that would definitely improve our Team if our Board has the ability to support the management team to bring them in. The wages would be high but that would be a monthly spend as opposed to an immediate capital outlay.

8.) 14 May 2024 00:25:56
I think we will have a healthy Budget if we can get Fees for McRorie, Goldson, Lammers, Cifuentes, Hagi, Cantwell, Dowell, Lawrence, Davies, Wright and Matondo. Should bring in £15 Million (wishful thinking) . Also, Lundstrum and Roofe will free up wages.

9.) 14 may 2024 00:28:28
some people think we couldn't afford a half pound of sausages in january


10.) 14 May 2024 08:25:42
EHL lundstram Roofe Barisic leaving on frees will give us a lot of wages to play with all 3 on big money. The financial restrictions don’t affect us as much as people make out just an excuse for the board when they don’t spend what’s required.

11.) 14 May 2024 09:13:59
Some of our best signings have been Bosmans.

12.) 14 May 2024 09:16:40
EHL. Relax. We do not need a squad of 32 players

3 goalkeepers
8 defenders
6 midfielders
6 Forwards

Round it up to 25 and get rid of 7 to save on the wage structure. A saving of 50 thou a week is nearly 3 million a year. I would then aim my recruitment on that number. Remember we have no B team as such so any young players coming in need to be part of the squad. This buying then loaning back is no use to us and is folly for the super rich. Most of our youngsters I feel will head down south for the money and to be honest if they were rocking they would have made the grade by now.

PC might fill 3 slots with potential youngsters but the other 22 need to be one in one out quality replacements and some like sterling will be multie position. I think we also need a couple that offer a different dynamic to our formation. My biggest criticism at the moment is we are to one dimensional. Hoping PC takes advice and after a season playing in Dingwall etc knows what’s required rather than what he thought was required when he arrived.

13.) 14 May 2024 10:19:44
Oh ye better watch windy common sense like that and you’ll get accused of playing football manager.

14.) 14 May 2024 11:16:18
Cifuentes loan ain’t up till December so we won’t be selling him this summer.

15.) 14 May 2024 12:31:40
OWS I had read something similar about Butland today, But can’t remember what team was involved, It said that Rangers would receive 21 million and sign some Belgian GK in his place, If true Rangers can’t and won’t stand in Butlands way. ???????????.

16.) 14 May 2024 16:43:46
For £21m we must and clearly will sell. I think £15+ is fair and £20m is my valuation on him.



08 May 2024 19:27:24
If we lose the league, does a domestic cup double soften the blow?


1.) 08 May 2024 20:28:45
King, not from the position we had got into.

2.) 08 May 2024 20:56:31
Not a chance!

3.) 08 may 2024 21:53:19
no, and if we lose the league, then heads will drop and we will be big second favs for the cup.

4.) 08 May 2024 22:15:23
My thoughts are same as you john.

5.) 08 May 2024 22:38:36
Given where we were when PC came in and the horrendous injuries, a cup double for me would be acceptable.

6.) 08 May 2024 22:58:50
Losers mentality that is. We were clear a month ago.

7.) 08 May 2024 23:15:56
No chance.

8.) 09 May 2024 08:06:32
Not for me.

9.) 09 May 2024 08:45:00
Got ourselves back into pole position and absolutely thrown it away. Goes down as a massive failure again. Even if we win 2 cups.

10.) 09 May 2024 09:21:57
Two cups will never make up for throwing away the league. Never. however we haven't thrown away the league yet. there to be won!

11.) 09 May 2024 09:56:40
Paul, couldn't agree more.



21 Apr 2024 19:23:41
Thought majority of players played really well, I think was dessers best game today, cantwell was class work rate was great and his creativity. Balogun strolled it today aswell if only he was 6 years younger and well in tav considering all the pressure of poor performances of lately I thought he done well. My motm cantwell.


1.) 21 Apr 2024 19:44:08
I agree Kingandulster that we had a lot of good performances against hearts today, but i said to my mates at hampden before cantwell was taken off that he was easily the motm ?He was the best/ most creative player on the park by a distance and showed what a talented footballer, we all know he can be ???.

2.) 22 Apr 2024 08:34:36
Cantwell problem seems to be drifting all over the place always better for me when he stays central behind striker.




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22 Jul 2024 15:02:09
Cheers coully.




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20 Jul 2024 17:38:54
Is he any better than rice or mckinnon? Just my opinion I don't think he is.




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20 Jul 2024 15:06:55
We ain't paying that kind of money for a young kid who won't be in starting 11,he may be playing games for motherwell but would he even make our bench.




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09 Jul 2024 19:04:50
Jelavic hero, you speak absolute dug meat mate. You said on the 25th of June that Kenny mcclean had signed. No your saying you said weeks ago he will sign. Make your mind up and stick to the 1 lie.




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27 Jun 2024 10:41:37
So we are signing 1st team players and squad players, isn't that the case every season?





Kingandulster's banter replies


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27 Jul 2024 07:36:51
Cantwell gives it his all every game he plays, sometimes he was poor others he was good. Why was he an embarrassing signing? Wasn't that long ago i'm sure spurs got a 40million bid knocked back. Yes his social media outbursts are laughable but in the years we signed cantwell there's certainly been worse signings than him.




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26 Jul 2024 19:17:49
Candeias was a poor player, he was worse than anything we have the now.




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26 Jul 2024 06:39:53
Don't trust anyone who uses an iphone.




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21 Jul 2024 14:37:15
Any idea Who is in the blue van.




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13 Jul 2024 17:21:24
What's new with the latter 2?




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