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Gers58's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Gers58's rumours posts


09 Oct 2023 09:49:59
Bit of a worry if true both Biscrove and Bennett in London to do interviews, neither have enough football knowledge. only person likely to be in London is Parker.


1.) 09 Oct 2023 10:04:13
How’s that, my info Bennett has met no one at this stage, a mix of Bisgrove with Robertson or souness.

2.) 09 Oct 2023 10:06:40
Or W Rooney? ? - or anyone else who can fly into London? London is a hub after all?.

3.) 09 Oct 2023 10:21:14
Football knowledge, yep that's the problem with many clubs upper management . there isn't any and we are certainly struggling with it . They take positions they know nothing about then have to bring in others to help them .

4.) 09 Oct 2023 11:07:09
Ger58 clement is in london.

5.) 09 Oct 2023 11:14:32
John, I'd like to see Souness in some type of full time roll at the club. I know he's around 70, but still could be able to do a job for us.

6.) 09 Oct 2023 12:35:13
Is Souness involved in the selection process for the new manager?

7.) 09 Oct 2023 12:38:24
It depends what u actually want him to do, I’m hearing he may become a non executive direcTor on he board.

8.) 09 Oct 2023 12:51:35
Copland, he is the advisor to the panel. Has sat in on some off the interviewing.

9.) 09 Oct 2023 13:23:49
London is just a central point to meet various candidates and it is away from the Scottish media sniffing around . Easier to have interviews without anyone knowing who you are talking to. Interesting that Souness is involved after that nob Simon Jordan said that he had spoken to him and he bad mouthed the board . Hardly likely to be involved in this, if that was true.

10.) 09 Oct 2023 15:52:28
Manager is always a gamble if they will work or not.

Not all managers that fail are useless they all get the sack eventually

If the board are leaning on souness only shows they are doing right thing in getting a football persons opinion.

11.) 09 Oct 2023 17:34:16
Souness lives in the Bournemouth Area, he is advising Bennett and Bisgrove and has been doing so. A lot of our Commercial Activity is run from London and as such I suspect that Bisgrove spends quite a bit of time there. Bennett might well do the same given his Business Activity. Add to that the fact that any overseas manager can fly into London much easier than Glasgow and it keeps them out of the sight of the Scottish Press. (Flying through Heathrow they are likely to come through the VIP Lounge which is relatively confidential compared to Glasgow or Edinburgh.
As far as I am aware, Clement has a home in the London Area. If Mucat is flying in for a meeting, (rather than a Zoom call), then he can fly direct to London, and there could still be a left field Applicant that the media isn't aware of or have discounted!

12.) 09 Oct 2023 18:22:16
Thanks John.



18 Jul 2022 00:53:25
Any truth in the rumours Lowry is going out on loan. looks like he is down pecking order with signing we have made. can't see him getting much game time if he stays.


1.) 18 Jul 2022 03:54:29
That's a good idea question I wouldn't be surprised if he does I would be happy if he's guaranteed at least 20 games at Rangers he wouldn't be guaranteed that I want him to keep developing I hope he continues to at the pase he has been.

2.) 18 Jul 2022 06:49:05
At present Lowry is injuted.

3.) 18 Jul 2022 07:56:09
The signings must be pretty good if we are going to risk holding Lowry back, for me he was set to star this season as a 10 but Tillman and Lawrence have both been signed seem to play that role.

4.) 18 Jul 2022 09:17:41
If he goes on loan, it should not be a division lower. This lad has shown he can perform at least to SPL level.
Personally I'd hold onto him, we have quite a few injury prone players on the books.

5.) 18 Jul 2022 11:07:55
Agreed Bar72, i'd keep him with us this season as well.

6.) 18 Jul 2022 11:47:12
For me he stays but he must get games.

I really don’t think our kids will get time under Gio and that surprises me.

I think most of us can see Lowry has the potential to be the real deal.

7.) 18 Jul 2022 12:02:44
He should stay, even if its giving him minutes from the bench . This boy is the real deal and farming him out to lower league clubs won`t help him. He needs to be looking up not down.

8.) 18 Jul 2022 23:22:07
Only concern is if Lowry stays and does not get game time, we will have very unhappy player, plus if other youngsters see this happening, less inclined to sign contract with us, Think Lowry could be first class just needs the chance.




Gers58's banter posts with other poster's replies to Gers58's banter posts


31 May 2024 03:25:08
Got to laugh at headlines in papers at shock of Bisgrove leaving, some of the well informed posters on hear have been aware of it and posted it weeks ago, so will not come as a shock to club, not sure of his contribution to club but, who would not take a new job if offered, which will make yourself and family more secure financially, Let's just hope he helps us out and takes Tav and Goldson with him,


1.) 31 May 2024 03:44:36
Great post gers58.

2.) 31 May 2024 05:22:03
End of the day it was just a job to Bisgrove and he’s moved on we all do it in life move for better opportunities.

3.) 31 May 2024 05:57:37
To be fair it wasnt the usualy informed posters on here that broke the news on here. And he got met with some comments to say it was nonsense. So massive credit to the lad great bit of info.

4.) 31 May 2024 08:27:42
James Bisgrove increased our Revenue and structure potential greatly during his tenure, I for one wish him and his Family well, we would all take, have taken, a job with a lot more money if offered it. Thank you to those in the know who keep us informed, and think on, those who try to belittle them.

5.) 31 May 2024 14:52:58
PG23 that was as marketing director.

He conned his way to CEO, was a charlatan, flirted with numerous other positions, treated staff disgracefully, all whilst on a ridiculous salary for a club in our financial situation.

Will in no way be missed.



12 May 2024 06:44:15
As we all know big rebuild required, all out of contract players to go, but what about the others we need to go, Tav, Goldson, Davies, Lawrence, Dowel, Cantwell, Hagi, Lammers, Wright, do you think anyone will pay a decent fee for them or even want them. You still have king, McCronie, Dessers, Dinilo, Motondo, MaCauslin, Devine where the jury is still out if they will make a contribution as squad players, shows the complete mess we are in, Looking ahead to cup final, Tav, Lundstrum, Barasic, Wright, Lawrence, should be nowhere near team, if some are back fit, I would have



1.) 12 May 2024 07:31:42
A rebuild with what? The club is running at a loss.

2.) 12 May 2024 07:36:32
Can not believe u keep Jack. Silva won’t be staying.

3.) 12 May 2024 07:58:05
He means cup final john.

4.) 12 May 2024 08:00:04
We need a younger version of ryan jack in our midfield engine room, absolutely no doubt about that for me ? Looking forward to the cup final and depending on injuries of course my starting 11 would be
Balogun (if fit/ davies)
Sima (if fit/ mccausland)
Thoughts ?.

5.) 12 May 2024 08:19:28
The rebuild will happen over multiple windows - we won't see 40-60% of the squad move on in one window.

Think we'll see PC rebuild the spine of the team first.

Unfortunately though, patience will be required and we know how that goes.

6.) 12 May 2024 07:51:12
John he didn't say he'd keep jack or silva. He said that's what he'd start in the final.

7.) 12 May 2024 09:05:34
Berti be same roughly as 21 mill spent last summer. Think butland and Cantwell both move on. That should bring in 16 mill ish. Dowell etc all to move on will bring in money, not to mention all the big earners out of contract.

8.) 12 May 2024 09:12:56
Yes, patience that some don’t have, the manager was lorded a couple of months back and has done as much as he could with the players that were available to him, we have fell short because the group of players aren’t good enough, some of which are players that past managers brought in going back to Gerrard’s time.
Brought in three loans in January, one will go back to his parent club.

And yet some fans on here wanting him and Koppen out before they have had an opportunity to put their stamp on the team. How long's he been here, eight months or so?

He has to be judged on his own signings and team. And if results aren’t going well next season then that’s when he should be judged.

9.) 12 May 2024 09:36:40
We let one go Walter, his name is Barron. Seen as good enough for the Italian league, but not Rangers in the spfl.



16 Apr 2024 08:38:06
Wish Tav would just keep quiet, instead of his usual crap after another dismal display, going on about how they are up for the fight ahead, when he and his supposed senior leaders, have shown on numerous occasions that in fact they shy away from taking responsibility, how some of our real captain's of the past must look and think what is going on.


1.) 16 Apr 2024 09:12:24
When the fight gets real, and there's a league title at stake, he's a mouse.

2.) 16 apr 2024 09:42:21
, we will find out soon enough if he has the fitre inside . every game is win at all costs now,

aside from that, i have a suspicion don cowie will be a successful manager, before anyone jumps its not just because he beat rangers, I've liked the cut of his jib even as a player, carries himself very well and i know a couple of people who rate him highly, i think he will move upwards next year imo.

3.) 16 Apr 2024 09:52:39
I get the opinions in terms of the old grab them by the throat approach from the old days but being a club csptain is more than that nowadays, it's being a model pro, available for games and external appearances, in terms of cohones, how many big goals from free kicks and penalties has he slotted in under severe pressure.
Don't get me wrong, his defensive abilities are nor what I'm defending but what we're missing is a Ryan jack or amuruso in the back centre of the field, the issue is not the right back. He is getting on now but what a great servant he's been, Goldson is the one for me that makes errors and blames everyone else.

4.) 16 apr 2024 10:09:22
thats were we differ baz, scoring pens and freekicks is great, and if you have that ability fatastic, but showing courage in the tackle, pushing your men out and fighting every cause takes far more cohones, you say severe pressure, much of tavs free kicks and pens are against spl teams who are already beaten, admittedly some are pressurrised, but

showing great courage is fighting every tackle, driving your men on when the odds are against you, snapping into tackles, screaming, shouting and lifting everyone around you, a great free kick is not going to make your centre half tackle better, neither is hiding halfway up the park when a winger has flew past you

no tavs goals have saved him from being one of the worst right backs we ever had imo, and i disagree with your view of a captains role, i believe its been demeanered not only by our captain but across the board, they just ain't the same anymore imo.

5.) 16 apr 2024 10:11:00
you honestly think any football fan cares about external appearances and model poro, , never, give me richard gough, barry and big tel any day, and some throat grabbing too.

6.) 16 Apr 2024 10:33:01
If Tav is a lead by example type then it's no wonder we are mice in a battle.
We are crying out for a younger Ryan Jack (we all know who it should have been) .
We need a team of winners and we don't have that.

7.) 16 Apr 2024 10:39:18
I think there's a big difference between having the balls to step up with penalties and free kicks and having actual ability in your position. Tav is one of the worst right backs I've ever seen at rangers, he is wildly out of position which is why he's scoring from in and around the box but also nowhere to be seen or at fault when we concede. For me it's been evident since the first Europa league run under Gerrard most goals come from his area of the pitch. Now there's teams targeting our captain as a weak link and woeful players like maeida look like Ronaldo against him. I would rather we just got back to doing things the right way. Defenders who defend strikers who score and wingers who assist. For me him and Goldson and Lundstram need to go so we can start again.

8.) 16 Apr 2024 10:55:04
What I wouldn't give for a Richard Gough type player in that team now.

9.) 16 Apr 2024 11:15:21
Great post tt

I was talking to an epl manager last week who reckons none off our back four know how to put in a tackle. He went on to explain how our defenders on average get significantly less bookings for putting in very robust and solid tackles.

He says in general the opposition know they will not be hit hard.

10.) 16 Apr 2024 11:31:01
Baz!? ?
Who give a toss about all that, it means sod all. We need a captain with balls who can instill some courage into a bunch of underachieving bottle merchants, not some soft touch, goody 2 shoes, diplomat. Jesus Christ on a bike!

11.) 16 Apr 2024 11:35:34
I get where you're coming from TT and it's a fair point, but I'd be interested to see how he'd do with a dominating centre mid and a CH who can head a ball and mark a runner.

12.) 16 Apr 2024 12:06:09
GA177, I agree with you, it's obvious when you see every team attacking us with that long ball over the top, because they know we have missing full backs, and slow slow centre backs as well. A new back four for next season I hope!

13.) 16 Apr 2024 12:06:54
A team captain should be a born leader, someone that everyone looks up to, someone that you would follow out of the trenches. Tav doesn't do that for me, indeed none of the current players do. For me you need a Souness, a Butcher, Gough, or even Ferguson.
There is no denying that Tav is a good over lapping fullback, and most would agree that defensively he is poor.
In such circumstances you need a solid central defence and a strong defensive midfield, we don't have that and haven't had this for some time. Lundstrum isn't close to what we need, neither is Goldson and if Souttar has the potential it will be destroyed if we don't find a top quality replacement for both of the aforementioned.
Sorting out the defence is paramount to us having a successful season next year, right now I'm less than confident.

14.) 16 apr 2024 12:18:06
dont think any of that would make tav a better defender baz, i agree with another post, defenders defending with their lives, strikers attacking everything and throats grabbed against the dresssing room wall, with the occassional black eye at midweek badminton nights.

15.) 16 Apr 2024 13:16:52
Tav is a massive bottle merchant when things are good he's all over the cameras when things aren't going out way he's nowhere to be seen and constantly looks for others to blame on the pitch when he's at fault.

16.) 16 Apr 2024 14:32:05
Fair play everyone, I've already agreed he's not an amazing defender but he's a wing back not a full back and every manager including PC has used his strengths and not tried to replace him. When he scored goals for fun in europa knockouts, everyone was loving him, and in the tiny spell he was out injured in the last 9 years, everyone was crying out for him to come back and all would be OK. I'm not his cheerleader, I'm just saying get some perspective, just over a year ago I can count numerous people saying Lewis Ferguson was nowhere near Rangers class, now everyone coming out of the woodwork about what a disaster it was us not signing him. Itll be the same with Shankland if we don't win the league yet there were more on here saying he's not up to the job than sign him. If we're looking at people overall in the squad who haven't pulled their weight, I roukdnt be putting Tav anywhere near the top of the list.

17.) 16 Apr 2024 14:38:18
That’s why he and Goldson are constantly arguing there blaming each other when both are at fault.

18.) 16 Apr 2024 16:49:38
We lost at the weekend tav gave the interview but he was hiding ?.

19.) 16 Apr 2024 17:58:32
???? Oh dear oh dear! That is a beauty! I think you'll find that we mean he hides when on the park, not in front of the cameras. So funny! ????.



15 Apr 2024 08:53:31
Always knew Boyd talked a whole lot of nonsense, but he has Tav down as player of year, what games has he been watching, I know he has to keep him self relevant for sky to want him, time to get a grip.


1.) 15 Apr 2024 09:07:54
Defensively Tav is poor but his contribution in goals and assists is excellent for a full back. If we had two centre backs and a defensive midfield that can defend and knew how to provide cover we wouldn't be complaining. These defensive problems wouldn't be there with defenders like Gough and Butcher and a midfield player like Roberts. Instead we are now scraping the barrel with guys like Lundstrum, Goldson and Souttar.

2.) 15 Apr 2024 09:27:09
I think this has been tavs best year defensively but like all the years gone by has had costly mistakes.

3.) 15 apr 2024 09:54:45
personally i love boydy and think he knows the game inside out, i certainly don't think he's correct there tho. not for me, altho i don't know if there's a stand out at either old firm club and i believe shankland is head and shoulders poty,

4.) 15 Apr 2024 10:37:22
Good point Berkshire.

5.) 15 Apr 2024 11:52:09
Tav, s simple passes were all cut out yesterday, I was screaming at the tv and we we were 1-0 up by the time the game was 3-1 I was lucky to have the tv still intact, not looking forward to Wed even if it was on the Wembley pitch instead of a cow field.

6.) 15 Apr 2024 12:34:03
Tav should be played further up the park and then have an actual defending right back play.

Id rather see Tav play up front over Dessers.

7.) 15 Apr 2024 13:27:15
Sadly it’s back to the drawing board as far as the team is concerned.
Those we know that will not be re- singed or offered new contracts should be nowhere near the first team, can they really be relied upon when the going gets tough, it’s a no from me. Phillipe needs to give the first eleven a bit of a wake up call, Balogun for Goldson, Sterling for Tav. Diomande and Raskin and Cantwell in the middle Lundstram is a man down atm. Sima main striker Matondo and Silva wide (Silva needs to produce a bit more) . The alternative is we continue with pretty much tha same selection and watch the slim chance we have evaporate.



14 Apr 2024 21:41:26
Think today just proved what we knew, too many bottlers in team, unlikely we can get rid of all we want to go, but all out of contract have to go, plus Tav, Goldston, Davies, Dowel and a few others. have to be made aware, that they are free to find other clubs as they will only be Back up next season if they choice to stay,


1.) 14 Apr 2024 22:58:41
Goldson should have went couple of seasons back, was costing us then, we offered him a new deal.
And I hope next season the manager makes a brave decision with Tav, if he wants him in the team then he has to play him further up, if not then can’t continue as full back as once again over a season his defending let's us down, or we continue with him cause of his goals ratio, how do you strike the balance.

2.) 15 apr 2024 05:38:08
wonder if there's any captains in our hall of fame with less trophies, or less bottle.

3.) 15 Apr 2024 09:25:58
You can't turn a cowardly mouse into a Tiger. The vast majority of those on display yesterday along with a few others need to be shown the door.
No way should Lundstrum be given a new contract, he has showed his true colours over the past two games. Goldson is done and if we can cash in on Tav and get any money on the others that are not out of contract then, irrespective of whether we win the league or not, it is time for Clements to build his own team and for the Board to do what it takes to ensure that there is proper investment made available.




Gers58's rumour replies


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22 Jul 2024 08:39:11
let's hope so 3m plus Goldston of to Cyprus 2-3m, just need Tav 3m givePC some spending money, plus about 75k a week of wage bill.




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18 Jul 2024 12:52:25
RFC has scott Wright left, never Seen that anywhere, maybe I missed it, let's hope he is away.




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17 Jun 2024 15:52:02
Only problem is fact most players would want to play in any league other than scotland both Veerman, Tillman not interested in signing full time with us. but here's hoping some of these players signing make us money, along with some experience signed we can win league.




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13 Jun 2024 20:14:32
We are at the stage before window opens, that agents will use any rumour/ note of interest to use to their advantage to get better deal/ move for their players, let's just wait and see what club can realistically bring in, sure a couple of deals none of us have thought of, hears hoping.




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13 Jun 2024 17:29:24
CP Devine and Lowry were roaring success at Hearts, Motherwell.





Gers58's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 20:17:39
All I am saying we should reserve judgement, no matter how you look at it our ability not to take points of Celtic cost us, gave a mediocre time and space macgregor to dominate game's.




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26 Jul 2024 16:28:42
Would reserve judgement on PC doing great job, blew league last year, not signed any starters so far,




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25 Jul 2024 02:51:03
we will be lucky to get 5m combined for Tav, Goldston, cantwell the way we are conducting our transfer business, got to ask questions on how club is being run. Everything we seem to do at momment turns into a circus, the stadium redevelopment being the biggest.




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24 Jul 2024 15:08:22
Why would we set up, so we can provide cover for player who's a liability, time for him to move for both his sake and club.




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24 Jul 2024 10:44:38
scottish football a shambles, we only qualified due to couple of penalty shoot outs and poor standard of team we played other than Spain, waiting till nations league we will be luck to get a point, if we don't do something to develop young players we will fail to qualify in near future.




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