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08 Dec 2023 18:31:49
Seen online comment that BBC are reporting that Danillo and Lawrence out for rest of year with Danillo possibly needing surgery?
Hope this is grossly incorrect!


1.) 08 Dec 2023 18:44:36
It's correct. Clement said it in today's press conference.

2.) 08 Dec 2023 19:08:53
What’s happened to Danilo? He seems to be injury prone as well.

3.) 08 Dec 2023 19:16:25
It’s from the press conference do you even support rangers?

4.) 08 Dec 2023 20:17:11
Its like the old saying “ it never rains but it pours “ my question is do we have more players available or unavailable?

5.) 08 Dec 2023 20:49:51
Danilo does need surgery.

6.) 08 Dec 2023 22:12:54
Just my opinion but the way Danilo has been playing, recently, he won't be missed. Yes his mobility and effort is good but the chances he misses and his goals to games ratio don't make good reading. Hopefully we can get and keep Roofe fit until January at least.

7.) 09 Dec 2023 08:34:47
For me personally I think we push Sima up top until January and bring in either Matondo who will bring us pace and directness or we go to a back 3 and push Tav and whoever is going to be LB on. We seem to have the worst luck in bringing in players that struggle to stay fit. Roofe is fit again just now but again for how long.

8.) 09 Dec 2023 12:45:47
I don't think you can say Danilo injury prone a clash of heads is bad luck

The knee thing his first for us really

I'd be asking more questions of our medical team we seem to have a really poor record all we hear is will be out couple weeks next 5hing we know it's months as if they have no idea what they are doing.

9.) 10 Dec 2023 22:20:14
Also I'd stop reading the daily rebel always puts a negative slant on rangers stories.




Blue-Floyd2's banter posts with other poster's replies to Blue-Floyd2's banter posts


25 Jul 2024 07:10:02
Wow - how poor was last night.
Tavs at his glorious best - ballwatching not picking up and looked like he has packed his bags to go - best for club in long term! All back four caught ballwatching many times and the lad May had almost a 12ft circle around him in box to score second . Gave the ball away too many times and there was no shape to the team. Again the set piece failures continually haunt us -we must surely be able to pick up a man at a corner and stay with him - bloody basics .
The total crime yet again is finishing . no-one with composure in box - and if we need to go through this season relying on Matondo and McCaulsand to provide then we are up sh*t creek without a paddle - Matondo in particular is a headless chicken and should be nowhere near the 1st team - Nsiala showed few good touches and moments but will need a leader and controlling CH beside him - even the usually steady Balogun looked shaky - I know good few players were missing but again it was blatant that we have no leader on the park. Could be a very long season ahead? Wright mom after coming on HT - say no more!




13 Jul 2024 09:19:46
IMHO lads - this could be one of the toughest seasons ahead yet due to the serious amount of change which is required - had we been carrying change out incrementally as required over the years things could be different now - but due to apathy/ arrogance after stopping the 10 and distinct lack of direction this is where we are - we need to embrace the change and allow PC some time as I for one don't see us miraculously transforming overnight into a total winning machine - remember this has been played out due to years upon years of inactivity or placing the wrong men in the pole position and letting them loose with cash- it is fairly obvious that we have deadwood/ losers still in our midst and until we see a marked change in senor personnel this will be the status quo- so yes I hope for success but hope in a greater way that we all can see the need for a shift of players and attitude/ desire to get us back to true winning ways and support the team through what I will feel could be a very rocky period of time at start to middle of season- YES I would love instant success but as a realist I see the need for some stability the better trading model and a trending towards good football/ tactics and general positive direction- imo we still need a few seasoned hardened winners and a striker brought in to help the team gel and give a bit of positive direction and experience (hopefully PC and board will still bring in some quality prior to start of season which can still fit our wage structure! ) Thoughts folks?


1.) 13 Jul 2024 09:54:07
Think we need to probably take some pain to begin with, some of the, "project" player's need time to settle in, yes some are in need of further development, but that'll come, problems come with a lot wanting instant success, last thing we need is PC moved on, then we go back to being in the ? yet again, he must be given time, your incremental point is a valid one?.



06 Jun 2024 07:16:31
Armstrong from Southampton now free agent -knows league and has plenty experience - would he cross the divide though? Thoughts folks?


1.) 06 Jun 2024 07:59:57
Take him in a heartbeat, should've got him first time round imo.
But a big drop in expected salary I would imagine.

2.) 06 Jun 2024 08:19:53
Liam Cooper from Leeds also free and he is an agressive unit and leader/ captain material too- likes a solid tackle as well - I wouldn't mind him being considered to boost defence?.

3.) 06 Jun 2024 08:29:26
We pay his wage he'd be a Rangers player.

4.) 06 Jun 2024 08:53:29
Mcburnie, Cooper, mckenna! We've j7st got 5 players off the wages who were average so replacing some with more average players will not take us forward.



11 May 2024 18:54:32
We can't mark a man - we can't play quick one twos to beat men and we can't defend against one twos as most just ballwatch - we were a yard slow all over the park today so where does that actually put us?
The team needs almost completely stripped down and replaced (obviously) - if we don't believe in PC as I see some doubters on here questioning him, then where do we actually want to go? - the managerial merry go round to happen every year? Not for me thanks - we need stability at top and allow the team to be rebuilt - Rome was not built in a day so it will take some time to totally change round this mob of mostly bang average players - He needs the right hungry fit players with ability to boost the club and whether we like it or not - this will not happen overnight- so allow this to happen and see where we are say next January or chaos will reign once more.
Still time to take a cup from them too so all is not 100% doom and gloom just yet - even though we flung the league away (which was out main priority) we still could do the double with a team mostly full of underachievers and loan deals. Mr Lundstram was only thinking of himself today flying into that tackle and cost us chance of a fightback- we can do better to fill his jersey next season - I hope we see the back of him and many other jersey fillers soon!


1.) 11 May 2024 19:05:43
Raskin at his best ie when he first came to rangers is better than lundstram anyway, if truth be told ?.

2.) 11 May 2024 19:05:56
Agree but we have seen this movie before Blue. Not able to change formation, adapt the team to suit the players we have fit and drop someone if they aren't playing up to scratch. Unfortunately our manager hasn't done any of the above. Neither can be beat Celtic.

3.) 11 May 2024 19:16:34
Well said Floyd, the manager inherited a poor team he has had one transfer window and let’s face it no real budget just loans or loans to buy, then we have a long list of injuries I didn’t expect to win today if truth be told they are a better team it’s going to take time to catch them, you can’t just bring in a manager and say right if you don’t win the league in first season your out . We need to be patient and rebuild, the money we have has to be spent wisely and the wages we save with out of contract players used wisely PC has won league titles and can do it again, some of the critics on here need to calm down.

4.) 11 May 2024 20:06:56
Well said a bit of common sense.

5.) 11 May 2024 20:44:54
Coops you weren’t saying that a few weeks ago you change yer tune quicker than the weather.

6.) 11 May 2024 21:00:34
AS1974 - Good analogy re movies as there are many ACTORS who wear the blue jersey for this manager as they did for several previous managers - so until these ageing ACTORS are moved on it will be Groundhog Day continuously - I want PC to have his own players in place rather than the inherited mess that we see today.

7.) 11 May 2024 21:24:56
Clement inherited an utter mess and for a while had us punching above our weight, eventually our shortcomings came back to bite us but totally unfair to question him at this point, has been struck down by a horrendous injury list to key players, only butland, tav and dessers haven't had some sort of injury over the course of the season having to continually play dessers and silva because there was noone else has cost us, he deserves a chance to build a proper team I don't think he's a mug, players he inherited have made awful errors in big games, noone will tell me that a fit sima, danilo and roofe wouldntve made a huge difference over the course of a full season.



29 Apr 2024 07:22:59
IMHO lads we have no real Rangers identity in our team now or in the last few years - our winning teams in past consisted of players/ managers who knew what it was to play for the jersey or support the team - Bomber, Souness, McLeish, Cooper, Ferguson, Greig, McCoist, Goram, Gough list goes on -what do you think McGregor instils in his players when they huddle before a game? - he doesn't want to lose to anyone he is not merely there for a wage or worrying which restaurant he will be seen at that night - he is very aware that 2nd is last in Glasgow and until we can get players who want to win at all costs I am afraid it will be same as same as!
PC please get a true Captain in who hates to lose and as has been done by Souness - get a spine to the team with leaders in defence midfield and attack - when going gets tough we shrink and hide and its a lot of the same serial losers who have this trait imo - when times were tough in past sometimes all it takes is to fire into a fair but tough tackle or chase a lost ball down and never give up and get the crowd on our side and to lead by example and not just blame or finger point - they will come at us like that at Parkhead and Hampden its how we react that f**ks me off - for desire and a hate to lose comes from within and am sorry to say that when we are at business end of season the usual so called leaders show no real fire or desire or hunger from within- they just look for someone to blame.
Yes we as a club maybe cannot afford the Billy Big name costly players who have this hunger and desire but there are players out there who will have that drive and who hate to lose so let's get scouting right and return our club to truly where it should be - I hate the fact that THEY are not a great side but by the way way we have folded and lost points against Mwell R Cty Dundee in times of need makes them look top dollar and look good - you get out of a game what you put in and in these games we never showed up and put the required effort in.
THEY are one of the poorer Celtic teams I have seen in last good few years so what does that truly say about us our desire and commitment to hunting them down and putting pressure on them - we have had our chances to stay on top and have shat the bed big time - We NEED to turn up against them both times in coming months at least to show the fans that we can compete and let's not crawl under the rock when going gets tough in these games - on to Killie game 1st - a MUST win at all costs?.


1.) 29 Apr 2024 08:34:43
They are not a good team, but we are worse!

For a team who had the league title there for the taking, we blew it big time. Honestly, we have been truly awful since be beat hearts, and we don't deserve to win anything. We are a team littered with cowards, with a mentality so frail, a feather could break it.

I'm going to say it again. Until we bin Tav as captain, rid the team of cowardly lightweight like Barisic and Goldson, we are never going to establish ourselves as winners. We have too many senior players in that team whose minds have been poised with continuous failure and mediocrity, and if we continue on with them, then failure is all we're ever going to achieve.

2.) 29 Apr 2024 08:40:00
Do you think the current players like losing? Cal Mac is a ranger fan lol.

3.) 29 Apr 2024 08:52:26
??? Still flogging a dead horse, Raskin!

4.) 29 Apr 2024 08:55:13
All the names you listed were Scottish, we lost that identity a while ago. Also playing football is not the draw it was 20 -30 years ago, and there are not that many young players who have playing for Rangers or Celtic for that matter top of their list when poor English teams can offer them riches to see them to their old age.

5.) 29 Apr 2024 09:09:27
We had McGregor, David, Jack, Arfield and still won hardly anything.

6.) 29 Apr 2024 09:56:29
That's true, MPH, but we could beat the tims (home and away)! Nowadays, we can't lay a glove on them, and scraped a draw at home.

7.) 29 Apr 2024 11:00:04
Raise, we've certainly blew it. 10 points dropped from the Motherwell game. Celtic were there for the taking this season.

8.) 29 Apr 2024 12:14:30
Spot on RTR Tav, Goldson definitely need to go, Lundstram and Borna probably already gone, there may well be a few more, who? Anybodies guess.

9.) 29 apr 2024 13:07:55
spot on as per mark

if we dint win there has to be a reason this team collapsed over a 3 or 4 week period, , did pc tell some they wouldn't be here, did lundstrum, goldson et al have arrangements made fir next season?

I've not heard of one celtic player being told he's gone, or any talk about players leaving

its a daily occurance here, how many have been packing while playing fir a title?

10.) 29 Apr 2024 14:19:33
Do we know for definite that he told players they can go, or is it just guesswork or an excuse as to why we sre pants?




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27 Jul 2024 09:33:28
Agreed Zikos its not all about pace - however our league is all about goals - and that we certainly don't have enough of in our team - a good football brain and intelligence on park helps a damn lot imo?.




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27 Jul 2024 09:26:33
Pity he prefers his phone to playing football- if he did more talking on the park than off it am sure his career would soar and be in a better place - ahh the draw of social media for the spoilt teenager that he seems to mimic?? Move on and fill his jersey with someone who wants to be here.




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26 Jul 2024 15:06:41
It is option at end of deal not obligation?.




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26 Jul 2024 14:09:21
He is probably on a fraction of Matondo's wage and can impact from bench - unfortunately this seems where we are cash wise - allows money to be better spent elsewhere so I can see the logic - longer term it is obvious he is not the answer.




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26 Jul 2024 12:34:12
A football brain in the heid to go with the arms and legs too pls??.





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25 Jul 2024 12:37:28
Salt n vinegar Walter ??




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25 Jul 2024 10:27:54
Jzer agreed - Matondo is a total enigma - his brain is totally disconnected from his feet and what's point of having blistering pace and not using it - having said that if we had a midfield with decent nous we could play balls over the top but we can't even seem to do that - he is one of many who are overpaid and will not do for Rangers - hope someone takes him off our hands asap.




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24 Jul 2024 13:34:51
Aye and he prob gets injured and then we can't punt him? - hopefully Matondo is next to fly the nest as he is the poorest substitute for a consistent winger I have seen in many a moon - vastly overpaid for his return imho!




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24 Jul 2024 06:32:27
Big wages - minimum return - we all KNOW what is required from Tavs and Goldie - time to pack your bags lads and give the fans a break - you done well in patches but unfortunately your well is not really good enough to break dominance of an average Celtic team - need some real hunger desire and attitude and true leadership in our team.




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24 Jul 2024 06:25:22
We struggled against Man U boys and reserves - there is the level we are at! - years of decline due to many different clueless boards who only looked at short term gain -imho.




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