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20 Jul 2024 09:19:55
Anyone picking up on the fee for Tav? I’m hearing around £4-5m.


1.) 20 Jul 2024 10:57:06
H&h say 4/ 5m wanted.

2.) 20 Jul 2024 10:59:59
We will never know but I would doubt it's a high as that.

3.) 20 Jul 2024 11:05:50
I heard 3.5 but with add ons so you’re about right I’d think.

4.) 20 Jul 2024 11:38:33
Think for his age great business if true ??????.

5.) 20 Jul 2024 13:43:19
For me it would need to be an offer like that to make it worthwhile selling him. A good deal for a 33 year old.

6.) 20 Jul 2024 20:25:53
Heard the turkish side offered 2.5 million but rangers want 3.5 million I think the 3.5 is realistic given his age.



26 Jun 2024 12:31:33
I've heard from a good source that the reason for the delayed Copland building works is not from a delay in materials, but a delay from our side setting up payment. This was repeatedly asked for by the manufacturers and not set up. As soon as it was set up then the process began. This is the real reason of the delay.

Also the first 5 games due to be played at home will take place away. 2 qualifiers and 3 league games. We want Murrayfield as the increased ticket sales will cover any costs related to the move.


1.) 26 Jun 2024 13:34:53
Working on large construction projects this is highly unlikely mate. Contracts like NEC4 are set well ahead of time with payment schedules and "damages" should parties renege on certain commitments. Also from previous suggestions last week that Rangers were ordering materials again isn't how these type of projects work.

2.) 26 Jun 2024 13:36:35
Silly season with rumours on this topic, i think the rangers board are incompetent but even I don’t think they are capable of this Level of incompetence.

3.) 26 Jun 2024 13:39:52
Agree 100% Karen too big a contract to not have in place pre start.

4.) 26 Jun 2024 13:51:53
I'd assume that payment structure would've been agreed before work started but surely the lack info from our club is only fanning the flames for numerous stories we all read, come out Mr chairman tell the fans what is going on.

5.) 26 Jun 2024 14:28:58
No foreign manufacturer would accept anything these days other than pro forma payment ex works . The delay may be shipping and the cause of delay, if that, would be down to buyer or shipper or both .

6.) 26 Jun 2024 16:13:07
You are missing the point, of course payment schedules and structure WERE all agreed, but we failed to set up the agreed payment structure for the steel is what I’m told. Hence how the supply of the materials never proceeded until we did. Don’t shoot the messenger but the source is very in the know at board level.

7.) 26 jun 2024 14:54:41
is that a serious request, walter? you actually wanting a company to tell the public if they’re internal business, why on earth would anyone do that? Did any other business give you an update every day of their building work and financial details?

they’re working on making ibrox better, why is there people who say they’re rangers fans fanning the flames of conspiracy, and that’s precisely what you're attempting to do.

8.) 26 Jun 2024 15:12:42
Baffles me how Rangers fans openly come on here to fabricate money issues being the reason for the stadium delays knowing full well someone from the other side is going to run and run with this.

9.) 26 Jun 2024 18:01:49
At the meeting held with the fans in March, Bisgrove told fans at that point they didn’t have planning permission agreed and had not signed with a contractor. But we’re confident the project would be finished on time.

Total incompetence.

10.) 26 Jun 2024 18:03:25
That makes no sense at all tbh.

11.) 26 Jun 2024 21:02:10
Did a Celtic fan tell you this story aye nonsense.



29 Apr 2024 16:40:32
Had it confirmed today that we are paying Silva his full £80k a week salary. Reason being there is no loan fee being paid to Wolves. Equivalent of paying 50% £40k a week and £1m loan fee. Do we think he’s been worth it?


1.) 29 Apr 2024 16:49:29
I am sorry but I don’t believe it one bit and he ain’t worth it if we were paying 10% of his wages.

2.) 29 Apr 2024 16:51:30
There is absolutely no way, fee or no fee, we are paying anyone 80,000 a week. None whatsoever.

Also, silva is on about half of that. He gets around 43k a week.

3.) 29 Apr 2024 16:53:37
Borna. 100% we r not paying his full salary.

4.) 29 Apr 2024 17:04:24
Silvia’s weekly wage at Wolves is £40,000 p/ w which includes a £10,000 appearance fee, a £15,000 goal bonus and a £2,000 unused substitute fee. The player is under contract until the summer of 2026 and Wolves have the option of another year.
On that basis he gets a basic of 30k which is what we will be paying. No he hasn’t been value for money but there’s still time for him to grab some important goals and assists to change that.

5.) 29 Apr 2024 17:07:03
80k a week for half a season is £2m but we couldn’t find £3m for Shankland? Plus wages of course.

6.) 29 Apr 2024 17:09:06
I also can't see us paying silva 80k a week and totally apologise if i'm wrong ?.

7.) 29 Apr 2024 17:50:35
He's not worth the wages i'd keep the boy Cortes if we can he looked decent and hopefully stays injury free.

8.) 29 Apr 2024 18:02:28
Ranger I understand we r paying around 27 for silva.

9.) 29 Apr 2024 18:19:17
If true we've been duped.

10.) 29 Apr 2024 18:40:27
I'm sorry, but there's no chance we're paying that type of money.

11.) 29 Apr 2024 19:05:04
Confirmed by who exactly.

12.) 29 Apr 2024 19:24:27
Wouldn’t pay silva £30 a week useless.

13.) 29 Apr 2024 19:24:42
A quick check shows he is paid 40k a week at wolves so borna whoever is telling you that is pulling your leg.

14.) 29 Apr 2024 19:53:22
He should be paying us for getting a game. Awful footballer and a cheat.

15.) 30 Apr 2024 01:54:20
He must be getting a dive bonus on top of his basic pay to be hitting 80k a week.

16.) 30 Apr 2024 14:29:01
GC1872- Benes HSV Hamburg has impressive stats.



16 Jan 2024 20:15:19
We have knocked back a bid from top 4 championship club for Cantwell circa £6m. Negotiations with Yilmaz to Galatasaray are progressing as we are looking for £500k up front loan fee and around £5m in summer with full wages paid.


1.) 16 Jan 2024 21:12:13
Why would a championship club pay £6m for Cantwell when we would gladly sell for half that? I’m going to call this as made up nonsense. And £5m for Yilmaz is fantasy. We are rangers. We sell for a loss and announce it as ‘undisclosed. ’ It’s what we do.

2.) 16 Jan 2024 21:24:11
I actually think £6m for Cantwell would be good.

3.) 16 Jan 2024 21:54:11
John said we had a bid knocked back for cantwell didn't say how much think he mentioned 3 other players.

4.) 16 Jan 2024 22:03:20
Gooner - aye very good. Instead of rubbishing another poster, tell us, in your expert, informed opinion, why would rangers accept £3m for Cantwell? And why wouldn't we get £5m for Yilmaz?

Good positive post.

5.) 16 Jan 2024 22:03:48
I can't comment on the Cantrell rumour but I am hearing different from Istanbul on Yilmaz.

6.) 16 Jan 2024 22:06:43
Rangers gooner were not going to sell. cantwell for 3 mill. that's for sure.

7.) 16 Jan 2024 22:10:40
Glasgowrangersgooner! How do you know we would gladly do anything!? Totally uncalled for!

8.) 16 Jan 2024 22:12:50
I think £6m is a fair price on cantwell I’d take £5m minimum. I’d expect no more than £7m so £6m is about right.
And I’d sell not a doubt about that.
Gladly sell him n bring Hagi back £6m up and probably a better player in team battling with Lawrence.

Yilmaz likely to be € euros.
€5m in summer minus the €500k loan fee would be fair aswell imo and of course they pay the wages they’re going to have the player and they have the money.

9.) 16 Jan 2024 22:14:53
That is great money for Cantwell. take it.

10.) 16 Jan 2024 22:19:47
Cantwell is worth £6m in English leagues money pots.

11.) 16 Jan 2024 22:21:30
I'd keep Cantwell, if he plays well in euro league, value goes up.

12.) 16 Jan 2024 22:21:40
If we have knocked back £6m for Cantwell (aka pretty boy), then someone needs the sack!

We got him on a free! So no-one in England saw his potential at the time?

Absolute fantasy!

13.) 16 Jan 2024 22:22:20
Hagi would only be battling Lawrence for his spot on the treatment table!

14.) 16 Jan 2024 22:37:26
No idea what you're on gooner. But pretty poor chat.

More generally, I think the question as to whether we'd sell Cantwell is an interesting one. He's probably one of our more sellable assets, and I'm inclined to think we'd want at least £10m given his contract duration And profile. But then again, I'm not sure he's worth that to us or any EFL team. He can flatter to decieve A bit at times, but given the additions I think we need elsewhere I'd keep him till the end of the season at least.

15.) 16 Jan 2024 22:42:34
Unless Cantwell has something in his contract giving him a % of any fee, I'd bite their hands off for 6 mill.

16.) 16 Jan 2024 22:43:28
If we genuinely have had a 6m bid for Cantwell we should be seriously considering it. That along with 4m say for Yilmaz would be good cash for Clement to buy x2/ 3 players of his own, which he thoroughly deserves.

17.) 16 Jan 2024 22:48:14
Bringing hagi back would solve nothing.

18.) 16 Jan 2024 22:50:27
There is a lot of stupid hate directed towards our players at the moment saying stuff like would be luck to get 3 million for canrtwell but still expect us to go out and spen crazy money on replacements 6 million is not enough for Cantwell he frustrates sometimes yes but he’s under contract and we got 6 for aribo

Keep talking down fees for our starters be careful what you wish for

Are these people really rangers fans.

19.) 16 Jan 2024 22:53:44
Hagi wasnt good enough, why would we bring him back, he's currently not good enough for a pretty poor team in spain, hagi is not the answer.

20.) 16 Jan 2024 23:04:34
When Cantwell wasn't in the team, he was thought more of. He's a bit of a rough diamond but we've got to keep our better players and build around them.

21.) 16 Jan 2024 23:06:40
What ever you think of Cantwell he’s better that hagi and fitter than both him and Lawrence I wouldn’t sell at the moment 6m or no 6m we have hardly any depth atm so unless he can be replaced before he leaves then it’s a definite no for me! And by the way everyone on here was loving him last season he’ll come good again and we might get double figure millions ??‍♂️.

22.) 16 Jan 2024 23:35:10
Have to agree Copland I don’t think hagi is anywhere good enough and if it wasn’t for his famous dad I’m not sure his career would be at the level it currently is - like him, can be good, tries hard but just not seeing it - hope I’m wrong if he does come back ??????.

23.) 16 Jan 2024 23:57:42
Stevie we are trying to sign a better standard of player hopefully, Hagi not the answer and can't see him in future plans, your opinion of course, if 6 million was bid for Cantwell I’d sell.

24.) 17 Jan 2024 01:20:19
I think Hagi would be better off staying in spain just now, as he to be fair though have we ever given Ianis a consistent run as a CAM, not really, and that is his main position, we played him mainly on the RW and occasionally as a LW and CAM, he does not have the pace to play on the wing, but he can create from the CAM position and the least we can do when he returns is give him a go in that position, no doubt he will score some good goals and contribute double figures in assists.
has scored some nice goals for romania and in the copa del rey, lad had a nasty injury, many players never recover from.
Remeber how good Durrant, Rozental, Mols were before there bad injuries, but never hit the same from again, hopefully Hagi does recover fully and can be utiltised properly by us next season.
The loan was part of his recovery, he is progressing well.
takes time to come back from and injury like that and remeber they carved his leg up as well during the surgery, literally opened one side of his thigh for the surgery, there is psychological damage to recover from as well as the physical recovery, Beale was right not to bring him back too early, another bad injury on the same leg would have potentially ended his career at 24, he still has 2 years left on his contract once he returns in the summer, i think if he has fully recovered and hit peak fitness, PC can get the best out of him and actually play him as a CAM.

25.) 17 Jan 2024 01:56:47
If we can get 7-8 mill for Cantwell, that is good business for us, we paid just over 1 mill for Todd, and while we have seen some good performances mainly under beale when he was scoring some good goals,
he has not hit that from again, perhaps a move to the Championship might be best for him, could be more suitable for his family as well with new baby born recently.
Unfortunately he is not the 20mill player he was with Norwich in the EPL.

Regards Yilmaz if we can get say 6 mill up front with add ons that get us nearer the 10 mill mark or a loan to buy with a simliar deal and it's a move he would be happy with then we have to realistically
consider that option as well.
Providing we have a decent quality LB option on loan, like Jarasek, we can work on a permanent LB deal in the summer, perhaps with one of the south american lads Koppen is keeping tabs on.

Both deals would give PC a decent start up transfer chest to bring some good quality up and coming young players like, Manhoef and Dujanovic in, say we pay 3 mill for each, and get Jurasek on laon with Silva, already in i would be happy with those 4 players for the winter window.

once Afcons done Sima is back and eventually Danilo will be fit again to give us more fire power up front.

Goal scoring wingers is what we need more than another CF right now.

26.) 17 Jan 2024 02:08:20
I like cantwell not been his best lately but either was John Lundstram a few month back now look how well he is playing.

27.) 17 Jan 2024 06:48:11
what makes me curious though is how can we sell a player for say 6M and then think we can bring it 1 or 2 players who will make us better, there aren't many players out there valued at 1-2M who are better than what we have.

28.) 17 Jan 2024 07:08:26
Cantwell will be gone in the summer. He's in the team to provide goals and assists to the team which he simply isn't doing.

29.) 17 Jan 2024 07:38:42
Would take the £ all day for cantwell he thinks he’s better then what he is .
Pity about Dowell thought he would do a turn .

30.) 17 Jan 2024 08:14:28
Lads are don’t think yous are understanding my point here.
We need to prioritise certain positions, for me we need a striker, a centre mid, a centre half and possibly a winger (silva and Matondo can play right wing and left, sima, wright, mccausland, so not sure a winger is a must.
Centre mid
Centre half.

Move on Davies, ridvan, cantwell.

We can buy these positions.
Or loan them wbu her et gaffer decides.

We have Hagi who is our player. The Spanish would happily cut the deal short I believe z
He will do until the summer when he can then be moved on.
Hagi Lawrence silva even Danilo can all play in the 10 when fit, I don’t believe signing a new 10 is top priority.
So u bring back Hagi and sign those 3 positions I’ve mentioned and in the summer u move more on, likely Hagi will be one of them.
I believe Hagi is better than cantwell and will do a job until summer if it means spending the money in a striker mf and ch. then isn’t it worth having Hagi back instead of signing a 10 when we have say 3/ 4 in the squad inc Hagi?

31.) 17 Jan 2024 09:11:12
Pointless selling Yilmaz for 4m stevie not a chance can we replace him for that fee.

32.) 17 Jan 2024 09:11:45
Can't see Hagi playing for Rangers again mate.

33.) 17 Jan 2024 09:25:26
There is no way in this world we have turned down £6m for Cantwell. Personally I would snap your hand off if offered that. Hagi is a far better Number 10 than Cantwell will ever be.

34.) 17 Jan 2024 09:28:02
A few hard reads again the day.

Blaming Cantwell for lack of goals/ assists when we have the strikers we have currently is just unfair. You can lay the ball on a plate for the likes of Dessers, Danilo and Sima and they still miss lots of chances.

People want to sell Cantwell and bring in better players for less money? not sure if you know this but better players cost more money.

Talk of Hagi again on here. lord give me strength, Hagi must have cast a spell on a few fans as he had a couple decent performances way way back. Nice lad but definitely not a Rangers standard.
Hagi better than Cantwell? give up the drink lad.

Ridvan is a weird one as i'd rather have him than Borna playing and people are now wanting to sell Ridvan for a loss when he is now finding his feet at the club. Thank god yous aren't involved in any actual decisions at the club.

the main and sole target for us this window must be a striker that can actually score goals. and not 1 goal out of 20 attempts .

35.) 17 Jan 2024 09:28:46
He was deemed by mostly all of us the most talented player we've signed for ages with a football brain steps ahead of him teammates, now it's a purge to get todd cantwell out the door, not for me unless it's a massive bid that we can't turn down ? Cantwell is a talented footballer of that there's no doubt and i actually saw good link up play with him and silva last night, to encourage me that that could well be a good partnership ?I know this season so far cantwell hasn't reached the heights of the last few months of last season but the talent is there guys and undoubtedly he'll produce it again ?Form is temporary, class is permanent ? Our supporters are far too quick when they get a target they just want them shunted out the door, that's not how football works ?I think clement can/ will get the best out of cantwell again, so try and get off the guy's back and get behind him and i'm sure his form will return ? Some on here with certain players it's all sugar or s***e with nothing in-between, like i said that's not how football works ?.

36.) 17 Jan 2024 09:30:42
Cantwell was the best thing since sliced bread now he's a hopeless doughball that we need to get shot of straight away ?Fickle or what ?.

37.) 17 Jan 2024 09:30:54
We could easily improve our squad with 6mil for cantwell. Could get a striker and a winger for 6mil and play silva where cantwell plays. masive upgrade.

38.) 17 Jan 2024 09:40:46
Stevie we would need to pay to bring hagi back as there is no recall option and he isn’t good enough so I don’t think that will happen.

39.) 17 Jan 2024 10:06:28
Some of the comments on here are awful, consistently knocking down our players. Plus the lack of knowledge in football is worrying. You don’t sell players mid season that are 1st team players unless offer is ridiculous. £6m, whether offered or not, is not ridiculous offer. The damage that does to the squad, the lack of time to replace and then the risk of signing a player from another league and trying to bed them into the Scottish game. Cantwell goes nowhere unless someone offers something north of £8-10m and rangers have a ready replacement.

40.) 17 Jan 2024 10:16:48
I Think when sima comes back PC will bench cantwell sirwalter. silva will play instead of cantwell. You quite rightly said that cantwell is out of form and he has ben all season, its half way through the season, any idea when he will get in form?

41.) 17 Jan 2024 10:22:07
We’ve already let one player go from the Euro squad, we are only allowed to change 3, and NEED to add a left back to it. So that's at minimum one of the changes done if you (for arguments sake) replace Lammers with Ridvan. We aren't going to be in a hurry to sell anyone else that's currently registered to play europa league. To be honest anyone in that squad is likely being kept til the summer to maximise value. We only need to look at Bassey to see what a couple of good games and a decent run does to a player’s value. If someone comes and offers 10m for Cantwell sure, you take it. But 6m doesn't give us the means to pad the squad out with reliable additions at the minute.

42.) 17 Jan 2024 10:24:57
I personally don't think cantwell creates enough chances for the team, he can be so talented but he's flattered to deceive in 80% of the games so far and that's me probably being kind, i'd have a fully fit Lawrence before cantwell any day of the week he's far more direct but the fitness is the conundrum, no denying cantwell has talent we just need to get him to do it on a regular basis, he's far too deep for me, also stupid fouls and theatrics really gets on my throat, him an big dessers are really bad for not playing the whistle if they don't get a foul. they can just stop and throw up the arms, that too needs addressing, big Goldson has been guilty of this in the past too.

43.) 17 Jan 2024 10:44:33
Any of the top 4 ATM in championship don't have 6m to pay for Cantwell and Yilmaz should be kept until the summer. His value won't diminish imo he's a better option than BB.

44.) 17 Jan 2024 10:45:43
Sorry folks but no one is seriously telling me that they think 6mil is cheap for cantwell. C'mon that's incredible money for him. 10mil you're having a laugh mate. let's get real here. Mate PC would bite your hand off for 6mil. He'd win us the league if he could spend that sort of cash this window. Its one thing saying some of the stick our players get from our owns fans is awful but i'll tell you what mate, some of the loyalty shown from our fans that defend bang average players who fail to perform constantly and are on massive money is cringey. This guy hasn't turned up all season, hasn't laid a glove on Celtic and you's want more than 6mil. C'mon mate. let's be real here.

45.) 17 Jan 2024 10:53:16
I’m not here championing Hagi, I’m saying is he not a better option than cantwell if u consider throwing £6m in the pot just for swapping them?
That’s all I’m saying.
Surely that’s better for the team squad and club?

Someone said we need to pay to bring him back?
I believe it was €1m for season so £6m -€500k is still about £5.6m in the pocket if we sell cantwell. No brainier for me.
The Spanish aren’t really want to keep him so I think we could even negotiate a better deal in our favour.

46.) 17 Jan 2024 11:34:11
Take £3m for Cantwell? put your mummy on we need word with her .

47.) 17 Jan 2024 12:09:00
Coops did you copy and paste that post of yours because it’s the same word for word other than the name of the player what you said about kent time after time.
Cantwell may come good but he is not doing it at the moment and the same reason why Norwich let him go.

48.) 17 Jan 2024 12:11:06
We pay Cantwell 40k a week to provide goals and assists. He's meant to be a game changer on that wage.

49.) 17 Jan 2024 12:35:22
Kurt you’re saying £6m and we’d bite your hand off. Show me how he’s not worth that or more? Countless bang average players in championship and prem are going for a lot more. Some of the sales going around are stupid money. And those players you talk about are SPL standard, and top of the bag standard for this league. bang average league. You’re the type of fan wanting 25 top players that we can’t keep happy and loyal. Cantwell is one of the best in this league, been welll off his best this year I’d agree but in this league and most of Europa league games he’s a good standard of player.

50.) 17 Jan 2024 13:08:54
Pretty sure we ain`t paying Cantwell £40k a week, in fact I would be surprised if we are paying anybody that type of money. I really like him as a player but again I would be surprised if we wouldn`t accept £6million for him, maybe its just because we would struggle to replace him this window. As for Yilmaz, if we are not desperate to get rid of him, and it looks like we`re not, why would we accept a loan deal, with no money until the summer, this window . Clubs like Verona and particularly Galatasaray have money so if the want him, pay the money and buy him or get lost.

51.) 17 Jan 2024 13:21:53
Do The Bouncy, saying Hagi is miles better than Cantwell is bizarre. You’ve clearly not seen Hagi playing in Spain. On the bench most weeks. The boy is struggling, massively. Apparently confidence is extremely low. Missing 18 months of football has played a big part in his development. He’ll be one that leaves in the summer. Hopefully someone will be willing to pay the £3m we bought him for.

52.) 17 Jan 2024 13:24:19
Think one of the euro spots may go to big balogun, or someone drops out? but who?

53.) 17 Jan 2024 14:23:27
Fork, likely euro spot will go to a goalkeeper, possibly Jon McLaughlin.

54.) 17 Jan 2024 14:27:12
Stevie we don’t always get the full 6 million upfront also player gets % agent gets % it’s not as easy as you think. I 100% do not want to pay for a player that is still ours just my w.

55.) 17 Jan 2024 14:50:22
Sollof, type of fan? what lol? 25 top players, I'd settle for 11 top players just nOw mate?. You just have to watch cantwell play to know that he is not worth 6mil.

56.) 17 Jan 2024 15:43:21
Three to drop out of the Euro squad, Lammers, obviously, Danilo because he won`t be fit to play again this season and Davies. That will allow Balogun and Silva as replacements and one free spot either for another new signing or someone like Yilmaz if he`s still here. Here`s hoping Roofe can get fit enough to at least do a Betis and come off the bench and make an impact.

57.) 17 Jan 2024 16:54:15
There are a number of other players that we should be looking to move on before Cantwell. Thankfully a number of them will be gone when their contacts end this summer however getting rid of others, most notable the injury prone mediocre players like Souttar will be significantly more difficult!
Hopefully we will now see a better quality of player signed with the new management team in place and Oark well and truly gone.

58.) 17 Jan 2024 17:46:07
That Bristol city left side boy did really well v WHU apparently, would they accept another McCrorie and a couple of £m?

59.) 17 Jan 2024 18:26:12
In my opinion hagi is better than anyone we have in his position. Our attacking players a rotten right now.

60.) 17 Jan 2024 22:44:44
Highland bear ??????well said Cantwell still better than most of our midfield yet people want him gone madness

Mystar remind me how much was barisic again? You can find the players if you know what your doing and have a bit of luck too don’t need money all the time.

61.) 17 Jan 2024 23:37:15
Believe barasic was £1.8m British pounds.

62.) 17 Jan 2024 23:38:42
Hagi is the best no10 we have on our books and he’s in Spain.
Terrible management by Beale. Sign lammers for nearly £4m and loan Hagi out for £1m.
£3m plus lammers wages down the drain.



12 Sep 2023 20:27:56
Looking likely Yilmaz will move back to Turkey on loan, that’s why he’s left out of the Euro squad.


1.) 12 Sep 2023 21:02:21
Hopefully a loan with obligation to buy and whoever he goes to pay his full wage at least.

2.) 12 Sep 2023 21:35:48
The two favourites to sign him are Besiktas, (his previous club), who want him on Local and Galatasaray who earlier in the summer were keen on a permanent transfer but I understand that their valuation was well below ours.

Fernabahce were rumoured to have an interest but what I am hearing from Istanbul is that they are not currently looking for a left back.

3.) 12 Sep 2023 22:04:14
He’s left out because a numbers game and he’s always injured.

4.) 13 Sep 2023 01:44:16
Berkshire say it like it is

We overpaid again.

5.) 13 Sep 2023 04:58:52
One half decent match in his time here and we paid at least double what we paid for Barasic. gers need to realise they were played here and are not getting anywhere near what they paid for Yilmaz.

6.) 13 Sep 2023 06:45:47
Seriously looks like the guys heart and head do not lie at Ibrox - time for him to move on and for us to get a true defensive solid left back - hope Devine gets a run at that side of park in the interim as he has never let us down when covering for Tavernier.

7.) 13 Sep 2023 06:58:47
Was always a strange one signing a young lad from Turkey for that fee, Maybe because of our past history with Tugay we felt that this would work, historically not that many Turkish players have settled in British football, they tend to do well in either their own country or Germany which has a huge Turkish community.
And he is young as well, sounds like he has never truly settled here.

8.) 13 Sep 2023 07:43:46
Aye makes sense 1 LB tae January f##k me are the banter years back getting a bit of a joke.

9.) 13 Sep 2023 07:47:16
Hes 4ft tall we literally replaced Bassey with him ?.

10.) 13 Sep 2023 08:23:34
Yilmaz ain’t good enough!

11.) 13 Sep 2023 09:53:12
He's good enough to play for turkey at 18 and any top side in turkey would like him signed by he's no good.

12.) 13 Sep 2023 10:05:03
How do you know yately he has hardly played to come to that conclusion.

13.) 13 Sep 2023 10:29:29
Looks like we’ll never know, I feel sorry for the lad, he did’nt set the transfer fee we overpaid, but the top Turkish sides see something in him, if rumours are to be believed.

14.) 13 Sep 2023 12:05:56
Wet cardboard let him go.

15.) 13 Sep 2023 12:26:15
All of you are on here worshipping the ground John27 walks on but you lay no attention to what he’s said. Have you not seen his posts when it comes to Yilmaz? He is declaring himself unfit to play.

If this is the type of player h is we need to move him on. Rangers play twice a week and we need guys who are fit an available.

16.) 13 Sep 2023 12:52:06
Once again we have overlooked homegrown talent in favour of signing players like Yilmaz. We make the same mistake every transfer window. Needs changed along with our useless manager ????.

17.) 13 Sep 2023 13:08:10
If Yilmaz is declaring himself unfit then he needs sold.

18.) 13 Sep 2023 13:39:27
Yilmaz who doesn't want to play for us and Barasic who rips his tights - can't play against Celtic but ok for country - both need punted ASAP and play our own - get Davies out there or better still Devine - we need solid back four with no injury greeting face overpaid superstars dictating to us!

19.) 13 Sep 2023 13:46:51
It was a mistake signing the boy unless we are going to play in a system that suits him . He is a wing back more used to playing with a back three. If we really want to bring out the best in him we should try it, as it would also suit, Tav, Souttar and Davies and allow us to play with two strikers without leaving gaps in the wide areas. If we are not ready to make that change then the boy should be sold, not loaned and certainly not when the window is shut and we can`t get a replacement. We seem to love to shoot ourselves in the foot and leave ourselves short in key positions, last season it was centre back and this season its left back. Devine looked okay last season but Sterling really struggled getting forward last Sunday.

20.) 13 Sep 2023 13:58:29
If this is true, and Yilmaz is declaring himself unfit to play, then he needs moved on. Add this to his lb colleague Barisic soiling himself when the heat is on, that's some state our lb area is in.

For all the abuse Tav gets on here, and elsewhere, that's one guy who would never refuse to play, or sh#t the bed during a game. Work that one out.

21.) 13 Sep 2023 14:22:21
A stronger manager would've moved Tavernier further up the pitch or moved him on, years ago. His deficiencies in defence cause the team far more problems, than what his scoring outlay does. The proof is in the lack of trophy success for the team. Ricksen, Bale, TAA are all other examples of a manager recognising that.
For a Rangers captain to win just 2 trophies in 8 years is embarrassing, for him to be inducted into the prestigious Hall Of Fame is insulting to the former Rangers greats of the past and to the players who have missed out. Tavernier couldn't lace Gary Stevens boots as a full back, or shine his winners medal collection.


22.) 13 Sep 2023 14:31:19
Gazgers231 obviously not getting the gist of my post. Facts! ??.

23.) 13 Sep 2023 15:28:28
No I do lol and I don’t disagree with the fact our LB area is horrendous. We could have had Josh Doig playing here but chose to splash out on Yilmaz. Shocking business.

Tav may never refuse too play for us but it doesn’t change the fact he is a serial loser and the stick he gets is justified IMO ????.

24.) 13 Sep 2023 15:30:58
The manager might use someone at left back who has no business playing at left back because he can't however they may have a bit more dig than the Turkish sicknote or the dopey lettuce Barasic, how long have our left backs lost us games, since Bassey left?

25.) 13 Sep 2023 15:46:54
Personally thought Yilmaz all right, not great, just all right. If he goes, we'll we're light on left sided backs anyway and a mgr who couldn't pick nose. Do we have reliable left back in youth or any back up?

26.) 13 Sep 2023 15:51:33
Gazgers - yeh the lack of trophies is down to 1 player.

Get a grip.

Embarrassing post.

27.) 13 Sep 2023 17:47:00
No athole is he lack or trophies is down to the full team and setup we currently have however Tavernier is our captain and here are the stats under his leadership.

Tavernier has been part of a Rangers team that has conceded 5 trebles to Celtic! The Celtic team under Stein only won 1 treble in their 9iar years. That Rangers team also had success in Europe, reaching 2 finals. Only 2 years ago the Rangers team reached a European final, but has failed badly domestically. That cannot be ignored. Tavernier has becomes a liability. His indiscipline to roam up the park causes many problems for our defence. He doesn't play like a defender, but defends like an attacker.

But I guess that doesn't suit your narrative. ???.

28.) 13 Sep 2023 18:08:07
I wouldn't necessarily say that we overpaid for Yilmaz. I'm pretty sure that he was valued at over €5m when we signed him although I doubt we paid that much for him and I doubt he is worth that now. He is only 22 years of age and was with Besiktas since his youth representing Turkey at International Level at all age groups from under 16 and I am pretty sure that this includes at full International Level.

I also know that he is well thought of in Turkey and as I have mentioned, Besiktas would gladly have him back as did Fernabahce early in the Summer and I am told that Galatasary also wanted him.
While he is only circa 5ft 7, I don't see why this is a problem, there are a number of quality players that are not tall.

Perhaps this was just another acquisition with no thought to anything other than a quick onward sale and a fat profit rather than any thought being given as to whether we needed a left back or a left back with Yilmaz skill set.
In any event it doesn't look like he fits into Beale's game plan, (whatever that is), so it is better for everyone if he is allowed to leave. Whether we will recoup all of our original outlay is debatable and could Davies fit in at left back?

29.) 13 Sep 2023 18:18:40
Tavernier is major part of rangers issue. Totally agree.

30.) 13 Sep 2023 18:42:27
I don't think it's a case of not good enough.

Injuries haven't helped also needs a manage to play him also think he's more of a wingback for a 3 at back and him playing wide left of the middle 5.

31.) 13 Sep 2023 18:42:48
Again we but square pegs for round holes ??.

32.) 13 Sep 2023 18:43:12
Would we have liked a back 4 of Hickey or Ramsay, Porteous, McKenna or Soutar and Doig?
We know now Kevin Thomson advised the club to cough up £450k for Porteous and what will he fetch soon on the market?

We could have had the other Soutar too before Stoke did and the likes of Liam Lindsay for no money .

Wee tip Dundee Utd have a terrific CB prospect get the scout we have to pop along and watch him . we have a scout aye?

33.) 13 Sep 2023 18:58:23
The problem with Beale is that he needs supermen plus to play full back and quite often full backs as suitable on the left as Long John Silver would have been, right there is where the manager and his 2 pals know nothing about and why he/ they will never be right for us. It's obvious.

If all he had done in the window was shift the wee Turk and sleepy shirker Barasic then sign 2 replacements. Nothing else. We would be in a far better place than we are.

34.) 13 Sep 2023 19:48:43
Gary stevens (fantastic player btw) scored 13 times for Rangers. Tavernier? Hunners not counting the assists. Stevens played in a great Rangers team as well. Did you watch the run to the europa league final? Also not a fan of Devine either. Couldn’t touch Tav or Patterson before he was sold.

35.) 13 Sep 2023 19:53:33
Gazgers231, the general standard of player in the Rangers team was far better back in the Stein times and both teams were on the same financial footing . To blame one player for our lack of trophies is a nonsense.

In all the time Tav has been at Ibrox he has played under duff managers (except Gerrard) who must shoulder a lot of the blame for poor recruitment and organisation. Tav was encouraged by all these managers to get up the pitch and yet only Gerrard set up the team to cover him.

His goals were a major factor in getting us to that Euro final and even domestically when GVB decided to keep both full backs deeper the goals dried up domestically . By the way during the Stein era we went 4 years without a trophy but I don`t remember anybody blaming our captain John Greig, we were desperate for someone to come in and get him others to support him.

36.) 13 Sep 2023 20:11:01
It’s Matondo all over again, can he actually have a sustained run in the team first before we decide to sell or keep, he’s hardly kicked a ball yet, and if it’s true about him refusing games then that’s a different story.

37.) 13 Sep 2023 20:26:59
Wslgers I'll respectfully disagree with you on that. Scottish football has never been as poor as what it is now. Aberdeen finished 3rd last season, nearly 40pts behind Celtic. Even in our 9iar years, we still had decent competition off Aberdeen, Hearts, Dundee United, Hibs, jeez even Motherwell had a good team and Raith Rovers beat Bayern Munich!

Tavernier has been an excellent value for money, but his inability to defend or his indiscipline to roam forward has cost us numerous goals over the years. That is undeniable. The fact he is still with us tells us managers don't fancy him as a player, same as Goldson and Morelos, otherwise they'd have all got their big moves years ago. Anyway, it's only an opinion.

38.) 14 Sep 2023 09:07:16
“Tavernier has been an excellent value for money, but his inability to defend or his indiscipline to roam forward has cost us numerous goals over the years. ” - They goals they create and score have been a major asset of ours for years. If you need evidence of that look at how outstanding Tavernier was when he captained us to the final of a Europa League as the competitions top scorer.

Tavernier and Barisic score and create about 30 goals a season. Do they cost us 30 goals a season? Not even close. They do a lot more good for this Rangers team than bad.

If you put two more defensive full-backs in their place would they still make mistake? Yes. Would they ever be able to make up for those mistakes by running from the halfway line and slotting the ball in top corner, or scoring a winner away to Servette to get us in to the Europa League groups? No.

39.) 14 Sep 2023 11:19:59
Verdant I guess it's about standards. Some of our support have come to accept mediocrity, that others will never accept.

40.) 14 Sep 2023 22:53:30
Beale your changing your tune a player has every right to declare himself unfit who would know Thier own body better than them ?

Your defending him then saying get him out laughable

What if he is just finding his feet and we have wrong manager look at difference in matondo to last year maybe yilmaz can turn it around he's a young boy leaving his country for first time give him a chance.

41.) 15 Sep 2023 00:48:39
It is quite clear that our standards have dropped and the reasons are fairly clear for those of us that have been around for a while. Unfortunately I don't see them recovering any time soon unless we are extremely lucky or fundamentally change the way we scout players and widen the net considerably.
The benefit we had in the Souness Era was Souness and his network of contacts allied to his reputation and of course, from day one he was given solid backing. He was also fortunate that English were banned from European competitions.
Walter Smith but up a strong reputation working with Souness and gained the respect of International players and again had strong backing as did Advocaat who was a major coup at the time.
We have neither replaced that quality of player or that quality of manager with the exception of when we secured Gerrard, (which is perhaps for good fortune that good scouting and we initially supported him but failed to build when we were on top.
For me we are now in reverse mode and have been for some time.

42.) 15 Sep 2023 09:27:08
It's not just home grown talent we have overlooked, we have been preoccupied with the lower leagues in England and while we have signed a couple of decent quality players we have inevitable missed out on players that would have improved our team from all over Europe. Perhaps the change of Scouting strategy will help. Perhaps not!




Bornabear's banter posts with other poster's replies to Bornabear's banter posts


14 Jul 2024 14:54:28
John, a month or so ago you mentioned we would spend £20/ 25m this window. What do you make of Clements comments that we need to sell before we can buy?


1.) 14 Jul 2024 15:18:41
A know this was a question to John but I think we will sell 3/ 4 players for decent amounts and raise around the £15mil mark I think the club will add another 5mil to that and that will get us to the 20.

2.) 14 Jul 2024 15:41:58
While I understand the frustration in what PC said you need to think about it I'm more than transfers.
There are around 9 players regularly listed on here as "we need them gone"
Those players earn between them approx £217,000 per week. Basic weekly wage only.
If we sign 5 or 6 decent players before we sell then they also need to be paid on top of the players that we are willing to sell. The wage bill then becomes unmanageable.
It's already too high. So selling before we buy makes more sense than many think.

3.) 14 Jul 2024 16:12:01
Agreed Jfm, stay within our means, who'd thought?.

4.) 14 Jul 2024 16:16:32
Spot on Jim63 ?????????.

5.) 14 Jul 2024 16:24:19
We easily have over 20 million in players that we can sell. The issue will be selling them. This isn’t daft fees either. There are plenty that can go for 1-3 million. The issue is that clubs won’t match their wages as we are overpaying them right now.
John is right with the 20-25 million range in spending I believe.
Any well run business cannot spend the money before it’s guaranteed to come in though.
Someone hit the nail on the head the other day as a lot of agents and players will be waiting to see if they can get offers from Saudi rather than moving now.
Once a few players start moving from clubs then it will start the ball rolling for everyone to start moving.

6.) 14 Jul 2024 17:11:12
Don’t believe that figure of 20 million was dependant on players sold?
Think John, myself and a lot of others hoped our initial budget without selling was more than it is.

7.) 14 Jul 2024 17:12:43
Jfm, I agree.

8.) 14 Jul 2024 17:31:51
Absolutely spot on Jfm.

9.) 14 Jul 2024 17:33:58
John wasn’t saying we were spending all that money without getting rid of players you just can’t have a massive squad with players you want rid of on ridiculous wages. I know am asking a lot but a bit of common sense here guys.

10.) 14 Jul 2024 19:30:26
Agree to a point guys but we just released Borna, Lundstrum, Roofe and Jack. That’s must have been the bast part of £90K per week.

If we have budgeted for those players then there should be funds to replace them.

It appears that the budget wasn’t set right for the last couple of years and we’re trying to fix it now. Which is fair enough but then leads us to ask why it wasn’t right in the first place.

11.) 14 Jul 2024 19:43:29
Storm, are you looking to get your belly tickled? ? Only joking mate!



14 Jul 2024 07:14:00
John you mentioned a month or ago we would spend around £20/ 25m this window. What Do you make of Clements comments about needing to sell before we can buy?


1.) 14 Jul 2024 08:03:33
Was it not £25/ 30m he posted?

Again, we'll have the usual posters try to put a positive spin on this, but this is alarming - this isn't media speculation, this is straight from the horses mouth.

With regard to PC admitting he had 'different expectations' when taking the job, it doesn't surprise me one bit when you have a snake oil salesman like Bisgrove selling him the dream. A sleazy, manipulate, thin skinned, spiv.

If we can't move on the players who will bring in £2m plus (and not just one or two), then, as it stands, this team is nowhere good enough to win the league.

2.) 14 Jul 2024 08:45:49
If the Board ain’t backing the manager then the fans have to back the manager it’s plain and simple. Pc needs time at least another 2/ 3 windows because of the board.
He can’t expect to compete with Celtic with both hands tied behind his back.
I thought bisgrove was good for rangers some fans don’t like him because he left and some guy got sacked for stealing.

Am sure John was talking about with transfers going out that was what we would spend. Maybe his contacts have lied to him or they have been lied to who knows.

3.) 14 Jul 2024 08:52:04
Guys, John was only sharing his info with us, to what he had been told and to be fair to John he gets very good info that he kindly shares with us on here ?John if you don't mind me asking mate, derek ferguson has allegedly stated we're very much interested in signing current aberdeen striker bojan miovski ?Have you info on if that's most definitely the case mate ?, because personally i can't see it, although i do recognise we need to sign a striker, who's going to be our first choice no.9 striker ?.

4.) 14 Jul 2024 08:54:20
We were never going to spend that amount, we only spend a couple mil last year on top of the rent layers sold. Kamara, Sakala and Colak.

This year we haven’t sold any. So if we don’t manage to offload any then we’ll have to go with the same squad and maybe a few loan deals.

5.) 14 Jul 2024 08:56:22
I knew as soon as I heard some chat about PCs comments that I'd see a snake oil salesman post today.

6.) 14 Jul 2024 09:42:45
Who in their right mind thought it was going to be any different.
People thought we would continue paying the wages of the current players while we recruit and pay the wages of new arrivals. Some fans don’t seem to understand basic economics.

7.) 14 Jul 2024 10:12:43
It was an odd comment to make unless the board have not lived up to some promises.

Regardless of the budget we have we can’t just keep adding players to the squad without selling any so makes sense to move some on first otherwise could be stuff with a huge inflated squad which will impact the finances.

I’m glad we have bright in some young players and starting to invest in a younger squad but the reality is we need a few first team players to improve the first team.

A couple of wingers are the big priority for me - we need goals and assists from that position. Then a centre half to replace Goldson.
Possibly a centre mid to add some experience.
Danilo could be our first choice striker I think.
We have plenty players to sell to raise some funds that are not needed.

8.) 14 Jul 2024 10:18:38
Oooo, aren't you clever EHL. Kudos for you! ? ? ? ??.

9.) 14 Jul 2024 10:20:16
Aye, OK Warren Buffet, why don't you enlighten us with your grasp on economics?

10.) 14 Jul 2024 10:23:06
My hatred to him has got sod all to do with him leaving. The snake oil salesman (just for you EHL?) was hated by most within Ibrox, including the players. FGS, this is common knowledge, but still, some on here stick up for him.

11.) 14 Jul 2024 10:23:47
We spent 20+ million last season zikos.

12.) 14 Jul 2024 10:37:47
I’d tend to believe Johns information, if we start waving 25 million about we will never get value for our money. Makes sense to get players off wage bill and maybe a few good fees in before spending. Let’s no panic.

13.) 14 Jul 2024 11:21:09
Storm, we’ve been over this a few times. We spent approx £13M last year and took in around £11M from sales . For me that’s a £2M outlay. You might say it’s a £13M spend but for me it’s only £2M.

{Ed001's Note - you would not have received anything like £11m if the total sales were that much. 5% goes to the player, 5% is split between the clubs whose academy the player spent time with, so there is 1.1m gone already. Then you have agent fees, taxes, solicitor fees and any other fees involved. It is best you give up trying to talk finances as you clearly haven't a clue what you are on about.}

14.) 14 Jul 2024 15:02:58
I actually have a very good understanding of finances but we tend to generalise when we talk about transfer fees.

Anyways, you seemed to have missed the point Ed.

{Ed001's Note - clearly you have not got any understanding and I have not missed your point at all. Who is this we? You mean those with no understanding of football finances maybe? Because I certainly do not do anything like you have been doing. I hate the talk of net spend and gross spend etc based on transfer fees. It is ridiculous because it is not even close to what is actually being spent. For starters, it is incredibly rare for a full transfer fee to be paid in one go. I can only think of a couple of examples, and they were interconnected.

Also, the actual transfer fee being almost always paid in instalments can also mean incurring interest fees. On top of that, the initial payments, as clubs rarely have the ready cash at hand to make the payment outright, are usually paid via short term financing, which means more fees and interest on top of the payments for the actual transfers.

There are so many other payments that can be incurred, as well as the chances of future bonus payments etc being incurred, that it is almost impossible to keep track of, even with access to FIFA's TMS.}

15.) 14 Jul 2024 17:56:21
Zikos, it’s a business income and out goings. Look what happens when u don’t try balance books.

16.) 14 Jul 2024 18:15:36
The malaise at our club started with the appointment of Douglas Park and the club won't improve until the stench of the Park's family is well and truly gone from the Club.

As Chairman, Park spent much of his time alienating the SPFL, the SFA and others while at the same time communication with the fans, (or to be more precise, the customers), was more or less nonexistent.

Manipulating his son onto the Board and then involving him in the choice of manager that delivered one of the worst managers in our history, (Caixinha), should have been enough to raise questions. That he then failed to support Steven Gerrard after he won the league and followed this up with the appointment of Wilson as DoF, (who was clearly brought in to sell any worthwhile asset that we had), and the inept Park as Chief Scout says it all.

Even now, when rumours continue regarding new investment with interest from two current Board Members and at least one other current shareholder and various names from Scotland and South Africa, rumours also continue to circulate that one of the blockers to this investment is Park.

Bennett is only just in the door as Executive Chairman and it iis quite plausible that he was aware of the full situation until he took up the appointment full time.
What needs to happen now is significant change in the Boardroom and further investment.

It is Bennett's job to do this as the current custodian of Rangers Football Club and he need to do it quickly.

I am struggling to see what Graeme Park and Alastair Johnston bring to the Club, there has to be question marks over the lack of Corporate Governance and strategic oversight by the current NED's. There must also be a genuine question mark over their previous choices of Executive Directors appointed by them.

Clement appears to be someone that can genuinely take the Club forward and I still believe that Bennett has the ability to change things however there is a dire need to bring in new investment and bring in new blood to the Boardroom. People that are ambitious and want to see us back at the top are a major priority and getting rid of the deadwood on the Board is as big a priority as getting rid of the deadwood in the playing department.



13 Jul 2024 13:40:43
30 year old Joan Jordan is top target. We are negotiating a deal with Sevilla. Was a £10m signing a few years back but has fell down the pecking order in Spain.


1.) 13 Jul 2024 14:22:27
No we aren’t it was a loan deal and Sevilla are refusing to pay part off his wages according to Romano the deal is now off.

2.) 13 Jul 2024 14:45:07
Been knocked back, Sevilla not willing to cover wages.

3.) 13 Jul 2024 14:45:50
Is she the daughter of Joe.

4.) 13 Jul 2024 15:02:02
Deal knocked backed due to Saville wanting his full wage covered.

5.) 13 Jul 2024 15:37:58
Romano reporting we tried to get him on loan with Sevilla paying some of his wages, claims are not going to happen.

6.) 13 Jul 2024 16:19:42
What Jimmy OWS, well that's no happening fgs?‍?.



04 Mar 2024 16:25:22
Cortes to go under the knife, likely won’t play for us again.


1.) 04 Mar 2024 18:29:33
Bad news! Hopefully he makes a full recovery and comes back to us on a permanent move for next season.

2.) 04 Mar 2024 18:40:42
This season.

3.) 04 Mar 2024 18:58:43
Why won’t he? At the end of the day we only signed him on loan to defer the fee to the summer. I can’t imagine an unfortunate injury will impact whether we sign him permanently or not.

4.) 04 Mar 2024 19:21:36
Where is this coming from, Borna?

5.) 04 Mar 2024 19:49:37
No obligation to buy davidb1996, only an option to buy, if his injury is bad would we sign him, heartless I know, but would it be good business if he's f.d, personally I'd take him, potential to be really special.

6.) 04 Mar 2024 19:53:59
We’ve an obligation to buy on a 4 year deal. This has been widely published a million times. Keep up.

7.) 04 Mar 2024 20:45:46
Has this been confirmed all i saw was PC saying an opp hadnt been ruled out.

8.) 04 Mar 2024 22:21:30
A know Diomonde was obligation to buy thought Cortez was option to buy.

9.) 04 Mar 2024 22:32:07
Ibrox that is for Diomande.

10.) 04 Mar 2024 22:41:56
Wrong Ibrox, Diomande obligation to buy, Cortes option to buy.

11.) 04 Mar 2024 22:44:02
Keep up, your sarcasm is funny cause you are wrong. ??.

12.) 04 Mar 2024 22:46:55
Diomande 4.3 mill obligation, so in short and to rub your nose in it your wrong??.

13.) 04 Mar 2024 23:50:05
Never said it was an obligation I’m saying had we the funds to do so he’d have been signed permanently in January.

14.) 05 Mar 2024 00:15:52
Correspondence unfortunetly is an "option" to buy, Diomende is an "obligation" pc will know already if he wants the kid next season and on his brief showings I would take the punt. He looks like he loves to take a player on which I think we need.

15.) 05 Mar 2024 02:30:28
No one said you did Davidb, you said " defer to summer" doesn't apply either, we got him on loan. The decision to buy him is secondary to is he good enough, if not and now with a nasty injury, it could be no, if gets out the other side of his injury OK, then he needs further assessment before decision to buy, I'm no PC but I like the guy, would sign him no probs, but it is a business. You don't make an investment without due care, would like a loan extension prob. Hope this explains it bud.

16.) 05 Mar 2024 04:37:40
Ibrox4me. No its not. that's diomande obligation.

17.) 05 Mar 2024 07:50:02
Predictive txt's a nightmare robbielogan? does your nut in.

18.) 05 Mar 2024 08:50:48
PC said Cortez, if he gets head down has a 4 yr contract offer on the table as incentive. Optional, but we are prepared to make perm. His parent club want the deal.

19.) 05 Mar 2024 10:03:16
Exactly Gdog, hope injury is not bad, boy gets back asssed with injury in mind, head down n signs, looks as if he could be a good find. ? and totally correct, all optional, keep up Ibrox. ? kidding bud?.

20.) 05 Mar 2024 10:12:14
Ibrox, it's Diomande that we're obliged to buy.



20 Jan 2024 20:46:18
Sima on his way home, early signs suggest torn thigh muscle which could be a few months out.


1.) 20 Jan 2024 21:05:01
I posted that earlier, but like most of my posts they don't make it onto here.

{Ed033's Note - We had about 20 posts saying sima injured. Can't fill up all the 1st pages with the same post, so repeat posts are deleted.

2.) 20 Jan 2024 23:11:11
How’s about you never post my comments! Do you have favourites Ed?

{Ed033's Note - How about you post something postable like something regarding Rangers or football. Lets not talk about other posters.




Bornabear's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 12:36:26
Fork, no update on Jordan other than my previous post. Cerny announced in next 48hours or so.




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25 Jul 2024 12:34:00
I’m told interest down south and Italy.




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23 Jul 2024 21:50:57
Weghorst would do well in the SPL. John who would like to see that we can afford?




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22 Jul 2024 21:11:08
More likely to be a Saudi club atm due to wages. Cypriots won’t be paying £38k a week.




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21 Jul 2024 19:47:32
Signed a 3 year extension in November, this is only a loan deal to get him some game time.





Bornabear's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 19:25:08
John, what players have you been watching if you believe Wright is better than Macausland, Matondo and Lowry? Or was that a typo?




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24 Jul 2024 12:33:44
GDog, it goes back to when the players were advised who was staying and who wasn’t in the plans. PC thought being transparent would be better but it was a catastrophic mistake which led to our poor finish in the season.




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15 Jul 2024 12:20:56
John on here said the budget was 20/ 25m this window. Clement has now said we need to sell before we buy….




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29 Jun 2024 15:22:37
Nonsense we are rangers - we announced Jefte weeks ago.




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29 Jun 2024 15:20:53
Henry Souttar? I think you mean Harry? He is not homegrown as left to go south too early. Also Armstrong is not home grown for Scotland either.




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