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Gazgers231's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Gazgers231's rumours posts


25 Jul 2024 19:59:39
Good news troops. Our move for Bojan Miovski is imminent. Expect to have him in next week ??????.


1.) 25 Jul 2024 20:06:20
Source? Seen nothing about this.

2.) 25 Jul 2024 20:09:39
Yeah sure.

3.) 25 Jul 2024 20:14:36
It was Tavs wife.

4.) 25 Jul 2024 20:19:00
Source is Gaz walks his dog round by miovskis house as well. Poor thing is exhausted.

5.) 25 Jul 2024 20:20:13
I hope you are right Gaz he is exactly what we are needing. I am still being told we will sign Miller. Would be 2 great additions ?.

6.) 25 Jul 2024 20:23:57
No chance .

7.) 25 Jul 2024 20:28:47
As much as a would love to believe miovski coming doesn’t look good when we are trying to get 3 loans in and miovski would cost easy 6mil upwards.

8.) 25 Jul 2024 20:28:49
Click bait.

9.) 25 Jul 2024 20:28:53
Jfm hope you are well pal and not on looking for sympathy.

Is James Tavernier still captain of our great club. I think you will find he is. He wore the armband last night and will remain at Rangers take that in ??????.

10.) 25 Jul 2024 20:31:32
You must also know about the two players who are leaving before next week also. Utter gash.

11.) 25 Jul 2024 20:35:19
Pc said were done with youth. No meed experience. Miller won't be signed.

12.) 25 Jul 2024 20:36:02
Is this 100% the same as shanks was in January.

13.) 25 Jul 2024 20:42:04
Serial laser as captain.

14.) 25 Jul 2024 20:45:41
I don't want to be that guy who says you don't half talk some amount of Gladys Knight, Gazgers, but you do.

If I'm wrong (I'm not), I can meet you in the Louden, or when I'm passing Tav's house while I'm walking the dog, and apologise to you (won't ever need to) .

15.) 25 Jul 2024 20:46:48
Gaz your not even right about where Tav stays ?.

16.) 25 Jul 2024 20:48:20
Gaz your comment re my health is as pathetic as your rumours. I'm not looking for sympathy. Several posters asked after me and I let them know my situation. To have a go at somebody in I'll health just sums you up.

17.) 25 Jul 2024 20:53:25
I know more than you Whitehorse. You have nothing to contribute other than rooms booked at 1DG. Miovski will be a Rangers player. I am that sure that If he isn’t, I won’t ever come on here again with info my friend ??????.

18.) 25 Jul 2024 21:00:47
Gaz your so full of bull you must've slept in a field with your fanny in the air.

19.) 25 Jul 2024 21:06:43
Gaz how sure are you on this.

20.) 25 Jul 2024 21:07:28
My dad's bigger than your dad.

21.) 25 Jul 2024 21:32:21
I doubt this is true we won't pay what they want unless Tav told you when you were walking your dog.

22.) 25 Jul 2024 21:59:26
Bulls don't do missionary.

23.) 25 Jul 2024 22:02:55
You been chatting with Clement again gaz? Your imaginary friend Clement Freud that is while out walking your Doig rumours round past Tavs wifes secret pad in a picturesque village where fairies are real and rockinghorse people eat marshmallow pies.

24.) 25 Jul 2024 22:14:55
My dad's been dead 26 years so he probably is.

25.) 25 Jul 2024 22:16:13
No chance, loans only with any experience.

26.) 25 Jul 2024 21:10:07
Hope you stick to that Gazgers because you come on here and say fact 100% and it's mostly nonsense. I'll match that and say if James tavernier is still here this season then I won't come back on here either.

27.) 25 Jul 2024 21:14:14
OWS I am certain Tav is staying I live not too far from him in a wee village called Strathblane.

28.) 25 Jul 2024 21:18:38
Gazgers, you are one helluva person to come away with that post regarding Jfm! Honestly, does being such a fud come natural to you?!

29.) 25 Jul 2024 21:21:00
Gaz used to have a doberman, it's a sausage dog now???.

30.) 25 Jul 2024 21:23:19
Jfm63 shocking behaviour in an elderly gent?????.

31.) 25 Jul 2024 21:26:47
Does Tav live in that village his neighbour, the guy on here, cannot spell?

32.) 25 Jul 2024 21:27:34
Think you will find off the troops that I don't just mention 1DG, but have only mentioned it since you came on (not because of you! ) as like John I can't be ar$ed getting it in the neck.

33.) 25 Jul 2024 21:30:36
Please allow rumours to circulate without hating the senders, this is a rumours page, not a fact page, stop hating each other.

34.) 25 Jul 2024 22:20:03
Haven't seen anything on other sites.

35.) 25 Jul 2024 22:41:11
Spot on roofe, not very nice.

36.) 25 jul 2024 22:46:31
what a despicable character you are gazgers, utter contempt fir you from now on,

i have a house not far from strathblaine and have lived there in the padt, my pal lices there now, neve4 cane across tav in the kirkhouse nor on the street, , whatever, your disgusting attack on jfm, who been here way longer than you is just the actions of a ned, try not to come back on please.

37.) 25 Jul 2024 22:57:10
Would love this to be true just can't see it happening.
Aberdeen Would demand far too much from us.
I'd genuinely be astounded if we payed it.

38.) 25 Jul 2024 23:28:07
Is he bringing his mate De Bruyne with him?

39.) 26 Jul 2024 01:44:15
Gazger. You are far from being my friend. You are a disgusting little bed wetter when the light goes out. jfm63. I had a lot of comfort from the troops on here, when I was unwell and took comfort from it. Hope you are on the right road my friend.

40.) 26 Jul 2024 05:04:57
Just don’t post ever again anyway. Taking the p about someone health is wrong.

41.) 26 Jul 2024 06:21:09
Totally agree with all sentiments in relation to this, be well Jfm63 bud, don't listen to that tool.

42.) 26 Jul 2024 06:57:44
Shire horse he knows very little, I’ve asked hom about nennets 13 million loan that his accountant friend says is staggering, his figures which say Bennett is getting 9 million in interest over seven years is comical

A five year old would get it more accurate.

All any one needs to do is read page 58/ 64,

43.) 26 Jul 2024 07:52:25
I echo every post you guys have posted regarding that shocking post about someone's health by gazger ?Hope you're keeping better jfm ? Absolutely no place for that sort of post on here and you should hang your head in shame gazger ?.

44.) 26 Jul 2024 08:20:39
Guys taking pot shots at each other on this page is just poor, n shows how low our so called fanbase can be
Hence (so called )
Re emdys health naw just don't
Whether we agree with folk or not john
Jfm Fork Storm whiteHorse
Sydneyger tomthumb all and
Anybody on here it's a rumours page
guys for bears our fans
Stop the pi#h n enjoy it
And jfm I wish you well in any health battle my friend, as I would with any one.

45.) 26 Jul 2024 08:38:45
Gaz, very poor from you. We have several posters on here with various health issues which they mention from time to time. Mb for some coming on here is a way of getting away from it for a while.



23 Jul 2024 10:16:24
Clement doesn’t want Shankland. He wants Bojan Miovski. Once we have a few departures we will make our move. 6 million + sell on and sheep will sell ??????.


1.) 23 Jul 2024 10:29:45
Prefer shanks to be honest but who ever we sign will get my backing.

2.) 23 Jul 2024 10:30:58
None starter Aberdeen want closer to the £10m we won't go higher than £6m you think they are really going to play ball with us if you do your in denial.

3.) 23 Jul 2024 10:35:39
Gaz what happened to Tav not going.

4.) 23 Jul 2024 10:36:09
That would be a better signing but can't see it happening, hopefully it does though.

5.) 23 Jul 2024 10:36:45
If we can hopefully Sell dessets lammers. Wright and hagi… then we should go for both as well need more than just 1 striker as Ugandans won’t be ready straight away….

6.) 23 Jul 2024 10:36:55
Heres hoping but i really can't see us spending another 6 mill on a striker. Gaz you said 9th July tav will 100% be our captain next season. Is this still the case.

7.) 23 Jul 2024 10:39:27
If that’s true and we’re willing to pay 6 million for miovski then we should push the boat out and get Shankland as well then we’d have some fire ? power.

8.) 23 Jul 2024 10:39:50
I hope you are right mate. Miovski is exactly the player we need right now. If we have the funds I will be sincerely disappointed if we don’t make a move for him ?.

9.) 23 Jul 2024 10:44:50
Can we stop saying Miovski, every time he’s mentioned the sheep seem to add another £1m to his value, they’ll be wanting £40m by the end of this window.

10.) 23 Jul 2024 10:51:22
22/ 23
Miovski - 42 App, 18 Goals, 3 Assists
Shankland - 47 App, 28 Goals, 4 Assists

23/ 24
Miovski - 53 App, 26 Goals, 4 Assists
Shankland - 47 App, 31 Goals, 8 Assists.

11.) 23 Jul 2024 10:51:59
If indeed that's true then why not add scott Wright into the deal.

12.) 23 Jul 2024 11:07:09
Comparing stats is alright but remember the teams they play in aswell, hearts have been finishjng 3rd with a half decent team, aberdeen have been honking, miovski has been more of a threat for us to play against than shankland imo, and also he's younger and will have more chance of resale, I honestly think we could get better for 6m, shankland needs the service in the box, miovski can take the ball and make something happen.

13.) 23 Jul 2024 11:49:28
Fraser Aberdeen may want 10 million they ain’t getting anywhere near that ?‍♂️.

14.) 23 Jul 2024 11:49:58
Davie because Aberdeen would need to want wright back that’s why.

15.) 23 Jul 2024 12:01:48
Scouting team should be finding the new Mioviski at a fiction of the price. If Aberdeen can find these guys why can't we.

16.) 23 Jul 2024 12:06:31
Do we expect the Moroccan lad
To play centre or right side? I totally forgot about him.

17.) 23 Jul 2024 12:20:17
Shanks plays in a better team
Miovski has a higher ceiling, personally for short term I’d prefer Shanks too, but long term Miovski could be a huge asset to the club
Why not both if we can move Dessers Lammers and Danilo on?

18.) 23 Jul 2024 12:25:17
Said for years now we have failed in buying those who are performing in our league! Can see Shankland being a possibility, but no chance we are paying the stated 6m for Miovski! He will unfortunately end up with them, or ideally abroad!

19.) 23 Jul 2024 12:33:05
Tav 23/ 24 app 53, goals 23, assists 11
Tav 22/ 23 app 66, goals 25, assists 13

Get rid. He’s rank.

20.) 23 Jul 2024 12:37:51
I am not in the know at all but I am certain Rangers will not buy Miovski from Aberdeen for two reasons, we won`t pay them £6 million if that is their price and they won`t sell to us due to the history between the clubs. Shankland is more likely at half that price.

21.) 23 Jul 2024 12:47:33
Shankland would be a much cheaper option.

22.) 23 Jul 2024 12:50:04
Was told they have enquired about Miovskii, Maybe the asking price is putting teams off.

23.) 23 Jul 2024 12:52:56
Would be happy with miovski for c£5m if it can be done. Have my doubts though.

24.) 23 Jul 2024 12:57:51
Where and when did the manager say he doesn't want Shankland?

25.) 23 Jul 2024 13:08:28
Bruised bear you forgot to post the goals he has cost us.

26.) 23 Jul 2024 13:11:09
Bruised bear Great numbers but not the full story. 25 penalties scored in last 2 seasons plus 8 missed. If you're taking every set piece then surely your chances of assists are sky high also. In the meantime he can't defend and is being targeted as a weak link by most teams we play now. Would love to see stats for goals conceded from our right back position there'd be a lot. I know you're joking but I agree get rid, he's rank.

27.) 23 Jul 2024 13:58:03
Tav's main job is to defend, something he's not very good at.

28.) 23 Jul 2024 14:54:13
Whatever is occurring the manager must be just about off his nut by now at how badly this club is being run .

29.) 23 Jul 2024 15:01:20
Miovski will not be a Rangers player absolutely not a hope in hell we are giving Aberdeen anywhere near the money they are asking. to think otherwise is complete insanity, and I find it highly unlikely that our gaffer sees shankland as the man to spearhead our attack this year, he's not mobile enough for our formation, in a pair possibly but one up top he's not starting in our 11, no chance, someone of Kenny millers mould would be more suited to our formation last year, just like you wouldn't play Boyd up front himself in this team.

30.) 23 Jul 2024 14:59:07
I’m going to put my neck out and say we’ll go for neither…. think it will be Rrahmani for around €5m if we move lammers and dessers.

31.) 23 Jul 2024 15:11:02
There's no point in having these numbers then selling the jerseys against celtic and finishing 2nd anyway.

32.) 23 Jul 2024 15:39:48
Ok. Let’s save £8m on these two who are brilliant until they are Rangers players and then they automatically become gash and put Tav up front. Given that he’s got these goals from right back he’d probably score about 50 a season (inclusive of his missed penalties), albeit he’d still get grief for us losing goals.

If not, let’s get rid and fly him to Turkey because the best right back I’ve seen at Rangers ever and the highest scoring defender in the history of British football is rank.

Makes perfect sense.

33.) 23 Jul 2024 15:50:32
Aberdeen want around 8million euro I have heard that is the price they have set I could see them asking us or celtic for a premium.

34.) 23 Jul 2024 16:27:32
Maybe we need scouts as good as Aberdeen have? And of course if they do spot talent we can pay higher wages than Aberdeen would offer .

35.) 23 Jul 2024 16:59:31
bruisedbear how long you been watching Rangers? do you think Tav would ever have a stand named after him or be as good as Captain Cutlass, couple of examples but I have others .

36.) 23 Jul 2024 17:05:47
When is half price happy hour in Aberdeen or do those torn faces never have one . michty me ken?

37.) 23 Jul 2024 18:08:18
Bruised bear I feel sorry that Tav is the best RB you've ever seen at rangers. I bet you will see better.

38.) 23 Jul 2024 18:45:25
Gal77 the lad might be very young.

39.) 23 Jul 2024 18:58:16
Bruised bear I am guessing you are extremely young if you haven’t seen better! Dreadful captain and he can’t defend! Maeda rinses him every old firm game. Tav is never a Rangers captain.

40.) 23 Jul 2024 19:30:33
Kirkie yea I think so and I genuinely do feel sorry as I'm in my mid 40s and have seen some cracking full backs over the years. Hopefully the youngsters have plenty to cheer about soon as anyone under 20 would struggle to remember sustained success and I will enjoy every trophy more now than I did when I was younger because it was taken for granted back then by me.

41.) 23 Jul 2024 19:45:54
Evening. I’m my 50s. I missed Sandy Jardine’s time and can remember Burns, McKinnon, Stevens, Peroni, etc. Gough was probably a better right back but didn’t own the position for 9 years.

There’s no right answer to this but I’m interested to know who people think was better in the position. And I said best right back, not best captain.

For me he’s been the most loyal, positive, productive, skillful and fittest. Maybe not the best defensively but the best overall and could fit into any Rangers team from 1984 onwards.



13 Jul 2024 22:08:59
Rangers will make a move for Bojan Miovski soon. He is our No1 striker target. ??????.


1.) 14 Jul 2024 01:47:49
Personally I'd take him at that price, and ideally we move Dessers on for most of it. He's stil relatively young and we know he can do it in our league. I'm kids confined about the Kosovan we were linked with, but an desperate for a new no9.

2.) 14 Jul 2024 06:50:45
I’d be happy with miovski. It’s a wee bit of a gamble at £6m but I think he’s a good player and I think he’d be a success but it’s a lot of money to pay for an Aberdeen player and j think he took a lot of pens if u look at his goals I’m sure almost half are pens.

3.) 14 Jul 2024 07:10:15
I just can’t see it to be fair but who knows.

4.) 14 Jul 2024 09:07:04
I can't see it either storm, but we can but hope mate ? I like miovski ?.

5.) 14 Jul 2024 09:38:35
Can't see us giving 6 million to any Scottish club for a player never mind the fact that no one else is in for the player and if a team from another league offered less than half of the 6 million Aberdeen would bite their hand off for it. Scottish teams are more than happy to sell players to Celtic but not us for some reason price goes up.

6.) 14 Jul 2024 10:01:00
If we are willing to shell out up to 6m for miofski, why did we bail out of our pursuit of the boy from Rapid Bucharest? Was he not quoted as 6m too?

7.) 14 Jul 2024 10:13:41
At least he knows the league. the fee from Dessers would cover his transfer.

8.) 14 Jul 2024 10:21:37
Heard this too mate. Where you getting this from? Derek Ferguson was out with a few boys from our supporters club yesterday. I am buzzing about it. Miovski is exactly what we require in a striker and proven in our league. He improves our team drastically ?.

9.) 14 Jul 2024 10:53:46
I really can't see this happening we would be aswell using this money (if we even have it) to get sima in.

10.) 14 Jul 2024 11:31:20
We don’t have the money.

11.) 14 Jul 2024 11:50:43
Mark we ain’t getting 6 million for dessers when the majority of fans think he isn’t good enough also we haven’t had any bids for dessers.

Miovski not take pens? So you can take those off him if Tav is still here.

12.) 14 Jul 2024 11:55:42
Sheep would say no @6m and want more, point is moot though, we need to sell to pay for any player, can't sell can't buy.

13.) 14 Jul 2024 12:07:37
We don't have the money to spend 6m on Miovski unfortunately! Clement promised funds same as Gerrard, not happening! Especially now we have to fund Hampden for who knows how long?!?!? I do think we may sell a few and bring in a few, but will be loans, free transfers or low fees - 2m max.

14.) 14 Jul 2024 13:35:39
Aberdeen won`t sell to us, its that simple and if anyone really thinks they will, then they don`t understand the relationship between the two clubs. There is more chance of us buying Oh from the other mob. If we sell Dessers, hopefully, we are more likely to go and sign Shankland which would still be a huge improvement.

15.) 14 Jul 2024 15:02:41
Dessers yesterday was rank he's made his mind up and he's off, where and how much we must wait and see. But till him and a couple of others go no more money will be spent. This is the norm now .

16.) 14 Jul 2024 15:34:33
Strange on interview after the game, he said, "I'm happy here and my intention is to stay"

17.) 15 Jul 2024 12:08:11
I'd love miovski to sign but like stormtroopers I just can't see it.



10 Jul 2024 11:50:07
Seems that whenever you post accurate information on here you get the old guard come out in defence and label you one from the dark side. Due to this I will continue to limit my posts. Tav will 100% still be Rangers captain next year.

Him and his wife Melissa are lovely they live in my village Strathblaine. As I said I walk by their house with the dog. John Halsted is wanting to invest more and take on main control at Ibrox. If you want to question my integrity just go back to when I gave you Anthony Gillinsky coming as head scout from Belgium and also Fabio Silva at the new year.

I’m not going to get in to naming my source or anything but you can thank posters such as Storm and Big Dado who continue to attack my posts and label me a jungle Jim. Not having that ??????.


1.) 10 Jul 2024 11:59:39
No disrespect gaz

But why would you openly state were tav supposidly lives if i knew were any ger55 player staff etc lived i would not be posting it anywere.

2.) 10 Jul 2024 12:01:19

Keep posting mate all information regarding the club is welcomed by most
don’t let anyone stop you from posting
The more you post with accurate information the more credit you will get like in all walks of life some will doubt at first and then hopefully realise

You got anything else on possible in comings and outgoings over the next few weeks?

3.) 10 Jul 2024 12:01:50
Well done Gaz. Most people on here only listen to John whitehorse etc. A few of us else have contacts too.

4.) 10 Jul 2024 12:03:29
Nobody is ever bang on gaz. Although i do believe you do get info. You also said yilmaz was off to hellas verona we were getting josh doig. And shankland is our number 1 signing target.

5.) 10 Jul 2024 12:05:37
Sorry to hear this mate I appreciate yer info. I know the bit yer on about in Strathblaine. Done a few jobs out that way and saw his black Lamborghini. Don’t let the fuds on here get to ye brother being labelled one of them is the ultimate insult. No need ???.

6.) 10 Jul 2024 12:13:48
Just jealousy from people mate your posts are spot on.

7.) 10 Jul 2024 12:16:27
It makes me laugh mate so fire away. what's your thoughts on lennon miller? And big dessers.

8.) 10 Jul 2024 12:19:57
Deary me, this place is riddled with petty b*tching and cliques.

Anyone else remember when it was a rumours, banter and discussion forum?

9.) 10 Jul 2024 12:29:27
Thinks it’s Strathblane.

10.) 10 Jul 2024 12:32:46
Gaz, I've checked you referred to Gillinnsky as an agent as you didn't know who he was and I replied at the time he was a scout at Royal antwerp, you also said Shankland was our number 1 striker target, Doig was basically on his way and Yilmaz was off to Verona.

11.) 10 Jul 2024 12:42:24
Keep posting gaz.

12.) 10 Jul 2024 12:53:03
Folks you all need to take a chill pill man. Nobody gets things right all the time. I checked back your posts Gaz and some of the info you posted is very good in Gillinsky and Fabio Silva. Some hasn’t worked out. Is what it is. You are obviously a bear. Christ CF5s last couple of rumours in Mofokeng and Cordoba haven’t transpired in to anything and he isn’t getting called a Tim or attacked every post. He is like God ? There’s no need for that if it’s putting other bears off. He’s one of our own and as bluenoses we don’t behave that way ?.

13.) 10 Jul 2024 13:01:44
Carluke up to the night before rangers were positive cordoba was arriving Glasgow, medical booked media booked hotel booked

He in fact went to Norwich for less than we offered.

14.) 10 Jul 2024 13:15:19
Gaz never mind the minority mate your posts are welcomed by the majority of fans who rely on guys like you for info on our club.

15.) 10 Jul 2024 13:15:24
Exactly John I was in the Argyle restaurant when he was getting his tour of Ibrox. Things change and not everyone will ever get things 100% correct. Even yourself ??

That being said who you betting at Royal Troon. I’m on Koepka and Aberg.

16.) 10 Jul 2024 13:24:18
Carluke I fir one have never called him an imposter. Just my opinion but I do think he bigs himself up a bit too much.
Interesting you think his information about Gillinsky was very good. He described Gillinsky as an agent when in fact he was chief scout for Royal antwerp.
I'm going to give Gaz the same advice as I gave him before.
Just post what you believe and stop letting people live in your head rent free.
It is a free forum and you shouldn't care if people agree or disagree.

17.) 10 Jul 2024 13:24:18
Keep posting Gaz. Great info.

18.) 10 Jul 2024 13:24:41
Nah its worse Carluke, Stigs calling CF5 Bisgrove??. Gaz keep posting bud, we all get pee'd off from time to time, Big D stands for Diddy?? Storm always has a cloud above his heid to?? both are gd lads though, if slightly misunderstood?.

19.) 10 Jul 2024 13:26:00
Correct jfm and he wasn’t the one that broke the news of silva on here either but hey Ho.

With this site everyone is allowed an opinion.

20.) 10 Jul 2024 13:29:42
Verdant was 100% beale though?.

21.) 10 Jul 2024 13:35:30
Jfm the guy told ye Anthony Gillinsky was staying at a hotel and admitted he didn’t know who he was. I don’t know what more some folk want but clearly he gets some sort of info and you have folk on here calling him a jungle Jim. It’s no right. We are all bears and we don’t behave that way with each other ?.

22.) 10 Jul 2024 13:42:47
I saw that Fork. Perhaps just a wee change in meds or he’s fae Ayrshire ? he will be calling me John Bennett next ??.

23.) 10 Jul 2024 14:33:42
Wow somebody he didn't know was staying at a hotel. There are lots of people staying in hotels that I don't know. I wouldn't come on here telling everybody a source told me so.
He claimed to have broken the Silva news.
Claimed shankland and doig were coming and Ridvan was away. All from the same source that told him about a guy he didn't know.
Good for a laugh if nothing else.

24.) 10 Jul 2024 14:34:02
Carluke not made up my mind re Troon yet, will decide after Scottish open.

25.) 10 Jul 2024 14:56:53
JFM Anthony Gillinsky is now head scout at Ibrox mate so you got to give the guy that one. Going off track here my point is you have guys on here like CF5 and John who get things wrong and nothing gets said and nobody goes labelling them Tim’s. If it’s putting posters off just reign it in. I would rather hear from all posters as I said we are all brothers ???.

26.) 10 Jul 2024 15:03:22
Agreed jfm and he had a go at everyone on here as well which we have all done at one point and then disappeared for months. A lot of them have infiltrated the site and I believe for one he is one of them and that’s my opinion no one will change it. He would go off on one when people told him different about shanks and yilmaz.

27.) 10 Jul 2024 15:53:47
Yous all want a bigger straw Jesus.

28.) 10 Jul 2024 16:17:17
Bob McIntyre had a go at Troon last week and he likes it, suits him fine .

29.) 10 Jul 2024 16:51:52
Everyone is allowed an opinion unless it goes against your's storm ? then automatically they are Celtic fans.

30.) 10 Jul 2024 17:08:25
Enjoying the wee golf snippets/ tips as a break from the bitching. It's embarrassing reading grown men trying to point score against fellow bears ??.

31.) 10 Jul 2024 17:14:46
Looks that way Raskin ???.

32.) 10 Jul 2024 18:09:32
Grow a pair Gaz. if you have info share it and like all social media platforms most will disagree or question it. that’s life.

33.) 10 Jul 2024 19:25:49
Nope raskin never called you a Celtic fan.
I don’t care if people agree with me or not I am not a puppet on here just to agree with everyone and put and kettle spring to mind you obviously don’t do irony.

34.) 10 Jul 2024 19:52:12
I think it's actually Strathblane.



09 Jul 2024 21:24:53
James Tavernier will still be our captain next season. His house is not up for sale and he has no interest in leaving Rangers. He is Rangers Captain and loves our club ??????.


1.) 09 Jul 2024 21:43:09
Told by a couple of very good sources, Tavernier will NOT be a Rangers player this season, Gaz.

2.) 09 Jul 2024 21:43:38

3.) 09 Jul 2024 21:45:45
That is awful awful news.

4.) 09 Jul 2024 21:46:25
We will see, gaz.

5.) 09 Jul 2024 21:46:38
Said it all season he’s not going to walk away now it’s his testimonial year.
If we win the league, he could possibly leave on a high next summer a success.

6.) 09 Jul 2024 21:46:41
Just a pity he isn’t good enough anymore and can’t defend.

7.) 09 Jul 2024 21:54:38

8.) 09 Jul 2024 22:01:25
His house is up for sale, reason it's up for sale is because he has had a new house built. To best of my knowledge the house isn't yet complete so he may have taken his current house off the market. Regardless of house situation if a Saudi team come for him he will be offered insane money that he (and anyone else if the offer of 4 times your wages comes along) would accept.

9.) 09 Jul 2024 22:17:48
Strummer you stated his house is up for sale. Please tell me where you got your info from as he stay in my village and I know him and his wife. Also when I walked past his house this morning with the dogs no For Sale signs are up. So tell m where does our captain stay or stop spouting lies.

10.) 09 Jul 2024 22:19:17
God help our team then I appreciate everything he's done but his time is up along with goldson otherwise it. ll be a long season.

11.) 09 Jul 2024 22:21:06
Lambigtee so he’s built a house but hasn’t built a house to the best of your knowledge that’s up for sale. Speak sense man and stop spouting nonsense. I know Tav and his wife very well they stay in my village so if what you say is true it will be easy for you to answer where is his house?

12.) 09 Jul 2024 22:25:00
Awe I’m off to phone breathing space.

13.) 09 Jul 2024 22:32:16
If we are upgrading the team (I hope?), then tav / goldson need replaced, simples.

14.) 09 Jul 2024 22:35:24
Hope you are right my star.

15.) 09 Jul 2024 23:00:28
Let's make it clear NO Bids have been received for him his agent can talk to clubs but until we receive a bid he's not going anywhere having him gone is an option especially as a defender I would have loved it if he was playing in a more advanced position in Right Winge would be my preference and no captaincy.

16.) 10 Jul 2024 00:03:01
Most boring part of this sight is debating Tavs future atleast three times a week. let's just wait and see shall we.

All for rumours just not when its every second day.

17.) 10 Jul 2024 00:27:49
Is this village near Brigadoon? there's a village near me where they take the pavements in at night and the gaff is jam packed with cousins, the ice cream van won't even go there now due to the pitchfork wielding women diving about on broomsticks and obviously the vampires that every village have are a problem too. It's even worse than Croy.

18.) 10 Jul 2024 01:28:26
Gaz you just out the jail or something. Relentless after a long sabbatical ? its quite funny tho so keep it coming.

19.) 10 Jul 2024 02:24:02
I’ve thought all along reading between the lines and gut instinct Tav will still be a Rangers player this season, but won’t be no1 choice - the RB position first choice will be Dijon Sterling, Tav will play less and have to fight it out to be starting!

Hes a club legend who can still contribute but Rangers should be clever in how his minutes are handled, he’ll be 33 in October and handled correctly could still contribute, my assumption is Rangers will usher him to the side he’ll still be heavily involved, on paper he’ll be captain but those “Butland Captain” Rumours began for a reason and my guess is Clement has spoken to them about this - with Tav playing less Butland will be ushered in as new captain.

20.) 10 Jul 2024 08:09:43
I’m sure that’s your opinion. I’m. It so sure. I really hope so. Only player we have that I know what we will get out of next season. Ain’t another player at rangers that’s as consistent.

21.) 10 Jul 2024 08:35:30
Correct big dado he appears at transfer time from the dark side and spouts utter rubbish.
He doesn’t know Tav that’s bs

He went from walking by his house in one post to knowing Tav and his wife very well. Think everyone should walk by tavs house with a dog then ?.

22.) 10 Jul 2024 09:01:17
My star, we badly need this to be true.

23.) 10 Jul 2024 10:28:36
Just keep Tav as back up to Sterling, simple.!




Gazgers231's banter posts with other poster's replies to Gazgers231's banter posts


23 Jul 2024 18:45:04
I said last week I was 100% sure James Tavernier would be Rangers Captain next season. I am now 1millon% sure. Never forget this man won the most important title of all for Rangers.

He is in Birmingham ??????.


1.) 23 Jul 2024 19:17:11
NO he won't gaz, going start this again?

2.) 23 Jul 2024 19:30:20
Gaz, eh?

3.) 23 Jul 2024 19:31:27
So is every player that's up for sale, maybe you think they'll all be here next season.
Pretty sure you said last year that shankland was 100% our top striker target.

4.) 23 Jul 2024 19:51:03
No comment.

5.) 23 Jul 2024 19:55:02
My star honestly get it in your head tav will remain the rangers captain and a rangers player for the new upcoming season absolutely no doubt about that.

6.) 23 Jul 2024 20:35:28
Excellent, that gives us at least another 4 games of watching our captain being destroyed by "mediocre maeda" and more of the same soul destroying interviews, we need to learn from our mistakes is all that comes out his mouth.

Ppl on here saying our fan base is becoming toxic, I don't think that at all, I think we are sick of being 2nd and watching mdiocre players being paid astronomical amounts to come second. Have we as supporters just to blindly follow or should we make our voices heard?

7.) 23 Jul 2024 20:43:13
Well Gaz if you're a million percent he's staying then I'm 100% he's leaving. He is leaving by the way. That's coming from someone who actually knows him.

8.) 23 Jul 2024 20:51:04
Still a great chance we lose Butland.
Any epl teams pick up am injury to there 1st choice keeper there’s a high possibility they come in with £10m bid for him and we won’t be able to say no for long if they come back with 12+.

9.) 23 Jul 2024 21:02:00
Goldson and scott wright there aswel. Will they be there next season also?

10.) 23 Jul 2024 21:11:26
I am sure his wife knows him pretty well. Trust me he is staying ??????.

11.) 23 Jul 2024 21:16:00
Guess we will just need to wait and see how this one pans out. If both Tav and Goldson go they have my best wishes. They have been great servants to our club. The longer the window goes on and the closer we get to our first game of the season I am starting to wonder if we will shift them ?.

12.) 23 Jul 2024 21:20:36
Sws, pissing myself at you man, not a chance, been told he's free to go, you need to stop doing this to yourself because you will feel foolish shortly.

13.) 23 Jul 2024 21:32:19
I think of a team comes up with close to £25million then butland is gone.

14.) 23 Jul 2024 21:40:12
Rfc rangers would bite a sides hamd off for a lot less. Good keeper but replacable.

15.) 23 Jul 2024 21:41:17
We need to lower our wage budget either that or be in bother with uefa, got a feeling this is what Clement is going on about.

16.) 23 Jul 2024 21:41:57
12-15 and he is gone ??????.

17.) 23 Jul 2024 21:47:19
Gaz you went from walking your dog past his house to knowing him and his wife well. I'm calling BS on your posts. We'll see the truth soon enough.

18.) 23 Jul 2024 22:05:40
Ganger my concern is our fans could turn very quickly on likes of tav and others who are deemed serial losers and can you imagine that atmosphere if your a young player just in the door. The club have to be careful.

19.) 23 Jul 2024 23:36:23
Excellent news, looking forward to winning hee haw again this season ?.

20.) 24 Jul 2024 02:36:36
We’re winning hee haw no matter who’s here. unless some magical signings happen soon. This team is. Simply not good enough.

21.) 24 Jul 2024 03:33:09
Aye I'm sure his wife does know him well Gaz, also pretty sure that at 32 and with the chance of one last big contract if that gets dangled in front of him what she knows will go out the window.

22.) 24 Jul 2024 06:32:27
Big wages - minimum return - we all KNOW what is required from Tavs and Goldie - time to pack your bags lads and give the fans a break - you done well in patches but unfortunately your well is not really good enough to break dominance of an average Celtic team - need some real hunger desire and attitude and true leadership in our team.

23.) 24 Jul 2024 07:07:38
For that matter every player is free to go for the right fee My star ?.

24.) 24 Jul 2024 07:11:09
Super Ally, £20million and not a penny less and even i MIGHT say he's gone mate ?.

25.) 24 Jul 2024 07:50:39
Sws, I give up with you mate i really do, Tavernier has been told we want him OUT.

26.) 24 Jul 2024 07:51:51
Goldson Hagi Lammers Tavernier told we no longer require them, better?

27.) 24 Jul 2024 09:54:07
I wouldn't be surprised if Butland was sold and as a consequence Clement looks for another club. Only the golden nuggets will possibly leave. not the underachievers.



18 Jul 2024 12:58:17
Some more detail for Ger 1985 or whatever name you want to call yourself.

Shambles 1 - Edmiston house finished well beyond its date and over budget

Shambles 2 - Old shop becoming a sports bar well beyond its proposed date and nowhere near finished

Shambles 3 - Copland Road Project running well overdue causing us to play Home and European games away from Ibrox.

Scott and Stephen Sharkey have been responsible for all 3 projects it’s well known. They should have been nowhere near the Copland Road Project after the first 2 failures. Perhaps this is a question you could ask our chairman at the next AGM ??????.


1.) 18 Jul 2024 13:57:37
It's a simplistic outlook to blame Sharkey ( or BHC? ) for all the ills on the above projects.
Considering since Brexit, Pandemic, Russia/ Ukraine War, daft Yeminis attacking anything that floats, raw material availability and costs have went through the roof.
You also have to factor in that when these projects were originally suggested some or not all of the above had kicked in.
The planning application was also delayed by GCC as local residents raised objections to all projects.
GCC also took their time approving the drinks licence for the Sports Bar holding up the start date. Who's going to fit a space out as a bar if you can't get a drinks license?
Now, contractors have to shoulder some of the blame as any decent contract will stipulate certain milestones have to be achieved by certain dates before Compensation Events kick in.
And if a project goes out to tender, it's up the client to chose the contractor on price and delivery. And that wouldn't look good if Rangers went elsewhere even though Sharkey were cheapest. Contractors have a habit of talking with each other.

2.) 18 Jul 2024 14:15:38
Fed up with this already, moaning n griping about something none of us can do anything about, doesn't matter just now, we would all like to be back in out own gaffe, but unfortunately we won't, there is an agreement in place for Hampden, let's make it our second home and get behind the team regardless.

3.) 18 Jul 2024 14:16:48
Gazgers very fair of you to put all the construction problems in one place, makes your argument so much easier. Anyone that has been involved in projects would probably tell you that you that there are any number of issues that can manifest during the life of a project that could impact cost and duration, I won’t bore you listing them but let’s stick with your analysis.

4.) 18 Jul 2024 15:37:48
I agree Fork. what's done is done. No point carrying it on. Wont change anything.

5.) 18 Jul 2024 18:18:38
Gazger spot on mate, many bigger projects have not had the same issues.

6.) 18 Jul 2024 19:32:30
A lot of fans see black and white in here and nothing in between ac21 many smaller projects than ours have had problems and many bigger projects have had problems what is your point?

Gaz you moan about the way people post back to you and you have just done it to the poster you aimed this at .

Mph common sense post again it won’t catch on

Fork correct.



16 Jul 2024 11:17:58
For everyone’s info it’s Scott and Stephen Sharkey that are the contractors on the Copland Road Stand ??????.


1.) 16 Jul 2024 11:38:54
It cannot be mate the herras fencing says Bob the builder on it ?.

2.) 16 Jul 2024 12:48:08
Bob the builder would do a btr job. I know Brian personally Carluke and what you are saying is confirmed he has nothing to do with the Copland project. Be careful what you are posting mate. I would suggest you say nothing more on the matter. Too many moon howlers on here that carry info to press ??????.

3.) 16 Jul 2024 13:37:36
1.Sharkey did Edminson House.

2.BHC are the contractor for the Copeland Rd stand. They specialise in structural steel and concrete.

3.Currently doing MCFC (man city) complete new traing ground stands and facilities.

why don, t people on here look for facts before letting there mouths run off. Both are massive companies and BHC in particular work all over the UK.

4.) 16 Jul 2024 14:08:19
Cheers Gaz. ?.

5.) 16 Jul 2024 14:56:33
I just saw on national news that Gazgers called other fans on here moonhowlers. Someone must have carried it to the press.

6.) 16 Jul 2024 21:15:16
Gazgers you in the wattsapp group aswell, this place is bonkers.



10 Jan 2024 19:27:49
Lads being the genius that I am I figured out a way youse can officially relax a bit btr when I post something and know that I am a bear. My supporters bus gets in to Ibrox next Tuesday night around half 6 for the Copenhagen friendly. We park up on Carmichael Street and I will carry out my usual ritual of going in to the Louden for a few beers with my 2 sons beforehand. I have known Robert the owner in there for many years through many charity, blues nights and Barcelona bears nights. A great guy and what a character. I am also quite friendly with his boy Greg. That aside how about a wee friendly beer or two and put some faces to a few names if any of you are up for it ????????.


1.) 10 Jan 2024 19:43:08
Gaz honestly mate you are trying to hard. If poeple don't want to believe you then that's up to them don't let it effect your day ( which it obviously is) also for the record i cannot stand the lad who owns the louden. Loves sound of his own voice, try and avoid his places at all costs.

2.) 10 Jan 2024 19:57:07
Every time he try’s he moves closer to a Tim.

Nothing would every mind you posting Gaz, just be honest.

3.) 10 Jan 2024 20:07:49
Gaz just ignore them mate they’re now just stoating u up lol
Many have been called a tim in here, normally any new poster who says anything nobody k ows about they get called a tim lol.

4.) 10 Jan 2024 20:12:46
Correct Paul the joy is trying to hard who cares if anyone believes you or not.

Correct dado and he ain’t got any sources at rangers either.

5.) 10 Jan 2024 20:47:06
Gaz who cares what some think. ignore them and keep posting.

6.) 10 Jan 2024 20:54:29
You know where al be lads. Come in and meet me. It will cost you nothing but a simple apology and if you are true bears yourselves youse will do that for how you have harangued me on this. We then simply build a bridge and move on and can enjoy the banter and information shared ????????.

7.) 10 Jan 2024 20:55:58
Gaz! Stop fretting over the situation usual mob on here.

Thanks for your info thus far right or wrong it’s all good mate.

8.) 10 Jan 2024 21:25:31
Gaz, just be yourself. Let the warriors be the warriors. You are what you are.

9.) 10 Jan 2024 21:47:07
Gaz this is a forum page. Nobody is due anybody apologies. don't take life to seriously mate. Its really not that big a deal.

10.) 10 Jan 2024 22:19:31
The way I was brought up Paul I beg to differ. I don’t care who believes me or not with the information I give but calling me a Tim consistently when I post information is not ok in this day and age. Especially when I bloody ain’t. You also don’t know what troubles a person has been through in there respective lives or what they have came through which may cause triggers. It is not how true bluenoses roll. We are dignified to one another at all times through good times and bad. As I said lads al be in the louden on Tuesday. Nip in from half 6 if any of you are about ????????.

11.) 10 Jan 2024 22:27:04
????? jeezy peeps.

12.) 10 Jan 2024 22:47:06
Wouldnt go to louden. See you in wee rangers club down stairs ?.

13.) 10 Jan 2024 23:10:58
??? no that bad he does love his own voice though al give ye that. I prefered downstairs in the Angel bar many years ago. There was some days we wouldn’t even make the game after going in there. My wife would always catch me out later on at night when I would give her the wrong score. Good days ???????.

14.) 10 Jan 2024 23:29:08

15.) 10 Jan 2024 23:40:03
Gaz you don't need to prove anything and you're trying too hard mate, I've been absent from here for a bit due to work and you wouldn't believe me if I told you anyway so I just keep my mouth shut at times ?, have a laugh and some banter and ignore those that are trying to get a rise out of you.

16.) 11 Jan 2024 06:52:08
Gaz youse is used by my celtic mad ex manager in just about every message he sends me. Have you ever heard the phrase I think he doth protest too much?
Just get on with your posts and more importantly your life. Seems like people are living rent free in your head.

17.) 11 Jan 2024 09:01:05
This is just getting weird now ?.

18.) 11 Jan 2024 09:28:27
Gaz I got called a Tim when I first came on here because I said I thought Michael Beale was a rubbish manager. . turned out I got that one right ?

I just got on with things and didn’t care what anyone thought. Be yourself mate.

19.) 11 Jan 2024 10:08:58
Gaz, you don't have to prove anything to anyone. just keep on posting.

20.) 11 Jan 2024 11:35:15
Gaz. I don’t post often and usually it’s a rant about all the stuff going on, therefore at times it’s out of context?. I never would post a rumour unless I had serious inside knowledge, wouldn’t post 2nd stuff from media sources, but that’s me. Point is, if your source is credible keep posting and who honestly cares if some think you’re a Celtic fan. If you know you’re a bear that’s good enough for you. Forget the digs.

Also been reading some threads about individual wee groups that supposedly exist on here. Some groups better than others. Disagree and move on. I can honestly say not one poster on here annoys me. I disagree with them or agree with them. All for the greater good and all that crap. ?.



06 Jan 2024 10:05:08
Dissapointed in some fellow bears on here who seem to continually shoot down post after post and offer nothing themselves. I told youse last night Yilmaz is going to Hellas Verona and Doig is coming to us. Sky Italy and one of your regular posters confirmed that this morning. My source works with the Rangers first team. I tried posting his name but it must not be allowed on here. One thing I am not is a liar or have any sort of vendetta. If you want me to post information I get I will if not then please just say ????????.


1.) 06 Jan 2024 10:18:31
Gazgers231,i can only account for myself mate but i most definitely appreciate your posts with info, just like i do with any other posters on here, very much appreciated pal? However i'm led to believe doig is signing for torino mate ?.

2.) 06 Jan 2024 10:20:23
Take a chill pill Gazgers. I'm sure we all appreciate your posts mate.

3.) 06 Jan 2024 10:23:47
Don’t post names that would be silly as he could lose his job.

4.) 06 Jan 2024 10:25:00
Copland never mentioned doig coming our way so nothing was confirmed. Also it’s up to the posters to believe the rumour of not, it’s a rumours and banter page after all.

I would also say it’s a bit silly to name your source as I doubt your source will be very happy at that. I the fact you say that I would tend not to believe you.
We may well be in for doig but that rumour has been here for a week not just since last night.

5.) 06 Jan 2024 10:25:28
Don't throw the toys out yer pram if people disagree with you gaz. Everybody is entitled to an opinion even if it doesn't agree with yours.
RFCNEW said the same thing last night and got backed up by 5 or 6 others until it was pointed out that RFCNEWis no different from SEVCO.
it's an opinions site.
I only asked you one question and that was how do you know rangers only have 3.5 million to spend. A perfectly honest question and nothing in that is shooting down your post.

6.) 06 Jan 2024 10:32:19
Well done Gaz good for you ?.

7.) 06 Jan 2024 10:37:26
Apparently Doig going to Torino mate.

8.) 06 jan 2024 10:39:32
grow yersel a thicker skin mate, its tinterworld,

9.) 06 Jan 2024 10:51:56
Jeez, wouldn’t go naming sources! I doubt they’ll thank you for that.

10.) 06 Jan 2024 10:52:20
Storm you offer nothing but negative feedback mate. Believe what you want I have no reason to lie. As I said last night we have 3 million to spend in January no more unless players are moved on. Yilmaz to Hellas Verona and Doig is coming to us. We are interested in Manhoef and Shankland is our no1 striker target. Other deals depend on who we get out the door. Barisic, Davies, Lammers and Dessers will go if the right offers come in and then they can be replaced. That’s 100% from the horses mouth ????????.

11.) 06 Jan 2024 10:55:14
Gazger, you keep posting your info, although I' wouldn't mention names on here.

12.) 06 Jan 2024 11:13:05
To be honest Mark I wasn’t even thinking about that but I take that on board he probably wouldn’t mind though. The info I have on Shankland is that he is our no1 target however Hearts value him at 6million. Our valuation are far apart. They are taken in to account his goals and finishing 3rd and getting European football. Their fans have a lot of say in their transfers with 8000 of them putting money in the club each month. If they sell their talisman for any less than what the club value him some they fear a lot of these fans will stop putting money in to the club placing them in financial troubles.

13.) 06 Jan 2024 11:22:58
A good way to lose your source is by naming them, really not a good idea as could cost him or her their career?.

14.) 06 Jan 2024 11:24:26
Gaz IMO you post rumours that have already been on here and you are talking bs ?. Keep posting tho and stop getting your knickers in a twist because some people you don’t even know don’t believe you.

15.) 06 Jan 2024 11:25:42
Gaz if we got rid of those 4 you mention plus ridvan who plays in Europe? As that’s 5 out the door and we can only add 3 to europa squad Would that not make us weak squad size ?.

16.) 06 Jan 2024 11:56:20
Gqzger keep post, re your source what’s his view on euro squad.

17.) 06 Jan 2024 12:11:15
Storm that’s my opinion. Offer something yourself rather than dismissing everyone’s post

John I will ask him that question and get back to you ????????.

18.) 06 Jan 2024 12:26:29
Keep posting Gazger, ignore any negativity mate.

19.) 06 Jan 2024 12:35:16
John227 his view on the European squad got following text

Crazy ruling is what it is. Beale didn’t do us any favours. Injured players will be replaced but main target PC wants is the league.

20.) 06 jan 2024 12:43:15
you'll get used to it mate, , been a long long time doing that, just ignore.

21.) 06 Jan 2024 13:34:44
TT Zhou do the exact same as me but it’s ok ? look in the mirror before posting about me ? TT you really don’t get irony.

Gaz I don’t care what you think of me ? you are making up utter bs and of course your alleged source would mind you posting ?‍♂️ he could lose his job. You have not got a source. Another Timmy IMO.

22.) 06 Jan 2024 14:04:39
You storm are full of BS yourself son. From now on I am just going to disregard your posts. The ultimate insult to refer to me as one of them. Been a Rangers ST holder for many years. Nothing beats what song comes on 2 mins before every KO and makes the hairs on the back of our neck stand up. ??????.

23.) 06 Jan 2024 14:24:40
Gaz Ger your source not really got a clue as we can’t replace all the injuted.

24.) 06 Jan 2024 14:45:13
Oh John he most definitely has a clue. I asked him what you asked me too and posted his reply. Can’t do much more than that my man. Makes sense to me what he is saying that the euro squad has crazy rulings and Beale has shafted us with his initial squad selection. ????????.

25.) 06 Jan 2024 16:10:13
Reveal the source? It'll be the last info you get. Keep posting. keep schtum tho big man.

26.) 06 jan 2024 20:19:15
keep posting mate there are some decent people on here, and getting new info is always good,

27.) 06 Jan 2024 20:39:19
Correct John.




Gazgers231's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 21:14:14
OWS I am certain Tav is staying I live not too far from him in a wee village called Strathblane.




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25 Jul 2024 20:53:25
I know more than you Whitehorse. You have nothing to contribute other than rooms booked at 1DG. Miovski will be a Rangers player. I am that sure that If he isn’t, I won’t ever come on here again with info my friend ??????.




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25 Jul 2024 20:28:53
Jfm hope you are well pal and not on looking for sympathy.

Is James Tavernier still captain of our great club. I think you will find he is. He wore the armband last night and will remain at Rangers take that in ??????.




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18 Jul 2024 22:17:54
Big d I love ye really mate ????????.




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18 Jul 2024 14:42:57
Miller ain’t coming anywhere ??????.





Gazgers231's banter replies


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23 Jul 2024 21:11:26
I am sure his wife knows him pretty well. Trust me he is staying ??????.




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18 Jul 2024 14:46:06
Are you Sam Lammers Mystar? ???.




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18 Jul 2024 12:20:46
He is awful that’s why no other Tom hunt wants him. He was terrible in Serie A too and when we signed both him and Dessers it was a massive risk. One that did not pay off. Thanks Mick Beale ??????.




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18 Jul 2024 10:44:53
So I read the last bit of your post that says I COULD BE WRONG yet you go to the trouble of making fake accounts to ridicule other posters that have provided information to the best of their knowledge.

If you had read previous posts you would see that BHC are regular match sponsors at Ibrox. They are not responsible for any building works. As with Edmiston House, The New sports bar it’s Sharkey brothers that are responsible for this project. This is the 3rd Project that they have botched up as none of the others were on time either. They have not been wanting to take ownership of this latest hoo ha and are trying to pass the blame on to another company. If you want to look further in to it I suggest you Google the Sharkey brothers or go down to Glasgow city council offices and see who signed off the building plans. I hope I have answered all your questions Ger so you don’t need to be a silly little boy and open up another account perhaps in the name of Donald Findlay this time for cross examination purposes have a nice day ??????.




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18 Jul 2024 10:34:14
Lammers is awful. Be lucky if we he 2 mill for him take it and move on ??????.




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