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Scotty123's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Scotty123's rumours posts


18 Jul 2024 18:29:51
Tav going to Turkey.


1.) 18 Jul 2024 20:17:42
No he’s not.

2.) 19 Jul 2024 12:09:57
@john if Ignamue is injured how did he pass his medical. Or does anyone think it's paper talk.

3.) 19 Jul 2024 14:17:18
Will be bollocks mate.



02 Feb 2024 11:43:32
Info I got yesterday was that the striker we wanted was Denkey and we were willing to pay 6M for him and it was more than just an enquiry. Was also told that the gaffer would not sanction any move for Shankland and we had zero interest. Let's hope Denkey deal can be done in summer as he would be a top signing for us.


1.) 02 Feb 2024 11:57:03
Untrue. H&H said we basically had a budget of 0 for January.

2.) 02 Feb 2024 12:33:37
Scotty yes we 100% were trying to get denkey, we will go back in summer.

3.) 02 Feb 2024 13:12:53
Kilmarnock signing van vean on loan would it have been worth a 6 month for him as a back up till dani is back.

4.) 02 Feb 2024 13:49:04
Message I got last night was that it was very very close to happening yesterday and the funds were there to go for him. He was Clement first choice striker.

5.) 02 Feb 2024 13:50:25
I would like to state I’m happy with the business done by rangers as looks like 3 quality signings to me that will make an impact. We have des roofe silva for up top. Perhaps rangers were trying to get right guy in and if PC does not fancy shank or van been that is good enough for me. Had we got jeffe we would have had 4 in so it’s not like we have not tried. Better getting the right striker in summer than a short term solution. So well done Rangers PC board ? I for one am ok with our Jan window ??????.

6.) 02 Feb 2024 14:39:40
I still think we need a back, but that could be Lovelace. It certainly won’t be Roofe. Unfortunately he just can’t get fit for a sustained period of time. Comes back for a few games, starts to look sharp and then out for 4 months!

It’s a shame for the lad, but we can’t rely on him and that’s been evident for more than a couple of years now. It’s beggars belief he actually passed a medical?

7.) 02 Feb 2024 14:40:28
Hopefully doesn't cost us the league by not getting in a decent striker.

8.) 02 Feb 2024 14:48:28
Hi Scotty 123 was there a reason we didn't get Denkey in the end was it down to price apologies if you have already answered this as this would of been a superb signing would of topped off a very decent January window.

9.) 02 Feb 2024 15:25:20
Perhaps with better service dessers will get better, hopefully cortes and diomande can do that.

10.) 02 Feb 2024 16:12:02
Gersgirl I thunk others chipping in more goals helps take pressure off strikers.

11.) 02 Feb 2024 16:17:20
Teddybear I don’t have the answer to that. Messages exchanged and it went from It could happen to confirmed it’s not happening. He is who we wanted and still who we want in summer.

12.) 02 Feb 2024 18:04:31
Teddy bear his club would not let him go in this window.

13.) 02 Feb 2024 19:33:38
Got to admit that it was disappointing not signing a striker as the only fit no9 we have is Dessers and hope fully he remains available selection, as otherwise we are playIng with a false 9 ( Silva or Cortes? )

14.) 02 Feb 2024 22:21:10
What do H&H know?

15.) 03 Feb 2024 10:58:21
Being 1 of the clubs go to sources, I'd say more than absolutely anyone on here.

Clement also said a striker wasn't a priority in his press conference seen as we have 6 or 7 in the building.

16.) 03 Feb 2024 18:42:32
Fabio and dessers will carry us until Danilo comes back then we'll have 3 strikers and roofes time a think is over guys made of glass, he's good when he's fit but doubt we'll see that again in a Gers jersey.

17.) 03 Feb 2024 23:14:31
John you make out like people were wrong for questioning/ asking why we didn't get a striker and yet you are the one that reported we bid for denkey do you not see the doubles standards there especially when you made our like people were criticising manager when they were not.

18.) 04 Feb 2024 17:34:53
Go for in future I won’t post rumours
How is it double standards. Is it my fault the guys club did not want to sell.

Denkey would have replaced Dessers. But u keep it up. We did not need five strikers

Gents finally no more rumours. Banter only.

19.) 04 Feb 2024 19:25:54
Sad day John227 but can see why, site would be poorer without your info/ rumours.

20.) 04 Feb 2024 21:46:32
Fork such is life lots off very good guys with great info Copland white horse Iheard among them, although they don’t post much now.

21.) 04 Feb 2024 22:32:05
Aye John noticed that, like earlier about PC speaking the names added to the squad in the Record 2 days ago, and visible online just now, when it's posted here they don't believe it, and its in print, a bit like the info good posters post, it can be eviscerated when it's sound info for a site based on rumour, madness.



11 Apr 2023 22:16:19
Ross Wilson to Forrest.


1.) 11 Apr 2023 22:24:07
Why would an EPL club want a so called rubbish DoF?
He can’t be as bad as some on here think.

2.) 11 Apr 2023 22:34:33
Fingers crossed!

Aye, MPH, Forest are very careful who they waste money on, mate, aren't they?!

Good riddance, if you ask me. Robertson and Park Jnr next, and jobs a good un!

3.) 11 apr 2023 22:34:41
he isnt, he's very good at his job and will be missed.

4.) 11 Apr 2023 22:36:50
Aye but if it’s true Park now Wilson.

5.) 11 Apr 2023 22:56:34
MPH ask Southampton fans, they hate him as well. What a fantastic day for this Club if it happens. Robertson and Park Jr then we are clear.

6.) 11 Apr 2023 22:57:21
Hopefully he turns them down, could be very doubtful now with the grief he gets, very hard man to replace.

7.) 11 Apr 2023 23:48:26
I remember when they signed him, he was tipped to have a bright future - but doesn't appear to have kicked on.

Not sure if he's better than what we have tbf.

8.) 12 Apr 2023 00:56:51
A DoF can't get all his signings and sales right, every signing is a gamble. Look at some of the wallopers that the late, great Walter Smith signed.

9.) 12 Apr 2023 01:08:11
The resources will be much better than at Rangers £££ makes a massive difference.

10.) 12 Apr 2023 01:14:27
Maybe because they signed tons of players and are going to be a championship team soon.

And if you don't think so just look at Thier fixtures.

11.) 12 Apr 2023 06:31:15
Big ben aye ok then eh terrible move for our club but because your happy that's that ok, working with 1/ 3m chances are always took, but our manager has no part to play in wanting these players.

12.) 12 Apr 2023 07:03:44
I wrote that Wilson would be away in the summer, there is interest from more than one club.

13.) 12 Apr 2023 07:17:12
Some people forget how much ross wilsons hands hsve been tied at times, he's had a lot of bosmans too deal with and yes some signings are questionable i totally agree, but there are decisions n options forcing his hand at times, if you have say 8 million a buget n 6 players too replace there's abig element of risk in some you bring in
Some will pay off n settle some won't
Like outer too this day i don't know why we went for him massive massive risk,
Lundstrum yeah one great season n we pounced, but if it was two great seasons we wouldn't have had a look in, he sees potential n strikes early, some pay off n a lot don't but in today's gameyou need too take a big risk n strike early too beat others too potential good or even great players, hagi, bassey, aribo, kamara, morelos was an unknown, he's good at his job n yeah wehave spent on some n i totally agree they haven't worked out but some have, n he has been a puppet on some strings for a we while, but all his decisions go through others then get rubber stamped as well so its not just one guys failure,

I really hope we do well this window
N can push on fingers crossed ?.

14.) 12 Apr 2023 07:36:22
But change can be a good thing n maby new ideas n a diffrent outlook could work.

15.) 12 Apr 2023 07:50:23
Careful what u wish for .

16.) 12 Apr 2023 07:52:57
Very worrying time just now John, he has clearly been working on players for the summer, but who could blame him, any man in his position getting the abuse from i'm my opinion very foolish supporters will probably move on, i just hope he doesn't.

17.) 12 Apr 2023 08:18:18
#In my opinion.

18.) 12 Apr 2023 08:41:46
RW to Forest should suit him, can sign as many as he wants, so should at least find a couple of championship level players as that is where they are heading, maybe he can give SG a job.

19.) 12 Apr 2023 09:13:33
Well save the cash. Reality is that in most businesses middle management go but are never missed. Let the front line do the business. Assistant can coach take training whilst the manager can actually have the input on players.

20.) 12 Apr 2023 09:28:18
Sir Walter spot on. Big difference though, he wasn’t a DofF, he was the manager. You sack the manager who doesn’t have a say. Get a grip. Blue 8 million to bring in 6 players, are we Hearts. Maybe there’s a realisation that if we don’t get in to the champs league and don’t do well in the europa league that the business model hasn’t worked and that choices made we’re wrong. Or it could be like a lot of people he wants a different job, who knows. But save the cash let the management do the job.

21.) 12 Apr 2023 09:30:02
I think Wilson's done a good job, he gets dogs abuse on here at times, unfairly imo.

22.) 12 Apr 2023 09:30:45
Gvb11, 100% mate, he ( along with others) was scraping the barrel with not a lot of backing ££££, in the great scheme of things. We have taken chances on quite a few, not many paid off.
Ok getting rid of directors, doctors, dof etc and clearing the decks of at least a dozen players! . but what happens next?
Head under the covers time I think.

23.) 12 Apr 2023 09:32:30
Ross wilson can only do what he can with the money he can try and break deals for i bet if money was no option to him like sir david murray days he would have done deals on par or better with gazza laudrup de boers etc etc deals

I hope he turns everyone down and remains at ranger55.

24.) 12 Apr 2023 10:32:06
Celtic are playing with a budget not dissimilar to ours through problem is the money we've had hasn't been spent well rather than the amount gio had 10/ 15m last summer but was 4/ 5m on a young promising fb what we needed at the time also 2.5m on matondo on 20k+ is wasted 4m on Davies wasn't there better for less?

25.) 12 Apr 2023 12:22:39
I am sure if money was no object, we would not have signed wilson or Beale,

26.) 12 Apr 2023 12:46:22
So Wilson leaves, John you heard this, I am guessing then replacement names would be about, if so who are the possible replacements?

27.) 12 Apr 2023 13:39:59
Wilson has been working with both hands tied behind his back at Rangers and at Forest he will have a significant budget to play with even if he is in the Championship.
His expertise for me is more in selling players on at a significant profit rather than signing players and I know that he faced criticism at Southampton for players signed although he was relatively successful at selling players on at a significant profit there as well.
Forst will need to regroup should they go down and will need to sell a number of players that have been brought in but that just have not worked out for them.
A lot depends on how ambitious the Forest Owners are, they will need to spend £millions to compete with the Manchester Clubs, Newcastle, Liverpool and the London Elite but then if they are in the Championship the role becomes easier.
He has done a good job at rangers with the transfer fees that he has generated but his acquisitions have generally been poor. That in many respects is down to a lack of Investment and I don't really see things changing, transfers wise, until serious money is available for better quality players.

28.) 12 Apr 2023 13:53:58
The point about him having a limited budget is valid but all the more reason why he shouldn`t waste it on guys like Matondo, Wright, Simpson, Yilmaz and Itten or injury prone players like Roofe and Helander . In Rangers terms some of these guys cost good money which could have been better spent. Its time for a change of structure anyway, the manager should be the main man on the football side not the DOF . You never hear of any the managers at big clubs having a DOF signing players for them .

29.) 12 Apr 2023 14:00:35
John27 has already stated big davie weir or christian nerlinger as his preferred replacements, if indeed ross wilson does leave for forest ?.

30.) 12 Apr 2023 14:34:51
Forest have signed a crazy number of players during the last two windows, some on very big wages, should they go down it will be a massive clear out.

31.) 12 Apr 2023 14:55:43
Wilson must be in some form of new hellfire club, but if Forest want Matondo as well good luck to all concerned.

32.) 12 Apr 2023 15:11:34
When i said 8 million n maby 6 targets it was an example windy, as.

These people like wilson have constraints too stick too a budget too spend , then say a budget for wages like for bosmans. So in a window will try n get these targets in no one but them knows what really they have too deal with, but he has had a tighter, i just think like everyone else at times he has done well , others he hasent, but reality is none of us knows what he gets or, who's pulling his strings at times, cause belive me, its not all just down too him,

33.) 12 Apr 2023 16:18:43
Sorry blue regarding example. I understand Wilson has been restricted I truly do but that only makes me realise that the DofF at Ibrox is a thankless task. The board have been at Fault here.

34.) 12 Apr 2023 18:01:03
Sir Walter 29 signings 7/ 8 rated by fans as successful, that's a horrid return. if I returned that type of conversion in my job i'd be sacked.

35.) 12 Apr 2023 18:34:24
Roofe was here before Wilson was he no? Could be wrong.

36.) 12 Apr 2023 19:45:54
OneWalter, I fully agree with you but I would also argue that when a New Executive is appointed to a Business with a need to change things they are generally given assurances that they can bring in the people of the right calibre to help them make things happen and that generally costs money!

I know that in the occasions when I have been asked to go in and restructure a Company I have been given carte blanche to bring in the people that I need for the required jobs. I appreciate that football is different but whether it is a DoF, a Coach, or whoever, then they are crazy to take the job if both hands are tied behind their back and in terms of acquiring players I would suggest that this has been the case.

Of course it could be that Wilson's prime objective from the Board was to maximise income on the sale of players, (and not putting a title winning team on the park), and in general terms he has been successful at this.

Most major teams have a DoF signing the players with the Head Coach Job being to develop the tactics to win trophies; unfortunately we are not a major team these days. If we are to get back to challenging Celtic in a two horse race in Scotland then we need to be a better side that can win consistently against them as well as every other team in the league. We are some way short of this at present.

37.) 12 Apr 2023 20:22:58
Trust me, mate i'm frustrated too wish it just all worked n we kicked on from 55 but unfortunately its not fell into place,

But hopfully, this is the start of something good guy's ?.

38.) 12 Apr 2023 23:39:32
I'd settle for a 50% success rate on signings but let's face it not even anywhere near that. In his time has still not been able to upgrade most of the team.

39.) 12 Apr 2023 23:49:52
I've already been told I don't know how a club is run by someone on here, but this sounds mental!

40.) 13 Apr 2023 15:33:31
I suggest you all research Wilson's clubs and where the finnished in seasons before during and after he was there before starting to praise him it's not great reading.



13 Mar 2023 14:30:21
I've a mate down south who coaches in championship. He's telling me that Oli McBurnie believes there is a very good chance he could be joining us this summer. What's the thoughts lads, is he the man to replace Morelos? I'm undecided on him but my mate reckons he would score for fun up here with the amount of chances we create.
Just want to add this is a rumour not fact lol.


1.) 13 Mar 2023 15:48:31
We have watched him several times since Beale became manager.

2.) 13 Mar 2023 16:24:33
We want better than McBurnie, who is a plodder . A lot of players think they`ll score a barrowload in Scotland and come up and fail miserably . He would be one of them . His only selling point is that he is on a free .

3.) 13 Mar 2023 16:35:24
Scotty Mcburnie does not has many fans at Rangers but he would score some goals in this league, plus the amount of ground he covers is something else, my opinion good signing.

4.) 13 Mar 2023 16:36:32
Scotty that could be the player that Beales been in contact with.

5.) 13 Mar 2023 16:42:20
People should learn to remember that being a good/ decent player down south doesn't guarantee success in Scotland, many have thought as much and it backfires 80% of the time, would take him but not to replace Morelos because he's simply not good enough to be our number 1 striker.

6.) 13 Mar 2023 16:48:07
Scotty in my opinion he would score some amount of goals in this league, the amount of ground he covers is unreal as well, that's what Beales after from a cf and he's a very good link up player, would be a very good signing for us manys fans will say the opposite, i reckon Beale could have already meet up with him.

7.) 13 Mar 2023 17:32:48
The 'amount of chances we make' is becoming a lame argument.
Not sure of age but I think he doesn't fit our 'model' as there is no sell on value, wages miĝt also be an issue.

8.) 13 Mar 2023 17:47:51
How dare you put a rumour on a rumours site. You’ll get shot down in a few minutes ?.

9.) 13 Mar 2023 17:50:45
Has not scored for fun anywhere, infact seldome at all and lots of off field baggage. Not for me.

10.) 13 Mar 2023 17:54:08
The amount of chance we create really! Not been like that since 90s

Mcburnie a big no for me wages and ability ?.

11.) 13 Mar 2023 17:59:41
Absolutely not.

12.) 13 Mar 2023 18:27:53
Only 26 bar, i believe he would be a very good signing, yes he would score many he's doing in a far better league right now, plenty of very good defences in that league far superior to anything he'll come up against in our league apart from them.

13.) 13 Mar 2023 18:29:32
He would definitely be doing a better job than Morelos the now maybe a guy with a decent attitude playing for his boyhood club would be better than a spoiled idiot right now.

14.) 13 Mar 2023 18:34:14
He’s maybe not the most pleasurable to watch playing but I actually think he’d do a decent job. I do think if Alfredo does go we will sign a similar type though.

15.) 13 Mar 2023 19:05:40
Would do a job for us. Would surprise a few on here.

16.) 13 Mar 2023 19:18:27
50/ 50 on this one if he comes I’ll get behind him, but if he doesn’t it wouldn’t bother me in the slightest.

17.) 13 Mar 2023 19:41:44
I think mcburnie may well come and possibly josh Maja from Bordeaux. Mcburnies stats this year I was surprised at 29 Apps all in 12 goals, 2 assists. 53% starting 11.

18.) 13 Mar 2023 19:42:55
Would be a good signing as a free agent.

Especially as we are likely losing Morelos and cannot count on Roofe.

He is a different striker to Colak, leads the line well, not a natural goalscorer. Think he would be worth a go as we would be able to punt to championship team if did not work out.

19.) 13 Mar 2023 20:04:04
I honestly think he'd do well here. He's been getting goals against far better defences in the Championship than he'd face up here.

20.) 13 Mar 2023 20:09:10
Genuinely hope not. He comes across as the big man and lots of baggage. Another Lafferty type. I know he scored goals but I would want this. Hungry player wanting to kick on and with some future value is what I want to see.

21.) 13 Mar 2023 21:34:33
On a free absoloutely yes.

22.) 13 Mar 2023 21:56:00
Already mentioned to the group in January. Mcburnie has been offered a deal to come. He wants it but all depends of SU get to premier league as then he has automatic extension.

23.) 13 Mar 2023 21:39:28
You know I really hate when fans disrespect our league by saying players that don't score would score a bucket load up here how long have these people supported our team or watched our league. ?


Lol and there's tons more.

24.) 13 Mar 2023 22:06:57
Mcburnie goals in his last 2 season in the championship far better than our league. Swansea 42 games 36 starts 8 sub goals 22 two season ago. Sheffield utd 19 games 10 starts 9 subs 11 goals this season, better than 1 in 2 goals in a better league, it's the off the ball work he does as well and ground covered is right up there, he's made 18 tackles this season 12 won, Beale wants this from his cf, my opinion very good signing.

25.) 13 Mar 2023 23:45:36
Intheknow you will be correct here, because if he's a epl player with Sheffield utd they will have the right for the extension.

26.) 14 Mar 2023 00:01:17
On a free transfer I would be happy if we signed him!

27.) 14 Mar 2023 08:59:32
I see McBurnie as a replacement for Roofe more, on a free he's a mad Rangers fan and it does make sense.

28.) 14 Mar 2023 10:48:26
Bankie explain that then? better than 1 goal every 2 games in a far stronger league.

29.) 14 Mar 2023 10:58:51
I still like the look of Jeanne Philippe Krasso as a striker. Fast, strong, composed, can drop off to link up play and also gets into the six yard box. Circa £2-2.5 million could prove a shrewd but of business.

30.) 14 Mar 2023 15:22:32
If Shankland a big slow lump can look good in this league then McBurnie might look like a superstar, can't see any defender bossing McBurnie aboot up here and apparently ra celtic have the best defender here who is also a very slow lump that couldn't hack it in a top league. Oli is a tough boy . sign him.

31.) 14 Mar 2023 17:06:13
Some Rangers fans would prefer shankland.

32.) 14 Mar 2023 17:17:15
Do you know what happens when you keep signing players that don't score enough goals .

You don't score enough goals ?

Surprising that eh!

33.) 14 Mar 2023 20:04:11
Gofor what about his 22 goals for Swansea and his 11 goals this season from 10 starts, is that not a good scoring record? again in a far better league, he has only played 2 season in the championship.

34.) 15 Mar 2023 10:52:29
Is there even a debate on the number of chances we create compared to previous clubs he has been at? i'm pretty sure the number of crosses we put into the box from open play, corners we have, shots on and off target and expected goals would far exceed SU.
I’m firmly in the let’s go for him camp, esp as he’s a free.

35.) 15 Mar 2023 19:17:10
I'm kinda with storm on this one not really a fan of him but if. he comes will get my full support. Don't know if he has the kinda movement that's required from front player we need especially the way we've been playing under Beale last 4 or 5 games.



28 Nov 2022 17:24:39
Confirmed . Good luck Michael Beale ❤️??.


1.) 28 Nov 2022 18:20:31
Welcome back to Michael Beale - hullo hullo to Neil Banfield, Harry Watling and Damien Matthew.
Now the hard work starts - make us all proud of our great club once more and you will have all the fans backing.
We need the board to support you guys too, so onwards and upwards!

2.) 28 Nov 2022 19:18:38
Beale and his management team will get the support of the fan base, he clearly has the support of our DoF, now it is up the Parks and the Board to provide the funding to allow him to bring in the players he needs to get us back to where we belong!

3.) 28 Nov 2022 19:49:43
Good luck to Mick Beale and his team.
Glad to see some experience in his back room team.
Clearly not everyone is behind this appointment but let’s hope he shows us all he the right man for the job.

It will be very interesting to see who else he brings into his back room, what singing he brings in and what response he gets from the plahers that have been letting us all down lately.

4.) 28 Nov 2022 19:53:02
Exactly Berkshire.

5.) 28 Nov 2022 21:05:04
Good luck with that appointment, you're going to need it. lol.

6.) 28 Nov 2022 22:34:01
By all accounts players like him and that might help him part of me still think this might be a cheap lazy option from our board hope he gets the backing that they would have had to give an experienced manager with a decent track record not sure another rookie is what we need but I'll get behind him and team. He won't have the excuse of bedding in he should be able to hit ground running no excuses.

7.) 29 Nov 2022 06:31:45
Hopfully. He's got a regine too get the players fitter and hungry again. No hanging about waiting on the ball too fall too them, hungry, chasing, n pressing all over the pitch, with a few new, hopfully some funds and we can make the right additions, in January window we could become competitive again, Rome wasn't built in a day, but hopefully he has an instant impact with the player's already there and we show signs of promise, yeah it will be really hard too win league this year, but still in the cups, as long as now we look, hungry and play our remaining games with grit and passion, and look as thoo we don't want too lose them i will be happy, hopefully bring bavk the winning determination.

8.) 29 Nov 2022 07:54:24
Dawn of a new era, good luck Bealey and team!

9.) 29 Nov 2022 08:51:54
Many media outlets and the usual staunch anti Rangers journalists are having a field day regarding Beale's appointment.
I hope that this anti fervour will help galvanise the team/ board/ coaching staff even more and give them the impetus and desire to prove the doubters wrong.
Yes. he is a fledgling manager by today's standards but that does not mean he will automatically fail so let's support him and his staff in all ways and bring the good times back.
Hard work, fitness and 100% effort in every match till end of season - its all we ask!

10.) 29 Nov 2022 11:10:28
Bring on 56 watp.

11.) 29 Nov 2022 11:24:00
Berkshire Blue
That’s the biggest concern.
Hopefully Michael Beale has the funds to spend in the January transfer window considering the money we got for Patterson, Aribo, and Bassey.

12.) 29 Nov 2022 12:44:45
Copland priority is we operate within a defined budget.

13.) 29 Nov 2022 13:47:16
Agreed John - and as Rome was not built in a day -we need to bring the right players in and it may take several windows to achieve this.
We don't need to splash fortunes on has-beens or so called superstars as teams see an easy buck coming now a new manager is in place.
Let's build a TEAM and SQUAD sensibly and within budget.

14.) 29 Nov 2022 13:52:30
John- understand we have budget constraints like any business/ club.

15.) 29 Nov 2022 13:54:51
Blue floyd we need to properly progress 4 or 5 from b team.

16.) 29 Nov 2022 13:57:36
Blue Floyd - agree IF we have funds spend it wisely.

17.) 29 Nov 2022 14:06:13
Our youth policy will produce good players for the first team.

18.) 29 Nov 2022 14:32:32
The youth players coming through - McCann, Lowry, King, Lovelace, Yfeko, Ure, and Lindsay.
Hopefully some become regulars in the first team.

19.) 29 Nov 2022 14:45:07
100% John . re bringing guys through from B squad- hopefully Lowry will get a good run of games soon and maybe a few more breakthrough too - the right blend of youth and experience will go a long way to getting us back to the top of the tree again.

20.) 29 Nov 2022 15:18:37
B team away to Bo’ness United ( 03 December)

21.) 30 Nov 2022 11:55:29
Dirty Bo’ness ???????????.

22.) 30 Nov 2022 12:42:08
B team won 5-2 last night.




Scotty123's banter posts with other poster's replies to Scotty123's banter posts


26 Jun 2024 21:49:06
Georgia have been different class against Portugal, very well drilled and their energy with handbrake off is what I expected from Scotland. Few players in that team just added a few quid to their value.


1.) 26 Jun 2024 22:12:23
Brilliant game to watch and very happy for them, best result of their lives.



25 May 2024 15:43:05
Much better off the ball. closing spaces and giving us a chance of full team press. Positive first half so far.




06 Apr 2024 23:34:58
"I am never happier than when the outside world has us beaten before a ball is kicked - for then i know the true greatness of our club will be revealed. "
Mr William Struth, Rangers FC

The true greatness of our fans needs to be evident in its backing of our team from first to final minute. C'mon Rangers.




01 Apr 2024 19:11:11
What's our thinking on starting XI, formation and shape? and how do we nullify McGregor space IF he's fit? ( I don't think he will be risked for this old firm game btw )
Ridvan going to start at LB?
Whose the better fit at 10. Cantwell or Lawrence?
Who plays in front of Tav?
Dessers a cert to start as our CF?
My team at the min:
Tav Goldson Souttar Ridvan
Diomande Lundstram
Sterling Cantwell Silva
I'm undecided on the right side but going for Sterling for the physical match up against Taylor.


1.) 01 Apr 2024 19:47:12
Scotty that's probably the team if Yilmaz fit.

2.) 01 Apr 2024 20:11:48
I'd like to see Lundstram and Sterling in the middle. Of course that makes it harder to have both Diomande and Cantwell in the team but I think that would be solid.

3.) 01 Apr 2024 20:41:26
If Ridvan fit then you could be spot on with team, I believe this type of game would be Taylor made for Lawrence, but Cantwell is a good finisher so can see him starting.

4.) 01 Apr 2024 21:13:33
If Ridvan is fit I think your team is spot on, should Ridvan not make it i hope Sterling goes to left back and either MacAusland, Sima, Wright or Matondo plays right wing. Borna looked shaky on Saturday. Wouldn’t trust him in such a big game.

5.) 01 Apr 2024 21:19:36
If mcgregor is fit for them, we just can't give him any room/ space like we've done in the previous 2 old firm games, to dictate the play for them ? It's quite noticeable that if you stop/ stifle mcgregor, you stop the function of their team big time ?I personally would like to see dujon sterling being instructed to give mcgregor no time/ breathing space to dictate, as i honestly do think sterling has the ability and engine to deal with mcgregor ?Like i said a couple of days ago, i'd have our midfield 3 of lundstram, sterling and diomande ? Whoever wins the midfield battle will go on to win the game, as is usually the case ?I truly believe we can win the midfield battle and win the game ???.

6.) 01 Apr 2024 21:39:17
I'd prefer balogun in defence tbh, goldson is not the same nowadays.

7.) 01 Apr 2024 21:50:14
Wouldn't start Silva I thought he was very poor on Saturday.

8.) 01 Apr 2024 22:45:27
Butland, Tav, Goldson, Souttar, Ridvan, Lundstram, Diomande, Lawerence, Silva, Sterling, Dessers.

If it was me I'd have Balogun and Sima for Goldson and Dessers.

9.) 01 Apr 2024 23:32:57
Tav goldson souttar sterling/ yilmaz
Lunny diomande/ sterling
Mcausland cantwell silva
We need at least 1 natural and sterling alongside lunny if ridvan is fit.

10.) 02 Apr 2024 00:53:10
Massive game for cantwell he needs to make sure he's constantly available and holds ball well to ensure hatate is pegged back he and McGregor want to drop into that space and operate, cantwell needs to give them something to worry about and keep them focused on their defensive duties and not allow then to get on the ball and get building from deep.

11.) 02 Apr 2024 01:35:22
Silva got to start, get best out of him when team doesn't sit in.

12.) 02 Apr 2024 08:38:48
Forget about them, it's how we play on Sunday that will win us the game.

13.) 02 Apr 2024 09:31:13
Bang on SWS - only hope that if Sterling plays he tempers his aggression as we need 11 on park at all times - Silva could give them grief at back by taking ball to them and maybe sneak a wee pen as I like his tight control in the box (if selected) -shut midfield down and monitor Kyogo 100% of the time and we could be smiling Sun evening ?.

14.) 02 Apr 2024 09:36:34
Blue boy, Celtic won't play open football, they will be delighted with a point on Sunday, they will play on the counter attack like the 1st ibrox game. Sloppy passing like Silva last Saturday could get us caught out.

15.) 02 Apr 2024 12:34:01
Stirling should be first name on the team sheet, hopefully Ridvan fit so Right wing for me, can see the argument for def mid but we are at IBROX so Diomonde to start beside Lunny, whoever plays we must high press them and put them under presssure, they crumble at back when under pressure, we didn’t do it last time at IBROX and let them off the hook.



28 Feb 2024 22:20:11
It's been a great week. massive 6 points against 2 in form teams and well done gaffer for making the changes at HT that were so badly needed. special mention to Tav. Captain doing captain things yet again ❤️??.





Scotty123's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 17:01:11
Smoke and mirrors .




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24 Jul 2024 12:09:07
Ffs grow up lads. some of that above is embarrassing.
I’m not getting involved in the SWS and My Star dick swinging comp, however, info I got was that Tav hasn’t been told to find a new club, like others have, he was told that if a suitable offer came in we would allow him opportunity to talk to another club. Tav has indicated his preference is to stay but will speak to interested parties. Tav could end up staying and still be our first pick RB.




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23 Jul 2024 19:49:19
Maybe he’s just cadge a lift down to his new gaff?




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23 Jul 2024 19:48:30
Haha not happening.
Cantwell is most talented player in our squad. with a 9 that can move into correct positions or maybe even hold the ball up to link and 2 natural right and left forwards he would show his worth and flourish. A 10 needs those around him to play.




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23 Jul 2024 14:39:59
He’s lost a yard but still he best cb at our club. IF he goes we have to recruit someone that’s better.





Scotty123's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 14:39:05
He could be my star and def has the game to do it IF we get a no9 in.




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25 Jul 2024 14:31:16
He won’t be the first nor the last to put in a transfer request. I’d rather he did that than not make himself available for a jersey or down tools. It’s football and rubbish happens. I don’t get the slating of him. We move on.




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25 Jul 2024 08:19:01
The gaffer has tried to push this on asap by doing that very strange add on post match interview. Let’s hope it doesn’t backfire.




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25 Jul 2024 08:15:53
2m with add ons and if he’s submitted a formal transfer request that saves us a few quid from the deal.




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25 Jul 2024 08:13:26
Good luck for tonight mate. Hagi is away and Wright may be our new 10, surprised everyone in that role and we haven’t had a 10 in a long time, that wants to drive into space on the ball and not be a link man.




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