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30 Dec 2023 18:06:12
I've noticed that a CF named [Steeve] Kévin Denkey has appeared on a couple of websites - has anyone on this site heard any such rumours?

Still Blue

1.) 30 Dec 2023 18:44:59
Denkey to replace donkey?

2.) 30 Dec 2023 18:49:51
I would be surprised if we could afford the top scorer in Belgium.
Looks strong and clinical.

3.) 30 Dec 2023 19:03:30
Doubt we could afford him, top scorer in the jupiler league, probably what we need though, pace, power and a good finisher.

4.) 30 Dec 2023 19:13:55
What is wrong with young African players?

5.) 30 Dec 2023 19:24:41
15 goals in 19 league games.

6.) 30 Dec 2023 20:08:35
According to Wikipedia Rangers have already signed him.

7.) 30 Dec 2023 20:13:27
Anyone can change wiki Greasly, means nothing.

8.) 30 Dec 2023 20:17:16
Asked the same question the other day but I do think he will be out of our price range.

9.) 30 Dec 2023 20:30:11
Raskin, nothing apart from the fact they tend to disappear for two months in Jan Feb.

10.) 30 Dec 2023 21:18:23
I will answer your question raskinloyal, feels like a bit of a snowflake question but I will give u a real answer, they lack heart, they lack skill, and they aren’t suited to our game, call me what u want but it’s true.

11.) 30 Dec 2023 22:15:57
Certainly need more pace and power, Dessers, Lammers even Danilo not what we need and suggestions of that big slow lump Shankland need to stop .

12.) 30 Dec 2023 22:59:42
Hang your head in shame Jimmybell, your a disgrace to that name.

13.) 30 Dec 2023 23:29:00
Jimmybellloyal, that might be the worst comment I’ve ever seen on here. Did big Sima lack heart when he chased down a ball in the cup final in the dying minutes of the game, did he lack skill when he curved that shot into the top corner against PSV?
Absolute drivel man! I suppose you think Drogba and Eto were crap as well.

14.) 30 Dec 2023 23:33:58
Yeah mo Salah etc lack skill my god lucky we just want Shankland since he’s better than all them Africa players am sure the Napoli striker that Real Madrid are looking at is worried about the Scott’s with heart ?.

15.) 30 Dec 2023 23:37:08
Jimmy Bell Loyal, absolute nonsense and just plain ignorant! Bougherra, Hemdani, Cousin, Aribo, Bassey and more all fantastic servants to the club, so please tell me how the lacked heart or skill?

16.) 31 Dec 2023 03:07:52
I know I was only joking.

17.) 31 Dec 2023 03:19:10
Jimmybellloyal. you're s***, simple as. LaudrupBro just named a few of the African players we've had who prove your statement wrong. Worst comment I've seen on here. GTF.

18.) 31 Dec 2023 07:15:42
Absolutely guys, no place for this sort of terrible behaviour on this site! Into the bargain your using the name of the late, great jimmy bell ? shame on you ?.

19.) 31 Dec 2023 08:15:19
Are there people on here that believe dessers is a player?

20.) 31 Dec 2023 08:48:32
That’s a shocking and embarrassing comment.
Ed can you get that comment removed as it’s got no place on here?

{Ed001's Note - better to leave it so people can understand why he was banned.}

21.) 31 Dec 2023 08:20:04
You can’t define players by their nationality! There may be certain attributes players from a particular nation may have different from other nations based on how the game is played and coached by their federation, but every player is different regardless of colour, creed or nationality.

Sima, Aluko, Aribo and Sakala have all been capable players from Africa who have been successful at Rangers and in Scottish football. Not sure if all are African or come from African descent, my point is judge a player on his ability or potential. We need to be open-minded to ensure we have the best chance of success going forward.

We aren’t far off being a decent side and I want whoever is the best player available and affordable to sign for our great club. On a separate note, we really need to sign Shankland regardless of him being 28 and probably having no sell in value. The boy has literally passed every single test we could hope for in our league.

He has scored 4 from 3 starts at International level, 3 in 4 in Europe this season. Again this season alone he has scored home and away against Celtic and away and at Hampden against us, throw in a winner away from home in the Edinburgh derby and his prolific season last season and you have a player who knows the league, speaks the language would settle quickly and not only can he finish he can link play and hold ball up. £3m for me gets him and he would be ideal signing, just my opinion.

You can’t always sign young players to sell on later down the line. Sometimes you buy a player with no sell on because he is what you need.

22.) 31 Dec 2023 09:02:52
Are there people on here that are defending that comment paul86.

23.) 31 Dec 2023 09:19:31
Well done Ed, I was really annoyed when I posted that rangers shouldn't go near a player who was suspended for making a racist comment to be warned off by another poster that I was digging a deeper hole for myself and that I was walking a thin line.

Then got told that maybe we shouldn't have signed James Tavernier as he was guilty of speeding, among other instances of rangers player behaviour from the distant past going back to Duncan Ferguson. The world is trying to move on from racism but some dig their heels in and quite simply refuse to move with it.

I was also told by another poster that we can't get on our high horse after our own fans' behaviour in singing that awful song about Tommy Burns, a song that is disgusting. I detest the sectarian side of our support but can assure that poster that calling out racism is not getting on a high horse. But apparently there's a difference between making a racist remark and being a racist. I don't see that difference so I applaud your decision today.

24.) 31 Dec 2023 09:22:53
I think it's quite possible the manager might have a clue about the Belgian market.

25.) 31 Dec 2023 09:26:25
I really hope we sign Shanks. I have always rated him. He is a born goalscorer and also a Rangers man. If we sign, him the treble is ours.

26.) 31 Dec 2023 10:30:43
Big lump shankland hartthill are you having a giraffe he's top scorer in Scotland

Have you actually watched the guy he tears up defences make intelligent runs

Scores goals

Is it just because he's at hearts he's a big lump

If rangers signed him he would be our top scorer no doubt

If celtic signed him he would be theirs

N I bet if we did you would love him

We need too be honest the guys a raw talent at 29 still has his best years too come,

Too be honest it's a disgrace if we don't even take a punt

We have wasted so much money on unproven crap ie lammers, n Co

When for season after season theirs a Scottish guy doing it costently

It's utter drivel saying this guys not our calibre

Coarse he is goals win games
Shanklands got it

Stop wasting money on nosencence players who come in n don't cut it

I'm sorry but it has went on to long

For crying out loud spl is our bread n butter

Shankland is ripping it up for fun game in n game out

Pay the money n sign him

We will reap the rewards telling you this

If we had shankland yesterday

Would have been a diff game

We missed an out n out striker.

27.) 31 Dec 2023 11:12:51
Well done Edd.

28.) 31 Dec 2023 11:16:58

Think yesterday's debacle proves he's not or give guy break playing pigs in piggery wake up call.

29.) 31 Dec 2023 13:35:04
Very well done Ed for banning a racist.

30.) 31 Dec 2023 13:38:28
I'm no reading that bluedreamer. Took long enough to scroll by.

31.) 31 Dec 2023 13:25:55
Shanks would do well at us, but tav would probably out score him as tav would still take our pens.

32.) 31 Dec 2023 13:29:54
Sima no controll of football can't pass a ball he was absolutely useless yesterday accept the perfect header for the first goa. If yous on this site think he's a footballer then yous have zero expectations.

33.) 31 Dec 2023 17:52:51
Sima had a poor game but still should have had his man recieve a red card and a pen.

34.) 31 Dec 2023 18:03:32
It's my new novel negri.




Still Blue's banter posts with other poster's replies to Still Blue's banter posts


07 Aug 2023 13:12:47
Can anyone confirm if Tuanzebe played in a bounce game last week?

Still Blue

1.) 07 Aug 2023 14:28:59
Think it was a load a rubbish mate.

2.) 07 Aug 2023 16:36:30
Was it a jester rumour.

3.) 07 Aug 2023 16:51:35
John, he's posted that many rumours it's hard to remember?.

4.) 07 Aug 2023 16:53:50
John it was we are ready who said it I believe mate.
Obv u know I fancied exploring if tuanzebe was a possible answer for us, so when was poted I took notice and am sure was we are ready who said it.
If wrong apologise.

5.) 07 Aug 2023 18:20:01
John we have seen some amazing rumours from Jester?.



27 Feb 2023 08:53:42
Well folks, bitter pill to swallow yesterday - we all seem to agree that MB picked the wrong midfield and we were overrun at times by fitter opponents. My main gripe, however, is how many goals we lose because we can't defend crosses coming from our right side, especially against that lot. You could look at the two recent hammerings at Parkhead, goals lost at Hampden yesterday and the equaliser at Ibrox and it's undeniable. Not only are we exploited down the right but our left side always seems to get caught out when crosses come in. Yesterday we watched Goldson and Davies watch the ball come across without throwing their bodies on the line to block any danger. Contrast this with their central defenders throwing themselves to clear any crosses we put in. I find it hard to keep supporting Tav and Borna and think both are liabilities when performing defensive basics.

Still Blue

1.) 27 Feb 2023 09:47:29
Agreed. As much as it pains me to say it, thought their RB was pretty standout yesterday. Hugely disappointing result but I definitely think it will serve as motivation and a learning experience for (hopefully) the SC final. As much as everyone is criticising the performance, which I agree wasn't great, we could have actually won with some of the chances missed. A few tactical tweaks and personnel changes and we could definitely beat them.

2.) 27 Feb 2023 10:05:39
Morelos strutting about more worried about his shorts being tucked up than putting in a shift. Kamara and lunny miles off it. A blind man could see they needed changed at half time. Although tillman was poor also cantwell struggled when he came on. Its scary that majority of the team still there from 2019. This is the main reason were now behind celtic by a good bit. The trophy count doesn't lie.

3.) 27 Feb 2023 10:10:10
I've had this thought for a couple of years now, but if we are going to play with wing backs, we need to go with three centre backs, or two with a defensive midfielder who can slot in as required. Lundstram is not that player!

4.) 27 Feb 2023 11:06:22
Kent at fault for 2nd goal waiting on the ball to come to him once again, you are told from a very young age do not wait in the ball coming to you.

5.) 27 Feb 2023 12:53:29
Storm the fault clearly lies with tav, the pass all day long was to sakala.

6.) 27 Feb 2023 18:28:46
I disagree John it wasn’t a great pass but kent waited on the ball and that’s a schoolboy error.




Still Blue's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 18:59:18
Dykes makes Egil Ostenstadt look like Pele.

Still Blue



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26 Jul 2024 06:29:38
Or as Tom Miller called him last week - Dialialio.

Still Blue



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26 Jul 2024 06:27:47
There was a poster on here a few weeks ago who mentioned we were keeping tabs on Ocampo and another South American.

Still Blue



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04 Jul 2024 12:42:25
Any news on Trigger's Broom?

Still Blue



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03 Jul 2024 18:01:24
Sorry Fork, Baron Silas just extended his contract with his existing club.

Still Blue




Still Blue's banter replies


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19 Jul 2024 13:32:32
Leon King makes Ross McCrorie look like Franco Baresi.

Still Blue



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17 Jul 2024 20:53:34
It's going to very difficult to qualify for the UCL this season. Come the beginning of August, we'll not only be asking the usual underachievers to raise their game but hoping they do so, even though we're trying to get rid of them.

Still Blue



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16 Jul 2024 15:31:28
It's not David we need. We need Sherlock Holmes to investigate why a certain construction company didn't get a certain construction contract.

Still Blue



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10 Jul 2024 08:58:30
I'm Brian and so is my wife.

Still Blue



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04 Jul 2024 06:32:23
I'd keep Dessers and try to move on Danilo. There's no guarantee he'll recover to be a potent goal threat whereas Dessers has proven he can score goals and will likely score more with better players to provide chances for him.

Still Blue



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