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Theglasgowranger's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Theglasgowranger's rumours posts


12 Jun 2024 17:26:37
Connor Barron deal close, apparently medical booked for 2m both player and club have agreed terms.
Good Scottish midfielder.


1.) 12 Jun 2024 17:29:39
Barron is a free agent.

2.) 12 Jun 2024 17:31:00
Gd gd TGR?.

3.) 12 Jun 2024 17:35:42
2million for a free agent,

4.) 12 Jun 2024 17:42:12
I think the 2m means tomorrow.

5.) 12 Jun 2024 17:42:48
Guessing he he means booked for tomorrow when he says 2m….

6.) 12 Jun 2024 17:43:13
I think ranger means tomorrow rather than £2m.

7.) 12 Jun 2024 17:57:05
A pile on because somebody abbreviated tomorrow to 2m .


8.) 12 Jun 2024 18:18:06
King 2m means tomorrow.

9.) 12 Jun 2024 18:22:10
It's not a pile on, it could easily be mistaken for 2 million. Tbf I've never personally seen tomorrow shortened to 2m.

10.) 12 Jun 2024 18:37:53
Me either Orange, easily mistaken when talking about transfers.

11.) 12 Jun 2024 18:38:55
Sorry lads if it's meant to be tomorrow, iv never used or seen anyone use 2m for that purpose.

12.) 12 Jun 2024 18:56:59
2pm tomorrow. Read the full paragraph. Then be objective in what it probably means.

13.) 12 Jun 2024 19:38:51
Windy think about what you said after reading everything again. that's 3 separate understandings of this 2m. 2 million, tomorrow and now your saying 2pm. Easily interpretated differently.

14.) 12 Jun 2024 20:09:49
Also won't be a free agent.

Lewis ferguson comp to aberdeen at 18 6 years ago was 300k.

I'd imagine barometer may even be double that.

Give them McCrorie with a sell on and buyback.

15.) 12 Jun 2024 20:48:11
Tjs, better yet give them Wright. McCrorie can be better used as leverage elsewhere, i.e in a deal for Lennon Miller.



02 Jun 2024 22:31:05
Apparently Lens want £4m for Cortes for permanent signing. We have offered a fee to loan him for additional year before committing.
Lens want obligation to buy inserted if they are to allow him to leave on initial loan basis.

Hopefully we can agree a compromise or resolution of some sort sooner rather than later, can see why Clement may be a bit wary to spend sizeable portion of budget after serious injury curtailed his promising start though.


1.) 02 Jun 2024 22:49:43
Was stated a 6month extension with obligation to buy in January on here a few days ago, and led to believe in the media too, may be wrong.

2.) 03 Jun 2024 03:39:26
Have to face it, we are looking for a LOT of players and the selling clubs know this, wouldn't be surprised if most possible fees are hiked to a premium.

3.) 03 Jun 2024 09:32:20
We will sign freebies, who in turn will bleed us dry for the same reasons.

4.) 03 Jun 2024 10:09:33
Apparently we have signed him on seaason long loan with an obligation to buy.

5.) 03 Jun 2024 10:11:00
That's news from a couple days ago. Been posted on here a few times since then.

6.) 03 Jun 2024 10:23:12
Delighted to see the Cortes deal rubber stamped. Loan with obligation to buy on 4yrs. I feel with Jefte and Diomande getting full summer of pre-season under their belts we are well on the way regarding the build. Appreciate there is a long way to go, but I believe getting foreign players particularly in early gives them a better chance to acclimatize for the season opener.

7.) 03 Jun 2024 10:32:23
Makes sense. Boy showed he has something about him and doesn't effect our transfer budget this season. Win win!

8.) 03 Jun 2024 12:18:21

9.) 03 Jun 2024 12:27:03
Dc like Butland and Sterling?

10.) 03 Jun 2024 13:03:45
Think some of our free transfers have done well. Butland, Sterling were both great last season. Lundstrum I'd say overall was a success. Aribo and bassey were massive sucesses earning us 25m. I think the bosmans are relatively low risk as you would be paying the wage out anyway.



21 Dec 2023 21:56:40
Was speaking to a boy at the game last night and he said Fenerbahce had contacted us to see if we would be interested in a Yilmaz for Kent swap. Sounds a little bit Football Manager to me just wandered if anyone else had heard same rumour.


1.) 21 Dec 2023 22:55:58
Swap a guy we paid 3.5 million for … to get Kent back who walked out for zero… that’s simply not happening.

2.) 21 Dec 2023 23:05:55
Hope not.

3.) 21 Dec 2023 23:11:17
I mean before we even consider taking Kent back, letting a guy we paid £4m for go would be a bitter pill. Yilmaz stock ver low right now, would like to see him do the season while trying to stay fit, hoping at very least, for his value to increase.

4.) 22 Dec 2023 02:41:12
Actually does my head in how much stick this wee guy gets. Never had a decent run of games under his belt. Watch besiktas as much as I can and know how good he actually is! The boys the same height and build of tugay and gets slated for being lightweight ? with a run of games he would be 10x better than sledgehammer legs barasic.

5.) 22 dec 2023 05:57:18
same height and build as maradonna and jimmy johnston, but they weren't left backs, given me same feeling hagi did, still waiting fir anything approaching a great game, he hasn't shifted borna fir a reason albeit an injury or two, but si has borna, but i can guarantee yo if everyones fit then birnas in before ridvan,

6.) 22 Dec 2023 07:03:16
Ridvan has had many games to show his worth and am afraid that has not materialised - he will not do for us and feel that PC does not rate him full stop - also at most set pieces he couldn't mark a Saturday coupon never mind a player so its time to take some cash for him and move on - also Glasgow ranger - Swop him for Kent? Your contacts missus must have put too much sherry in his trifle -that indeed would be MADNESS- Barasic IS and WILL BE our first choice LB until a major change there happens.

7.) 22 Dec 2023 07:28:45
Yip i agree TT12?borna will be still first choice left back over yilmaz for me and the manager's that's managed the two of them at rangers undoubtedly think the same ?.

8.) 22 Dec 2023 07:55:54
Abslotely no way should kent or morelos even be considered for coming back. Sima scored more already than kent did in 3 seasons?.

9.) 22 Dec 2023 08:36:53
It just shows that we need a new left back if people think barasic is the answer.

10.) 22 Dec 2023 08:49:31
I think Yilmaz will be sold in the next two windows. we need a quality first choice left back. some on here will disagree, but I'd keep Borna as back up.

11.) 22 Dec 2023 09:15:18
Id swop kent for yilmaz plus £3m coming our way. Then i'd play kent and drop lammers ( waste of a jersey)

12.) 22 Dec 2023 10:42:56
Storm fully agree with you. borna been on decline last 2 season yet he's still 100% our best left back option. We should have god josh doig instead of yilmaz.

13.) 22 Dec 2023 12:24:08
Think if we get Kent and 1.5million and 10 percent sell on the we man that’s a decent deal.

14.) 22 Dec 2023 13:05:03
Kent is on a wage we can't afford.

15.) 22 Dec 2023 13:16:49
Ryan kent is done, he cannot even shoot straight the ball ends up in the Stands, also remember him stopping play when the referee didn't even blow at pig head, and they went on to score .
The irish league is his level now.

16.) 22 Dec 2023 13:27:38
Yilmaz gave an exhibition on Wednesday night on why he isn`t good enough . He was under no pressure defensively so he should have been able to show off his attacking talents but once again he was shocking . Barisic is in decline and probably needs replaced but the fact that he is still first choice left back tells us all we need to know about Yilmaz . I wouldn`t swop him for Kent and I wouldn`t loan him but if any side comes close to giving us our money back we should bite their hand off.

17.) 22 Dec 2023 13:31:39
We should be looking for £4m for Yilmaz. He is still well thought of in Turkey and is a good young player. We should then use the £4m to bring in a player that will make a difference and that is not Kent who simply has an inflated opinion of his own ability and has flopped in Turkey!

18.) 22 Dec 2023 13:56:53
Shanzo, am with you mate, don't think we ridvan has even had 3 games in a row to prove himself, yet being wrote off by many, was the same with Sterling couple weeks ago, now all raving about him. I have saw flashes from yilmaz to suggest there's a player there. I won't write a player of until they've had a fair crack at it to prove themselves, ridvan definitely hasn't, he's been in and out constantly, makes it really hard to get any kind of form going.

19.) 22 Dec 2023 14:21:23
Under no circumstances do I want Kent back at Ibrox.

20.) 22 Dec 2023 14:37:40
Berkshire I’m told hagi Davies likely to leave either Barisic or yilmas.

Both sterling and dowell wanted to move but hopefully this has changed particularly re sterling.

21.) 22 dec 2023 16:04:20
i agree with wsl, borna isn't the answer going firward, but has been a goodly player overall, and inspired on occasion at times, went backwards a bit recently but will still be way ahead of ridwvan, its stering we should concentrate on just now though, get him tied down, and i like dowell as a player, but he has still to prove himself,

its all very well saying you can see what a player yilmaz is, and how you can spot talent, most have talent, its about spotting if a boy will be a player in your club, and will fit in, i said yilmaz won't be here long after about 90 mins, that was my take, i stand by that, he's not a rangers lb, i hope i'm wrong obviuosly but i fully exspect the “ always a ranger” social post soon, shame but i can't see him being good enough or strong enough myself.

22.) 22 Dec 2023 16:10:08
caps lock does not give the impression someone is shouting it looks like the person is typing with a toffee hammer or mallet.

23.) 22 Dec 2023 16:34:08
Tom, I feel the same about Yilmaz. any figure around 4/ 5 million, I'd have him on a plane.

24.) 22 Dec 2023 16:42:57
This boy who was spoken to at the game, did he have an adult with him and if so would it have been prudent to speak to them instead of the boy as the boy may well have been off his nut.

25.) 22 Dec 2023 16:53:44
Going to have to take a loss on him anyway, guy is just not good enough.

26.) 22 Dec 2023 16:57:51
I'm really not sure on Yilmaz.

I agree he hasn't had a good run of games, so we probably haven't seen the best of him, but I have to say that I've been underwhelmed with most of what I've seen.

I'd much rather have Borna in the side and think he's going to be a huge miss when he leaves.

27.) 22 Dec 2023 17:12:13
Borna has survived 3 managers who have all preferred him I think that clears up who the coaching staff trust more.

Yilmaz I think just quite clearly struggles with injuries and I'd rather sell him and keep borna and look for a another LB.

28.) 22 Dec 2023 17:13:49
Tom I’m still being told bosman ch in, mb deal to get him late January for a small fee.

29.) 22 Dec 2023 17:24:24
TT1212 your assessment of Yilmaz is spot on, totally agree.

30.) 22 Dec 2023 18:20:57
After 90 mins is plain ridiculous to judge a player don’t care how he turns out it’s very small minded ?.

31.) 22 Dec 2023 18:29:34
Boy Blue 2, Yilmaz played all five games after the break last season.

32.) 22 Dec 2023 18:31:35
John was told weeks ago Rangers want Barron and McKenna signed on pre contract in January.

33.) 22 Dec 2023 18:52:59
My response has always been the same regarding yilmaz. Yet to see anything from him in a rangers jersey that makes me think he will be a success here.

34.) 22 Dec 2023 19:46:50
We certainly do my star, however I think we may also be bringing another ch

Interesting is both players u mention were scouted by Wilson and Beale also Gio.

35.) 22 Dec 2023 19:49:50
Cuillin, to date we have only paid 3 million sorosis for Ridvan, he has not hit any add ons yet.

36.) 22 dec 2023 20:15:21
here we go again, that's my opinion, not yours, i had an opinion after i first saw the guy, i'm not interested in your opinion, no need for the snide comments nor calling people small minded, you win the champions league for that mate, so just ignore please

john, i'm still confident a ch was arranged months ago, whether recent events change that i don't know.

37.) 23 Dec 2023 01:26:48
Wsl, just checked your right, so other than those 5 games where we won 4, drew 1 and pummelled our rivals 3 nil he hasn't had any kind of run, so he more or less being judged on 5 games really. Just doesn't make sense to me, to pay millions for a player and not give him a right go at proving himself. I'm not totally convinced he gone make it, but I'm all for giving him a chance, as I said a lot on here had Sterling as not good enough 3 weeks ago. Also dessers got a run of around 10-15 games straight.

38.) 23 Dec 2023 11:07:11
Well done TT he's chased so many good posters off here. Thinks you contribute so much more to this site than his silly one liners.

39.) 23 Dec 2023 11:11:02
Ridvan has played under 3 different rangers managers and been nowhere near the rangers starting line up. I’m sure these managers know a fair bit more about him than any fans having his back. He is terrible, never getting back what we payed for him.

40.) 23 Dec 2023 12:41:56
BoyBlue 2, you`ve got to take into account the fact that when he gets a couple of games he seems to then be out with hamstring injuries, its not all about him being dropped and not getting a chance . When he does play then loses his place due to injury he has never done enough to merit being brought straight back in at Barisics expense. I have concerns about his stature as a full back but Wednesday just showed me again that his crossing, passing and control just aren`t good enough . Maybe he`ll come good, but I just can`t see it in him.

41.) 23 dec 2023 15:16:32
wsl you are correct, i hope he has a great career, but, i have a feeling after a game or two i felt he is not going to make it here, height is a major fault in his position unfirtunately, thinking otherwise is silly, sometimes, you see a guy and you just don't see what someone else sees, i have never had a good feeling with ridvan, and i consider myself a decent judge, just something diesnt seem right, he will be gone soon imo and I've said that since day one, very very strange signing imo.

42.) 23 Dec 2023 15:32:43
Broxy, you're correct, says everything when three managers don't seem to rate him. Borna is still our first choice left back.

43.) 23 dec 2023 15:38:46
he won't ever be first choice mark, the boy needs to go back and have a restart imo.

44.) 23 dec 2023 16:18:51
the guy has issues with people fergie, just enjoy the rest of the site mate, 3 points tomorrow is a must, as things stand they are struggling to break diwn livi.

45.) 23 Dec 2023 16:22:12
Wsl, that's my point exactly mate, when he comes in plays couple of games, then gets injured, out for weeks, comes back gets injured again so when that's constantly happening he's not getting a chance to fully prove himself. I would like to see him in a spell of around 10-15 games in a row injury free, before I make my mind up, that's all. Sorry Tom but to suggest you knew he was no good after 90 minutes is just plain ridiculous, if you can tell a player after 90 mins, your wasted on here pal, especially a player coming to a new country, completely different culture, different language, different way of playing football.

46.) 23 dec 2023 18:09:43
bb, have another look, then tell me at what point i said “ no good “

i said i felt he won't ever be the rangers lb, that was the feeling i had at that time and nothing has changed my mind, sometimes something you see sticks with you, i didn't fancy yilmaz and i still dont, hope that's ok fir you, at least you don't put a label on anyone so i don't mind your question, only my opening opinion on ridvan and i believe it was correct.

47.) 23 dec 2023 18:11:47
and mate
i never suggested “ i “ knew “ anything, i said that was and is my feeling, nothing more.

48.) 23 Dec 2023 20:52:19
Boy blue 2, the difference is that when he gets his chance he doesn`t impress, Barisic walks back in as soon as he is fit again. Yilmaz has never done enough for any of our three managers to think he`s the main man, now Barisic will need to fight to get back in.

I don`t remember Yilmaz ever having a match where fans thought he was the MOTM. Bornas going over the hill now but he`s had a few great games for us and even though he is past his best, someone better will be needed to push him out the side . Just can`t see it being Yilmaz especially after Wednesday when I thought he was rivalling Lammers as our worst player.

49.) 23 Dec 2023 23:37:16
Tom I thought I had seen a post of yours, where it said you could see he wouldn't make it after 90 mins, if I've got it wrong my bad Tom.
Wsl we'll agree to disagree, but bare in mind he doesn't impress because he's getting 1 maybe 2 games here and there, coming back from injury, getting injured again, so it's so hard to try impress, when this happens.
Borna will never be answer for me wsl, he has lost 2 yards long ago, his crossing isn't the same, constantly passes back the way, his free kicks went from excellent to poor, he's no been same since that we tool mcgregor had a go at him. Just my opinion mate, totally entitled to yours bro, I'll always respect it.

50.) 24 dec 2023 18:16:03
bb, i said i felt he wouldn't be our lb, i still think that mate.



11 Oct 2023 12:39:42
No decision has been made regarding new Manager. It's essentially a 2 horse race and both candidates have final interview scheduled today and final decision to be made by club at end of the week.
Reports Muscat wants to stay in Japan till end of season or that Clement is deciding between us and Middle East are wide of the mark.
Both guys want to be next manager of Rangers and it's the club who have yet to decide on which of these 2 will get the gig hence the final interviews.


1.) 11 Oct 2023 13:33:07
Pretty confindent with the information provided on here from very good posters sources that clement has been offered the job.

2.) 11 Oct 2023 14:11:21
I’m with you Paul, I look for the guys on here post.

3.) 11 Oct 2023 14:19:59
Paul I’m not so sure, I was told no offer would be made b4 tomorrow, fingers crossed.

4.) 11 Oct 2023 14:47:45
If true another boardroom split that’s not good as we have seen previously. I’d like to see them unanimous in their choice however I respect the democracy of the situation.

5.) 11 Oct 2023 15:31:01
Bgate if we await a unanimous decision it would take a year or two two appoint a manager.

6.) 11 Oct 2023 16:01:47
Heard it will be muscat.

7.) 11 Oct 2023 16:07:20
Only hope if split on board it is 5-2 or 6-1, so still a good majority, worse case would be 4-3 split, but sure board must be impressed by 2 favourites mentioned, so slight split should not cause problems.

8.) 11 Oct 2023 16:54:09
Tbh I wouldn't be unhappy if it turned out to be Muscat. It makes sense to explore the Asian market as regards both commercial sales (kits etc. ) as well as bringing players in. The other lot have done ok with the likes of Hatate, Kyogo and Maeda. Surely there are other gems to be had.
Clement seems to tick all the boxes as well for most. Either would be a great appointment in my view.

9.) 11 Oct 2023 16:55:08
There’s no way Muscat is in the uk for an interview, nor are we in Japan!

10.) 11 Oct 2023 17:29:43
John227, i'll ask you this if you don't mind mate ? Who do you prefer to become our new manager clement V muscat and secondly who do you think will get the job clement or muscat ?.

11.) 11 Oct 2023 17:39:43
Gers how is 4-3 a problem means there is a winner.

Problem re Beale it was 3-3 Park senior got a second vote.

Be interesting see what happened grame park vote.

12.) 11 Oct 2023 18:35:37
Maybe no official offer but an offer will have been made.

Rangers have done this in the past gives you deniability.

13.) 11 Oct 2023 18:43:43
Walter out off the two u name I’d prefer Clement, there is a but.

14.) 11 Oct 2023 19:20:37
Did I not read that Graeme Park was the man who wanted Pedro and talked the board into it. If so, he shouldn't get a vote because he obviously hasn't a clue. We should give his vote to Graeme Souness .

15.) 11 Oct 2023 20:27:05
Monty we are doing muscat's interviews by video from Japan.

16.) 11 Oct 2023 22:33:59
John what is the but mate?



03 Aug 2023 11:26:24
Sheff Utd looking to land John Lundstraam on a season long loan paying 100% of his wages and a £500k loan fee.
With 12 months remaining on contract and no extension being considered by the club we are looking to sell and get somewhere in the region of £2m.
There has been interest from a couple of Championship clubs but nothing concrete and player not keen.
Rangers considering the offer but will want at least double the fee to allow him to leave as player has interest in returning to former club in EPL.


1.) 03 Aug 2023 12:24:46
Very well concocted story there.

2.) 03 Aug 2023 12:33:57
Lundstram was magnificent during the run to Seville.
But failed to deliver all last season.
And isn't / shouldn't be a first pick anymore.
Fingers crossed a deal can be arranged that suits all parties.

3.) 03 Aug 2023 12:33:57
Happy to see him go tbh, one of the most over rated players we have had in years.

4.) 03 Aug 2023 12:48:13
We should stop undervaluing our players, I`ve just read that Lecce in Italy have bid £1.1 million for Ramadani at Aberdeen. Now if that donkey is worth that, then we don`t have a player on the books worth less that £2million . He wouldn`t even get into our B team.

5.) 03 Aug 2023 12:56:03
Maybe to make way for big Sam field?

6.) 03 Aug 2023 13:00:27
Aberdeen are good at selling a player mate. I noticed they’ve kept hold of duk and miovski that’s a big thing for them.

7.) 03 Aug 2023 13:13:10
My employer is in Sheffield and I'm there regularly, most of the guys follow Utd and would be astounded if they took him back, the guy according to them didn't try a leg when running down his contract, actually a few just nearly pissed themselves laughing when I told them of this rumour.

8.) 03 Aug 2023 13:35:24
In the EPL Lundstram would be treated as a roundabout, no chance he could hack it there he wasn't too bright in the championship .

9.) 03 Aug 2023 13:36:31
No way Sheffield Utd would take him back and no way we loan players with 12 months left. Either resign (hope not) or punt (cost nothing but steals a wage) . Option 2 please.

10.) 03 Aug 2023 13:48:33
Would rather have lungstram than jack will get more matches from lungstram.

11.) 03 Aug 2023 14:19:29
Jacko better than lundstram for me ?.

12.) 03 Aug 2023 14:39:13
Ryan Jack over Lungstram ? every day of the week.

13.) 03 Aug 2023 14:45:00
Jacko ability wise is one of best o league he’s just done in with injuries. Jacko a cracking player. A great player to bring in this season if we have any reason to rotate. Lunny I’d be happy to move on if a better replacement is attainable.

14.) 03 Aug 2023 15:05:20
Crazy that as there fans could not wait to get rid of him.

15.) 03 Aug 2023 15:12:25
I'd move Lundstrum on this summer, I think on current from his game time will be limited.

16.) 03 Aug 2023 15:26:06
lundstram to sheff utd not a chance of that ridiculous.

17.) 03 Aug 2023 15:35:03
I don’t think if Lunny left it would concern me to much, obviously I’d just wish him all the best. Would we need to replace him, I’m not sure? We are packed in that area.

I’ve got a feeling Hagi might go, I’d like to give him a chance this season- which I’m basing purely on sentiment, but in a deeper role as I don’t think he has the pace to play higher up, he does have quality but I don’t know we’re the minutes will come except league cup/ Scottish cup games.

I strongly feel they’ll be a surprise incoming and outgoing before the window shuts in just under a month.

18.) 03 Aug 2023 15:47:41
Lundstram in front of Jack? seriously?

19.) 03 Aug 2023 16:19:37
Said similar stuff last year on lundstrum and was scoffed at .

Zzzz zzzz zzzz does nothing for team and only the arrival of cantwell has show up how very little he works off the ball.

20.) 03 Aug 2023 16:40:40
I went on Blades forum with the Lundstram rumour and got some right abuse.




Theglasgowranger's banter posts with other poster's replies to Theglasgowranger's banter posts


28 Mar 2024 20:19:02
Apparently Celtic to receive 700 tickets for OF game with us getting 709 for Parkhead.

2500 each agreed for next season, The Euro allocation.


1.) 28 Mar 2024 21:00:18
Good news.

2.) 28 Mar 2024 22:21:14
No doubt some will disagree, but I think it's takes both sets of fans at a game to create a better atmosphere.

3.) 28 Mar 2024 23:50:23
Brilliant news, I agree with mark, atmosphere has been sadly lacking at both grounds in recent years

Anyone know what the original allocations were?

4.) 29 Mar 2024 00:43:14
Stick them at the end of the club deck and charge £75 a ticket to cover for the security gap!

5.) 29 Mar 2024 01:02:52
Totally agree. Let's make it a proper derby again. The best in the world as far as I'm concerned.

6.) 29 Mar 2024 03:45:40
That’s not a bad number 7.5% I think that’s the number ? for Europe would be a good number for the old firm would be close to 4k fans each.

7.) 29 Mar 2024 05:07:14
SWM, back in the day the allocations were they got 7.5k at ibrox and we got just over 9k at breezeblock boulevard.

8.) 29 Mar 2024 07:50:04
I'd give them f. all, n chase them, n take nothing from them in the meccanodome, bitter n twisted terrorist supporting fanbase, atmosphere, give me a break, 90 mins of one-upmanship between the lunatic element of both supports spouting sectarian and religious bile, not for me IMHO. Others may want it, your choice if you want it, I can do without it thanks. May be unpopular but hey ho each to their own.

9.) 29 Mar 2024 08:37:38
? ? ? Fork!

Yip, let's move our own support, or take away their chance to go to the game altogether, just to accommodate the tims, so we can have more of a poisonous atmosphere.

I don't know about any of the "proper derby" guys, but I'm embarrassed enough by a number of our fans belting our sectarian bile without getting it in stereo with their lot belting out their own sectarian crap.

10.) 29 Mar 2024 08:47:26
Finally, an end to this total farce. Its embarrassing not having both sets of fans in the old firms.

11.) 29 Mar 2024 09:37:15
The 1 and only reason we cut allocation was due to them hammering us at ibrox a couple of times when we came back up. Petty at its finest. Hopefully now get the game back to what it once was.

12.) 29 Mar 2024 10:23:41
Agree Fork, hate the bile with a passion. And bears mussing out again. Loved it when there were none of them in the stadium. Might Just give my ticket to somebody else for these games. Can't stand the bile.

13.) 29 Mar 2024 10:53:26
Hate the bile or not the hatred for each other has built the old firm game and 99% from either side have participated in it at some time in life, happy to not hear it if it effects our club but couldn’t care what the other mob sing believe me had enough family and friends give it to me over the years.

14.) 29 Mar 2024 11:25:03
5% confirmed between both clubs for next season. Great news. 3k rangers fans at the piggery is great news.

15.) 29 Mar 2024 11:41:31
I agree Paul ?.

16.) 29 Mar 2024 12:39:32
Spot on RTR?.

17.) 29 Mar 2024 12:59:32
Rtr let's just ban all fans then and play games behind closed doors? This fixture needs a good amount of away fans. I know there's a minority that aren't happy. But it was our doing in the 1st place and needs to return. Majority of the folk in affected areas were likely in them areas before hand when they got the full stand.

18.) 29 Mar 2024 14:22:12
??? correct paul, it's my ball and am not playing stuff, embarrassing. We cut the allocation because we couldn't handle them celebrating.

19.) 29 Mar 2024 14:42:47
Fork it's exactly comments like that from both sides that keep this insanity going, give it a rest mate. This is just a game we all love, being destroyed with religion and bigotry it's so fecking sad.

20.) 29 Mar 2024 15:02:00
Unfortunately I'm one of the few affected by this, really annoying as I gave up my seat in the copeland road I had for years in order to get 2 seats together for me and my daughter.

21.) 29 Mar 2024 15:38:23
Eh naw BB3, and if I choose to call out religion and bigotry on both sides, I will, its a joke that right minded supporters are subject to this profane garbage, so it's okay to subject children to this nonsense, no it isn't, that's insanity.

22.) 29 Mar 2024 15:52:55
While we're at it BB3, others calling it out also, I'm not alone in that train of thought. Bar72, RTR, The Seeker, Coopersdad probably more as the day goes on, don't see your posts to them?‍??.

23.) 29 Mar 2024 15:57:53
Will be full allocation back withing 3 years. Hence UB moving to copland.

24.) 29 Mar 2024 15:58:34
I think this could push the board to increase capacity further than what is already planned.

25.) 29 Mar 2024 18:42:30
Some interesting views from both sides of the debate.

26.) 29 Mar 2024 20:47:20
Fork yours stood out with give them **** all twisted terrorist supporting fan base. I honestly don't know if your trying to be funny mate, as you've just used the bile, that you then go on to say you don't like?
Your saying it's a joke that right minded supporters are subjected to this nonsense, but just called them terrorists, so it's OK for you to say but you don't like it coming back?
Fork again if I'm picking you up wrong my apologies.
Fork not 1 of the names you mentioned above used the wording you used, there's ways of saying you don't like something without using phrases like that mate.

27.) 29 Mar 2024 22:14:55
The truth is not bile or are u denying that truth. Not once did I say anything other than they are a terrorist supporting fanbase. Never called right minded supporters terrorists, your trying to say something that i did not say, as u are aware both have their lunatic fringe, this is what I refer to, but hey doesn't fit your narrative, oh and thanks for trying to school me on the King's English. If you don't like it don't engage, couldn't care tbh.



21 Jan 2024 18:32:49
Owen Beck played for Liverpool today ruling him out of possible move to Rangers or that mob as most know you can't play for 3 different 1st teams in same season.




05 Jan 2024 15:58:00
Rangers linked with Emmanuel Dennis Nigerian Striker who played under Clemente at Brugge. His highlights scoring 2 against Real Madrid in Champions League then managing 16 in EPL for Watford. Forest paid £20m and his form dipped and he went to Turkey on loan where he has again struggled at Besiktas with no goals or assists in 8 appearances.
Seems a realistic target on loan till end of season although currently in loan at Besiktas would need to be recalled etc.
Reports were in Belgian media.


1.) 05 Jan 2024 16:47:08
Link was on this page days ago.

2.) 05 Jan 2024 17:20:47
Not for me he’s scored 37 goals in I think 187 games in the last 6/ 7 years that’s nowhere near prolific enough! That’s too much like dressers numbers for me we need better!



18 Dec 2023 19:51:17
Think that's good news Beale taking the reins at Sunderland as he might want some of our fringe players.


1.) 18 Dec 2023 20:51:06
He might want, but would they want to go?

2.) 18 dec 2023 22:37:25
he won't last 6 months in the job m a charlatan and a snake, sunderland are a proud club, i'm shocked they have fallen for this guy,

i watched with 2 football pals in my house in the game against celtic at ibrox when they won without fans,

after 10 mins, and fir the rest of the game we sat in utter disbelief and shock at the obvious freedom of ibrox which was given to callum mcgregor, we shouted for 80 mins, , apparently beale and his team didn't see this, and he cruised through the game almost unchallenged, i swear mcgregor had a massive grin on his face midway through the 2nd half as he strolled through midfield looking around with nobody near him, absolutely shocking management, beale is a chancer,

3.) 19 Dec 2023 03:14:09

Tend agree but thank fk well in past and we're different team/ mindset. Actually thinking sweet revenge few weeks.

4.) 19 Dec 2023 10:12:49
I messaged a mate I met in Benidorm 7 years ago. A Sunderland fan. I messaged him the other night about Beale being the manager and hope he takes four of his signings to Rangers with him. He has blocked me.

One disgusting person and I don't mean my ex pal.



21 Oct 2023 21:11:58
Tensions rising in Turkey regarding Ryan Kent's relationship with the club. Kent who has been frozen out has removed all association with the club on his social media accounts but still has images of his time at Rangers.

It is likely he will be available on loan in January and now with Beale having left the club and Clemente well known for favouring quick wide players could there be an approach for us in January?

Admittedly he was well below par in final season and did lack consistency throughout his time with us.
However a hungry Ryan Kent with a point to prove may relish at return to club under new management as it was clear Beale didn't want to renew his contract with no offer being made by the club.

If he was available in January and you can get him playing at the level he can on a consistent basis so think he would be a good acquisition.
I know he will split fans opinion and more often than not going back to a club doesn't always work out but the likes of Davis and McGregor show it can work.


1.) 21 Oct 2023 21:29:23
Nah. He done hee haw to earn a new contract. He'll probably end up in the championship, I don't want to see him back he had his chance.

2.) 21 Oct 2023 21:38:56
kent was making more in a week than most fans make in a year . and downed tools. beale didn't have the balls to drop him. left for nothing a millionaire, thanks but no thanks.

3.) 21 Oct 2023 21:40:26
Nope he was rotten the last two seasons wouldn’t want him bear here.

4.) 21 Oct 2023 21:47:15
Why on earth would we go back in for kent? Sima scored more in 6 games than kent did in 2 full seasons.

5.) 21 Oct 2023 22:04:16
I knew Kent wouldn't last in Turkey. not good enough for us.

6.) 21 Oct 2023 22:14:55
If he can at least match Sima, fair do's
But given the other side always hoped him and morel8s played v them, then no thank you.

7.) 21 Oct 2023 22:23:02
Agree with you Theglasgowranger on a few points think PC could get a tune out of RK, Sima. is only on loan but as I said the old saying that you don’t go back to your old club?

8.) 21 Oct 2023 23:44:28
What is it with Rangers fans always wanting to go back for players? Sima has done more in 6 weeks than Kent did last season. There must be a reason it isn't working out in Turkey so he can go to the English championship which is probably his level. Hopefully Clement can take us forward and begin a new legacy other players.

9.) 21 Oct 2023 23:45:42
Kent is done. i'd rather have El Buff and that's no recommendation at all.

10.) 21 Oct 2023 23:49:30
He was decent once in a while but rank rotten and disinterested most of the time. That's why even on a free nobody wanted him and why not wanted now. Last thing we need is another devisive player. We've got new manager now and already shown massive improvement. Let's just get behind him and whoever he wants to bring in not old players who let us down.

11.) 22 Oct 2023 08:29:44
Alf and kent have had their day,




Theglasgowranger's rumour replies


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11 Jun 2024 07:17:47
He looks a good option from bench who will replace Scott Wright probably on less wages with far more potential. Manager is being smart how he is reducing wage bill while bringing age of squad down with this signing.




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10 Jun 2024 22:14:28
Made the bench 10 times in Serie A last season playing once and integral part of beating youth Champions league finalists last season. Left footed, powerful and FREE what’s not to like.




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05 Jun 2024 09:35:05
I expect them to make an opening offer they are not going to go all in with 1st bid. I don’t expect them to be sold as a package either they will have bid for each player individually when they do.
I’m guessing that this post is a guess as we are all aware that there is interest.
Both are 1st team players and the reason we would sell is their age but I can’t see the asking price for Tav to be £7m with bids north of £5m seriously considered and with Goldson we will be asking for £5m with £3.5m-4 potentially accepted.




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03 Jun 2024 21:56:59
I fully expect Goldson to go he started to decline significantly in 2nd half in particular of last season before being left out of squad before he got injured, the fact he’s on £38k per week and that we could get a decent fee makes it a no brainer.

Tav thought I would keep unless we get a fee of £5m plus for him. Personally splitting him and Goldson up might be a good thing but I would give armband to Sterling and take that pressure off Tavs shoulders as he’s almost always available to play and scores some vital goals (not always pens) for the club.




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30 May 2024 16:40:59
Guy hasn’t kicked a ball for 18 months he was horrendous at West Ham quite possible the worst ever loan signing in the history of Football! He gave the ball away a few times leading to goals, conceded a penalty and got sent off. I wouldn’t want us to be involved with him tbh unless we had to pay no wages and he vastly improved with a strong pre season and drop in quality playing in our league.





Theglasgowranger's banter replies


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23 Apr 2024 19:40:06
Barton is the obvious 1 would cost £500k development fee and replace Ryan Jack who is out of contract.




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23 Apr 2024 19:39:21
I think Dessers is on 19 in all comps with 6 assists. He has probably played more than Shankland in terms of appearances but he rarely plays the full 90 mins so mins in pitch may be similar.
Shanks also takes penalties which inflates his stats in comparison.
I think Shankland is a better finisher though would he be as effective when playing teams who sit much deeper than when he plays for Hearts?
Personally I think Shankland all round game and link up is better but Dessers is decent at holding it up.
I’d sign Shankland to replace Roofe and would consider Miovski to replace Dessers or Danillo if price was right.




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25 Jan 2024 15:15:16
I’d like him as back up for LB role of Barisic leaves in this window.




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14 Dec 2023 13:38:00
Cifuentes and Lunny CDM
Lammers CAM

I think that will be the team tonight as I don’t see anyone else we could play in the CAM

I would like Sima through middle with Matondo and McAusland out wide but don’t think he will start with that although could switch to that later on.




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08 Nov 2023 13:47:57
Atletico player shouldn’t have been sent off at Piggery didn’t hear any complaints there and then they have the Eid neck to moan when everyone and their dug knew they would get pumped regardless, usual deflection stuff.
Only Scottish side to have played in Conference league to have lost all games they have played in that comp.




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