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01 Jun 2024 11:13:17
And so it begins. Jack, Roofe, Lundstram, McLaughlin and Barisic all officially released. Thanks for your service.
Now onto the rebuild ?⚪️?.


1.) 01 Jun 2024 12:06:20
Delighted with these announcements.

Jack was brilliant when fit but sadly that was becoming all too rare an occurrence.

Roofe's goal in Europa League will live long in the memory, but again sadly subject to too many absences.

McLaughlin is not good enough and needs to get himself a place suited to his level.

Barasic is one who has on occasions been great and at other times has disappeared when we needed him.

Wish them all well but looking forward to the rebuild as well.

2.) 01 Jun 2024 12:08:59
Agree ph.

3.) 01 Jun 2024 12:24:38
Least it has started, next Mccrorie Davies dowell lawrence Lammers hagi mb cantwell all free to find new clubs

Also Goldson and tavernier will likely leave.

4.) 01 Jun 2024 12:33:59
John have you been Tav and Goldson will likely leave?

5.) 01 Jun 2024 12:44:50
These changes had to be made.
We have a few others as noted above still under contract that need to be moved on and hopefully we can use any funds for a rebuild.
Our defence really need strengthening and we need ti add to Dessers and Danilo up top.

6.) 01 Jun 2024 12:45:53
What about Scott Wright john? Any news on him, surely his time is up.

7.) 01 Jun 2024 13:00:53
Great news John, let’s hope so.

8.) 01 Jun 2024 13:02:39
Potentially over double figures leaving. Going to be some re build. I don’t think the squad will be as big next season though. Maybe some youth players backing up seniors.

9.) 01 Jun 2024 13:16:40
Best thing about this news is the wages saved. Not sad at any of them leaving apart from Lunny, none were played enough. Let the rebuild begin and I'm all for it.

10.) 01 Jun 2024 13:17:23
ALso that's actually good to hear John, both been here far too long.

11.) 01 Jun 2024 13:22:26
John is your statement regarding Dowell, Cantwell etc genuine information or are they moves that you hope to happen?

12.) 01 Jun 2024 13:29:22
John, surely you don't mean that mccrorie, Davies, dowel, Lawrence, lammers, hagi, and the rest are free?
Surely we would command a good fee for most of these players? Or did I just misunderstand that post.

13.) 01 Jun 2024 13:34:45
John you really believe Tav and Goldson will go this summer? Would be shocked if someone was willing to pay their wages down south. Hope you are right.

14.) 01 jun 2024 13:35:30
lets pray that they do move on john, not close to taking us firward and both a long long way from top 100 rangers defenders, imo,

15.) 01 Jun 2024 13:42:22
It’s exciting when players leave because you know they’ll need replaced.

16.) 01 Jun 2024 13:49:47
Got to agree with John. I would say the only disappointment in the suggested departures would be Hagi, that’s becasue he’d be leaving when his stocks low. Cantwell I’m hoping we can get a few mil for if he’s to leave.

17.) 01 Jun 2024 13:53:15
So much for the "I've heard" Jack resigned a few weeks ago crew. Glad this 5 are gone. At least another 5 to go.

18.) 01 Jun 2024 14:02:29
About 5mil a year off wages?

19.) 01 Jun 2024 14:29:53
5 have left but we are still carrying Dowell, Lawrence, Lammers, Davies etc. Maybe get a few quid for Lammers but I would ask the rest of them to get their bus fare ready.

20.) 01 Jun 2024 14:36:26
Going to be difficult moving goldson and tav maybe need to. pay them off to free up a wage but none on the list gave John would many disagree with.

21.) 01 Jun 2024 15:05:45
Is that all out of contract players? So not letting them go, just not renewing or extending.
If so the rest we have to sell?, good luck with that then.

22.) 01 Jun 2024 15:20:06
Bathgate I wrote a while back a list of players were able to look for moves as the manager did not see them in plans

Rod, if value met they will be gone, not as high as some think, same re cantwell

One Walter these two won’t leave without 100% payoff,

Cmac no but free to find other clubs based on our evaluation.

23.) 01 Jun 2024 15:54:40
Bar yes the out of contract players are getting let go.

24.) 01 Jun 2024 17:22:52
Defraz, if people Hear a rumour they r entitled to post it, it’s for the reader to decide the merit of it.

25.) 01 Jun 2024 18:49:07
People need to be realistic re Goldson.

He was a free at start of season and nobody wanted him.

He’s probably just had his worst season for rangers has a supposed knee injury and is now one year older.

And for people that think Saudi, then if you had only so many foreign player slots would you waste one on Goldson. sure Gerrard a team already have their quota too so they would have to move people on first.

Tav would be an easier sell with his goals and status as uk top scoring defender.

26.) 01 Jun 2024 20:03:53
Always has to be one.

27.) 01 Jun 2024 20:14:35
If players are looking for 100% pay off, unless fee offered covers pay off and leaves us with a good sum, I would just keep them on understanding there game time would be very limited.



10 Apr 2023 13:03:34
Heart and Hand have said Rangers HAVEN'T made an approach for Shankland.
Thank feck.
9 goals from open play isn't good enough for Rangers.


1.) 10 Apr 2023 13:22:17
We need far better than him, seen your comment earlier mph some want 3m+ spent on him but don't want Tillman signed unreal some fans.

2.) 10 Apr 2023 13:51:07
We might perceive that we need better than Shankland but, (i), will that happen, and (ii), given the correct quality around him, Shankland could easily score 30 goals+ a season, just ask McCoist and Boyd.
The problem is that we have not brought the appropriate quality of player to the club for a number of seasons failing to replace McGregor, Davis, Arfield and Jack with younger players of a similar or better quality, we failed to cash in on Morelos and Kent when their value was high and replace them with better or similar players and the centre of our defence is still a basket case despite the money spent and players signed.
Tillman and Shankland would both be quality signings with the appropriate level of quality beside them and behind them.
We need some proven quality leaders signed, not youngsters where there is more interest in how much we can make on them rather than whether they can win us the league.

3.) 10 Apr 2023 14:00:02
100% MPH age isn’t good enough IMO he wouldn’t get pens aff Tav. Colak is better and he isn’t good enough to be starter every week.

4.) 10 Apr 2023 14:02:55
Or he could fail playing against 11 behind the ball.

5.) 10 Apr 2023 14:09:00
BB its seems though that’s the main by product of who we buy. How much we can make. I.

6.) 10 Apr 2023 16:46:06
Shankland is a carthorse and this was proved beyond any doubt in Belgium and also in Hearts pathetic efforts in Europe .

McBurnie is an olympic level sprinter in comparison so is Dykes. btw both of them are quicker than Morelos as well.

7.) 10 apr 2023 16:55:56
thats correct bb and windy, sometimes you need to find boys to win the league before looking for a cash return,

8.) 10 Apr 2023 18:44:44
100% correct Tom.

9.) 10 Apr 2023 19:57:38
Spot on, Tom. We need guys to win us the league next season and that's all that counts right now and they aren't Shankland or Nisbet.

10.) 11 Apr 2023 15:02:40
I wouldn't discount either Nisbet or Shankland at the right price so long as we have the quality of player beside them that can give them the support needed. I hear analogies with McCoist and comments that we would have had criticism of signing him but a big part of McCoist's success was Lately and other quality players that he played with.
I suspect that both Shankland and Nisbet would be a success with those players as well; perhaps not as big a success, but a success.

Our problem over the past few seasons has been a failure to bring in quality, failing to secure the top players and going for 3rd rate alternatives.

11.) 11 Apr 2023 15:53:31
I would take either of them as 3rd choice
Probably pick nisbett over shankland but not much in it.
John in your oppinion does Lovelace get 3rd choice striker next season or does he go out on a seasons loan to championship team for games?



06 Mar 2023 20:12:45
Rumours on Twitter, Kent's girlfriend is telling people he is leaving.
Nothing to do with money apparently, just fed up of playing in Scotland.


1.) 06 Mar 2023 21:57:49
Don't blame him. Why would a Premier league level player stay at the club considering the absolute state we are in. Getting nothing for him is a crime ross wilson should be sacked for alone. An absolute imposter known for his ego. Can Burnley just take all our board too?

2.) 06 Mar 2023 22:00:56
Wouldn't have complaints about that or him staying.

3.) 06 Mar 2023 22:17:08
Good. Free's up very good wages for 1, potentially 2 others. Has the ability to be a very good player, but dosent delivery the goals and assists required on a regular basis.

4.) 06 Mar 2023 22:25:51
Fair enough been good player but certainly has to contribute more for the wage we pay him. Just a shame we don't pick up a fee.

5.) 06 Mar 2023 22:30:35
It's my opinion, both Kent and Morelos will leave when their contracts are up. After the last couple of weeks, where I was hoping both would stay, I've come to the conclusion, they're off!

If both leave, and with Helander for the off, and Roofe made of glass, how much are we going to be down with these 4?

Roofe, who is buying him? £4m to buy. Probably £0 return?!
Helander released - £2.7 to buy. £0 return!
Kent off on a free? £7.5m to buy. £0 probability in return?!
Morelos off on free? £1m to buy. £0 probability in return?!

The reason I have said 'probability' with Kent, and Morelos, is because nothing is concrete. They could, in theory, sign new contracts.

So, with this "transfer model" we're meant to have, has it worked here? Nope!

Trophy wise, have we got a good return on investment with these players? 2 trophies in 6/ 7 seasons. Nope!

Money made from participation in Europe? Has this been successful? Yes, definitely!

So, virtually hee haw to show trophy wise, and sod all from money brought in by selling them, but at least they made us money in Europe! I'm so glad the board pumped that money straight back into our playing squad. Oh, wait, they never!

I know some will try to excuse this, but we knew we were buying 2 injury prone players. And with Kent and Morelos, we took our eye off the ball with them.

C'mon guys, surely to God you can't be happy with this? It's an omni-shambles!

6.) 06 Mar 2023 22:50:42
Good luck to the guy. Does anyone want him?

7.) 06 Mar 2023 23:23:01
Money made from Europe / sales was always going to be used to repay soft loans, these guys invested to save club, but were always going to be expecting a return for there money, I think you will find sometime soon some will be selling up to get further returns on investment, you can't blame then they have done there bit, after all it just how business works.

8.) 06 Mar 2023 23:23:11
TZjrfc Premier League player? everything else I agree with.

9.) 06 Mar 2023 23:55:24
Yes, premier league player.

10.) 07 Mar 2023 00:00:31
He’s went down hill over the last season so has wee buf.

11.) 07 Mar 2023 01:44:10
Why do people always act like it's the end of the world that a couple of players are leaving. We end up finding other club heroes down the line we always do.

As long as players give Thier all when here and honour Thier contract if they want to move on I say good luck to them.

I do however thing we should be more business orientated once a player has two years left on deal and of player not signing an extension should look to move them on asap.

12.) 07 Mar 2023 05:22:26
If ryan kent is leaving, i wish the guy all the best of luck wherever he goes next ? It's of my opinion kent would excel even more in a better/ more technical league as he'd get more time and space to showcase his undoubted ability ?I can understand him becoming a bit fed up playing in our league when he's continually fouled in this league with some of the hammer throwers ?
Parlane kent will have interest in him no doubt for me mate ?.

13.) 07 Mar 2023 05:37:33
I don't agree he's a premier league player whatsoever. If he goes to Premier league he will do the same as aribo and disappear. A championship player.

14.) 07 Mar 2023 06:43:53
Time will tell wherever he goes Herewego55?.

15.) 07 Mar 2023 07:46:41
He will get found out in the epl IMO.

16.) 07 Mar 2023 08:09:51
How's it a crime getting nothing for Kent, Tjrfc?
To get money for him, someone has to make a bid for the player.
And Kent himself has chosen to run down his contract and not sign the extension on the table.
Which is his prerogative.

17.) 07 Mar 2023 08:29:23
Tjrfc - "The absolute state we are in". Really? We are on course to record one of our highest ever points tallys, have reached 2 cup finals on the bounce and a european final. Yes we are falling short mainly down imo to poor recruitment but to say we are in a state is ridiclious. The reality is Celtic have bought well and have been incredibly consistent for 18 months now. In any other era we would be well in place for the league this season.

Kent is a good player who works incredibly hard for the team often to the detrment of his numbers and could do well in the EPL at a certain level but I don't believe he will leave.

18.) 07 Mar 2023 09:17:35
Schalke dropped £10m on Matondo and Wilson thought "ooo a bargain" guy's an utter plank .

19.) 07 Mar 2023 09:27:13
Fed up of this, 2 trophies in 6 or 7 years crap. Let's be honest we haven't had the finances to even look at competing until the last 3 or 4 seasons. Onky Morelos of those players have been here 6 seasons. Roofe been here 3, Helander 4, kent 4, Morelos 6 (averaging a goal every 2 games) . Not going to make profit on every signing and not going to win things every season when our budget was half of theirs.

20.) 07 Mar 2023 09:59:44
Peter since when is reaching finals a success at this club? Never, that's an absolutely pathetic mentality.

21.) 07 Mar 2023 10:14:42
Tjrfc you make sweep look positive on here.

Kent I would see the point if he was bossing it every game in why he would be bored maybe that’s why he doesn’t always put effort in/ always inconsistent.
Let him go bigger and better players than him have left our great club he is a serial loser and fails to do it when needed.

22.) 07 Mar 2023 11:20:33
We could point that at many of our players stormtrooper just not kent and colak and of course the whipping boy tav ?.

23.) 07 Mar 2023 12:41:37
TJRFC - Nobody said its success (Clearly its not) and we have fell short as I said BUT its not in an "absolute state". Comments like that are ridiclious.

24.) 07 Mar 2023 12:50:43
Coops we are talking about kent tho on this post that’s why I mentioned kent. Also I would say it’s Alfredo Morelos that’s turned into the whipping boy on this site these days.

Tav has never been a good defender or ever will be and not a captain either serial loser. (Since you mentioned him) that’s my opinion am entitled to it as much as any other person on here.

You seem to question everyone opinion on here. ?.

25.) 07 Mar 2023 15:32:42
It's a simple one for me, Kent and Morelose are at the end of their contracts. If they want to go elsewhere then good luck to them. We simply need to sign better to replace them and there are plenty of better players available on free's at the end of this Season!

26.) 07 Mar 2023 17:16:16
It is an absolute state. We are as far away from them squad wise as we were in gerrards first season. Wonder what happened or who joined in that period that's had such a detrimental affect.

27.) 07 Mar 2023 17:59:10
Alright Huey, I'll go along with your assertion, and take the bait!

So, 2 trophies in 4 seasons (we'll go along with your time frame), in a 2 horse league?! You think that's acceptable? That's 2 trophies, out of a potential 12 domestic we competed in, and you're ok a club our size has only managed to win 2 of these? That's ok for you? Jesus wept!

There you have it. Continue to support failure, make excuse after excuse for our numerous failures, and all you'll ever get back is continued failure. You're now one of the Rangers supporters who are accepting of 2nd best. You can deny it, or tell me I'm talking "crap", but that's where we are nowadays with many supporters.

You would rather have a go at supporters like me, who see things as they are, who lay out cold hard facts for you to consider, but instead of accepting what's right in front of you, you'd rather be in denial and give it the old 'you're talking crap' patter! ?‍♂️?

Huey, we're on a par with St Johnstone in the number of trophies won over the last few seasons. In fact, go back a little further, and they're a trophy a head of us in the past 7 seasons. St Johnstone?! How is that acceptable?!

28.) 07 Mar 2023 21:50:37
For me since the new manager came in Kent has showed glimpses albeit glimpses of the guy we know.
I think the change of playing through the middle has been great but has been put out wide again.
Give him that freedom and let him do what he does is the way forward for me he will get back to his best unless his heart is set on somethn.

29.) 08 Mar 2023 13:48:48
If Kent and Morelos are leaving at the end of the season I would let them rot on the bench till they go.



27 Jan 2023 11:24:30
From a twitter feed called - All information on Standard de Liège, All new over Standard de Liège:-

As announced yesterday, Standard have turned down an offer from Rangers for Nicolas Raskin. This amounted to 500,000 €, while Standard wants 2 million as well as a percentage on resale.


1.) 27 Jan 2023 11:32:01
Personally I don't want to spend £2m for a player as well as add ons for a player we can get for nothing in 6month.

2.) 27 Jan 2023 11:36:35
Standard are never going to get 2 million for him from rangers when we can get him for free in the summer.

3.) 27 Jan 2023 11:42:17
They're at it!
£2million is taking the piss. Also seen they want a sell on clause. I know Rangers getva lot of stick over transfers but we cannot agree to that when we get him for nothing in 4 mo the time.

4.) 27 Jan 2023 11:48:04
2 mill is a steal for Raskin, he is exactly what we need in our midfield. we are still playing for 2 cups and potentially the league as well as a guaranteed champs league group spot if we take the league too, buying him now is a solid move.

5.) 27 Jan 2023 11:56:47
If true we should park this and let the boy join in 5 months.

6.) 27 Jan 2023 12:21:55
If they want 2 they've no chance personally I think 1m is fair given the length of time left on his contract.

7.) 27 Jan 2023 12:52:18
Raskin we will see you in the summer

Ger55 won't pay that.

8.) 27 Jan 2023 12:57:53
No chance we should be paying 2m.

9.) 27 Jan 2023 13:15:59
As much as I want the boy here, right now, there's not a chance I would give them this. If this is true, they can do one?!
Did this not happen before with a player we could've signed on a pre-contract, and their current club at the time, was demanding a sell on fee?

10.) 27 Jan 2023 13:26:34
Big Ben, yes hears wanted a 20% sell on for Souttar.

11.) 27 Jan 2023 13:43:25
Beale has came out and said no pre contract contract signed, fingers crossed we can get it down now, seems a lot of sources wrong on this one.

12.) 27 Jan 2023 13:53:48
That's the one John. Cheeky persons!

13.) 27 Jan 2023 14:08:38
Has Sakala peaked in value and it's the right time to sell him? If Whittaker replaces him then maybe the risk is he loses value quickly, all about money these days . But somebody is going soon to cover the incomings cost, this board see it that way. tie and blazer priority people.

14.) 27 Jan 2023 14:18:30
A lot of people ain’t understanding this we won’t get him for free in the summer as he is 21 so development fee will be paid whatever that amount is but it won’t be free.

15.) 27 Jan 2023 14:34:01
The thing is if he dose not sign a pre contract anybody else could nip in and do the same, coarse tbey want too make money on him

Its a risk you take

If you really want him you pay a fee

Unless 100% certain of a pre contract signed by Raskin too us or he really wants to become a gers player
We risk any other team doing the same

Its all Weeleying n dealing

Both party's want tbe best they can get for themselfs.



21 Jan 2023 14:36:02
The following translated from RTBF ( Belgium Football info ) :-
Belgian midfielder Nicolas Raskin is at the end of his contract at Standard de Liège next June. Much ink to flow around the negotiations, but nothing has been put on paper for an extension. The people of Liège must therefore separate from the 21-year-old median during this transfer window or risk seeing him leave for free in the club of this choice in June.
After interest from Racing Genk and Antwerp in particular, HLN indicates that an agreement exists between Raskin, who preferred an adventure abroad, and Glasgow Rangers. The vice-champion of Scotland should therefore do the same with the Liège team if he wishes to obtain the signing of the talented player. Contacts are not yet established between the two clubs.


1.) 21 Jan 2023 14:42:21
Nice post!

Big fan of the term Vice-Champion ?. Sounds like some rubbish you’d get on sky or bt on the stats board.

2.) 21 Jan 2023 14:48:21
Hes the only one I'm excited about getting other two I'm hopefull will be big for us but they're unknown at our level. Has lowry been sidelined this year for not working hard enough?

3.) 21 Jan 2023 15:04:58
Unfortunately Lowry is fighting with Tillman and Arfield.
And both have so far chipped in with goals and assists. Though Arfield for me isn’t a starter anymore.
I’m a huge fan of Lowry and fingers crossed he gets a chance and grabs it with both hands.

4.) 21 Jan 2023 18:14:43
Had heard a rumour he had an attitude coming back and wasn't trying as hard as others.

5.) 21 Jan 2023 19:11:18
I'm guessing no more reliable than daily rebel or the sun ?.

6.) 21 Jan 2023 19:36:06
Mr potato Lowry not exactly fighting with them if he's not getting a fair shot . Think I hate with rangers a first team player can have a bad coue games and stay in just look at lundstrum recently ? lol or sands yet if a boy like Lowry has a small dip he's not good enough not up to standard has to do more does his teammates think he deserves a chance.

Your ment to build youth up not tear them down I still maintain if it wasn't for advocate we would never have had Ferguson for all those years same with McGregor with leguen foreign managers put faith in youngsters we don't only need to look at how our players are getting on in Italy Belgium our youth are starting to realise Scottish football is a graveyard for youth.

7.) 21 Jan 2023 20:47:49
I'd agree gofor I also think it's a symptom of us not winning games early anymore if we had games to bed early bring on the youth.

8.) 21 Jan 2023 21:23:46
Gofor when did gio put faith in youngsters.

9.) 22 Jan 2023 01:16:19
Storm did I say anything about gio?

Read again I said advocaat and leguen.




MrPotatoHead's banter posts with other poster's replies to MrPotatoHead's banter posts


19 Jul 2024 08:51:29
Tav has been a good servant.
Nothing more, nothing less.
For the team to progress, sentimentality can't come into team selection going forward.

If he leaves he goes with my best wishes.
But it is time for him to go. IMHO.
Some are also saying that he could have done better with better players round about him. You could say that for every player in the current Rangers team.
Would the current defence be stronger with a more defensive RB than Tav?

Would the midfield be more effective if they didn't have to constantly cover for an attacking RB who occasionally leaves the team exposed at the back?
Tav has strengths and weaknesses like most players. Let's not blame his frailties on others or his limitations from a Captain/ Trophy haul on his team mates. A good Captain takes responsibility for the teams failings.

A good Captain pulls the team together in a crisis.
A good Captain drives the team forward when the chips are down.
Yes, he has plenty of personal accolades.
But 3 trophies in 9 years? Never a great or legend in my eyes.


1.) 19 Jul 2024 09:36:21
Totally agree, he's been a standout in a poor team, not a legend, a defender should defend first, he was more interested in taking every free kick, corner and penalty, take his penalties away and he's a bang average player and a horrendous defender, bye bye and thanks for very little, sentiment has nothing to do with football and it's time for a change!

2.) 19 Jul 2024 09:52:43
Very well balanced view and one which I agree with.

Tav has been a good and loyal player for our club and I will remember him fondly, however, we move forward as a club and let’s hope the new captain is more successful then he was.

3.) 19 Jul 2024 09:53:12
Correct mph good post.

4.) 19 Jul 2024 09:54:13
He’s been a fantastic signing, in a period of this clubs history which has been littered with shocking transfers this guy stands head and shoulders above all. he's been surrounded by mediocrity throughout his time here managed by people that didn’t have a clue. Its time for him to leave no doubt but at least acknowledge the tremendous service he’s given this club.

5.) 19 Jul 2024 10:00:59
Greatest Rangers player ever John Grieg went 11 seasons without winning the league. Its harsh just to measures an individuals worth in a team game based on trophies alone.

6.) 19 Jul 2024 10:01:19
It's not really his fault though that the people who run the club continually fail to do what the club needs. Yes they maybe saved us but they need to hire the right people to take the club forward.

7.) 19 Jul 2024 10:24:12
Fair enough but what I would add is it's always hard to compare Tav to great leaders of the past, part of Tavs time at our club was spent out with the SPL we were on our way back from some truly dark times he was never in a great rangers side. I think he deserves his place as a great at our club.

8.) 19 Jul 2024 10:46:01
MPH Good honest post ?????????.

9.) 19 Jul 2024 10:50:45
Tav has served Rangers well and been a stalwart of some pretty awful teams, not to mention similarly poor managers and a Board that lost interest when we won title 55
If he goes then he does so with my best wishes.

10.) 19 Jul 2024 11:12:21
Rabbi is 100% correct and a brilliant post✌️?.

11.) 19 Jul 2024 11:18:56
He was good for Rangers but Rangers were also good for him, it worked both ways.

12.) 19 Jul 2024 11:38:38
Anyone who captains the team to a European final is a club legend.
He also got into the Europa team of the season that year and finished as top scorer in tournament:
He’s also accomplished the feat of becoming the highest scoring British defender of all time while playing solely for us.

He won a league title stopping 10 in a row. Won both domestic cups. He has player of the years and all sorts of top scorer awards and also was part of the defence which holds the goals conceded record in British football in one season.

He’s a LEGEND.

13.) 19 Jul 2024 12:22:15
Tav gets far too much stick in here, where would we be without him? Better off? Absolutely no way what he’s given and contributed to Rangers is above anyone since our demise to the lower leagues. Put him in any rangers team of the Glory days he would be up there with anyone Imo, Not his fault he arrived here and for 90% of the time he’s played with rubbish. You could have had Cafu as Rb and captain and we wouldn’t have won anymore!

14.) 19 Jul 2024 13:13:06
Tav's outstanding performances was one of the main reasons we even got near the europa league final against frankfurt in the first place, as we wouldn't have been near the final, if it wasn't for him ?.

15.) 19 Jul 2024 16:13:22
What about his underperformances, Tav has been a good servant that’s it, Never ever a legend, Couldn’t rally the team when it mattered, Also dogged the media when things went wrong, He slowed play down with constantly wanting to take free kicks and corners when others were free to do so, Also he wouldn’t even make the bench in a team from our glory years, WHY because he can’t do his job Defend. ?????????.

16.) 19 Jul 2024 16:40:11
Never a legend in a million years it’s embarrassing calling him a legend.



17 Jul 2024 15:24:43
Rangers are at a crossroads in regards to our direction on the park.
Since 2012 we have consistently thought about the here and now.
From signing over rated, over the hill players on huge wages as we worked our way back up through the divisions to numerous manager changes as the blueprint is constantly ripped up and we start again.
We've got it right once in 12 years - the magnificent 55.
As fans we shoulder some of the blame as we demand immediate success.
And why not as we are basically in a 2 horse race every season?
We expect the board to get every appointment correct - they after all are the supposedly experts at running businesses.
We now find ourselves in the predicament of having a lot of players not deemed good enough by the current manager and another major overhaul required.
We've had different boards.
Different managers.
Different Directors of Football.
We haven't invested when we should (55).
We've over invested when we probably shouldn't ( Beale ) .
All with their own idea of what the Club should look like on and off the park.
Very similar to each and every one of us on here. But that's the difference - we are playing at Fantasy Football Manager.
As fans we all like our say. But expect those running the club to get it right more often than not.
For the last few years we seem to have issue after issue as a new season approaches.
Clement has at least told us where we stand playing squad wise.
And although hindsight is a wonderful thing.
I just wish as that football saying goes, someone would put their foot on the ball and calm everything down.
Will the usual issues dampen my excitement as another season comes into view?
Certainly not.
Same expectations.
Possibly same heartache.
But we live in hope and still we Follow Follow on.


1.) 17 Jul 2024 15:40:23
Why should fans shoulder any blame for expecting a winning team or immediate success? That's ridiculous. With our budget and money spent we should have won more than 3 trophies. We should have built when we won the league, we never, how is that the fault of fans? There was me thinking that the blame was on the board, poor manager choices and poor signings but apparently us fans are part of the problem. Unbelievable take.

2.) 17 Jul 2024 16:54:59
Tattie don't you come on here talking sense that could catch on you know. Great post mate. Your bang on with your assessment from 2012 to know, we've tried throwing money at it, it hasn't worked, it's time to plan for the future with more heartache. I'm definitely not keen on our board, but one thing I think they got right recently is pc/ koppen, I believe with time we will see success, if he's given time that is. I've said from last season if he loses first o. f the pressure will be massive, rightly or wrongly. I think anyone with any kind of knowledge of the game should realise this season will be very difficult to have success, but as you say we as fans are so demanding but we can't go changing managers every sseason. I'll always be optimistic about the season ahead, but also realistic.

3.) 17 Jul 2024 17:07:27
Great Post and Common sense mph.

4.) 17 Jul 2024 17:43:09
Good post MpH.

5.) 17 Jul 2024 18:06:32
Good post mph common sense but it won’t catch on here as you can see from the 1st reply.

6.) 17 Jul 2024 18:29:51
Good post MPH I'd like to add slightly that as much as us fans expect and demand success in a 2 horse race, we squandered and wasted money on the way back while they put it in their pocket for a rainy day and whenever we look to get close they've pulled the wallet out and slapped us down.

Court cases, bad kit deals, poor recruitment and no scouting system gave us no real chance of financial parity. all of these things are in place now to build for success. The saving grace is the fact they are honking in European competition or they'd be too far ahead to catch financially.

Maybe a bit of patience and encouragement from the fans while a squad rebuild takes place is exactly what's needed not jumping on misplaced passes or chances missed but getting behind the team when they need a boost.

7.) 17 Jul 2024 18:57:39
The entitlement is ripping right out of your post, PRW.
Budget and money spent don’t win football games.
Or we wouldn’t ever get beat.
And fans do need to shoulder some of the blame as our expectations far exceed the potential of the squad / manager at times.
Which means we demand change at the first hiccup and we need to start again.
Hire, Sack, Repeat.
That is just my honest opinion.
You are entitled to yours. ?.

8.) 17 Jul 2024 19:04:51
Personally, I like the signings we have made so far and a long way to go in the window.

Not getting carried away with the no cash chat, or caring who is doing the work at the stadium.

Looking forward to seeing the players we bring in and move on.

We do need to make a couple of key signings in time for the CL qualifiers IMO however.

9.) 17 Jul 2024 20:53:34
It's going to very difficult to qualify for the UCL this season. Come the beginning of August, we'll not only be asking the usual underachievers to raise their game but hoping they do so, even though we're trying to get rid of them.

10.) 17 Jul 2024 21:08:42
Prw, the board, management and the signings are to blame, but it's not rocket science to know that fans like yourself that except immediate success need to shoulder some of that blame for demanding that success it's not hard to understand, think outside the box for a second, it's all part and parcel.



08 Jul 2024 15:19:02
Rangers in a nutshell.

The Ying and the Yang.

Rangers Fans - a/ we want a winning team on the park.
Rangers Fans - b/ we've 10 - 15,000 fans on the waiting list. We need a stadium upgrade.
Rangers Fans - c/ we want to see loads of away fans ( mainly Celtic ) back in the stadium again.
Rangers Fans - d/ we want improvements for our disabled supporters.

Rangers - a/ The club are looking at many ways of maximising turnover to get a better quality of player on the park.
Rangers - b/ financially out of our reach and would impact the spend on the team.
Rangers - c/ OK. We will move the UB to the Copland, increase the stand capacity by 600 and install a lift etc to improve the stadium facilities for the disabled.
Rangers - d/ see answer to c.

Rangers Fans - great.

Rangers - work will start immediately after the last home game of the season.

Greeting Faced Rangers Fans - feck sake. Work delayed. Shambles. Might need to travel / play away from Ibrox for a couple of months. Seasons over. ( in July? Before a ball is kicked ) .

The Sane Rangers Fans - Construction Projects can be delayed. Plenty fans travel from outside Glasgow to Ibrox. Plenty Rangers fans travel to all away games to see The Famous. Who would want to run a football club?

What camp are you in?

Those that greet for the sake of greeting?

Or those that can see the bigger picture?

I think you will find IMHO that if there is a winning team on the park most won't be bothered where we play our games. Unless you are a greeter for the sake of greeting who will be upset they never travelled along the motorway or to Hampden to see the team in action.


1.) 08 Jul 2024 15:53:33
Good post mPH (that’s if I am allowed to say that)

Thing most fans would need to see the bigger picture but it gives the panty wetters something to greet about. I just hope we win the league this season as they will say this is the reason we didn’t.

2.) 08 Jul 2024 15:57:29
Best post on here in ages ph.

3.) 08 Jul 2024 15:58:37
Nail on the head, with a winning team on the park none of us would really be that bothered about the delay.

4.) 08 Jul 2024 16:12:13
Rangers in a nutshell. Continue to go from disaster after disaster yet some think it’s ok. It’s nothing to worry about.

We overlook talent in our own league and have continually done so for donkeys years. Allowing Beale the Bafoon to spend millions on dross like Lammers and Dessers and putting serial losers such as Tav and Goldson on silly money contracts making them very difficult to shift off our wage bill. This stadium feck up is just another disaster from our incompetent board. They may be successful businessman in their own rights but they have no idea how to run Rangers football club. Some may accept mediocrity, I shall never accept that. We are Rangers and we deserve better ??.

5.) 08 Jul 2024 17:14:53
Hits the nail MPH. The Rangers is the most entitled, and at times most bitter. Few of the loudest have any business acumen or knowledge of the basics of pro sport, running a large company and especially capital projects. Add to that corporate communications and commercial operations. A few, sand, posters have attempted to outline the position on a few of these areas in recent months, but the “want it today, quick to pile on, self-entitled” band just ignite.

In short, if you don’t want to have to go to Hampden/ MF for the short term and want refunds, as has been stated, thousands will happily take your season tickets. And for those who don’t have season briefs but bitch anyway, just, why? It’s a long game. The club will be here long after all of us. Breathe.

6.) 08 Jul 2024 17:19:18
All well and good however, the same dross decisions and mistakes keep happening. After winning 55 (and looking as if we'd turned a corner after years of garbage) we have been nothing short of awful domestically. Same old same old.

7.) 08 Jul 2024 17:21:04
Carluke, set out your clear plan and let us all rip it to bits. If you’ve got a quarter of the knowledge in relation to criticism, I for one would love to read it. And if it’s decent, I’d get behind it. A few commercial strategies, some communication focus and some capital focused initiatives. Let’s hear them. Also, link your medium and long term financial plan based on our current books. Not having a go, but you shout a lot and I’m keen to hear how you would do it better, even in principle.

8.) 08 Jul 2024 17:21:27
Carluke best post on here in ages spot on were going for 2nd for many years to come.

9.) 08 Jul 2024 17:25:38
100% correct Carluke and await the backlash your going to get from the Rangers Rumours Loyal few the think they run this site.

10.) 08 Jul 2024 17:30:39
Carluke 1 of the best posts in a while mate spot on.

11.) 08 Jul 2024 17:39:27
The best post I've ever read on this site mph. Ibrox should been upgraded many moons ago. ?.

12.) 08 Jul 2024 17:43:17
Carluke what would you have done differently with regards to the stadium. What would you have done for steel. Made it at home on your own forge. We ain't producing it in this country successive government's have stopped that and the snp and greens want no heavy industry in scotland. If you got it from china would you fight off the yemani pirates backed by iran or would they just let you through. I've seen jobs go years behind and not just down to contractors. Loads of different factors. Rangers will have planned this a good in advance, unless you think john Bennett emptied his pockets thought bit of extra cash there ill stick it on my builder. As i said earlier forget the things you can't do anything about but sort tge things you can. Too many experts that would struggle to run a bath saying how much better they'd do it. If you were all that clued up you would be doing it and people like me would be working for you instead you just waffle ??.

13.) 08 Jul 2024 17:52:47
Ibrox it may be hard to hear mate but we failed to kick on after 55 and that’s why Gerrard left. Seen as you asked I want a long term plan with proper structure supporting it to ensure we are challenging for titles in the long term. The short term thinking must stop, winning 1 league then losing the next 5 is no good. I reckon the fanbase are in a place where most would buy into that. It will take time simply because the squad is in a mess. For long term success we need to be better at player trading and that involves better player identification. Spending large sums on players aged 25+ needs to stop. Buy talent, develop, get a few good years, sell, repeat. Added on top of that we deserve a board that are honest and transparent with us after all the hard years ❤️??.

14.) 08 Jul 2024 19:32:42
Carluke, couldn’t agree more. Board fecked it after 55. Player trading I think is being addressed. PC is the first manager and Koppen the first DoF appointed by Bennett. What about all the rest though? Commercially, what are you doing? Communications strategically? Surely Statement FC days must be behind us? Capital builds? Commercial development? Getting the old guard out is a must as many have said a million times. I don’t disagree with a lot of what you say but you need solutions and some reality and an understanding that you can’t please everyone. Following a team is lifelong and isn't cheap as we know too well. But the big questions are are above and need detailed answers.

15.) 08 Jul 2024 20:15:08
Call me a simpleton guys but if your team wins games of football and is up there challenging, although the stadium issue is a thorn in the side, it'll soon descend down the pecking order.

16.) 08 Jul 2024 20:45:36
Ibrox, you are missing the point here. What I am saying is we need better communication between the board and fans. John Bennett promised us this when he became chairman and he has failed to deliver on that. To be successful on the pitch we also need to be transparent off it and honest with our fanbase at all times.

Player trading is nowhere near where it needs to be and the stadium feck up is just another on a growing list of feck ups. As I said earlier we may have successful businessmen in charge at Ibrox but NONE know how to run a football club. That lot over the road are too close to our league title haul. Mistakes like this cannot be afforded ????.

17.) 08 Jul 2024 21:07:48
Hear Hear MPH,
They would moan if we didn’t make stadium improvements and now moaning because of a small delay when we do attempt to make the improvements in a very small close season window.
I applaud the current board for marking the decision to improve Ibrox rather than do nothing.

18.) 08 Jul 2024 21:10:58
We have a collection of Rangers fans running the football club, working hard and trying their best, yes there’s been mistakes and I’m sure there will be a few more in the future no different to any other football club. No one on this site has got the faintest idea of what it takes or how much it costs to run a football club the size of Rangers. Better times are ahead our successful cycle is just about to start so calm down .

19.) 08 Jul 2024 21:55:41
Come in Peace - you're a simpleton.

20.) 08 Jul 2024 21:56:49
Only joking Come in Peace, you come across as a balanced guy.

You're right. Win games of football and the big issues become small issues.

21.) 08 Jul 2024 22:07:28
Not missing the point but I’m saying in professional sport, a statement will be made when they’re something to say. That’s clearly not just yet. If they don’t having firm now, all that happens is folk go mental. They genuinely can’t win at the moment.

Player trading is only just starting and will be a multiple year process. Very unfair to say they don’t know what they’re doing. You said a lot without saying anything with substance, more of a blaming rant. Detail what you would do instead and give your argument credibility.

I work in professional sport and also a regular STH so I understand the frustration.

22.) 08 Jul 2024 22:36:08
Ibrox it doesn’t matter to me what field you work in mate. I am expressing my opinion which is clear for all to see. We have been failed massively in recent seasons by our board and they continue to fail us by offering no explanation or contingency plan of what’s going on.

If our home is indeed out of commission til the new year, we fans have a right to know. It’s an absolute disgrace that we haven’t heard from our chairman since 2022.

23.) 08 Jul 2024 22:56:54
At the moment we don’t seem to have a clear direction, and I say that even though I have trust in the Phil Clememt; however if money is tight and you need to raise more each season, then you need to look at what you’ve got asset wise – as one or two players will need to be sold each year (at a good profit) to ensure we can still compete both domestically and in Europe.

Look at Ajax, Dortmund, Porto, Sporting Lisbon, PSV, Brugge, Lille – these are all clubs who turn over players each season with a great operating model in place. They can identify talent from across the globe, and turn them into saleable assets within a season or two – why can’t we do this? Why don’t we have something in place where we are seen as a place to go, and then move on for big money?

24.) 09 Jul 2024 00:57:56
Ok, I’m not to keep on. You have a fixed core which you’re completely entitled too, I think you lack some basic business perspective though. We’re turning an oil tanker. Sima Jive is quite correct.

Go to the AGM, make your points there, you’ll be heard and listened to, and if you can do better, maybe you can be involved.

25.) 09 Jul 2024 01:51:56
On point with that post MPH.

26.) 09 Jul 2024 07:32:13
Talking about gerrard like he's a massive loss. He won 1 trophy in 9. Gio and PC also have a trophy each.

27.) 09 Jul 2024 08:33:59
Paul, Gerrard inherited a shambles.

28.) 09 Jul 2024 09:24:40
MPH well said that man??????????.

29.) 09 Jul 2024 10:02:47
Things are just getting silly now Ibrox. You don’t know me to make any sort of judgement on those things from a Rangers Rumours platform but you have thrown in that you are in professional sport ??

I think we can agree to disagree you think the Rangers board are brilliant and I don’t. It is what it is mate. I respect your opinion mate and thanks for the debate ????.



29 Jun 2024 18:58:45
We're Scotland in disguise as Italy?

Feck me the Italians were poor.


1.) 29 Jun 2024 19:51:54
Switzerland were impressive and deserved the victory the first in 11 games v Italy.

2.) 29 Jun 2024 20:51:25
We should of told all our players to identify as Messi.

3.) 29 Jun 2024 21:21:03
I reckon Scotland would have at least got a shot on target if we played that Italian side.

4.) 29 Jun 2024 21:58:45
Clarke is a genius and would make Italy look like World Cup Champions.



27 Jun 2024 09:36:13
What do you call a Scotsman's in the knockout round of the Euro 2024?

Super Ally?.


1.) 27 Jun 2024 11:31:50
Or as Gaza said - a referee. Sadly we don't even have decent refs now.

2.) 27 Jun 2024 13:24:06
You scoundrel tattie ?.




MrPotatoHead's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 11:21:02
Fingers crossed he has legs or we are in trouble with our signing policy ?.




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19 Jul 2024 08:31:46
Didn't Clement say that Igamane has never trained or played at the level of Rangers and it would take him time to get up to speed?
Or have I completely made that up?




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18 Jul 2024 15:18:33




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15 Jul 2024 18:32:31
Correct TJBB.

Used to work for BHC at one point.

Factory was flooded with cheap Labour from Poland and Hungary.

And a job like Ibrox would never have been on their radar due to the small scale but complexity of the job.




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10 Jul 2024 08:45:27
The CEO of my company is leaving for a huge job down South and it could take 12 months before he is allowed to go - sooner if a replacement is found.
CEO's don't just walk out on company's.





MrPotatoHead's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 11:24:50
Not disagreeing with any of what you said, Sunshine.
But one huge reset and rebuild is maybe the way forward?




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25 Jul 2024 08:45:15
Hi Asathor. Hope the family are well.
Good luck.




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25 Jul 2024 08:44:13
Aye. ?⚪?.




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25 Jul 2024 08:43:44
I agree to an extent, Sunshine.
But a lot of what you have listed, we the fans have been crying out for:-
Stadium improvements✅
Squad overhaul✅
Players binned who don't want to commit / perform for Rangers✅
Now, it just so happens it's all kicking off at once.
But just maybe this is the reset most are all crying out for:-
Increased capacity / away fans back in numbers✅
High earners / injured players leaving the club✅
PC getting his own players in✅
Now there is other issues that you have highlighted that are a distraction.
But now's not the time to panic. We've come through worse.
Psalm 67 - Sometimes the darkest is before the dawn?⚪?.




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23 Jul 2024 14:20:16
Spot on BoyBlue.
No club would cut off their nose to spite their face.




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