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15 Jul 2024 20:56:30
My opinion on where we are ahead of the new season…
A lot of doom and gloom around, majority of it I think being caused by the stadium situation and rolling into the fact we haven’t brought in as many players as some would like.

We have replaced some older players with younger players with potential who will hopefully go on play well and become huge players for us. Really happy with the signings we have made so far in terms of potential but I don’t think we have strengthened the starting 11 yet albeit still a long way to go in the window.

I also don’t see the issue with the reports in the media that we need to sell players before we buy, it’s just good business sense. We need to balance the books and sell otherwise we will end up with an expensive bloated squad.

Jack / Barron: Barron knows the league and a lot of potential. Upgrade on the Jack of last season who only played around 10 games.

Barasic / Jefte: Had a few great seasons but past 2 seasons not up to standard. Jefte has potential but will need to prove he can live up to that potential.

Mclaughlan and mccrorie / Kelly: Kelly a good solid replacement. Assume we will bring in one more young keeper possibly given Wright has gone out on loan. But should free up wages.

Cortes and Diomande: If can stay fit Cortes will be a great signing and add some assists and goals. Diomande with a full pre season here will be a real asset.

Igamane / Roofe: Given Roofe was forever injured, just being fit will be an improvement. Don’t know a lot about him yet.

Nsiala: as far as I know hasn’t played a first team match. Good pedigree but will not be a starter straight away.

Still to go priorities:
Need to strengthen centre defence. For me need to replace Goldson to improve as a team.
Centre mid replacement for Lunny needed.
Left winger to compete with Cortes. would love Sima back and a new right winger needed to add goals and assists.

I actually think the centre defence and wingers are more important than a new striker. Would like one to replace either Dessers or Lammers but they do have goals in them if we can’t stretch the budget that far. An issue last year was no goals from the rest of the team.

Then there’s 4-5 players who can be sold.

Let’s see how it all pans out….


1.) 15 Jul 2024 23:43:53
Think Sima will play right wing if we get him, just hope we can shift some quickly to get players for the positions we need, think Barron going to be huge for us this season and will be one of first names on team sheet.

2.) 16 Jul 2024 00:25:02
Great post Bee. Rational sense.

3.) 16 Jul 2024 01:14:09
No point in a third keeper can give youth player a step up save the wage.

4.) 16 Jul 2024 01:15:48
Danilo was playing well and was first choice before injured many people seem. To forget that.

5.) 16 Jul 2024 05:02:32
He wasn’t playing well tho obviously people have forgotten that.

6.) 16 Jul 2024 07:54:52
He was a new player just starting to get used to his working environment and colleagues style of play, there’s no doubt the boy looks decent hopefully he has a good season and exceeds the expectations of the gloom mongers.

7.) 16 Jul 2024 09:22:58
"Gloom mongers" on here? Your kidding, where? ?.

8.) 16 Jul 2024 09:27:50
I wasn’t sure about Danilo, seemed to struggle to hold ball up . Wouldn’t say he was playing well.

9.) 16 Jul 2024 10:15:57
Danilo missed just at many easy chances as Dessers when he was in the team, but wasn't as mobile and was poor in the build-up. I don't see him as a first choice striker in a league winning team any more than Dessers or Lammers. I think he'll still be here, but I think he'll be the back up if anything (assuming Dessers moves on)

10.) 16 Jul 2024 12:27:14
I agree we need an upgrade on strikers. Dessers is decent but would like someone more clinical. His value is only going to decrease with his age so if we sell at a decent price that would be best.

Lammers I really don’t know, I think he has decent attributes, looked decent pre season and scored in Netherlands but was poor for us.

Danilo hopefully will push on an be the striker we need. I think the budget we have would be better spent on wingers and centre half.



17 Aug 2022 12:55:14
We were playing a good team last night, got to remember that - and we are still in the tie.

For me we looked very vulnerable when they pressed us at the back, we didn’t have a plan B to get out of it and I felt sorry for Sands and Barasic sometimes as had no options. Obviously we have an issues on cross balls/ corners also.

I thought Davis was excellent in the first half, and Colak and Barasic had good games. Our first goal was excellent.

For me playing Kent, Lawrence and Tillman together didn’t work, we were missing someone on the right.

I was hoping Gio would have changed sooner, probably Matondo on for Lawrence and I think there’s a shout for Colak and Alfredo to play together.


1.) 17 Aug 2022 14:17:14
GVB has already said he does not play 2 strikers together.

2.) 17 Aug 2022 14:44:27
I thought the pressure of winning got to the players last night, hence many didn’t play as well as they can. I think they can improve on this - treat next week as a cup final and see where that takes us….



12 Jul 2022 14:53:29
With the new arrival today, what does everyone think of transfer activity to complete before the end of the window? (Assuming Kent and Morelos sign new deals) .

I still think we need a centre half, whilst I like Helander he hardly played last season, Balogan has gone and Katic and Simpson I doubt are good enough to feature. If we can offload them we should bring in one to challenge for first team. Bassey can also support but would like to see him at LB.

Would like to see a goalkeeper brought in for the future but not vital in this window.

Striker is probably the other position for me, sell Roofe if the rumours are true about his attitude and bring a young striker in.


1.) 12 Jul 2022 15:22:30
Agree with most of that bee good post only thing I'd ask is surely Katic is worth a shot as a backup I can't really see why he gets as much stick I still see a player in him. I'd bring in a striker anyway if we need to get to the champions league we may need to get there without buff and roofe a lot to ask of colak and if the worst happens and he gets injured we're back to false 9 again.

2.) 12 Jul 2022 15:26:11
I see bassey as a better cb than lb
I know controversial but I just see his left foot and his pace and recovery as a real attribute of the modern centre half.
If wee keel bb ar left bacn and sign a back up or promote from within as reserve then bassey could save us signing a centre back and be goldsons first choice partner.
That would be my plan but I know most don’t agree.

3.) 12 Jul 2022 15:34:39
Agree Katic should get a chance to prove himself, hopefully he’ll improve under the new management. The boy Tillman looks a class act, if we can get a hold of him from Bayern on a loan to buy I think the squad would be the best it’s looked for years!

4.) 12 Jul 2022 15:50:22
I agree Stevie, I think Bassey is better at centre half. He got man of the match in the final.

5.) 12 Jul 2022 16:11:25
What are the Roofe rumours?

6.) 12 Jul 2022 16:11:43
Bassey is better at lb his foward runs and crossing is really good it’s his preferred position.

7.) 12 Jul 2022 16:14:03
He just seems Colossal in the middle for us, he’s such a good player.

8.) 12 Jul 2022 16:18:00
Bassey has actually stated he doesn’t have a preference where he plays as long as he’s on the pitch. When he signed we were also told he can play centre mid.
Good stuff dado. A lot don’t see it pace and a good left foot doesn’t mean automatically a wide player modern centre backs with pace to recover especially left footed ones are hard to come by and he could be the real deal in there. There’s full backs popping up everywhere nowadays I just feel his attributes in a centre half would make him a better player and us more money.

9.) 12 Jul 2022 16:27:47
Bassey is never a centre half never will be.

10.) 12 Jul 2022 16:42:55
Pretty much agree with what has been said. I would love to see us offload both Roofe and Helander, both spend more time on the treatment table than the pitch. While I would love to see Katie do well I have my doubts. We have to get rid of Simpson and a couple of others including Middleton and I suspect that we will sign another striker and possible a midfield player. Personally I would love to see us sign a quality goalkeeper. I fear that McGregor has reached the end of the road and I just don't rate McLaughlin as a first eleven player.

11.) 12 Jul 2022 17:27:28
Boo are you at the wind up? Did you actually watch him in Europe?

12.) 12 jul 2022 17:29:55
he is when he’s playing there.

13.) 12 Jul 2022 17:34:35
I think we still need another striker as well. Looks to me that gio wants two players capable of each position, and with Alfie still recovering and roofe, who knows what?, we are light there. We wait and see!

14.) 12 Jul 2022 17:36:27
Man of the match in a European final and isn’t a centre half and never will be…. Jesus Christ where do we find some of these people.

15.) 12 Jul 2022 17:55:00
Better at left back is Bassey for me and katic is just not good enough for us and never will be needs moved on asap.

16.) 12 Jul 2022 17:57:58
Like a few folk here, I really like Bassey at CB. I think finding a decent LB is far easier than finding a strong, fast left footed CB. I also think King is going to get a fair bit of game time this season - really excited to see how he develops.

17.) 12 Jul 2022 17:58:42
Boo 123

Sorry but I totally disagree, bassey in my opinion was our best defender last year and I believe his best performances came when he was at centre half, not to sure getting man of the match in a European final will help your claim but it's your opinion and entitled to it but I'm not sure many other fans will agree.

18.) 12 Jul 2022 20:09:05
Prefer bassey at lb.

19.) 12 Jul 2022 21:57:19
I like Katic but if Helander is out then I wouldn’t want to rely on him as a first choice. He’s not a young guy anymore but I would like to see him do well tbh.

On Bassey I think he can cover both positions but for me personally I think he’s better at left back., can use his speed and also his defensive side.

Left sided centre CBs are hard to come by however.



07 Jun 2022 16:29:21
Potentially could be a lot of changes this year with Gios first pre season. Have noted down my thoughts.

Players not needed:
-Firth and Balogun (already gone)
-Simpson, Hastie, Middleton and Katic don't look like they will have futures (Maybe get £2-£3m for them combined? )

We need to get Morelos signed up on a new contract as a priority. Kent and Aribo are worth new deals or need to sell rather than run their contracts down.

Then i think we need to add some quality to the first team with a LCB to compete with/ cover for Helander.

Move Bassey to LB and bring in cover and replace Barasic.

A right sided winger to be a starter and a new striker. (and replace Kent and Aribo if don't sign new deals with the funds raised but hopefully we can keep at least one) .

Whats everyones thoughts?

If we do need to sell to raise funds then probably Kamara and Aribo for me.


1.) 07 Jun 2022 17:42:26
I pretty much agree with that with the exception of,

Adding a new starting GK.

Defence - Keep the following,


After that I completely agree, definitely a RW and Striker needs to be starting signings.

I will get shot to pieces now but I personally wouldn’t mind Ramsey to re-sign. After a full pre season he could be pretty class for a couple of years.

To contradict what I’ve also said as I believe our midfield is good I would love (massive long shot I know) xavi Simmonds to sign, even if he signed for PSG, maybe take him on loan for a year.

All only my opinions.

2.) 07 Jun 2022 18:11:23
Agree with Ramsey if could get a pay per play type deal. Talk of both him and bale going to Cardiff however.
I loved Barasic but he had a poor season last season, for me Bassey should be starting LB which means we need to bring in someone for Helander cover.

For the goalkeeper I think we need someone to be our long term first choice, if we have limited funds this season I’m ok with McLaughlin however. He’s good with the ball and fairly safe. Just doesn’t have the McGregor worldie save in him I think.

3.) 07 Jun 2022 19:15:16
American media reporting it will cost us 4.5 million keep sands beyond this season.

4.) 07 Jun 2022 19:33:41
I feel like I am in the majority but out the above points, I am loving Bassey at centre half.

5.) 07 Jun 2022 20:20:20
I'm with you Snell, I would keep Bassey at LCB and get a new LB in. I think it will be much harder to get a quality left sided CB in rather than a starting or backups left back. Not to mention cheaper!

6.) 07 Jun 2022 21:24:12
Bassey better at left back for me q.

7.) 08 Jun 2022 00:07:14
I prefer bassey at centre back his pace and fact he’s left footed really works well especially in Europe.
I do see us playing back 3 next season a lot aswell if we’re lucky enough to keep bassey one more season he’s left centre back all day.

8.) 08 Jun 2022 00:17:50
I would add a quality keeper to the list of acquisitions; I wouldn't be surprised if Helander goes and we bring in another centre back as a replacement.

One thing is for sure we need to sign three or four quality players and we need them signed early on in the transfer window.

I can definitely see Aribo being sold and equally I suspect that we will sign players that have not been linked with us since the Media don't have a clue what we are planning!



19 May 2022 00:30:24
Gutted we lost, but on the night we didn't deserve to win.

A lot of our players didn't turn up, and I thought the crowd was very quiet compared to the Germans.

Bassey was amazing, had a fantastic game.

Achievement to get there, just a step too far unfortunately.

I thought Ramsey and Roofe should have been introduced earlier but Gio has called it right in every other game so hard to criticise.


1.) 19 May 2022 01:27:42
Only one error, Ramsey should not have been allowed to take a penalty, he looked like he would miss long before he touched the ball, and his attempt was truly awful
But apart from getting tired those boys fought til they dropped and were more than a match for the Germans, they suffered in the heat and playing with no striker,

I’m proud of them.

2.) 19 May 2022 02:48:08
Yes I pretty much agree!

3.) 19 May 2022 05:24:20
We were up against a very underrated side and maybe the supporters went into the match with optimism based on what we can do in the cauldron of noise and atmosphere that is Ibrox. That seemed to be missing last night as EF spoiled the party for large spells. We have been punching well above our weight since Alashkart and should be immensely proud of everything we have achieved. We have to pick ourselves up and put a smile on the face of every man, woman and child who had their heartbroken last night. I know it is difficult not to dwell on what might have been but I honestly believe we have the opportunity to make this a regular occurrence, if the fans back the team rather than dwell on the what might have been. We can still match them this season in the CL but will have to work that wee bit harder but we are Rangers and that’s what we do!

4.) 19 May 2022 06:09:32
Goldson not clearing his lines was another mistake but he played his part on getting us there and I agree about Ramsey should never make subs just for pens.

5.) 19 May 2022 07:33:15
Heartbroken and disappointed we didn't win the europa league final last night but at the same time very proud of all our rangers squad and management team in getting us there and all those great european nights getting to the final We move on and let's get our heads up and finish the season by winning the scottish cup on saturday Proud to be a ranger .

6.) 19 May 2022 07:57:47
I thought we started off very nervously and never got going. One defender out of four performing doesn't help either. Have said it before, our team looks good when we move it at speed, and we didn't do that all night. EF looked sharper all over the park, they were well organised. A great journey we've been on, might be the last long journey for some of our team, but come on Rangers we can do it on Saturday ! WATP.




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26 Jul 2024 15:56:06
Can’t afford that coisty.
We can’t have 11 x £3-4m of players sitting on the sidelines. Doesn’t make sense at all.




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26 Jul 2024 15:45:43
I change my mind a few times a season on him.

Sometimes looks great, but often too inconsistent. I agree will never be a starter mustard but don’t think he’s a bad player to have in the squad.




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26 Jul 2024 15:16:24
I actually think wright would be better in the middle than out wide.




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25 Jul 2024 18:09:57
There’s a huge difference between managing our budget and administration.

We need to move players on before we buy, it’s just called managing a budget like every business.

Unfortunately we have too many underperforming players on big wages which makes that difficult.




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24 Jul 2024 16:40:02
The interest we pay is available in the company accounts.
It also states any director loans and states the rates.





Bee82's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 13:26:01
Happy enough if we get about £1.5m.
Wish him all the best was a great signing for us but we need to move on and try and improve.




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22 Jul 2024 12:13:44
We already have 2 left backs, don’t see us going for Doug unless Yilmaz goes.




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18 Jul 2024 08:04:37
Sorry think that sent before I finished.
Similar to what I’m thinking Dado but not sure about that particular striker. But agree on the positions needing changed.




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18 Jul 2024 08:02:42
Similar to what I was thinking Dado.
Not sure we will get that particular.




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17 Jul 2024 19:04:51
Personally, I like the signings we have made so far and a long way to go in the window.

Not getting carried away with the no cash chat, or caring who is doing the work at the stadium.

Looking forward to seeing the players we bring in and move on.

We do need to make a couple of key signings in time for the CL qualifiers IMO however.




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