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26 Jul 2024 14:29:46
I think if we can get the players out the door then big money (for us) will be spent up top, personally if Dessers can get shifted we could bring in two.


1.) 26 Jul 2024 15:04:43
Coopers, Rrahmani.

2.) 26 Jul 2024 15:14:41
Only if we get rid of Dessers John? Or with the money from hagi, lammers, goldson etc?

3.) 26 Jul 2024 19:25:30
It went quiet on Rrahmani from other clubs John, a was hoping that meant he might of agreed to come to us once we got rid of a few, would take shankland on top if possible, long season and we are not great with injuries as you have probably noticed lol.



24 Jul 2024 17:15:38
If the manager is going to stick to this formation and style of play we are going to need a no 10 that can press and got the legs to do so, a like Lawrence as a player but he has not got what we need to play this way, neither is Dowell or Cantwell, a think Barron and Dio will do the job needed behind but if we don't get someone in the ten roll then these two will have it all to do especially against better teams.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 18:08:29
100% you can see the 2 get outnumbered because Lawrence can get back to help or if it's cantwell he's not disciplined enough to play the defensive part or we may need to play a 3 in midfield.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 18:20:51
Cooper, that's why I would like to see Danilo in that position in theses games.

3.) 24 Jul 2024 18:35:42
Lawrence is another player that should never have been signed.

4.) 24 Jul 2024 19:00:07
Lawrence a decent player Storm but will cause us more problems than good in this formation, manager merry go round has cost us big time, willing to try anyone in there star, Danilo been here a season and still not sure where and how to play to suit him, injury been unfair on him and us so hopefully he becomes undroppabLe in any position.



24 Jul 2024 11:23:42
Daily rags getting their clicks from this site again, a wonder how much of a story some could put out and they would run with it, a mean ibrox news, ibrox noise etc will put everything that we put up and mainstream are not far behind anymore, some on here are due a few quid.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 11:39:28
It’s a changed world, football fans are no longer reliant on the sports reporter with good contacts smart phones have made them pretty much redundant .
The only downside is the sheer number of rumours is overwhelming.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 12:03:30
Someone should post a dodgy rumour to see if they bite and run with it.

3.) 24 Jul 2024 12:43:50
Me2 someone posted it the other week and it ran in the papers.
He came in and said story was a whopper once it had ran.



22 Jul 2024 11:09:48
On our squad, ins and outs and fitness etc I can only see four definite starters, Bullard, Stirling, Dio and Barron for Hearts game the rest is up in the air.


1.) 22 Jul 2024 11:53:57

2.) 22 Jul 2024 12:08:10
After Saturday I would say Ridvan should be a cert and most likely Cortes although the rust was apparent with him, couple more weeks and he should be fine.

3.) 22 Jul 2024 12:10:59
A would take Bullard at the moment lol.

4.) 22 Jul 2024 12:49:07
I would take Bully from Bullseye at the moment as things go?.

5.) 22 Jul 2024 13:16:52
In one, better no start that again??.

6.) 22 jul 2024 16:17:43
nothing in this game for two in a bed floyd.

7.) 22 Jul 2024 22:15:54
Let's see what you could've won.



14 Jul 2024 14:25:36
With regards to the transfer speculation being all doom and gloom, I've never heard a manager say we are about to splash out and buy everyone we need at the price they are quoted, players will leave and arrive in the next month and a think getting a couple out the door first is the more sensible way to go about it, have we enough in our locker to win the league games Yes, CL qualifier 50/ 50, the main thing at moment is getting the players we do have ready and the style of football drilled into them so that when players do arrive they know the roles they have arrived for.


1.) 14 Jul 2024 15:26:36
You honestly think we have enough just now to win league games? I think as is, we will struggle in the league coopsdad.

2.) 14 Jul 2024 16:41:50
A think we have enough to win league games till window closes, a also think there will be a few more starters signed by end of window, yes I want to have everything done by tomorrow but I know past t windows and deals ain’t going to make this window easy.

3.) 14 Jul 2024 16:59:23
Need more quality Cooper to aim for the league that’s my opinion.
Probably need another five or six first team starters for me.
Everybody is entitled to their opinion though.

4.) 14 Jul 2024 19:30:34
Think we need four trueblue, striker, RW, midfielder and CB, yeah a couple more would be great but wee need those positions brought in and at least four away from those positions, a think the one in one out policy will happen and is probably the most sensible way to go.




Coopersdad's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 17:04:09
I would say Cerny is the only right winger at club, couple of right sided players and left wingers who can play out there, first one we have had in years, nearly every player and their granny have played out there ??‍♂️.




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26 Jul 2024 16:53:10
Wright should be the last one out the door of those who are going, don’t think him leaving will do much for getting others in especially with a year left, not saying he is good enough but other problems must be dealt with first, common sense I would think.




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26 Jul 2024 14:15:41
McKenna a big No, not as good as what we have and that ain’t good enough.




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26 Jul 2024 11:45:24
Always wanted to play never wanted drop for small games, did he even miss a game for first few seasons, wish him well the but the end comes to every Rangers player, a full clear out after euro final would of been best for a lot of players and the club but we move on.




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26 Jul 2024 11:39:26
If it’s an obligation of that amount basically covers the Cortez deal, for a player a lot of people forgot about it’s a winner winner chicken dinner.





Coopersdad's banter replies


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27 Jul 2024 10:08:20
U might get 30 mins out Danilo, no where near fit.




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26 Jul 2024 19:25:30
It went quiet on Rrahmani from other clubs John, a was hoping that meant he might of agreed to come to us once we got rid of a few, would take shankland on top if possible, long season and we are not great with injuries as you have probably noticed lol.




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26 Jul 2024 19:12:41
Goldson time like a good few others was after euro final to leave, last year and a half been in different at best, before hand if even he made mistakes he would make up for it but pace and confidence had left him a bit, a wish him all the best.




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26 Jul 2024 19:06:02
Wrights half turn in midfield and speeding away is top class to be fair, his final decision is amateur at times tho, far from first to go at moment.




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26 Jul 2024 14:23:29
A right winger, must be Xmas troops.




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