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J-zer's rumours posts with other poster's replies to J-zer's rumours posts


28 Jun 2019 22:59:25
What's the deal with Andy firth? I thought he was brought in short term the second half of season, has he signed permanent contract now?


1.) 29 Jun 2019 04:52:29
Firth signed 18 month deal when he joined don't know you got your info from but mine is from Rangers Official website.

2.) 29 Jun 2019 11:43:37
Just in my mind he was stop gap as Alnwick was on loan. Strange one that we still have 4 senior keepers.

3.) 29 Jun 2019 13:06:10
It’s also strange that he has a 12 year olds head on a mans body.

4.) 29 Jun 2019 13:33:58
Blue 89 .

5.) 29 Jun 2019 19:26:28
I see two goalkeepers moving on permanently, Mcgregor, fods, Alnwick and firth all have twelve months left on deal.
Would like to see Mcgregor extended plus think mccrorie Robby will go on l.

6.) 30 Jun 2019 14:28:44
Shagger obv No1 has 12 Months left but no need to extend contract, he will no doubt be happy to sign 12 Month deal each season until he decides to retire.
Either Fod or Alnwick will move on in this window. Fod is Gerrards 2nd choice despite it initially being Alnwick, club more likely to get a fee for Fod though it probably depends on if he wants to get 1st team football or stay and battle it out with McGregor.
I think Firth will he kept as a no 3 as he is on low wages just to ensure we have a back up if Mcgregor gets injured. McCrorie is highly rated as a future replacement for AM but at this stage looks likely to be loaned out again.

7.) 30 Jun 2019 21:33:59
John25 I see us having 2 new keepers fighting for no1 Jersey after next season and all 4 current keepers going 2 just now fod and alnwick probably then Firth and McGregor at end of season/ contract.

8.) 01 Jul 2019 07:37:04
Could be right bellshill, I think Mcgregor on last years form deserves another twelve months.




J-zer's banter posts with other poster's replies to J-zer's banter posts


13 Mar 2024 17:40:41
Anyone know when the quarter finals are played, if we get through need to book time off work trying to plan ahead.


1.) 13 Mar 2024 18:37:05
UEFA website. Has to be more reliable than asking someone on here.

2.) 13 Mar 2024 19:58:29
11th and 18th of april but I may well be wrong ?.

3.) 13 Mar 2024 21:30:57
Quarter-final first legs: 11 April
Quarter-final second legs: 18 April
Semi-final first legs: 2 May
Semi-final second legs: 9 May
Final: 22 May.

4.) 13 Mar 2024 22:24:45
Cheers guys. Didn't see it on website could be on it now right enough.

5.) 14 Mar 2024 12:36:25
Been on uefa website since start of season, an excellent website for accurate info,



08 Mar 2024 08:28:14
Here's my thoughts on the penalty we conceded last night, if the ball doesn't hit Souttar's hand it goes out of play so how can the opposition then be given the chance to score a goal from the penalty spot when they were not denied a goal scoring opportunity!?

I've seen loads of examples lost count of the amount of times a forward player is fouled and a penalty is awarded when it's clear the ball is either running out or the keeper is out and collected it but if the forward is fouled in the phase of play a penalty is awarded even if a blind man can see there is never a chance the player will make it to the ball.

Think the rule makers need to sit down over the summer and sort out a simple game that's becoming so over complicated by the 'letter of the law'.


1.) 08 Mar 2024 08:54:45
Was never a penalty. His arm was out but he headed it onto his hand. The rule needs changed massively we’ve totally scrapped the idea of ball to hand. Would love to see the stats of handball penalties before and after VAR.

2.) 08 Mar 2024 08:59:45
J-ser, we've had multiple pens when the ball is not going towards the goal line.

3.) 08 Mar 2024 09:40:19
Some of these penalty decisions are ridiculous.

4.) 08 Mar 2024 09:44:16
Didn't say anything about wether we had or had not Amato my point is how can any team us included be given a spot kick when they weren't going to score from or even have a chance at scoring from the situation. The ball wasn't going to a benfica player. As you say we have gained advantages in the past and tbh if same thing happens in the benfica box I'm wanting a penalty only because that's what is given nowadays but it's wrong.

5.) 08 Mar 2024 13:47:30
Last night's penalty is the type that annoys me if I am honest.

People talk about the rule but its pretty clear if you head onto your hand it's no penalty.

To be fair the ref last night was top notch. Would take him in the league every week.

I think VAR effed him over by not showing the replay through the goal which was only one which clearly showed that it was head onto hand.



07 Oct 2023 09:38:37
Team for tomorrow




Could easily have dropped Tav barasic wright but don't see an alternative to Wright as lammers dessers have had far more football and done nothing. Tav stays as dropping him causes another circus we don't need and let's face it he should be stepping up as leader. Barasic stays as he's best fitted to provide for front two aswell as ridvan being brutal.


1.) 07 Oct 2023 10:28:19
Wright is banned? No? If he is thank god.

2.) 07 Oct 2023 10:37:03
Tav and Barisic should not play. Devine and Sterling in.

3.) 07 Oct 2023 10:45:33
Aye he will be right enough. Play with ten then can't stomach watching lammers or dessers again this week ?.

4.) 07 Oct 2023 10:52:59
Someone needs to have the balls to drop the poor performing players in that squad.

5.) 07 Oct 2023 11:09:00
Wright suspended.

6.) 07 Oct 2023 11:41:40
I am glad wright is suspended but I don’t understand why any fan would think he would start I would rather play with 10 men.

7.) 07 Oct 2023 11:44:21
The full squad is underperforming.

8.) 07 Oct 2023 11:58:46
Wright is a decent player and to say better off with 10 is embarrassing ?.

9.) 07 Oct 2023 12:19:50
Ha here we go . The old embarrassing argument again … and it’s directed at storm this time brilliance. I love this site.

10.) 07 Oct 2023 12:25:16
Wright got sent off last week and we hardly noticed the difference . McCausland looked better in the 10 minutes he was on than Wright did at anytime in the game . He`s hopeless, the problem is when he, Lammers and Dessers all start its like playing with 8 men anyway. Three guys destined for our Worst Players Ever, Hall Of Infamy.

11.) 07 Oct 2023 12:30:36
The problem with dropping all these guys is when do you bring them back in? Is it when we get another defeat or when we’re on a winning streak? It’s old firm mentality that fans want sweeping changes but dropping the whole back four isn’t going to happen. No manager would do that. Confidence is low and needs to be built up again. Throwing a pile of inexperienced or young guys in is a gamble and if it doesn’t pay off then the league really is well and truly over.

12.) 07 Oct 2023 12:32:32
I’m assuming it was a tongue in cheek comment seeker, or rather i’d HOPE it was tongue in cheek.

13.) 07 Oct 2023 13:06:17
Aye just a bit Alloa ?.

14.) 07 Oct 2023 13:06:46
That's me embarrassed again ?.

15.) 07 Oct 2023 14:12:14
Won’t be the last time seeker ?.

16.) 07 Oct 2023 14:22:10
That’s embarrassing ?.



05 Oct 2023 16:51:40
That's the 11 I would have looked at, keep roofe and use if required was my thoughts. Two midfielders with four attacker's let's hope we play higher, give them nothing press them and play with tempo.


1.) 05 Oct 2023 17:30:56
With what he has available, I'm hoping for the same as you!



01 Oct 2023 08:16:36
Sick to death of this attitude that the game has moved on we need analysis of this that and the other folk running about with ear pieces sitting in dug outs with laptops. Absolutely gubbed yesterday by a poor side made up of nobody's. What we need and I've said it over and over is a FOOTBALL manager someone who's in to manage the team forget this crap about how they talk to the media how they have a playing system that filters through the academy teams blah blah blah. Get winning football matches and it's done by hard work and man management.
Quicker we realise we're not Barcelona the better, Scottish football is a different game to what you see in Europe and even EPL it's who wants it most that all stems from the manager. Were stuck with these players for the time being and the longer Beale stays and the booking continues these guys have no chance.
Not impressed with most of them but they still have a chance with a new man coming in to re focus and get us playing proper football again.





J-zer's rumour replies


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27 Jul 2024 10:08:59
We should have signed him in January and might have been much better finish to the season. For me we bring him and sima in and look to move on dessers if interest in him is true. A CB and a CM and far happier.




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25 Jul 2024 13:19:21
King isn't fancied at CB nisala is a rookie balogun is past his best although won't let us down when called upon Souttar and Davies decent squad player but we need to upgrade CB is a top priority imo.




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25 Jul 2024 10:06:07
A player we should have snapped up when his deal expired, current midfield is non existent and where is Keiran dowell.




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23 Jul 2024 17:45:48
Really hope we have quality lined up to replace the guys who are linked to moves away. A fit cantwell is one of our main attacking threats like it or not.




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19 Jul 2024 10:19:24
Tavs been a great servant and would happily keep him but think we can build a better side with sterling starting at right back. There's more pressing issues in the side than replacing Tav tbh centre midfield scares me to death and still do see the goals in the side we need from our forwards. We need Danilo to really fire if he and dessers rotate we need minimum of 20 a piece. Cortes must provide goals and assists in double figures along with a new right winger and whoever plays CAM needs to bring more to the table than either cantwell or Lawrence offer.
Few have spoken of desire to move Davies and goldson on, goldson yes as he's looked at times like he's chucked it but imo balogun and Davies are our strongest pairing, Souttar is prone to more errors. To summarise we need a new Central midfielder, Right winger, Center half and another option to freshen the frontline that could be Sima as he can play across the front 3. That's bare minimum to compete for league imo.





J-zer's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 20:43:35
Still need two midfielders other than a young Barron who should be a rotation player and diomande who's still to find real consistency we've very little from Lawrence dowell and raskin to convince me they are the answer. Maybe being biased as that was my role but middle of the park worries me. We need to sign a midfield general who can control the game.




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25 Jul 2024 22:08:35
Hoping this one has legs, he's a proper athlete strong mobile and loves to press with aggression, we crave that.




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25 Jul 2024 22:01:25
Reckon mcburnie will come in.




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25 Jul 2024 10:14:13
I'm glad we've got him and that's not a joke only player in the squad that looks capable of doing anything that's how bad we are. Last night was a shambles not a midfielder worth talking about.
Atleast Wright gives you a shift. probably on a quarter of money matondo is on ??.




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21 Jul 2024 19:29:01
Centre mid
Centre half
Right winger.




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