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15 Jul 2024 16:56:29
Sorry I have to come back re my earlier post regarding England putting out an attacking team last night, I did t say they had all out atta k I said they played an attacking team, with Bellingham, Foden, saka and Kane. The fact they were pushed back was because of how good Spain were. Scotland didn’t play shankland, Forrest and Christie but were hemmed in, we flooded the midfield and played a guy upfront who’s scored 1 goal in has last 20 appearances! Hardly the same guys.


1.) 15 Jul 2024 18:50:24
Alloa, drop the shovel.

2.) 15 Jul 2024 18:54:58
Same front 4 he started every match with despite the fact they looked more mobile and able to attack when the subs came on in every game. Southgate is a turnip. With the squad he had he should have won that trophy. Happy he didn't right enough.

3.) 15 Jul 2024 19:31:35
Ok I must have missed something, I thought we played a guy upfront on his own with goal in 20 games for us but I must have missed us playing the spfl’s top scorer and 2 wingers alongside him. Sorry, my mistake.

4.) 15 Jul 2024 19:47:01
I'm talking about the England front 4. So yes you missed something. We all know Scotland are crap. To use that as a tool to back up your nonsense about Southgate playing an attacking line up in the final. He played the same line up as before.

5.) 15 Jul 2024 20:45:07
Jfm my point was actually more around Scotland’s tactics and playing far less attack minded players against teams that w’re equally as capable as beating as them beating us. I’m not saying Southgate’s tactics were brilliant but by your own admission he played “a front 4”. They were maybe the wrong front 4 but at least he played a front 4. We played a front 1 who’d scored 1 goal in 20 games and left our leagues top scorer and an in form Celtic winger on the bench. Against teams no better than us. That’s all I’m saying mate it’s not a pro Southgate or pro English thing.

6.) 15 Jul 2024 20:59:04
Yeah alloa jfm is bang on, I really don't know what Scotland has to do with England getting beat last night. We don't have the attacking riches the English do, Clarke chose to play a certain way to try and shoehorn the best players on to the park, I didn't work big deal, absolutely irrelevant to English result mate. Also your point is mute as yes the English played with attacking players, but didn't play attacking football.

7.) 15 Jul 2024 21:04:39
Alloa I think you maybe taking the criticism aimed at Southgate as tho it's aimed at you. Not my intention at least.
Yes he played attacking players but negative tactics made this pointless.



15 Jul 2024 09:25:11
Glad Spain won last night but what I will say is that at least Southgate put out an attacking team against a team as good, if not better than his. More than can be said for Steve Clarke!


1.) 15 Jul 2024 09:53:16
No he didn't they didn't attack until he made the most obvious switch that even the most brain dead of football fans could see and brought Watkins on so they could play further up the pitch. He's absolutely terrible.

2.) 15 Jul 2024 11:08:55
Not sure about that one.
Up until Spain scored, England done nothing in an attacking sense. The best team won, and Southgate needs to shoulder some of the responsibility himself.
With the players he has, he should be all over teams from the kick off. The best squad of players, but lumbered with a big fearty of a manager.

3.) 15 Jul 2024 11:10:59
Sticking by Kane for so long cost them in many games - he should have been subbed HT and then they could have won - TF Southgate didn't have the guts as there was better on his bench??.

4.) 15 Jul 2024 11:17:58
Played with attacking players yes but really played on counter until they had to change, nothing stuck to Kane and Spain crowded out Bellingham when they lost possession, thought Walker was their best attacking threat to be fair, a right back their best attacking threat I’ve watched that game before, a suppose he could defend at same time tho.

5.) 15 Jul 2024 11:40:20
Attacking team as in players yes but the tactics were so negative and dull they may as well have employed Steve Clarke.
For the first 20-30 mins Spain had 70% possession and it was only a matter of time before they scored. Anyone could see that Kane was too deep, Bellingham looked like the 9 and also obvious Williams was running amok on their Right.

6.) 15 Jul 2024 12:39:48
Had even money bet on Kane to put 1 shot on target, last 2 games, and lost money both times.
As a serial loser he needs to rethink where he plays football lol!

7.) 15 Jul 2024 12:41:26
Lol not that I'm a fan of Clarke far from it but?

Name me one Scottish forward that's better or just as good as any forward in that England squad
Clark fault is not trying out players and youth in friendlies or games that don't matter.

8.) 15 Jul 2024 12:54:12
Played the same as clarke does with Scotland.

9.) 15 Jul 2024 12:01:03
Just looksike an attack on Steve Clarke because England didn't have an attacking team out last night.

10.) 15 Jul 2024 12:05:31
Attacking team. not the game I watched. England sat back most of the game. So glad Spain won.

11.) 15 Jul 2024 13:24:15
Am15 Clarke should be sacked now, very boring football he tries to play, if England has a better manager than Southgate, they wouldn't lose last night, both very average managers.

12.) 15 Jul 2024 13:27:55
You can have a team full of attacking players but when you play to defend it’s irrelevant.

13.) 15 Jul 2024 13:28:11
Before a ball has been kicked in The euros I said England had the best squad but a bang average manager, his tactics cost his team any chance of winning the competition, Trent experiment in midfield, Kane playing too deep, Foden and Bellingham don’t work together, Trippier is not the standard required. Southgate is a boring manager will not take a chance with offensive football much easier to play the low block.

14.) 15 Jul 2024 17:11:12
Nothing to do with sticking by Kane he scored 40+ last year, its the negative boring system Southgate played you give that job to an attack minded coach it’s a diff story.



14 Jul 2024 13:16:29
I’d call for a bit of patience. Remember the club is a business. It’s not just a case of selling players to release funds to buy others, what happens if we buy players now and can’t sell the ones we don’t want? We’re left with a wage bill way out of our budget.
Also for the fans asking for us to close the gap and no way will they accept 2nd best, let me ask you this, how can you “expect” to close the gap when the other mob have a better starting 11 (generally) and have also just won a champions league war chest giving them a mass is be financial advantage over us? We can “try” and “hope” to close the gap but to demand and expect is ridiculous. We have a massive challenge because of the failings of our club to secure titles and subsequent champs league money.
If I was on the board I could argue that the team were in a winning position and bottles it against 2 far inferior sides last year that cost us the league. When we were ahead in the league and hammered hearts at ibrox 5-0 there’s not a fan in the stadium that thought we’d lose the league. That’s not the boards fault. They’re not being a Celtic and sitting with millions in the bank and not giving the manager the money, we’re in a far different and inferior financial situation and have to be a lot cuter in the transfer market. And if folk on here think McLean, shankland and mcburnie are going to get us back on top then thank god you’re not in the management team.
Let’s just be a bit patient and see where the window takes us.


1.) 14 Jul 2024 14:09:40
Well said Alloa.

2.) 14 Jul 2024 17:39:31
A good post Alloa, well done.



13 Jul 2024 15:45:04
Well that should avoid any unwanted bids for Butland coming in.


1.) 13 Jul 2024 17:17:49
But, but, he should have been at the Euros!

2.) 13 Jul 2024 17:18:58
I'd rather he makes mistakes in a nothing game.

3.) 13 Jul 2024 18:11:15
Rate butland but some got carried away about him make him captain etc good goalkeeper but no as good as some from our past.



25 May 2024 07:22:15
John just in response to your post below. Yes that’s where I absolutely agree, time is catching up with Tav now and I believe that will weaken his clear strengths which is bombing forward. I think it’s time for him to go but to go with respect and huge thanks for all his efforts to the club from lower league to European final.

On the Scott Wright question. I like the lad and like his attitude. Whether he’s “good enough” for Rangers is debatable however he always puts in a shift when called upon and is prepared to do the dirty work, as shown when brought on against Celtic. He’s a lad I always will to do well because he’s a likeable lad. He’s certainly not the worst footballer I’ve seen but perhaps lacks some consistency. One thing I will say about Scott is that he doesn’t hide, he always looks to get involved and try and make things happen. He’s been a very good squad player for us, in my opinion.


1.) 25 May 2024 08:38:11
Good response Alloa, my point like tav the same four managers play wright.

2.) 25 May 2024 09:49:28
What's your take on scott wright, John ? do you rate him mate ?.

3.) 25 May 2024 10:06:52
Time for face to go and wright should never have been signed as he's never been good enough.

4.) 25 May 2024 10:55:56
Well said guys, 4 managers can't be wrong, can they? The lad gets horrendous abuse, but then I suppose he's not the only one. Some of the comments I've read on here regarding 95% of the squad and management are horrendous. Most of us have thrown in the towel for today already. May as well just deliver the cup to them right now. I've a sneaky feeling we might be the ones roaring with joy at the final whistle today. As Coops says, they are in no way unbeatable come on guys, let's do this.




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18 Jul 2024 23:07:41
And therein lies the problem Scotty, so we need an attacking player who can score and assist and also is excellent at defending. Good luck with that.




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18 Jul 2024 23:05:56
Big incentive is no longer having to read half the sh*t spouted on here about how terrible a captain he is.




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17 Jul 2024 20:01:18
If that’s too much salary for a Dutch club we should be raiding their teams.




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15 Jul 2024 20:45:07
Jfm my point was actually more around Scotland’s tactics and playing far less attack minded players against teams that w’re equally as capable as beating as them beating us. I’m not saying Southgate’s tactics were brilliant but by your own admission he played “a front 4”. They were maybe the wrong front 4 but at least he played a front 4. We played a front 1 who’d scored 1 goal in 20 games and left our leagues top scorer and an in form Celtic winger on the bench. Against teams no better than us. That’s all I’m saying mate it’s not a pro Southgate or pro English thing.




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15 Jul 2024 19:32:31
Agree John, worse things happen at sea as my old grandad used to say.




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