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31 Jan 2023 21:33:55
John do you think we will lose anyone.


1.) 31 Jan 2023 22:23:59
We're done. Beale went to his sons football training. No ins and no outs. 2 good signings but another abject failure of a window.

2.) 31 Jan 2023 22:48:46
The window closes in just over an hour. Nothing else is going to happen. We’ll complete the final 20 games of the season with the squad we’ve got.

3.) 31 Jan 2023 23:15:35
So if we got two good signings how is it an abject failure of a window?

4.) 31 Jan 2023 23:20:35
If we got the right-winger we’ve been needing for the last several years I would’ve been delighted. As it is, happy with the two we got, but we need a lot more. I really hope we can get this Whittaker lad in a few months. If he lights up the Championship with Swansea during the season half of the season that may no longer be possible. Itks out of our hands now.

5.) 31 Jan 2023 23:28:12
Totally agree in a sense, went from signing injury prone players to players that had lost orm and couldn't get a game for their teams, don't see the why the hype ' what IF they don't find their way back and Beale isn't a aster man manager, all I'm saying us when was last time we signed an up and coming player that had the skill level and was playing regular? Not a rough diamond or one that's lost their way? Like the rest if us I'm hoping it works out but I wanted first team players to walk into the team no need to have a pre season and rebuild them.

6.) 31 Jan 2023 23:41:59
Because we're midfield heavy and haven't addressed any problem positions, that's how. Still, 3 years after candeias, no right winger. No decent keeper. 2 genuine centre half options. 1 dependable striker.

7.) 01 Feb 2023 00:00:47
Beale doesn’t play wingers.
The 3 in behind Alfredo/ |Colak are going to create lots of chances and I can’t wait to see the rotation from Kent Tillman and Cantwell. Fling in Fashion Roofe and Hagi and we have plenty of options.

8.) 01 Feb 2023 00:14:59
I suspect the summer will bring a massive rebuild. We’ve got about 7 players out of contract, loans ending, and we’ll sell a few more. We could bring in as many as 5 new first-steam regulars at that point. A refresh that has been long overdue.

Now we need to see out the rest of this season. It looks like the league is gone but we still have two cups to play for. Let’s see what happens. I guess I’ll see you guys in the summer months again ?.

9.) 01 Feb 2023 00:31:16
I don't get the part of wingers when we play with none.

10.) 01 Feb 2023 01:49:52
MickyB, Raskin is a top up and coming player he's only 21 and his last manager wanted to build team around him but they froze him out because he wouldn't extend his contract. Nothing to do with performance level why he wasn't playing.

11.) 01 Feb 2023 05:26:02
Yeah neither do I Beale.

12.) 01 Feb 2023 06:52:30
It's nothing to do with wingers it's more to do with whingers.

13.) 01 Feb 2023 07:09:24
Beale what u get is people who really do not have a clue how the team play.

14.) 01 Feb 2023 07:24:39
U can't call it an abject failure we've bought 2 players I believe will make us better.

15.) 01 Feb 2023 07:45:50
When did we show up against celtic? When we went with wingers. We've also went with wingers or inside 10s every game since. Cantwell and tillman neither of whom are right wingers, rotated that area on Saturday. If we don't play wingers why were we so desperate to sign whittaker?

16.) 01 Feb 2023 08:10:37
You’re forgetting that January isn’t the best window for a rebuild. The value simply isn’t there and clubs don’t want to let go of well performing players mid season. Beale said himself most of his work will be done in the summer. So getting in two players on a good pedigree is hardly an “abject failure”.

Also, with the reasons given above I see no reason why we should have overpaid and taken a gamble on Whittaker. Sakala and Wright can play that position well enough until the summer.

No pleasing some folk.

17.) 01 Feb 2023 08:10:54
I think Wilson has done a great job this window. He had brought in 2 players that are a definite upgrade to our team and walked away from deals that weren't in our clubs best interests. He had a budget but has decided to move for summer targets of a higher standard rather than overpay in the winter window.
Cantwell and ranking look top players with Cantwell taking a spot in behind our main striker rotating in position with Kent, Tilman and Hagi, sakala etc. Ranking will compliment Lundstrum in the middle of the park. I can see both dominating every other team for remainder of the season. First time in ages we have brought in good quality players that excite the fans.

18.) 01 Feb 2023 08:11:36
I am afraid as a club lads this is where we are - also this transfer window is notorious for quick buys and mid season fixes so I feel we have bought wisely.
The fact that Kent and Buff are in a transition probably ties Beales hand because are they staying or going? - if staying then buying now to replace them is problematic and if they go then most will say we should have replaced them in Jan window hence no win situation - Player power means clubs hands are tied somewhat. I feel that this gives club more time to assess the squad and have a sensible plan drawn up for the correct Summer recruits as we know lots of players will go or be moved on. Have the faith - as I said before glad we are moving away from overpriced has-beens and trying to get hungrier young talent through the door!

19.) 01 feb 2023 08:11:50
if we were ever “ desperate “ to sign wjittaker, we would have signed him

20.) 01 feb 2023 08:28:04
itsbeen a great jan window, 2 quality players, we need to offload and build around raskin and antwell, long summer is time for that, deals will have already been discussed and possibly agreed.

21.) 01 Feb 2023 08:36:09
Failure of a window? Couldn't disagree more. As fans we would all like more signings . but we've brought in 2 young talented lads on long deals . none of these pointless loan deals for players not really interested in the club! Hope we can finish the season strong - get Souttar, Lawrence, Yilmaz, fully fit and strengthen further in the summer.

22.) 01 Feb 2023 08:45:07
Because Tjrfc… Whittaker isn’t a winger. Everything written about him stated he’s a player that can play anywhere across the front 3 positions (just like a number of the players we have) . Obviously we were interested in him because we think he is up and coming and would of given us another option in those positions, but to be honest, for now we have enough in those areas and he wasn’t worth paying over the odds for when we didn’t desperately need him.

As Beale himself said (if you’ve watched it read any interviews), he is more after defensive cover and a number 9. However the specific number 9 he wants isn’t going to be available till the summer (maybe he’ll be out of contract, or maybe his club weren’t willing to sell him till then) . He also said that they have specific targets for all the positions we want to strengthen and that rather than just bring anyone in, if he can’t get them now he’ll wait till the summer, but whether they came in now or in the summer, they will definitely come in.

Sometimes you just have to wait. And we definitely need midfielders as Davies, Sands, Arfield will all be away in the summer. Jack and Kamara aren’t certain to stay so we need to rebuild that area. The fact we’ve managed to do it now with players Beale has chosen means we won’t have as much to do in the summer. This is the way real football (not champ manager) works.

23.) 01 Feb 2023 09:15:53

What you banging about? Raskin is exactly the player you describe.

Shalke, Leverkusen, among others I know if he knocked back!

The boy was in demand in a substantial way.

24.) 01 Feb 2023 09:23:16
Seems to be some confusion here as to the definition of a winger. Some saying we don't play with wingers. Then what would you call Kent who spends the majority of game time on the wing. And before anyone answers but he comes inside at times, that does not exclude him from being a winger. All players move outside their alloted position at times.

25.) 01 Feb 2023 09:37:06
Beale doesn’t play with wingers as the full backs are asked to be a more attacking threat. Think that’s were GVB failed as he didn’t have the wingers for his tactics. I would think Raskin and Jack will be our first pick CM.

26.) 01 Feb 2023 09:38:08
2blue kent does not stay on line under Beale.

27.) 01 Feb 2023 09:47:15
Honestly, how anyone can describe this window as failure is beyond me. We have signed two exciting young players who will be an asset to the team for years to come. A defender and striker would have been good, but the lack of anyone moving on knocked that on the head!

28.) 01 Feb 2023 10:01:00
Beale said we play with 2x number 10s when Gerrard was still here. However, they were clearly in wide areas a lot of the time.

We still say wingers, but these guys are basically inverted wingers. Their starting position is wide but they often come inside to narrow the pitch and make space for overlapping full-backs. Kent plays on the left, Whittaker would’ve played on the right.

We actually play a 4-2-3-1 these days. So we do have one genuine number 10 space. With inverted wingers either side. Ideally you want these guys swapping position with each other constantly. It means the opposition can’t man-mark, they must zonal mark. Really elite teams have front 4 that just move all over the place.

29.) 01 Feb 2023 10:15:41
Tjrfc sorry to break it to you candieas was absolutely bang average winger. The team has improved 10 fold since he left.

30.) 01 Feb 2023 10:31:07
Verdant think believe Beale will play 4141 far more often now Raskin cm Cantwell am Hagi am Tillman am Kent am with the am interchanging and if he does it will be a beautiful watch for us fans and most teams will not deal with us. personal of the moon with our business this window.

31.) 01 Feb 2023 10:57:23
Paul if you could do me a favour, where did I or have I ever said I rated candeias? Nowhere. I stated we haven't replaced him over 3 years later, which is embarassing.

32.) 01 Feb 2023 12:04:16
TJ - U are correct Candeias was never replaced and would like to have seen him in this current team who are streets ahead of the team he once played in!
He is a far better player than Matondo and Wright and put in great effort and never hid in games unlike some of our current wingers.

33.) 01 Feb 2023 14:09:50
Come on guys… I really liked Candeias but he has scored 1 goal in 18 games . is worth 600k .
If he played for us with those stats he would be slaughtered.
Great transfer window … some people just need to gripe.

34.) 03 Feb 2023 04:22:09
I'm not happy with the fees paid for guys we can get for nowt but I don't think you can say failure of a window our squad is massive need to move people on before adding to wage bill and we have hagi yilmaz Lawrence roofe still to come back as well as adding quality in cantwell and a prospect in raskin I'm not sure about him at all but club must think they can do something with. him.

The real reshape of the squad is at the end of the season we all knew this going into this season Davis arfield jack helander sands tilman wright kamara roofe Morelos Kent all possibly leaving the club or coue staying we really need to know what those main two are doing before jumping into the market I think club have acted wisely in small amount of signings at the moment and I'm not a fan of board but they have done right thing here.

35.) 03 Feb 2023 04:27:25
Candies was decent for us not brilliant but decent in no way should we bring him back though lol move on and Beale looks like he does not intend to play with any out and out wingers anyhoo which definitely spells the end for matondo.



17 Jul 2022 21:18:07
Never seen Davies play but now he's a Rangers player he has my support.





Flb's banter posts with other poster's replies to Flb's banter posts


22 Jul 2024 11:37:30
Ed001, I noticed a couple of times you have reminded the guys that the club have to pay out 10% of transfer fees between the player plus development. I was wondering do the clubs have any other payments on top of this ie tax or anything else. Maybe someone like yourself or other posters can answer this.


{Ed001's Note - yes there are varying taxes, depending on the countries involved in a transfer, solicitor fees, players get signing fees which are spread over the length of their contract that need to be paid off, agent fees (which can be multiple depending on the deal - clubs use agents as go betweens, players have agents that might require paying off).

I know there are others I am forgetting, Ed002 is really the person to ask on this.}

1.) 22 Jul 2024 12:00:05
Cheers mate.

{Ed001's Note - very welcome. There is quite a long list of things to come out of the payments. Oh and I forgot the initial payment is usually paid for by taking a short term finance arrangement out, which has to be paid back with interest and fees.}

2.) 22 jul 2024 14:45:33
ed, although i was aware if the differing things involved, are there special-ist companies who expert in financing transfers between clubs?

{Ed001's Note - yes, a friend of mine used to be heavily involved in doing it.}

3.) 22 Jul 2024 14:50:26
I would hope the fans in their clamour for change just remember in our darkest hour no one meaningful stepped forward. Of course we then had a number of grifters that came through the front door and stripped our club bare. I am as desperate as any rangers fan for a team that resembles something from days gone by but we need evolution not revolution . We just cannot keep lurching from new managers and backroom staff to boardroom upheaval it’s the surest way to keep us in perpetual struggle. I’m hoping we still see some new faces through the door and some of the current crop moved on . Would I bet on us winning the league next season, that would be a no but I will still support WATP.

4.) 22 jul 2024 15:24:52
i thought there must be, so much cash involved now

many thanks for reply ed.

{Ed001's Note - it is a big business football, there are many businesses built around it.}



07 Jul 2024 18:13:35
I see WeAreReadys post this morning has made it into mainstream media. Very lazy journalism.


1.) 07 Jul 2024 21:23:18
Fib it really does happen more than u think.

2.) 07 jul 2024 21:35:12
mmm, its their job to find angles or stories mate, doesn't matter where they find them really, anyway how do you know where war got it.

3.) 07 Jul 2024 23:10:59
Seen posts almost weekly from here ending up on clickbait sites, almost every pole we. Have as well.

4.) 08 Jul 2024 08:28:11
Don't forget that just about every rumour on here started on mainstream news also.

5.) 08 jul 2024 14:03:27
exactly jim, with the exception if john and cf, almost everyone who mentions the media have read it, i find it strange the obsession with journos, they find news, or rumours, or gossip, and people buy papers to read it, because they enjoy it, were do some people believe journos find stories, ?



06 Jul 2024 13:46:11
Guys getting a little bit worried as Fork hasn't posted anything all morning. Hope all is well mate. ??.


1.) 06 jul 2024 14:14:35
probably in the toilet.

2.) 06 Jul 2024 14:33:16
Posted at 06.30 this morning, been working since, but thanks for your concern Flb ??.

3.) 06 Jul 2024 14:36:47
Prob working on a poem. May not hear from him for weeks.

4.) 06 Jul 2024 14:55:52
A horsey one??.



15 Jun 2024 21:36:00
Best of luck to Andy Firth on his recent appointment. Brilliant, the guy must be living the dream.




23 May 2024 20:27:09
Would I be correct if I said it's been 35 years since Celtic last beat us in a Scottish Cup final.


1.) 23 May 2024 20:51:28
Yes you are spot on 1-0, Joe Miller, 1989.

2.) 24 May 2024 06:23:51
Ah! The Roy Aitken final,

3.) 24 May 2024 08:13:27
After a dodgy throw in was taken by big Aitken for them - say no more??.

4.) 24 May 2024 08:27:06
And we were cheated that day as it was never a throw in to Celtic but Roy Aitken took it too quick and the ref never had the bottle to pull it back, conspiracies eh, always in our favour according to many in certain quarters!

5.) 24 May 2024 09:04:52
Did we not have a perfectly good goal chalked off at the death as well, big Butcher at the back post? Or was that another game?

6.) 24 May 2024 10:50:18
Fib correct but there has been only two old firm finals in last 35 years.




Flb's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 18:51:43
Certainly don’t believe WeAreReady is one of the obsessed. Doesn’t come across as someone who comes on here with negative comments.




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24 Jul 2024 21:14:34
Bang on orange tinted, just made a fool of himself with his obsession with Rangers but make it to all the clowns with the same obsession that he managed to wind us up.




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18 Jul 2024 16:06:27
Ed001 I wonder if someone at Bayern still close to Guardiola spoke to him and was recommended Kompany.


{Ed001's Note - I think they just hoped to recreate the Guardiola time and he was the closest they could see in style of play. He will actually find it difficult not to succeed, as they have by far the best team there.}



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04 Jul 2024 14:56:06
It’s definitely had more treatment than Jack SB.




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29 Jun 2024 13:10:56
Everyone needs to take a step back and remember where these rumours are starting plus they are growing arms and legs. They all seem to start with I heard. I agree it would be good to hear from the club but let’s be honest what ever the board say the same guys that are making up the original rumours will tell everyone that the club is telling lies and again it will start off with I heard. Test are done whenever you get work done in your home to remove artex so you can imagine how intensive the test would be before any work started on ibrox but as well as having qualified as accountants, financial lawyers over the years now the are all experts in the building trade.





Flb's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 19:37:54
Thinking the same thing storm.




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25 Jul 2024 07:44:19
Best of luck for tonight Asathor. It would be good for you to get a wee visit to Scotland. Pre season definitely looking like a disaster but a couple of good signings over the coming days could hopefully change this.




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23 Jul 2024 15:33:10
I think if we were ever interested in him we would have went for him in January. Doesn’t make sense going for him now considering his age.




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22 Jul 2024 12:00:05
Cheers mate.


{Ed001's Note - very welcome. There is quite a long list of things to come out of the payments. Oh and I forgot the initial payment is usually paid for by taking a short term finance arrangement out, which has to be paid back with interest and fees.}



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21 Jul 2024 14:01:32
Any money for me is a bonus. For Tavs sake I hope he gets a good move.




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