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24 May 2024 12:38:32
My mate's daughter in law works in property and she tells me that Michael Beale has bought a house recently (this week) in South Queensferry. The thinking is that he will be Hibs manager soon.


1.) 24 May 2024 12:50:34
Surely Hibs are not that stupid.

2.) 24 May 2024 12:55:35
That might be his level, by all accounts I think his reputation as a coach was never bad, he was just brutal as a manager. Some of his signings for us were good.

3.) 24 May 2024 13:04:10
Another team fell for his BS!
Good, I can't stands hibs, so hopefully they get what they deserve.

4.) 24 May 2024 13:17:42
Does he not live on the outskirts of Glasgow already he wouldn't need a house that close to Edinburgh.

5.) 24 May 2024 13:36:09
I live in the ferry and can tell you for sure he hasn't bought a house here ??.

6.) 24 May 2024 13:44:16
Hopetoun House? All those bungs for duffers add up.

7.) 24 May 2024 14:57:35
My Son played with Michael's son at Stirling, that rumour is not true.

8.) 24 May 2024 15:54:50
Burt he had a place in Stirlingshire. Balfron I'm sure having lived in buchlyvie before that. Few players live out this way. Know Cantwell lives in Drymen.

9.) 24 May 2024 16:12:08
Burt, Ives near Loch Lomond.

10.) 25 May 2024 04:17:54
@dado, beale didn't pick the players to sign, he just played them in the wrong positions. Tactically he had the rite idea with quick, skillful playing but he lacked leadership and drive. The players ruled the dressing room and imo that's why Gerrard failed. The players and captain are just as guilty as the manager of failing their duties.

11.) 25 May 2024 09:46:32
Willie Sam I agree think that’s why old heads need cleared out too players need to get back to a stage where they think if they don’t do as told they will be benched or out door and not that they can get manager the sack board need to firmly stand behind a manager and get rid of any trouble makers.

12.) 25 May 2024 12:24:53
Prytz Niddrie Castle ???????????.

13.) 25 May 2024 13:46:36
Beale was a great coach for us during Gerrard's era, had us playing easily the best football since Gerrard / Beale joined to date, no coach since has had us playing like that, with that kind of pace, skill and precision, brought us some good players, Butland, Sterling, Cantwell, Raskin, Danilo, Sima, the better players of the ones he signed / loaned for the club and was both manager and DoF all rolled into one which must have been a nightmare to do both with no help.

So Beale deserves plenty of credit for what he gave to rangers over those years, sure it all went to rubbish near the end of his tenure, but that happens to every manager, eventually.

14.) 25 May 2024 13:56:57
Gerrard was pushed out of the club for asking for more money which he was promised, then the board did not deliver and made him the scapegoat for there shortcomings, best manager we have had since we went down, has the best record of all our managers since that era to now, 1 loss in 4 for Gerrard, and a match goal score average of 4-1
And managed to stop Celtic taking 10 in a row, so yes 1 trophy none the less a very significant trophy for that reason alone.
Not to mention under the manager / Coach role of Gerrard / Beale we went the that trophy season undefeated, the amount of records the club broke both domestically and abroad, was nuts.
Add to that the squad Gio got to the Europa final with was all Gerrards team, one he assembled for a mere 13 mill.



28 Aug 2023 09:03:47
Being told today from a source within Easter Road that there is serious interest in signing Martin Boyle from Hibs, possible swap being spoken about with Wright moving to Leith. Likely to be money going with Wright to the Hibs as well.


1.) 28 Aug 2023 09:28:01
Can't see anything happening this window DTB?Hibs are looking for a new manager so i can't see anything taking place regarding scott wright and martin boyle mate ?.

2.) 28 Aug 2023 09:34:40
No thanks. We've already got Dessers, Danilo, Sima, Roofe, Lammers, Lawrence, Matondo covering various attacking positions. All of whom are better players than Boyle.

3.) 28 Aug 2023 09:59:59
I’d rather keep Wright! Money and Wright for Boyle. Hibs would certainly be getting the better deal there!

4.) 28 Aug 2023 10:28:51
Scott Wright is a much better fit/ player for Gers than Boyle.
Wright simply does not get enough time/ chances.

I can never understand peoples dislike for the boy.

5.) 28 Aug 2023 10:56:09
Lawrence is a midfielder mate.

6.) 28 Aug 2023 10:58:49
Boyle is a decent player for hibs but don’t see him suiting playing against a low block. If we are after a winger we can do better.

7.) 28 Aug 2023 11:29:25
Yeah sure put Hagi out on loan and buy Boyle .

8.) 28 Aug 2023 11:39:03
Wright over Boyle in what sense? Boyle is proven in our league and wright couldn’t get a game for us at our worst.

9.) 28 Aug 2023 11:41:35
Boyle in training to get In Aussie olympic team for next year all the boy does is dive every single game.

10.) 28 Aug 2023 12:24:54
Boyle a a better player than wright and a bigger goal threat. I’d rather Boyle than wright as a player.
However, does Boyle count as homegrown cause wrig he in euro squad allows another non homegrown player to be included so we have 2 players more in squad. Boyle prob wouldn’t get in our squad u less hometrained.

11.) 28 Aug 2023 12:56:01
Don`t think Hibs managers are signing the players anyway so a deal could be done if we want it . Not Boyles biggest fan but he will give pace on the wing and goals which Wright has shown he can`t do. A bit of pace on the right wing might be a good thing and I assume he will qualify as a home grown player for the Euro squad. Still don`t think it will happen though.

12.) 28 Aug 2023 13:27:10
Nope ain't happening.

13.) 28 Aug 2023 13:27:14
@Sconner, Lawrence has played most games in his career at/ from no.11 . I'm not saying that's where Beale wants to use him, but he can certainly play there as well as a no.10.

14.) 28 Aug 2023 13:28:35
Unless may e he's a replacement for hagi going out.

Really don't think we will sign more until after champions league qualifying or player move on.

15.) 28 Aug 2023 16:58:05
Wright has came on and changed games. He has scored some good/ important goals but never gets any credit.
Not too sure what some of you are watching to feel confident in saying Wright is not better than Boyle for one and that he shouldn't be in the Rangers team. (im not saying starting 11 every week but got pace and creativity and pushes the ball up field)

Just never given enough time/ chances with Gers. yet other players are given it. weird.

16.) 28 Aug 2023 17:49:22
Last season, no goals and no assists for Wright . Kind of says it all, Boyle missed most of the season with a bad injury and still scored more goals than Wright. Wright is a trier but he has had his chances over the two seasons he`s been with us and has shown flashes but generally, not good enough.

17.) 28 Aug 2023 19:50:40
Wright scored one important goal in the cup final and no other ones to note.

18.) 28 Aug 2023 20:25:22
Wright doesn’t play because he isn’t anywhere near good enough for Rangers. Yes he has pace and is a direct player but positionally he is poor, runs about like a headless chicken, creates nothing, loses the ball when he tries to take people on. He scored a goal in a cup final and that’s about it. He’d have maybe got a game during the Warburton era but we’re at a different level now and rightly demanding better quality than that.

19.) 28 Aug 2023 21:14:38
Both players aren’t good enough for rangers but Boyle is the better player, imo.

20.) 29 Aug 2023 12:26:12
Aye go for a player who's clubs propping up the table and out of Europe before September. Boyle isn't any better than what we've got.

21.) 29 Aug 2023 13:52:09
Boyle ain't happening pointless discussing

If we are going to sign Scottish League players 99 it will be someone that qualifies as domestic trained.



15 May 2023 09:50:20
I've heard rumblings that Leon Balogun might be returning to Rangers in the close season, more than likely as a back up. Now I know he was at the game at the weekend and this might be some folk seeing this as well and jumping to conclusions, but I felt it was a story to be shared.


1.) 15 May 2023 10:18:51
Do the bouncy missed over 60% of games this season due to injury, would be an absolute farce.

2.) 15 May 2023 10:23:22
Lazy journalism.
Missed 26 games for QPR last season for a variety of reasons.
Season before for Rangers he missed 36 games for a variety of reasons.
His pace was one of his saving graces as a defender and that was evidently starting to go near the end of his final year at Rangers.
Unfortunately he is not of the standard required anymore.

3.) 15 May 2023 10:32:00
Personal opinion hopefully not man can't keep fit.

4.) 15 May 2023 10:37:05
Big Leon’s time at ibrox has passed No room for sentiment. Didn’t play much at QPR .

5.) 15 May 2023 10:44:54
We can't sign any more injury prone players.

6.) 15 May 2023 10:54:45
Not in a million years. Those ‘rumblings’ are literally just folk on Twitter and Facebook making things up because he was at the game watching us on Saturday. He is far too old now, was no more than ‘decent’ when with us (some folk seem to be remembering him as some kind of super star), he doesn’t fit at all the profile of players Beale has stated himself we are looking for, he is even more injury prone now than when he was with us, and was part of a defence that had the worst record in the championship last season. I know you’re just passing in what you’ve seen Dothebouncy, I wish though that the folk that start such rumours would just let go of the constant fascination with ex players. Same goes with those thinking about or mentioning Aribo. Yes he was a good player for us overall, however he did have his faults. Tended to be too slow and languid off the ball, wasn’t good at playing the high tempo pressing game that Beale is looking to play and never really found a settled position, was he a sitting mid? An attacking central mid? Right side of an attacking 3. Also even played up front and left back. I know versatility can be good but I think that, and his reluctance to work back and defend has cost him at Southampton. He will end up back at a championship club., but not what we are looking for going forward. Time to move forward, not look back.

7.) 15 May 2023 11:18:19
Balogun was at Ibrox on Saturday as a fan, nothing else. It's not the 1st time he has been back to watch us since he left. The Big man has a strong affection for us but in terms of playing for us his time has passed.

8.) 15 May 2023 12:36:00
Nice to see him at the game but not on the park.

9.) 15 May 2023 13:11:36
No room for sentiment anymore. Liked the big guy, but too old.

10.) 15 May 2023 15:28:33
I wish big balogun well but his time has come and gone and he was an aging player when we first got him never mind going back for him this is nonsense story if you ask me probably just plenty of time on his hands and looking to fill it also it makes sense to stay in good relationships with fans of clubs you played for if you intend to move into management.

11.) 15 May 2023 18:50:11
Nobody has mentioned Sam Frankenstein Cosgrove for a while, he's just got promotion on loan at Plymouth . sorry can't type much more due to laughing. Please nobody mention Van Veen my sides are hurting . oh aye or Shankland .

12.) 15 May 2023 19:30:23
Balo-gone is where he will stay.
Guys too old now, nae good for us anymore.



08 Feb 2023 10:13:57
Story today is that Morelos has turned down the proposed move to Turkey (after the earthquake that's not a surprise) and hasn't written off a new contract with Rangers! Double whammy to add on to this, I have been told that Kent wants to stay at the club now, and that an agreement is near.


1.) 08 Feb 2023 11:03:12
Here’s hoping bouncy.

2.) 08 Feb 2023 11:21:45
Bouncy would you want to fight for your wages in Turkey the leagues a mess and the fact they have just had a massive earthquake too

Where have you seen that Kents wants to stay and what's another contract.

3.) 08 Feb 2023 11:41:22
We will do exactly what we did with goldson. Chat was we announced his deal after his previous one expired by signing them as free agents, which removed any sell-on fees due to the clubs we bought them from. Quite a smart move from the club, I'd never heard of that before.

4.) 08 Feb 2023 12:14:03
Rangers owe Liverpool about 40% of any profit in Kent. Waiting until his contract expires, then signing him on a new deal, would be good business. Risky strategy though.

5.) 08 Feb 2023 12:08:44
Well that's a plan but it's a crazy idea if a bigger club came in from them and could lose them for nothing I would want to keep Kent but morelos could leave.

6.) 08 Feb 2023 12:26:44
The story re Kent comes from a friend who works in the media, he has told me that the Kent deal is all but done but very hush hush. He said that the improvement in his play and the way he is treated by Beale and his team made his mind up.

7.) 08 Feb 2023 15:08:53
Verd ;
Do you think there would be a profit on Kent?

8.) 08 Feb 2023 16:12:33
Cala - if he signs again then we can worry about that in a year if he keeps playing like he has recently there will almost certainly be a profit and no 40% claim for Liverpool would be a bonus.

9.) 08 Feb 2023 16:40:53
Really don’t believe there ever was an ‘offer from Turkey’ for Morelos. Was just a nonsense story in the Herald / Evening Times based on a rumour from a report in Turkey. Then when (as predicted) it turns out the story was rubbish they just write another report saying he ‘turned down the offer’ (you know, the offer that never existed in the first place) . It’s a tactic the gutter press (as they all are now) have been using in the past few years. Means they get to write two stories (filling column inches and gaining ‘clicks’) all for the price of one completely made up rumour.

10.) 08 Feb 2023 16:34:40
Cala if he re-signed then absolutely no doubt about it.

11.) 08 Feb 2023 16:41:26
Not having to pay Liverpool the 40 percent sell on is a bonus sign him on a 3 year deal and sell him after a year If he definitely wants to leave.

12.) 08 Feb 2023 16:54:57
Hope this is true ? think difference with Kent and Morelos will be if premier teams are willing to come in. Can't see Kent moving abroad as some of his decision has been based on his girlfriends work/ education. But I could see Morelos moving to a SPANISH speaking country or if he gets a champions league team offer.

13.) 08 Feb 2023 19:34:02
Verdant I doubt very much his contract running out then being resigned has anything to do with potential sell on for liverpool.

14.) 09 Feb 2023 07:32:53
Both guys are great players on there day n so far beale has got them hungry n playing a lot better, when in form having both too utilise in our team is a great resource, both can unlock n do aerious damage too other teams, only a good thing if they do stay but we would need them consistently at there best not flashes here n there.

15.) 09 Feb 2023 08:47:04
100 % sell on clause will expire when initial deal is up.
Plus at present their can’t be a sell on as he is free to sign for anyone for zero.

16.) 09 Feb 2023 18:16:20
Obviously if he goes for nowt John . but does that mean if he had signed an extension the clause expires I can see Liverpool being that stupid personally.

17.) 09 Feb 2023 18:18:31
How can Liverpool's option for sell on expire when it's the player that decides the length of contract in that case every player would simy sign 2-3 year deals and agree with the club a percentage for themselves instead of the original selling club.

18.) 10 Feb 2023 05:14:45
Lol that was ment to be can't see Liverpool being that daft.

19.) 11 Feb 2023 21:37:21
John your factually incorrect it is still possible to sign players but cannot be registered to play . employment law although highly highly highly unrealistic it's still possible ?.



20 Dec 2022 00:53:12
Just read an article on Ibrox Noise linking us with Lawrence Shankland.


1.) 20 Dec 2022 05:24:14
Cotracted too hearts untill may 2025, would tick a a scottish player box but he's doing great at hearts and is first choice striker we had a chance too have him for under a mill don't see hearts letting there prized accet go for under 3 million. He's doing great for them and if he keeps banging them in will still get picked for scotland. He could come too us n be used as a bit part player n not be first choice who knows n what if it was too go south for him ?
Think he's happy there and best of luck too him .
Love seeing our scottish boys do well.

2.) 20 Dec 2022 08:12:04
Every window


3.) 20 Dec 2022 08:22:19
DTB - It always bugs me that we let guys head away from lower Scottish leagues/ Scot Prem to almost cut their teeth elsewhere before we would be interested.
Shankland - Doig- Ferguson -Dykes - Stewart. to name but a few, who know how our league works.
We should be getting these players at lowish fees early in careers rather than paying out big cash - think it says a lot about our scouting skills and attitude.
As I said before when players leave it can sometimes be impossible to attract them back or if we do we end up paying top dollar - sad.

4.) 20 Dec 2022 10:21:02
Could be that they simply aren't good enough for us at the time and have to go elsewhere to cut their teeth, no point signing someone Scottish just to tick a box if they are never going to enhance the team.

5.) 20 Dec 2022 10:56:17
We have bought many players that have not enhanced the team so nothing new there!

6.) 20 Dec 2022 11:19:15
Point is these guys were doing well for their respective clubs and could have been sourced for reasonable fee - not great business on our part if someone who could have been bought for 1-2 mill then costs us maybe 3-4 times price in future because we didn't take a chance.
Don't have to come from the continent or another league with a foreign sounding name to be an obvious asset - when players in our own league just maybe need a bigger platform.
I know many Celtic fans who say the same for likes of McGinn who left and now can't be bought back due to price and wages.

7.) 20 Dec 2022 12:16:55
If it wasnt for his penalties it would be down as poor goal return. Not for me.

8.) 20 Dec 2022 12:56:15
Dykes has never been and never will be good enough for us.

9.) 20 Dec 2022 13:16:01
Doig and Ferguson I get. Although don't know if their previous clubs would have dealt with us.

Shankland I'd say no, Dykes a definite no. Blows my mind how regular his name crops up on here as one that got away.

We can't invest in just any Scottish player and hope it works out. Tried that with Hastie and Jones and they took us nowhere.

10.) 20 Dec 2022 14:07:38
I understand that not all of us think that Scottish grown players are good enough but why it was ok in our day to get Neil McCann - Kevin Thomson and more - who said they could succeed or should they have gone South and then we could have bought them back at inflated prices?
We do not shop in markets for your Haalands or Salahs etc etc - so no harm in getting chosen home grown talent who have proven that they can kick it in our Premier League
Snell - Jones is N Irish anyway but get the view regarding Hastie - but what fan thought Hastie was a good buy - not many.
What is difference chancing it with younger talent at low cost with possibility of fruition rather than giving 7 mill out for R. Kent with no financial return (unless he resigns and then he is a commodity)? I don't get our logic sometimes.

11.) 20 Dec 2022 14:18:50
Snell, Young Ferguson would have dug his heels in to join his beloved club!

12.) 20 Dec 2022 14:22:01
Those players mentioned wouldn't have dislodged any player in our team at the time, they weren't good enough at the time. Our 55 season majority of our team could have got a top 10 in epl now top 10 in championship.

13.) 20 Dec 2022 14:50:19
I know Jones is Northern Irish. He was signed as a "proven" commodity in Scottish League. And was murder.

There aren't many players in the league available now that are the level of your Thomson, Boyd, Naismith or McCann.

If any are potentially that level then their club would want a sizeable fee with the Rangers tax added.

14.) 20 Dec 2022 14:58:47
Doig and Ferguson both doing ok for their Italian clubs in a better league than Scot Prem - in fact Roma sniffing around Doig now . but they are not good enough for us
Where is our succession planning? Nowhere to be seen - I suggest we just keep playing all our old players until they get to pension age . oh s**t that's what's happening.
Our signing profile is knee jerk and we just wait till has-been old crocks become available or sign those with long term injury problems.
Or sign potential stars like Buff and Kent and sit back and watch as they f*** us about for better deals - hopefully both move on soon and free up wages.
I hope things change under MB for all our sakes or the road ahead may become long and arduous.

15.) 20 Dec 2022 15:23:48
Blue Floyd I get that mate, but take Stewart down at Su derland as a prime example, he was never going to walk straight into our team from Ross County, I get what you're saying, but we should be producing good enough youth now to fill certain spots instead of hinderng their own growth by bringing in boys ahead of them to sit on the bench because it appease some section of the support. Makes no sense that to me.

16.) 20 Dec 2022 16:08:49
Totally agree re youth getting chance but makes no sense paying over the odds e. g for players who score goals in Championship but then the likes of Sunderland want 10 mill for the lad Stewart who could have been bought for mighty less when playing for a team in our division - we seem blinkered not wanting to pay Scottish clubs cash but when player goes off, makes his name elsewhere then we think its ok to hand out big bucks or get linked with these type of players - why
I am not advocating that all these players are ideal for Gers but if we don't buy a ticket on occasion we will never win the lottery - when one player meets all criteria and goes on to great things with us or moves on to make us money then that's brilliant - just a point.

17.) 20 Dec 2022 18:45:17
I'm with you and following and tend to agree and surely that is the mistake of our scouting dept for no pushing hard enough?

18.) 22 Dec 2022 18:53:30
Totally agree storm . we shod be looking for the next prso Averladze Novo or the like. Guys like shankland and dykes would be nothing more than squad players

Everyone you fork out a fee it should be for a guy to be No1 choice for first team otherwise youth should bulk out our squad.

19.) 22 Dec 2022 17:48:49
Every transfer is a risk these days. In the past when we bought Scottish players we were picking the best that were available and in general they were walking in to a quality team which gave them time to adjust to the significantly higher standards that are expected.
Whether a player is Scottish or otherwise we need to be bringing in the best that are available.
That means having a quality International Scouting Team, having quality Scouts in the UK and having the financial capability to acquire them. Right now I just don't believe that we come close.




DoTheBouncy's banter posts with other poster's replies to DoTheBouncy's banter posts


16 Apr 2024 12:28:03
John Lennon would have been celebrating his 83rd birthday today if Dessers had been the shooter!


1.) 16 Apr 2024 13:08:49

2.) 16 Apr 2024 13:14:21
Good yin dtb. ?.

3.) 16 Apr 2024 13:44:43
Jfk would never have been assinatted either.

4.) 16 Apr 2024 13:54:11
I was sent this and posted it without checking, not his birthday but still makes me smile.

5.) 16 Apr 2024 14:28:27
That’s it guys keep up the good work run the rangers down.

6.) 16 Apr 2024 15:31:01
He would have shot yoko instead. ?.



27 Jan 2024 19:51:05
Just been told that we have agreed a fee for Cifuentes from a team in Turkey, seemingly on Twitter?




30 Jun 2023 09:08:06
Old Firm Fixtures for next season

Saturday 3 September:
Rangers v Celtic

Saturday 30 December:
Celtic v Rangers

Saturday 6 April:
Rangers v Celtic

All subject to change of course. We open against Kilmarnock away on 5th August, 5:15pm kick off so maybe on Sky?


1.) 30 Jun 2023 09:10:30
Old firm 4th game interesting.

2.) 30 Jun 2023 09:50:16
1st games sunday the 3rd dtb???.

3.) 30 Jun 2023 10:08:55
Always usually is ibroxian?

4.) 30 Jun 2023 11:00:06
Was the last possible fixture during 21/ 22 was it not Paul?

5.) 30 Jun 2023 12:12:30
Yes during C.V. at celtic request. that's it. Always 1st fixture in sept usually.



20 Jun 2023 17:35:38
Sky are reporting that Bayern have cancelled the clause in Tillman's loan deal and are paying us £1m to do so. We also get 10% of any transfer fee they get for him!


1.) 20 Jun 2023 18:23:09
Just seen this DTB, what a piece if business that is. How's this for a conspiracy theory. They renege on the deal, we get 1m and 10%. We then buy him for 8m (effectively 6.2m after the 1m and 10%) and there's no 9m buyback so he is player of the year and we sell him for 30m.
A guy can dream. I also have a theory on the moon landings ?.

2.) 20 Jun 2023 19:06:35
Baz I love that, l u know rangers are looking for a new dof.

3.) 21 Jun 2023 12:26:29
Appreciate the offer John, but I like to play golf 4 times a week so it'll have to go to the next best candidate ???.



06 Apr 2023 09:36:34
I'm reading about Andy Walker claiming that VAR officials are taking the easy way out. Unless he can say exactly when this was and who the officials involved are, this should be discredited. Frankly, I think he is trying to get VAR stopped before the weekend match, which the SFA are looking into (according to the Daily Record today) . Yet another Celtic minded plot to put officials under pressure? You've got to wonder.


1.) 06 Apr 2023 11:15:47
He is bumping his gums and I honestly don’t believe a word of it. Also how can offside be the easy way out? As he is either offside or not so it’s not the easy way out. It’s FACT.

2.) 06 Apr 2023 11:46:43
All true @storm trooper.

3.) 06 Apr 2023 12:43:21
Heard from a mate it was meant to be our game at Motherwell it happened and Cantwells goal.

4.) 06 Apr 2023 13:49:33
Lead up to an old firm game, usual pressure applied from the east end.
And why not?, it works for them most of the time.

5.) 06 Apr 2023 14:23:04
But Cantwell goal wasn't offside tho.

6.) 06 Apr 2023 17:41:02
Exactly Beale the ref ignored the var guy, but why was it said in first place? Walker is right to highlight it if he heard it no matter what teams were playing.




DoTheBouncy's rumour replies


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19 Jul 2024 09:53:43
Personally I would prefer Sterling in the DM position, but he is quality in every position he has played. I wish Tav all the very best, he has been a great player for us and an even better goalscorer.




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11 Jun 2024 11:22:50
It's astonishing to think that anyone doesn't see the need for a new striker (or maybe even two) to be added to our squad. Bringing in a goalscorer in January would have won us the league. It's clear and obvious that we need quality up front.




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10 Jun 2024 12:00:03
If these players were informed in March that they were surplus to requirements, it's a gross dereliction of duty from whoever told them. No wonder we stopped playing well and basically handed the league over to 'them'. If this is true, it's utterly out of order and disgusting.


{Ed001's Note - why? It happens at every club. Usually players then know they are playing for their career and actually try harder to impress any clubs that might be watching.}



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07 Jun 2024 09:48:45
This is a very poor move by the club, Hagi is our best Number 10 by a country mile - far better than Cantwell will ever be.




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04 Jun 2024 15:00:34
Unless you have access to the inner workings of the club GDog, there is no way you can say that with any certainty. My information is that at least two of the name you have mentioned are likely to be sold and that all players have a price on them and will be sold if that price is met.





DoTheBouncy's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 08:29:52
Always have faith and believe in our team, we will beat Hearts.




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13 Jul 2024 10:54:52
A face like a bulldog kicking pish aff a nettle.




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17 Jun 2024 15:40:07
In his time at Rangers, he's been played out wide mostly. He's never a winger. Play him in his natural position and watch him flourish.

Fork, I smell rubbish on most of your posts, never said anything about it but I will more and more if this "I smell green" nonsense continues.




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17 Jun 2024 09:36:42
Hope Hagi shows us excatly how good he is, in my opinion he should be the lynchpin of the team at Number 10.




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07 Jun 2024 13:03:29
Miovski for me, the vast majority of us will have seen nothing at all of Rrahmani so to say he's the better option is guess work.




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