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23 Jan 2021 22:44:30
Being reported we have agreed pre-contract deals with Bournemouth duo Nnamdi Ofoborh and Jack Simpson .

Trying to get at least one in now.

slim jim

1.) 24 Jan 2021 01:06:33
Improvements never stop.



16 Dec 2020 13:26:46
Any truth in the rumour that Liewell told ex celtic ST holder Claire White (compliance officer, ) to wait until end of season to step down just in case she could help in their quest for 9 and 3/ 4?

Cue the Morelos situation lol.

slim jim

1.) 16 Dec 2020 13:37:35
Slim Jim I take it u believe in Santa and the tooth fairy.

2.) 16 Dec 2020 13:48:37
Why would she be an ex st holder m did she retire from st holding then?


3.) 16 Dec 2020 14:01:59
Was supposed to be tongue in cheek post on the Timmy page Mr thumb but as usual you are the expert on all things on here. Having been there done that and bought the t-shirts whilst mixing with your millionaire friends.


4.) 16 Dec 2020 14:24:23
Situation? You mean the assault I take it, no mate if you believe that you must believe the woman is corrupt, with no evidence whatsoever, maybe she doesn’t like to see someone trying to smash someone’s face in, just a guess but that’s her job, I’m pretty certain given the pictures that broony would have been done too.

5.) 16 Dec 2020 14:28:42
Slim Jim plenty people have rich friends, don’t see how that makes a difference.

6.) 16 Dec 2020 14:48:15
Tom does shoot people down a lot and always knows best. Does it to me an awful lot, infact when I post I always go back to see what Tom said negative about my post lol but I take it in good nature. It’s all just opinions n personalities.

7.) 16 Dec 2020 15:01:30
Sorry mate, didn’t want to offend you so il refrain from replying to nonsense about paranoia, and I do indeed have a couple of friends who are rich, I’m ok with that but if it bothers you then I’m sorry, do you have any yourself? I can’t help it if one of them won the lottery and the other couple have worked and invested, il try to say my poor friends in case you get upset, ingerr, it didn’t take you long did it

The post was claptrap,

8.) 16 Dec 2020 15:12:42
Tom, i do have and for what it is worth, I happen to be one myself but never see the need to try and impress people in the way you seem to do. Not going to continue debating with you but you would be surprised just exactly who i am.

9.) 16 Dec 2020 15:29:41
😂😂😂just speaking my mind buddie 👍.

10.) 16 Dec 2020 15:43:12
C’mon slimjim don’t leave us all guessing, are u am ex player? Are u celebrity fan? Are U a lotto winner? Lol by saying we don’t know who u are would insinuate we would know u so, are we saying ex player Jim?

11.) 16 Dec 2020 15:43:58
Why on earth would a few pals who have plenty of money impress anyone? I’m trying to get my head round that, I have poor pals too, lots, and I have a business but I still have bills to pay, fm, what way should I express my opinion mate, if it offends then don’t read, and I couldn’t care less who you are, I know who I am,

Now you have told me you’re a millionaire, that’s great, but why have you then told me it offended you that I said I had a few pals with money? Bizarre.

12.) 16 Dec 2020 15:47:57
I would love to be rich or have rich friends. I've often wondered what it would be like trying the finer things in life like having a TV license or buying the original pot noodles instead of the aldi copies. I shall just struggle on regardless with my cheap noodles.

13.) 16 Dec 2020 15:53:28
What are you guys squabbling about?

14.) 16 Dec 2020 16:01:30
Good for u Jim, however u can’t be rich or you would not be on here.
Least that’s what I was told, when I mentioned I sold a business to return to Scotland and retire
Stay safe.

15.) 16 Dec 2020 16:09:48
Well, If you are all that well off you could do a lot worse than pop into our foodbank appeal and help out those a lot less fortunate than ourselves, or send the link on to your wealthy friends.
If you have already contributed, many thanks yous are wonderful people!
It's like an episode of Harry Enfield with the character who can't help but noticing how considerably richer he is than the rest.
Can I get a lend of a tenner? 😜.

16.) 16 Dec 2020 16:14:23
Bankie i was wondering the same mate, a very strange thread.

17.) 16 Dec 2020 16:17:14
I remember that John, I’m in the process of handing over to my girls and son in law, just in time for brexit and the worries of the haulage business, Jim, you couldn’t lend 3 cheers a quid so he can get the king size pot noodle, could you

18.) 16 Dec 2020 16:30:02
Just to clarify tho tome about the morelos "assualt" that was saw by the ref and deemed a booking. Did u see Julien smash findlay of killie in the neck. Not a peep on sport scene or the tabloids about that, strange eh?

19.) 16 Dec 2020 16:30:51
two words for you 3 cheers . galahad lager .

20.) 16 Dec 2020 16:32:10
two words for you bmgh01 . deaf ears.

21.) 16 Dec 2020 16:43:49
BMG we agree loads but where anyone donates is a personal choice pal.
I in fact do one day a week collecting for a food bank. I also support three charities very close to me.
Some off us have reasons to remain anonymous on here,

22.) 16 Dec 2020 16:58:54
All this money talk and rich friends talk is pure baws! Who gives a flying f*@k!
If yous want to get into a pi@#ing competition take it elsewhere your chat is embarrassing!

23.) 16 Dec 2020 17:13:44
Correct John, very much so, I have a family who all do they’re bit, and I will concentrate on where my heart lies, possilpark and springburn

Here we go, What has that got to do with anything mate?

And why would I watch a Celtic game, are you saying every single referee sees the same thing, or that smashing someone in the face, deliberately, at about 30 miles an hour while looking straight at them and flying through the air is not an assault? It certainly is where I come from, although you would have to take the consequences obvs.

24.) 16 Dec 2020 17:21:56

25.) 16 Dec 2020 17:27:13
Slim Jim are u micky caroll lol.

26.) 16 Dec 2020 17:34:12
Totally agree herewego I wrote this yesterday re challenge on Findlay.

27.) 16 Dec 2020 17:40:43
East Belfast now there was a rascal.

28.) 16 Dec 2020 17:45:27
A was born skint! Still skint! Mates are skint! A will die skint! See! Nae ambition 😂.

29.) 16 Dec 2020 19:13:42
Defo that big wrestling guy, no, wee jimmy krankie, oh go on tell us, how are ye.

30.) 17 Dec 2020 05:28:27

Any o the millionaires in here a guy that visits Arbroath occasionally? involved In building train platforms?

31.) 17 Dec 2020 13:40:29
I would say there is no truth in that rumour, but it does sound good.

Not sure what the my friends anymore money than your friends is all about.

And I’m going for Eminem, will the real slim Jim please stand up 🙈.

32.) 17 Dec 2020 21:43:45
No idea what's going on about rich and poor. It doesn't matter. At the end of the day we are all rangers supporters. Some whine and complain. Some make comments others dislike. Who cares. Every person has different opinions. We hate Morelos. We love Morelos. We can't do sh*t to decide what happens in the team. This page has only about 200 posters out of 500,000 worldwide supporters. I know multi millionaires and I know homeless guys that have more class, intelligence and respect than the rich. Who cares. We all Follow Glasgow rangers. every week we follow on. People are petty sometimes. Get over it. 55 on the way. One day closer.

33.) 18 Dec 2020 16:33:59
Got to be Jim McColl or Jim White 😂.

34.) 18 Dec 2020 20:50:17
Deary me lads. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go and check my offshore account balances.



21 Feb 2020 14:33:33
On the basis that Kamberi is likely to be our striker in Portugal, i reckon he "may" start against st johnstone on Sunday. It would seem logical? as he has only had a few sub appearences.

If he scores (plays well) on Sunday and does well against Braga, does he keep the jersey?

slim jim

1.) 21 Feb 2020 15:05:27
Morelos needs to know playing is not a given so I’m all for it, Morelos is way off form and it’s his general play aswell as his finishing, short on confidence and going back to petulant ways.

2.) 21 Feb 2020 15:55:50
No coincidence that the lads form has dipped since Defoe injury. Probably looking to the bench thinking who can replace me. In need of a few games rest i think get his hunger back. Let everything around him calm down and allow him to get his head straight.

3.) 21 Feb 2020 16:41:24
Morelos starts on sunday. Must win game.

4.) 21 Feb 2020 17:42:38
Kamberi isn’t in the same class as Alfie.
Sunday is a must win game so our best players have to start.

5.) 21 Feb 2020 18:12:23
Play kamberi and drop Kent he's been terrible recently.

6.) 21 Feb 2020 18:14:43
Mibi when Alfie on his game he is different class to Kamberi but last two games Kamberi has came on he has looked more dangerous than Morelos due to Morelos being off form which I think he needs to b dropped for a few games get his hunger bk and hopefully he will did the class he has again.

7.) 21 Feb 2020 18:19:44
Morelos will play on Sunday, why risk injury to our only fit striker available for Portugal.

8.) 21 Feb 2020 18:38:37

His form has not dipped, boy has 3 goals in 3 domestic games. Refereeing errors have cancelled 2 of those 3 out.

He is bang on form actually.

9.) 22 Feb 2020 00:45:18
Bearmode I must be watching the wrong team then cause the morelos i have been watching looks a yard off the pace. You rewatch the games from before xmas and he bullied every defender he played. His game is about so much more than just scoring goals. The lad looks like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders since winter break and its affecting his game.

10.) 22 Feb 2020 08:05:00
Morelos has only scored 12 league goals this season, that's garbage.

11.) 22 Feb 2020 08:44:24
I will agree he doesn't look as sharp! He will be back to best soon i'm confident, he's too good a player not to.


Just as well the league is only 1 out of 4 competitions we compete in. Without Morelos's goals we didn't reach a final which ultimately we were extremely unlucky not to win and we would not have made Europa League knockouts which is much needed revenue for our club.

So all things considered, 12 goals in the league is not 'garbage'.

12.) 22 Feb 2020 09:49:49
Morelos has been dire guys, I love him too but even his work rate and quality on the ball are miles off where they were.

13.) 22 Feb 2020 15:11:01
I think Alfie haa been playing with the weight of the world on his shoulders, speaking from experience recently i have been going through some rubbish in my personal life and in turn my football ( at amateur level no less) suffeared. Things personally have gotten better and my football has benefitted. No multiply this by 1000 at least for Alfie and i reckon we cut him some slack.

14.) 22 Feb 2020 22:39:59
Kri55 add to all the stuff here he has no family other than rangers round him. No wonder our league is poor. We get a phenomenal talent and he is targeted by everyone outside our club and even a small portion of our own fans give him hassle. would be enough to drive the thickest of skinned people running. I do hope he stays and Grace's our home and family with his presence for at least another season or 2 but honestly if I was him I would be gone end of the season.



09 Apr 2018 17:24:47
Not what i would regard as a rumour but Murty wil not be manager next season,
My son is friendly with a first team player (scottish) and i will not reveal his name to save him grief, But the team and Murty know it is only until end of season.

He has a contract until then only.
He was not given a 1 yr or any other contract it was purely until end of season.

Murty is popular amongst the team and powers that be and is to be offered improved terms on his under 20s role to continue there.

Disagree if you like but watch this space.

slim jim

1.) 09 Apr 2018 18:55:23
I think everybody and their dog knew it was only a contract until the end of the season as that's what it was. No big secrets there pal.

2.) 09 Apr 2018 18:59:38
Murty has a great future in the game but probably in a coaching roll? King basically told us all today a new man will be in charge soon and let’s get behind Murty and win the cup! 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

3.) 10 Apr 2018 12:50:28
Kenny Miller to st Mirren or Kilmarnock

4.) 10 Apr 2018 15:27:01
Why are we not clamouring for Steve Clarke, its a no brainer surely?!



31 Dec 2017 21:49:29
Here is a thought bears,

9 times out of 10 a manager brings a number 2 with him.

If we get a manager at end of season and he brings the number 2, what happens to jimmy nic?

Can't imagine jimmy will come just to get booted in June.
So, is murts being told he is going to be long term even though WE are told until end of season, or is the Irish gaffer lined up hence him not talking to scotland? Jimmy nic would already be in place and possibly involved in transfer business.

slim jim

1.) 31 Dec 2017 22:30:23
I reckon if it was oneil he would be in place already but the last thing you can do with this board is second guess them

2.) 01 Jan 2018 10:03:17
I reckon he’s taking a chance that murty can get the gig longer term. Is he still the Northern Ireland assistant? He would still have a job then

3.) 01 Jan 2017 12:11:29
Jimmy nicholl is right out of the blue.

Out of every person to choose from its jimmy nicholl. Definitely something weird about that one IMO.

Has Murty worked with him before?

4.) 01 Jan 2018 12:35:27
How is it weird, the guy played for us over two spells, been on our coaching staff before he has plenty of experience so all I can see is a good move

5.) 01 Jan 2018 12:48:12
Jimmy was doing the after dinner speaking when I was at the hospitality for the Aberdeen game last year.
So I'd say he clearly still had ties to the club and was a straight forward and easy process to get him in as a coach and that's why we appointed him.

6.) 01 Jan 2018 13:55:30
Ther would be comp for a club to sign the irland manager that's why gers won't just now

7.) 01 Jan 2018 14:38:20
He wouldn't still have a job if murty and him gets the boot in June as for the coaching staff of international teams like Northern Ireland Scotland exc are volunteers they do not get paid as they already have paid jobs with there clubs same as the players the only one to get paid are the managers as there higher don a full time basis. And jimmy n is only at Northern Ireland because of O'Neil the new manager there will bring his own staff with him.

8.) 01 Jan 2018 20:28:11
Jimmy nicholl was recommended by Walter Smith, hardly a strange appointment. Also Jimmy still is Northern Ireland assistant so still has a job. Also I imagine rangers are paying him much more in 6 months than he would get at Falkirk.

9.) 02 Jan 2018 11:49:23
Deanobear, utter nonsense. Assistants and coaches with international teams may be part time yes but not volunteers with no pay.




slim jim's banter posts with other poster's replies to slim jim's banter posts


03 Jun 2024 17:55:06
Just watched first half of Scotland game.
All the posession, loads of chances, sitters missed and nothing to show for it.
Reminds you of anyone?

Surely a better 2nd half.

slim jim

1.) 03 Jun 2024 18:29:17
It's been poor. McCrorie at RB is a no go.

2.) 03 Jun 2024 18:29:42
To think that people think Shankland would of won us the league too. Shows against a team much weaker than SPL teams on average that are sitting back, he has done absolutely nothing.

3.) 03 Jun 2024 18:38:49
Bang on Big Blue, I don’t like judging players on single games but in reality he doesn’t perform at international and didn’t perform in Belgium.

He will no doubt score goals in the SPL, just like Dessers does but if we’re to seriously challenge Celtic we need better than both.

I’ve read some absolutely mental statements on here about if we’d signed Shankland we would have 100% win the league, ludicrous.

4.) 03 Jun 2024 19:06:44
No need to worry bigbluejim because lawrence shankland won't be at rangers mate, i've absolutely no doubt about that ?.

5.) 03 Jun 2024 19:12:53
2-0 against the mighty gibraltar and to think some Scotland fans think they'll do well at the Euros lol no points, no goals and at least 7 against.

6.) 03 Jun 2024 19:20:00
Player of the year Jim, can't do it in every game mate. Scored more than our centre forward this year.

7.) 03 Jun 2024 20:13:10
Boy blue he was dreadful along with a few others

In fairness must be difficult playing against a 42 year old outfielder.

8.) 03 Jun 2024 20:34:13
Jim - Judging the boy on one poor friendly game (by whole Scotland team) vs 38 SPL league games is hardy an accurate nor like for like comparison - would you not say? ?.

9.) 03 Jun 2024 20:37:12
John, just when I thought it couldn’t get better but you go and add sarcasm to your extensive knowledge ??.

10.) 03 Jun 2024 20:40:03
Don't think anyone expects Scotland to do much but as Bb4 says just enjoy it.

11.) 03 Jun 2024 21:06:40
John, that should have been a ??, not a ?.

12.) 03 Jun 2024 21:15:35
I wouldn't read too much into a friendly match in sweltering heat.

Would like to see Lawrence at Rangers and to be leading the Scotland frontline at the Euros but I doubt I'll be seeing either.

13.) 03 Jun 2024 21:19:55
Che Adam’s has to lead the line in the Euro’s.

14.) 03 Jun 2024 21:43:44
I hope he does well Scotty, always looks a good player if not spectacular.

I’m a loyal Scotland supporter and I can’t wait to get to the Allianz Arena and cheer them on, that said, Scotland not to score a goal at 14/ 1 is very tempting.

15.) 03 Jun 2024 21:59:08
Boyblue, think you missed my point, playing for Hearts he gets space as teams don't sit in like Gibraltar did tonight. Against us they always do so just stating it shows what he would be like. He would score goals no doubt but as many as he did at Hearts or as many as Dessers I doubt it. We need much better.

He fails every time on international duty and did the same in Belgium against better quality teams. We want the title then I'm sure PC and Koppen will be targeting better.

42 YO outfielder is nuts John like that Japanese player.

16.) 04 Jun 2024 06:44:00
Not sure what bit u think is sarcas, but the sub Gibraltar brought on was 4w according to the commentator.

17.) 04 Jun 2024 06:52:07
John, bigblue - he does it in our league guys, season after season. The league we need to win first. He gets so much dross. Player of the season, most goals scored and whether you want him or not, he's better than what we have.

And before somebody says Danilo is the best striker in Scotland, it's too early to be judged. One bad night against Gibraltar and everybody thinks he's rotten.

He bosses and scores in the spl, which to be honest, I'd rather win and prise away from that mob. When we have a striker that bangs 30+ in season on season, maybe then i'll start saying he's the best in our league.

People diss him cause he's a hearts player and have the blinkers on. Everybody has a bad night. Gibraltar knew how to stop him with a 2 man press and to be honest we missed some sitters, but that ain't all shanks.

Yes, I do think we would be a far better team with him and definitely score more goals - why would he not?

18.) 04 Jun 2024 07:05:17
Dado nice. That's the equivalent of name dropping in football terms lol.

19.) 04 Jun 2024 08:02:36
I'm not missing your point at all Jim as you don't have one mate. He fails every time on international duty? He's only had about 3 starts scored one goal, so hardly failing mate. So that's you judged him on teams that sit back after 1 game? In 35 degree heat, You should maybe have pc's job. Jim lammers also failed here, ripping it up in a better league, means nothing.
John he wasn't great last night but he was great 31 times this season best player in Scotland. Just for the record I've never once said we would have won the league if we bought him.
Stuz you've not seen anyone on here saying Scotland will do well, just happy to be there mate ?????????????????????.

20.) 04 Jun 2024 08:04:59
Agree Scotty, as dado says not spectacular but always feel he can make something happen.

21.) 04 Jun 2024 09:00:31
Blue dreamer boy blue. Why did gerrard Gio Beal and now clement not wat him,

22.) 04 Jun 2024 10:14:13
Is it just me or did i see dessers miss sitters with nigeria! Dessers lost us that league, look at the chances squandered in games, esp against minnows.
I know who i would have in my team, our standards upfront have been depleted, we need a scottish spine.

23.) 04 jun 2024 10:19:23
just for fairness john
2 of those managers was sacked for failure, they won one ( unique) league title between them, one cup, and clement lost a title when he was odds on favourite to win it

maybe not seeing players like shankland, ferguson, porteius, doig etc is the reason
you can't put failures up as being great judges surely.

24.) 04 Jun 2024 10:53:07
Shankland isn’t the answer don’t know why some think he will be it’s ridiculous.

25.) 04 Jun 2024 10:54:29
John gio Gerrard gio beale clement have won 1 title between them in about 5-6 years so maybe there decision making wasn't the best. John am no calling for him to be signed as it isn't happening, just don't know why the boy gets a hard time, he's Scottish he's one of us.
Loads on here with no intrest in Scotland watching an end of season friendly.
John you didn't see the sarcasm in your post? It was very sarcastic mate.

26.) 04 Jun 2024 11:14:48
What do you think would happen to Shanks if he joined us and was our 1 up top, he would be against 2 CH's like Gibraltar last night.

My point boyblue is simple. if we want 56 before them lot then we need better than him and he wouldn't score more goals than Dessers. Playing for Hearts is different than playing for us. If he was that great I'm sure one of our previous managers would have signed him by now.

27.) 04 Jun 2024 12:40:01
getting hate for a friendly game. aye this must be a Ranger page HAHA.

28.) 04 Jun 2024 13:03:19
What as sarcastic please explain. I said shankland was poor along with many others. That was a fact

Commentator states that bring on 42 year old sub fact.

So where is the sarcasm.

Ally how is it hate pointing out what happened.

29.) 04 Jun 2024 13:49:57
Bigbluejim, I'm not sure shankland is the answer as our main striker but if he wasn't expensive, he'd be a decent squad player, however to say he wouldn't score more goals for us than dessers or he does for hearts is wrong.

for starters he would have double the chances playing for rangers and in the season just finished where he won player of the year, he scored home and away against rangers and Celtic and scored the winner in the Edinburgh derby.

he doesn't only score against Dundee and Motherwell, he's a country mile better than dessers, anyone who thinks we can win the league with dessers up front is delusional.

30.) 04 Jun 2024 14:27:54
John you didn't write commentator states that bring on 42yr old sub,
You wrote in fairness must be difficult against a 42yr old. if you can't see the sarcasm in that you must be the only one mate. John it didn't annoy me, bit of sarcasm is fine mate, no sure why your denying it though.

Jim just a difference of opinion mate, shankland would outscore dessers in a rangers jersey, might be different playing for rangers, but remember rangers attack a lot more and create more chances than hearts so works both ways mate. Again not calling for him to be signed just don't understand why so many dislike him, maybe a Scottish thing not wanting other Scots to do well.

Not sure which dessers your watching to say shanks wouldn't score as many, shanks is composed in front goal if dessers had his composure he would be excellent, dessers good at holding ball up, bringing players into play, shanks is better finisher don't think many would disagree.

31.) 04 Jun 2024 15:01:10
Jack as anyone on here ever said we would win a league with Dessers.

32.) 04 Jun 2024 16:22:00
Yeah John, I'll give you 2 of the top of my head, mystar and mph said we would win the league, a good few more just can't remember.

33.) 04 Jun 2024 18:31:13
Boy blue I don’t see how that is sarcasm but respect your view

Boy blue re dessers everyone entitled to their opinion.

34.) 04 Jun 2024 22:34:22
John plenty on here thought we'd win the league so as dessers was our main striker from Christmas onwards then I'd say many thought we would win it with dessers, many regularly commented on how good he was, I don't want to slag the guy but I'm only interested in us being successful and we won't be with a striker of his standard up front.



05 Mar 2024 16:05:47
Just read Barry ferguson saying we should drop either Goldson or soutar for Benfica game and play big Leon balogun.
You would think he would know that is not possible.

Fergie was a great player but never was particularly bright.

slim jim

1.) 05 Mar 2024 16:43:49
Undroppable despite being one of the weakest links in the team, always a mistake in there somewhere.

2.) 05 Mar 2024 16:14:50
Slim Jim, it's actually embarrassing.

3.) 05 Mar 2024 16:24:35
Yeah, I saw that and thought the same. It’s kind of embarrassing how much crap ex pros tend to talk in the press in general. You’d think if they know they are going to be asked their opinions that they’d at least keep up to date with the goings on at their old clubs. Then again for the folk that write these articles to go ahead with the story also goes to show just how little these blogging sites know as well.

4.) 05 Mar 2024 17:01:21
You been reading MyStars posts again Gers78 on discussions posts ? sorry star can't help it, wee keg pull.

5.) 05 Mar 2024 18:06:20
Thats why Ferguson is a failed manager. Great player though.

6.) 05 Mar 2024 18:39:35
Cmon people none of yous have made mistakes posting rumours that were untrue or said something that was wrong. Let he without sin cast the 1st stone.

7.) 05 Mar 2024 19:24:27
John, it is embarrassing. Might have expected it from some of the other lots pundits, but for BF to not know Leon is not in Euro squad is poor crack.
Seems too many ex players just spout off to remain relevant.

8.) 05 Mar 2024 19:42:59
If only this was possible!

9.) 05 Mar 2024 20:33:21
Souttar costs us goals. But has improved.

10.) 05 Mar 2024 22:40:31
Correct onewalter we must have too many perfect peters on here.

What players did we go with for euro squad? Yilmaz Cortes and silva.

11.) 06 Mar 2024 01:41:07
The logic behind it is correct though. If it was possible. Balogun back in asap.

12.) 06 Mar 2024 06:52:44
Strange that, many want him to go season end, personally extend a year for me, this is an area we must look at soon imo.

13.) 06 Mar 2024 07:53:23
Storm, it was Yilmaz, Dio and Silva.

14.) 06 Mar 2024 08:22:40
Oscar Cortes wasn't included in our europa league squad ?.

15.) 06 Mar 2024 09:29:04
One Walter and storm, Ferguson is getting paid to write his article.

16.) 06 Mar 2024 10:38:39
Possible deliberate faux pas then John, to draw attention to said article, is he that clever? ?.

17.) 06 Mar 2024 12:06:45
John have you never made a mistake in your work?

18.) 06 Mar 2024 12:45:32
Yeah I remembered after posting.

19.) 06 Mar 2024 13:04:15
One Walter no.



07 Jan 2024 16:16:54
Best wishes to young Dapo Mebude who is in serious condition after a car crash in Belgium.

Thought he had a bright future with us previously.

slim jim



07 Nov 2023 21:39:13
The mhob are crying out for foreign refs as they say ours are biased.

They have one tonight and guess what? yep biased against them. They reckon both Var and refs are corrupt.
Always cheated never defeated right enough.

slim jim

1.) 07 Nov 2023 23:01:50
You cannot tackle like that it’s a straight red. But if yer hartson that has stuck a Lego up yer nose and it has made its way to yer brain it’s a yellow.

2.) 08 Nov 2023 02:11:48
Hartson commentating is unbearable. He sounds like he is doing a painful sh*te.

3.) 08 Nov 2023 05:26:20
That pathetic, apology of a club are always cheated and never defeated and that's what they truly believe, in that bubble they live in? They're pathetic with their obsession of us and their pathetic with every decision that goes remotely against them!

4.) 08 Nov 2023 06:25:33
I will take 1-0 Rangers on Thursday and PENALTY TO RANGERS! Let them not just smell the glove but the brown stuff too.

5.) 08 Nov 2023 07:12:58
The always cheated never Humped Brigade.

6.) 08 Nov 2023 07:35:10
To be honest it was a very very soft red card wed have been raging if it happed to us.

7.) 08 Nov 2023 08:04:51
I want the Scottish sides to do well for the coefficient. With regards to gloating at them, we should just concentrate on our own results. As much as i don't like it they are in the champions league we aren't. We got our backsides kicked last year in that tournament. We must make sure we are in the champions league next year and do ourselves proud. Meanwhile we have to do our best in the Europa League and the spfl. WATP ????.

8.) 08 Nov 2023 08:17:08
Goodness big Hartson is unbelievable? Never heard commentary like it!

9.) 08 Nov 2023 08:26:59
To be perfectly honest, I thought the red card was a bit harsh, but in today's football it's probably the correct decision. It would never have been a red when I was playing the game. I've no sympathy for them though, after the berating we took from the Tims last year they deserve everything coming to them. I'm just gutted they stole a point in one of their game or they had a decent chance to beat our unwanted record.

10.) 08 Nov 2023 08:37:22
To be fair to Maeda, its a very soft red card. he's not even making a tackle, he is holding his foot up to block the clearance/ hit and the Madrid player follows through. We would all be raging if it was against Gers.

This would be a yellow at best in SPL. Otherwise SPL games will finish 7 aside. The game has gone very soft.

Not sure how much of a difference it would have made last night as Celtic were very poor when they went down to 10 men. And most the goals were very good goals.

11.) 08 Nov 2023 08:40:10
Out of breath he gets everything they are on attack and tbh that's a red if that was one of our players doing a tackle like that I would be saying the same can't go in like that and get away with it .

12.) 08 Nov 2023 09:11:14
In my playing day never a red but by the rules of todays game yes it’s red and players need to realise you can’t challenge like that anymore, but what about big Hartson I could feel his pain he couldn’t accept how poor his team was it was ten men ten men and ten men again, Scottish teams are just not good enough at this level and I’m afraid it makes no difference how much money our clubs have top players won’t come up to play in our poor league, top player want to play in top leagues and our teams will always be playing against these top players and I’m afraid getting battered, we need to look at the structure of our leagues ten team league is boring to repetitive then we have no youth structure nowhere for young players to develop, it’s nice to gloat but we must remember our last few goes at the Champions League it wasn’t pretty, anyway on to Thursday three points would put us in a good position let be that 12th man.

13.) 08 Nov 2023 09:12:14
Just watched the highlights, harsh decision imo.

14.) 08 Nov 2023 09:52:10
Decision correct as the foot was left in nowhere near the ball and high, sending off was the only result.

15.) 08 Nov 2023 09:59:04
Aye its a red card for me. You just can't fly in out of control with your studs showing like that. And nowhere near the ball. Reckless endangerment. Obviously with the ref checking the monitor he agrees with the var people. But then Atletico are practitioners of the dark arts and streetwise so maybe something in their conspiracy theory ?.

16.) 08 Nov 2023 12:28:20
Livibear, their earnings from the CL will be a pittance to ours if we can get to the knockout stages of The Europa League.

17.) 08 Nov 2023 13:14:40
It is a red card every day of the week in every league except in the Hammer Thrower Division that we play in where refs turn a blind eye to bad tackle and pundits laugh when someone gets crunched . Football isn`t like that anymore and that's the reason our teams struggle in Europe where they need skill and can`t just fly into poor tackles. Maedas boot was high and he caught the player on the shin with his studs, whether he meant to do it or not, he could see the guy coming and could have pulled out. Sunday summed it up for me, Hearts brought youngster Denholm on and the first thing he did was catch Wright with a bad tackle and got a yellow which should have been a red. If that's how we are coaching kids to play we have no chance of improving in Europe.

18.) 08 Nov 2023 13:44:40
If that was against us then we would be moaning it wasn’t a red.

19.) 08 Nov 2023 13:47:57
Atletico player shouldn’t have been sent off at Piggery didn’t hear any complaints there and then they have the Eid neck to moan when everyone and their dug knew they would get pumped regardless, usual deflection stuff.
Only Scottish side to have played in Conference league to have lost all games they have played in that comp.

20.) 08 Nov 2023 13:45:28
Had a really poor night last night and needed a wee lift this morning so I looked up the celtic highlights. they were lucky to get away with 6-0.
Rodgers hasn't a clue and at 2-0 and 10 men had no idea about damage limitation.
They say laughter is the best medicine.
Well I've had lots of medicine from watching that.

21.) 08 Nov 2023 13:47:56
Didn't see them complaining when they played against 10 men on Saturday.

22.) 08 Nov 2023 14:21:47
Not at all storm. If one of our guys flew into a tackle like that I'I'd expect a red card every day of the week.

23.) 08 nov 2023 14:46:16
its clear red according to the rules, boys metatarsil could easily have been smashed, i was surprised it wasnt actually

hartson then turned to crying about money

completely ignoring the fact his club have billionairre owners and 15 odd years of cl money.

24.) 08 Nov 2023 15:56:32
Do they not remember the last time we tried foreign refs in Scotland? We ended up with way more red cards and more complaints. They didn't know how rough Scottish football was and over reacted in most situations.



29 Jul 2023 14:05:23
Just seen team to start today.
WTF? Would have thought MB would start as near as he could to a first 11
Obviously late arrivals and injured guys still to play but if that is MBs idea, then heaven help us.

slim jim

1.) 29 Jul 2023 15:06:41
Sickness bug in the camp mate.

2.) 29 Jul 2023 15:16:49
Theres been a sickness bug went through the team the gaffer stated this earlier on.

3.) 29 Jul 2023 15:18:07
Sickness bug has a few out.

4.) 29 Jul 2023 15:23:16
Very poor first half.
2 things same as last year. We cannot defend and we want to walk it in at the other end.
Granted it is a friendly but we are a long way from ready for next week.
Hopeful of a better 2nd half with subs.

5.) 29 Jul 2023 15:26:49
The defending has been atrocious today. Tav and Yilmaz can't defend at all.

6.) 29 Jul 2023 15:30:50
just watched the first half and i hope this is not the plan for the season all my excitment and optimisim has taken a severe dent after the last two frindlies i know it is all about fitness but the goals we are losing is giving me the fear and i think we are poor up front hope it will improve.

7.) 29 Jul 2023 15:35:18
At least we know that this starting 11 won't win you anything as they have been horrendous. How slow is Dessers at running, Yanis Hagi would give him a good go in a race.

8.) 29 Jul 2023 15:36:24
We have sickness bug hence how soapy etc aren’t playing or on bench.

9.) 29 Jul 2023 15:39:18
Nothing short of a shambles, Colak can't lay MB style, what is that, Dessler offering nothing, we will win nothing with Beale in charge, just does not have it.

10.) 29 Jul 2023 15:42:30
Beale might be the same as me and my mate. No idea who to start as not one has shown anything bar lammers. To be fair. I don't think any of the players no what they are supposed to be doing. Someone explain our tactics and formation plz.




slim jim's rumour replies


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16 Jul 2024 11:17:04
@ Star, don't know who told you but they are wrong.
Trust me, he is not coming to us.

slim jim



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16 Jul 2024 08:11:48
Joan Jordan will not be coming to us.

slim jim



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19 Jun 2024 15:19:37
Read that earlier. Certainly hope it is true and the club accept the offer that will come.

slim jim



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14 Jun 2024 16:00:25
Think you will find that most of our so called targets go elsewhere.

Reason being, . they were never targets. Mostly from click baits and guys in the garage forecourts.

We have kept our cards close to our chests recently and i doubt that has changed, so unless our manager says different then just take the reports with a pinch of salt.

slim jim



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11 Jun 2024 16:07:17
@ Stus89. Al Etifaq might not have budget of others but they wetre paying Henderson a small fortune so pretty sure they can afford Goldson and Tav hopefully.

slim jim




slim jim's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 22:00:54
Who exactly said we made an improved offer?

Don't forget that he has a contract for x amount and he will be paid that no matter who pays what % therefore it would be hard to improve.
Only our % is an improvement to his club, not to him.

Anyway it is a mute point as he does not want to leave Spain.
Family issues are behind it.

slim jim



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26 Jul 2024 18:55:47
I stated on here a while ago that Jordan would not come here. That still stands. He has no interest in coming here irrespective of paper talk.

slim jim



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24 Jul 2024 20:29:39
We are being schooled by Birmingham. That is how bad we are.
Friendly or not, players should be able to do the basics.

slim jim



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12 Jul 2024 14:57:32
If we still have Goldson and Tav, then it is going to be a long season.

slim jim



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08 Jul 2024 08:28:11
Don't forget that just about every rumour on here started on mainstream news also.

slim jim



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