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27 Jun 2024 14:25:01
We are looking at Danny Armstrong of Kilmarnock, possible swap deal.


1.) 27 Jun 2024 14:36:07
Who we swapping for hopefully scotty wright?

2.) 27 Jun 2024 14:36:07
Yep. I said it weeks ago. Never knew it was a swap deal tho. Armstrong certainly strengthen our wide positions.

3.) 27 Jun 2024 14:50:10
Good addition. Squad player. Betyer than wright, matondo and mcausland.

4.) 27 Jun 2024 15:44:16
Decent player and has fire in his belly and gets stuck in plus doesn’t rubbish himself at the piggery.

5.) 27 Jun 2024 15:48:40
Paul -Good enough player - but being better than 3 you mentioned would not be difficult - still don't see him being anywhere near the level we need to seriously challenge.

6.) 27 Jun 2024 15:57:04
Would be disappointed with this. Is it bad yhat i'm expecting a higher level of player? For me he doesn't lift us to the level we need to get into champions league group and not get embarrassed. I just don't think he's good enough and for me i'm thinking similar impact to Wright or jordan Jones.

7.) 27 Jun 2024 15:57:16
Does Armstrong make our European squad, I don’t think so.

8.) 27 Jun 2024 15:05:48
Find it surprising Killie would let one of their best players leave on a swap deal, but then again maybe he wants the move?

9.) 27 Jun 2024 15:05:54
Squad player that’s all doesn’t excite me at all.

10.) 27 Jun 2024 15:13:02
Yup would do a job?.

11.) 27 Jun 2024 16:16:00
I like him as a player, but I don't think he counts as home grown because of his time at wolves as a kid, so would actually make our euro squad weaker if we swapped him with Wright.

12.) 27 Jun 2024 16:16:38
Personally don't think he will be good enough but i'd swap him for scott wright easily, what's the worst that can happen?

13.) 27 Jun 2024 16:18:21
I think it's a stretch to say he's better than Wright or Matondo, similar standard to Wright and 6 years older than McCausland and he's never played in an Old Firm. No thanks.

14.) 27 Jun 2024 16:22:30
See tbh we have 38 league games and 2 cups to play for so making a euro squad that we’re likely not going to make past Xmas isn’t the b all and end all.

15.) 27 Jun 2024 16:30:50
Would he need to make our european squad? We saw at the end of last season that we Didn't have a squad capable of challenging on all fronts and were short especially in wide areas.

A few players will miss out on the squad regardless, they may as well be solid performers in the league.

16.) 27 Jun 2024 23:51:53
The swap is supposedly for Robbie mccrorie.




Jackboy55's banter posts with other poster's replies to Jackboy55's banter posts


11 May 2024 21:32:31
Been out most of the day today so apologies if this point has been made already, I'm not a conspiracy theorist but today is as close to calling refs cheats as I'd get, the penalty decision baffled me and here's why - in the first game of the season at Ibrox, roofe's goal is disallowed, lagerbielke plants his foot, dessers catches him and apparently initiating that contact was enough for a foul to be awarded to celtic yet today diomande plants his foot, oriley initiates the contact and yet our player is penalised, it simply cannot be a penalty if the decision at ibrox was correct its blatant cheating, it didn't affect the outcome today but should be questioned nonetheless.


1.) 11 May 2024 22:48:40
Penalty all day every day. If it was at the other end for my team and we didn't get a penalty, I would be fuming. Jack the penalty didn't influence the outcome, our poor performance did!

2.) 12 May 2024 01:22:05
Didn't matter really but was never a pen, Dio didn't even put in a tackle. and o'riley was clever. Collum sees contact and makes that decision fine, wrong imo but can live with it. I hate inconsistency though. Mcgregor gets turned in the middle of the park pulls back and rightly got booked. Hatate done the same thing 10 kins later collum (to be fair) tries to play advantage, but more advantage in stopping and. booking Hatate. McGregor one day won't get away with as kuchen too. League wad lost after ross co anyway, need a good clear out in the summer. Torture at the minute, but love Rangers and we'll have our turn again.

3.) 12 May 2024 05:49:33
Never ever a penalty … O’Riley manumiti by putting his foot behind Diomonde’s leg … there was barely contact but he fell dramatically which addd to the scene. Shocking decision which VAR challenged rightly but Collum upheld.

4.) 12 May 2024 07:43:55
To be fair thought he had a decent game. If he was cheating no way he'd only have given Lunny a yellow. Yes he called pen wrong but we'd have called for it. At least for once a ref had the bottle to stick with own decision.

5.) 12 May 2024 07:54:30
Boy yes u r right it was a penalty.



31 Dec 2023 08:19:54
Storm still defending the worst centre forward we have had in 40 years. No one said he lost us the game on his own, but he was by some distance the worst player on the park and not for the first time. Apparently, his 9 goals, including a goal against a betis keeper with his legs open wider than the Clyde tunnel, means he's good enough.

All of us who think he's hopeless are clueless, we will never win the league with Cyriel Dessers as our main striker so why not settle it with a poll on here and see how it goes, simple question is Dessers good enough to play for Rangers or not?


{Ed033's Note -

Dessers poll

1.) 31 Dec 2023 08:46:04
Terrible footballer. Mad there's still folk looking through blue tinted glasses. Dessers offers absolutely nothing. Worst 'striker' we've had in a lot of years.

2.) 31 Dec 2023 09:31:57
Dessers is not the required standard but think point storm was making that it wasn't him alone that cost us.

3.) 31 Dec 2023 09:42:47
That won’t settle it and I haven’t once said he is good enough. But it’s all we have. Also to play down the betis goal shows you are clueless.

4.) 31 Dec 2023 10:12:03
Play it down storm? One good goal in Europe doesn't make you a good player does it?

5.) 31 Dec 2023 10:27:11
Bring back Francis Jeffers Dessers is hopeless!

6.) 31 Dec 2023 11:24:15
If you watch the betis goal back it was pure luck that the ball bounced over the defenders foot before megging the keeper, he is absolutely hopeless, i'd rather have jon daly upfront that dessers.



15 Aug 2023 22:00:49
Butland motm tonight, felt raskin and cantwell played well too, the rest were average at best, tav was the worst man on the park apart from the goal, danilo not a lone striker, needs a partner or others around him,2 thoughts from tonight, is it just me or do none of our strikers have an ounce of fight in them, they seem weak, lazy and don't put themselves about at all? and one for the borna haters, that's 3 assists in the last 3 games, come back and tell us how great yilmaz is when he affects games in that way-huge improvement needed for psv but still in it, job done, time for a wee voddie.


1.) 15 aug 2023 22:49:12
im still utterly over the moon we chased down butland, without doubt the best signing in a long long time, oozes class and quality and not afraid of anything, i love that . if not for him we could have really been in trouble, tav scored and was a nightmare all in one game, not unusual for him mind. he simply has no awareness of a right back, but his numbers are fantastic, i still think we could have been better up top.

2.) 15 Aug 2023 22:55:49
The average lot got us thru.

3.) 15 Aug 2023 23:24:55
Borna is playing like his old self for what ever reason long may it continue
Yilmaz just not for me as I’ve previously said don’t think it’s going to work out for him up here at all
management still not picking him even when he’s fit
Still not sure where that signing sprung from?

missed fist half seen second half did have a good feeling we would go through tonight and said as much on live chat we four our early goal second half which we really needed but once that went in I felt confident

Hopeful everyone comes good very soon with more training and playing competitively. ??.

4.) 15 Aug 2023 23:29:35
Butland looks to be a brilliant signing, Tom. Thought he and Raskin were the top guys tonight. Big shout out to Borna as well. What a ball for our goal.



29 Jul 2023 15:22:50
Hope the ridvan fan club is watching this today, badly at fault for both goals but hey he's miles better than barisic supposedly.




30 Apr 2023 18:32:33
Another old firm game decided by a horrendous mistake from us and an inability to take a simple chance-beale has to be allowed time to build his own side and get rid of the deadwood he inherited when he arrived, we don't have a single forward player who is either good enough or interested in being here, that's at least 3 or 4 attacking players he needs minimum-he needs 2 more midfielders, a centre half, a full back and a goalie too, the only 3 who got pass marks from me today were tavernier, cantwell and arfield, oh and as for the 5 million man malic tillman, surely that puts to bed any argument about spending it on him, a complete waste of space in those games, and spare me the argument about others doing nothing, does that make it OK to spend big money on another guy who won't hurt them, kyogo or jota don't just show up against motherwell or hibs they make a difference in the big games too, as far as I'm concerned he can be on the same plane out of the country as Kent and morelos.


1.) 30 Apr 2023 18:50:26
Harsh to have a go at Tillman when he only played half an hour and was having a solid game before he went off.

2.) 30 Apr 2023 20:04:56
Tillman job was to stop cal Mac getting on the ball and he did but there's a decision whether we spend the money or not.

3.) 30 Apr 2023 20:14:57
With respect David that's nonsense how was tillman having a solid game? his contribution was zero, his effort not much better, watch it back he had no influence whatsoever and spent most of his time on the park walking about, you don't win old firm games with passengers.




Jackboy55's rumour replies


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27 Jun 2024 23:51:53
The swap is supposedly for Robbie mccrorie.




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25 Jan 2022 20:05:25
I think h22 has chosen his words poorly, not a blessing that someone gets a serious injury and I wish the boy a speedy recovery, where I do agree though is that he won't be a loss to the team I've said a few times on here I don't rate the guy I don't see anything he brings to the team, we have aribo for his position or arfield who as well as linking midfield to attack and posing a goal threat will also provide the graft and dig that hagi lacks, I'll be shot down in flames about assists etc as usual but I'm sorry I don't see it, if we don't sell anyone then I reckon all we need is a right winger, olsen would be the ideal fit, full Danish international, lots of first team experience in Italy and Denmark, tall, quick, can finish, the other names mentioned are much more risky, its whether we have the funds to get him that's the issue, whoever it is needs to be a first pick, not another option the same standard as Wright or sakala.




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24 Jan 2022 10:46:58
John25 you would be correct in that assumption👍.




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23 Jan 2022 22:17:25
John25 there are no concerns about Jack's career or long term future, I do know the coaching staff regard Jack and arfield almost as one player now due to injury issues (at least they did under Gerrard) I also know 2 players have a terrible attitude towards training and look for any slight niggle to sit sessions out, apparently a pair of hypochondriacs.




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23 Jan 2022 17:10:24
Orygbmb and MOCbear I see this member of the backroom staff once a month, I don't snoop for info but might ask the odd leading question, I tend to get more info on injury situations than anything else and other titbits, sometimes I get some transfer news, would never give up who it was, for instance, and maybe this is common knowledge but I know for a fact we enquired about Nisbet last summer there was concrete interest there, if I hear anything I will put it on.





Jackboy55's banter replies


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28 Jun 2024 22:59:05
Gers 78 it might not happen but I know definitively that rangers are looking at a swap with Armstrong of Kilmarnock and Robbie mccrorie, additional money could change hands too.




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27 Jun 2024 23:46:49
With regards to wingers we are looking at a swap deal to bring Danny Armstrong of Kilmarnock in, possibly for Robbie mccrorie.




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25 Jun 2024 19:50:56
Fans pumping money into the club who have seen 3 trophies in 12 years, we are absolutely entitled to be critical of players if we want, do we want rangers to be successful or are we more interested in not hurting the feelings of some poor wee rich footballers?




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25 Jun 2024 19:47:44
Hendo I'd wish the guy all the best but I'd be delighted to see him go, he runs all day? So would I but you wouldn't want me as our main striker, scores important goals? When? he has zero pace, touch, strength, he wants way too many touches, misses loads of chances, put simply he's not good enough.




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24 Jun 2024 22:40:27
Even though he just signed a 1 year extension at madrid? Ok then.




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