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15 Jul 2024 13:17:52
One of the reasons we are where we are just now is as a result of chopping and changing managers so often over the last few seasons. I’m not saying that some of them didn’t deserve to go of course, however every time a new manager comes in they obviously want money to spend on their own players to carry out their ideas of how to play. In the meantime though they are stuck with the players the previous manager (s) have brought in. Combined with the fact we sometimes have to ‘over inflate’ the wages we offer to attract players to come and play in Scotland in the first place then you are left with a squad of unwanted players who we can’t get rid of as no one who might want them can match the wages we are paying them. (Take Lammers, couple of clubs in Holland have gone elsewhere as didn’t or couldn’t afford his £20k wages…which by the way was probably a lot more than he was on before signing for us) . Clement is now stuck with a squad full of players brought in by Gerrard, Gio, Beale (even Warburton in Tav’s case) . This is also the reason we end up with a lot of players running their contracts down and leaving for nothing, we don’t want them, we pay them too much so no one will buy them. It had to stop at some point and unfortunately that point is now. Players must leave before anymore come in. We pay higher wages (by quite a bit I believe) than Celtic yet have we had value for money? Clearly not. Yes it was probably a big mistake backing Beale last summer in his rebuild and letting him spend so much on players we are now stuck with but it had to stop at some point. We can’t just go on throwing good money away after bad. Let’s just hope we can somehow shift on some of the deadwood soon.


1.) 15 Jul 2024 14:09:08
Backing Beale without some form of head of recruitment in place was the biggest mistake the club have made.

2.) 15 Jul 2024 14:34:13
Beale did a lot of damage in a very short space of time. I can’t believe some supporters were saying he was the next WS. the guy was a complete train wreck and unfortunately the club went along for the ride. Some good points on your post Gers78. this isn’t an easy fix for PC .

3.) 15 Jul 2024 14:39:58
Agree David, giving Beale free rein was absolute madness. The board should take the blame for allowing that to happen.

4.) 15 Jul 2024 15:26:51
Agree that backing Beale obviously turned out to be a huge error… however last summer would us fans have accepted the board not backing him financially at the time? We were all screaming for them to allow money to be spent and a new team to be built. The bigger mistake was appointing Beale in the first place.

5.) 15 Jul 2024 16:37:59
Ahh but gers beale was the tactician and the brains in gerrard set up

A snake of the highest order. Worst manager in our hisTory.

6.) 15 Jul 2024 16:38:36
Ross Wilson to me was the biggest issue. Signing dross nobody wanted for huge wages that we can't get rid off. Handing out undeserved boosted contracts too.

7.) 15 Jul 2024 18:43:38
Rabbi, although Wilson may not be exactly innocent in all this there are more reasons than just him. As in my original post, sometimes we are ‘forced’ into offering higher wages than other clubs would in order to attract certain players to play in this league over other better leagues. In other cases us over spending on wages is nothing new, we’ve been doing it for years. Remember Kevin Kyle telling a story of when he signed for us in ‘the banter years’ under McCoist he was discussing with his agent before meeting us how much he would accept per week and said he’d be happy with anything from £500 to £1k a week. They walked into the meeting and we slapped a £10k offer on the table?!

8.) 15 Jul 2024 21:09:34
John caixinha was worse imo and I say that as no fan of mb.

9.) 16 Jul 2024 05:47:15
Only guy that was on gardening leave while still manager ??.

10.) 16 Jul 2024 09:47:48
All about opinions, caixinha was in wrong movie,
Interesting park junior involved in appointment of both.



16 Jun 2024 12:27:24
Ok so who on earth is out there spreading a story that we will ask for £5m for Tom Lawrence?!? ?. I know we’ve under valued players before but £5m for. 30year old who has 1 year left on his contract and been injured for large periods of his time here? I very much doubt it. Kind of just shows how much nonsense most of the rumours are on these click bait sites.


1.) 16 Jun 2024 14:33:21
He's worth 1m even with 1 year left because he needs replaced if he goes.

2.) 16 Jun 2024 14:40:33
I agree one Walter that he’d be worth around £1m… but the story is saying £5m! Which is just nonsense.

3.) 16 Jun 2024 14:54:48
I read that this morning on line put it straight under the BS category.

4.) 16 Jun 2024 15:07:29
We should obviously try for as much as possible - if he were a championship player clubs would be looking for minimum 3 million given his experience - therefore we should not be taken for mugs imho.

5.) 16 Jun 2024 15:09:01
Mind you celtic getting over 4 mill for oh.

6.) 16 Jun 2024 15:57:16
Paul I agree that £4m for Oh seems stupid, however it also shows how ridiculous £5m for Lawrence is when you consider Oh is 23, a current South Korean international striker who has 3years I think still on his contract and Lawrence is 30, always injured and only a year to go.

7.) 16 Jun 2024 16:06:36
Don't know how that lot manage it at times Paul, if that is the true figure.

8.) 16 Jun 2024 18:36:42
having players other teams want and
are prepared to pay what they ask.

9.) 16 Jun 2024 18:38:50
Folks go read how selticreport sales, they include all add ons and potential sell on.

10.) 16 Jun 2024 18:59:38
33m quite for oreily as well.

11.) 16 Jun 2024 17:00:00
Seen that earlier. I think we will happily cash out on a figure south of that ball park before he gets injured and walks off for nothing. At the risk of sounding negative.



05 May 2024 15:15:17
And that’s why Dessers will just never be good enough. The guy can not… in fact WILL NOT, hit a first time shot. It’s completely baffling how a forward just can not shoot. Could easily of had a hatrick today if he would just shoot! ?. It’s so frustrating to watch.


1.) 05 May 2024 15:55:44
Hes very poor but at the moment he's really all we've got he won't be our main striker next year hopefully not a bench warmer either.

2.) 05 May 2024 16:49:57
Scored against Hibs with a 1st time shot and one other chipped goal and that’s just off the top of my head so your post is bs.

3.) 05 May 2024 16:51:21
King? He was poor today but scored winner against st Mirren and scored the 2 goals that got us to a cup final that’s 3 goals in 3 games.

4.) 05 May 2024 19:49:42
Some are never happy Storm, big guy will be here next year, name a striker that scores every game? You can't, Spot on Storm utter BS.

5.) 05 May 2024 20:22:08
Storm seriously stop being an a**e. If you seriously think that Dessers is the quality of striker we need going forward then god help us. I will not fault him for his effort however he unfortunately lacks in most other areas. And yes he actually scored against Hibs and St Mirren with first time finishes but both were with his head from a few yards out where he couldn’t miss. However you can easily count at least a couple of chances a game where he loses out by trying to take far too many unnecessary touches before trying to shoot. A striker who won't or can’t hit a first time shot just isn’t good enough for us. I know Roofe is by far not the answer but just looking at today he would of scored a couple at least.



Rangers Squad Rebuild For Next Season

30 Apr 2024 07:39:38
{Ed's Note - Gers78!! has posted a new article entitled, Rangers Squad Rebuild For Next Season




29 Apr 2024 15:41:05
Glasgow Rangers Logo

Gers78!! has written an article entitled, Rangers Squad Rebuild For Next Season


1.) 29 Apr 2024 16:52:26
Pretty much spot on Gers78, I'd keep Lawrence, he can still offer something imo, Raskin, I thought done well initially when played with Cantwell, you may be correct in that a full pre-season may help. Balogun for another year as cover. Gd read bud?.

2.) 29 Apr 2024 16:59:22
Good post 78. We may need three goalies.

3.) 29 Apr 2024 17:57:44
Was hoping there might be someone within the B team set up that is ready to be third choice keeper John, but not sure if that’s the case.

4.) 29 Apr 2024 19:08:28
Nicely summarised 78, i’d agree with pretty much all of that??.

5.) 29 Apr 2024 19:27:06
John is that you teasing that Butland is leaving?

6.) 29 Apr 2024 20:32:08
Storm no, plenty says he will go, I hope not, the thread talks McLaughlin and Mccrorie will go

Ger 78, wright was third choice for Europe this season but is behind McLaughlin now for domestic games.

Mb McLaughlin stays if mccrorIe goes

78, imo none of the reserves have any experience above say Alloa Stranraer, but that was same re wright.

7.) 29 Apr 2024 20:54:48
Good post and hard to argue but with such a big rebuild we may need to keep some players like Lawrence because we need to use money in other areas I'd certainly sell hagi lammers goldson Wright and not offer deals to any if the ooc players I'd keep tav unless a bid over 5m is made and would look for at least 10m if butland is to. leave so potentially with sales you could generate over 20/ 25m and save over 100k a week on wages so daunting but not impossible.

8.) 30 Apr 2024 07:57:27
If butland goes to the euros then min 15m.
I know he is 31 but we should play hardball. Celtic would get top dollar if it were them.

9.) 30 Apr 2024 08:52:38
We certainly won't turn down 15 million for him.

10.) 30 Apr 2024 09:15:43
Lawrence has been awful wouldn’t have him near my team he looks broken.

11.) 30 apr 2024 12:54:16
lets nit start with the “ not a penny less “, kent, morelos spring to mind.




Gers78!!'s rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 15:41:27
You’re talking nonsense, playing wingers on their ‘opposite sides’ is not why players got injured. Our crappy under Beale and poor medical set up were much more to do with it. And as for Cerny’s stats, Wolfsburg played a 352 the majority of the time and he was being asked to play as a wing back instead of a winger, that wasn’t his natural game and didn’t suit him. He has always played on the right cutting in on his left foot (much like Robben), he came through Ajax youth set up playing that way. But suppose you’re right, I mean what does the Ajax academy know?




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26 Jul 2024 13:34:04
Their chairman has already stated the £4.2m that was quoted in the press is no where near accurate. Will be closer to £2m.




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24 Jul 2024 22:54:01
Do folk on this site actually have anything between their ears? Everyone panicking and asking ‘why isn’t Butland in the squad?!? ??. If you were to pause and take a breath for just one moment you would notice that (inhales big breath) Soutar, Davies, Jefte, Sterling, Lawrence, Dowell, Cortes… AND Butland, weren’t in the squad. Clement said on Saturday that most that started that game wouldn’t play this one.

He has said tonight that a number of the squad remained in Glasgow. Butland isn’t going to Leeds. However based on how we are looking just now… I’m not really sure it’ll make much difference?. The squad is all over the place, players wanting out left right and centre (let them go, too many don’t have the bottle to play at a club the size of and with the demands of us) .

There is no chance we are qualifying for champs league. This is very much looking like we are virtually starting again from scratch. This season is going to be a tough watch.




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23 Jul 2024 16:10:55
Maybe he’s chosen to sign for Birmingham and the club are just giving him a lift ?.




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15 Jul 2024 15:23:08
Clearly you didn’t read the actual story. He never mentioned when it was but wouldn’t be surprised if it was back in the lower league days with the way he was talking. Plus it looks like it never actually got near to being ‘an actual thing’. Complete non story.





Gers78!!'s banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 15:02:50
Yes we have been going through the rubbish period for 12/ 13 years, the biggest problem though was everyone involved in that time before now seemed only interested in a quick fix and trying desperately to throw good money after bad (none of which we really had) to catch and beat a Celtic team that a massive head start over us, right back to when we signed a load of over paid has beens in the lower leagues rather than building the club back up from within properly. Of course none of it was helped by having a load of greedy crooks in charge of the club for a large part of that time who had no interest in Rangers and were only interested in lining their pockets. For all the current boards issues they do at least want what’s best for the club and are trying to put the club in the right direction (even if they are making mistakes along the way) .




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25 Jul 2024 13:30:01
Oh my god?, I pray for the day that people forget the name Vladimir Weiss.




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25 Jul 2024 13:28:36
Sacking the manager and starting over ‘yet again’ with what we would be our 5th manager in 4 years would be insane. What exactly would anyone think a new manager could do with the same players, the same set up in the background, the same restrictions on finances. Clement at least seems to be looking at the bigger picture and trying to change things throughout the footballing side of the club. But there are no quick fixes. It will take a fair bit of time to sort out everything (youth set up, medical set up, training set up etc) never mind getting the first team back in shape on a small budget. So think about it, what standard of manger would want to come in to all of that if we did get rid of Clement? And even if we did manage to bring in someone of a decent standard they would still be facing all the same issues yet they would AGAIN have to start from scratch. It may well be a very rough season but realistically we are just going to have to ride it out and hope he can turn things around quicker than expected.




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25 Jul 2024 08:19:57
You’re probably not wrong about most of that, but what do you suggest should be done? Sometimes Sunshine supporter you have to keep supporting during the rain and storms too.




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24 Jul 2024 15:37:00
Oh man didn’t realise we had re-signed Joey Barton?. Is that how bad things have got?.




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