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27 Jul 2020 22:54:28
Well according to the DR Morelos has said he hasn't agreed anything with Lille. that's good enough for me. Maybe he will in the future i don't know but he is quoted as saying "The Rangers fans love me too much because I have done things well and love the shirt. They have supported me through thick and thin, I did positive things for my career and my family. I don't pay attention to the negative that people say about me. "

I guess he must be reading the posts on this site.


1.) 28 Jul 2020 02:36:35
I've watched a fair bit of Danish football and I’d love to see Rangers go for two players from FC Midtjylland! Jens Cajuste (20) unlimited potential and great attitude plus Evander (22) both midfielders and would definitely add much more quality in there- doubt they’d break the bank either.

2.) 28 Jul 2020 08:07:18
Gers geo both of them are fantastic, I also wouldn't mind Magnus kofod 21 from FC Nordsjaeland.

3.) 28 Jul 2020 11:00:15
Gersgeo we have around 10 midfielders and no strikers. don't say morelos if you have watched last 4 matches.

4.) 28 Jul 2020 14:48:58
Gersgeo that evander lad was a stand out against us last year he would be our equivalent to coutinho. I think the danish mob know they have a diamond on there hands and will want big bucks for him. He will be a superstar next few years would love for him to become one at rangers what a signing he would be.

5.) 29 Jul 2020 12:50:14
6countries we actually have 8 midfielders, Hagi, Arfield, Davis, Jack, Kamara, Docherty, Barjonas and Aribo - Hagi plays more upfront now, Doc won’t get a look in and will be loaned out with Barjonas! So that leaves us with 5 competing for 3 spots in midfield- we could always add in there, I agree the striker will be the priority but someone like Cajuste would be a terrific signing for us regardless! Jsijenkins I mega agree Magnus Kofod is quality- this league is littered with future stars.

6.) 29 Jul 2020 12:57:41
Dwallace, I totally agree Evander would be quality and your likeness to coutinho for us is spot on! Transfermarkt rate him at £4m surely if it was a little more the money would be better spent on him who is only 22 than the £3.75m were going to spend on Zungu who’ll turn 28 in October.

7.) 29 Jul 2020 15:55:14
Gersgeo definitely mate he has huge potential we seen it first hand last year think he even scored against us. Check his YouTube clips aswell mate he a absolute baller big big future ahead of him. Cheeky 3.75 mil bid test the waters lol the other danish mob just sold there player for 8.2 mil. so think they are starting to get decent cash for there players.



30 Oct 2017 18:19:34
we have just appointed scouting team with bomber brown coming back in.


1.) 30 Oct 2017 18:56:34
Great news that we now have a fully set up scouting network in the uk and abroad with some very experience people coming in who have worked at big clubs this will take a while to kick in but another good step taken by the board

2.) 30 Oct 2017 19:05:55
Someone has blocked unbelievable on geesadodothat's original post aha how can you not believe it when Mark Allen has announced it on the clubs website lmao

3.) 30 Oct 2017 20:18:32
Another step in the right direction now appoint Mcinnes

4.) 31 Oct 2017 08:25:44
Great news, yes get mcinnes.

5.) 31 Oct 2017 08:26:45
Yes, let's do all this hard work and attract quality people to the club to scout, plan, investigate, look after youth, look after logistics, identify players Europe-wide; then to oversee all of this, to be in charge of all this, let's appoint a manager that hardly any of the players we'd hope to attract have heard of, a parochial, mediocre man operating in one of Europe's poorest leagues and hope that ove the next 3 to 5 years he can steer us back to the big time. Good thinking.

6.) 31 Oct 2017 11:15:36
bigsam that's why it won't be a scottish manager

7.) 01 Nov 2017 06:44:01
If we don't appoint mcinnes it will go tits up again I guarantee it.




geesadodothat's banter posts with other poster's replies to geesadodothat's banter posts


29 Dec 2023 10:11:05
Well lads, end of the year. for those that noted the last month hasn't been great. the wee man is on the mend which is the most important thing. heading out to my second home in the philippines tomorrow morning so will miss the game but somethings are more important. wish you all the very best for 2024 when it comes. things are looking up all round and hopefully 2024 brings great things, good health and good results on the park. looking forward to the future and staying positive.


1.) 29 Dec 2023 11:43:49
All the best to you and the family, Gessa?.

2.) 29 Dec 2023 11:43:55
Excellent geesa enjoy pal. Family always comes first.

3.) 29 Dec 2023 12:53:55
Have a good New Year Mr Geesa and happy to hear your good news. There's a new optimism about the place all of a sudden.

4.) 29 Dec 2023 13:03:10
That's good news pal. Go and enjoy the phillipines and hopefully when you land the gers have given you an earl ne'erdy gift. Aw the best to you and the family.

5.) 29 Dec 2023 13:19:45
Regarding tomorrow - I'm confident we will be high-energy and organized and we won't treat Calum McGregor like Julius Caesar. Close him down aggressively from kick-off and the balance shifts in our favour. Easy. Another wonder goal from Dessers?

6.) 29 Dec 2023 14:06:38
thanks guys appreciated.



13 Dec 2023 18:09:00
well guys to all that followed my last post, great news in that the wee man is allowed home from hospital today. whilst we aren't at the end of his treatment at least it can continue mainly at home. thank you all for your best wishes and support. going to be a good christmas after all.


1.) 13 Dec 2023 20:09:32
Great news, Geesa???.

2.) 13 Dec 2023 20:15:51

3.) 13 Dec 2023 20:17:56
Good man geesa - hope you’re able to enjoy a lovely Christmas together.

4.) 13 Dec 2023 20:36:41
Excellent news geesa ?.

5.) 13 Dec 2023 20:49:08
Excellent news geesa,
Hope your sons treatment goes well at home and you all enjoy a magical christmas.
All the best

6.) 13 Dec 2023 20:57:56
Fantastic news mate! Spoil the wee fella rotten and enjoy Crimbo as a family ?.

7.) 13 Dec 2023 21:06:01
Geesa ?❤.

8.) 13 Dec 2023 21:31:45
Superb news geesa! ?.

9.) 13 Dec 2023 21:49:41

10.) 13 Dec 2023 22:17:15
Absolutely superb news mate ?Over the moon for you and the family ?.

11.) 13 Dec 2023 22:23:18
Great for you and your family, chuffed for you mate, hopefully your boy has a great Christmas.

12.) 14 Dec 2023 01:18:45
Great news pal let's hope the Gers put on a show for yous this week.

13.) 14 Dec 2023 07:31:32
Geesa that's great news, I hope I can offer you a wee crumb of comfort and hope. I have had type 1 diabetes for 49 years. If controlled properly your boy can do many things although I know he has other problems that make it much more difficult.
I was able to take part in marathons and half marathons until my bad knees stopped me in 2018.
I wish you all the best pal and hope your son stays well.

14.) 14 Dec 2023 08:04:49
Superb news hope you and the family have a wonderful Xmas.

15.) 14 Dec 2023 08:10:50
Absolute wonderful news Geesa. Glad it's worked out for you and the family mate. Good to see the wee man continues his recovery ?.

16.) 14 Dec 2023 11:04:55
cheers guys thanks so much for the good wishes.



12 Dec 2023 16:32:17
Well a few days i was a little down, maybe you had read, son being in hospital and not doing so great. well he is looking up, eating better and not vomiting, not back to perfection but definitely light at the end of the tunnel. then the room door knocked and in came a certain delegation from the building along the road. Mr Cifu, Mr McCrorie, Mr Balogun, Sima and Ridvan. Nice surprise to be honest and whilst my son really wasnt overly impressed it did piss of my daughter who goes to the games with me lol. any way thanks team that helped lift the spirit no end.


1.) 12 Dec 2023 17:41:40
Excellent geesa, hope we man makes full recovery in time for ?.

2.) 12 Dec 2023 17:53:16
Glad you got some positivity and hope the wee man keeps improving.

3.) 12 Dec 2023 18:04:08
Brilliant geesa, made up for you and the kid. Glad he's on the mend, pal.

4.) 12 Dec 2023 18:08:39
Glad to hear that he is getting better and the surprise visit.

5.) 12 Dec 2023 18:12:46
Good stuff that he is feeling better ?.

6.) 12 Dec 2023 18:23:10
cheers boy blue appreciated and i am sure he will at least be home for then.

7.) 12 Dec 2023 18:37:48
and thanks to the rest of the responders which i hadn't seen when i responded to boyblues reply.

i should have told them players to get their finger out on Thursday but was a bit in awe. Got all their autographs as well. Maybe big Simas will be worth a few bob sometime in the future lol.

8.) 12 Dec 2023 18:48:06
Superb news all round geesadodothat ? Delighted, he's on the mend pal ??.

9.) 12 Dec 2023 19:28:57
Brilliant news geesadodothat.

10.) 12 Dec 2023 19:39:09
Wishing the wee fella a speedy recovery for Christmas. Stressful time for you too so hope you’re doing ok. Two wins this week would be the perfect tonic!

11.) 12 Dec 2023 19:50:04
Don’t know your story but certainly sending nothing but positive thoughts and good wishes.

12.) 12 Dec 2023 20:20:19
Made up for you geesa.

13.) 12 Dec 2023 20:55:32
Great to hear, Geesa.

14.) 12 Dec 2023 21:33:57
thanks again all much appreciated.



10 Aug 2023 16:04:15
had a work colleague up from leeds yesterday and managed to get him a ticket for last night. great seat right next to the directors box. took him to edmonston house and the shop. he is real footie fanatic and goes to a lot of different stadia but was really impressed with our facilities especially with the shop etc. said its up there with the best. he also really enjoyed the game and said he can see the potential in our team. sometimes it does take an outsiders perspective to remind us what we all take for granted.


1.) 10 Aug 2023 17:26:00
If we were successful in signing H Souttar. We could play the two Soutars and Goldson, Tavernier Cifuentes Raskin Cantwell Barasic, Danilo and Lammers.



25 Jun 2023 16:18:49
sitting here on my balcony in Nerja Spain thinking how great summer football would be. ok not in this heat but just comfortable 20 degrees. iso the rubbishty winter football we have pissing down with rain, having to walk a mile to the car just to get home soaking wet. last night it was about 25 at 8 oclock, imagine our european games sitting in ibrox watching the famous. oh how we can dream.


1.) 25 Jun 2023 17:01:49
I was in Nerja last week and mt Fraser Wishart in a bar watching the Scotland game,

With regards to playing in the summer, I think we would have other issues, low attendances, bad pitches, and less TV coverage.

2.) 25 Jun 2023 17:39:53
It’s pi55ing down in Scotland right now. Not exactly summer weather for football!

3.) 25 Jun 2023 18:30:07
We would get more money IMO if it was summer football as there is nothing to watch at the moment.

4.) 25 Jun 2023 18:58:10
geesadodothat, my sister lives in Torrox Costa along the road from you. Right now she and her husband are sitting outside Pepe Rico's eating and drinking and she says the temperature is a cool 28. You want to get doon the road a wee bit, mate!

5.) 25 Jun 2023 19:16:46
Thanks for sharing your hot, holiday weather chaps. Must be feckin murder. Joking aside, enjoy.

6.) 25 Jun 2023 19:24:23
Far too hot?.

7.) 25 Jun 2023 19:49:42
reached 35 at one point today, too hot for me, not even a breeze. now understand why most shops close between 2 and 4. My wife is a filipina and she said it was just nice. though to be honest over there she walks about with a brolly up to keep the sun off. really impressed with Nerja to be honest well at this time of year anyway. not too busy, we are at the top of the hill which is hell to get too but nice and peaceful. so getting the best of both. be home in another week, hope the rain stops as i have a patio to lay.

8.) 25 Jun 2023 21:58:21
Enjoy Nerja great place for a nice relaxing holiday.
Hope you are enjoying a few Vittoria Malaga lagers ?.




geesadodothat's rumour replies


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18 Jul 2024 09:29:52
and who is Sterlings back up. its true, not until he has gone will he be appreciated.




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02 Jul 2024 13:51:24
there are no givens. plenty of players played well for their teams until they came to rangers and didn't do so well. we can't say Shanks would score for fun with rangers. teams set up differently against us than what they do against hearts.




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26 Jun 2024 09:34:23
you don't need to enrol your kids every year or am i missing something. i don't go to school and say my son will be there. maybe if i was leaving i would be saying he won't be there but i don't think you have to enrol every year.




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07 Jun 2024 11:16:36
guys we have had a few scottish players who we thought would get better playing in a rangers team and just haven't so its also not a given that simply because he plays in scotland that he will be successful in a rangers team.




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26 May 2024 17:29:38
it isn't so difficult to understand. noone can come in and spend 100M as example, we need to live within our means. someone coming in with cash is only transferring money for some existing shares. sure money can be spent on infrastructure etc but we can't overspend on players as EUFA don't allow it. FFP rules exist for a reason. we need to create revenue elsewhere.





geesadodothat's banter replies


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21 Jul 2024 10:34:18
to give the guys who had 75mins time off, not difficult to understand really.




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17 Jul 2024 23:29:18
so if he was on the bench when do we honestly think he would get minutes on the park when we have at least 2 other strikers there. that would the just be taking up space on the bench.




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17 Jul 2024 23:22:56
he wanted buff to stay an even increased his salary.




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16 Jul 2024 11:15:32
guys, the players are under contract, they don't need to leave. not sure which part of contract is hard to understand.




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05 Jul 2024 19:54:31
he might get criticised on here but he is abused at Ibrox. Booing isn't criticism its abuse.




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