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09 Feb 2024 14:48:11
With the potential for players being sent to a "sin bin" for cynical fouls or not showing referees respect certain players will have seats named for them e. g Shinnie or McGregor. When a player is sent to the bin for talking back to the referee I hope the recordings will be released. It will be interesting to know what some referees find dis respectful.


1.) 09 Feb 2024 15:59:26
Personally I don’t like the idea, blue card = 10 minutes in the sin-bin, our refs are ridiculed enough without that added problem, could you picture a Celtic supporting ref getting that sort of power? It’s bad enough now with them giving phantom penalties . Ruining the game, var, blue cards what next? mixed teams men and women . ?.

2.) 09 Feb 2024 16:47:12
Absolutely ridiculous idea. Just ruining our beautiful game.

3.) 09 Feb 2024 16:54:13
Carrick according to many on here loads women better than dessers and score plen,

4.) 09 Feb 2024 16:58:41
With every incident already debated, even with VAR and decisions given game to game that we quite can’t understand it’s going to put a lot of pressure on refs to get another rule correct.
For me it’s asking for trouble.

5.) 09 Feb 2024 17:43:39
If VAR hasn't ruined the game enough.

6.) 09 Feb 2024 19:10:22
Yea John but plenty on here now eating their words re Dessers.

7.) 09 Feb 2024 19:29:52
Our fan base has never allowed players to settle at Rangers. As have said before. Ally and Mark got it tight when they joined. And we all know how that turned out.

8.) 09 Feb 2024 19:31:41
Alloa nobody should be eating words about dessers. He is rubbish and in my eyes hasn't improved to a level that proves anyone wrong.

9.) 09 Feb 2024 19:34:54
Involved in 35 games scored 12 goals, yet you're telling us some of us are eating our words, really?

10.) 09 Feb 2024 19:46:52
Var isn’t the problem it’s the inept idiots using it that’s the problem.

The blue card is just utter ridiculous. Do two blue cards make a yellow or does two blues make a red? What’s the point in yellow cards then? Can you get as many blue cards in the one game as possible? What complete and utter moron thinks the rubbish up? Surely they haven’t played the game.

11.) 09 Feb 2024 19:58:42
Don't think anyone is eating their words re Dessers. Will be gone in the summer, should have been moved in this window if it wasn't for injuries and euro squad mess. Certainly not the number 9 to take us up a level. Silva 10x the player.

12.) 09 Feb 2024 20:00:12
Won't happen

Been taking about blue card for years and resisted by all manager players and clubs before and will again.

13.) 09 Feb 2024 21:52:52
Only good thing about the blue card farce is its Blue.

14.) 09 Feb 2024 23:44:55
Sakala, colak etc etc all had "goal involvements" where are they?
I should think he would be involved the chances he gets and the amount of possession we have as a team. I don't care if he goes by 20 goals he has no long term future at us simple as that. Be gone in summer 100%.

15.) 10 Feb 2024 00:57:09
Hes scored a few goals dessers but still as a whole been poor. Celtic away summed it up. Even the aberdeen game in the box zero spacial awareness. Have a couple looks about u b4 u have a snap shot on thr turn. Could have turned and picked his spot and still not have any defenders even close to him. Hopefully we upgrade come summer.

16.) 10 Feb 2024 09:29:18
A few on here actually think dessers is good enough, I've said plenty about him, for the ones who rate him, if he was playing in a green and white jersey every single one of us would be on here absolutely loving the fact he was their number 9,we would all say there's nothing to worry about with him yet because he wears our jersey the blue tinted spectacles prevail over what's blindingly obvious.

17.) 10 Feb 2024 09:29:29
I originally thought sin bins a god idea but having watched big Phill’s presser on the subject I’ve had second thoughts and not so sure but probably against any more changes for the moment.

On Big Phill, very impressed with him every time I watch him speak to the press, totally defused the situation with today’s ref in yesterday’s presser and spoke so we’ll about his opinions on Scottish football.

On Dessers, I’ve been critical in the past but lately I’ve seen flashes that give me hope and I’ll reserve judgement until the end of the season.

I think I speak for the majority when I say that hopefully Dessers turns out to be a huge success story.

Some players do need time to settle as we’ve seen in the past.

18.) 10 Feb 2024 10:10:55
Good idea, God had nothing to do with it. ?.

19.) 10 Feb 2024 14:32:12
Jack boy, if you go back and read my posts u will know I back dessers.
Why, because he is a rangers player, and most importantly he is always available
Where r roofe sima Danilo,

I have said he is all we have, however I have stated I don’t think he will be our number one striker next season, but pc may keep him if he finishes with say 20 plus goals and 15 assists.

A club like us needs four quality strikers who want to play.

So who are they to be with roofe sima silva all likely to leave.

If it were me I’d like denkey, Danilo silva on loan and either sima or dessers and hopefully Lovelace signed long term.



06 Feb 2024 23:45:26
I used to like Warnock but his comment about ball boys wasting time was a joke. How much time did Aberdeen waste, with faining injuries and the goalie taking ages with goal kicks. 8 minutes added.


1.) 07 Feb 2024 00:09:39
Correct.2nd half all they were doing was trying to waste as much time as possible.

2.) 07 Feb 2024 00:19:20
That’s the view I had as well sxmccr Aberdeen players diving at slightest thing.

I still like Warnock though.

3.) 07 Feb 2024 02:08:19
Warnock was joking he was very complimentary about us after the game, the sheep will be spewing.

4.) 07 Feb 2024 07:03:03
I don't get the Nril Warnock appreciation society. I've been employed my whole working life bar 3 months, Warnock has been fired more times by clubs than I've had jobs.
Was he joking, I've no idea, I remember him constantly complaining about just about everything on match of the day. It was always somebody else's fault whenever his tram lost and refs and var were his fav target.
I didn't see the game last night, from the highlights I have to disagree with PC on one thing, Sterling challenge was not a yellow card imo and was always going to be a red. Although I know he's protecting Sterling with his comments.
Our players stood up tall last night backed by an amazing support. Even watching the highlights gave me goosebumps.

5.) 07 Feb 2024 09:03:31
If Sterlings tackle is a red for you then you must have never played football at any level. Its a yellow at most.

Pathetic red card.

Also where was Duk's second yellow?

Miovski's goal. had that been Dessers i bet it would be ruined out for a foul on the defender LOL.

6.) 07 Feb 2024 09:45:16
Do you need to have played football to have an opinion then?

7.) 07 Feb 2024 10:11:41
Jfm63, not for me your opinion. Warlock is 75 and a legend, he's got a job to do but you could see his admiration for us, sterling a red card? I thought so in real time but how anyone can say that after the replays is beyond me.



23 Jan 2024 17:03:53
Is there someone at Parkhead who is a member of the occult. Sticking pins in Rangers players dolls? We can't be that unlucky with injuries now Sima! We should be advertising for a Reverend who can exorcise them.


1.) 23 Jan 2024 18:17:16
All of them.

2.) 23 Jan 2024 18:49:55
Need to be careful as it could be down to too much exorcise?.

3.) 23 Jan 2024 18:55:23
To quote a well known exorcist " the power of christ compels you"??.



25 Sep 2023 13:05:53
With all the injuries what would your team be Livingston and Aberdeen?



1.) 25 Sep 2023 13:30:39
I’d mix it up just a wee bit for livi.
We need to use the squad. Still a strong team and have a strong bench. Must win game but we must use the squad or we will occur injuries.

Sterling Souttar Davies Devine
Jack lundstrum
Sima Cifuentes lammers

That’s more than good enough toy beat livi, gives players a chance who tbh deserve it.
Keep Roofe for league game. I’d try cifuentes further forward just mainly due to injuries but he fancies a pop from distance and has quick feet for 1-2s and triangle passing.


Tav Goldson Davies bb
Jack lundstrum
Sima cifuentes lammers

I’d be looking to give minutes to rice for Jack due to jacks problems. Even Lovelace for dessers or Roofe if we’re doing ok in both games. ?
We’re down to the bones.

2.) 25 Sep 2023 13:39:18
Jack has to play over cifuentes. Simple as that.

3.) 25 Sep 2023 13:59:20
GK - Butland
RB - Tavernier
CB - Goldson
CB - Souttar
LB - Barisic
CM - Lundstrum
CM - Cifuentes
CM - Rice
RW - Lammers
CF - Dessers
LW - Sima

I know Lawrence and Roofe are still returning from long-term injuries. Not sure what their status will be against Livingston. If both are fit then I’d expect both to be involved.

Livingston use their height and physicality. That’s their main weapon. I think Rangers will choose Souttar over Davies for that reason. Sima is handy to have on the pitch since he is so good in the air and can help defend set-pieces, and has the pace to get us up the pitch too. I highly doubt Rice will start the game but I’d love to see it - Give youth a chance.

Hopefully it’s be a convincing win and on to the semi-final. We haven’t won this trophy in over a decade. It’s time to change that. I think winning that first trophy will give the team a major boost in confidence.

Celtic were claiming to be the most successful club in Scotland last season after they lifted the Scottish Cup. Hopefully the UB have a massive display at the final to remind everyone in Scotland who is at the very top. Followed up by tweets from the Rangers official account putting the trophy in the cabinet, etc. Rub their noses in it.

4.) 25 Sep 2023 14:38:49
Think Lawrence will be missing next 2/ 3 games.

5.) 25 Sep 2023 15:28:52
We need to play our strongest against Livi. It’s a chance at silverware.

6.) 25 Sep 2023 15:32:29
Jack has been terrible he doesn’t need to play over anyone.

7.) 25 Sep 2023 15:33:09
Wouldn’t make to many changes for livi if we go out the competition we will be a complete laughing stock if we don’t win this cup we are a joke.

8.) 25 Sep 2023 15:55:03
GK butland
RB sterling
CB goldson
CB davies
LB devine
RM. Tav
Cdm lundstrum
Cm jack
Cm. Cifuentes
Lm. Yilmaz
CF lammers

Win what matters it's going to be ugly but we don't have the squad to go ultra positive at moment.

9.) 25 Sep 2023 17:38:52
451 with Tavernier at rm and Yilmaz at lm that god you get nowhere near picking the team gofor fgs man, it's livingston were playing at ibrox not man city or Liverpool.

10.) 25 Sep 2023 18:42:13
Raskin well certainly nowhere near as bad as cifuentes. Worst player on park last 2 game. struggling badly.

11.) 25 Sep 2023 18:44:16
You trying to clear ibrox at HT GOfar?

12.) 25 Sep 2023 19:01:53
Thank god.



31 Aug 2023 20:55:10
If honest I expected PSV to win last night. My heart said a win but my head said a defeat. However, I didn't expect that score. Thought the heavy defeats last year were the low points, but this weeks results show that Scottish football is rubbish. It seems every other country has made advances e. g. SPL not run correctly, lack of investment from sponsors and TV. Scottish supporters have a false impression of the football played here, their expectations are exaggerated and wrong. Don't think Celtic will do anything to enhance Scottish footballs reputation either!





SXMCCR's rumour replies


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09 Jul 2024 16:13:52
Gazgers, do you mean continuity or contingency? If continuity what do you mean? Discussions with the contractors, suppliers and RFC?




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05 Jul 2024 09:19:16
Always amazes me the level of player some fans want and desire. We need to be realists. Money restricted, the SPL isn’t attractive to many. We are then looking at the development model to enhance funds going forward. The result is a revolving door on the team. The team needs a mixture of young, experienced, ambitious players!




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27 Jun 2024 11:59:03
If the home games are to be played at Hampden it will be interesting how they will allocate season ticket holders. Don’t think it has electronic gates so back to the old days paper tickets.




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20 Jun 2024 14:40:41
Someone needs to get the chop for this! Option to Murrayfield - Costs to fans. How do they allocate season tickets? Potential to drop points, exit Champions League all because some idiot didn’t do their job right. Although given assurances I would expect Rangers not to pick up any costa . Financial implications as well as REPUTATION of the club. COMPLETE FARCE!




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01 Feb 2024 21:39:47
Hope the lack of a CF won’t come back and haunt us. I suppose we could pick up someone who doesn’t have a club. Even van Veen would be better than no one. At least he can score in the SPL.





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20 Jul 2024 20:35:47
How can the board be successful business people and supposedly Rangers fans, and yet the club is in a complete mess?




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17 Jun 2024 11:03:53
What do some fans expect? In one statement he states we spent all the money, so how do we fund the need for the refresh of players? We signed some players with large transfer fees and they didn’t work out, over priced I would suggest. Koppen uses a different model so let’s wait and see if he finds some stars with potential to sell later for a HUGE profit.




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13 Jun 2024 11:39:23
Some fans aren’t realists. If we over spend and waste money they complain. When the club is being prudent and looking for player investment for a greater return in the future they are using a correct model. Ok if they are successful either model the negative will be a constant rotation of players. I have read that the English clubs are now looking at young Scottish players at the academies and therefore the clubs will lose out i. e. we will potentially need to back fill with players from abroad in late teens and early twenties. The draw from EPL will always attract the young academy players. They would need to be exceptional to be part of the First team, and we don’t have a good record of promoting the youth. Personally I think many fans would put too much stress and expectation on the young players. There haven’t been many in the last 10 years who have made it and become regulars.




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06 Jun 2024 19:57:33
Remember Jack isn’t a Rangers player anymore……suspicious.




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01 Jun 2024 11:42:36
So much for all the negative comments re a new 1 year contract for Ryan Jack. I would like to thank him for his service, contributed more than the rest of the leavers, even with the lack of games due to injury. I suppose it is a rumour site. Hard act to follow.




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