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20 Apr 2024 13:29:48
We are 2nd favourites now for the title with them having a home game and a squad used to winning titles. They have a good spine in CV, McG, Hetate, Maeda and Kyogo, but other than that I don't rate the rest of their squad much. We have some good talent in our team, and on our day can beat anyone and it is not over yet. What really gets me is the negativity on here, our players are mince, crap, duffers, rank, rotten etc etc. These are professional players who have come through a difficult journey to make it in football. The criticism of guys like Lundstram who has been steady throughout his time here is awful. We don't have crap on our own team.


1.) 20 Apr 2024 13:48:15
I agree the negativity goes way beyond constructive criticism but I think you are way off on Lunny. He has been the opposite of steady, either excellent or rubbish.

I also agree the league is far from over. 3 points is hardy insurmountable.

2.) 20 Apr 2024 13:51:53
Bizzmy - Lundstram downed tools under Beale (as many did) and plays up for a man manager in PC when his contact is up - think that is glaringly obvious - a difficult journey in my eyes is having to feed your family on a minimum wage or not having a job at all? Agree that they have spine to their team whereas we have a good few spineless players in our team for crucial games.

3.) 20 Apr 2024 13:55:53
Typo at end, shoulda been we don't half crap on our own team.

4.) 20 Apr 2024 14:07:34
They have the better squad a blind man can see that.

5.) 20 Apr 2024 14:24:03
The team crap on themselves, people on here are just honest and call a spade a spade.

6.) 20 Apr 2024 14:31:06
Sadly they have a significantly better squad than we have and from a business perspective they have been better managed.
We have failed to strengthen when on top, have made some appalling signings over the time when Wilson and Park were DoF and Chief Scout respectively and sadly, when needed, Desmond has stepped up to the mark to provide serious funding.
I'm not a Lundstrum fan, everything I see from him now is 100% the same as when he was at Sheffield United. He is leaving at the end of the season, no doubt for more money, and he has downed tools. I would rather see us play Diamond and Sterling in midfield than this guy.

7.) 20 apr 2024 15:00:32
correct dado, 30k a week and he's steady, balderdash.

8.) 20 apr 2024 15:00:58
absolutely correct again bb.

9.) 20 Apr 2024 16:03:06
Re lunny I want more than steady for 30k, compare what he's paid and provides compared to cal mac or hatate or oreily.

10.) 20 Apr 2024 16:14:06
Correct Dado - we are just venting anger where anger is due - years of abject failure by well paid under achievers is not something I wish to clap about so by telling the truth people are not happy! - and therefore should we just continue to pay our cash and not have an opinion-GTF - Look what happened with the barrier attacks happened across city - it was not pleasant but served its purpose to those on high that failure cannot be the norm (and that was them being successful compared to us) - we have been served a diet of failure for many a year now and all we want is when the important games come round - we don't shrink into the background and that true leaders stand up and be counted - PC will need to get some winners and true leaders in our jerseys who HATE to lose. not EXPECT to lose when push comes to shove.

11.) 20 Apr 2024 18:26:28
Anyone not giving 100% needs to be dropped.

12.) 21 Apr 2024 10:54:44
Lundstrum is on 22k a week which includes his signing on fee, where I’d the info coming from that he is demanding 30k.

My understanding the problem is we want to offer two years he wanted three years on the same money.

13.) 21 Apr 2024 10:55:18
Mark u can’t drop 10 players.



01 Nov 2023 22:44:03
Superb all round performance, creating so many chances. Good to see some of the struggling players show form, hoping they keep that up.


1.) 01 Nov 2023 22:52:34
Overall though we lost possession very very easily 2night. Mph will have the stats. Great for lammers and dessers. 2 good finishes. Danilo will be annoyed he only got 1. Jack butland is an unbelievable keeper. Lundstram strolled it really. Balogun also had a great game.

2.) 01 Nov 2023 23:03:33
For the first time in goodness knows we have the same goal difference.

3.) 02 nov 2023 00:58:45
such a shame big leon isn't 10 yrs younger, said at start of season he could turn out to be a great piece of business over the year.

4.) 02 Nov 2023 04:54:20
Totally agree with you TT12 regarding big balogun ?was never opposed to bringing him back.

5.) 02 Nov 2023 11:38:30
Big Balogun never hides from a tackle and puts his body on the line, It’s a pity that others especially in defence usually hide and turn their backs ???????????.



01 Nov 2023 18:19:30
Just for the record, Lammers scored 50 goals from 124 appearances before joining Atlanta in 2020, then he was loaned out without much success. He hasn't started well for us but he does have previous form. Who knows?




28 Oct 2023 17:03:03
Nice draw Hibs! Let's close the gap tomoz, let's Go!


1.) 28 Oct 2023 17:13:41
Unbelievable hibs were rank rotten.



07 Oct 2023 08:59:41
I think we have a more than good enough squad, but a lot of injuries. But they are playing without belief and confidence, that is the managers job to get the players going and I hope whoever comes in gets this done quickly and gets us organised and playing well.


1.) 07 Oct 2023 10:06:18
I agree buzzmybroz I just think the confidence and confusion with the tactics has battered them down also injury list not helping, we need a manager who can lift and guide the team, a clear plan an new tactics I firmly believe we can get back on track.




BizzmyBrox's rumour replies


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22 Jul 2024 20:49:58
Agreed, Goldson was a key player in 55 and has been our best CH for the last while, but his form has dipped lately. Good luck to him, he should go with his head held high.




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02 Jan 2024 14:57:53
Age and resale value may be a factor.




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20 Dec 2023 17:08:45
What would we have to lose?




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28 Oct 2023 08:26:09
We have not had a quality manager since were kicked down the divisions, but I believe we now have one, although early days, and we need to give him time. Some of our players will prosper under PC, and some will have to be replaced if they don't show it on the pitch. Next few games will give us a good idea of the progress our new man will make.




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15 Oct 2023 11:00:14
Excellent news. let's all get behind him and the players and start delivering performances and results.





BizzmyBrox's banter replies


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15 Jul 2024 20:49:57
When Goldson joined he looked a top player, and helped us to win 55 unbeaten. Of late he has slipped but was our best defender for a good while.




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08 Jul 2024 17:45:11
I think it is great that we are expanding the capacity, can only be a good thing long term. Hard to do that in the short close season.




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08 Jun 2024 12:05:55
I wasn't overly impressed by Danillo before he got injured, bit lightweight. Hope he comes good though.




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03 Jun 2024 21:38:09
Although Bosnian by birth, He has played senior football for first Croatia and now switched to Bosnia.




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01 Jun 2024 16:46:40
Yip, all the best to them and thanks for your service. All part of our redevolpment.




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