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Cooper11-Legend's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Cooper11-Legend's rumours posts


24 Mar 2024 09:17:42
Molineux News reporting Wolves asking price for Silva this summer will be £15m. No surprises here and clearly puts him well out of our price range. Would like to see him stay but can’t see it, even on another loan deal next season if Wolves are looking to cash in. Hope he leaves with 2 winners medals in his pocket having secured the treble.


1.) 24 Mar 2024 09:56:06
His wage puts him out of out reach cooper, wouldn't say know to another loan tho but can't see that unless he signs another deal for Wolves.

2.) 24 Mar 2024 10:45:49
Why would you want him to stay? He's terrible. 2 good games in 3 months.

3.) 24 Mar 2024 11:19:01
Why would i want him to stay, maybe the reason is he's a very good footballer tjn.

4.) 24 Mar 2024 11:47:37
Nothing like negativity TJN u sure your name shouldn't be 1888 at the end.

5.) 24 Mar 2024 13:08:41
He's not "terrible", that's just not true!

6.) 24 Mar 2024 13:30:40
He is a good player - but maybe too much luxury for that price - at 15 mill would be looking for at least 4 players and LBH we need to strengthen in many areas- like the boy but I think a loan is best we could expect again.

7.) 24 Mar 2024 14:42:11
15m was what I expected them to ask. Sima will be slightly less, but still out of our budget. Let's hope Cortes recovers as for me he looks the most exiting player we've scouted for years. Exciting times if similar to him can be found.

8.) 24 Mar 2024 15:07:10
Quite few commenting on that irvblue99?.

9.) 24 Mar 2024 15:07:50
If wolves sell silva rangers get a percentage of the deal for putting him in shop window. Clever business imo.

10.) 24 Mar 2024 16:59:30
How do you know that, John? Excuse my ignorance, but is that the norm with loan players?

11.) 24 Mar 2024 17:09:45
RoR it’s a changing world. Can write anything into contract. My understanding a tidy sum. In line with what we getting from bayern for tillman

I have my sources but also printed in a Birmingham paper.

12.) 24 Mar 2024 17:13:09
Surely that must be specific to the contract John? That's not the norm, certainly never heard of it before. That's not to say its not the norm of course?

13.) 24 Mar 2024 18:00:01
RTg had u heard off the Tillman deal b4. Where we get % when they sell

It’s a changing world is football, yes it will be specific to silva deal, not likely to be in evert deal we sign.

14.) 24 Mar 2024 19:35:39
Superb intel John and potentially great business from the board.

15.) 24 Mar 2024 20:47:40
Yes we have heard of deals like Tillman before but the Tillman deal was completely different though as we had agreed first option and if Bayern decided against that then they paid us compensation. Its completely different to what you claim is in the Silva deal.

16.) 24 Mar 2024 21:17:26
Nah, I'm calling BS on that rumour, John, sorry. That, I'm afraid, is never happening!

17.) 24 Mar 2024 21:36:15
Clickbait site "Rangers Review " were running this about Tillman 6 days ago, rangers to get a windfall if he signs for PSV, don't shoot the messenger?.

18.) 24 Mar 2024 21:41:04
10% off any sell on also being reported across various sites, expecting 1.2mill apparently, don't know if its true or accurate, yahoo news, RR and others, so maybe there is something in clickbait info.

19.) 24 Mar 2024 21:45:10
Another is Bavarian Footbal Works, PSV option to buy 12.5m but Bayern can cancel for 3m, Daily record and Sun also running windfall story.

20.) 25 Mar 2024 05:35:36
Tjn why not get him back on loan, he holds the ball well, doesn't hide and always positive, every player has bad games, at tge level we play at unfortunetly we are never going to have the "perfect" player, we look for raw talent and nurture it hopefully making a profit on the way and silva fits that mould even if its just a loan.

21.) 25 Mar 2024 05:38:38
Ps I think going by your negativity tjn, have you spelled your handle right. The second and 3rd letters need moved up 1 letter. And the date is 16 years early. ? ?.

22.) 25 Mar 2024 05:47:41
Sorry that should read " the 2nd and 3rd letter need to go down 1 letter"

23.) 25 Mar 2024 08:25:46
Fort 1m from Bayern for breaking loan agreement, 10% of his transfer fee, about 2.2m all in for Tillman mate.

24.) 25 Mar 2024 08:51:22
RTR Why do you think it's BS?

They have an asset they have spent upwards of 40m for in fee and wages on.

They don't have a hope in hell of recouping that if he's not playing.

We're effectively advertising their asset for them across Europe.

Surely you can see how that contractual clause could come to be?

25.) 25 Mar 2024 09:11:17
Yes I'm aware Star, cheers bud?.

26.) 25 Mar 2024 09:56:44
Athole well understood.

27.) 25 Mar 2024 11:09:01
Athole and people wonder why we post less

Least I’m excited about two bosmans we met last week, hopefully we get them signed.

28.) 25 Mar 2024 11:17:47
I believe it's BS, athole, because I don't believe it's happening!

What happens if we don't help Wolves sell him? Is there penalties? Far too messy! Who, in their right mind, would agree to this? Were we the only team interested in him? If not, did the rest of the teams demand a "shop window" windfall?

29.) 25 Mar 2024 11:28:42
Also, "across Europe"?! What, 2 matches in Europa league?! Hmmmmmm?! If the boy stayed in EPL, or went abroad to Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, he'd have got a lot more exposure throughout Europe than what he got in 2 games in EL. ??.

30.) 25 Mar 2024 12:35:43
John one of the a lcb mate?

31.) 25 Mar 2024 13:04:37
Guess we all need to wait n see what pans out with Silva, contracted to 2026, poss loan extension or Wolves sell him.

32.) 25 Mar 2024 13:56:06
Got to be honest I do not believe that such a clause is in the Silva loan deal.

This 'exposure' clause is completely different to the Tillman deal. The Tillman deal did not have an 'exposure clause'.

33.) 25 Mar 2024 14:14:12
So why we getting a % of Tillmans sell on fee on top of the £1m already received as a buyout, widely reported, and is it not possibly in Silva deal also, I don't know if it is but it may be as John suggests, Bayern also have a buyout of the 12.5m option to buy for 3m, not much difference in the background of the deals, may be wrong but as I said earlier, wait and see.

34.) 25 Mar 2024 14:37:49
It's a completely different deal, Fork.
We had an option to buy Tilman, but because Bayern moved the goal posts, and decided they wanted to loan him back out, and sell for more than what was agreed with us, then we are due a compensation payment as they reneged on the original agreement. Completely different than this supposed "shop window" Silva windfall.

35.) 25 Mar 2024 15:17:01
I did say that I did not know if that was in the Silva deal RTR. I just opined it may be similar to the Tillman deal, nothing more, why I said we need to wait and see bud.

36.) 25 Mar 2024 15:19:56
I never mentioned a Silva windfall btw, it was Tillman we will receive 10% of sell on from bayern on top of the 1m.

37.) 25 Mar 2024 15:53:56
Yeah Fork its two completely different deals mate. The silva clause that John has described is in no way similar to that of the Tillman deal.

The Tillman deal is a sell on %

The Silva deal according John is a % for exposure.

38.) 25 Mar 2024 15:56:22
I wasn't talking about you, it was about John's rumour.

39.) 25 Mar 2024 16:17:18
The apologies to u o crabbit one??.

40.) 25 Mar 2024 16:19:21
Yes RTG I'm aware bud, but just like some I'm wondering if there is something in it, I don't know, but if there is then good 4 us.

41.) 25 Mar 2024 16:25:03
RTR - Wolves didn't know we would only have had 2 more ties in EL. We have been in 2 finals in relatively recent times.

Youre making assumptions silva had options in the EPL or other big leagues.

Lets be honest, we can't entice top players away if the big keagues are interested.

Truth is, you and i have absolutely zero idea if its true. John has a source of info who intimated it might be the case. that's good enough for me to believe its PLAUSIBLE. that's all.

Instead of rubbishing it in your usual belligerent way, why not be open minded enough to give our directors some credit that they might just be really savvy businessmen that know more than we do.

42.) 25 Mar 2024 17:14:33
Don't get me wrong Fork, I too hope there is as it means more money for us to invest in the team. It just doesn't sound right. It would be very unique if true.

43.) 25 Mar 2024 17:52:08
As I said RTG we will just need to wait n see bud?.

44.) 25 Mar 2024 23:20:47
We had first option to buy Tillman Bayern changed the goal posts silva is a straight loan no option to buy so we won’t receive anything from Wolves.

45.) 26 Mar 2024 10:30:32
Can't hack it at World beater Wanderers so let's not fuss too much kiddies.

46.) 26 Mar 2024 15:24:25
He's only 21 and a very good footballer Colin.

47.) 27 Mar 2024 13:11:21
Wolves have more chance of getting a good return on their investment while he's playing with us. I don't think wolves rate him much, just maybe we can get another loan. Unless that is another european team want him.

48.) 28 Mar 2024 07:27:17
Dado another loan takes him close to being able to talk to anyone, contracted to 2026 at Wolves I believe. They won't want that.



14 Apr 2023 12:54:00
Just read online we are interested in Nantes winger Marcus Coco on a free at end of season. Never heard of him. Quick look on Wikipedia, 26 years old and has made 67 appearances since 2019 and scored 2 goals.


1.) 14 Apr 2023 13:02:25
Cooper he was out for a year, with cruciate ligament tear, has started 3 games this season, came on as sub in 20.

2.) 14 Apr 2023 13:36:30
Worse stats than kentys

Fingers crossed kenty stays.

3.) 14 Apr 2023 14:07:32
Looks like he'll fit in perfectly here! Tick all the boxes, doesn't he?! ?.

4.) 14 Apr 2023 14:33:34
Fingers crossed kent goes INTR.

5.) 14 Apr 2023 15:31:11
I honestly can't understand this love in with Kent, he needs to go, it's beyond me how any fan doesn't get it.

6.) 14 Apr 2023 15:38:10
BB72, 100%
Surprised we haven't signed him already on a 5 year deal.

7.) 14 Apr 2023 15:53:58
First post here.

Done a bit of reading on this Coco he's more a utility player than an out and out winger, has played as a wing back on either side for Nantes this season.
Looks like he's quite a pacy player, agile and a decent cross on him him, though his numbers aren't anything impressive obviously.

8.) 14 apr 2023 15:55:47
intr, you say “ worse stats than kents

then you want kent to stay,

so we can watch yet another year of 50k pw turning around and around and up and down, before putting borna in trouble again, or have you seen something different these past few years .

9.) 14 Apr 2023 16:23:44
Beales also said some of the signings will have clear links to himself from working previous.

10.) 14 Apr 2023 17:55:20
Coully clear links to him and his staff.

11.) 14 apr 2023 18:06:17
hope its big dykes, i'm going to be the first to give him a nickname, big dykey

a girl i knew from saracen cross back in the day, at least i think she was a girl.

12.) 14 Apr 2023 19:37:05
The coco lad looks dire tbh. No better than we currently have, plus had a previous cruciate ligament injury.

13.) 14 Apr 2023 20:50:54
This will probably be nonsense after Beale said he has players lined up and the media journalists are looking for something for the papers, on a free they could want him.

14.) 14 Apr 2023 20:50:54
This will probably be nonsense after Beale said he has players lined up and the media journalists are looking for something for the papers, on a free they could want him.

15.) 14 Apr 2023 21:39:28
TT12 get your tin hat on pal regarding rating and wanting us to sign big lyndon dykes ?How dare you rate the big fella ?.

16.) 14 Apr 2023 21:39:28
TT12 get your tin hat on pal regarding rating and wanting us to sign big lyndon dykes ?How dare you rate the big fella ?.

17.) 14 Apr 2023 21:39:28
TT12 get your tin hat on pal regarding rating and wanting us to sign big lyndon dykes ?How dare you rate the big fella ?.

18.) 14 Apr 2023 21:39:28
TT12 get your tin hat on pal regarding rating and wanting us to sign big lyndon dykes ?How dare you rate the big fella ?.

19.) 14 Apr 2023 22:52:52
Dykes would be and good signing buy him get Maja and Mcburnie for nothing sell Colak that would do me, Maja can also play wide.

20.) 15 Apr 2023 07:12:02
Wtf do we keep getting linked to guys with horrendous scoring averages for forward positions it's like we are trying to lose.

We need goalscoring midfielder and. a. decent goalscoring forward

Raskin not known for goals
Jack not known for goals
Cantwell not known for goal
Couple of the guys we've been linked with so far this season have terrible scoring records too.

Maybe we need a total clear out of backroom scouts maybe problem bigger than Wilson/ robertson.

21.) 15 Apr 2023 09:05:53
7 goals in 36 matches for dykes hardly a great record for the season.

22.) 15 Apr 2023 10:24:46
Big difference playing in our league, all championship teams have good defences, many did Dykes score for livingston when not even at his full potential.

23.) 15 Apr 2023 13:00:54
Coco sound like a clown to me.

24.) 15 apr 2023 14:55:21
he brings a lot more than goals, we pay another guy a fortune for 12 a season.

25.) 16 Apr 2023 16:03:32

Jack is a CDM or CM will score from time to time been injured to often lately.

Raskin is also a CDM but can play CM and rarely as CAM again he can score but his main strength is breaking up play from the opposition, regaining possession and getting the ball back to our forwards to score and hurt the opposition by switching play, similar to what Kamara does, Gilmour also plays in that vein but he is also a talented CM as well that's why he should re launch his currently faltering career at rangers again, he is exactly the type of player we need at rangers for next season that's why i would sign him instead of putting that money into Tillman and dissapears in the big games, and now seems like the average games too like yesterday he was bang average, hope he doesn't start against celtic in the cup.

Cantwell is a LM but can play CM and CAM he is the biggest goal threat from the players you listed.
check this vid of his best highlights from Norwich when they were in the EPL soon he will bring this level to us and was an absolute steal for the what we got him for, Beales best signing yet, closely followed by Raskin along with a fully fit Hagi who is staying at rangers, are our 3 most dangerous midfielders, and all capable of changing a game with a piece of genius not to mention are more than capable in our coming european campaign.

26.) 16 Apr 2023 16:26:22
Cantwell at 21 in the EPL good enough for Liverpool to be sniffing around him, was valued around 20mill then, he isn't fully fit yet a lot more to come from him and of course Raskin.

27.) 17 Apr 2023 08:11:20
Just checked this Coco guy out and to me he seems a bit of a clown

28.) 17 Apr 2023 22:41:22
Laudrup hagi my point is if we have those type of players in midfield and then we add forwards that don't score where exactly do you expect the goals to come from it's not rocket science to suggest if you fill your team with tons of guys that don't score you will end up having problems at some point scoring goals ??.

29.) 18 Apr 2023 09:32:05
Gofor do you ever think about your replies mate, nothing you have said above is in relation to your original post or my reply.
I take it the 2 emoji's are your confusion before posting and you not reading things properly before responding, hence you covering your eyes ;)



18 Jul 2022 16:11:04
Just read online that Galatasary want Kamara. They are preparing an £8m bid apparently.


1.) 18 Jul 2022 17:32:14
I couldn't see us selling him for £8m as that's a wee bit low for someone with his length of contract, talent, age etc. If he was more consistent then he would be a 20m player easily.



15 Jul 2022 12:05:49
Just read online we are linked with Ali Koiki, Northampton Town left back, 22 years old. Derby County appear to be leading the chase to sign him for a 6 figure sum. Never heard of the lad.


1.) 15 Jul 2022 12:31:49
Me neither. I’ve looked into him today imo we have better.

2.) 15 Jul 2022 13:24:46
Definitely John think the boy devine deserves a shot especially if it's just for backup to barasic.

3.) 15 Jul 2022 13:40:13
Devine more right sided however, robbiefraser, Kevin ciubatrou and johnly yefeko r better imo.

4.) 15 Jul 2022 15:13:30
I wouldn’t be comfortable with us going into the season with borna as first choice! Great on his day but only ever one game away from a crisis of confidence!

5.) 15 Jul 2022 15:20:57
Few that’s how I say in other thread I’d go for tymon.

6.) 15 Jul 2022 16:24:22
I’m sure we could come up with a cracking song for him with a name like koiki!

7.) 15 Jul 2022 16:32:15
Doh that's right my bad forgot the leicster boy's name yefeko is he ready to go not seen . uch of the youth games last year.

8.) 15 Jul 2022 16:34:14
Point being back up players should ideally be youth that's why we ended up with so much for Paterson and possibly bassey youth on bench odd appearance when winning to see if they can handle it.

9.) 15 Jul 2022 16:40:04
What's your guys assessment on Tillman I know he's ment to be a midfielder but his attributes look perfect for a cf for me big guy good hold up play good finish decent header good flick ons.



06 Jul 2022 14:11:29
Record reporting our interest again in Dylan Reid at St Mirren. Looking to make a six figure offer for the 17 year old.


1.) 06 Jul 2022 14:13:46
Cooper they have rejected many offers from us for Dylan Reid, boy is a fantastic footballer.

2.) 06 Jul 2022 14:27:58
Reid would be a good signing.

3.) 06 Jul 2022 14:54:32
His dad isn’t aware of any bids just yet but would be an excellent signing. Big Rangers fan.




Cooper11-Legend's banter posts with other poster's replies to Cooper11-Legend's banter posts


16 Jul 2024 18:37:04
Mbappe unveiled by Real Madrid today which ends our interest unfortunately.

A 98% pay cut, limited signing on fee and the chance to play at Hampden just not enough to seal the deal.

We move on to our next target.


1.) 16 Jul 2024 20:21:49
The board need the sack for not pulling this move off. Anyhow I think Dessers is a better striker.

2.) 16 Jul 2024 20:39:02
We were never in for Mbappe.

3.) 16 Jul 2024 20:43:55
Mark, not much in it mate, i think the same as you think Dessers just shades it?.

4.) 16 Jul 2024 21:44:35
What we need is a proven #7. My mate’s group chat says that we’re in for a veteran Portuguese player. Cris someone.

5.) 16 Jul 2024 22:21:08
Cooper, you would have thought European football and 50k supporters every 2nd week (somewhere? ) would have swung it but hey ho! ?.

6.) 17 Jul 2024 06:36:44
I heard there was serious interest from us TJBB, honestly look it up ??.



24 Mar 2024 09:55:31
Heading off to Sky Sports Cup Final shortly. Good luck to Rangers ladies team v Partick Thistle. Hopefully the first trophy of a treble today.


1.) 24 Mar 2024 11:14:55
Cooper enjoy your day mate.

2.) 24 Mar 2024 11:30:23
Enjoy coop ?.

3.) 24 Mar 2024 12:43:08
Enjoy Coop, I'll be watching it on Sky, hope we win the Cup.

4.) 24 Mar 2024 14:20:03
Rangers 2nd goal and Partick first goal were crackers.



10 Mar 2024 08:54:57
Just read on BBC sport that we are prepared to break our transfer record to land Sima on a permanent deal with Brighton looking for between £10 and £15m, subject to us getting into champions league. I like Sima but no way is he worth that, still raw and has potential but that’s crazy money and I can’t see us going anywhere near that. Should we push the boat out for him?


1.) 10 Mar 2024 09:26:56
Cooper11,i just can't see for the life of me, rangers forking out anywhere near that sort of fee for sima ? He's run down another year of his contract by being on loan with us for this season so his transfer fee value should come down the way from the original fee of £7million or so, brighton originally were supposedly wanting for him ?I wouldn't pay anywhere near that amount for him even though i rate the boy ?I think £5million would be a fair fee for him imo ?.

2.) 10 Mar 2024 09:21:32
We won’t pay more than 7m if PC even wants to keep him.

3.) 10 Mar 2024 09:21:45
Sima has promise and has a good goal tally, but performances before his injury were patchy. Not worth anywhere near that money.

4.) 10 Mar 2024 09:55:53
If Brighton want that money for Sima, then it won't be us paying it.

5.) 10 Mar 2024 10:00:53
Agree with the above comments, I’d like Sima but I’d be very very concerned if we were to pay £10m+ on one player. I do believe this news is nonsense though.

6.) 10 Mar 2024 10:12:39
5 million would be my price, anything else would be too much.

7.) 10 Mar 2024 10:20:16
Potential to be really good, not worth those figures though, 6.5-7.5 maybe, has he not only go a year left on his contract?

8.) 10 Mar 2024 10:21:13
Very unlikely we will spend that on one player, but if we are there has to be better plays available at that price.

9.) 10 Mar 2024 10:42:03
We're never paying 10-15m for him. Made up media crap designed for clicks.

10.) 10 Mar 2024 10:42:58
From what I hear we hope to sort another year long loan and the player wants to stay with us. The price after another year would be more in our spending range.

11.) 10 Mar 2024 11:02:26
Brighton can ask what they like with the cash they have brought in over the last few years. Another EPL club could easily pay the fee they want ot a team coming up. Only having a year left doesn't mean much down there.

12.) 10 Mar 2024 11:05:29
Scottish come this summer he only has 1 year left on his contract so he won't be loaned to us for next season unless it's a loan with an obligation to buy.

13.) 10 Mar 2024 11:23:11
With a year left on his contract, 5m max for me.

14.) 10 Mar 2024 11:44:35
Before his injury, it was between him and Butland for our POTY. With a year left, £5m take it or leave it. He also seems to love it here.

15.) 10 Mar 2024 11:51:48
1. We don't have the funds for that. W. he's not worth that with remainder of contract he has.

16.) 10 Mar 2024 11:52:02
If we spend anywhere near that money this summer it will be for a striker, a think our interest in Dhenky is far from finished, if we win the league can see him and Shankland coming in if we get players out the door, if Sima has a year left cannot see him being near that price to be fair either.

17.) 10 Mar 2024 12:31:26
Based on UEFAs new Financial Sustainability rules, I doubt we can afford to spend that on one player - regardless of his ability.

18.) 10 Mar 2024 13:30:33
Ibrox4Me, james tavernier is my choice for our player of the year just ahead of jack butland and big john lundstram for me ?A right back with those sort of numbers in assists and goals has to be well in the mix to be the rangers player of the year?Tav's numbers again this season are incredible?graeme souness actually said in an interview today that he would pick tav even ahead of the outstanding gary stevens, if he had the choice of the two at the same time, what a compliment that is ??? I wish some would just for once give the credit that our captain james tavernier deserves because he's been one of the best valued signings ever in our illustrious history ie. a mere 200k from wigan ? unbelievable ?We all correctly thought glen kamara was an incredible piece of business for 50k from dundee, which he was, but tav for value blows even that deal, out the water for me ???.

19.) 10 Mar 2024 13:33:30
Afternoon Folks, the same BBC Sport Page are saying today that Rangers are hopeful of brokering a deal for Silva, I would take it all with a pinch of salt, we will never plunge ourselves into debt again that could finish us, I least I hope not.

20.) 10 Mar 2024 14:06:10
For value Bassey blows them all out of the water.
300k get 19 million plus.

21.) 10 Mar 2024 14:19:21
Absolutely John that’s best but if buisness av seen from us.

22.) 10 Mar 2024 14:23:34
Would've loved it if we were in a financial position back then to keep big Bassey.

23.) 10 Mar 2024 14:33:30
@Coops, 9 emojis in the 1 post. Is that a record?

24.) 10 Mar 2024 14:44:30
Fork I doubt we will reject offers like that for any player.

25.) 10 Mar 2024 15:38:19
Anno John, loved the big man, would've been nuts not accepting that.

26.) 10 Mar 2024 15:42:37
Jfm how can we make it loan with obligation to buy for next season? It would be a terrible deal as we will be able to sign in a pre contract come jan.

27.) 10 Mar 2024 16:46:27
JFM would be impossible to loan to buy for a player whose contract would have ended at the end of the loan.

28.) 10 Mar 2024 16:59:39
Do you rate Tavernier Sws? ??‍♂️??? I think James Tavernier is a tremendous captain although Tavernier is one Tavernier we will need to be ready to replace in the short to medium term. Tavernier is having a good season but before his injury, Sima was doing a brilliant job along with Butland although Tavernier is a different player. But not for one second did I not suggest Tavernier wasn’t a great player or even the best Tavernier of the famous Tavernier brothers ???‍♂️?????????

Also, the thread is about Sima and whether we sign him or not. So whilst your opinion of Tavernier is noted, it’s not relevant in the context of this discussion. But I note that Tavernier is indeed your Tavernier of the year. ?.

29.) 10 Mar 2024 18:41:29
Oooft ibrox ?? lol, I got shot down after the benfica game, for saying that I think Tavs on the slide, snipers incoming ?.

30.) 10 Mar 2024 19:45:24
Don’t think he’s on the slide but he’ll need to replaced one day. Someone with excellent leadership skills, able to produce big numbers (Tav’s are extraordinary) but not planning for a year or two’s time is falling asleep at the wheel. A great player.

Original point, £5m max for Sima with his contract running done, we can’t burst the bank.

31.) 10 Mar 2024 21:22:13
Not a chance Tavernier is player of the year. Butland or Lundstrum.



29 Jul 2023 17:11:18
2 goals in injury time see Rangers Women come from behind to beat them and win the Glasgow Cup. Well done ladies??⚪️.


1.) 29 Jul 2023 19:40:55
Well done Girls.



12 Oct 2022 19:26:38
Looking at Liverpool line up feels like they think this is a done deal. Let’s get the battle fever on in that stadium. As the day has gone on I can’t help but feel we can do this. Let’s get at them, don’t let them settle and see where it takes us. C’mon Rangers bring back last seasons European performances and effort. 2-1 Rangers.





Cooper11-Legend's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 15:23:19
Can’t think of too many times I can think of where Wright has impacted positively much at all, goal in Cup Final is about it.

Might be a small wage compared to others but with a transfer fee on top somewhere around £400-£600k, get him out of the door as every penny counts at the moment. He’ll leave with I am sure most of our best wishes but just not good enough, we need to progress.




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23 Jul 2024 21:06:11
Daily Record reporting deal is on hold for Goldson as we want £1m to sell. Would’ve that would’ve already been agreed.




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20 Jul 2024 22:30:07
I read somewhere today that both Genoa and Bologna prepared to meet the £6.7m price tag Aberdeen want. Suspect Aberdeen would do business with us if we are prepared to meet the asking price. Would be keen for us to make this happen with maybe a player included in deal.




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20 Apr 2024 09:05:50
I wouldn’t be against this type of model. The reason Portuguese and Spanish clubs are successful in this I think is partially a much easier transition for young South American players based on culture, climate and languages. Dutch clubs seem to have some success with this aswell so we should be looking at their methods. We would of course be competing with these other leagues also.




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04 Feb 2024 22:26:51
Will trust the managers decision on all of these. For me I would let Balogun and Jack go now with a thank you for their service. Would be happy to see Lundstrum offered a 3 year deal.





Cooper11-Legend's banter replies


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27 Jul 2024 09:02:17
That’s spot on GVB, immature sums him up.

I like Cantwell and he does give his all in the park. I also think he has played with an injury for a long time, have noticed strapping on left thigh a number of times. I also wonder if his football brain is just too far ahead of the capability of some of the players in our team and that brings out his frustration.

Bottom line, he has had flashes of brilliance but has not consistently delivered for whatever reason. I’d like him to stay with new players coming in but the decision made he will leave and so we move on and look to bring in better, hopefully with some decent cash from his moving on.




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26 Jul 2024 13:47:42
This is quite an exciting one, looking forward to seeing him in the blue shirt.




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20 Jul 2024 22:13:54
Not going to get carried away after being at today’s game. But based on today I thought Jefte and Cortes look average. Wright and Dessers just not good enough, Lawrence looks like he runs with lead in his boots. A bit concerned about Butland, a couple of poor clearances today and after mistake against Ajax is he low on confidence?!

Thought Barron looked good and settled in midfield, Souttar and Davies looked decent in the middle and pleased to see Souttar play RCB. Ridvan great when he came on and Danilo looked lively.

Sterling however is just different class. Sancho got nothing out of him, looks great defending and going forward. Despite some of our transfer concerns, what do we do if someone comes in with a big offer for Sterling? Teams must be watching him.

Still thought we should’ve won today and were in plenty of good positions but couldn’t convert chances.




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26 May 2024 21:28:06
Well said Portger. I was there with my daughter who aspires to pull on that blue jersey for our club one day. Agree, first goal was a cracker.

Class from PC to be there and show his support.




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10 May 2024 16:17:15
A win is absolutely priority but also got one eye on goal difference. A 2-0 would reduce the gap to 1, 3-0 would take us ahead. Not sure we have it in us to go beat Dundee 5-0 or 6-0. I do feel optimistic for tomorrow but not sure why!




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