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Tottishaw's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Tottishaw's rumours posts


04 Aug 2023 14:54:50
Reading elsewhere Alex Lowry might be off to the Hearts?
Decent opportunity for him if true.


1.) 04 Aug 2023 15:35:50
Rather them than the other Edinburgh lot.

2.) 04 Aug 2023 15:38:03
Hopefully on loan.

3.) 04 Aug 2023 15:48:06
As long as it is either a loan or buy back clause is inserted.

4.) 04 Aug 2023 16:12:24
Seeker and tjm1995 ? 100% agree.

5.) 04 Aug 2023 16:26:07
I would prefer that we kept him, at least until Christmas, but hopefully if he does go out on loan, it will be to a club where he can help them take points off our Rivals for the League.

6.) 04 Aug 2023 16:33:46
It’s a loan.

7.) 04 Aug 2023 16:52:20
Loan to hearts with recall option in January.

8.) 04 Aug 2023 17:33:41
Great bit of business give the lad game time make Hearts a better team who will not play against us but may help Hearts take points of them.

9.) 04 Aug 2023 19:28:04
This is a great deal.
It strengthens Hearts for games against the puddle drinkers and he can't play against us.
We get to see a great prospect in our league and he should get game time.
I think this loan will work well.

10.) 05 Aug 2023 16:57:23
We've stood in the way of this boys career too long already should have more game time under his belt by now than we've given him.

Best for all parties he goes to get regular game time.



22 Jul 2023 18:45:01
Anyone hearing about a loan move to Holland for Alex Lowry?


1.) 22 Jul 2023 20:40:08
Part of package with Feyenoord?

2.) 22 Jul 2023 20:51:44
I have just heard the rumour don’t know if it’s true would be a good move for him.

3.) 22 jul 2023 22:00:20
you mea read the rumour, he has to go out, or be sold, I've no doubt there will be plenty of admirers, I've said for long enough i don't see him staying long, just gives me a patterson vibe.

4.) 22 Jul 2023 22:51:15
It's the only thing I don't belive Beale and Co have got right so far. Letting good home grown prospects leave the club! Lowry is a superb talent and needs game time at OUR club and deserves out support after a very tough year for him and his family. Would hate for him to be used as part I'd a deal for a Brazilian who (let's be honest) we know very little about.

5.) 22 Jul 2023 23:23:36
Would be gutted to see him leave, even on loan.

However just don't see how he gets game time within our current squad - so a loan abroad could be a win win.

6.) 22 Jul 2023 23:31:33
Gms I'm a fan of lowry but is he better than cantwell, hagi, lammers, Lawrence or Sima? He's played johnjo and rice and King looks to be in his plans. He needs to impress as up to now three managers haven't fancied him.

7.) 23 Jul 2023 00:41:52
Playing in the Dutch league will do him good and will come back a better player for us.

8.) 23 Jul 2023 07:12:58
Lowry needs to kick on this season - also 55 Sima this early looks debatable as a player so I would say Lowry can offer more to Gers than this loan guy based on very average friendlies so far - hopefully I will be proved wrong as games progress.

9.) 23 Jul 2023 07:43:08
Lowry has undoubtedly had a terrible time with the passing of his mum god bless ? Purely on his talent of course he's a talented footballer but michael beale sees him in training every day we don't, so i think we need to trust the manager and it would benefit all round to send lowry out on loan where he's going to play constantly and that for me is a win, win for everyone here.

10.) 23 Jul 2023 08:01:11
GMS Lowry is a great talent but he needs to be playing every week to develop and with the players we have realistically he would struggle to get minutes. That is probably our strongest position and just noe I don't think Lowry is strong enough to take and keep a starting Jersey. too good to be playing B team football so a loan where he is first choice would be best for player and our club.

11.) 23 Jul 2023 08:45:47
Shows how our signing policy is wrong, we bring in Sima on loan, there is a reason Brighton Sent him here, he is usless we would be better to player our own young players.

12.) 23 Jul 2023 08:47:36
Was thinking Rangers might have held off with a loan till later in the season, euro quota.
On a positive note he managed 70 mins yesterday against decent opposition.

13.) 23 Jul 2023 09:13:52
Agree with @ Blue Floyd
I know it’s early doors and things may progress
I always hope for that . The last two games Sima has reminded me of Umar sadiq . The boy had a good few chances to bury yesterday and unfortunately didn’t
Just hope he’s bedding in and getting used to Ibrox surroundings.

14.) 23 Jul 2023 09:21:05
Even allowing for injuries how is Michael Beale going to fit Roofe Dessers, Sima Sakala Matondo Lammers and possibly Danilo into the team and still keep them all happy? The same question with the midfield Michael Beale talked about having a leaner squad unless there is suddenly an exodus of players being sold he's going to be going into the new season with a massive squad.

15.) 23 Jul 2023 09:28:47
Sakala is better than Sima. There I said it.

16.) 23 Jul 2023 09:41:09
Blue not sure sima will play in the position he's playing atm and you are right he's not hit the ground running. But my point being he's way down the pecking order.

17.) 23 Jul 2023 10:03:53
Boy should get out of rangers pronto he's never going to get a shot with us or Beale

Lowry is our most promising talent yet he only got 85 minutes total last season absolutely disgraceful if you ask me.

And people still act like our youth team matters ?

It should matter it should be used better but won't be ☹️.

18.) 23 Jul 2023 10:25:00
Matondo, Sima, Sakala . scarey for us certainly not for opposition . Chaotic . Lundstram gets the capt's armband, even scarier . Fit Roofe and Lawrence would be great though .

19.) 23 Jul 2023 10:28:50
If we keep letting our home grown/ scottish players go, how do we fulfil our homegrown obligation for European squads?

20.) 23 Jul 2023 10:32:15
That’s Sima and Lammers took some stick before playing a competitive game for the club.
Sakala better than Sima or reminds me of Sadiq are some of the comments after a couple of pre season games regarding Sima.
I will judge them over the course of the season.
Might take a number of games for this group of players to gel, takes a wee bit of time to bed in 7 or 8 new arrivals.

21.) 23 Jul 2023 10:50:22
The criticism for sima is shocking, 2 pre season games and he’s getting compared to Sadiq who if am right has turned out a really valuable player, understand he was dross with us but let the guy settle before judgement.

22.) 23 Jul 2023 11:11:23
Lowry has undoubted talent and maybe according to some on here has an attitude (dunno real facts) - no one more in our club had greater attitude than Buff and he constantly played - we cannot let another midfielder with talent go to waste or further than that leave for a pittance like a Billy Gilmour scenario.
We need to persevere with the lad and nurture his skills as he has been thru tough times too. Hopefully this is the season he kicks on as Ian Durrant once did - support our own.

23.) 23 Jul 2023 11:20:43
the same Umar sadiq that is now worth 20 million, played one game for rangers, and after leaving us showed what he is really capable of when given a proper chance in a first team squad, plays in the spanish premier league, how anyone can judge sima already when the guy hasn't even played 1 league or european game yet, the guy isn't even fully fit, as with most of the new signings, will tale several weeks to get them up to the fitness level beale expects, then we will see what his true potential is, the lads only 22, give him a break.

I thoguht Johnly Yfeko was superb yesterday and deserves a spot int he first team, big strong confident defender, was on leicesters books as the natural succesor to Bassey, before coming to rangers.

Yilmaz, Raskin, Hagi, Sakala and Lammers all had a great game i thought.

onto Olympiakos now for the next test.
game should be live on either Youtube or Hesgoal for free.

24.) 23 Jul 2023 11:25:33
Lowry is too lightweight for scottish premier league the leg munchers would have field day lad needs to do a lot of gym work to bulk up.

25.) 23 Jul 2023 11:53:45
Gers ridiculous post to say sima is useless watching him twice. He played as striker Lowry ain’t a striker.

Gofor another ridiculous post he only played that time because of two things two managers didn’t give him any more mins am than what you say and his mum was going thru a terrible sickness.

I know everyone is entitled to their opinion but some fans are clueless.

26.) 23 Jul 2023 12:34:20
Many on here saying Lowry is not good enough compared to others . yet anytime I've seen him play (predominantly) as a sub, he's looked very good, arguably better than those he's replaced. Would 100% have him as part of the squad before Lundstram, Jack and Kamara . all of whom are far too slow and struggle to make a forward run/ pass.

27.) 23 Jul 2023 13:08:44
Lol keep kidding yourself on there storm funny how everyone now saying about his mum last season you were all branding him arrogant and had attitude problem apparently ?crazy!

Funny I seem to remember you saying we lost games playing players I mentioned in devine mccrorie Lowry but we didn't lose a game they played ?

And if your saying only played that much because that's all the manager gave him your just repeating my point ? I never said anything bad about Lowry I only think he should leave the club for his own good.

I think he could be cracking player given a fair shot.

Your constantly trying to ridicule people storm and your never bold or brave enough to make your own opinions on stuff just snipe everyone else's.

28.) 23 Jul 2023 13:19:07
Surely yesterday in the system we play, Lowry could have played in the No 10 position behind Sakala and Sima instead of that waste of space Matondo playing in front 3 . He contributed nothing as usual . Its criminal that guys like him and, in the past, Wright have got a game before Lowry.

29.) 23 Jul 2023 14:05:06
Lowry and Rice will play, gradual progress both special players, Lowry had a bad injury and needs eased in I doubt he's going anywhere else soon .

30.) 23 Jul 2023 14:46:37
Goforbigcf2 do you not think that his mum dying and being ill didn't have an affect on him nor do you think the club planned around this. Any kid going through pro youth needs their parents to be committed to everything they do. I know from my own experience that my missus and me have moulded years around it, young Lowry would have had the same from his parents. These kids give uo so much that their pals and people their age get up to so quite often when not training or playing they probably spend more time with their parents than the average teenager. They may play up as kids do but they know that their parents do the most they can to help them. So when that boy goes through something like losing their mum and someone who's always been there and probably been visible that shes done more than parents of people he's known growing up. Then that would hit him like a tonne of bricks. So don't pap that off as if its nothing.

31.) 23 Jul 2023 15:04:26
Look at rice in his short minutes he's been looking for the ball, he's not afraid to get stuck in, He presses and keeps it simple.

Lowry in his short time he's had over last 3 years he just hovers, never presses, doesn't even ask for the ball.

Lowry is your luxury player who needs the squad built around him he's a fantastic player technically but I don't think that's enough these days you have to have something else outside of your creativity.

32.) 23 Jul 2023 17:17:20
Stormtrooper there's some on here who judge players right away and give them absolutely no time whatsoever! With experience over the years i don't know how many times a player that took a wee while to settle, ended up being good players for us.

33.) 23 Jul 2023 17:18:50
They can't all be nico raskin CallamR.

34.) 23 Jul 2023 17:28:26
The Sima insults are hilarious. Guys played what around 100 mins. Some of which were against Newcastle. If Matondo is a better player he has an assist yesterday.

Lammers. Looks superb to me. So god knows why he's getting it.

Sakala is rotten but effective. A goal and a pen.

Two games into preseason the meltdown begins. Expecting our team to rock up like Man City. Who btw were 2-0 down to a Japanese mob. So calm it down people. Pre-season is about minutes not results and we've got a win and a loss from 2. One of which was against a Newcastle side owned by the Saudis and spending like they are.

35.) 23 Jul 2023 18:48:38
Walter not saying he has to be Raskin.

But he could try and show himself more like Hagi does. He bursts his balls to get stuck in and show for the ball.

Or he could have the tenacity and aggression that arfield had.

We all want Lowry to be a success for us but he has to show more. Gilmour has always had more grit to his game and he's tiny never been out off by the physical side of things.

36.) 23 Jul 2023 19:03:53
Very good post Ayrshire ?.

37.) 23 Jul 2023 19:25:36
Ridiculous comparing Rice and Lowry, two totally different types of players who will have different roles in the team . Lowry was on 10 minutes last Tuesday and nearly scored. The boy will cope fine in Scottish football and its also ridiculous to say we shouldn`t play him because he is too sleight and will get kicked . Us old guys would say two words to that Bobby Russell. Play him and let's see how close these hammer throwers get.

38.) 23 Jul 2023 20:22:57
Great post Ayrshire.

100% correct coops it baffles me some of the comments on here.

39.) 23 Jul 2023 20:23:36
Gofor I give my opinion on here all the time it’s just some don’t like it like yourself and I stand by everything I have said on this post.

40.) 24 Jul 2023 01:22:08
Wslgers ofcourse you can compare the two one is 20 one is 16 regardless of their position one looks for the ball and asks for it and the other hovers around waiting for it doesn't really break a sweat to find space to receive a pass.

It's not a dig at Lowrys ability and I didn't say anything about him getting kicked about I said he needs a bit of bite to his game that's what will get him in the team.

There's a reason why every creative star for their side is probably the hardest working player in the side KDB, Bruno, Solly March, Gross etc etc.




Tottishaw's banter posts with other poster's replies to Tottishaw's banter posts


21 Aug 2023 14:12:20
Have watched all PSV`s opening matches, Supercup V Feyenoord, both ties with Sturm Graz then the recent match up with Vitesse.
While its understandable why they are 1.47 (odds on) to qualify from the tie on the exchange, they are not infallible by any means, especially defensively.
We`ve no been firing on all cylinders as yet though playing decent enough in patches.
That`s probably the difference between the sides atm, they look a fluid outfit back to front where we are still trying to find our way for various reasons.
Would be great timing if we could improve into the match on the night and everything just clicked.


1.) 21 Aug 2023 14:45:08
I really can't see us keeping a clean sheet across either of the two ties - just don't think we're a strong enough defensive unit.

So it's going to be a bit of a shoot out, so now is the time for the new forwards to make their mark.

2.) 21 Aug 2023 15:21:39
Unfortunately the new front men have not shown any signs of being goal scorers that can be relied on. Hopefully they prove me wrong but they could barely score against a lot worse opponents.

Cantwell, Raskin and Butland will have to play out their skin to keep us in it.

3.) 21 Aug 2023 16:19:58
Dortmund and Leipzig were bigger favourites than that and we papped them out. PSV are good but it’s not like they’re Man City or Real Madrid.

4.) 21 Aug 2023 16:44:49
If we can manage to win at ibrox or a 1-1 draw we could very well go thru.
We’ve beat better teams than this.
Personally I can’t see it but it’s not impossible.

5.) 21 Aug 2023 16:48:26
Danilo has 2 goals in 3, and Dessers 2 goals and an assist in 4. That's when they're playing poor too. What a ridiculous fan base we have. If you honestly expected us to hit the ground running then I worry. Should Chelsea sack Poch after his start?



20 Aug 2023 13:34:24
Reports Noa Lang PSV record signing not making the trip for the first leg.
Decent player that lad.


1.) 20 Aug 2023 13:44:00
Think van aanholt is out as well mate, there still very strong think this might be step 2 far as long as we put up a good outing and even if we drop into Europa league isn’t end of the world end of the day that’s the old firm level.

2.) 20 aug 2023 14:04:13
we have every chance if, we finally find the right team and shape, this is the game beale was allowed to chase all these players, now he must find a team from the guys he signed, the 2nd half in switzerland was a vast improvement on anything else we've seen thus far, only thing missing was a real striker imo, far too little shooting, that must be improved quickly imo.

3.) 20 Aug 2023 15:42:31
It still taking players time to get up to speed about their team mates, we'll be playing better the time the cl groups start only have to beat psv first.0 wins for psv against us in that competition, yes thier favourites but favourites can lose. ?.



12 Jul 2022 23:29:01
Tom Lawrence short training video


1.) 14 Jul 2022 02:39:59
I hope that we don't make a bid for the goalie?.

2.) 14 Jul 2022 05:59:36
Those yellow defenders weren't up to much ?
Should have included a couple of hammer throwers to make it more realistic for up here ?.

3.) 14 Jul 2022 06:23:07
They are the Shane Duffy edition cones, very expensive yet utterly useless.

4.) 14 Jul 2022 07:46:38
Great to see he's comfortable on either side mind you.

5.) 14 Jul 2022 11:07:24
If he comes off his line for crosses. take him.




Tottishaw's rumour replies


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05 Jul 2024 14:53:39
His next club will be his 10th in 10 years.
Likes a signing on fee mibby?
Good luck to him its a short career.




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28 Jun 2024 17:43:51
Ross just needs to start believing in himself a bit more and be more direct.
Prior to his injury, despite showing up well in some games he looked like a young player trying to find his feet.
He looked more positive on his return.

Like many of the Northern Irish lads he's as game as pebble.
Expect he might surprise a few of us this season having settled into the first team environment.
He certainly won't let us down, good luck son.




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19 Jun 2024 12:19:02
He's making a solid career for himself that's the main thing.




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09 Jun 2024 17:54:07
Hopefully the club will get a decent return from any prospective transfer.
Tav`s been good for us over the piece but like a few others, feel we have had his best years, may be best for both parties to part ways.
Connor`s consistency dropped last season so if the opportunity arises then by all means a move would probably be a good option as well.
We`ll be fine going forward, hoping for a new dynamic style of play once the gaffer gets his men in.




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01 Feb 2024 22:47:13
Wouldn`t be too disappointed if we don`t get another striker in this window.
Silva has been unlucky with a few half chances thus far, think he will put away his share of goals before the seasons ends.
Would like to see young Lovelace get another chance as well, reading on here he might be for the off, u never know a goal or two for the first team at a packed Ibrox might just make him think again?





Tottishaw's banter replies


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24 Jul 2024 23:24:18
Young Fraser didn't do himself any harm also.
Like the way he bombs up that left side, searing pace.
In fact enjoyed the energy many of the younger players brought to the game in the 2nd half.
If one or 2 of them can start catching the managers eye on a regular basis that would help the club financially.
Any news on Zak Lovelace?




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24 Jul 2024 19:34:02
Hope Lowry has a good game.




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10 Jul 2024 08:36:26
Like the way Spain have gone about things.
If u can knock out the hosts and the French back to back then you're probably thinking u deserve to win it.
They have a steel about them as well as the flare.
As Greavesy used to say though 'it's a funny old game'.
Those old enough will recall the 82' World Cup, the Brazil side that included Zico - Socrates - Falcao etc looked different gravy, then Italy's Paolo Rossi found his shooting boots in the knockout stages and the rest is history as they say.
Still ranks as arguably the best game of football ever seen.




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06 Jul 2024 14:40:09
On Germany and France bit unlucky with the Germans yesterday was a good match up between those 2 sides.
Still waiting for France to show that attacking flare.
They look solid enough at the back thus far but more needed in their next match.
If they're holding anything that wd b the time to show it.




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04 Jul 2024 14:49:52
If some players have been feigning injury that's unforgivable.
Anyone that signs for Rangers should make themselves aware of the history and the standards required at the club.




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