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To Ausbear's last 5 banter replies


Ausbear's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Ausbear's rumours posts


11 May 2018 10:59:51
Wow 3 million for Josh Windass. What rubbish. It was only 5 months ago that Preston valued him at 500 grand. I don't know what games Cardiff have been watching but if it's the same ones as me we would be lucky to get 250 grand now. He's got worse not better.


1.) 11 May 2018 12:32:40
Well let's hope no one fom cardiff reads this site because if it was up too most on here they would give him away free we as supporters should be singing his praises and get tho most out of him and the most for him!

2.) 11 May 2018 12:48:34
17 Goals and 11 Assists. Get off his back. he's had a terrific season since pedro left. Goes missing in some games but is a big player for us.

3.) 11 May 2018 15:08:49
He is the worst rangers player I have seen in many a year. Some will point out his stats but this is more a reflection on how poor the league is. I would take £500k for him. As many have said before no where near the player his father was

4.) 11 May 2018 17:28:57
MOLS are you for real?

17 goals and 11 assists but you think he’s only rated because the league is crap?

Perhaps you’d care to name the other players in tne league with 17 goals and 11 assists that you DO rate?

FFS some supporters on here!

5.) 11 May 2018 19:08:58
I have been a season ticket holder for 20 years and supporting them for 40 years and he is one of the worst players I’ve seen at Rangers. Only Ricky Foster has been worse in recent years. Since he signed his contract this year he has contributed nothing. I don’t deny the guy has ability and at a push potential but he has no heart and winning mentality and hides in the important games and this is why he will never cut it.

If he is the standard of player we aspire to then we are in for much more pain. If he is the match winner against Celtic in two of four games next year I will come back on and admit I was totally wrong

6.) 11 May 2018 21:51:56
Listen there’s many parts of his game that can be improved especially effort and desire but regardless of whether your his biggest fan or otherwise he’s far from the worst player in our squad, so how you can justify saying he’s worst in 40 years or since Foster is just stupid.

17 goals in poor side is why CARDIFF et al are prepared to pay £3m (apparently) Iv posted on here many times saying I would accept £2m plus as I’d rather have Arfield in hole with Dorrans as back up or play a 4-4-2 so I’m not saying he’s irreplaceable but have a word with yourself Mols mate lol

7.) 12 May 2018 09:58:08
Dont know how any of you can defend windass, there is no way he is rangers class, he has the odd great game, followed by about 4 rotten games. He thinks he's better than he is and his attitude and desire is not good enough. he's had long enough do prove himself and i will be very surprised if he's not sold in the summer

8.) 12 May 2018 11:13:56
The Glasgow Ranger

I have not said he is the worst Rangers Player in 40 years I said he is one of the worst. In the end it is my opinion whether you agree with it or not. Do you watch him for a full game every week like I do. While he is Rangers player he will get my support but I believe he has had enough time and he will let us down many more times than he will make a difference. Also the players that are worse than him in our squad don’t get close to the team (Herrera, Dalcio, Dodoo) so for me don’t count. In the end my opinion does not matter and Windass delivering when it matters like tomorrow is what counts

9.) 11 May 2018 13:30:23
@DL - a great return for a player who supposedly goes missing and is playing in the worst Rangers team ever according to some.
Just think what he might achieve with a decent manager and stability in the coaching staff.
P.S. I would still take the £3 million!

10.) 12 May 2018 13:25:18
I'm Windass' biggest critic but in his defence I can't remember Windass senior being a great player in his early twenties. Josh still has time to develop. Certainly still not a starting eleven player every week but food squad player with plenty of promise. Maybe SG can turn him into that player we all know he can be.

11.) 12 May 2018 13:56:35
I disagree with you there zikos, I'm his biggest critic.




Ausbear's banter posts with other poster's replies to Ausbear's banter posts


19 Sep 2023 16:12:19
I would rather be getting beat tonight than hoping for a result on Thursday. This is when it hits home.


1.) 20 Sep 2023 01:24:09
Error nope! Could still get to knockouts of same tournament and have been in champions league.



10 Sep 2023 08:54:26
What is interesting is despite all the unrest and backlash the board haven't come out to acknowledge the recent results and performance. Where is the vote of confidence or do they not see a need to address the performances.


1.) 10 Sep 2023 09:04:50
The board shouldn’t need to come out and speak after two defeats lol maybe the manager but no the board.

2.) 10 Sep 2023 09:12:37
Same as most teams do.
Hoping it gets better and it works eventually.

They won't highlight the problem like the fans.

3.) 10 Sep 2023 09:28:41
What is interesting is that the normally informed posters are quiet on the Beale sacking rumour but everyone else has a new mate with exclusive inside info ??????.

4.) 10 Sep 2023 09:52:58
Well that's just not true DK19, sorry. John posted yesterday that the "deed may have been done", so would you say that was a "informed poster" being quiet? If you're going to post something, at least make it factual.

5.) 10 Sep 2023 10:51:55
The deed may have been done is simply a personal might be conclusion that you have twisted to suit your narrative
Here’s another personal might be conclusion The deed might not have been done and the players are raging and desperate to come out fighting for the manager who believes in them .
I’d prefer the second
Angie had came to our club he would have been sacked after three games especially by some on here . Says it all really.

6.) 10 Sep 2023 11:56:53
Mols it's not just a few games tho. It's been ten months and two transfer windows.

7.) 10 Sep 2023 12:03:32
Mols 3 games? Beale has had nearly 40 games and lost every single meaningful one. Ange didn’t chop and change lineup and formation, he stuck with what he believed in, his coaching and instructions were obviously clear and direct enough that the players fairly quickly caught onto them and it probably helped that he sets a team up with everyone playing where they should. He had an identity and bought players to suit it. The same identity he immediately ingrained into his tottenham side who are now playing exactly like the other lot were. That’s what a good manager can do.

8.) 10 Sep 2023 13:36:58
A few games crap again has he not been here since November.

9.) 10 Sep 2023 14:34:15
Nonsense to say he’s lost every meaningful one .
He won one that gave us more money than winning the league would have gave us so you’re just using this untrue fact to support your narrative.
Every game is a meaningful one according to you storm when it suits your narrative .
When it doesn’t it isn’t … hilarious.

10.) 10 Sep 2023 16:51:07
Fantastic Mols. he won £5mil but keeps a £6mil signing on the bench so where’s the financial benefit to the club from that game? . You’re backing Beale which is fair enough. what have you seen to still believe he knows what he’s doing? Managers with a plan before they went out and spent £13mil don’t change lineup or formation every single game and have at least 3 players out of position every time either.

11.) 10 Sep 2023 20:47:30
Ah so he did win a game that matters? Can you tell sone other posters like storm to stop spouting rubbish. and I will always support my manager until he’s gone . whoever he is, even Mcoist.



03 Sep 2023 14:38:07
So what happens now? Do we continue grinding out results against the rest of the spl only to be beaten by European teams and Celtic or do we get rid of the manger that most of us never wanted to try and compete. I know what I would like but does the board think the same. BEALE your level is league one, Ted lasso knows more than you.


1.) 03 Sep 2023 15:02:15
Wow ausbear, someone I can finally agree with ?.

2.) 03 Sep 2023 15:03:26
The only positive is that neither Bennet or Bisgrove were in place as our top two when Beale was appointed so they can easily get rid since he was not their appointment and there will be no recriminations.

3.) 03 Sep 2023 15:04:09
He needs to go now.



31 Aug 2023 13:26:41
Do any of the informed on here ie. John27, Beale ect know the boards opinion on last nights result and the managers position. Out with the embarrassment it has cost us in excess of £15 million let alone putting our players in the correct shop window regarding sales. Any business owner would have to address what's happened.


1.) 31 aug 2023 14:08:36
getting beat off psv is no embarrassment they are decent team who spent far more than us. people think we have god given right to beat anyone. wake up we ain't a major european force. let's win league n kick on from there.

2.) 31 Aug 2023 14:58:37
Banx it’s not the PSV game in isolation. Any team can cop a doing at any time. PSV are a middle of the road, average European team. We have competed well in recent seasons with Galatasaray, Porto, Benfica, Leipzig, Dortmund, Braga, etc All who can spend way more than we can and who are operating in a different market financially.

The frustration with many of our support is last night isn’t a one off. We have had numerous pumpings off Celtic, who won the treble last year, the worst record in the champions league and the way we lost last night.

Although PSV are a good team the goals we conceded were school boy stuff. There are pics of the 3rd goal where we have 8 defenders in a line in the box, psv have 3 forwards and no one picks up the 6 foot 2 centre forward who scores the goal.

There is a lot of frustration in the support and there has been since the 55 season. Beales signings look poor except Butland, we have no shape when we play and we just look all over the place. Where is the optimism?



31 Aug 2023 01:17:39
You may say psv were a better team ect but a club such as ours should not be getting ran off the park and getting beat 5. 1. In a champions league qualifier. You can blame certain players or make excuses for others but the team were set up and following orders from their leader Michael Beale. You may also say Europa league is our level but why? We should be aiming to be at the very top even if it's an impossible task. You don't go into work everyday and refuse to do tasks because they are to hard, you find ways to get them done. Beales had nearly a year and more money than most managers to prepare us for the champions league qualifiers and he has failed. We are exactly the same as when gio left but at least he has our appreciation for taking us the final. Beale couldn't change a tv channel never mind a game of football. The manuals he has written are not fit for the toilet paper in a grass roots changing room. He has to go.


1.) 31 Aug 2023 04:54:23
Perfectly entitled to your opinion mate but way too early to say michael beale must go ?A wee question Ausbear, who would you want as our manager instead of beale mate ?.

2.) 31 Aug 2023 06:53:23
Typical reaction tonight from an entitled support who think we should just turn up and win every game.
This psv team were put together at a cost of 150 million and posts say we've spent 15 million and can't compete.
We are like the relegation candidates in the spl each season when it comes to the champions league. We may not like it but its where we are. Scotland has been left behind by the finances in the big leagues and there's nothing we can do about it. Now Get behind our team and let's go and beat celtic.
As for calling for the managers head, shameful.

3.) 31 Aug 2023 06:59:43
Sir Walter. I don’t believe it is way to early as apart from 1 old firm win out of 5 last season our football was and is terrible. The excuse being it’s not his team ect give him a pre season. Well pre season has come and gone and we are no better than we were last season. In 11 months at the helm all he has achieved is a 3 nill victory against Celtic. An argument could be had that they stepped off the gas because the league was already won so with that in mind has he made us better? . I see no evidence of a style or method to the football we are playing. If you look at Celtic last season in the champions league they were praised for their football even in defeat, we are laughed at. They rightly wrote us off before a ball was kicked. Even before last night was never a fan. I also believe if he never came to us then he would have been sacked as manager of QPR. I don’t think they won the last 8 games when he was manager. Would he have got the chance to takeover our beloved club then, Highly unlikely. Again this is just an opinion.
If I was to have any manager to replace our current one I would have to go for graham potter. I highly doubt he would come to us but he revolutionised Brighton and they have kept on growing.
Now i ask you, how long do you think he should be given or will be discussing come Christmas after getting smashed in the Europa and behind Celtic that we should have got rid of him earlier.

4.) 31 Aug 2023 07:36:50
Remember when I said I did not want Beale but would support him if appointed I was told he was the tactical genius who won 55

I said our signings would be underwhelming.
I was told I did not know what I was Talking about

We have to sort this quick.
Also two weeks ago we were told cifuentes raskin cantwell worth 60 million aye right.

5.) 31 Aug 2023 07:51:15
He maybe out of our range, but we could at least ask. Potter would be one I would try and get. MB appears to be to arrogant to listen to anyone as he thinks his way is the way forward but as results and performances have proved this is not the cases also he has got his signing policy all wrong. Desser what did he see in him, Lammers not better. Dialo what going on here can't get game. all on here tend to agree the biggest problem is defence, we cannot keep setting up trying to play a system where we are relying on people to cover deficiencies of our fullbacks to do there job which is first of to defend, this is not all there fault as this is how MB sets up team it not working and we know he will not change this, so if we are to progress the only option is to change the manager, if any of us kept making mistakes at work would we still be employed.

6.) 31 Aug 2023 09:42:10
Stop making things up to suit your narrative jfm. If you are going to say how much we spent THIS window then keep it relevant and state what they spent THIS window. They spent €36.5m. We spent €16.2m. So why are you comparing 150million to 15million? Does my tits in, if your going to spout facts look it up first.




Ausbear's rumour replies


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24 Jul 2024 23:46:15
Now is this because Clement has said to cantwell he is just a squad player or is it because he doesn’t buy into Clement’s ideas and system.




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21 Jul 2024 23:56:08
With the money the saudis have available to them and the limited foreign spaces that are free do you think they are going to waste it on 2 very mediocre players.




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11 Jul 2024 13:24:09
We have been aware of him for a very long time, we’ve had 25 games to watch him last season in competitive matches yet it becomes news when we go and watch him in a meaningless bounce game where there is a high possibility he won’t finish a half or used in a different role. If we wanted to let him know we want him being in the crowd is not the way to do it.




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11 Jul 2024 08:49:15
Why scout him in a preseason friendly? That makes no sense.




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05 Jul 2024 08:40:36
He’s one of us and that’s what the team needs, even if he’s paid just to be a voice in the dressing room.





Ausbear's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 12:01:41
Nobody has said Tav is leaving unfortunately.




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19 Jul 2024 15:00:19
Shots fired.




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19 Jul 2024 05:55:27
Tav doesn’t read or leave comments on here, Michael Beale does it for him.




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10 Jul 2024 13:25:06
Does anyone know if there is a buy back clause in this deal. I think he’s going to shine am.




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02 Jul 2024 03:21:39
Our business model seems to be continuous transitional so our expectations have to be compete on all fronts no matter what. If any of our players are performing then they are sold and the process begins again so for anyone to right off this season might as well right off all future seasons. This model is only sustainable for a certain period. You can’t guarantee that the player brought in is the equivalent standard of the player being sold. Just look at the semi-collapse of Ajax for instance.




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