08 Jul 2024 15:19:02
Rangers in a nutshell.
The Ying and the Yang.
Rangers Fans - a/ we want a winning team on the park.
Rangers Fans - b/ we've 10 - 15,000 fans on the waiting list. We need a stadium upgrade.
Rangers Fans - c/ we want to see loads of away fans ( mainly Celtic ) back in the stadium again.
Rangers Fans - d/ we want improvements for our disabled supporters.
Rangers - a/ The club are looking at many ways of maximising turnover to get a better quality of player on the park.
Rangers - b/ financially out of our reach and would impact the spend on the team.
Rangers - c/ OK. We will move the UB to the Copland, increase the stand capacity by 600 and install a lift etc to improve the stadium facilities for the disabled.
Rangers - d/ see answer to c.
Rangers Fans - great.
Rangers - work will start immediately after the last home game of the season.
Greeting Faced Rangers Fans - feck sake. Work delayed. Shambles. Might need to travel / play away from Ibrox for a couple of months. Seasons over. ( in July? Before a ball is kicked ) .
The Sane Rangers Fans - Construction Projects can be delayed. Plenty fans travel from outside Glasgow to Ibrox. Plenty Rangers fans travel to all away games to see The Famous. Who would want to run a football club?
What camp are you in?
Those that greet for the sake of greeting?
Or those that can see the bigger picture?
I think you will find IMHO that if there is a winning team on the park most won't be bothered where we play our games. Unless you are a greeter for the sake of greeting who will be upset they never travelled along the motorway or to Hampden to see the team in action.
08 Jul 2024 15:53:33
Good post mPH (that’s if I am allowed to say that)
Thing most fans would need to see the bigger picture but it gives the panty wetters something to greet about. I just hope we win the league this season as they will say this is the reason we didn’t.
08 Jul 2024 15:57:29
Best post on here in ages ph.
08 Jul 2024 15:58:37
Nail on the head, with a winning team on the park none of us would really be that bothered about the delay.
08 Jul 2024 16:12:13
Rangers in a nutshell. Continue to go from disaster after disaster yet some think it’s ok. It’s nothing to worry about.
We overlook talent in our own league and have continually done so for donkeys years. Allowing Beale the Bafoon to spend millions on dross like Lammers and Dessers and putting serial losers such as Tav and Goldson on silly money contracts making them very difficult to shift off our wage bill. This stadium feck up is just another disaster from our incompetent board. They may be successful businessman in their own rights but they have no idea how to run Rangers football club. Some may accept mediocrity, I shall never accept that. We are Rangers and we deserve better ??.
08 Jul 2024 17:14:53
Hits the nail MPH. The Rangers is the most entitled, and at times most bitter. Few of the loudest have any business acumen or knowledge of the basics of pro sport, running a large company and especially capital projects. Add to that corporate communications and commercial operations. A few, sand, posters have attempted to outline the position on a few of these areas in recent months, but the “want it today, quick to pile on, self-entitled” band just ignite.
In short, if you don’t want to have to go to Hampden/ MF for the short term and want refunds, as has been stated, thousands will happily take your season tickets. And for those who don’t have season briefs but bitch anyway, just, why? It’s a long game. The club will be here long after all of us. Breathe.
08 Jul 2024 17:19:18
All well and good however, the same dross decisions and mistakes keep happening. After winning 55 (and looking as if we'd turned a corner after years of garbage) we have been nothing short of awful domestically. Same old same old.
08 Jul 2024 17:21:04
Carluke, set out your clear plan and let us all rip it to bits. If you’ve got a quarter of the knowledge in relation to criticism, I for one would love to read it. And if it’s decent, I’d get behind it. A few commercial strategies, some communication focus and some capital focused initiatives. Let’s hear them. Also, link your medium and long term financial plan based on our current books. Not having a go, but you shout a lot and I’m keen to hear how you would do it better, even in principle.
08 Jul 2024 17:21:27
Carluke best post on here in ages spot on were going for 2nd for many years to come.
08 Jul 2024 17:25:38
100% correct Carluke and await the backlash your going to get from the Rangers Rumours Loyal few the think they run this site.
08 Jul 2024 17:30:39
Carluke 1 of the best posts in a while mate spot on.
08 Jul 2024 17:39:27
The best post I've ever read on this site mph. Ibrox should been upgraded many moons ago. ?.
08 Jul 2024 17:43:17
Carluke what would you have done differently with regards to the stadium. What would you have done for steel. Made it at home on your own forge. We ain't producing it in this country successive government's have stopped that and the snp and greens want no heavy industry in scotland. If you got it from china would you fight off the yemani pirates backed by iran or would they just let you through. I've seen jobs go years behind and not just down to contractors. Loads of different factors. Rangers will have planned this a good in advance, unless you think john Bennett emptied his pockets thought bit of extra cash there ill stick it on my builder. As i said earlier forget the things you can't do anything about but sort tge things you can. Too many experts that would struggle to run a bath saying how much better they'd do it. If you were all that clued up you would be doing it and people like me would be working for you instead you just waffle ??.
08 Jul 2024 17:52:47
Ibrox it may be hard to hear mate but we failed to kick on after 55 and that’s why Gerrard left. Seen as you asked I want a long term plan with proper structure supporting it to ensure we are challenging for titles in the long term. The short term thinking must stop, winning 1 league then losing the next 5 is no good. I reckon the fanbase are in a place where most would buy into that. It will take time simply because the squad is in a mess. For long term success we need to be better at player trading and that involves better player identification. Spending large sums on players aged 25+ needs to stop. Buy talent, develop, get a few good years, sell, repeat. Added on top of that we deserve a board that are honest and transparent with us after all the hard years ❤️??.
08 Jul 2024 19:32:42
Carluke, couldn’t agree more. Board fecked it after 55. Player trading I think is being addressed. PC is the first manager and Koppen the first DoF appointed by Bennett. What about all the rest though? Commercially, what are you doing? Communications strategically? Surely Statement FC days must be behind us? Capital builds? Commercial development? Getting the old guard out is a must as many have said a million times. I don’t disagree with a lot of what you say but you need solutions and some reality and an understanding that you can’t please everyone. Following a team is lifelong and isn't cheap as we know too well. But the big questions are are above and need detailed answers.
08 Jul 2024 20:15:08
Call me a simpleton guys but if your team wins games of football and is up there challenging, although the stadium issue is a thorn in the side, it'll soon descend down the pecking order.
08 Jul 2024 20:45:36
Ibrox, you are missing the point here. What I am saying is we need better communication between the board and fans. John Bennett promised us this when he became chairman and he has failed to deliver on that. To be successful on the pitch we also need to be transparent off it and honest with our fanbase at all times.
Player trading is nowhere near where it needs to be and the stadium feck up is just another on a growing list of feck ups. As I said earlier we may have successful businessmen in charge at Ibrox but NONE know how to run a football club. That lot over the road are too close to our league title haul. Mistakes like this cannot be afforded ????.
08 Jul 2024 21:07:48
Hear Hear MPH,
They would moan if we didn’t make stadium improvements and now moaning because of a small delay when we do attempt to make the improvements in a very small close season window.
I applaud the current board for marking the decision to improve Ibrox rather than do nothing.
08 Jul 2024 21:10:58
We have a collection of Rangers fans running the football club, working hard and trying their best, yes there’s been mistakes and I’m sure there will be a few more in the future no different to any other football club. No one on this site has got the faintest idea of what it takes or how much it costs to run a football club the size of Rangers. Better times are ahead our successful cycle is just about to start so calm down .
08 Jul 2024 21:55:41
Come in Peace - you're a simpleton.
08 Jul 2024 21:56:49
Only joking Come in Peace, you come across as a balanced guy.
You're right. Win games of football and the big issues become small issues.
08 Jul 2024 22:07:28
Not missing the point but I’m saying in professional sport, a statement will be made when they’re something to say. That’s clearly not just yet. If they don’t having firm now, all that happens is folk go mental. They genuinely can’t win at the moment.
Player trading is only just starting and will be a multiple year process. Very unfair to say they don’t know what they’re doing. You said a lot without saying anything with substance, more of a blaming rant. Detail what you would do instead and give your argument credibility.
I work in professional sport and also a regular STH so I understand the frustration.
08 Jul 2024 22:36:08
Ibrox it doesn’t matter to me what field you work in mate. I am expressing my opinion which is clear for all to see. We have been failed massively in recent seasons by our board and they continue to fail us by offering no explanation or contingency plan of what’s going on.
If our home is indeed out of commission til the new year, we fans have a right to know. It’s an absolute disgrace that we haven’t heard from our chairman since 2022.
08 Jul 2024 22:56:54
At the moment we don’t seem to have a clear direction, and I say that even though I have trust in the Phil Clememt; however if money is tight and you need to raise more each season, then you need to look at what you’ve got asset wise – as one or two players will need to be sold each year (at a good profit) to ensure we can still compete both domestically and in Europe.
Look at Ajax, Dortmund, Porto, Sporting Lisbon, PSV, Brugge, Lille – these are all clubs who turn over players each season with a great operating model in place. They can identify talent from across the globe, and turn them into saleable assets within a season or two – why can’t we do this? Why don’t we have something in place where we are seen as a place to go, and then move on for big money?
09 Jul 2024 00:57:56
Ok, I’m not to keep on. You have a fixed core which you’re completely entitled too, I think you lack some basic business perspective though. We’re turning an oil tanker. Sima Jive is quite correct.
Go to the AGM, make your points there, you’ll be heard and listened to, and if you can do better, maybe you can be involved.
09 Jul 2024 01:51:56
On point with that post MPH.
09 Jul 2024 07:32:13
Talking about gerrard like he's a massive loss. He won 1 trophy in 9. Gio and PC also have a trophy each.
09 Jul 2024 08:33:59
Paul, Gerrard inherited a shambles.
09 Jul 2024 09:24:40
MPH well said that man??????????.
09 Jul 2024 10:02:47
Things are just getting silly now Ibrox. You don’t know me to make any sort of judgement on those things from a Rangers Rumours platform but you have thrown in that you are in professional sport ??
I think we can agree to disagree you think the Rangers board are brilliant and I don’t. It is what it is mate. I respect your opinion mate and thanks for the debate ????.