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10 May 2024 18:28:49
Tav souttar davies barisic
Diomande lundstrum
Sterling Lawrence silva

The team tomorrow apparently.

Agree1 Disagree0

10 May 2024 18:51:57
If Barisic starts Big Phil deserves the sack

Every single one of us can see he’s a liability and bottle merchant, I would honestly rather play with 10 men.

10 May 2024 19:00:26
Really hope it isn’t the team tbh Barisic and Lawrence in the middle for me is suicide. He’s an impact sub at best for me.

10 May 2024 19:09:29
SDR, give your head a wobble. Absolutely embarrassing.

10 may 2024 19:20:37
apparently, are you saying you know the team for tomorrow?

sdr, don't talk utter tripe.

10 May 2024 19:22:17
We cannot start barisic there. He will be up being sick all night absolutely bricking it.

10 May 2024 19:22:35
Sdr, no matter who he picks in this game, he doesn’t deserve the sack. just completely ludicrous comment. Wishy is having a guess at the team.

10 May 2024 19:35:32
I would be willing to bet less than 5% of season ticket holders would play BB. If PC plays him his judgement is clearly questionable, imo.

Make no mistake, BB is a liability and a bottle merchant. He will be a rabbit caught in headlights. We all know this, even Borna. He shouldn’t be anywhere near the stadium.

FWIW, I get it’s a ridiculously extreme view and probably OTT, but there’s a title to be won here, not to be gift wrapped and handed to them due to our own utter naivety.

10 May 2024 19:36:27
Just like Tav shouldn't either, but will.

10 May 2024 19:41:02
SDR absolutely ridiculous take. There's the probability ridvan isn't fit for 90 minutes yet.

10 May 2024 20:00:19
Storm glass houses and all that, no different to the way you respond to posts.

10 May 2024 20:46:16
I've got a sneaky feeling Roofe might start tomorrow.

10 May 2024 20:46:39
If yilmaz doesn't start, sterling has to, but Lawrence not for me. I'd rather Cantwell is the no. 10.

10 May 2024 21:02:05
Wishy, how has the side been leaked already? Is Kenny Miller back at the club? ?.

10 May 2024 21:14:59
Starting BB is absolute suicide and i too will be questioning the manager. He will get torn apart and subbed when the game is beyond us, it's a guarantee.
Even with ridvan on the field, i think having Sterling anywhere but central helps Celtic.

10 May 2024 21:17:02
Not a guess, been told that’s the team off someone I trust. Got to wait and see I suppose.

10 May 2024 21:40:41
If this is the team, Sterling would be used to try and nullify McGregor. Ridvan isn’t fit enough yet so he will NEED to play Barisic because he’s the only recognised LB.

10 May 2024 22:33:58
Heard good stuff about Nsio and Stevens in training this week.

10 May 2024 22:48:45
Trueblue thanks for that but I have always loved throwing stones at glass houses as I like the noise it makes ?.

10 May 2024 23:48:04
Everybody is forgetting if Beale was still in place the league would already be over… for Clement to get us into this position is little short of a miracle…I’m hoping for a victory tomorrow but if not let’s just can the talk of sacking PC.

11 May 2024 07:35:35
Sorry I was going to try be nicer but!

After sdr comments I can’t

Does anyone forget how this team looked before Clement took over?

Do people remember what the points gap was!

This guy has won first trophy of season turned around a failing europa league group campaign and got us in the fight with a team that’s not his.

I’ll give you he’s made one or two mistakes with starting lineups which comes with giving players a clean slate this man is no fool his subs are genuinely spot on nearly every time.

Can’t wait to see his team with a full pre season and chance to offload previous managers duds I said when he took over I viewed this season as a free hit for Clement.

On barisic it’s funny people are picking on the guy when he wasn’t the weakest link in previous games defensivley tav twice sold the games with errors and similar errors to make matters worse goldson has always shopped errors in big games yet don’t see people on their backs

Think people see barisic is away and makes him the easy scapegoat.

In short sdr get a clue.

11 May 2024 07:36:54
SDR - very silly comment mate re PC - if Barasic starts it's because Ridvan is not fit enough and even through BB has had his critics he still is an International full back who does know the position albeit not showing his early years prowess at present (just like many of current team who drop their heads vs Celtic) -trust in PC or we will just go further backwards - the man is starting his/ clubs transfer dealing early which is something we have needed for many years -back the man!

11 May 2024 07:39:04
Question on yilmaz was he not only initially meant to be out for a week or two?

And why is it we keep getting this scenario with our injuries announced as not that serious then guy is out way longer than initially stated it’s definitely a pattern, are our doctors useless or what? Or is there more to it?

11 May 2024 07:59:02
There's no point performing a "miracle" as you say, Gersloon, only for it to evaporate into dust after being in a winning position.

PC will not be, or deserve to be sacked, regardless of the result, however, if we get beat, then the black and white of it all is that he's failed to beat them 3 times now, and his record is worse than Beale's.

11 May 2024 08:07:52
I'd go with Butland, Tav, Souttar, Davies, Ridvan, Sterling, Diomande, Lundstrum, Lawrence, Cantwell and Dessers. Sterling and Lundstrum holding, Diomande pushing forward and have both Lawrence and Cantwell playing close to Dessers. No wingers as we don't have good enough wingers. Pack the midfield and hit them on the counter when their wing backs move forward.

11 May 2024 09:29:16
The problem your missing with Beale he took over a team that made it to europa league final and qualified for champions league and then made them worse so Clement has inherited a worse team than Beale did.

Sorry if you think us losing to Motherwell at home or Ross county is down to tactics your mental it’s clearly the same pattern this squad did under gio sis not have the heart for the fight so stopped performing to get manager sack and safeguard those high high wages ? lol nobody wanted goldson and we turn round and hire him on 35k a week seriously? Are we that stupid that we can’t see the failings of our club as a whole Morelos Kent barasic lundstrum all leaving on frees when it was blatantly obvious it was going to happen. You can’t go into last year of a players deal by that time most players agents have been speaking to others or player made up mind to leave.

11 May 2024 09:30:17
BB might have to play because Ridvan is hardly proven reliable over the 2 years he’s been here, do I want BB to flay f#ck no. But I would understand it if it’s was to play Sterling in midfield or on the right. Would like him in the middle tho.

Ridvan is a cracking wee player but his reliability worries me greatly, there is absolutely no way we can bank on the wee man being available for most games next season. I hope that Jefte dude assuming it is him were bringing in for left back is good. He looks fast but because it’s the Cypriot league I can’t exactly get a good reading apart from the fact he does seem to just burn past players. Another big injury to Ridvan next season and I’m done him. I’m beyond sick of Rangers injury situation. If it wasn’t for the amount of injuries this season I think we’d be in a much better place right now.

If we had our starting front 3 available Cortes, Danilo, Sima available with Ryan Jack and Ridvan and Big Leon and Sterling in midfield not in another position all playing-I’d be confident today. I think we’re going to get battered if I’m wrong I’ll be happy as heck, but mentally I've prepared myself for disappointment.

11 May 2024 10:10:05
Goforbig -

Lets not let facts get in the way of a good argument

Beale got sacked after picking up 12 points in the opening 6 games

PC currently has 13 points out of his last 6

I'm fully aware that he has only had 1 tfr window and its not his squad etc, however, 6 games ago, we were favourite to win the league in what was looking like the first title race in Scotland in years. Now we look like we have given it away with no cares given.

Why is it ok? Because Beale was really bad? Nonsense

The results show that this Celtic team have been terrible and were there for the taking. We bottled it, under PC

Make no mistake, we have thrown that away. PC is not immune to criticism in this.

However, if he goes with the same broken team today, with the same broken formation, with the biggest liability at Celtic park i have ever seen at left back, questions will be asked.

Borna Barisic hasn't recovered from the 3-0 game during the Seville season. Ever since, any time he's played against them, causes goals, the target him because he is week. Ever since then, anytime a game is tight he fakes an injury to come off. He does not have the mentality to pull on Rangers jersey anymore. If PC can't see this then its worrying.

Furthermore, all this rubbish about if Yilmaz is out doesn't matter a single bit. Change the formation, get a youth team player in, play someone else out of position.

Borna Barisic cannot be near that pitch today.

11 May 2024 11:22:02
Spot on mate.

11 May 2024 11:30:50
Well done wishy…spot on with the team. I am anxious about barisic starting…but there is no Abada anymore at least….

11 May 2024 11:35:06
I hope BB plays and scores a worldy free kick, his form is pants, a few question his fortitude, but we're threadbare, and we know he has a game in him, I hope it's today.

11 May 2024 12:00:16
Well done wish, worrying our team leaked before biggest game in several years.

11 May 2024 12:21:05
Great info Wishy - I’m a bit concerned that you got it right because it highlights a leak. Nonetheless, thanks for sharing. It’s not the team I’d have picked, but I’ll trust PC to either get it right or make pragmatic changes.

11 May 2024 14:46:41
Well done Wishy good info.

11 May 2024 15:30:58
Well done wishy bang on.

11 May 2024 15:52:15
Today has proved that too many of our current players are simply not what is needed to take us forward and in reality we should now be looking forward rather than dwell on what has ultimately been a poor season.
We now only have the Scottish Cup to play for and no one that is at the end of their contract should play ins the final.
Hopefully we will have Sima fit and both Yilmaz and Raskin will play with Lundstram no where near toe team.
We need to do something different in that cup final, use the next two games against Hearts and Dundee to try something different and leave some of the failures in the stand.

11 May 2024 23:44:58
Time to clear out the squad and let Koppen and Clement build the young talented squad we all want.

Build the new squad around this core.

Butland (New Captain), Mcrorie, Sterling, Devine, King, Yfeko, Yilmaz, Jefte, Raskin, Diomande, Cantwell, Hagi, Lowry, Matondo, Sima, Cortes, Mcausland, Ishaka, Danilo.

add 6 - 8 quality up and coming young players aged 18 to 23, using Koppens knowledge of the market.

These lot can all go, either on a free or for a fee.
They quite simply are no longer good enough to take us forward and challenge Celtic now and in the long run, as proven season after season.

Mclaughlin, Tavernier, Goldson, Davies, Souttar, Balogun, Barisic,
Lundstram, Jack, Dowell, Lawrence, Wright, Dessers, Roofe.

If the clubs serious about big changes in a positive direction then the squad needs Big Changes, not next next year or the year after, it starts now, or we will be in the same position again next season and so on.

11 May 2024 23:59:12
Anyone know if the Jefte Vital deal was finalised and we are just waiting for him to finish his loan spell at Apoel?

If we get a cracking young brazilian talent like that for 500k which is a steal for a young FB of his skill level, quality signing clearly spotted by Koppen, the only reason he was loaned out is due to Real Madrid legend Marcelo occupying 1st team spot at Fluminense.
Fingers crossed the deal is done and Jefte can be announced end of this season.
Jefte and Cortes would make a superb pairing up the left side in mu opinion, both have mad skill, lethal pace and love taking on players, not to mention both score goals.



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