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29 Jan 2024 11:29:48
Cifuentes not wanting to go to Turkey. Cruzeiro of Brazil an option for him now.

Agree4 Disagree0

29 Jan 2024 13:06:47
I'll be honest, I thought he was coming on to more of a game in the last few matches he played in. Some good interceptions/ challenges and looked after the ball reasonably well. I think chant of a £2m fee seems really low given his pedigree and hype when he arrived. I wonder if he is too similar to what we already have, rather than him being objectively not good enough? But trust the manager and if he's not going to play it's probably best to get him off the wage bill.

29 Jan 2024 14:32:34
Yo jimbo double what we paid for those that said he is garbage
So double money on transfer fee.

29 Jan 2024 14:48:07
Yo jimbo agree but it's a profit if he's sold he gets more game time and I'd imagine there's a sell on clause.

29 Jan 2024 15:08:05
Coming onto a game bit hard to judge that with his minutes.

29 Jan 2024 15:13:34
Although I think we never seen best of player and I still don't think he was played in proper position enough like John said business wise double what we paid is good business regardless of hypothetical value.

29 Jan 2024 15:27:23
Not actually had a great deal of game time to show what he can do, quite tidy on the ball I felt at times but if we can get him out and double money back for PC to get his own squad together then I'm fully behind it, don't blame him not wanting to go to Turkey for a south American I'd imagine it's a far more appealing move to cruzerio.

29 Jan 2024 15:38:56
Its a strange one with cifu, when he made his debut and scored the goal that was ultimately chalked off, thought we might have a player here.
The Champions League qualifiers seemed to knock his confidence through the floor.
He`s been struggling to make an impact one way or another ever since.
Still think the potential`s there for him to come good but maybe there`s things going on in the background we don`t know about?

29 Jan 2024 15:39:02
He has been garbage, and if someone is daft enough to pay us 2m for him, snap the hand off of them.

29 Jan 2024 15:41:28
John he was cheap because he was 2-3 months away from being a free transfer, 2m is terrible imo, 4.5m is more of where he should be valued imo.

29 Jan 2024 16:01:53
Cifuentes is very under valued at 2m.

29 Jan 2024 16:13:41
Twisted. Look at ror that’s what many thought of him so double money is ok imo

Remember there r many on here would take two for raskin cantwell et al

I know we have knocked back that for cantwell.

29 Jan 2024 16:20:52
Ha ha gofor, you were calling me out for saying it was a 67% profit the other day, now its a great double your money deal.
Nuffin but love for ya fella.

29 Jan 2024 16:27:13
That said, I agree the lad never got much of a chance and may fall into the not cut out for scottish football category. Think he'll go on to do well somewhere else.

29 Jan 2024 16:42:17
He will be worth more than 2 million in a couple of years. Just to say he is garbage is nonsense.

29 Jan 2024 16:55:34
Many on here said he was brilliant before he arrived, he isny.

29 Jan 2024 17:05:13
It's not nonsense, he has been garbage. Are you saying he hasn't, Storm? If you are, then that really is nonsense.

Why is PC getting rid of him? Maybe he doesn't know what he's doing, eh?

29 Jan 2024 17:17:28
We will insert a large sell on % at that price.

29 Jan 2024 18:06:12
Hes never fonna get game time. Previous to glashgow his transfermarkt value was 12 mill euros. he's 5th choice and will never get game time. Not worked out let's get rid of him perm.

29 Jan 2024 18:14:13
Should send him on loan to a championship club with no buying option.

29 Jan 2024 18:25:29
Weren't Newcastle looking at him before he came to us?

29 Jan 2024 18:33:00
I am saying he hasn’t been garbage yes. Just because a manager wants rid of player doesn’t mean they are garbage that’s tunnel vision and proving what I said the other day about fans on here. If he is garbage why does the Brazilian team want him? Maybe you should contact them and become a scout.

Every player that leaves a club and not performing is just garbage?

29 Jan 2024 18:35:07
Roofe you also said dessers is garbage why is manager not selling him Why does he keep playing him? Why does pc not get rid of him eh? Does the manager not know what he is doing eh?

29 Jan 2024 18:39:51
Talking about midfielders I see football fancast pushing Steven Alzate forward again.

29 Jan 2024 18:45:43
Do Brazilian teams usually outlay a couple of million on players.

29 Jan 2024 18:48:36
He`s been dreadful and anyone who thinks otherwise hasn`t been watching him play for us. Slow in possession, no attacking threat whatsoever, keeps the ball okay but only because he goes back and square all the time . He hasn`t had a lot of minutes, but in the games he has played I can only remember that one ball to Dessers against Betis that we could call creative. He`s not strong enough in the tackle to be a holding midfielder so I`m not sure where he would fit into the team . After having to try to get the best out of the players he inherited the manager has decided that Cifuentes like Lammers is not what we need at the moment and can be sacrificed to get in new signings. Unfortunately the other players that he would want rid of are injured.

29 Jan 2024 18:49:20
So, Storm, what exactly has he done? I'll tell you. Nothing!
Yip, you obviously know what you're talking about. ?.

29 Jan 2024 18:59:48
Correct Twisted, we got him cheap because running down his contract. The moment he committed to longer contract his valuation increased significantly. Worth much more than £2m.

29 Jan 2024 19:05:30
Are you still going on about Dessers? Desperate mate!

Again, and I'll use easy to understand words, just for you. Just like you with Tav, we can all make mistakes. And, again, just incase you haven't noticed, Dessers, even though some of his play is garbage, contributes goals, and assists. What has Cifuentes contributed? Nothing! Nada! Sod all! Do you see where I'm going with this? ?.

29 Jan 2024 19:43:47
I think Brighton failed in a 10 million bid for Cifu 18 months ago. I'd like to see a loan deal to England as well My Star. no doubt this player has ability. Brighton don't buy bad players.

29 Jan 2024 20:15:17
Dint think we have saw last of him. Definatelyba player in there.

29 Jan 2024 20:43:31
I feel bad for cifu . Definitely a player in him and we’re probably going to be guilty of writing him off to soon

Can’t be easy moving from LA to Glasgow and I think he's split from his Mrs as well . Boy is going through a rough patch .

29 Jan 2024 21:01:40
Wsl perfectly describes Cifuentes time at rangers! He is garbage from what I’ve seen! Remember Andy Halliday used to get slaughtered as a rangers player easily a far better player than Cifuentes.

29 Jan 2024 21:16:41
How all I have said about Tav is he can’t defend. He is great going forward. It’s not desperate it’s embarrassing.

Where did I say he contributed? All I said is he is not garbage just because you say so. Some players not suited to Scottish football. It doesn’t make the garbage but you keep up with the tunnel vision.

It’s my opinion you are clueless.

29 Jan 2024 22:30:05
He makes Lundstram look like Messi.

29 Jan 2024 22:38:43
Fair play bazbear ? I apologise.

30 Jan 2024 00:12:51
I happen to agree with you storm probably one of our worst in terms of a defending defender ? nobody can argue going forward he gets results. But we are seeing teams constantly targeting his side.

30 Jan 2024 08:55:54
No worries gofor, all good.

30 Jan 2024 09:40:52
It is difficult to determine whether Cifu could come good or not since some players take longer than others to settle and many of us were blindsided by reports when he signed that English Clubs were willing to pay a significant fee for him.
What is certain is that if he goes to Turkey for £2m then we need to ensure that we have a hefty Sell on Fee because if he is a success playing for a relatively nondescript team they will be selling him on to one of the top European leagues. (I think this is where Cifu's transfer differs from Yilmaz, if Cifu goes and is a success we can make a good additional fee on a sell on clause, Yilmaz is more likely to remain in Turkey so we need to maximise our initial fee since a 10% or greater sell on fee is less likely to ever materialise) .

30 Jan 2024 12:46:09
Cifu has really struggled to settle in Scotland. That combined with Beale playing him out of position and the horrific weather has really knocked his confidence. To be fair i'd rather live in LA as well.



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