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21 May 2024 17:51:55
Are rumours of unrest in the dressing room true? 4 wins out our last 10 league games is poor considering the run we went on prior to that. I'm trying to pinpoint something that may have changed the players mindset and I go back to Clements press conference before benfica where I felt he had us beat before a ball was kicked with some comments?

Similar to comments made by Gio before champions league games. Just a thought, may not be any unrest but seems there was a mindset change at some point.

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21 May 2024 18:13:33
Monty telling players they would not be part of next season plans was the mistake.

21 May 2024 18:34:30
Agreed John, thought it might have been a wind up at the time, and did say it was crazy if true.

21 May 2024 18:40:24
I'm assuming this was a number of our English continent. It seems it's tav/ goldson/ Lundstram we have seen the biggest fall off.

21 May 2024 18:43:43
John, that’s what I put it down to although I’m sure it wasn’t as overt as that. At least I hope not. Clement is an intelligent man but I guess agents might be told and naturally they’ll tell players. It’s the only plausible explanation as some of the players have simply downed tools. I’d have thought if you had a chance of a medal in your career then you’d still bust a gut but maybe it’s only about money. Anyway, time to move on with a fresh, hungry squad. I actually want the weekend out the way so we can focus on revamping this tired team. Onwards.

21 May 2024 18:45:07
John iv read that's not the case unless you've info to bring.

21 May 2024 19:20:04
I think the players punched above their weight once Phil came in and eventually reverted back to type. Tavernier goldson Lundstram barasic and others have seen too many defeats and I feel they have PTSD when it comes to old firm games or games where we can go top of the league or stretch out a lead at the top. Injuries have played their part too but I feel a lot of our players don't have what it takes to win trophies regularly. Just my opinion.

21 May 2024 19:29:45
These players should have known they wouldn't be in the plans for next season due to the fact they've won next to nowt! Perhaps it was stated to see if any would improve and push on to win us the title? Either way, they should have offered much more last few games. We need a big change, because several of these current players are simply not good enough.

21 May 2024 19:38:05
One Walter I’ve already stated players were brought in and told, players we have needed from Celt game onwards.

Deals withdrawn, told no deals to come, told not part of plans next season. Tell me why certain players r not making themselves available.

21 May 2024 20:18:06
There's a rumour doing the rounds that there was a fallout between PC and Goldson regarding Goldson and some senior players asking for a bigger bonus if we won the league. Going by the rumour, PC was apparently raging with this.

**Disclaimer** This is not my rumour, and I'm only posting what is elsewhere, so please try and refrain from any hostilities. ?.

21 May 2024 20:55:18
Gal, I'm more inclined to your thinking. Also the guys who's form dropped off were the guys that basically played every minute of every game and looked tired to me.

21 May 2024 21:11:28
There had been rumours but they were Denied straight away 4LHAD brought it up and said what I have just replied.

21 May 2024 21:28:46
I struggle to believe that while we were going for the league he's brought players in to tell them they're not part of the plans.

21 May 2024 21:40:59
If PC made that decision that would be a serious error in judgement for such an experienced coach and lundstrum. is the only player I'm aware who's had an. offet withdrawn. only after he made it clear he was going.

21 May 2024 21:42:38
Fraser I tend to believe 4 lads because I can't believe any. manager would risk a title by such incompetence and if it turns out true I'd question PC man management skills going forward.

21 May 2024 21:43:26
John who are the players who are not making themselves available please.

21 May 2024 22:49:28
When are fans going to realise that perhaps it's not the recent managers who are the problem?

21 May 2024 23:00:03
Clemante seems an astute character, surely he didn’t take deals off the table or tell players they are not part of next season plans while we were chasing a treble. Surely if that was the case the board of directors would have told big Phil he had no future and sent him packing?

21 May 2024 23:06:45
Lets clear one thing up. These players have failed every season just about when the going gets tough. Its not them downing tools this is normal from them. RegardleSs of contract situation or going forward.

22 May 2024 00:43:17
I agree with John, either some players have been told they won’t be part of next season or in a round about way they’ve found out they’re not going to be and that’s spread about the dressing room to where they’re not pulling in the same direction! Have a suspicion it’s the serial loser group of senior players like Tav, Goldson, Barasic, Lundstrum, Jack, Roofe and the likes that’s at the heart of this - most have been hiding for months and Tavernier been taken off free kicks and corners the last few games shows there’s been a shift in his overall “leadership”.

22 May 2024 01:12:09
I think as much as Tav has made mistakes, he’s been one of if not the best player nearly every season for 9 years! If he moved up to winger he’d be perfect for another couple of years.

22 May 2024 05:51:01
If true about the bigger bonus then shameful always play for the badge win or lose, don't play for money n bonuses, yeah it's great, but wrong mentality, you always play 100% then if win league, or do cups
Bonuses n things come
If this is your soul focus in the dressing room it leads to unrest
As all want the same as the other
Beside him
You play for the team
The badge
The league, cups n medals, win first then have the honor too ask
Not spit the dummy before you win it.

22 May 2024 05:56:56
We need guys with grit, gutt, n honor, too play for the Jersey, not pack it in, if the money they agreed too doesn't temp them too win the league, specially high earners like goldson, if these rumours are to be belived
Go, leave, we don't need or want, it.

22 May 2024 08:12:55
If Goldson was told he was playing for his future at club in March to justify his earnings. Did he paas the mental test or did he wilt and fold. Gerrard comes in get him sold. Club can't afford him anymore. It's not just him sadly.

22 May 2024 07:20:25
O Walter, roofe Jack Barisic all claim not fit to play

There is chatter re Goldson.

22 May 2024 07:58:33
Who hasn't made themselves available exactly? The only one could be goldson and that's an apparent serious injury.

Lundstram has played exc suspension, tav has played, Lawrence has played, Dowell is back, davies is playing.

Am I missing something?

22 May 2024 09:27:18
3 playersjohn who every fan wants out the door and 2 roofe and Jack were constantly unfit for previous managers and all 3 would've known they were not part of the managers plans well before March so I don't buy that's the case and good riddance to all players ooc who've failed the club previous gaffers and fans for too long.

22 May 2024 10:02:12
change brings uncertainty. remember when Walter announced he was leaving at the end of the season when we were chasing 10 in a row. that announcement cost us the league.

22 May 2024 10:10:43
Tav is not a winger never will be a winger and should not be at rangers next season.

22 May 2024 10:19:33
He said himself it’s the end of a cycle. It happens all the time. Should have happened with Gio and then made worse when Beale went back. Now is the time. I love Jack but time to go like it was for many rangers players over the years.

22 May 2024 10:21:07
One Walter and do you not tell player’s anymore that there contract is not being renewed

Only four weeks ago Roofe said he wanted to stay.

22 May 2024 10:41:27
to be honest I would have told them all at winter break that their positions at the club were on the line.

The real players would show up and prove themselves.
The weaker players would shrink and we can now identify those players and get rid of them. Yes it may have cost us this years league title but to be honest not buying a good striker (cough* shankland *cough) cost us the league anyways.
And another thing, Celtic were terrible for that spell and we all know that spell wouldn't last and they finished the season strong, compared to us that bottled it.

Plan properly for next season and get a good clear out, sign some young talent (Watson, Barron, Miller, i'd even look at Theo Bair at this point) .

League title next season is a must and hopefully PC is the man to bring it home.

22 May 2024 15:10:59
John if roofe thought 4 seeks ago he had a chance of another contract at rangers then he was the only 1 because he's never been fit long enough to justify a contract being offered and the same re jack as for bb he'd have known long before March he was away and of the players you've named they've been out injured for long periods also is PC lying about goldson being injured because if he's not making himself available he can't be all of this is people trying g to find excuses for our challenge failing when the facts are we've been hampered by terrible injuries and a core of players reaching the end of there time who simply haven't been good enough to maintain a challenge.

22 May 2024 16:44:47
But Jack is fit and going to Germany, rangers protection Goldson, same as they done re Davies and Souttar

Not excuses fact

But I’ll post even less. As I’ve told u b4 read what is posted and decide what is credible and what is not.

22 May 2024 20:11:09
Folks I never understand the falling out on here. So looking at John's posts. I for one have always believed that footballers like any other employee will do what's right for them. Is it possible due to Goldsons son he can't paly due to mental issues thus protected.

Don't really know anything about to to be honest. Davis and Souter being mentioned. Is Jack keeping himself fit for Scotland but not for Rangers, to allow him to play in a major championship. Are Rangers helping him to achieve that fitness wise and he is not part of the future. Who knows. He did single out Lundstrum for his effort in the last couple of months, maybe playing with niggles etc again who knows.

I suppose its sometimes about duty of care and a bit of give from the employer. not always Rangers to the core. What it has shown is that we don't have strength in depth and that a new leadership core is required.

22 May 2024 21:41:38
If what john27 said is true and John regularly posts reliable information then this was a bad move by PC. I can understand others posts finding it hard to believe but none the less if true it’s very concerning. I also agree with other replies that a lot of these players have consistently let themselves, the team and the fans down when the pressure is on. Who knows what goes on behind the scenes with these players and perhaps they forced the managers hand with bad attitudes etc. It is genuinely time for big changes at Rangers, If we ever want to move forward. Hopefully the board and the manager find a way ?.



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