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15 May 2024 12:31:32
It amazes me that some fans think players are good because they played one good half against Dundee like Scott wright. He should never have been signed in 1st place.

Cantwell also one good half in how many bad games has he had? And he then had the cheek to kiss the badge after his goal. Tho some fans will buy that crap.

We need so much better next season and more consistency instead of consistent mediocrity that we have had for the last few seasons. We need a full new defence tho if we can keep yilmaz fit he is an asset.

Agree4 Disagree0

15 May 2024 13:05:50
Defo agree storm. Cantwell should be sold. Hopefully we get £5m.
Wright will likely move as well unless his usefulness for Europe keeps him another year.

Our better players aren’t good enough and that the worry with the rebuild is there’s not a lot of players you would say definitely stay and start.

15 May 2024 13:07:42
Scott Wright should be part of a deal to bring Watson in from Kilmarnock or miller from Motherwell. Wright would do well at Killie though I think.

15 May 2024 13:23:48
A consistent Todd Cantwell in his best position plays every week for rangers simple as that and for anyone that doesn't see his talent i honestly don't know why ? He's a very talented/ clever footballer who's moves ahead of his teammates and has this season had a stop start season due to niggling injuries ?Lets see how good he is next season with a clement punishing pre season behind him ?.

15 May 2024 13:56:28
Hopefully Butland and Sterling, Diomande, Yilmaz, SG2 - then many winners around them ??.

15 May 2024 13:57:09
There is about 17 players that need shifted before Cantwell. Who you replacing him with? 100% keep imo.

15 May 2024 14:50:06
Cantwell was really good second half after he and others were given a rocket by PC.

However fans on social media were raving about him in the first half when he was Jack grealish at villa holding the ball forever and all over the park losing his own thing.

Second half popping it off first time and l getting into positions to receive I again, exactly what he should be doing and is very good at it…. needs to be done from min 1 and not after we have lost 2 goals and the manager has gave him/ them a rocket.

15 May 2024 15:01:10
I agree Dado, Cantwell is least of our worries.

15 May 2024 15:03:47
Cantwell is a good player, he gets played out of position a lot and he busts a gut every game. If he's bad as your making him out to be why would you hope we can get 5 million for him.

15 May 2024 15:12:38
Stromtrooper, I think Scott was only on for about 10 mins at most so it was hardly a half. Great finishes though don't you think? Or not, perhaps? Btw I thought Cantwell was great last night for what it's worth.

15 May 2024 15:21:35
It's all own to PC and the Board, I haven't a clue how much we will have to spend, I would doubt any fan knows that, we will hopefully be well down to road to signing those that PC wants already, we have to get them in early to bond with the squad. I would imagine it may not be just players that we're going to replace, something is far wrong with our Fitness and Medical Teams, we can't have another season like this one.

15 May 2024 16:03:50
I see a lot of have bought the badge kissing crap.

Coops you are going in on cantwell like you did with Kent who was the best player in Scotland on his day ? ( he was never even close to being that)
Cantwell can be a good player but doesn’t show it enough a bit like your best pal Kent.
Coops why did pc not trust him in our biggest game of the season against Celtic? Am sure he didn’t start the one before that either?

Looks like some fans are willing to settle for 2nd best.

The seeker 2 goals doesn’t change the fact wright is not good enough for us.

15 May 2024 16:05:51
Cantwell should be sold asap along with Raskin who again couldn't control the midfield. Liked the look of young fraser who showed more attacking threat than Barasic has in 6 years. Also thought young McKinnon was impressive. Badly need to sort that defence starting with punting Tav.

15 May 2024 16:11:48
Also every time Cantwell touched the ball in the first half last night, the Dundee players battered him. can't blame Cantwell for that.

15 May 2024 16:51:36
Players can improve with better quality around them and we can't get rid of every1 we need a squad of 20/ 22 players.

15 May 2024 16:54:34
For me Cantwell is a great player and one of our best currently. Wright sorry but for me he is awful though played well last night and I’ve seen him maybe play 3/ 4 good games / good player to use as a makeweight in Motherwell (Lennon) or Killie (Watson) transfers so could have his use I suppose that and being Scottish but he needs to go ??????.

15 May 2024 17:00:33
Correct storm nothing like a good 45 mins to make you forget the last 3 months. Lbh here guys Dundee were wide open last, they went all out for a win and got picked of fortunately. Good win but wouldn't read to much into it.

15 May 2024 17:06:11
He was getting battered because he held the ball until battered, it needs moved on quicker…. second half was bang on when he was doing it properly.

15 May 2024 17:13:02
It's players like Cantwell and Wright have caused us to finish 2 nd, yet again. there's far too much loyalty shown to players on here. we've got to be ruthless this summer.

15 May 2024 18:14:54
How I wish we could sign someone like davie cooper.

15 May 2024 18:37:26
Listen storm i have been going to watch the rangers for 48 years now pal and i can assure you i'll never accept 2nd best as a rangers season ticket holder and shareholder. A wee poser for you storm, is coops the only rangers supporter who rates todd cantwell pal ?Answer on a postcard and try and get my name out your head pal, it's getting eerie ?.

15 May 2024 18:45:56
Wright only got to sign with us because we were skint. He has never looked good enough, kinda feel sorry for him but over and above that I think he is dross.

I always ask my daughter if she fancies a shot on right wing when he plays, that or shout to put a ball boy on cause he can't be worse, lol.

Cantwell is a strange one, he has been really good in spells, was our best player before he got injured.

Felt at that time PC was getting the best out of him but was poor first half of season and since coming back from injury. Actually just don't what to think about him if I am honest.

15 May 2024 18:46:56
As u point out uhave watched us for 48 years how many and who would get in souness team.

15 May 2024 20:35:48
Common John, everyone and their grannies know that's a different era with money we spent on class acts, no option mate. ? Hypothetical question pal the answer is obvious ?.

15 May 2024 20:41:17
Very valid point John, only one I would suggest is Butland.

15 May 2024 22:07:52
Storm I agree with every word. I said it in here 6 months ago about Cantwell. Laughing at the pity many are showing him for his first half after he took a couple of medicore tackles. Save your tears fellas. Guys a self serving muppet and we are better off rid. Imagine him in the 9iar dressing room?

15 May 2024 22:20:53
So we r very poor now, it’s a sad indictment of our club, not one can be named

U ask loads of hypothetical questions all the time.

16 May 2024 07:31:49
Wright came on in 82 mins boy blue, it's hardly 45 mins is it?

16 May 2024 07:53:50
How can you say you want 5m for Cantwell, yet claim he's not good enough for us, let's get some more quick creative players in beside him then we'll see, my only criticism of him is he's a bit moody but then he is a footballer.
Every manager has fancied Wright so obvs he has a good attitude and trains well, as a Scottish squad player, he's done OK with good pace but not so good final pass or shot on occasion. The only manager that tried to get rid of him was Beale and his opinion not that popular.



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