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13 May 2024 07:34:42
I can't believe there's people even discussing PCs future!

The fact he even made it a title race with this squad is an achievement. That's not to say 2nd place is ever acceptable, BUT, look at the mess the squad was in.

If we had carried on that same trajectory with Beale, where would we have been just now? 15 points behind? 20?.

In my opinion he doesn't get judged until the END of next season. NOT xmas, NOT after the first game at their hovel.

He has a big task ahead of him.

Agree9 Disagree0

13 May 2024 07:55:01
athole, granted he had good results ( not great performances) for 3 months, but it is being discussed because we look worse now than when Beale was in charge.
Alarmrm bells were ringing in January when it was clear to most people we needed a striker and a centre half, at least, and imo, that is what has cost us the league.
Next season will tell, and he will have no excuses.

13 May 2024 08:13:07
Folks, my problem now with PC's tactics is he's doesn't appear to have learned anything from the previous 3 games against them. As regards Sterling, a very good player that we will waste if we don't use him properly. The Board need to find the funds to let him get the players he needs, sadly is it too late now with them going to be out of sight financially for God knows how long, big, big decisions now for the Board.

13 May 2024 08:50:34
Yes, results when he first took over were good, but there was more than one patchy performance. Yes, getting results against the lower teams, while the tims had a meltdown, got us back to the top, with the chance to pull further ahead, but we messed that up big time. Yes, we won a cup, which in my opinion, was lucky as we never came up against them.

At the end of the day, and what PC will be judged on, is his games against the tims, which up until now, is dire. If we don't win the SC (I have no faith we will), and he gets beat in the first game against them next season, then the pressure is on.

Answer me this. What's the point in beating the likes of hibs, hearts etc, if we can't beat the tims? If we can't beat them, we are never winning the league. PC's tactics against them have been woeful regardless of the personnel, and the most alarming thing is, he doesn't appear to learn from it.

For such a backwater league, the top 2 jobs in this country are viscous, where 2nd place means nothing. For either team to be champions you must be able to beat your biggest rivals. Any manager, no matter who that is, will never be allowed to continue if they can't beat the tims. It just isn't happening.

13 May 2024 09:17:24
I've backed PC on this site but the 1 thing I'd critisce him for is not changing the formation when it relies on 2 wingers also we can't keep putting 2 in against there 3 in midfield because it's not working.

13 May 2024 09:28:52
Crazy that most the fans could see we needed a decent striker (like Shankland) in January but Rangers decided against it and its likely the major factor for losing the league.

13 May 2024 09:30:06
If we back clement with £20m in the summer and he doesn’t get it right then we’re fooked as a club for the foreseeable

So far he’s not gootten it right.

13 May 2024 09:45:48
The knives are out for PC but for me the truth is they just have a better team right now better squad to chose from PC has had one window and very little to spend in that window so loans or loans to but yes we needed a striker and yes a CH but if we don't have the money you can't blame PC, this is going to take two or three windows to fix, we need stability right from the boardroom to the pitch we need to free up wages from out of contract players look at any bids that come in for players use the wages wisely and any money we have wisely but the fans need to be patient this scatter gun approach would do further damage we have to stick together and support our team.

13 May 2024 09:56:46
We only got back into title contention because celtic had a mini implosion where they dropped so many points. I think its right to question PC as he hasn't figured out his tactics don't work against celtic - we give up the midfield and allow Mcgregor to dictate the game. If he loses the SC final and with the first OF game next season at their place, he could be looking at not winning an OF in 5 attempts - not a great stat for a Rangers manager.

13 May 2024 10:50:58
Celtic dropped points due to injuries at a time when we were getting injured players back. unfortunately we then got hit again with a dreadful pile of injured players as their players were returning. however it was dropping points against the other teams when we should have won those games that cost us. Losing Cortes and Sima was disastrous imo.

13 May 2024 10:53:27
All this talk about PC . A tradesman needs good tools. Give the guy a chance to build his own team, then if it doesn’t work, criticise him certainly.

13 May 2024 10:55:23
Aye, let's just sweep the 11 points lost out of a total of 12 (8 of them under PC's watch) against the tims, eh! They don't matter do they? ?.

13 May 2024 11:15:06
After same amount of games both beale and gio have more points tally than Clement.

13 May 2024 11:26:46
Ally we had no money in jan to sign shankland or anyone else how can the fans not see that?

13 May 2024 12:30:22
PC needs at least two windows to bring in his own players, And must be backed by the board $$$$$$
Hopefully keep Butland, Sterling and Raskin
On the fence with Dessers, Ridvan, Souttar, Cantwell and Davies
Sign Cortes, Sima and Diomande
Sell Tav, Goldson, Wright and Matondo
Thanks but let go Jack, Roofe, Barasic and Lundstum
Hopefully play some of the younger guys in the remaining league games, You never know they could make the final against the Tim’s if they do well. We need some new blood in the team, Its been stale for too long. ???????????.

13 May 2024 12:52:39
We simply cannot keep changing managers.
Joshua on the Rangers review hit the nail on the head, as a football club we have no real identifiable playing style subsequently the last few managers have recruited what they thought suited how they would like to play the team. This has meant that we have a scattergun approach to recruitment. The board need to dictate the style of football they want to see at the club and players should be recruited to suit, any manager should then need to accept this and work with a squad tailored to play this way. We are in a right sorry state at the moment.

13 May 2024 13:30:34
Totally agree again Sima, probably talking too much sense buddy.

We need to stick to a playing style, happy with the 4231 high press, and sign players for that style. Then if a manager leaves we hire new on who plays in same style.

PC is not the problem, it's lack of vision from the club, what we need is stability to get this up and running. We should take lessons from how Celtic have operated.

13 May 2024 13:50:13
Sima this was the case under Mark Allen and Gerrard. We were to be a physical fast hard pressing 4-3-3. Idea manager leaves, but style remains.

13 May 2024 13:57:49
Souttar, Cantwell and Davies have got to go, all three are pants.

13 May 2024 14:10:55
I agree OWS?I'm a fan of our manager and do rate him but that's 3 games against celtic and especially the 2 at breezeblock boulevard the same tactics and mcgregor gets all the room in the world as their playmaker ?I thought his team selection was wrong on saturday and we're far too pedestrian and slow in the engine room, where the game is always won or lost ? I'm hoping he can maybe think out the box and tweak his tactics against them in the cup final, to give them something fresh to think about ? Sterling and raskin for me, have to start for us in midfield in the cup final ?.

13 May 2024 15:37:08
Mark44, what sort of pants; Short, long or s***?

13 May 2024 16:52:32
Newman, very smelly ones?.



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