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24 Jan 2024 05:37:41
John what new info you have about possible signings?

Agree2 Disagree0

24 Jan 2024 06:36:31
Never heard anything for a good few days now from CoplandFront5 ? He's also got very good info and names.

24 Jan 2024 07:36:03
Think we need to bide our time and wait n see if we have any nice surprises, at this rate we'll all end up doolally ??.

24 Jan 2024 07:39:07
I'm getting so bad with names on here that's why I only mentioned John as he was hinting at something the other day pmsl.

24 Jan 2024 08:16:53
The deal for Diomande is done. Just waiting for his arrival to Glasgow for the formalities to be completed then the social media team can do their thing before it’s announced.

24 Jan 2024 10:34:33
RFC two three things in the pipeline.

24 Jan 2024 11:39:22
It’s that including diomade (pardon spelling) or plus him?

24 Jan 2024 11:42:31
John is it smal manhoef and a striker.

24 Jan 2024 12:29:02
Just give one word answers John it drives everyone crazy like the other day lol.

24 Jan 2024 13:28:08
Club have denied interest in Smal. LB isn’t a priority at the moment. Diomande and 2 others max. Striker and a winger although not sure how big a priority a winger really is now. Silva can slot into simas role. Diomande, cantwell, Matondo, Lawrence, wright, Macausland can all play wide positions as well. Imaging Diomande slots into midfield with Raskin and lunny. I’d be looking for a solid CB to be honest and a goal scorer. Who would have thought when balogun was brought back he would be first choice lol definitely an area that needs improving.

24 Jan 2024 13:44:48
Monty I'd agree. Next 2 signings need to be a dominant CB and a CF.

24 Jan 2024 13:47:06
There is a reason people can't give names cause know a days we only find out at the last second the way it should be. but I agree 2 or 3 is what the manager has hinted at.

24 Jan 2024 13:49:50
Imo it doesn't matter who 'can' play on the wing. We need a winger who is a natural there and make the position his own. Weve done this for years and its time to fix it. Wright matondo will never cut it for me not when you want to win leagues.

24 Jan 2024 14:30:19
I’m disappointed that Rangers denied interest in Smal, thought he would have made our team better and if we had have got him with diomande coming in, then importantly a RW and a goalscorer- it would have been a bit of a team makeover. I’d get rid of Ridvan in a heartbeat for Smal.

Ridvan has been here over a year and is only starting to show some good signs, but his final ball is terrible and Smal’s isn’t. Maybe it isn’t a coincidence that he’s started to improve around the transfer window, too wee injury prone and horrendous final ball and shot. Please get Smal.

24 Jan 2024 14:38:47
Cantwell not a winger Lawrence not a winger.
Matondo has been poor. Wright can’t believe he is still at rangers and the new guys best position ain’t winger. Just because people can’t play that position doesn’t mean we don’t need a winger we have been crying out for proper wingers for years.

24 Jan 2024 14:57:11
Being able to play on the wing and being good on the wing is two entirely different things. We need a winger no question.

24 Jan 2024 15:09:52
No one knows who's signing or not, Clement, Koppen and the football board have kept everything very quiet, Diomande news came from the Danish side, we have been linked with dozens of players so far this window and Diomande wasnt on anyone's radar. Be an interesting week.

24 Jan 2024 15:09:54
John 27 . Your word is enough.

24 Jan 2024 15:28:14
I get what your saying dado/ storm but we can’t make wholesale changes this window. We can’t sign a striker, midfielder, winger and a centre back. We have already brought in silva. Diomande is imminent. I’d say 1 or 2 at a push coming in. If Goldson were to get injured we are weak at cb. We only have him Davies souttar registered for Europe. Davies never fit. Why I’d take a cb. Silva Diomande and 1 other will be the 3 changes to euro squad.

24 Jan 2024 15:44:45
Do folk just expect players to sign but be told sorry you’re not part of European squad. Let’s face it that’s the pull for majority who sign. This will be having an impact on sales/ signings. We can’t leave ourselves short or sign to many and risk making some unhappy before they kick a ball.

24 Jan 2024 15:53:23
We don't need any defenders or midfielders till the summer, unless we are moving any on.
We need attackers and we need two this window.

24 Jan 2024 16:03:44
Club are very much interested in Smal, but it won't be in this window.

24 Jan 2024 16:53:43
If the managers not telling us who's coming or going then John sure as hell disnae know.

24 Jan 2024 17:26:27
We need a winger and a striker we have the best defence in the league at this moment of time. I don’t really care about Europe the league is far more important and the riches it brings with the new format for the champs league.

24 Jan 2024 18:28:22
Sure same thing was said that there were more signings to come after Cantwell and raskin truth is nobody knows for sure as it’s a very tricky window.

24 Jan 2024 18:29:48
If we do sign another forward I hope it’s at least a guy with a good scoring record

Think it’s laughable we sign injury prone players and guys with not great scoring records then wonder why we have all these injuries and forwards that don’t score ?.

24 Jan 2024 18:37:29
Defraz, u may well be correct.

24 Jan 2024 19:43:58
Cheers everyone for the input, much appreciated.

24 Jan 2024 19:45:08
Storm why do we struggle to get fringe players off the books? Are we paying too high a wage clubs struggle to match.

24 Jan 2024 22:00:16
That’s exactly the reason Walter,
The other Scottish teams can’t afford to offer contracts and the lesser English team as aren’t interested.
Look at Scott wright, refused to go to turkey.
Happened with a few over the years, look at Scott Allan at Celtic he chose to run down a 5 year contract ahead of go have a decent career.
Likely knew his athsma would come up at Medicaid and he’d find it hard to get a decent contract again:

24 Jan 2024 22:30:15
Gofor Clement has said that and he doesn't give much away, so more signings.

24 Jan 2024 23:23:20
Other than diomande, if there were 2 more to come in hypothetically, I'd prefer a striker and winger. As much as I'm not 100% convinced on any of our options to partner Goldson at CB, we can get away with what we have for the spfl this year which is most important. Too many of our attacks break down with poor decision making or poor delivery in the final third. We have to prioritise and that's where we're needing better options.

25 Jan 2024 00:29:38
Fingers crossed my star

Good to see yilmaz doing it again ??

Hopefully keep a few off his back for a while think people forget this is just a young lad and not barisic type at the end of career with all that experience.

25 Jan 2024 00:50:21
Who do the regs on here think is coming to the club?

No one on here seems to know.

we have 2 done, 3 more i reckon.

I'm going with Manhoef and Batshuayi,

25 Jan 2024 02:33:09
Hardly hearing anything it gets a bit frustrating, but it's definitely the best way lh.

25 Jan 2024 06:14:01
Love it when they surprise us with a signing nobody leaked.

25 Jan 2024 10:21:47
I know I'm right John he LITERALLY says it at every press conference that he'll only discuss players IN the building so he's not telling somebody on a rumours site who and how many players we are signing Or that persons "mate" who gets the rolls at Auchenhowie.

25 Jan 2024 11:47:41
Defraz why shout, do u know who’s staying in Glasgow tonight, that’s how info gets out

Why rangers do less medicals in Glasgow. Why agents talk etc.



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