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20 May 2024 08:46:47
Morning all

I know we can't just sack managers and PC needs his proper chance

However can someone correct me if I'm wrong

Looking back over our clubs history it's mostly and I emphasise the word MOSTLY
Scottish managers who have had the bigger success with our club now why is that?

Is it because they know the Scottish game how it needs to be played and the type of players needed to to be hardy fit strong willed and have the proper fighting spirit to go a full season up here in Scotland

Bill Struth
Scott Symon
Jock Wallace
Greame souness
Walter Smith
Alex McLeish

Theirs only been 1 0r 2 mangers out with being Scottish who has had success with our club which to me speaks volumes

Some folk don't like the name Mcinnes but would anyone just now have liked the name Mcleish would he have been welcomed in this day and age and look how he done when he first came

What about Walter in this day and age would he have been welcomed with open arms and we all know how that turned out

Point is Scottish managers just seem to have more success at the club more so then your mangers from else where

PC has a great recruitment in summer and we put up a real fight great hopefully wrestle back the title
He blows 20 plus million then someone else can tell me where the club will be.

Just some food for thought?

Agree4 Disagree0

20 May 2024 09:02:02
If Clement didn’t come in we’d have finished the season with 0 trophies and about 20+ points behind Celtic. Give the man a chance.

20 May 2024 09:14:02
Things changed big style in 2012 and it can't be ignored. David Murray is to blame for us constantly chasing our tail nowadays.

20 May 2024 09:33:16
End of the day Stig it’s the board that hire managers, question better aimed at them.
McInnes I can’t see at any stage.

20 May 2024 10:44:20
You’ve no idea if that’s true David, bottom line is he got into a winning position only to blow it.

He’s spent £4.5 on Diomande whereby Celtic signed Hatate and O’Riley for the same price.

The players don’t seem mentally strong and don’t appear greatly trained / prepared.

I’m not saying sack the manager or DM would be better but PC isn’t doing himself any favours. He always tactically naive and is backing himself into a lonely corner with some of his post match comments etc….

20 May 2024 10:44:39
Stig you need to catch up it's 2024 not the glory days anymore and even scottish boys are wanting away from the league. Gone are the days of having quality scottish managers and players plying their trade in the SPFL.

20 May 2024 10:54:22
In the same breath livibear, it’s sir David Murray u have to thank for all those wonderful memories from the late 80s and while 90s plus your noughties as well.

Don’t forget that apart.

20 May 2024 11:22:24
That other lot have had 1 Scottish manager since 1997 and have won plenty. I don't think it really matters what nationality you are you have to be a good manager. For example the last time an English manager won the top league in England was Howard Wilkinson 32 seasons ago. Scotland, like England just isn't producing top managers the way it used to.

20 May 2024 12:00:30
Having Scottish players at the heart of the team is more important than the manager. There simply isn't enough players with fire in the belly.

20 May 2024 12:06:16
5/ 6 of your managers listed are in an era where pretty much every manager stayed in their home country so I don’t think it’s relevant.

20 May 2024 12:12:07
Dado. The signing of Diomande is a strange one. Was he signed as a prospect that can be nurtured by PC who knows. If so then that is an issue. He should have been bought at that price to produce the goods and that has not happened.

20 May 2024 13:16:37
Stevieg if it had been put to any sensible rangers supporter what the consequences would have been for the glory years I doubt any of them would have accepted I know I wouldn’t have . The so called glory years are just about to cost us our once unassailable place as the most successful team in Scotland.

20 May 2024 14:06:01
Stevie, as king stated. Murray made it out that he was spending his money but he wasnt he was spending the fans money and when it went tits up it was the fans who suffered. After 9 in a row the stadium should have been put up to 60k+ this would have given us the extra £10m a year we were losing. My sister in law was head of events management at lloyds tsb at the time. Her best friend was 3rd incharge of the bank. They had to take over the bank of Scotland on gordon browns orders. Murray had borrowed over £700m and hadnt been paying anything back. Tsb approached him and wanted a plan for paying it back and that put rangers in trouble. Chinese steal hit MIM, mimtec couldn't compete with other tech firms, property and construction industry all suffered in 2008. Murray was screwed with no plan and all his bravado hit us fans so i don't see murray as a savior but a blow hard.

20 May 2024 14:15:02
Agree dado/ windy really hope the boy is just finding his feet, as these days that's a very big outlay for a guy that seems very lightweight, goes missing for large parts of games. Pc has got a huge turn around of players in and out, we can't afford anymore mediocre signings and it rarely turns out that way, as much as that lot across the city have had a few gems, they've also had plenty duds.

20 May 2024 14:32:14
Yeah Windy, I’m not even saying he’s a bad player, just putting some context around the value we’ve paid for him and these are the sort of things PC will be measured against.

He must learn to beat Celtic fast and handle the pressure / expectation of winning every game.

20 May 2024 15:06:17
I posted my concerns on Diomonde weeks past, and as usual, there were some who just couldn't take it. Infact, one poster (no names) accused me of throwing my toys out the pram because I expressed an opinion on him. Yip, the poster in question accused me of throwing my toys out while he threw his toys out of his pram, because I raised concerns on the player. He doesn't do well with irony!

20 May 2024 16:49:26
Are fans really expecting Gers to sign young talented players that hit the ground running? They probably expect those young players to carry us to the Champions League final as well.

People saying we shouldn't pay money for Shankland but want a quality goal scorer for less that also has sell on value. what world are they living in.

Wakey wakey folks!

Firstly any young talent worth their salt is going to the big money clubs.
Secondly, if any young players come to Gers, who do they have to look up to or learn from? the serial losers we all moan about?

The whole club has to change and that takes time, not one summer.

20 May 2024 17:15:33
Rtr, I think his 2 goals bought him a bit of time, but that was only going to last so long.
Rtr, read back my post to you the other day it defefinitely wasn't supposed to sound so harsh. It was supposed to be all the one sentence, without the comma before the mate. I just read it back today and realised. I remember reading your reply to John and thinking, god he's sensitive, its not like him. My apologies mate didn't mean to write it like that at all. I was having a pop just wasn't that deep. Just thought I'd let you know.

20 May 2024 18:51:57
Stevie it was also murry who signed of on the ebt and sold us to a charlatan for £1 and has is in this position after 2012.

20 May 2024 19:18:38
We need to buy players suited to scottish football simple as that ?.

20 May 2024 21:20:26
If Rangers had gone for Oliver Glasner when he was available on the basis of what he's achieved so far at Palace regardless of the injury excuses he would have got Rangers better organised and they would have won the league.



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