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01 Jun 2024 13:49:21
Any new links or updates on incomings/ outgoings?

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01 Jun 2024 14:39:25
Someone posted last night barron to come in.

01 Jun 2024 15:23:20
Although I agree there needs to be a clear out, unfortunately with the amount of numbers coming the other way it worries me a tad, as they will need time to hell and acclimatise to there new club, last thing we need is a slow start next season, but ultimately this has to be the way forward as we have gone stale, in pc we trust ??.

01 Jun 2024 15:35:41
I would love/ hope we sign the young aberdeen midfielder connor barron ? From what i've seen of him i can see why there's comparisons to him and ryan jack with his style ?Like many have already stated, barron could be our longterm replacement for the now departed ryan jack ? here's hoping ?.

01 Jun 2024 15:50:33
If we had a decent enough budget I would bring in 5 spl players
Kelly gk motherwell free
Barron cm Aberdeen 400k
Watson cm killie 2-3m
Miller cm motherwell 2-3m
Miovski St Aberdeen 4-5m
I think these 5 would give us a solid 4 homegrown players and a proven spl striker that will score goals. More importantly 4 have huge potential to grow and make us good money.

01 Jun 2024 16:32:40
I really don't see Motherwell letting go of miller for they numbers, if that was the case we should buy him and keep Jim at Motherwell for another year atleast to get games in but I don't think we will have the luxury at this moment to spend millions on a player to loan him back out.

01 Jun 2024 16:33:13
Not a bad shout bellshill.

01 Jun 2024 16:33:58
I think Aberdeen could get near double that for Miovski.

01 Jun 2024 16:35:30
Could do with an experienced centre mid,
Anyone got any ideas?

01 Jun 2024 16:41:28
heard ryan jacks on a free CO2 could do a job in our midfield ???.

01 Jun 2024 16:43:22
Bellshill i'd take all of them too mate. Be interested to hear how much we value cantwell. The £5m quoted for lammers seems good. Any money we get for dowell, lawerence, matondo and the likes could give us a pretty penny. I would also sell butland in a heartbeat if the prices quoted in here are close. I feel goalkeeper is probably easier to fill with there not being too much difference in class. Butland is an incredible goalie but he's no shagger or goram plus we could make a good return on him. Tav i'd would keep but by all accounts is off along with goldson who i won't miss too much but he is a ger and ill always like him for his service. If tav and goldson go to Saudi and we get good cash plus shift cantwell i'd sign all those players but i'd break the bank for one and that is lewis ferguson. He will be out for a wee while with his injury and i would table a £15-20m bid. We want the league we want to do well in europe this is what we need and in the past would have brought him. let's do it as we need a statement signing and that boy would bring us success and is young enough to return a profit. I will defend this team all the time but if we are having a clear out and rebuild, no half measures and no losers please. WATP ????.

01 Jun 2024 16:49:06
Is barron injured all the time as well sir walter to replace jack? ?.

01 Jun 2024 16:54:26
I will be astounded if i don't see a poll regarding Ryan Jack within next 24 hours.

01 Jun 2024 16:55:34
How much would Billy gilmour cost?
And do does anyone think he could do a job in midfield area?

01 Jun 2024 17:05:51
I would use McCrorie and Adam Devine as makeweights for Lennon Miller deal. Also offer Motherwell loan options from Rice, King, Lovelace and Lowry. Pry him away for 1.5m.

01 Jun 2024 17:18:58
Bel blue Gilmour would do a job but we would not be able to afford him.

Livi I would never buy a player recovering from his injury, what if he does not come back from it, also if he gets fit he is destined for much better than us

Also where r Rangers getting 15 - 20 for Ferguson, than add in say four years salary

Cantwell would have been sold if we were not in Europe for less than three million in January, we owe Norwich a hefty % on profit we make.

01 Jun 2024 17:35:48
Belblue gilmour would not want to leave epl football in his prime to come to spfl.

01 Jun 2024 18:07:59
Start yourself being astounded Paul86 ? Watch not fall now ?.

01 Jun 2024 18:25:53
Just need to get a mannequin to replace Ryan Jack for all we have seen him the last 2 years.

01 Jun 2024 18:31:16
Table a 15-20 million bid for Ferguson ? You ain’t playing football manager mate where we getting that money from? Am blaming the sun.

01 Jun 2024 18:42:27
White shark, I’m guessing that’s why we are getting transfers done early give them more time to train with each other if anything the new players might give us the kickstart we need ?.

01 Jun 2024 18:52:16
Ultimately, I don't think Cantwell has that quality needed, but he's someone with better around him could get better but as a no. 10 needing to make it happen, I don't think so.

01 Jun 2024 20:32:28
So you wouldn't buy cortes then John.

01 Jun 2024 20:48:20
Todd ler tantrums from Cantwell in a head full of mince.

01 Jun 2024 21:57:35
Orangeim not buying a player who has just been injured, not walking yet, 15 million cmon

We need to stop having opinions on here, should just close the site.

01 Jun 2024 22:24:20
Spot on John27, boy may not come back the same, if we had the cash for him, which we don't, it would be lunacy to table a bid before he's fully recovered and playing regular at the same level.

02 Jun 2024 01:32:31
Nah I never said I would buy ferguson for 15million or at all. I was questioning whether you would buy xortes because you wouldn't buy a recently injured player. No offence either john but any time someone has something conflicting to you, you say stuff like close the site down etc.



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