Rangers banter 98799


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10 Nov 2023 19:54:26
What do posters think of the list of approved names based on the last 5 Rangers live chats.

AllyMc62, ar9, Arveladze3, Ayrger87, BAR72, BearAbroad22, Beauly56, BerkshireBlue, bigbluejim, BigTel, Blueboy55, Bob the bear58, BobbyMcK, Brunkendastard, Charlie Chalk, loyalCletusvandamme, Cooper11-Legend, Copland01, craigs8688, Dado_Prso, davidb1996, DK19, DOIGER, duccablue, EHL2020, emmalaur, fintytint, Gers58, GersFanChris, Gillie69, Glasgowbear55, Goingfor56, Hils31, I.N.T.R 68, Illbill360, J-zer, Jcblue, Kaisercaillaud, Larkyblue6, Laudrup1972, Leerc78, LiiAMW, Livibear, macdoj, Mark44, Maryhillbear1872, Mcc16, Me2, MrPotatoHead, Nagasaki, NizzyRFC1872, Onewaltersmith, OrangeTinted, PacificShelfBunnet, Park Ranger, PaulyDon, PeterHuistria44, Raisetheroofe, Rfc22, Sima30, slim jim, soccerfan, Stopping 10 still hurts them, Stormtrooper, The Famous, Thestigno1, TJBB56.., wacoos, Unbeliever, Windy,
Yately0001, Tomthumb1212, KH90, AbuDhabiLoyal, CaptainTav, Bobby1901

Agree4 Disagree0

10 Nov 2023 20:17:30
I think that is a magnificent list Ed.

{Ed033's Note - thanks.

10 Nov 2023 20:32:21
Are you asking who we think isn't a rangers supporter and is an intruder.

{Ed033's Note - Yes.

10 Nov 2023 20:52:21
I have chatted with many of these lads! They are sound out!

10 Nov 2023 20:51:02
Not sure why your asking ed?

{Ed033's Note - Maybe there's a bad apple in the list?

10 Nov 2023 21:45:32
That would work Ed, although we can all accept disagreeing. A very small number of people take it too far and really spoiled it for the many.

Interestingly, I don’t think I’ve seen some of those users post on the main site.

10 Nov 2023 21:56:57
I can’t remember half of these names in the list ?but it would be great if we could get it back and all of us on would need to be better.

10 Nov 2023 21:57:19
Nice one Ed ?. miss the live chat when it’s not available.

10 Nov 2023 21:58:19
Always enjoyed the live chat and have also posted on main site over a good while. We don't always agree but everyone is entitled to their opinion. Some of the stuff on live chat before it got closed recently was unacceptable. Hopefully a way can be found for it to come back. Great to see the Gers coming back to playing good football.

10 Nov 2023 22:09:18
Ed033 and Ed001 a very big thank you for the work you two guys do. both of you go above and beyond to help out on this site. I know I'm speaking for everyone on here when I say it's very much appreciated.

{Ed033's Note - thanks

10 Nov 2023 22:17:38
I'm sure 99% ok. Any numptys that slip through the radar will be highlighted next weekend, iterative process.

10 Nov 2023 22:19:00
Good move Ed. I understand names not on it as they don't go on it.

{Ed033's Note - Only the names on the list can post on live chat

10 Nov 2023 22:34:39
I've never been on the live chat I don't think ?.

10 Nov 2023 22:49:37
Never been on the live chat either Ed. ?.

10 Nov 2023 22:53:58
Ed, I don't see Tomthumb1212 name on that list, he's posted on live chat in the past.

{Ed033's Note - ok thanks

10 Nov 2023 22:57:20
So anyone who have never been on it, won't be on it in the future?

{Ed033's Note - People can be added and removed from the list

10 Nov 2023 23:00:07
Hi eds love. the live cat and miss it. As far as I can make out there area few who are trying to close it for who knows what reason.

10 Nov 2023 23:04:55
It’s a great addition to watching the match and sharing our thoughts.

10 Nov 2023 23:15:16
Hi Ed
Think it's a great idea, will help also to root out the bad apples that always ruin it for everyone else.
I don't always have the chance to join in the live chat but anytime I do I always enjoy it.

11 Nov 2023 00:01:13
Please add me to the list Ed.

{Ed033's Note - ok

11 Nov 2023 00:32:27
Ed, once again you have went to a lot of bother to keep site running for everyone's enjoyment, thanks again for all your efforts. Most agree to disagree but all in good banter.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks

11 Nov 2023 07:10:14
What is the live chat? I hear it mentioned but never seen it.

{Ed033's Note - A real time chat page on this web site, while a rangers match is on

11 Nov 2023 01:15:30
Ok. Think you answered my question Ed.

11 Nov 2023 08:15:24
Can you add myself please mate.

{Ed033's Note - ok.

11 Nov 2023 08:32:32
Thanks for removing that name I thought was an imposter, Ed033.
If I’m wrong I’ve no doubt he will protest his innocence. ?.

{Ed033's Note - ok thanks.

11 Nov 2023 09:07:00
I have never been on live chat? What is it about abd how would I post … I can’t imagine wanting to post right enough during a game but it must have something as all you guys like it .
I’ve never seen a page posted that I can hit?
Can you fill me in Ed.

{Ed033's Note - A link appears near the top of this banter page on match days around 11am.

11 Nov 2023 09:19:55
Thanks Ed.

11 Nov 2023 11:08:28
Thanks for setting this up. Really enjoy the Live Chat when the games are on. I don't post as much but like interacting with fellow Bears during the games.

{Ed033's Note - thanks.

11 Nov 2023 13:03:31
Thanks for adding me Ed, appreciate it.

{Ed033's Note - ok



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