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10 May 2024 17:26:52
Can't believe Phil just said we can still win if we draw tomorrow. That's worrying.

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10 May 2024 17:34:09
Technically he is correct but he said we are going for the win.

10 May 2024 17:55:45
How's he correct? It's a win or the league is done.

10 May 2024 18:12:30
What he says to media and what he thinks are two diff things. Everyone knows.

10 May 2024 18:21:45
Any dropped points tomorrow, the league is gone.

10 May 2024 18:33:44
C. mon he's trying to calm everyone he said we will. be going for it and has to manage expectations we should know by now he's offensive.

10 May 2024 18:49:11
Unlikely but factually correct.

10 May 2024 18:54:45
I have a resigned feeling for tomorrow. We couldn't beat them at Ibrox last month when there were none of they're fans and they should have been 4 or 5 up at half time. It certainly is hide behind the sofa day tomorrow. Last time we won at Celtic Park was 2020 - 4 years ago!

10 May 2024 19:23:24
As with 2 games left? And 3 point gap.

10 May 2024 19:26:18
He is 100% correct in what he says tho as Celtic could lose their last two games. It's not going to happen but you can’t have a go at someone for saying that.

10 May 2024 20:38:15
So Jack Butland does an interview before it and says it's a must win. Then Phil says we can still win the league with a draw? Come on. Everyone knows it's a must win. If you think otherwise then you're kidding yourself!

10 May 2024 21:35:10
As our manager can count mate, two games to go 3 points ahead, it's not hard. We all know the league is gone if we don't get 3 points manager included. I'm not sure what you were expecting him to say there? You want him to say yes, the league is gone, then someone will say but there 6 points to play for, he'll look like a right idiot, chucking it before it's mathematically impossible. Let's not look for things that aren't there, he was asked a question answered it best way he could.

10 May 2024 22:21:59
As1974 are you for real, he’s trying to keep everyone’s stress and anxiety in check we all know it’s a must win game but we’re not the ones trying to get all the players in the right frame of mind. No sportsperson plays to their true potential if they walk onto the pitch full of fear. Cannot believe this needs explaining.

10 May 2024 22:37:43
Our record at Parkhead is not good but Hearts record was worse and they won there same with Ross Co record against us but they beat us. The game tomorrow is going to be hard but never write off the Rangers.

10 May 2024 23:19:56
Come on if Beale had said that you wouldn’t be saying he’s technically correct he would be getting dogs abuse it’s a must win game and a strange comment from the manger in my opinion.

10 May 2024 23:37:26
I want him to be honest and stop talking Bs! Simple.



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