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01 Apr 2024 19:11:11
What's our thinking on starting XI, formation and shape? and how do we nullify McGregor space IF he's fit? ( I don't think he will be risked for this old firm game btw )
Ridvan going to start at LB?
Whose the better fit at 10. Cantwell or Lawrence?
Who plays in front of Tav?
Dessers a cert to start as our CF?
My team at the min:
Tav Goldson Souttar Ridvan
Diomande Lundstram
Sterling Cantwell Silva
I'm undecided on the right side but going for Sterling for the physical match up against Taylor.

Agree7 Disagree0

01 Apr 2024 19:47:12
Scotty that's probably the team if Yilmaz fit.

01 Apr 2024 20:11:48
I'd like to see Lundstram and Sterling in the middle. Of course that makes it harder to have both Diomande and Cantwell in the team but I think that would be solid.

01 Apr 2024 20:41:26
If Ridvan fit then you could be spot on with team, I believe this type of game would be Taylor made for Lawrence, but Cantwell is a good finisher so can see him starting.

01 Apr 2024 21:13:33
If Ridvan is fit I think your team is spot on, should Ridvan not make it i hope Sterling goes to left back and either MacAusland, Sima, Wright or Matondo plays right wing. Borna looked shaky on Saturday. Wouldn’t trust him in such a big game.

01 Apr 2024 21:19:36
If mcgregor is fit for them, we just can't give him any room/ space like we've done in the previous 2 old firm games, to dictate the play for them ? It's quite noticeable that if you stop/ stifle mcgregor, you stop the function of their team big time ?I personally would like to see dujon sterling being instructed to give mcgregor no time/ breathing space to dictate, as i honestly do think sterling has the ability and engine to deal with mcgregor ?Like i said a couple of days ago, i'd have our midfield 3 of lundstram, sterling and diomande ? Whoever wins the midfield battle will go on to win the game, as is usually the case ?I truly believe we can win the midfield battle and win the game ???.

01 Apr 2024 21:39:17
I'd prefer balogun in defence tbh, goldson is not the same nowadays.

01 Apr 2024 21:50:14
Wouldn't start Silva I thought he was very poor on Saturday.

01 Apr 2024 22:45:27
Butland, Tav, Goldson, Souttar, Ridvan, Lundstram, Diomande, Lawerence, Silva, Sterling, Dessers.

If it was me I'd have Balogun and Sima for Goldson and Dessers.

01 Apr 2024 23:32:57
Tav goldson souttar sterling/ yilmaz
Lunny diomande/ sterling
Mcausland cantwell silva
We need at least 1 natural and sterling alongside lunny if ridvan is fit.

02 Apr 2024 00:53:10
Massive game for cantwell he needs to make sure he's constantly available and holds ball well to ensure hatate is pegged back he and McGregor want to drop into that space and operate, cantwell needs to give them something to worry about and keep them focused on their defensive duties and not allow then to get on the ball and get building from deep.

02 Apr 2024 01:35:22
Silva got to start, get best out of him when team doesn't sit in.

02 Apr 2024 08:38:48
Forget about them, it's how we play on Sunday that will win us the game.

02 Apr 2024 09:31:13
Bang on SWS - only hope that if Sterling plays he tempers his aggression as we need 11 on park at all times - Silva could give them grief at back by taking ball to them and maybe sneak a wee pen as I like his tight control in the box (if selected) -shut midfield down and monitor Kyogo 100% of the time and we could be smiling Sun evening ?.

02 Apr 2024 09:36:34
Blue boy, Celtic won't play open football, they will be delighted with a point on Sunday, they will play on the counter attack like the 1st ibrox game. Sloppy passing like Silva last Saturday could get us caught out.

02 Apr 2024 12:34:01
Stirling should be first name on the team sheet, hopefully Ridvan fit so Right wing for me, can see the argument for def mid but we are at IBROX so Diomonde to start beside Lunny, whoever plays we must high press them and put them under presssure, they crumble at back when under pressure, we didn’t do it last time at IBROX and let them off the hook.



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